as someone with Hashimoto’s disease i absolutely hate the HAES movement because it’s just objectively not true. there is absolutely a size and weight where you are no longer healthy, it’s called obesity. my disease makes me gain weight but apparently it’s “healthy” because it’s fatphobia to say it’s not. plus HAES activists always use conditions like mine to further their agenda, like “oh but there are conditions that make you weigh more/set point/yada yada” like you do know there’s more to my disease than just weight gain, right? and even if there wasn’t it’s still entirely unhealthy to be 300+ pounds
First of all I want to say that I’m so sorry that you are suffering from HT. I hope that you are doing well and get the proper treatment you need.
I really understand your anger and frustration with how HAES uses HT to defend their weight and the movement as a whole. Especially since it affects so much more that just weight. It’s like the rest of the symptoms gets ignored because they can’t use them as excuses.
I have the same frustration when it comes to how they use PCOS as an argument. I myself do not have it but I have family and friends that suffer from it and have seen first hand how so many of the symptoms that is not weight related is a big struggle for them.
I hate that if someone in HAES is fat and have HT or PCOS then it’s “NoRmAl” for their body to be overweight or obese. Like no it’s not normal in any way for a body to naturally be obese or overweight. It’s a normal symptom but that doesn’t make it a natural thing. It’s not normal to be sick. It’s so frustrating that it’s also just being viewed as a weight illness and the rest of it is never being talked about.
Again I am so sorry that you struggle with HT, and I’m so sorry that your illness is being mixed in with HAES. I hope it doesn’t cause any problems for you to be taken seriously in your daily life.
Take care!
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I think one of the most annoying things about the whole fat acceptance thing is their insistence that fat women are the most looked down body-type for women. This is just flagrantly untrue. The most looked down body-type for women is muscular women. No really, just ask yourself how many female love interests in media have been muscular?
I know right, I have thought about this so many times. It’s just like when they insist that fat bodies are marginalized, when being overweight is now the average weight in most countries. Not to mention that most comments on women that are muscular is that they are ugly or to masculine and so on. And the weirdest part of it is to see the praising of fat women for doing basically nothing for then to look at the bashing of muscular women when they are the ones that put in so much hard work.
It’s so strange
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I'm so glad your blog exist, I feel like I'm going crazy with how mainstream HAES has become. it's one of those things that is normal to talk with people in real life but online? you're braver than any of us for openly going against it
Thank you so much. I’m so happy to hear that you enjoy my blog.
Yeah it a bit of a “ chronically online “ thing to support HAES. In real life it is much easier to have rational and good conversations about the topic. But online it’s nearly impossible without it turning into unreasonable name calling or ugly insults. The witch hunt mentality is real hahaha
Take care!
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You got any tips for an autistic person struggling to eat healthy? Food textures and smells have always been an issue for me.
I think where to start is to look at food textures and smells you do like or can tolerate and go from there. For example if you like dry foods try switching bread,rice and pasta to whole grain alternatives if possible. And if you like the taste of different vegetables but struggle with texture you can try blending them into sauces or try prepare them differently. I myself enjoy grilled vegetables more because they taste better and have a bit of a more solid texture.
Same with fruits as well, making smoothies or ice cream makes it easier to consume more and can help with texture issues. When it comes to meat if it’s an absolute no go there are some good alternatives for protein like beans, lentils, eggs, tofu, Greek yoghurt, quinoa and a range of soy and protein supplement products.
I also think slowly introducing new textures and smells into your diet can help. But take it slow so you don’t become overwhelmed and stressed. So start with switching out one thing with an healthier option or something you would like to try and see how that works out over time. And then do more changes when you are comfortable with doing so.
Best of luck to you! Hope I could be to some help
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Btw, fat acceptance was created by white men so that it would be more socially acceptable to fetishize overweight/obese women
Thats sooo empowering
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*Unless you are already fat and start losing weight, especially if you are a public person
*One quick search on tik tok will prove that it definitely is hating on “straight size” people
*Again, one search on tik tok will prove that it is. And they throw in that not finding bigger bodies attractive is rooted in misogyny, racism, ableism and some times even antisemitism. Because you can “choose” who you find attractive?
*Definitely many activists uses it to be those things, getting to the point they have to use wheelchairs and get on benefits. And not taking accountability of their own actions and continue doing them in spite of the consequences
*All they talk about is loving yourself no matter what size, that fat people are hot and attractive and so on. this is just BS
*the # fatphobicDoctors would not have been so popular if it wasn’t for that they try to rule out silence so they can call themselves healthy. Like trying to get the word obese and bmi banned
Fat acceptance is a rose tinted lie. A bunch of people that lie to themselves and others for the sake of comfort so they never have to change. Fat acceptance is dangerous and is a direct cause for many deaths in younger and younger people world wide.
