fantasy-anatomy · 1 day
Realized I never made a proper intro for any of my side blogs so I’m posting this to them all!
Hi! My name is Nae/Pup my main online “handle” is CrunchyPuppy. I’m a-gender and go by they/xem pronouns
I’m over 18 y/o and am asexual + Demi-biromantic
I have ADHD, S.A.D., anxiety, and (most disabling) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
My main passion is for art but enjoy a variety of video games I also LOVE music
I don’t consider myself a furry but since I specialize in anthropomorphic and general animal art I don’t mind being called one
I do my best to post/remain active on all my blogs but with my collection of disabilities, don’t be surprised if I disappear for a long while
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fantasy-anatomy · 5 months
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In regards of taste, if you stuff your face with the flour as is, it's mostly like cornmeal and unsalted popcorn.
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fantasy-anatomy · 5 months
Rlly rough & simple food chain. Some things are generalized such as the green lizard representing larger lizards, the blue representing smaller lizards that are known to be hunted, hunter long legs representing dead things, etc.
All the icons belong to the actual game/ the rainworld wiki
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fantasy-anatomy · 6 months
According to the rainworld wiki; the blue fruits are actually bug chrysalis’ so it made me think that their eaten like “cheese bugs”
(Cw for bug(? It’s rlly just goo) being eaten)
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fantasy-anatomy · 6 months
Ask box are open if anyone has requests and/or questions!
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fantasy-anatomy · 6 months
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Our friend the scavenger!
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fantasy-anatomy · 6 months
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My take on aquatic. It’s basic but fun
letters mirror on both sides of them. So all the scales on the right mean the same as the left
When a letter directly follows another as in the double ‘L’ in “hello” or the ‘s’ in “is” following the ‘s’ in “seawing”; the scale does a quick flicker to indicate 2 letters
Scales not marked as letters are purely for show, some cultures have assigned them meaning but for the most part their just to glow
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fantasy-anatomy · 6 months
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Cyan Lizards and leaping
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fantasy-anatomy · 6 months
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Rainworld lizard skeleton! Specifically the green lizard
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fantasy-anatomy · 6 months
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Wof & jewelry
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fantasy-anatomy · 6 months
Rainworld flora part.1
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fantasy-anatomy · 6 months
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Riv biology
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fantasy-anatomy · 6 months
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20min slugnatomy doodle
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fantasy-anatomy · 7 months
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Diagram showing how Spear master’s spears are distributed
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fantasy-anatomy · 7 months
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Spear master skeleton + organs
The spears are bones that are constantly growing. similar to shark teeth. The spears are hollow for the proboscis’ to go through.
When a spear impales a victim, the entry wound makes an easy entrance for the proboscis’ to give a liquidizing substance to destroy the victims innards wich are then eaten through the proboscis’ and sent to the stomach, similar to starfish.
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fantasy-anatomy · 7 months
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Slug cat skeleton!
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