Not me imaging those nights of having Leto just come to bed with you, curling his body around yours because he’s a protector and even though he’s a sleep he still wants to make sure you feel safe.
Not thinking about the next morning with his head on your chest listening to your heartbeat because that’s the sweetest lullaby one could her.
Not me thinking about Leto singing a song with Gurney because too many think that he isn’t able to have fun. However, the moment that Gurney starts Leto follows and everyone joins in with their Duke.
Not me thinking about Leto and Duncan training with each other and pushing the limits of one another because they have that trust that the other can handle it.
Not me picturing Leto going into Paul’s room each night just to check on his son. Doesn’t matter how old Paul is, that’s his son. A hand pushing match the onyx curls that match his own. His son is safe and he can retire to his own room now.
Not me thinking about Leto.
Not me thinking about Leto.
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i swear yall need to watch spongebob docupants im dying
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All the events that lead to Sirius running away from his family.
Sirius Black x reader, Sirius Black x Potter reader, Regulus Black x reader.
Summary: A ball in Grimauld Place doesnt end as expected either for Sirius Black or Lena Potter, James´s sister.
Author´s note: Okay, this is a part of a story Ive been writting lately. I never post what I write, but I just felt like sharing it. If someone wants it I can upload more parts. Thank you xx. PD: Enlgish is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes.
Words: 3200.
Lena breathed deeply standing in the mirror. Regulus had invited her to their family yearly ball and she was mortified. She was so done with that family, they were ruinous, bad people. Her mind drifted to the two brothers. Regulus would be glad she was going, and she also felt that Sirius would appreciate it. After their rendevouz in the Room of Requirements their friendship was as strong as ever. She would spend more time with the Marauders since then, distancing herself from her Slytherin boys, to the Gryffindors joy. She knew how bad the two boys had it and wished time and time again that she had any power over them and she could just bring them home, away from those irresponsible parents.
It was not only Walburga and Orion that she had to worry about, it was also Bellatrix, and Narcisa's boyfriend, Lucius. Pureblood supremacy talk was the usual take in these events and she really dreaded to go. How in their right mind would want to spend hours in the same room as all of those racist supremacists? It was tiresome, to say the least. Still, as always, she couldn't help to want their approval. So she had bought a green dress with some straps on the back. It was silky, and she hoped to blend in. Obviously, she had Reg in mind. She wanted to make an impression on him. They had been together for the whole year and she felt the need to constantly live up to his standards. Of course he had the same pressure, they both shared it, that's why the two had to be perfect.
Ever since the room of requirements incident, in which Lena and Sirius had almost kissed each other, on multiple occasions, she had tried not to think about his words. That confession she was not supposed to have heard. Well if it had been for Sirius, he would have woken her up and told her. But she knew he had his brother to think of. And so did she. Thats why she concentrated hard in being his friend now more than ever. She figured that if she was to keep on with these confusing feelings, she would have to maintain their friendship, not talking would just make her want to see him even more.
All of these thoughts clouded her mind as she was putting on her make up. Her lips a bright red, his eye shadow dark. Just in that instant, his brother made an appearance.
- My, my, sis you look stuning.- he complimented her as he turned her and the dress lightly swayed.
- Thanks, James.- she smiled and soon James turned serious.
- I need to ask you something. - he pleaded, the girl just nodded asking him to continue. - Can you please have an eye on Padfoot?- he asked preocupied for his friend.
- I will, dont you worry. He is my friend as well.- she responded taking his hand.
- I know, I know. Its just, I wish I could be there with him. He never talks about it, just curses his mother over and over again. - the girl nodded.
- I know, dont worry about that. You are a good friend. - she was quick to reply.
- I try.- he smiled once again, hugging his sister before they made their way out to where their parents were hanging out.
- You look absolutely gorgeous.- Euphemia Potter took her in.
- Thank Merlin Regulus is a chivalrous kid.- Fleamont raised his brows.- You really are stunning, Lena. - he complimented. She smiled once again, lightly caressing her curly short hair so it would fall into place.