If you are fat and happy, good for you. But do not push it as healthy and not a problem when millions of people get serious health complications and even die due to being overweight/ obese every year.
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I am so over HAES. I do think it is interesting that studies are showing that it is protective to have a higher BMI in seniors. (Between 25-35). So, it really is more like BMI is more fluid than we may have thought. You look at a 22 year old with a BMI of 23 and you are going to see someone (probably) unhealthy (or fast approaching) but that same BMI in a 70 year old could signal much higher chance of mortality vs a higher BMI. The funny thing is we always see the 22 year olds with BMIs greater than 25 going on about their “great” health while eating Cheesecake Factory. When, really, we should be looking in the 70+ community with BMIs of 25 living a healthy life of moderation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8984168/ study that explains the protective benefits of a higher BMI (still under 35) in older adults.
Yes it’s really interesting but if you think about it, it really makes sense. Older people struggle more to take up important nutrition and is prone to get sick more often. Even some lose their ability to taste foods. So it’s important to have some stored fat in case something happens that makes eating harder.
I would think that HAES would run these studies dry, but most of them also mention that higher bmi in younger people is bad for their health so I guess that’s why they don’t use these studies to make a point. Or they just nitpick the points they like as per usual
But it’s a really interesting topic, thank you for bringing it up
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You are mixing me up with someone else, I do not make these so called “fatspo threads”. 99%of my posts that I make are just texts or pictures of texts. You are clearly just angry for the sake of being angry without any proper reason.
And I never wished or made fun of someone dying/Being dead like you did towards me, that is totally out of line.
You need to work on yourself, if someone having a different opinion than you upsets you to this point. You are clearly very insecure in your own life so good luck on getting better with that.
And let’s be honest, if you were truly happy in your life, you wouldn’t be this upset about a strangers blog on the internet.
Take care 😘
A skinny person showing off their outfit is NOT body checking!
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Just so we're all on the same page:
The reason fat activists resist the concept of controlling your intake AT ALL is because eating feels good. Full stop. If eating did not feel good, nobody would challenge the idea of eating an appropriate amount of food for your actual energy needs. It's denial and projection and has the same childish "you can't tell me what to do" vibe of anti-vaxxers.
So true! I do agree, food brings comfort so I get that having to confront the fact that eating all the time/over eating isn’t normal is uncomfortable. And it’s easier being in denial than uncomfortable. And since you can’t quit eating like with smoking or drinking. you have to do the work to regulate portions and all. It’s just more easy to not do so. Because it’s hard work to make good habits and choices.
It’s weird how humans are able to ignore the bad side affects of their poor habits and actions just so that we can continue doing them without feeling bad like drinking and such. We want to be self destructive and not have to take accountability for it. So we start pointing fingers at everyone and everything else but ourselves.
It is childish not to hold yourself accountable
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As someone that has lost friends and close ones due to eating disorders. This is truly disgusting.
Hope you are ashamed of yourself
A skinny person showing off their outfit is NOT body checking!
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"if you don't hate your body and want to kill yourself because you're not a twig, then you're literally an evil nazi promoting a horrible lifestyle and denying science"
Are you ok? Did I struck a nerve?
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I'm overweight for my height and I've been trying to get down to a healthier weight. Unfortunately, this one FA said that you shouldn't lose weight because wanting to lose weight is "internalized fatphobia". That's like telling a smoker who wants to quit that they shouldn't quit because it's "internalized smokerphobia". This is what I hate about the Fat Acceptance movement. That these people have the right to tell you what to do with your body. It's gross.
Yeah it’s so weird, especially since it’s all “my body my rules, you have no right to comment on it” until someone starts or wants to lose weight. Like when Adel dropped the weight they would not stop commenting on her body/weight or claiming that she “betrayed” them. Double standards all around
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I think there's something to be said about feeling healthier when skinnier. I've been anywhere from 128lbs to 200lbs, standing at 5'8". I'm a woman, for reference. I always notice the strain on my joints when my weight fluctuates to heavier during winter months and periods of binging. I notice my heart has trouble keeping up. My heart palpitations are more frequent. My back pain is worse. Moving becomes awkward because there's fat in the way. Many obese people won't admit these things because it would get in the way of their "HAES movement". When I work out and eat in moderation and take in more veggies and clean foods, I feel lighter. It's amazing. I don't believe in HAES. Not for a second. I gained a lot of weight recently and i'm working to lose it again. I'm unhappy when I'm bigger. I feel more sickly when I'm bigger. I feel most myself when I'm healthy and fit, and there's a reason many people feel bad about being fat. Body shaming aside (as a cause of feeling bad about fatness), I think the body has a way of telling us "hey! I don't like this! This doesn't feel right" in telling us to lose the goddamn weight. The body knows when it's not healthy, and instinct knows, too.
