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fanficzone25 · 1 day ago
Curly x Jordan
Tw suicide mention/attempt
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It ways the 8th month of the trip on the tulpar.jordan had been out of medication for two weeks. Two weeks til the tulpar lands on earth once more. She had found out the code to the gun case. “Today’s the day” she said as she used curlys key to get into the cockpit and get the gun case. Curly noticed the cockpit door was open.”hey who’s in here” he called out then he noticed Jordan with the gun case. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING” curly yelled. Jordan jumps a bit. Honey what are you doing in here she says as she tears up. “Oh I’m so sorry honey” *he hugs her as she cries into his chest. “Please don’t scare me like that.” Curly says with his voice breaking.”i love you too much to lose you my darling” curly says later on curly brings you some tea and cookies to calm you and gives extra love and keeps and eye on you til the tulpar finally lands on earth. You finally get your meds refilled and you and curly go home happy and healthy
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fanficzone25 · 19 days ago
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It was just another day on the tulpar as Curly walked the hall,he hears sniffling.he follows the sound to find y/n alone clutching a pillow. “Hey whats wrong kid?” Curly asks with concern “i wanna go home“ you sniffle out. “me too kid“ curly says as he pulls you into a hug. *you just sob into his chest for a good few minutes.“shhh its okay we’ll back before you know it“ Curly encourages you making you feel better and strong. You two talk for a bit until you calm down and you both head back to the lobby. “Thanks captain“ you say “anytime kid“ Curly replies. To distract you from your homesickness You can curly play a card game “HaHa i win!“ you shout with joy and pride. *curly looks at you with pure adoration* Who knew the captain had a soft spot for you enough to help you with your homesickness
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fanficzone25 · 6 months ago
Beetlejuice and The First Bath
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It was just another boring day for Beetlejuice when he entered the maitlands/Deetz home but then he hear giggling from the bathroom while he was curious.he decided to check it out.”he’s coming hide and get ready!” Adam softly said as he hid Barbara away. Beetlejuice enters the room and giggles softly as he pulls the curtain back. Hey- *PSSSHHH* a stream of shower water hits him. “LYDIA WHAT THE FUCK.” Beetlejuice yells. Next thing he knows he’s been soaped up and scrubbed I mean shampoo and all. After he’s done Lydia hands him a Towel. “Sorry BeeJ but you had to have a bath you smell like a skunk and mold” *for the rest of the day he scowled covered in towels including on wrapped around his the next day he had realized he does need to bathe more often. And now he smells better to the time being. Until next time
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fanficzone25 · 6 months ago
Beetlejuice X Reader
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It was 7pm and you had just came home from work you were sweaty and gross feeling. So you decided to take a bath.”babes your home!” He goes to hug you but you stop him “you can hug me after my bath” you said with a tired voice “Aww fine.” He said with a huff “You can join me if you like.” You smirk. “Oh uhh babes I hate to admit it but
” *you looked at him confused and concerned* “I’m afraid of water” He says sheepishly. *You reassure him that you’ll be right with him and won’t let anything happen to him*”O-ok I’ll try just for you babes” He says. You start a bath and you ask if he wants bubbles or not. “Babes I’d prefer to see the water so I know nothings gonna get me” ^You put a hand on his shoulder reassuringly* “I won’t let anything get you ok, and if you don’t want to do this you don’t have to my love” *Beetlejuice looks at you and steps one foot in* “ooh this is not bad it’s actually warm” Beetlejuice smiled. “See it’s nice and warm” *you said as you step in and sit behind him* you begin to wash his body his hair can wait another time when he’s comfortable with it but you got him over his fear of baths and that’s all you cared about at this very moment. You two step out of the tub and wrap up in fluffy towels as you head to the bedroom to get dressed in some cozy pajamas and cuddle the night away.”I’m proud of you Beetlejuice” you say with a soft smile *Beetlejuice kisses your cheek* “I couldn’t have done it with you babes”And That is How Beetlejuice got over his fear of water.
The End
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fanficzone25 · 8 months ago
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Chronically ill
Anti furry/cosplay
Everything I write is self indulgent
X Readers
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fanficzone25 · 8 months ago
TW Sickness/Cold
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Cold Juice
It was a cold winters night you were asleep in bed when you suddenly hear “ACHOO!”. You jump a bit but then realize your partner Beetlejuice or BeeJ for short has caught a cold.but how did he get it.?Who knows? But right now your first priority is getting BeeJ to feel better
“Psst you okay hun?” BeeJ sits up. “I feel like shit” you have a concerned look on your face as you Ask if he needs any medicine. “Unfortunately love, I have to wait this whole thing out..” BeeJ sniffles So while you two wait this cold out
You make him hot tea that soothes sore throats. and Advil for his sore joints and plenty of cuddles and kisses not caring if you get sick. Soon enough Your Ghostly Partner starts to perk up slowly but Surely “Y/n,You are such a blessing, if I didn’t have you I would be miserable until the virus left my body so I truly thank you” BeeJ Proclaims. Soon BeeJ is Completely cured from his cold. Thank goodness like can go back to normal.
