fangbled · 5 years
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       – SHORP. i forgot to make an announcement here– but i’ve decided to move kiba to my multi over at @pasttorn​ ! ! it’s a multifandom mm, so i’d understand if some of you wouldn’t wanna keep following him over there, but if you’re still interested in writing with him ( or want to start writing with him ), hmu over there !
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fangbled · 5 years
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       – SHORP. i forgot to make an announcement here– but i’ve decided to move kiba to my multi over at @pasttorn​ ! ! it’s a multifandom mm, so i’d understand if some of you wouldn’t wanna keep following him over there, but if you’re still interested in writing with him ( or want to start writing with him ), hmu over there !
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fangbled · 5 years
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       – SHORP. i forgot to make an announcement here– but i’ve decided to move kiba to my multi over at @pasttorn​ ! ! it’s a multifandom mm, so i’d understand if some of you wouldn’t wanna keep following him over there, but if you’re still interested in writing with him ( or want to start writing with him ), hmu over there !
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fangbled · 5 years
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       – SHORP. i forgot to make an announcement here– but i’ve decided to move kiba to my multi over at @pasttorn​ ! ! it’s a multifandom mm, so i’d understand if some of you wouldn’t wanna keep following him over there, but if you’re still interested in writing with him ( or want to start writing with him ), hmu over there !
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fangbled · 5 years
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       – SHORP. i forgot to make an announcement here– but i’ve decided to move kiba to my multi over at @pasttorn​ ! ! it’s a multifandom mm, so i’d understand if some of you wouldn’t wanna keep following him over there, but if you’re still interested in writing with him ( or want to start writing with him ), hmu over there !
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fangbled · 5 years
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       – SHORP. i forgot to make an announcement here– but i’ve decided to move kiba to my multi over at @pasttorn​ ! ! it’s a multifandom mm, so i’d understand if some of you wouldn’t wanna keep following him over there, but if you’re still interested in writing with him ( or want to start writing with him ), hmu over there !
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fangbled · 5 years
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       – SHORP. i forgot to make an announcement here– but i’ve decided to move kiba to my multi over at @pasttorn​ ! ! it’s a multifandom mm, so i’d understand if some of you wouldn’t wanna keep following him over there, but if you’re still interested in writing with him ( or want to start writing with him ), hmu over there !
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fangbled · 5 years
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       – SHORP. i forgot to make an announcement here– but i’ve decided to move kiba to my multi over at @pasttorn​ ! ! it’s a multifandom mm, so i’d understand if some of you wouldn’t wanna keep following him over there, but if you’re still interested in writing with him ( or want to start writing with him ), hmu over there !
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fangbled · 5 years
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       -- SHORP. i forgot to make an announcement here-- but i’ve decided to move kiba to my multi over at @pasttorn​ ! ! it’s a multifandom mm, so i’d understand if some of you wouldn’t wanna keep following him over there, but if you’re still interested in writing with him ( or want to start writing with him ), hmu over there !
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fangbled · 5 years
"Papa! Papa! Come quick it's an emergency!" The young inuzuka is pulling at her father's arm rather insistently. Once out of bed she would continue to drag him out the house to their secret spot in the forest. Already there, was a blanket and some ramen and beef jerky prepared with help from auntie hinata next to some paw print shaped cakes she had made on her own. "SURPRISE!! Happy father's Day!!"
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        -- ❝ what ? why, what’s wrong ? ❞ heart RACES at the slight distress in her voice, sleep-filled mind already going through various scenarios of what could possibly be such a sudden emergency. he doesn’t even have a chance to properly wake up before he’s pulled out of bed & out into the world. a glance of concern & confusion is shared with akamaru as his little girl drags them DEEPER into the forest, uncertain about where this was all headed.
        it’s ONLY when he sees the blanket & the snacks scattered atop it that he visibly relaxes, said scenarios now just a passing bad thought. previous worry is very quickly replaced with absolute DELIGHT, the pride bubbling in his chest tugging the corners of his lips into a cheeky smile. it’s moments like this that he’s reminded how BLESSED he was to have a daughter like mimi in his life ( that’s a lie-- he’s always reminded of his luck whenever he hears the life in her voice, sees joy in her smile ).
