fantasykinnet-blog ยท 8 years
Updates on the way!
Iโ€™ll be updating the triggers / blacklist page hopefully over the next week! Iโ€™m one person managing the applications, so it would be a big help if any incoming applicants are patient, I usually check every weekend or every two weeks!
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fantasykinnet-blog ยท 8 years
Am I allowed to join if im dragonkin ;v;
Of course!! This is open to all types of fantasy otherkin!!
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fantasykinnet-blog ยท 8 years
Fantasy and Fae Kin Net
This kin network is for otherkin of the fae or fantasy variety! Weโ€™re here to help you all find others just like you!
All you have to do is fill out this application, take a look at the blacklist, and then wait for us to check those apps!
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