fandomarchiveilyd · 11 days
Do you know anything about pre-colonial ilokano culture? Like any practices, myths etc :)
Precolonial Ilokano culture has also been on my radar especially since I myself am of Ilokano descent actually! My ties to the culture had been severed by my Ilokano grandfather after a falling out with his family, but I might be able to get together some sources and articles on precolonial Ilocos some other time.
One of the most popular myths from the Ilokos region that is often taught in schools even outside the area is the Life of Lam-Ang or Biag ni Lam-Ang. This story follows Lam-Ang and different parts of his life from before his birth and up to his peaceful life after all of his adventures. You can read it here alongside a collection of other epics from other Filipino ethnic groups and an English translation here (thanks to a Christian school's English class lol)
From quick research, an article by Jordan Clark of the Aswang Project lists the 1978 book Handbook of Philippine Language Groups as source for knowing the early Ilokano pantheon or at least the generally accepted Ilokano pantheon.
This book identifies Buni as the supreme being of the pantheon, who, from other sources I've seen, is often referenced as someone who has tasked the giants with creation. I can't seem to find the specific myth that exactly references how the world had come to be. Parsua was also identified as a creation deity.
Then there are the deities related to different nature-related and weather-related things which are listed as Apo Langit (Lord Heaven), Apo Angin (Lord Wind), Apo Init (Lord Sun), and Apo Tudo (Lord Rain).
There are also variations listed within the article that had been referenced to have come from the book published in 1952 called the Historical and Cultural Data of Provinces specifically from Vigan, Ilocos Sur, although it seems to have more outsider influence.
Here's the plain-text from the article since it's pretty difficult to find other sources of this myth other than the book and the article:
Cabalangegan was formerly a jungle at the edge of the river Abra. On the far side of the river were mountains high and steep. On these mountains lived an old man named Abra, the father of Caburayan. The old man lived and controlled the weather. It is said that the river Abra was a gathering of water vapor, shaded, and the days were always bright with sunlight. At that time Anianihan, God of Harvests, was in love with Anianihan, Goddess of Healing. Her mother, Lady Makiling knew about their mutual understanding, but Abra did not know it for the three were afraid to tell him since he might punish them as he disapproved of Anianihan. Abra wanted his daughter to marry either Saguday, God of the Wind, or Revenador, God of Thunder and Lightning. This being so, Anianihan took Caburayan from her home. Abra wept a great deal. He sent Lady Makiling away after beating her. When Abra was alone, he wept day and night till Bulan, God of Peace and Calm, came. But though Bulan was there to brighten Abra’s spirits, Abra did not stop weeping. He could not express his anger. He begged the other gods to bring back his daughter. One day the sun, eye of Amman, shone so bright that the water of the river Abra was excessively heated. Smoke rose from the river. Soon, thick, black clouds began to darken the sky. Then Saguday sent the strongest wind until the crowns of the trees brushed the ground. The god Revenador sent down the largest strings of fire. The heaviest of rains fell. All these frightful events lasted seven days. The river Abra then rose and covered the trees. There rose a vast body of water and the highest part of the mountain could be seen. It looked like the back of a turtle from a distance. At this spot Abra lived. On the seventh day, Abra heard a cry. He also heard a most sorrowful song. Abra dried his tears and looked around, but he saw no one. He determined to find Maria Makiling, his grandchild. He did not find her for the cries of the baby had stopped. The search for the baby lasted three full moons, but to no avail and the poor old man returned to his home very sad. He lost all hope. His wits were gone. At that time Maria Makiling was under the care of the fierce dog Lobo, that was under a god of the Underworld. He had been punished by the other gods and that is why he looked like a fierce dog. He was sent down to do charity.
From just the story alone, there's some obvious influences from other cultures such as one of the deities mentioned, Lady Makiling, the mother of Caburayan, having come from Laguna, as well as the usage of the word Lobo to name a fierce dog with the word having come from Spanish.
This may be the reason why this myth isn't regarded as highly as a more authentic version of the precolonial Ilocano pantheon although it is an interesting story still.
I do want to learn more about Ilocano precolonial culture too but that's all I have for now! Hopefully it's informative enough especially since finding sources outside the Aswang Project website is rather difficult.
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fandomarchiveilyd · 11 days
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✨️ Who were the Bisayan deities? Let's discuss a few of them! There are a lot more deities that were not mentioned here, but you can read all about these different deities on my blog post, "The Bisayan Deities: Who were the Gods & Goddesses?" on my blog, thepinaywriter.com !
