Farotech Web
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Farotech is an innovative web development company where we believe that design is about capturing the culture and heart of your business and accurately representing those ideas to your online users. From color to organization and graphics, every detail is important.Google+Official Site
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
5 Helpful Ideas to Get More Physical Therapy Patients
5 Helpful Ideas to Get More Physical Therapy Patients
Physical therapy demands patience, hard work, discipline, and a continual struggle to maintain strength, flexibility, and balance. For these reasons, many people who are referred to physical therapy just don´t go. And the people who do, may not know about your practice or how to find it. So what are your ideas to get more physical therapy patients?
It´s important to think about ease and convenience when designing a platform for marketing your practice. For many physical therapists, it´s not as natural to think on the marketing side and your professional training may not cover the business aspect of your job. So potentially you will have to learn it on the side. So, you may ask be asking yourself what are ways to increase ease and convenience, and to get the attention of potential patients? Check out these ideas to get more physical therapy patients:
Add a Google Maps Link to your Website. The first thing people want to know is how far away you are. Adding this simple feature allows people to go straight to what they’re looking for–and get to your office!
Improve your SEO. SEO refers to search engine optimization, which is how quickly a search engine will find your website or how high up on the list it appears. You can do two things to improve SEO: embed code, and include repeated keywords that describe your business. Example: “physical therapy ft. Myers PA”
Include Keyword Blogs. A great way to build your keyword tool is to have a section on your website for blogs. A blog doesn’t have to be long– 200-400 words is an excellent length to explain some PT principles to potential patients. This is also a great educational tool for maintaining the knowledge of current patients.
Outsource a Web Developer. Web development should be a central feature of your marketing strategy. A website must be easy to navigate and intuitive for the user. Colors, format, design of the system–it all matters when someone arrives at your website. Find a quality web developer to build your platform for you, and you won’t ever have to worry about your website going down or how to fix problems. Farotech offers web services of all types for physical therapy practices.
Make Your Online Form Simple. You should include an option on your website to enter data such as name, email, phone number, so that your potential patients can be reached by the practice using this information. Having an occasional e-mail send-out can also be a nice way to maintain contact with past and present patients throughout the year–but be careful not to fall into the mistake of sending frequent e-mail blasts. The online form should be as simple and quick as you can make it–encouraging people to fill it out immediately.
Try us at Farotech! If you’re interested in more ideas to get more physical therapy patients. We’re reached by phone at 267.387.662. We can help you design or improve your online platform.
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
The 3 Essentials of an Effective Website Audit
The 3 Essentials of an Effective Website Audit
Imagine you’re in a relationship where your partner’s tastes change twice a day.
For instance, you walk in the door with a bouquet of luscious, orange tiger lilies, and your partner collapses into a fit of sneezing…but just this morning they had wished for a nice bouquet of lilies! What an emotional roller-coaster that would be! (Granted, some relationships do feel like this.)
Now consider this: Google makes no less than 600 algorithm updates per year. That’s an average of two updates per day. It used to be easy to get great rankings. All you had to do was stuff some keywords in your metadata, title, URL, and content, and you were golden! Now, you have to be intentional about building a website that can evolve with new, organic search terms and algorithms.
As you would reluctantly plop an expensive bouquet of lilies in the trash, in order to move forward you have to go back to the drawing board to figure out where it all went wrong. You need to know where your website needs updating, where it’s just dead content that’s no longer doing its job of increasing content and bringing in leads.
You Need A Website Audit
A website audit is the perfect tool to get you started on the ultimate website redesign project. No matter the site, the key to staying on top of content creation, SEO, and site traffic lies in knowing every part of your site like the back of your hand. So many websites need a scrutinizing eye to adapt to visitor interest, traffic fluctuations, marketing trends, etc..
A website audit gives you a foolproof way to dig into every part of your site to find out what pages are getting hits and leads, and which pages aren’t. Once you have that crucial information about your website, you’ll know exactly where to focus your energy and how to perfectly plan for the future.
Let Farotech guide you through this process with a simple website audit template.
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
Wondering What Makes a Good Website? Start With These 4 Essentials!
Learn about what goes into making a great website.
If you are trying to figure out what makes a good website, know that there’s no one simple answer. There are a lot of things that go into making a good website that will draw visitors in and keep them there. We’ve all stumbled across that horrible, cheesy, website with neon letters and flashing ads and immediately hit the back button to get out of there.
A website matters. People judge your business based on your website and more and more your website is likely to be their first impression of your business. Here’s how to make it count:
4 Essentials of Making a Good Website
Let’s be honest–it’s not just sites with neon lettering that send us running. Sometimes a site looks great, but it’s hard to find the content you are looking for, or the content is long and tedious. There are a lot of factors that may cause a visitor to turn tail without giving your business a chance. Let’s take a look at these four crucial aspects of what makes a good website design.
Visual Appearance An attractive, up-to-date website design is extremely important. When visitors come to your website they are getting a feel for what your business is all about. One of the worst things you can do is offer them an unattractive or outdated website. Customers really do judge your business based on your website. As you think about what makes a good website name or design, think about the goals and objectives of your business and what will best represent those to your potential customers.
Usability This is a really big one. If you go to a site and everything looks amazing, but the site is difficult to navigate, or you can’t easily find what you are looking for, appearances become secondary. Customers will get frustrated and return to their search engine to find another company that offers the same product but is easier to navigate. To make a good website you must make it user friendly and easy to navigate. Remember the “3 click rule.” Users should be able to find what they are looking for in no more than 3 clicks.