- I better get going.- she finally spoke making her way to the fireplace.
- Grimlaud place 12.- she shouted, careful not to get ashes on her dress.
When she arrived, the room was abandoned, except for Sirius Black.
- Lena!- he greated smirking as always. He quickly hugged her, not really taking in her appeareance until they backed from the other. His hand grabbed hers.
- You look so amazing! That dress fits you in every place.- he spoke bewilded with the girl who had a large smile on her face.- I wish it were red but hey, at least it has a slit on the leg. - his eyes roamed over her, who was already red from all the blushing.
- You look great as well, Siri. I mean you usually look good, more than good. But that tunic is working miracles.- she began talking, not knowing what had come over her.
- Be careful now. One would think that you wanted some of this.- he gestured to himself. The girl laughed loudly, and suddenly, Regulus was at the door. The two quickly separated.
- Reg!- she screamed, hugging him tightly, not noticing Sirius threatening expression.
- I thought you couldn't be prettier, guess I was wrong.- he looked at her adoringly, just as Sirius had a few moments ago.
- Well I thought the same, none of us was right.- both laughed before kissing. The older brother gagged behind them before making his way to the ball on the living room.
- I missed you.- she spoke while she caressed his face. He smiled at this, finally in comfort in her hands.
- I did too, more than you know.- he replied grabbing her hands and linking them over his chest.
- Well, we shouldn't keep the others waiting should we?- she smiled, trying to cheer him up.
- We will leave them breathless, even Cissy and that Malfoy.- he replied and both laughing made their way to the ball.
The black hall was decorated with plenty of silver and green decorations. Lena stared at the room in awe, and also a little bit disgusted. It was dark, with the black walls and all, the only light coming from the gigantic lights.
The two tried to walk with confidence. Her hand on his, holding it tightly, reasuringly.
Soon everybody's atention was on them. Some compliments from Walburga, Orion being proud of the Slytherin colours, Narcissa loving the hair. All viewed by a lurking Sirius that already had a glass of wine in his hand.
- You love her, dont you?- his favourite cousin stood next to him, in a gorgeous black dress.
- I dont know what your talking about.- he tried to play it cool, drinking some more wine.
- Cmon, Sirius. It is quite obvious. You cannot keep your eyes from her. - she replied, trying to get him to confess.
- Maybe I do. But I cant do anything about it.- he said lowly, dwoning yet another cup, this time champagne.
- It is a terrible situation you find yourself in. Both options ahead of you, you can try to be the good brother, or go for the girl. - she reasoned.
- Where is Ted?- Sirius tried to change the topic but his tone was harsh.
- Shhh, keep quiet will you?- she pleaded hoping that no one had heard.
-Ah, but that is a terrible situation.- Sirius spoke bitterly. To which his cousin just replied.
- I dont care that you are heartbroken, dont mention him here. That is a very sensible topic.- she spoke, serious all of a sudden.
- Im sorry. Alcohol and anger are not a good mix.- he tried to sound remorseful. The older Black understood and just left him.
Over and over again Sirius cursed himself. He should've told her over the moments he had this past year. Why hadnt him? How could he let this happen? Lena was dancing gracefully with Regulus, both laughing at something she had said. His hateful parents stared at the couple grinning. Lena and Reg were the perfect couple and everybody knew it. How could he have allowed this to happen. It should be him, dancing with her. It should be him making her laugh. It should be him, who his parents would gaze at with pride.
But there he was, already having a few too many drinks. Making a show of himself, perpetuating the view his family had of him. It was crazy how much he despised every single one of them. He wanted to take the girl, runaway with her and never turn back.
A few hours passed and nothing seemed to change. Every once in a while his parents would scold him for drinking too much or asking him to stop sulking around. But what else could he do? When the girl he adored didnt leave his brotherss side.
