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chloe (she/her) - I reblog a lot of different things, you're welcome to stick around and find out
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niche indie art is great because most of it is very middling in a genuine and charming way. this song melody is kind of nothing but the lyrics are clever. this novella plot is flimsy but the prose has a lot of bounce. this video essay could have been a text essay and lost nothing but it's still intellectually interesting. and then one day you take a gamble and click something that you don't really know much about and you're like. ah. they put some god in this one.
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I'm appalled. they crushed that fucking baby appalled im now realizing this is more gorey than I anticipated. tw
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Unsplash - photography, illustration, & art
Pixabay - same as unsplash
Pexels - stock photos and videos
Getty Images - photography & illustration
Veceezy - vectors and clipart
Gumroad - photoshop brushes (and more) - stock photos
Canva - needs login but has lots of templates
Library of Congress - historical posters and photos
NASA - you guessed it
Creative Commons - all kinds of stuff, homie
Even Adobe has some free images
There are so many ways to make moodboards, bookcovers, and icons without plagiarizing! As artists, authors, and other creatives, we need to be especially careful not to use someone else’s work and pass it off as our own.
Please add on if you know any more resources for free images <3
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shirt that says "i love redundancy!" on the front and on the back it says "i love redundancy!"
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can someone invent a type of letting go that actually feels good instead of feeling like your soul is getting ripped out via large intestine
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sorry i overreacted i had no idea everything would be fine
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Yup returning to necromancy, I’m so back. And you’re so back, and you’re so back, and you’re so back, and you’re
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i hate it when i cant even write a poem about something because its too obvious. like in the airbnb i was at i guess it used to be a kids room cause you could see the imprint of one little glow in the dark star that had been missed and painted over in landlord white. like that's a poem already what's the point
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like i know the 20’s weren’t particularly awesome but to be a badass female private investigator and carry a knife and a pistol and be just as good, if not better than the police at what you do and have a frighteningly good sense of style and drive a fancy car at miles above the speed limit and have a reputation for protection those who won’t be protected by others and be in love with a detective who loves you too but feel that you could never be together so instead never say it out loud and instead say “be careful” and “I look forward to our next case” and have nightly drinks in which both of you talk in thinly veiled metaphors about your feelings and dream about you next escapades together and
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horses in the field this evening (they go out at night) (the horses) make a comment to my brother as we pull in to the barn (we live there) (with the horses) "what if the horses are eating the grave dirt" (one of the horses died this morning) (old as hell they found him in the field like that) (buried him where he lay) going up the drive see the horses in the field all of them (eight geldings) standing on the dirt (grave dirt) gathered around heads down as if to graze (a holy communion) (do they know he's there where they left him this morning?) and they are EATING. the DIRT. from the grave of a horse (his name was oliver) because they are horses and that is what horses know to do with a pile of dirt (they eat it) and they look up as we approach (for a photo because this is funny as hell) licking their lips of the dirt of the tomb and i take a picture but it comes out fuzzy and strange with a double image in red of their great big bodies (chestnuts and bays) (the color of dirt) and thats how i took a picture of the ghost of a horse

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