I will also be briefly discussing these deities in my first class of the year on July 19 via Zoom! To be able to participate, you must be in the Mayari Tier on my Patreon. During this first class we will also be discussing the babaylan and traditional tattooing. Classes are held monthly along with monthly book discussions for the Filipino Book & Reading Club! ✨️📚 Visit my Patreon at patreon.com/thepinaywriter for more info!
➡️ Do you know any of these deities? Who is your favorite?
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fandomarchiveilyd · 11 days
Can you tell us more about Filipino mythology and moneters, cause there's no 1 official website and I almost always barely passed filipino? Can you also list like great sources for me to read? Thanks
I had a pretty busy week last week so it took a while to get to this ask but I'd love to give more info on the topic!
More on Filipino Mythology:
Si Apolaki at Mayari - Bakit may araw at gabi
EN: Apolaki and Mayari - Why there's day and night
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An illustration of Apolaki and Mayari created by the illustrator PM Graphix
I am currently still doing a write-up on the Tagalog pantheon so I could start by maybe talking about that and what I've found. For the mythology section of this, let me start with something that's actually not from the Tagalog pantheon but is often attributed to the Tagalog pantheon: the Kapampangan story of Apolaki and Mayari or why the day and night exist. This story has been sourced from Maximo D. Ramos's book Philippine Myths, Legends, and Folktales (which you can buy on Amazon here, sadly I cannot find a free version of the book without going through suspicious links) and posted by Jordan Clark of The Aswang Project on his website.
BATHALA, the creator of the world, had a son named Apolaki and a daughter named Mayari. The light that shone upon the world and enabled the people, the beasts, the birds, and the fish to see came from the bright eyes of Apolaki and Mayari, So all the creatures loved them dearly. Bathala himself was very fond of his children, and he watched over them as they wandered across the meadows of heaven. Since the eyes of Apolaki and Mayari shone continuously, it was always day on the earth. In time Bathala grew feeble with age and died. Then Apolaki and Mayari had a quarrel, for each wanted to rule the world alone. “I am the man and I will succeed my father to the throne,” said Apolaki. “I am going to rule the world, whether you like it or not.” Mayari’s eyes flashed with anger and she said, “I am no less my father’s child than you. I will succeed him to his throne, whether you like it or not!” The quarrel grew from bad to worse, and finally words could not express their furious rage. So they picked up wooden clubs and fell upon each other with fierce blows. Back and forth they fought until at last Apolaki struck Mayari in the face and she became blind in one eye. When he saw his sister stricken, Apolaki took pity on her and said, “Let us fight no more, my sister. Let us share our father’s kingdom equally between us. Let us reign by turns and be friends.” Mayari agreed, and from then on, Apolaki, whom we know today as the Sun, has ruled the world half the time. Mayari, whom we now know as the Moon, has taken turns with her brother in ruling the world. When Apolaki is on the throne, the world is flooded with warm light, because the light beams from his two bright eyes. On the other hand, when Mayari is reigning, the world is bathed with cool and gentle light; for she is blind in one eye.
Now from what I've researched, a lot of places tend to attribute the story to the Tagalog people or state that it is a shared story from both the Tagalogs and their neighboring Kapampangan up north from them but I cannot find any specific source prior to the late 1960s that even mention that Mayari was part of the Tagalog pantheon so it may be a more recent addition.
The source that first states Mayari's inclusion as a part of the Tagalog Bathala's court comes from a paper written by F. Landa Jocano called Notes on Philippine Divinities (1968) where he does not cite a specific source of where he has learned Mayari was of Tagalog origin nor even stated that he had learned it from a Tagalog local and considering Jocano himself isn't a Tagalog nor is he Kapampangan, it's unlikely he's learned it from his upbringing or otherwise.
I had also done a little digging on his sources and none of them bring up Mayari nor her sister Hanan, the goddess of dawn, so the paper leaves much room for doubt. Tala, the goddess of stars, who is also listed in Jocano's paper make a lot more sense despite the lack of sources as it is the actual word for star in Tagalog but I still have to do further research on her as well.
Either way, I had also never heard of Mayari as a Tagalog deity outside Jocano's work and online articles that heavily source Jocano (The Aswang Project, one of the most popular sources for Filipino mythology which I had used as a specific source for Kapampangang mythology, has cited him twice in regards to Tagalog mythology specifically but not Kapampangan mythology). This is also despite me being born and raised within a mostly Tagalog community.