Clunky Content In our fast-paced technological world we don’t have time to wade through loads of information to find what we need. It’s critical that your content answers the needs and concerns of your visitors clearly and concisely. Heat mapping is an amazing tool to determine what parts of your website are getting the most attention. It can help you to determine if your content is too clunky–and your visitors aren’t even getting to the important things. Click here to receive a free heat mapping report for your website and get started on making a better website!
Relevancy Continuous production of interesting, relevant information for your intended clientele keeps your website dynamic and your visitors engaged. Provide engaging content that answers your visitors’ questions, while also setting your business up as the solution that they are looking for.
To learn more about how you can improve your website contact the marketing experts here at Farotech by calling 267-387-6620 or email us at [email protected] today!
Related Tags: What Makes A Good Website? | Crucial Components To Making A Good Website
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
Your Website Audit Template: How To Turn Your Website Into A Lead Generation Machine
Get your web presence back on track with a website audit template from Farotech
What’s the best DIY project you’ve ever taken on? Maybe you’ve set up the ultimate woodshop in your garage, or finished the drywall in your basement laundry room to turn it into a livable space. Whatever the project, you can’t dive in without knowing what you need.
Taking on large-scale SEO projects or website redesigns are good things to do, and can give your online presence the revamp you may be waiting for. First, you need to know what it is your site needs the most. In short, patching drywall is a pretty straightforward process. But, what if the framing behind it has rot damage?
Following a website audit template gives you a way to do a full-on structural inspection of your website. After, you’ll know exactly what optimizations are necessary for your website to maximize its potential.
Here at Farotech, we’ve seen first-hand how following a website audit checklist can revitalize your online presence. Let’s take a closer look at how it works.
Farotech’s Foolproof Website Audit Template
The concept of an audit is relatively simple, and doesn’t always have to involve tax evasion. Essentially, you’re peeking into every corner of your website to do three key things:
Improve your website’s performance
Enhance your SEO
Improve conversion
The beauty of learning how to audit a website is that it provides a way to improve not just the content, but the website’s technical performance as well. You’ll be able to find data on how easy-to-use your website is for visitors, as well as see specific numbers about which pages are visited the most.
A website audit template can be boiled down to a few steps, which helps to streamline the process. Simply put, you have 3 main goals:
Identify the pages visited most
Grade each website page using data from step 1
Add improvements to your pages where needed
Again, the overarching goal remains to identify drawbacks and improve your website pages to draw in qualified visitors, generate leads, and gain customers.
Step 1 – Identify the pages visited most
A website audit checklist may give you a way to control the whole process yourself. However, there are some details that are like that of a fine art. A capable firm should handle these details.
Enlisting a skilled analytics expert is possibly the best way to go about this first step. Farotech’s analytics experts are equipped and able to monitor your traffic, leads, and sales to give you a closed loop ROI.
Step 2 – Grade each website page
Using data you receive from your analytics, as well as a close look at the aesthetics and usability of your pages, you can grade each page in categories such as page content, design/eye-path, lead generation, SEO, and social media.
Step 3 – Add page improvements where needed
Sometimes the information from the previous step will be enough, sometimes it won’t. It is important to pay attention to a combination of the two: both the aesthetics of your site, as well as the technical data you get from step 1.
Website audits are tricky, no matter what. Don’t go it alone – let Farotech’s experienced marketing analysts give you the guidance and the resources to come out of an audit on top. We can help your website climb to new heights!
Update 11/17/2017
Our website audit template provides a great foundation for getting started on your website audit. A great article from the folks over at Search Engine Land expand upon our website template audit with some specific areas to pay close attention to that include:
Analytics review
Technical review
Content review
Link review
Read more about Search Engine Lands tips at the following link and start your website audit today!
Relaunching your website? Here’s some key areas to look at!
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
Creating a Thank You Page that will Convert Leads
Your mama always told you to “say please and thank you.” Well we are here to tell you that taking the time to say “thank you” is actually a golden opportunity – and one that the average company often overlooks. We have worked with a number of clients that missed tremendous opportunities by putting little to no effort into their thank you pages.
A Step by Step Guide to Building Stronger Thank You Pages:
Let’s start by asking ourselves the hard questions. You have spent time, energy and money to get a lead to come to your door. They are at the top of the sales funnel, but at this point they wouldn’t even be close to being considered a qualified lead. The first thing the average visitor to your site will do is size you up. They want to know if you are legitimate. So the best way to prove your authority to them is to offer them some educational resources. Let’s just say it’s your new e-book, “How to make a million dollars in 5 hours of work.”
Are they nervous yet? YES, because in order to get that e-book they need to fill out the form on a landing page that requires their name and e-mail address. Just like you and me, we are always nervous to give our email address out (who knows, these guys might spam me from until the rapture). But your visitor really wants that e-book, so they enter their info and press the submit button and then there it is… drumroll….your not-so-impressive thank you page appears: “Thank you for requesting the e-book” That’s it? Please que the Price is Right loser jingle. dit… dit… dit… da.. da…… waaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Ok, lets run this back… the right way.
This time the potential client comes to your website and decides to download the e-book. They overcome the nervous feeling about sharing information and press the submit button, but this time….GOLD. They are taking to the thank you page that dreams are made of.
Let’s break it down:
1. They were provided with a brief description of exactly what they signed up for.
2. They are told how they will be receiving the free resource that they requested.
2. They are made aware of a follow up thank you email that is on the way.
3. The email then delivers on the promise (sends access to the ebook, confirms the free consultation, etc.)
Why is this important? Because authority begins with clear communication.