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         -- ❝ surprise ? i’m MEGA surprised, you little rascal ! ❞ he doesn’t even try to HIDE the glee in his voice as arms reach out to tickle his little girl, before scooping her up in his arms. ❝ did you make all this ? man, it looks so GOOD ! ! i bet it’s gonna taste just as good, too ! ! ❞
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fangbled · 5 years
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#they are so cute
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fangbled · 5 years
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The finished picture from my 10 year challenge. I think it looks pretty good, but I couldn’t quite get the lighting how I wanted. I’ve got some learning to do!
Commission Info // Twitter // Instagram
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fangbled · 6 years
♡(ŐωŐ人) (@konekosensei, obviously! tell me more about the twins)
CHILDREN ! ! ☆  @konekosensei  ☆ ALWAYS ACCEPTING !
NAMES: kokoro ( heart ) & tamashi ( soul ) inuzuka ! yua was the one that came up with kokoro, while they were cuddling together on the couch one day. thinking it to be a fitting name for an inuzuka, the two then brainstormed what name could be both fit traditional inuzuka naming senses AND worked well with kokoro– & with a little debating, they decided on tamashi ! kiba will forever be proud of their names, even if they sound a little cliche.
PHYSICAL APPEARANCES: both twins have their mother’s red-ish hair ( slightly darker than hers, thanks to kiba ) & they both sport the traditional inuzka markings on their cheeks ! compared to her brother, koko eyes are almost a carbon copy of her father’s– the only difference being her pupils are more round, not as sharp as her dad’s ( that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a sharp vision ). though tama’s eyes are slitted like his mothers, he inherited his father’s brown irises. height wise they’re pretty much the same until they reach puberty / teenage years– where tama bests her sister for only a couple cm’s. by the time they both reach 18, koko’s standing at a around her mother’s height at 5′5 ( 166 cm ), while her twin brother’s standing at 5′6 ( 170 cm )– something he always keeps over her. 
        following her mother’s footsteps, koko decided to grow out her hair, & while it she never got it to be as long as yua’s, she still keeps regularly keeps it tied up in a ponytail, if only just to get it out of the way. tama, on the other hand, has always preferred to keep it short & slightly messy, resembling his father’s & grandmother’s hair in terms of style. that doesn’t mean he doesn’t take care of it– oh no, he actually puts more attention to it than koko does, regularly washing it when his sister prefers to wash it one or twice a week & prefers to brush it with her fingers rather than with a brush. in their youth, they both wear jackets with fake fur pelts, commonly found in inuzuka households– they don’t mind dressing similarly, since they enjoy making use of the fact that they’re both twins. once they grow older & they start hanging with different people, their tastes start to change. koko is confident in herself & doesn’t have a set style– seen as how she wears something akin to hinata’s in design, with a darker, more wild gleam to it whenever she’s on missions, but wears short shorts & more comfortable clothing while not on duty. tama, on the other hand, wears leather like his father, preferring jeans & jackets / hoodies when off duty– compared to his sister, & much like his mother, he’s picky about his style & what he wears outside.
PERSONALITIES: koko is a combination of both her parents in terms of personality ! she’s extremely outgoing, prideful & doesn’t enjoy being ordered around– she’s always doing whatever she wants, at all times. really, she’s the personification of the shoot first, ask questions later trope. she’s the type that expresses her thoughts through both words & actions– talking with her hands, & is pretty in tune with her own emotions. though extremely sympathetic, she’s more than ready to send flying anyone that even does so much as speak badly of her friends. in turn, her outgoing personality makes her an awful liar ( she’s never able to keep anything in for long enough, the worst person to share a secret to ), & she’s plenty naive, falling for the dumbest sob stories. 
         that’s where her brother comes in– compared to his sister, he obtained his mother’s more cat-like personality. though just as extroverted, he’s more calm & collected, shooting down his sisters dumb ideas before they take action. acting as the voice of reason, he’s never afraid to call her out on her bullshit, & his opinion is something she greatly respects ( she never fights his decisions, knowing & trusting he only wishes the best for the two of them when he speaks ). despite his calm exterior, however, much like everyone else in his family, he’s more than ready to throw down – he didn’t grow up in a household filled with roughhousing for nothing. 
        that said, the biggest thing the two have in common is their lack of care for their surroundings– they don’t bother with honourifics when it comes to people they’re related to ( such as shino, the hyuugas & a couple more ), more than anything, however, is their ironclad rule. it’s them before anyone else. anyone else who’s met them for long can tell their bond with each other runs DEEP– the two’d be ready to drop whatever appointments they’d made that day, however important ( like a date, or a party ! ), for each other. they’re so close, they can tell what the other’s thinking at all times without even having to say anything. more than anything, they enjoy using their statuses as twins to mess with people, saying they have twin telepathy & whatnot– ‘cause really, they enjoy having their share of fun.