Literally this, you explained it so well! I totally agree with you, I feel so sluggish if I put on weight and eat lots of processed foods. And in my opinion that’s the body sending warning signals like "hey stop putting all this garbage in me”. And my ibs goes crazy as soon as I start to gain weight, sucks man. But yeah it’s all listen to your body with the haes until it’s literally telling you to stop treating your body like a dumpster
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The way fat activists ignore sound science both pisses me off and worries me. People actually believe fat has health benefits, and more than likely pass narrative on to others. What is this movement and psuedoscience going to result in? If I can wager a guess, increased rates of obesity, diabetes, and cancer.
Is healthphobic a thing? Certainly seems like it.
It’s so frustrating that literal scientists that have done years of research and have more than enough proof are being shut down and turned a blind eye towards. There is nothing to gain from lying on their part either so it makes no sense that fat activists go against them.
There is no benefit from being obese, the only study I have read that shows some kind of benefit is that over weight people have bigger chances of survival if a famine occurs. But I don’t think that is true. And that over weight people can build muscle faster since the body has a lot of extra energy and resources.
Healthphobic, gymphobic, sciencephobic, Brandy Melvillephobic, positive changephobic. All seem like terms that actually can be used un ironically these days.
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As someone who has recently dived into the anti fat acceptance tag I'm curious what is a healthy body I have a bmi of 19 and suffer from bouts of heavily restrictive eating is a healthy so I apologise if I come off as triggered from the you need to eat less and exercise more! Posts SO what exactly is a healthy body do I have to have a flat stomach or a 6 pack? Or do I need to have l l shaped legs what's a good frequency and time to workout weekly if one just wants to be a bit fitter. Also what is eating healthy can I still have desert after dinner and eat fast food like once every week or two?
I think being healthy is doing everything in moderation. like eating sweets or junk food is not bad if done in moderation. I do not believe in restricting yourself from food you love ,or that is something you need to do to be healthy. Just that you need to space out when you eat it and cut how much.
But in my opinion you have to exercise to be healthy. How much and what kind is up to each individual, but our bodies are made to move and work. Not to mention that working out has great benefits for mental health as well. But as stated, in moderation.
And for looks or whatever I don’t think you have to have a flat stomach or a six pack to be healthy. I would even say that being slightly overweight isn’t inherently unhealthy. Thin doesn’t equal health. Anyone can be unhealthy at any size. But I would say that anything from low range healthy bmi to slightly overweight is the best plass for most to be. But that is individually of course.
For myself I allow myself to have a treat here and there during the week and have one day out of the week where I can eat and drink whatever I feel like. I don’t restrict myself from food I love. I also try to exercise 3 times per week if not more. Drink enough water and always have fresh fruit at hand. And that works for me.
I’m not at perfect health by any means but it’s what I strive towards. And that’s the most important part, trying even tho some days it really sucks.
But overdoing anything, if it’s eating, restricting, exercising and so on. That is not healthy. It’s putting stress on the body and does way more harm than good.
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The way fat activists ignore sound science both pisses me off and worries me. People actually believe fat has health benefits, and more than likely pass narrative on to others. What is this movement and psuedoscience going to result in? If I can wager a guess, increased rates of obesity, diabetes, and cancer.
Is healthphobic a thing? Certainly seems like it.
It’s so frustrating that literal scientists that have done years of research and have more than enough proof are being shut down and turned a blind eye towards. There is nothing to gain from lying on their part either so it makes no sense that fat activists go against them.
There is no benefit from being obese, the only study I have read that shows some kind of benefit is that over weight people have bigger chances of survival if a famine occurs. But I don’t think that is true. And that over weight people can build muscle faster since the body has a lot of extra energy and resources.
Healthphobic, gymphobic, sciencephobic, Brandy Melvillephobic, positive changephobic. All seem like terms that actually can be used un ironically these days.
46 notes · View notes
The way fat activists ignore sound science both pisses me off and worries me. People actually believe fat has health benefits, and more than likely pass narrative on to others. What is this movement and psuedoscience going to result in? If I can wager a guess, increased rates of obesity, diabetes, and cancer.
Is healthphobic a thing? Certainly seems like it.
It’s so frustrating that literal scientists that have done years of research and have more than enough proof are being shut down and turned a blind eye towards. There is nothing to gain from lying on their part either so it makes no sense that fat activists go against them.
There is no benefit from being obese, the only study I have read that shows some kind of benefit is that over weight people have bigger chances of survival if a famine occurs. But I don’t think that is true. And that over weight people can build muscle faster since the body has a lot of extra energy and resources.
Healthphobic, gymphobic, sciencephobic, Brandy Melvillephobic, positive changephobic. All seem like terms that actually can be used un ironically these days.
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