faridadunford · 2 years
Final Thoughts
The site is activated by the connection of attractions using the river. The river in itself induces the feeling of connection and the target audience will be encouraged to explore the natural elements of the land. EDQ wants the education curriculum to be incorporated as well as a level of talkability to be present. Due to the uniqness of the project, not only will schools be invited to explore the site as part of studies, but 16 to 18 year olds will naturally be talking, posting and sharing the experience with others.
The geographic, historical, physical, and cultural elements of Northshore is naturally enhanced as youth will be encouraged to explore the site as it would have looked post colonisation (geographical + historical + cultural + physical). The project can be replicated without my involvement and be developed further to meet exact client needs. A similar indoor project was created in Las Vegas, Nevada at the ‘The Grand Canal Shoppes’. A river connects the malls shops and people are encouraged to experience the centre in a unique and immersive way. Within Australia, a project like this does not already exist.
Audience engagement is enhanced as youth will not be discriminated against for any reason - they will also be encouraged to explore the environment, learning about the Indigenous history of Northshore. Students will be inspired to be more understanding of their surrounding environments and the impact humans have upon it. As word spreads, the audience will grow also.
The concept can be implemented in stages depending on which alteration of the concept is chosen. It can be adapted and refreshed to meet demands during specific periods of time and the upkeep would either be fortnightly (physical) or monthly (digitally). Its enduring significance will always be maintained as it is the first landscaping project in Australia that educated youth about Indigenous history in such a way.
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faridadunford · 2 years
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‘Northshore Stream’ is immersive of the riverfront, combines the essences of EDQ (open access, enriched experience, expansive engagement) in a creative, progressive and energetic way by challenging conventions of business, culture and lifestyle. 
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faridadunford · 2 years
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faridadunford · 2 years
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Research has suggested that children are living a life of “imprisonment” as regular unsupervised play in the outdoor world is no longer synonymous. Researchers have also come out to say that society has become “so estranged from its natural origins, it has failed to recognize our species' basic dependence on nature as a condition of growth and development".
Concept two, “The Northshhore Stream”, focuses on the idea of landscaping techniques converting the Maritime Green into what the geological landscape looked like pre colonisation. A man-made river will be used to drop off youth from one Northshore destination to another in order to create a sense of connectedness between the sites attractions. Indigenous history will once again be revived, and the site will become a unique attraction to Australia as a whole.
White, R. (2004). Young children's relationship with nature: Its importance to children's development & the earth's future. White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, 1-9.
In order to stay within budget, the concept should focus on one area of Northshore, with development in the future. It is also possible to digitise the experience inside shipping containers (sustainable reuse of materials) in order to stay within the maximum $70,000 budget. 
-       Unique!
-       Allows children to experience the outdoors in an environment that’s relaxing and fun
-       Connects all of NorthShore’s sites together
-       Sustainable economically, socially, and environmentally: economically the project will induce an influx of foot traffic to Northshore (this positively impacts business’ already there). Socially everyone will be able to experience the stream without discrimination and environmentally the stream can be created using materials already on the site.
-       Prospects of major development – stream ride can be fee based to produce income, which in turn pays for construction costs – attractions like the community garden can be created within the land that the stream is built upon.
-       An outdoor cinema can be created in the stage area or the indoor/outdoor feature of the shed
-       Creation of jobs
-       The stream could be a digital experience
-       Major addition to the education curriculum
-       Costs will be significantly higher than the community garden
-       Maintenance will be a regular thing
-       Staff will need to be employed
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faridadunford · 2 years
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An industry example would be the “Shiloh Field” in Texas, USA. Locals are encouraged to adopt individual plots at no cost and harvest their own produce. Water and training is all included and school groups and volunteers are also encouraged to participate. This garden has help foster a sustainability mindset, while growing a community bond.
Bresler, A. (2020). Shiloh Field Community Garden – Denton, Texas. Matadornetwork. https://matadornetwork.com/read/community-gardens-setting-example-united-states/ 
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faridadunford · 2 years
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According to the National Library of Medicine, ‘community’ can be defined as “as a group of people with diverse characteristics who are linked by social ties, share common perspectives, and engage in joint action in geographical locations or settings.” This idea of community got me thinking about ways that can bring different types of youth together to become like one group – no discrimination – differences aside.
The concept of a community garden is a place where people can come together to grow and cultivate a range of produce and plants to support lifelong learning and cultivate vibrant communities. My concept explores the idea of a community garden being placed on the Martitime Green and the produce grown, can directly support Eat Street.
Am J Public Health. (2001). National Library of Medicine. What Is Community? An Evidence-Based Definition for Participatory Public Health, 1, 91. https://doi.org/10.2105/ajph.91.12.1929
-       Sustainable economically, socially, and environmentally: Citizens helping with the upkeep, naturally lowers costs of maintenance. Socially everyone is equal, without discernment of differences, this will help youth feel more included and safer. Environmentally the produce directly supporting Eat Street, will limit food waste and slow down garbage waste.