Getting your lead’s attention is hard enough as it is. But now that you have their interest, let’s use this opportunity to provide them with even more information. Delivering the one e-book they requested is a good start. However, offering them a bonus or a prize is even better. You could implement something like the following: You’re in luck! Not only did you get the e-book that you requested, but we are also giving you our new whitepaper “15 Things the Average Joe can do to be More Efficient with His Time.”
People always like to get more than what they asked for. They always like something for free and everyone likes to have their expectations exceeded. Thank You pages allow you to provide these opportunities, simply and effectively.
Here is a quick list of add on’s that you should consider adding to your thank you page:
Provide links to other landing pages / offers / e-books
Click a link to see a page of statistics of your industry
Provide to action to an offer that is further down the sales funnel (such as a free consultation)
Offer the ability to follow you on Facebook, Twitter or Linked In
Offer a link to popular stories from your blog
When it comes to providing education resources it is a give and take relationship. As a company, you should be willing to provide free educational resources in exchange for collecting your leads’ contact information (on the form located on your landing page). But as we mentioned above, any time someone gives out their email free of charge, there is always a sense of remorse. That is exactly the feeling you need to combat on your thank you page.
It is important to re-communicate the value of what your potential client just requested. Your potentials should understand and have confidence that they are now part of an e-newsletter that is helping thousands of business owners transform their business. They are now one step closer to reaching their goals. They now have the information they need to better understand their industry.
So what did we learn here today? Understand the value of your thank you pages and take great care in developing them. It is the best door to lead qualification and market your other products / services. Accomplish this by doing the following:
– Show your authority by clearly communicating what they just signed up for and what your users should expect.
– Exceed their expectations by offering more than just the item they originally requested.
– Remind them of the value of what they just downloaded.
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
The Best Web Design PA Has to Offer: Getting Your Site Noticed
Increasing visitor numbers to your company’s website can prove to be a challenge when you don’t know which tools to use or how to use them. Great web design combined with strategic marketing will insure your site starts getting noticed. Understanding that your website needs to be superb is the first step, finding the team to make that need a reality is the next step and is a very important one. If you want the best web design PA has to offer, check out Farotech!
Why Farotech?
The web design team at Farotech is a group of knowledgeable and experienced experts who are leaders in web design in PA. We know what it takes to get our clients’ websites noticed. The approach to great web design that we use is twofold. Combining incredible art with usability allows our web designs to make your website an effective marketing tool for your company.
The Best Web Design PA Can Offer
When looking to hire a designer, you’ll want to find a company that offers a customized solution for each of its clients when it comes to web design. They should understand the importance of every detail of the design process. Within that process, they need to thoroughly consider color combinations, graphics, and organization/layout to create a site that is the most aesthetically pleasing. But all of this must be done without sacrificing usability. Your new site should use colors that work with your branding (if it is already established) or help you decide on branding particulars using conversion statistics.
At Farotech we also understand that your website, no matter how beautiful to the eye, will not hold a visitor’s attention unless it is easy to use. While we design, we consider your clientele’s needs and try to think how they would be thinking when visiting your site. We go above and beyond aesthetics, making sure to design a site that is easy to understand, easy to navigate and equipped to handle all your visitor’s needs for the long-haul. The web design PA team at Farotech will develop the ultimate user friendly site, which will ensure that its visitors enjoy their experience, find what they are looking for, associate positive feelings with your company and most importantly… convert into buying customers!.
For the best web design PA can offer, give Farotech a call. Our team is dedicated to each of our clients’ particular needs and we make it a priority to understand the goals and visions of our clients before even beginning work on a website design. In addition, once your incredible website is designed and ready to roll, we can provide the marketing plans your company needs to really promote that site and get you ranked with the major search engines. From SEO work to branding help, our staff will help insure your company and its site don’t fade into the background…all at a price you can afford.
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
Quick, Easy Home Page Optimization Tips
The homepage for your site is most likely the most visited page on your website. A good homepage should be like a grand entrance hall that will guide site visitors through the rest of the pages of your site. Unfortunately, many SEO strategies lose sight of this as they turn the homepage into a back door that Google crawlers can easily and comfortably access. In order to practice good home page optimization, it is wise to consider both approaches at the same time. By following these quick and simple tips, you should be able to make your homepage the grand entrance that will invite your visitors further into your site and the backdoor that Google can conveniently access:
Our Top Home Page Optimization Tips
1. Don’t Target Multiple Keywords
A lot of people think that since the homepage is the most visited page on a site, it should have a plethora of keywords pointing to it. This is simply not true. When looking to practice good home page optimization, target the most significant keyword to your business or your business name. Develop other pages targeting other keywords that won’t distract Google or site visitors. Keep your homepage content free of keyword stuffing. Let the page have enough to entice visitors without distracting them.
2. Include a Clear Navigation
Clear links to the other pages on your site will help both visitors to your site and Google crawlers find exactly what they are looking for. Include links to significant pages in your Navigation bar. Additionally, include a link to a sitemap page on your homepage so that visitors and crawlers will have access to your entire site. Be sure to include every page you want to be found in this sitemap. Make sure it is clearly organized and legible.
3. Make Your Page Legible
A homepage is like a first impression. If your page is cluttered with pictures and content, people will associate it with messiness. Nobody wants to stay at a messy house. Additionally, be sure that your homepage is up to date and looks like it was designed this millenium. People want to see active, vibrant, and modern sites when surfing the web. A clearly written and cleanly designed site also helps Google crawlers find pages more quickly. If you need help updating your site content or layout, look for an SEO firm with a web development division who can help you get your site up to par.