Even Andromeda was dancing with the couple, seeming to be very close with the Potter. Slytherin budies, Sirius thought. He felt betrayed, miserable, this was unberable. He needed to leave, he could only hope that the night would end soon. But oh how wrong he was.
- It seems like you are having a great time.- the only moment he had taken his eyes off her, she had made her way towards him.
- Haha, youre funny. - he resorted.
- Cmon, Siri. Ive seen you all night only moving to grab more drinks. You are the life of the party.- she continued to joke.
- Well this is hell. - he added staring at her with anger.
- I know, right?- she replied laughing to which he raised his brows. - What?- she asked taking his cup and drinking from it.
- You dont seem too bad with Reggie and my lovely parents.- he said bitterly.
- How have you sneaked firewhiskey in here?- she wondered taking another big gulp from it, without ackonwledging him.
- shhh. - he tried shutting her up, but her laugh was contagious.
- Oh Cmon. - she laughed again grabbing his arm.
- Lena, Ive had way too much to drink and I see that you are served as well so maybe try to lay off the booze. - his attempt at being responsible was cut off by the girl.
- Im not that bad, you aren't either. Now, we should dance.- she reached for his hand.
The boy just stared at the gorgeous girl, this was his dream, wasn't it?
- Cmon, Reg is dancing with your mum and I really dont want to dance with your father. So please.- she pleaded with puppy eyes. Sirius felt like he couldnt move, not saying a word, his eyes fixed on her. - Sirius, are you with us?- she asked when she didnt get a response. Finally, breaking from his trance, the boy took her hand and smiled.
- Ive been waiting the whole night for you to ask me to dance.- he whispered in her ear once they linked arms at the dance floor. She just smiled, squeezing his hand tighter. He, in response, gripped her waist. She found it hard to breathe, not daring to look at him. Soon they were waltzing around the room. Neither could say a word, only the music could be heard. Their eyes fixed on the others. They moved gracefully, without paying much atention to the rest. They didnt notice the stranged look on Sirius parents, or Regs anoyed look.
- Im sorry. Ive tried to come to you a few times, but Reg wouldnt allow me to leave his side. - she finally spoke as a slower song played and they continued moving through the hall.
- Dont worry, the wait was worth it.- he replied, and another smile crept into her face. His grey eyes on her hazels. Suddenly, Sirius turned her around, and when they were back face to face, she noticed his stern look, she mimicked him, not knowing if she had done something wrong. - I dont like Regulus treating you like that. - he stated, his eyes everywhere but on her.
- He needs me, Siri. - she quickly replied as they tilted to the side. - Besides, I knew I would be able to see you after some time. - she added. - If I really had wanted to, trust me, I would have come. - Sirius frown became wider.
- I knew the wait would make this more worth a while.- she whispered in his ear, her lips barely centimeters away. He breathed in deeply, closing his eyes, smelling her perfume, she was so close to him.
The song ended abruptly and they separated to applaud, still gazing at the other.
Andromeda made her way towards them looking stunning.
- Im sorry darling. - she referred to the girl. - I havent danced with my cousin for the whole night. Would you mind?- she pleaded, looking at the younger Black that still hadnt processed what had happened.
- Of course, Drome.- she said lovingly to her friend. - Ill leave you to it.- she added smiling, her hand reaching for his arm for a few seconds.
The boy turned quickly when she walked past him, but soon, his cousin moved his head with her hands to fix his gaze on her.
- You are so in love.- she smiled, her dark eyes filled with love for him.
- I cannot help it. - he turned them around so he could stare at her once again. - She is perfect.- he added, lovestruck. His lips parted, adoration clear in his eyes.
- I dont know how this will turn out, but either way Im invested.- Andromeda joked, messing with Sirius hair, making him turn towards her annoyed, but smiling deep down.
A few more hours passed, without much trouble. Sirius had some laughs with Andromeda, Lena was able to dance with him for another long while. He supposed this was the best he could have expected for the night. Of course some of the firewhiskey he had drowned in helped too.