All of that for me to say that this story of Apolaki and Mayari may be a later addition to the Tagalog mythos after interests on Filipino mythology got revitalized from the mid-20th century onward rather than something that has always been a part of the Tagalog mythology.
Note that I'm not saying that it is an impossibility that this had been part of the Tagalog culture prior to that time period, but a lot of sources that discuss this do not bring up this story until after Jocano's work. I will have to maybe do more reading on this to find out more information about this and Mayari's status on whether or not she did belong to the Tagalog pantheon prior to the 60s.
I also want to add a quick note that it's pretty common for people to misattribute this story to the Pangasinense people as well but it may be from both people constantly confusing Pampanga from Pangasinan (think of it as how people confuse Sweden and Switzerland), as well as a name overlap with Apolaki who is referred to as Apolaqui in Pangasinan. The two places are both north of the Tagalog Regions. I might look into this connection/association/coincidence later on.
Further Readings and Sources
It's actually pretty hard to suggest a specific source for Filipino mythology given that a lot of them pull from the same reference (Notes on Philippine Divinities) which I had said has some dubious information but Maximo D. Ramos's book that I had referenced is a good read as it collects various myths from different places throughout the country. I myself had been thinking of getting a copy of the book soon as well as his other books.
Some Filipino Monsters
As for Filipino monsters, I could say that its similar with Filipino mythology, in that with so many cultures, there's many different kinds on who you're asking. These ghouls seem to be more widely similar from culture to culture, however, probably owing to the fact that the Catholic Church didn't discourage the belief in them as much as they did the precolonial gods. Whether you go to the northernmost part of the country to the southernmost islands, there is a lot of similarities between the creatures that they could be classified easier than the gods with some creatures even sharing traits from cryptids from other Southeast Asian countries.
I'll give some of them here that you may hear pretty often when looking through catalogues of Filipino monsters. I have to be honest that I may not source as much for this section since I will be bringing up some personal stories and anecdotes that are passed around the community. I'm also open to discuss more about these creatures as well as other monsters later on.
The Aswang
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An artwork of an aswang uploaded to Wikipedia by H.M.Bec
Aswangs are often considered as the most ubiquitous of the Filipino monsters. When you look up monsters from the Philippines, this may be the top result. Aswangs are often portrayed as people who transform into ghoulish creatures that feast on human flesh but especially children, babies, and fetuses. There's so many stories and variations of aswangs, however, that some of the monsters in this list are actually sometimes considered as part of the aswang category depending on the source or who you ask.
Aswangs are shapeshifters, often turning into dogs, pigs, and many other creatures, in order to stalk their prey in the middle of the night.
Aswangs are also considered as one of the main stock monsters in FIlipino media so you may see them as the villains of a lot of fantasy series and movies. They're one of the villains that Alexandra Trese faces of regularly on the folklore-inspired supernatural comic book series turned Netflix original animation Trese. They're also the main antagonist in my favorite FIlipino fantaserye series Juan De La Cruz (although I don't particularly like the lead actor anymore lol).
Here's some stuff I've heard about Aswangs from those around me.
Aswangs often won't attack their neighbors and would rather attack neighboring villages/barangays/towns. This is so they avoid detection or suspicion from their community. So, if you suspect your neighbor's an aswang, then you might just be lucky they won't target you.
Aswangs are often said to have come from the province of Capiz. It's an often common joke and stereotype that Capizeños may be aswangs themselves or know people who are aswangs. The people of Capiz are mixed on how they feel about the association with the provincial government seemingly trying to shake off the specific association to their province.
They can go to mass but cannot stay during the consecration of the holy host. Holy water and holy [coconut] oil also boil in their presence.
When you look directly into their eyes, your reflection would be upside-down. They also don't have the dent between the nose and the lips.
They could pass their curse through different ways and may depend on belief or tradition. One belief states that if a person marries an aswang, they also become an aswang.
One of the other beliefs that can turn a person into an aswang is if one makes contact with an aswang's saliva.
According to another belief, a person could also become an aswang if they ingest a black chick alive.
Similarly, an aswang cannot die until they pass their curse to another person (typically a relative). This is done by passing a black stone or chick hidden in their body to the chosen new curse holder.
They hate the typical ghoulish hated items like holy crosses, water, oils, and the classic garlic and salt, but they also hate calamansi (a small Filipino citrus fruit), and my mother had always told me that they hate suha or pomelo (a type of citrus fruit) and the smell of burning rubber.