Home page optimization is crucial if you want both Google and your site visitors to have a good impression. By making the most of these simple tips, you can be sure that both give you their seal of approval!
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
How Do You Know It’s Time to Fire Your Current Philadelphia Web Designer?
 We share critical lessons we have learned from designing award winning websites for the last 14 years.
If your website isn’t working for you and you aren’t sure why, it could be time to fire your current Philadelphia website designer . Now this article isn’t actually about how to manage your human resources, but more to help you consider what that web designer is doing wrong, and what you might have to change in order to get the best out of your website.
The Shocking Truth
Farotech has been building websites for business in a wide variety of industries since 2001. What we’ve found to be amazing is how many companies recognize that their website is vital to their sales, but allow it to become stale and flat. Statistics show that 80% of all non-referral leads to your business come from the internet. That means that your website is the single most important tool you have–so you might ask yourself, what should it be doing? What IS it doing?
If your website is not generating leads, nurturing business, incentivizing referrals properly, pushing prospects down the funnel to become qualified clients, and educating existing clients, then something’s wrong. Many companies realize the importance of their website, yet for some reason, act as if it is simply something to check off a list. Then they spend tons of time, energy, and money pointing people to this website that is poorly written and/or poorly designed–and to top it off, contains outdated information!
It makes no sense. If your corporate website is that important to your sales, why isn’t it being utilized to its fullest potential?
When Your Philadelphia Web Designer Knows Your Website Is Working
What we recommend to a Philadelphia web designer is to realize that the website is a fluid tool that even the best web designers can’t always predict.  The important part is that we don’t know what we don’t know.
Because of this notion, we must use usability conversion analysis and heat mapping to conduct marketing research.
These tools help you to find out:
Where are your prospects coming from?
Do we have calls to action in the right places?
Are we converting enough prospects with our efforts, or should we be concentrating them elsewhere?
When you have found out the answers to these questions, you can design a website that will capture leads. You’ll be able to track your clients’ engagement by creating landing pages and dropping cookies on their computers. These will subtly allow you to keep your name in front of them. You’ll be able to push the clients back to pages that will nurture and qualify the lead. And, you’ll have content written for people in all stages of the buyer journey, including:
Awareness stage
Consideration Stage
Decision Stage
So reader, for now we leave your Philadelphia web designer  with this: What’s the most recent addition to your website that has made a difference in your marketing?
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
How to Increase Website Traffic: 3 Important Steps
We’ve all experienced the frustration of having a site without traffic. You have spent the time, effort, and resources to develop a killer website full of useful content and tools for visitors and no one is coming to see it. It is easy to let negativity arise at a time like this, but don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to bring visitors to your site. In this blog, we’ll look at how to increase website traffic by utilizing the 3 major players in traffic generation.
3 Strategies to Increase Website Traffic:
1. Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization or SEO is the process of writing coding and content with the purpose of being found and listed by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing. In the wake of major Google updates last year, many professionals have made the claim that “SEO is dead, and we have killed it.” This is true, for many madmen in the SEO world had been using various nefarious black hat techniques to get keywords to rank. For this reason, Google put a stop to the bad SEO techniques to focus more on authors and content.
For SEO strategies moving forward, content is king. The key to an effective SEO campaign is quality, human-friendly content focused around a specific keyword. Remember that you are not just writing content for a Google spider. Content needs to be relevant and useful for readers who are searching for the keywords you are targeting. Keep in mind that Google employs people to randomly scan pages to make sure content is relevant for rankings.
While content is crucial for SEO, there is a good bit of development that needs to happen on the coding for your site. Be sure to have an experienced SEO firm available to help guide you through this process. With quality content and the right SEO coding know-how, SEO can be one of the best ways of how to increase website traffic.
2. Blogging
For years, blogging was simply a pastime for various amateurs to post about things they were interested in. It has only been in recent years that businesses have begun to see the potential for effective blogging as one of the best ways of how to increase website traffic. For simplicity’s sake, think of blogging as a sort of mini SEO. When you blog, you are able to publish content and target many keywords in the span of a month while keeping subscribers and visitors engaged in your site.
When you blog, it is important that you create articles focused around a specific keyword. For example, if you are writing a blog about blue hammers, you should probably talk about what a blue hammer is, why the person reading might benefit from having a blue hammer, the physical specs of a blue hammer, or what blue hammers can be used for. It’s important to have the keyword appear naturally in the text. Beware of throwing in a string of keyword variations in the beginning or the end. Just be natural.
Additionally, it is important to create author tags that are linked to active Google + accounts. With the shift of focus towards the author, Google has allowed for authors to become credible in the same way that domains or pages might be. Take the time to develop reputable content authors on your site. Combined with quality blog content creation, blogging can be one of the best ways of how to increase website traffic.
3. Social Media Posting
Last but not least, social media posting is a great way to draw traffic to your site. Like blogging, many businesses have thought of social media as a frivolous exercise practiced only by college kids. It has taken some time, but people are starting to see the tremendous value of social media to get their website out there.
When posting to social media, consistency is king. It is a good strategy to include links to SEO pages and blog articles you post on your site to your various social media outlets. If you can’t post every day, be sure to establish a routine schedule in your posting.
In addition to self-promotion, you want to make sure you observe the 50/50 rule. Half of your posts should be self-promotion and the other half should be other posts containing relevant and interesting information. Industry statistics or daily quotes are a good idea here. Photos or videos are also a good idea. By utilizing consistent posting and the 50/50 rule, social media can be another great way how to increase website traffic.