Everything seemed to have turned out fine in the end. That was until he heard Malfoy speak. He had tried to avoid listening to them, staying as far away as he could from them. But he was next to his cousin that was tying her shoe when he heard a name too familiar to him.
- Take Lilly Evans, she is a mud-blood, but she tries to seem smarter.- Sirius was used to them boasting about blood superiority, he could pass that, knowing that if he reacted, only Andromeda and Lena would help him.
- She is a know-it-all. But when we put them into place, theyll know what is good. All of that intelligence wont be worth much.- Bellatrix added, disgusted.
The boy balled his hands into fists, his breathing erratic. If James were here, he wouldnt allow any of this. How could he? He was no better than any of them. He was sick and tired of this. Next to him, Lena appeared grabbing his hand.
- I cant wait for the day those people dont atend Hogwarts. The school would be just as it should be, without mudbloods. Just as Salazar Slytherin would have wanted. - Lucius agreed with the Black sister. Narcissa keeping quiet.
Andromeda stood next to the couple, also trying to think what to do. Sirius parents were on the other side of the hall, with Regulus, talking with some ministry people. The boy felt the anger boiling in him, his heartbeat racing.
- Malfoy, the school wont be perfect until you are gone.- he quickly made his way towards him, the two girls following him.
- Ah, blood traitor, you are the next, after the clensing of the mudbloods. - Bellatrix hissed at him, Rodolphus joining them.
- Im so ashamed to share your last name.- Sirius resorted, going towards her, wand in hand. But Rabastan stepped in front of her and Lena grabbed his arm.
- Sirius, its not worth it.- Lena tried to reason with him, pleading him with her soft gaze and calm voice. The boy began calming his breathing before turning around.
- A blood traitor and a coward, you have it all, dear cousin. Why Orion and Walburga put up with you scapes my knowledge. - Bellatrix lunged for him, ending in Rodolphuss arms, holding her.
- Shut up you crazy bitch!- Sirius didnt have time to think about what he was doing, before grabbing his wand again.
-Sirius!- Lena shouted but he was already gone.
- You dare talk to me like that? Gryffindor.- his cousin kept trying to get him angrier.
Soon Sirius and her were face to face, wand at the other. Everyone had turned to them, including Sirius parents. Their son had his back towards them, one look from his wife and Orion knew what to do.
- Expeliermus!- Sirius ended up on the floor, his wand on the other side of the room. Bellatrix and Lucius laughed while Walburga began shouting at his son.
- What the hell?- Lena screamed, having too much of this family, quickly reaching Sirius.
- Are you okay?- she asked taking his head on her hands, supporting him on her knees.
- My head hurts.- he exclaimed, his hand reaching hers.
- Leave with me. - she pleaded, tears on her eyes. Both stayed like that while the party ended.
The people from the ministry left, and soon only the closest Black family members stayed. Regulus made his way towards the two, after being scolded by his mother on how Lena had acted.
- Lena, you have to go. - he tried grabbing her arm standing, but she yanked him away.
- You should leave. Both of you, come with me, now.- she begged time and time again, her vision now blurry.
Both Black brothers saw her in distress, not knowing what to do. While Walburga cursed his son, and Bellatrix accompanied her, Sirius took her hands and moved them from his face.
- Its okay, Lena. You dont want to be on the other end of her rage. - he said lowly. Regulus just stared, not knowing how to feel.
- I can´t leave you here.- she said between sobs.
- Ill be fine, I always am, arent I?- he tried to smile to the girl that held his heart. She nodded before helping him up.
- I love you.- she whispered in his ear as she hugged him goodbye.
- I love you too.- he responded, before she kissed his cheek.
Then, drying her tears, she made her way to Regulus that was still in shock. When she reached him, he reacted, leading her to the living room. None could speak, both feeling too many things all at once. Rage, horror, impotence, love. They didnt even share a single touch on the way.
- Bye, Regulus.- she said bluntly before turning for the chimney.
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the soundtrack:
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Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
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Lancelot and Goliath - a compilation
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- Arthur
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