A typical weapon used to fight against them or ward them off is the buntot pagi or stingray tail that is often sold in occultic shops around the country. You could also buy this from online stores as I've learned (x)(x)(x).
Now here's a story I've heard about them:
A story I had heard was that of the aswang bus. I had heard it repeatedly throughout the years but the basic premise is that there's a bus of a bunch of aswangs from a different province that's traveling to [province you are in] and are hunting down people at night. This is some of the more funny stories about aswangs because I keep imagining an aswang bus driver purposefully running over people and then a bunch of aswang tourists hops off of the bus to drag the body for a snack later.
I honestly might come back to the aswangs topic later since I had just learned some things from a Capizeña who works to help around our house.
The Manananggal
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An artwork of an aswang uploaded to Wikipedia by Gian Bernal
The Manananggal is a ghoulish creature and is often times categorized as a kind of aswang. They are typically humanoid creatures that appear as regular people (often women) during the day, but at night their torso severs from their legs and fly away with bat wings. They often feast on fetuses using their long proboscis tongue.
These ghouls share a lot of similarities with the Southeast Asian ghoul called the Penanggal which is a similar creature but instead of their torsos separating, their heads separate from their body alongside their entrails.
Manananggals are also some of the typical stock monsters in Filipino fantasy stories. I can't think of any specific instances of the manananggal being the main character besides the softer depiction of a manananggal girl named Anna in Dayo: Sa Mundo ng Elementalia who acts as a deuteragonist to the human boy Niko. They are also featured in Trese where a tribe of manananggal is shown. They are also the main lead or love interest in some horror movies and even horror romances.
Here's some stuff I've heard about Manananggals
It's name comes from the Tagalog word "tanggal" which means "to remove" or "to separate" and specifically means "the remover" or "the separator". This of course is a reference to the fact that it removes its torso from its legs or separates its body in half.
Unlike the typical aswang which transform back during daylight, the manananggal needs to find their way back to their body or else die by sunlight.
The unattached legs of the manananggal is their weakness. If found by a person, they only need to sprinkle salt or smear crushed garlic on the legs in order to destroy them.
A lot of the typical things that ward off the aswang are also typically effective towards the manananggal.
Similarly to the aswang, manananggals are also said to had come from Capiz.
The list is shorter because honestly, just take what most you've heard about the aswang and apply it here. I don't know specifically if things like the upside-down reflection or the lack of the dent between the nose and lips could apply to manananggals, however, and I don't think I've heard people claiming that about the manananggal.
Now here's a story I've heard about them:
One story I heard that I find quite funny was something my sister heard from one of her high school friends. This friend was struggling to fall asleep at night and was tossing and turning in bed when she heard bat-like fluttering from outside. She went out to inspect the source by looking out the window and was shocked to see a manananggal climbing up a coconut tree and seemingly harvesting the fruit in the middle of the night. She wasn't flying up the tree, she was climbing it.
The next day, an old woman who was selling her goods door-to-door came by their house. She was selling coconuts.
The Tiyanak
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A screenshot of a tiyanak from the movie Tiyanak (1988)
The tiyanak is considered as a demonic baby that would transform itself into a regular looking baby, crying in the middle of the night in order to attract their unfortunate target who may feel pity towards the child. The tiyanak may also be classified as an aswang but is typically considered as a separate thing more often than the manananggal from my experience. This creature has noticeably a lot in common with a lot of other Southeast Asian and East Asian myths about demonic babies and toddlers like the tuyol or the tuyul.
Like the previous two, the tiyanak is also part of the typical stock monster antagonists found in Filipino media, but not as much as either the typical aswang or the manananggal. They are often used to add a bit of a scare factor into a story and isn't typically the main antagonist of a story as of recent horror movies (with only a single short B-Movie I could think of called Flight 666 from the Shake, Rattle & Roll horror anthology series. It is not a good movie but it's stupid fun). They are featured, as usual, in Trese as the main supernatural antagonists of a specific story arc. Their depiction from the comic and the Nteflix show has been changed due to the controversial nature of the comic book depiction.
When they appear in a horror series, there's often a sort of reason or lesson as to why one has appeared and typically based on the typical origins of the tiyanak.
The most common belief is that the tiyanak is the ghost or ghoulish corpse that had come from an unbaptized child.
At times, they may be a ghoulish baby that had been created after a woman gets an abortion, other times it is simply just a baby that had died before baptism often as a stillbirth or even as a joint death with their mother.