In closing, we’ve seen how to increase website traffic by utilizing the 3 major players: SEO, Blogging, and Social Media Posting. Utilizing all three of these should drive your traffic up, and with the proper marketing strategy in place, you should start to see conversion on these visitors.
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
A Step by Step Guide to Great Offer Development
Understand Why You Need Digital Offers
Before you can develop a great offer you need to understand what an offer is and how it can benefit your business. An offer is simply a piece of downloadable content that offers visitors something of value, often packaged as a solution to their pain points or an educational resource. When a visitor opts to download your offer, that visitor now becomes a lead and potential customer. The reason offer development is vital to any successful business is once a user downloads your offer you’ll have all the necessary contact information needed to thoughtfully follow-up with them, and guide them down the sales funnel.
Offer development is an extremely important tool for any business that wishes to generate leads and drive potential leads into the sales funnel. Additionally, high quality offers position your business as a thought leader with a digital presence and sense of authority within your industry.
How to Begin
The process of offer development begins with research. Here are a few questions to get your gears turning:
What is your competition offering users?
What information do your potential customers find valuable?
What are your customer’s pain points?
What kind of offer speaks to your brand?
Doing a little market research and knowing what kind of information your audience is seeking allows you to generate an incentivized piece of content that will benefit not only the customer, but you as well.
The Heart of the Offer Development Process
The process continues with some brainstorming and outlining. Start a list of offer development ideas and concepts. Consider what type of incentives you can, or want, to include. Great Offers often include:
Free consultations or estimates
Free Gift with Purchase
Exclusive or Gated video content
The key to great offer development is making sure your offer is perceived as a valuable and desirable resource. A resource that consumers can’t go without. The offer formats we find that work best are:
Educational Guides
Before you start, stop and consider what methods or knowledge can you offer that won’t only benefit the reader, but will also set you apart from competitors. Then decide what the best vehicle is to deliver that content and format your offer to match.
Not sure what your consumers would be excited to see? We recommend reaching out to your customers through surveys to gain insight to help you with your offer development process. Additionally, an often forgotten and very valuable resource is your sales team. Utilize any team members that communicate directly with consumers for their input. Your sales team is an invaluable resource for generating great offer development ideas. Utilizing these resources will make your offer development process not only more efficient, but more successful as well.
It’s All in a Name
Once you’ve developed your offer it’s time to formulate a strategic title. You want a title that will speak to consumers. Your title should entice them to download your offer that you’ve spent so much time developing.
This can be the most important step of the entire offer development process. Research shows that 90% of the interest in your offer will be directly related to the title you choose. Here are a few of our tips for naming your offer:
Focus on benefits, not features
Make use of a title and subtitle to accurately describe the offer’s contents
Avoid verbiage that is too salesy
Create a sense of urgency or necessity
Using numbers or phrase like “How To”, “Learn”, and “Discover” all add value and highlight benefits of downloading your offer
Maximize Your Offers
There are many ways to maximize your offers, but here are a few tips that we have had a lot of success with!
Keep your titles comprehensive without being too wordy
Use Native CTA placement
Use different CTA formats
Make sure your offer has a clear branded design
Syndicate and Promote your offers
Don’t forget about them, a fully developed offer is an asset
This is the perfect time to showcase what is better or different about your company, and what sets you apart from the competition.
Experimentation Leads to Success
No one becomes an offer development ninja overnight. It will take time to read your audience, gather content, and effectively market your offers to the appropriate audiences. In an ever changing industry, even marketing professionals like us are always testing and experimenting!
Experiment with different offers or discounts, different titles, CTA placement, CTA design and more! Remember, it’s all customizable and part of the offer development process. By making subtle changes in language or design you can best meet the needs of your consumers, making them more likely to download your digital offer. Sometimes the packaging is more important than the contents, so never skimp on design.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Farotech is a leading Inbound Marketing agency in the Philadelphia area that specializes in developing branded, custom, lead generating offers. We utilize many tools to conduct research and have an entire marketing and design team to ensure your best foot is always put forth. Contact Us for a little (or a lot) of help with your marketing initiatives.
Action Items & Takeaways:
Understanding your target audience is essential to great offer development
Consistent Branding and graphic design makes good offers great
Experiment with various features in your offer, including the title, CTA placement and discounts
Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a professional marketing agency
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source https://farotech.com/blog/great-offer-development-tips/
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
Online Marketing: How to Market Your Business Like a Jedi
Are you tired of clunky marketing that never seems to bring in the results you are looking for? Well, you don’t have to settle for mediocre, ineffective online marketing any longer. With the help of some key marketing tips and some awesome new technologies, you can start marketing your business like a Jedi. You are probably wondering what exactly that would look like. Well, marketing like a Jedi has two primary components. The first is knowing what your clients want without them even having to tell you. A Jedi can anticipate movements and actions before they take place–successful marketing means anticipating the interests and desires of potential buyers or clients.
Second, you must convince site visitors to accept your offers without them knowing you are trying. Remember Star Wars Episode IV, when Obi Wan waves his hand to the storm troopers and says, “These aren’t the droids you are looking for.” The storm troopers promptly respond, “These aren’t the droids we are looking for” and continue on their way. Obi Wan uses the force to direct their attention where he wants. The best part is that they are not even aware that he directed their decisions. That’s exactly what smart online marketers do.