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fanficzone25 · 9 months ago
Beetlejuice x Reader
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First meeting
You are walking alone in a graveyard to visit your parents who passed away when you were 12. When you see a green haired man wearing a striped suit reading a newspaper. As you sit down in front of your parents gravestone you feel his presence getting closer. He creeps up behind you thinking you can't see him. He eyes you up and down and smirks. "Uhh Hello?" You say to beetlejuice. "Wait what? You can see me?!" He gets all giddy like a child getting some candy. You look at him kinda confused.beetlejuice calms himself down and starts to comfort you and ask you about what your parents were like when the were alive.after a while of talking you decide to let Beetlejuice stay with you for a bit since he doesn't have a place other than the graveyard.You two fall asleep on the couch together.this is the beginning of new relationship.
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fanficzone25 · 1 year ago
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It was New Year's Eve and Jareth and the goblins were setting up the first ever goblin city New Year's Eve party. "Looking good guys" you call out to the party set up crew. Later that night the party was buzzing.i mean the goblins,Jareth and you, feasted on party food. And then the countdown started. 10...9...8...7....6...5....4 as the goblins counted down you and jareth were preparing for both of you's first news years kiss. 3...2...1 "HAPPY NEW YEAR" the goblins cry out with glee! And you and Jareth had your first news kiss and it was everything you hoped for and more. Jareth pours everyone a small glass of champagne and made a toast. "To those who has had a rough 2023 keep going you are stronger than. You think!! Let's make this year a better one! Cheers!" You all drink your champagne and dance magic danced the night away
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fanficzone25 · 1 year ago
Sephiroth x Y/n
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Y/n’s Birthday
“Y/n my dearrrr wake uppp” Sephiroth cooed while holding a tray of pancakes coated with creamy butter and sweet sweet maple syrup.”oh thank you darling” You purred as you eat an amazingly tasty breakfast. Then Sephiroth handed you a small glittery box with a beautiful purple ribbon. You undo the ribbon and opened the box to see two tickets to the gold saucer. You squeal with excitement as you have dreamed of going since you were a child.”you get on the gondola. And you see the gold saucer and all the glorious lights and color. You two arrive “What Shall we do first my love” You lead him to the arcade and you two compete to see who can score the most points. Then Sephiroth led you to the roller coaster and you two hold hand and have so much fun. After you’ve done everything there is to do you head home for a light dinner and cozy snuggles. “Happy birthday my love” sephiroth says as he kisses your forehead.”Thank you my love” You reply as you two finish your dinners and sephiroth brings in a cupcake in your favorite flavor with a single candle as he sings “Happy Birthday to you”after you blow out the candle and make your wish you two split the cupcake down the middle and eat it. After you two eat you two cuddle on the couch cozily as you both fall asleep.
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fanficzone25 · 1 year ago
Jareth X Y/N
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Y/n’s Birthday
You were asleep as Jareth and the goblins were sneaking yet working hard on making you breakfast in bed filled your favorite breakfast foods.soon the eggs where scrambled with cheese the milk was poured into the cup and the pancakes were just right with butter and syrup. *Jareth Knocks* "come in" you say as jareth brings you breakfast in bed. You eat all of it and kiss Jareth on the cheek. And the next thing ya know the goblins bring in a big cake while singing "happy Birthday to you!" And you blew out the candles "so,what did you wish for?" A goblin questioned. "Oh Skub you did amazing on this cake and I have all my beloved goblins and goblin king by my side" I couldn't wish for something i already have and it's all I need it's you all "Awww" the goblins go as you cut the cake and serve it. *you kiss Jareth before he takes his first bite and he blushes like crazy but manages to say "Happy Birthday Y/n I Love you"
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fanficzone25 · 1 year ago
Sephiroth x Y/N
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Pumpkin Carving
You and Sephiroth put two large pumpkins onto a newspaper covered table. “Ready to scoop the guts out hun!” Sephiroth said. “You bet I am!” You reply. They start scooping the pumpkin guts out and they separate the seeds from the guts to roast. “Ok hun ready to carve?” Sephiroth said enthusiastically. “Yep!” You say. Sephiroth carves a cat and you carve a silly face into the flesh of the orange fruit. “Nice Silly Face hunny bun” Sephiroth giggles. “Thanks darling I love your cat carving.” You say giggling alone. You two finish up carving and put an electric battery candle inside to light it up. Then you two admire your hard work. “They look great!” You both say at the same time. You two giggle and share a long fall kiss as the leaves fall and your pumpkins glow
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fanficzone25 · 2 years ago
Jareth x Reader
Bath time
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It was a rainy day outside jareth was thinking of doing something nice for y/n. Then a lightbulb popped up and he got an idea! “Since y/n has been so stressed by the coronation and me being gone so often preparing I’ll run us a nice bubble bath.” And that’s just what jareth did! He ran a nice bubble bath with candles,petals and a wine bottle and glasses. “Oh y/n!” Jareth called to his sweetheart. *you and him get in the bath as Jareth washes your hair* the scalp massages is almost enough to make you sleepy. *then you wash jareths hair* “thank you my darling for this wonderful bath!” Y/N says as you two share some sweet wine. "This wine is divine!" Y/n says "only the best for you my love!" Jareth purrs as you two get out. and dry off you both take turns blow-drying each other’s hair you both fluff up.”let’s puts on a movie and some cozy pajamas” *the two of you put pajamas and cozy socks on and watch a funny movie! And fall asleep in each others arms
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fanficzone25 · 2 years ago
Jareth x Y/N
“Just A Bad Dream”
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*Y/n wakes up hyperventilating on the verge of tears due to a terrifying dream* "honey it's ok I'm right here what's wrong" Jareth tried to calm them down."I-I had a bad dream that you left me and never spoke to me again!" *y/n tearfully says* *the sounds of the night start to remind y/n that they are home they are safe. "Shh my darling you are here with me in our nice warm bed"Jareth comforts Y/N. *y/n snuggles jareth and drifts off to sleep all snuggly and cozy.