I had also heard that it may be an abandoned baby that had died to the elements.
It is also believed, the reason that they are cursed to wander the earth after death is because they were not given a name through baptism.
Because of this, when they typically appear in stories, it is often either a story about the bad that could come from abortion or child abandonment depending on the values of the writer.
The tiyanak would also sometimes lead people astray with its cries.
Speaking of its cries, there are some places that believe if the cry sounds loud and near, the tiyanak is actually farther away from you than if you hear the cries to be quieter and farther.
Here's a story I had heard about them:
A common Filipino story of the tiyanak is the parking lot story. Story goes that in certain parking lots of buildings, typically malls, you may hear a baby cry in the middle of the night when you're alone. This is a tiyanak that's trying to lure you in by seemingly tricking you into thinking that it is just an innocent abandoned baby which is sadly common in the country. It is common enough that there are some people who would often want someone to accompany them when they're alone in a parking lot at night.
Further Readings and Sources
As much as I had stated that The Aswangs Project and their handling of discussions about Filipino mythology, specifically Tagalog mythology, is dubious at best, they have a lot of good articles about aswangs that do align with local beliefs so reading through their website for monsters specifically could be a good and free resource. They had also made a documentary that you can watch for free on YouTube that covers a lot of this and more about aswangs.
For written works, I would suggest any of Maximo D. Ramos's works as I've brought up before. There's his published paper The Aswang Syncrasy in Philippine Folklore which is considered as basically the holy grail of Aswang research, which, as I had stated, take up a bulk of the FIlipino monsters. It's hard to find easily accessible PDFs of the paper and I remember that I found a copy of this or a similar work by Ramos but the link has eluded me.
For a less academic and more fun fictionalized source for Filipino monsters I suggest The Lost Journal of Alejandro Pardo: Meet the Dark Creatures from Philippines Mythology by Budjette Tan and David Hontiveros which is available through Amazon here. It follows a fictional researcher and his discoveries of Filipino monsters and other creatures. It's a pretty easy read with a lot of good information about cryptids and monsters from the Philippines, owing to it's style of found media. If you've seen something like Gravity Falls's officially published Journal 3 from the show's universe, it has a similar vibe to that.
That's all I have for now, but I am looking more into this topic! My PC has issues right now so I might answer questions more slowly than my already slow answering speed. I hope this post helped you learn a little more about Filipino mythology and cryptids.
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fandomarchiveilyd · 11 days
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✨️ Our ancestors before the Spaniards arrived wore gold and passed them down through the generations, regardless of social class. They even crafted bowls, liquid vessels, and the hilts and covers of daggers and swords out of gold.
They buried these ornaments with the dead so that they could use it in the afterlife and as a token to give the spirit or deity to leave purgatory. They also covered the faces of the dead with gold death masks to protect them from evil spirits entering the body.
Numerous Spanish accounts record that they wore gold and buried their dead with gold bahandi, or heirlooms. From Antonio Pigafetta, Francisco Alcina, Pedro Chirino, Friar Bobadilla and within the Boxer Codex Manuscript. Together with historical accounts, archeological finds of gold artifacts from Luzon, the Bisayas, and Mindanao show how much our pre-colonial ancestors wore and used gold in their clothing, divine figures, and everyday wear, similar to the rest of Southeast Asia.
To see many of these artifacts, check out the gold exhibit in the National Museum of the Philippines and Ayala Museum.
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fandomarchiveilyd · 3 years
It's because it's hard to take care of yourself when you do feel like you deserve to take be care of, but its easier to take care of a pet that does nothing but love you unconditional
Some people aren’t mentally well enough to take care of themselves but are capable of taking care of their pets.
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fandomarchiveilyd · 3 years
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ENCANTO (2021)
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fandomarchiveilyd · 3 years
Miscellaneous Angst Prompts
1. “I finally found a place where I am loved.”
2. “I’m never going back.”
3. “You will have to learn to live with the monster you made.”
4. “When will you admit that you messed up?”
5. “You will be greater than I ever was.”
6. “Find someone better than me.”
7. “Just go before you ruin something else.”
8. “I’ve never been more scared of something that won’t matter.”
9. “There’s nothing we can do but wait.”
10. “You were never supposed to find out.”
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fandomarchiveilyd · 3 years
do you have any hurt/comfort prompts of character A reassuring character B who's crying?