The “Force” of Online Marketing
For online marketing, the “force” we use is a little more concrete, but can be just as powerful. We use advanced marketing technologies to study the psychology of marketing, the impact different types of media have on viewers, and what marketing techniques are most effective in promoting your business.
The more information we have on what and how viewers are reacting to content, the better we can anticipate their needs in our online marketing. To gather this information we use some awesome technologies that seriously enhance our Jedi-like abilities.
Heatmapping: This technology tracks mouse movements and clicks to tell us where vistors are spending the most time and energy on your site.
Scrollmapping: Scrollmapping allows us to track time spent on a page vertically–we can see if viewers are paying attention the whole way down, or just for the first few paragraphs.
Confetti: Tells us about every click that occurs on your site and where it came from. This helps us to determine how to prioritize space on your site so that the best offers are optimally placed.
Visitor Tracking: Cookies allow us to know not just how many people are visiting your site, but also where they are coming from and whether they are new, or returning visitors.
All of this information allows us to anticipate and direct the needs and desires of your viewers just like a Jedi. Our online marketing is able to be both powerful and subtle. Don’t let your business wait passively to be engaged with by visitors–revolutionize your web marketing using your new Jedi mind tricks. Need a little extra help? Let the Farotech Jedis work the force on your web marketing and watch your visitors fall in line.
The post Online Marketing: How to Market Your Business Like a Jedi appeared first on Farotech.
source https://farotech.com/blog/market-your-business-like-a-jedi/
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
What Not to Do When Hiring a Website Marketing Company
What Not to Do When Hiring a Website Marketing Company
Your company’s website is your 24/7 salesperson. It’s in contact with your customers 100% of the time. What is your website saying about your company? Do you know how to go about hiring a website marketing agency to make it better? A website marketing agency is a marketing agency that specializes in branding and promoting a company and its services online. Using a website marketing agency is a great way to improve your company’s online presence.
5 Don’ts of Hiring a Website Marketing Company
When you Google search online marketing companies 300+ companies appear. Many of them claim they are the best company to optimize your online presence, but how do you know which to choose? Don’t get overwhelmed with all the things to consider when hiring a website marketing company, focus on what not to do.
Don’t Hire a Company that isn’t willing to be Transparent
Your company should be willing to tell you:
Steps: What is the process going to be? How exactly are they going to accomplish the goals you set together? How do they communicate with their clients? Will you be able to check in and see how it’s going? The company should have clear, concrete and measurable goals for your company’s marketing plan.
Team: Who will be working on your marketing? Are they qualified? Is the company completely in-house or will they contract work out to partners? If they do, what are these people’s qualifications?
Charges: How are they going to charge? If they charge in a percentage, make sure it’s not of something that they can just drive the cost of up. For instance, if a % of media created is paid to the company they can just advise you to have them create more and more media. Rather, you want them to focus on results seen in your conversion rates and return on investment.
Learning about the company through their website should be easy. Such as Farotech’s About Us Page. Talk directly to the company. In the first conversation ask to see case studies and results of previous work they have done. Ask for exact and concrete numbers. But be careful with a company that makes guarantees. Search Engine Optimization and other online strategies are not an exact science and take time and adjustment to reach optimization.
Don’t Hire a Company That Doesn’t Have a Project Timeline
When hiring a website marketing company, they should consult you, develop a plan with their suggestions and your goals, and then be as open about the plan as you want. Get a copy of the marketing plan in writing. This plan keeps both parties accountable, gives clarity to goals and provides checkpoints and deadlines to work towards. Progress goals and open communication allow you to ensure that the company is accomplishing what you are paying for. A marketing plan should also state how the company will handle issues that come up.
Don’t Hire a Company That Doesn’t Use Their Own Advice
Consider if a company’s website or social media is out of date or poorly designed. Is their site easy to use? Can you find the information you want or contact the company through it? Their website should show you who they are as a company. Is it creative and unique or just another cookie cutter website? A marketing company’s website is an example of their work. Don’t ignore it.
Don’t Hire a Company That Pressures You
If a service that the company suggests seems frivolous, ask what it will accomplish and why it’s the best option. A website marketing company should suggest marketing strategies for you and teach you about them if you don’t understand. They should be able to explain the marketing jargon and even suggest when there are some strategies your company can handle on your own. This is the time to ensure that the company offers a variety of services and doesn’t just apply the same strategy to every client. Marketing is extremely unique to the client.
Don’t Hire a Company That Doesn’t Want to Be Your Partner
Marketing presents the uniqueness of a company. Your marketing company’s job is to tell the world why you’re different than all the other companies providing the same good or service. So why work with a company that doesn’t want to know your company, its nuances and vision? Your marketing company is a partner and advisor to your company.
So don’t get overwhelmed with all the things to consider when hiring a website marketing company. There are a lot of options out there and even more marketing strategies. The best marketing company for you will partner with you to provide the best marketing mix for your company. So remember these 5 what not to dos, but most importantly keep who your company is and its vision at the forefront when considering hiring a website marketing company. Find a partner that values your company and shows that through their services. And never limit yourself to consultations with one company, but explore your options.
Partner with Farotech
Don’t get overwhelmed by the marketing world and feel alone when trying to optimize your online presence. Allow us to use our expertise to assist and guide you through. We have the expertise and experience to help you reach the goals you desire, develop a marketing plan for your company and keep it within your budget. For more information or to start your website marketing search today, contact us!
