30 - The Waterboy - We're Back!
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Ep. 29 - Airplane! - Come Fly the Friendly Skies
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28 - Christine - Shut up and Drive
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27 - Girls Just Want to Have Fun - Shut Up and Dance
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A New Voice
At 46 years old, having nearly completely deconstructed my faith, I thought the idea of hearing God’s voice was a relic of my evangelical past. Then I heard it again. The same voice I’d heard so many times before. The voice I had dismissed as having been in my head. But to understand that, you need to understand a few things.
First if all, when I say God spoke, I do not mean I heard an audible…
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A Faith Found and Lost, and What Comes Next
A Faith Found and Lost, and What Comes Next
The details of this story are specific to me, but at its heart is a story I’ve heard shared by many others. Though it may seem a cautionary tale, I wouldn’t change my story. It is how I ended up where I am today, and I wouldn’t change that.
To begin, I grew up in church. My mom started bringing me to church when I was eight and I was a regular church attendee and Sunday School / youth group…
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Good News
I was sitting in church recently and I heard a sermon similar to many sermons I have heard in the past. It told a familiar story about how we are born corrupt and in need of saving. The story begins in a garden with a man and a woman and God. The man and woman were duped by a serpent to disobey God. Then because of their disobedience, all of humanity after them would be corrupt. The story told of…
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How Did We Get Here? (And where are we going)
How Did We Get Here? (And where are we going)
Where do I even begin? It is difficult to determine a starting place for this journey. It seems it may have been destined since before I can remember. The further I look back, the more it seems the events in my life were pushing me to end up exactly where I am right now. Is it fate? Is it God’s will? Is the universe ordered in such a way that what is supposed to happen will happen and we really…
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To #TakeAKnee or #StandUp
I have been watching and listening to all of the argument over the NFL this week. While it is easy for me to jump on any criticism of Trump, that doesn’t fully address the problem. The problem for both conservatives and liberals is the problem that has plagued us to one degree or another for years. We don’t listen.
Those on the liberal side see the issue as one of Justice. They see the players on…
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Hurt People
The last several months have been among the most difficult of my life. I feel like I’ve said this before. However, it seems every time I think life has given me all I can handle, I turn around and get hit again, only harder. 
Because of our recent move, we have become isolated from all of our friends and our church community. As a result, our family has largely struggled through with just the…
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Prodigal or Prodigy
The prodigal son is one of the most referenced stories in the Bible. It has been turned into songs, art, and countless sermons. And no wonder, as the lessons we can learn about ourselves, God, our relationships with one another, are countless as well. I have read the story and heard teachings about it countless times and come away nearly each time with some new understanding of the insights the…
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What about the Bible?
The Bible is without question the most influential book in our faith. Probably in our culture. And in the last 1500 years likely in the world. And yet it is also the most widely argued about. People from  nearly all ideological backgrounds have managed to use the Bible to support their position. It was used to defend, and then abolish slavery. It has been used to support and denounce both…
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What Kind of Christian
I always have a hard time explaining to people what exactly I believe. I was raised starting out Southern Baptist. We then went to a country full gospel church. Eventually I transitioned to a more charismatic church in line with what could be seen on TBN. If you aren’t familiar with TBN, think back to Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, then put that in the 90s. All of the churches were evangelical, but…
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Our bedtime situation has become... complicated.
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The Church Has Lost Her Voice
The Church Has Lost Her Voice
It would seem as I observe the moral climate in our country today that the Church has lost the ability to speak with authority. On so many of the major moral issues, the loudest voices from the Church seem to be standing on the side of oppression and injustice.
There are two things I want to avoid. One is pretending this is a new position for the Church. The other is not acknowledging that there…
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We aren't against you
The recent religious freedom legislation has brought about a lot of discussion, some healthy and some not. At the same time it has caused me to evaluate a few things about myself and how I view the Church, specifically in relationship to gay rights.
First of all, I discovered my biggest issue with the conservative evangelical response to gay rights is that we as Christians take a posture of being…
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Handmade lap dulcimer. #stuffmydadmade
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