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fanficzone25 · 2 years ago
Sephiroth x Reader
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You wake up to a Loud crash of thunder. Usually storms don’t scare you but you could tell that this one was severe. You try to fall back asleep.but you and Sephiroth’ s phone get an alert which scared you awake. Sephiroth also wakes up and realizes you’re scared. “Y/N are you alright?” Sephiroth asks concerned. “Yeah hun just a bit startled from the storm” *Sephiroth cuddles you*. A bright flash shines in the window. Next thing you know you hear a very loud *KA-BOOM* it was so loud that you and Sephiroth got out of bed. You and Sephiroth have some hot chocolate and watch a movie waiting out the storm. Soon the storm passes and you two fall asleep wrapped up in a blanket in each others arms.”goodnight Y/N honey, I love you”
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fanficzone25 · 2 years ago
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Scars to Your Beautiful
Tw Self Harm
You are upstairs in your room crying as you reach for the razor through blurry tear filled eyes. You only made a couple cuts when Sephiroth realized something’s wrong. He knocks on the door. “My love are you ok?”, He said to you. No response. “I’m just gonna open the door slightly. *Sephiroth opens the door to find you on the grounds covered in blood. “Y/N ARE YOU OK” yet no response *Sephiroth checks pulse and breathing* “good you’re still alive,” *Sephiroth arrives to the hospital with you in his arms* (many hours and stitches later) you wake up. “Ughhh where am I?” *you look around to realize you’re in the hospital* “oh my love you scared me so bad”as he hugged you. “We’re gonna get you some therapy and medicine but for now let’s savor the moment that you are still alive” *Sephiroth hugged you tightly. After 2 days in the hospital you and Sephiroth go home *Sephiroth helps you with therapy and stands by your side. (6 months later) you are back to your happy self with a few bumps in the road and you and Sephiroth cherish each other even more than ever before.
The End
If you are struggling with self harm talk to someone you trust like a family member,Therapists, Friends also get some help from psychiatrists,Therapists,
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fanficzone25 · 2 years ago
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You and sephiroth are chilling In the house when all of a sudden “dear I have a surprise for you” Sephiroth Exclaims as he pulls out two unlimited ride bracelets and two hop in the car and head to the fair.You two share a big bag of cotton candy and then you ride some rides before getting on the Ferris wheel for a romantic sunset ride. “Enjoying yourself my love?” Sephiroth asks “yes this is so much fun!” You two lean in for a long romantic tender kiss. After the Ferris wheel he wins you a giant teddy bear.and in the middle of the place Sephiroth gets on one knee and asks you a very special question “Y/N you are my everything without you I don’t know where I’d be. So I’m asking you this special question. Will you marry me?” You exclaim through tears “YES YES I WILL MARRY YOU!” You two kiss as the entire fair claps.and you two go home as fiancĂ©es.
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fanficzone25 · 2 years ago
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Sephiroth x Reader
It has been about 3 months since Y/n has had intercourse with Sephiroth. “I don’t feel good” Y/n says to herself as she contacts her doctor, “Hunny? You okay?” Sephiroth said with worry, “Doctor says I might be pregnant” Y/n tells , *Sephiroth looked concerned” A few hours later a pregnancy test was taken “SWEETHEART COME HERE” Y/N yelled across the house. *sephiroth comes rushing* “you okay love!?” *Y/n shows him the positive pregnancy test* “OH MY JENOVA YESS YES YES!” Sephiroth leaped with joy that his darling y/n wash having his child. Through out the pregnancy Sephiroth spoiled y/n, massages, bubble baths, helping build and paint the nursery. 9 months later it was time. “BABE MY WATER BROKE” Y/N yelled “Sephiroth rushed y/n to the hospital” 3 hours later. Y/n was fully dialated and ready to push “AAAAAA” y/n screamed and squeezed Sephiroths hand. After 2 long hours of pushing the first cry is heard “ It’s a boy” the doctor declared.
Oh how happy y/n and sephiroth are with their little boy they named Dante
The end
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