The post What Not to Do When Hiring a Website Marketing Company appeared first on Farotech.
source https://farotech.com/blog/hiring-website-marketing-company/
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
Improve Your Website Conversion Rates With These 7 Simple Steps
Your websites success as a whole depends on conversation rates. Conversion rates are simply the number of desired actions by consumers divided by the number of visits. You want your customers to feel inclined to act when they get to your website, rather than simply casually clicking through your content. This conversation can include anything… from commenting on your blog to making a purchase. So, treat your website as if each point of entry leads down a clear path to some form of conversion. Following these easy steps will help you to build your own stepping stones toward more productive conversation rates.
Step 1: Create the path the conversion point Don’t leave gaps. A search engine could potentially lead customers to any page on your website so make sure that each page acts independently and links to an action.
Step 2: Build alternate routes to the conversation point Not every visitor is the same. Some may want to read more about your products before making a purchase. Others will want to see testimonials. There will even be some who will be ready to buy on the spot. Cater to your visitors needs so they will be directed to conversation down the path they choose.
Step 3: Walk the path yourself Step into the shoes of the visitor and try to find as many different paths as you possibly can. Identify where there are missing or broken parts of your paths.
Step 4: Path repairs Once you have identified where the problems are the solution is simple. Fix them. Test out different versions with the help of analytics that will find problem areas.
Step 5: Promote Efficiency The key here is fluidity. Don’t use any more or less steps than you need.
Step 6: Be Innovative When you have built, tested, and improved your preliminary paths start to build more. These paths can help accommodate the visitors that aren’t directly in your target audience. This may generate the higher conversation rates you need for extra sales.
Step 7: Test Test and Test again Never stop looking for ways to improve your conversation rates. But remember, you want to be improving not cluttering. Hone your paths down to successful conversation points and always keep your audience in mind.
  // <![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); // ]]>
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
What Makes a Good LinkedIn Profile? (Besides Your Gorgeous Headshot)
Linkedin has become one of the most influential websites in the professional world. It can help people find jobs or help applicants find you,
but even beyond that, a good LinkedIn profile can act as a sort of online business card – a constant declaration of who you are as a company.
Now, of course, your gorgeous profile image will draw people in all by itself, but its not a bad idea to support that great picture with some other aspects of a well-developed LinkedIn profile.
Important Aspects to Any Amazing Linkedin Profile
Your History– You need to show who you are through your timeline. Show where you have been and what you have done…this is professional speaking of course, not what you did on your vacation in Maui! List projects you worked on and clients you worked with as these types of credentials will show  our profile viewers your skill level and will earn their respect. Incorporating history is an important feature for personal and company LinkedIn profiles.
Your Skills– This section will define who you are in the eyes of your viewers. Tell them what you can do and what you specialize in. This gives you credibility in their eyes and will help them understand who you are and what your contribution could be to helping them achieve their business goals. Can you provide custom art for quality business logos? Tell them that! Are you a specialist in the field of voiceovers? Make sure that you explain your skills clearly and thoroughly. Remember that people used LinkedIn’s search feature to find people and companies that provide certain services, so be sure to list everything you feel you can provide. This is how many people will end up seeing you in the first place.
Participation– Linkedin provides you with a great opportunity to follow other major companies in your industry,  oin relevant groups, follow your clients and engage with all sorts of people in the business world. Stay ontop of the important issues and trends and try to join in on any conversations that could lead to productive conversations. This shows on your Linkedin profile and tells people who see it that you are dedicated to your work and to keeping up with what’s new in your industry. If you take time to answer questions that people post in LinkedIn group discussions, this also shows that you are committed to client education and that you’re a reliable, helpful source in your field.
Linkedin provides you with many opportunities to prove your worth with your profile. There are many ways to take advantage of this, but if you only take one thing away from this article, remember that none of this matters if you don’t keep your profile up to date! And, of course, be sure to include that gorgeous headshot!
The post What Makes a Good LinkedIn Profile? (Besides Your Gorgeous Headshot) appeared first on Farotech.
source https://farotech.com/blog/what-makes-a-good-linkedin-profile-besides-your-gorgeous-headshot/
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
(VIDEO) How Can You Plan a Successful Project? Vision Templates Can Help!
A vision template is an effective way convert your ideas to action and on to the desired outcome.
Do you feel like you have a lot of great ideas and visions, but you don’t always put them into action, or perhaps the end result isn’t quite what you had envisioned? It’s not easy to take the ideas in our heads and turn them into reality. But with the help of a vision template you can start planning a successful project that produces the outcome you envisioned in your mind. Continue reading to learn how to effectively convert your ideas to actions, and then to outcomes.
  Plan a Successful Project with a Vision Template
You can have a great vision, but if you are unable to make that vision available to your team and your client, then successful project management can become difficult.
“Successful businesses not only have compelling visions, but know how to communicate those visions to the people around them.”
Utilizing a vision template will allow you to understand your own thoughts, put them down in a coherent form in writing, and share them effectively with others. Check out the following steps to making a useful vision template:
Step 1: Establish the goal.
Name your project. Clearly naming the project allows you to determine the goal of the project. Fill out the vision template yourself, have your client fill it out, or your team members–this provides clarity for your goal and determines if everyone is on the same page for what the desired outcome is.
Step 2: Ask, “What will this achieve?”
Ask yourself or your client–what will this achieve? Knowing the desired outcome of your goal can help refine the goal itself.
Step 3: Set a deadline.
Figuring out the deadline is crucial to planning a successful project. Setting a deadline gives you a framework to function within. Ask yourself and your client “what does the project look like on the deadline?” Having a visual horizon will help firm up understanding of what is needed to reach that goal.
