fandomr · 7 years
My initial reaction: sharp intake, gasp, GASP, SCREE, open-mouth staring. . .
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fandomr · 7 years
one thing I am really appreciating about Wheel of Time on this reread is the way in which the world gradually unfolds in this really…natural way. like, you start with this very small sense of things that matches the world of the main characters and their limited scope. and gradually that expands: the POVs expand, the knowledge of the world expands. there’s the Seanchan, and then the Aiel; you learn about the Aes Sedai as a unit and then learn about their divisions and factions and politics. it’s not just about the traveling to Distant Lands and name dropping places: it’s about this building sense of a universe, and the people in that universe.
and it’s a cool way of illustrating, too, the ways in which the characters grow up. how their worlds gradually expand, their understanding of that world grows and changes and shifts. things that are strange become familiar, only to find something else that’s strange, which becomes familiar. 
idk, it’s just really cool, and a super interesting way of making your worldbuilding overlap with character.
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fandomr · 7 years
When I was reading it, what songs I found myself listening to the most were Run Boy Run by Woodkid, Running with the Wolves (for Perrin) by AURORA, and Half the World Away cover by AURORA... I have no idea why but they stuck with me, maybe the vibes and general meanings? Plus there was a lot of angst
Randland the musical part 1
What songs would go best with The Eye of the World? I keep thinking of Rand singing “little town, it’s a quiet village…” and some sort of traveling song. At the end, there’s a join me or die song. 
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fandomr · 7 years
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so im reading book 3
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fandomr · 7 years
I rebloged this already but so much "yes."
after I recovered from the first shock: 
how will they portray rand’s working and healthy relationships with 3 different girls who are also friends with each other and fine with the whole concept? please just don’t turn this in to a love rectengular or something. please.
don’t you dare to change one of the best relationships in the whole damn series into something other than a companionship that built on trust between Moiraine and Lan. don’t you dare.
Don’t make me ship Egwene and Rand. it was already hard enough to get over them once. (I still don’t like you Aram)
Make Tuatha’an real gypsies. please.
Make Basheres one big loving royal family. I want all of them with their war techniques and everything. I want to see Faile as a character, not someone to prompt Perrin.
GIVE PERRIN YELLOW EYES. Make Elyas is portrayed by some seriously perfect actor. like Jason Isaacs  or something.just give him a cameo and kill afterwords but make him perfect.
Lan. Show me his war. with his backstory and all. I want Malkieri. I want my king. 
give me the torture. with Egwene and damanes and suldams. I want to feel it and cry in front of my computer for hours.
Galad. give his storyline some respect. even though I didn’t like him so much, the character was amazingly written. 
Don’t even think of hinting Merrilin and Moiraine. JUST. DON’T. it was one real shock and hearth warming scene i don’t want to be robbed from it.
While talking about shocks…. VERRIN. do her justice. don’t hint anything. don’t go outside of her book lines. don’t even think about add or take anything from her. I am begging you.
Make that insane and diverse cast. I want it all. 
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fandomr · 7 years
after I recovered from the first shock: 
how will they portray rand’s working and healthy relationships with 3 different girls who are also friends with each other and fine with the whole concept? please just don’t turn this in to a love rectengular or something. please.
don’t you dare to change one of the best relationships in the whole damn series into something other than a companionship that built on trust between Moiraine and Lan. don’t you dare.
Don’t make me ship Egwene and Rand. it was already hard enough to get over them once. (I still don’t like you Aram)
Make Tuatha’an real gypsies. please.
Make Basheres one big loving royal family. I want all of them with their war techniques and everything. I want to see Faile as a character, not someone to prompt Perrin.
GIVE PERRIN YELLOW EYES. Make Elyas is portrayed by some seriously perfect actor. like Jason Isaacs  or something.just give him a cameo and kill afterwords but make him perfect.
Lan. Show me his war. with his backstory and all. I want Malkieri. I want my king. 
give me the torture. with Egwene and damanes and suldams. I want to feel it and cry in front of my computer for hours.
Galad. give his storyline some respect. even though I didn’t like him so much, the character was amazingly written. 
Don’t even think of hinting Merrilin and Moiraine. JUST. DON’T. it was one real shock and hearth warming scene i don’t want to be robbed from it.
While talking about shocks…. VERRIN. do her justice. don’t hint anything. don’t go outside of her book lines. don’t even think about add or take anything from her. I am begging you.
Make that insane and diverse cast. I want it all. 
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fandomr · 7 years
wheel of time au where everything is the same except Egwene calls everyone babe all the time
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fandomr · 7 years
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Gotta hand it to Egwene she ain’t gonna be left behind when there’s adventure to be had.
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fandomr · 7 years
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Another character who would have major changes as the series moved along.  
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fandomr · 7 years
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I luv him…..
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fandomr · 7 years
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fandomr · 7 years
Please reblog this if you are in the Wheel of Time fandom
I want to see how few of us there are
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fandomr · 7 years
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this is what wheel of time is about, probably
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fandomr · 7 years
#I feel like I’ve just been introduced to a major character in a Wes Anderson movie
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fandomr · 7 years
I don’t think hufflepuff is the most chill house, I think it’s actually Slytherin. Like every Slytherin I know has an unwind routine and a level of aesthetic in their living space that exudes “this is my quiet place, this is my relax space, it’s peaceful and safe here”. Other houses might have that on some level but this is a very specific Slytherin thing I’m talking about here, it’s deliberate and almost ritualistic
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fandomr · 7 years
The world’s tiniest dragon must defend his hoard, a single gold coin, from those who would steal it.
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fandomr · 7 years
Slytherin is the gay house. Albus and Scorpius further intensified the meaning of being in Slytherin.
They are so gay.
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