-       A large-scale community garden does not already exist in Brisbane
-       Can be inclusive of multiple cultures and showcase traditional Indigenous foods/produce
-       Start-up costs would be low (Irrigation would cost the most)
-       Can be implemented into school science and agriculture curriculums
-       After time might become boring
-       Unlikely to visit multiple times in a short period of time
-       The space is big and only having a community garden might be a waste
-       Not a major “original” idea
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faridadunford · 2 years
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In order to keep my ideas clear and consistent, I designed a mood board for how I wanted the space to feel/look. 
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faridadunford · 2 years
What is Sustainability
Sustainability in business is the combination of environmental, societal, and economical pillars, working together to create a cohesive sustainable environment (exactly what EDQ wants).  
Environmental sustainability is the idea of earths systems being kept in balance while natural resources are consumed by humans at a rate where the resources can replenish themselves. EDQ has given us the opportunity to repurpose site materials such as wharf wood and shipping containers. This will dramatically decrease costs (economical stability), as well as decrease the environmental impact.  
Economical sustainability refers to communities being able to maintain their independence by having access to financial and other resources needed to have superior quality of life. Whilst the Northshore project does not need to produce any income, it will be preferable for the project to increase traffic to the site. Business’ such as Eat Street will benefit from this.  
Social sustainability refers to basic human rights and necessities being available to all people without discrimination. EDQ has a rich Indigenous history that is trying to be reserved and highlighted to all people, of all generations and backgrounds. 
United Nations General Assembly. (2005). Sustainable development: managing and protect- ing our common environment. 2005 World Summit Outcome. http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N05/487/60/ PDF/N0548760.pdf?OpenElement  
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faridadunford · 2 years
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faridadunford · 2 years
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The client has made their intentions clear in that they want the site to be tailored towards a segment of ‘youth’. Whilst it is not expected that only ‘youth’ should visit the site, it is important to tailor the experience to them as they in turn will spread the word. I have decided to narrow my concept towards 16–18-year old's. Vanessa mentioned that the site needs a level of talkability and I believe that youth in this age bracket, tend to be the most vocal about their experiences, whether good or bad. With the digital era booming, talkability would also be spread using social media – which most 16–18-year olds have.  
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faridadunford · 2 years
About the Client
EDQ is part of the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Local Government planning. EDQ incorporates property development, innovation and activation strategies with specialist planning to create places of investment for Queensland residents. EDQ works with both the private and public sector to generate economic growth across Queensland. The agency looks and searches for projects that have an “ideal precinct scale, significant economic value or complexity which warrants the specialist intervention of EDQ's investment, and commercial and planning capabilities.”  
Queensland Government. (2022). Economic Development Queensland. Creating places and investment opportunities for Queenslanders to prosper. https://www.statedevelopment.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0023/32756/edq-summary-document.pdf  
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faridadunford · 2 years
Look up - Look out
Vanessa Altun
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faridadunford · 2 years
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faridadunford · 2 years
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faridadunford · 2 years
Target Audience
EDQ have specifically stated that the audience should be youth (Primary to 18 years). It’s been made clear that the local education curriculum needs to be incorporated and that the target audience should want to revisit the site. 
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faridadunford · 2 years
Indigenous History
Northshore is imbedded with deep Indigenous history that for many years, has been left unnoticed. NorthShore's history is famously linked to Brisbane River as the area was a major fishing and campground for First Nations people. The land belonged to the Turrbal and Jagera people as Yerrol or Yurrol, which referred to rainforest vine, used in hut-building and as a general fibre or rope. However, the land was used by many tribes as a camping ground when visiting Brisbane. By the 1910s the camps had disappeared and there were virtually no Aboriginal people left living in and around the area now known as Northshore.  
Kerkhove, R. (2021). Report and recommendations: Northshore indigenous history. First nations historical analysis produced for Northshore and Economic Development Queensland by Dr Ray Kerkhove
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faridadunford · 2 years
Initial Thoughts - notes from site visit
- Lots of potential but the site feels very disjointed. 
- Has a calming feel but can be used in an “extra” way. 
- Festival Vibes. 
- Amazing views (especially from theatre) that should be utilised. 
- Indoor/outdoor experience in the shed (door opens) 
- Connects to the beach (use the water - maybe a cruise) 
- Use shipping containers and wood (sustainability) 
- Shipping containers for storage 
- For youth 
- No profit needed but good to bring business to already existing business’ 
- Talk ability 
- Collaborate 
- Bringing kids and parents back (educational) 
- History - indigenous + the wharf 
- Tennis court + eat street 
- Get people to explore everything 
- What age of youth? Narrow down because ‘youth’ is broad 
- Brett Levy animation of Brisbane river - bilby studios 
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