Step 4: Make note of the specifics.
How will you know you have achieved your vision? Establish benchmarks that can be crossed off to let you know that you are on target and when you have hit your target.
Step 5: What are your first action steps?
Write out the initial steps you need to take in order put your plan into action. For example:
Set an appointment to brainstorm with a client.
Gather examples of past projects to share with clients.
Share the Vision template with the client to fill out during the first meeting.
Create a successful project plan.
Set benchmarks and deadlines to reach
Meet with your project team.
Start planning a successful project today with the help of a vision template, or call Farotech @ 267-387-6620 to talk to our marketing experts about making your website a success.
The post (VIDEO) How Can You Plan a Successful Project? Vision Templates Can Help! appeared first on Farotech.
source https://farotech.com/blog/planning-a-successful-project/
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
Harness the Power of Visual Marketing #MondayMorningBrainDisfunction
If you’re feelin’ anything like me this morning, you’ve got a bad case of  Monday brain disfunction. Too many things to do – all of them important! When you work in the world of marketing (which, let’s face it – all of us do to one degree or another…because whether you’re a professional marketing company like Farotech or you’re a small, local company trying to get strategic about growing your business this year, we’re all trying to accomplish the same basic goal = market effectively to get more customers!)
Let’s Get Focused
Marketing can make you crazy. Especially in the world of online marketing where strategies are always evolving and the rules of the game seem ever-changing. But it’s Monday morning and that is all just a little overwhelming. So, let’s give our brains something concrete to think about…something scientific to chew on. Let’s start our day with a statistic.
65% of people are visual learners.
What does this mean for us as marketers? Well, it means that if we don’t do anything else right today, we should keep one thing a priority – find a way to reach out to our potential customers with a visual medium that will actually draw their attention and entice them to give us more than the average 8 second page scan. Yeah, you read that right…most people scan a webpage for about 8 seconds before navigating on to the next thing. Now there’s a statistic for you!
Harness the Power of Visual Marketing
So, back to our plan for the day. Once you’ve responded to all your emails and put out the fires, take a few minutes sometime today and make these statistics work in your favor. Put the power of visual marketing to work for you. Here are a few ideas that you can put to use TODAY:
Instead of writing a blog post with 1,000 words of expert content, try putting that expertise into a creative, visually stimulating infographic to share.
Rather than writing what you thought was the perfect social media post to distribute via Facebook, Twitter & other networks, find a great image that says the same thing (and probably much more) as what you were trying to communicate and post that instead.
Take 5 minutes to do an honest assessment of your website. Is it just full of pages of endless content or are you making use of white space, images, videos and colorful, catchy CTA buttons? Jot down a list of 5 things you can do to make your website more effective as a visual marketing tool.
And because we believe in practicing what we preach, we aren’t just going to leave you with a wordy blog post today. We’d like to share an awesome infographic with you from a site we love – Neil Patel’s QuickSprout! If you’re not convinced that visual marketing is the way to go, you will be after checking out this fun infographic below. Enjoy!
The post Harness the Power of Visual Marketing #MondayMorningBrainDisfunction appeared first on Farotech.
source https://farotech.com/blog/harness-the-power-of-visual-marketing/
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farotechweb · 7 years ago
Rethinking Your Strategy for Generating New Website Content Ideas
Many business owners understand the value of blogging regularly and constantly keeping their website updated with fresh content. And in fact, it is extremely helpful for SEO purposes if you commit to producing at least one new indexible page of content each day. However, most of those business owners will also complain that they have a hard time brainstorming new website content ideas to make that goal a reality.
Develop a Strategy for Generating Website Content Ideas that Convert!
The trick to always having fresh, unique website content ideas is to think like a consumer. Remember that in order to be a business that is relevant and attractive to buyers, you have to be more than just a marketer. You have to be helpful!
  Become a Good Listener
Pay close attention to the needs of your clients and take note of the repeated concerns/questions that are raised. Make it your goal to address those issues with helpful, relevant information. To run a successful business, you already are faced with dozens of consumer questions per day and you already have to have materials/expertise prepared in order to offer logical, professional answers to those questions. Why not kill two birds with one stone? Take the knowledge and materials you already have in place and start to recycle those resources into blogs!
Hint: Have a brainstorming session with your staff and make a list of as many potential client questions you can think of in 30 minutes. Use this list to generate a publishing schedule of blog titles that will last you for months!
Offer Comparisons
All of us are regular consumers of hundreds of different products on a regular basis. We make our selections about some of those (example: cookies) based simply on what we already know we prefer or which packaging catches our attention when we are browsing store shelves. However, with larger products and especially with services, we tend to be careful consumers. We want to price shop, compare stats and evaluate the pros and cons of different brands and options. As a business, it’s time to start assuming that your customers are doing the same thing. If they’re looking for ways to compare your product/service with your competitors’, then give them the information they’re looking for! If you do the writing, you can control the wording and phraseology, painting your own business in the best light possible without pretending like your competitors don’t exist.
Hint: It’s ok to talk about your competitors and to compliment them on what they do right! The bottom line is that your article has brought a potential buyer to YOUR website and has introduced them into YOUR sales funnel. Speaking of funnels, here’s a thought – why not actually make your newly designed consumer comparison chart a free offer on your site? Set up a blog that will push potentials to a landing page where they can exchange their information for the chart!
  (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
  The post Rethinking Your Strategy for Generating New Website Content Ideas appeared first on Farotech.
source https://farotech.com/blog/rethinking-your-strategy-for-generating-new-website-content-ideas/
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