FUTURES: once they graduate from the academy, they’re joined with a child from the aburame clan to join them as their third member. it takes time at first, to give the kid a chance to fit into their already synchronised fighting style– at first messing with him & not letting him join in their inside jokes. but as time progresses & the two learn how to let someone inside their circle, their team attacks become impeccable. while individually they might struggle, there’s next to no person they can’t take down if they work together. often times they have sleepovers, spending even their off days together. their third teammate quickly became the twin’s best friend, the first one to successfully enter their social circle– hell, they think of him as a brother. once they retire, koko goes on to follow her father’s footsteps & becomes an officer of the law– being fast on her feet & extremely confident in her sense of smell. she also help out with the ninken breeding when she has free time. it’s not until she starts going out with her s/o, that she decides to switch jobs, working as an official messenger between suna & konoha, as well the other allied countries. tama, however, goes on to succeed the inuzuka family head. as a vet, he cares for the animals in the village, as well as being the overseer of the ninja animal training ( not just ninken, he trains other animals too, like messenger birds or cats ).
FIRST LOVES: she’s not gonna lie, being only a year or two younger than boruto’s generation, for the longest time koko’s had the biggest crush on sarada. she was always super bad at hiding it too– being extremely obvious to everyone but said person. sarada had, after all, inherited both her parents good looks & damn if koko didn’t fall for that for a couple years. she grows to overcome it, however, as time passes, growing less nervous & more calm whenever she speaks to her fellow kunoichi. it’s not until she meets someone from suna during their chunin exams that she falls head over heels for them, resurfacing her flustered persona. they’re oblivious about it, of course, since in order to help his sister out tama finds ways to excuse her odd behaviour. for YEARS she holds this crush, until the suna nin finds it in him to confess to her– something she wholeheartedly accepts before he’s even finished speaking. their relationship moves very slowly, mostly due to the fact that she gets embarrassed at just the prospect of holding hands, let alone hugging. thankfully enough, it’s something he accepts about her & doesn’t push her comfort zone. since then all she seems to want to do is head over to suna– something she finds it extremely hard to come to terms with, since it’d mean she’d have to separate from her twin for the first time ( & does all she can to convince her s/o to move to konoha ).
        tama, on the other hand, was never really interested in anyone until a few years after they were put in three man teams. maybe it was due to the fact that he was always looking out for his sister, & was too bothered caring for himself as well, that he never really bothered to look at anyone else. it wasn’t until he saw their third teammate being confessed to, & felt the disgusting feeling that is jealousy surge from within that he realised he’d fallen for his second best friend ( the first being his sister ). compared to his sister, he’s not a big a mess when it comes to being in front of his crush– but he’s bad at hiding it too. not because he’s super obvious in the way his sister is ( aka. getting extremely nervous, blushing furiously, stammering, etc ), but because he’s obvious about it in the way that he doesn’t BOTHER hiding it. from the moment he realises his own feelings, the first thing he does it confess, & while he doesn’t exactly ask his teammate to go out with him, he’s not afraid to admit it to anyone who’s willing to hear. he’s blunt, direct, & will probably flirt in public.
IMAGE REFERENCES: matsuoka gou ( free ) & mikoshiba mikoto ( gekkan shoujo )
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fangbled · 6 years
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fangbled · 6 years
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         HE ! ! ! LOVES ! ! ! HIS DAUGHTER  ! ! ! ! SO MUCH ! ! !
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fangbled · 6 years
Please tell me you don't have fleas. (ily)
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        -- ❝ wh-- hey ! there’s a limit as to how RUDE you can be ! ! ! i don’t have fleas-- & before you ask, akamaru doesn’t either ! ! we’re both FLEA FREE, thank you very much. ❞
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fangbled · 6 years
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        -- SHORP. daily reminder that this is a sideblog ! follow backs come from my main blog, kabukv ! 
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