— hurt comfort dialogue prompts
“ you're welcome to stay here, for as long as you'd like. “
“ do you need anything? “
“ anything you want me to get you? “
“ stop apologizing — you didn't do anything wrong. “
“ just tell me what i can do to make you feel better. “
“ you are what's important right now. “
“ it's okay if you need to vent. i'm here to listen. “
“ i don't want to bother you... seriously, it's all just... a lot. “
“ i feel like shit. “ “ you look like it, too. “ “ hey! “
“ you know what they say — gotta get ugly before it gets better. “
“ it's okay to cry, you know. “
“ just... tell me, is this wrong? am i being childish? “
“ you're just a little hurt, that's all. “
“ come on, let's get you cleaned up. “
“ i'll sit here, with my arms wrapped around you, all night. “
“ really, all night? “ “ if that's what it takes to make you smile, then yeah. “
“ we don't need to talk, all right? “
“ how about we just stay here, holding each other? “
“ i don't know what's wrong with me. it's like i can't stop crying. “
“ i didn't know where else to go. “
“ you're always welcome here, you know that. “
“ hey, what's your favorite snack? “
“ how about i make a quick run to the store, get you some aspirin? maybe grab you a burger or something on the way home? “
“ let me repay the favor. you were always there for me when i needed you. “
“ there's snot all over your shirt. “ “ i trust you'll get it dry-cleaned. “
“ let me be there for you. “
“ oh, look at what i did to you... “ [shirt drenched in tears] “ sorry. “
“ i'm sorry, i didn't mean to bother you. “
“ you're not a burden. “
“ how long are you staying? “ “ for as long as you need me. “
“ aren't you tired? “ “ i'm fine. don't worry about me. “
“ i don't know what to do. “ “ we'll figure it out. “
“ you're going to be fine, okay? you're going to be fine. “
“ hey, look at me. i'm not going anywhere. “
“ you're not alone. “
“ just get it out. get it all out. it's okay. “
“ you know, you've got a really pretty smile. “ “ you call this a smile? “
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fandomarchiveilyd · 3 years
Saying "I Love You" Without Saying "I Love You"
When "I love you" isn't enough.
Cw: there is two (2) mentions of sex, once referred to as "fuck". A couple of lines have swearing.
"You mean everything to me."
"I can't say it back, but I need you to know I feel the same way."
"I genuinely don't think I've ever felt this strongly about anyone like I feel for you."
"I got you a little gift." "Awww! Thank you, this is sweet. What's the occasion?" "Nothing. I just saw it and I thought of you."
"Here. Happy Birthday." "Oh... my goodness. I... I can't accept this, it's too much." "You can. I want you to have it. You deserve only the very best."
*Pounces on them, kissing them deeply as soon as they come home* "Wow, what was that for?" "I just really missed you, today."
"I sometimes have to stop myself from grabbing you and kissing you." "Why would you stop yourself?" "I don't know."
"I don't ever want to stop touching you." "Good. Because I never want you to stop touching me."
"I cleaned the house, and the car, I made your favourite food, I gave the dog a bath, and I sorted through the accounts." "That's sweet of you, but how come?" "You've been really stressed lately, and I wanted you to come home and relax."
"When you smile at me, I have to remember to breathe sometimes."
"Dude, I just can't get her out of my head. I don't think I want to. All I want is to give her everything she's ever wanted." "Yeah, sounds like you love her, mate." "...Maybe I do."
"I want to marry you, have babies with you, buy you presents, kiss you, fuck you, make sure you've eaten and slept well, watch your hair go grey and your skin wrinkle and your belly go soft— be next to you for the rest of my life and whatever comes after it."
"I don't believe in coincidences. Someone upstairs sent me to you, saw that we needed each other more than anything, and I will thank them until my dying day."
"I think dying by your side, when we've lived a long, happy life, would be the best way to go."
"Ughhhhh... I don't want to go to work. I want to stay here and hug you all day."
"I have been blessed with you in my life, and I will spend it making sure you don't regret it."
"There isn't really anyone else. You're it for me."
"Saying your name brings me so much happiness."
"When you say my name, my brain just kind of fries. In a good way, though."
"God, you are so much better than my dreams."
"Hey, I got two tickets to this thing, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" "Me? Are you sure? Wouldn't you rather take one of your friends?" "No, not really. I'd rather take you."
"You're my best friend." "I thought James was your best friend." "No. You are my best friend."
"You make me so happy." "You make me happy, too." "I'm glad."
"I don't want you any other way. I want you as you are."
"You're my favourite person."
"I want you." "I'm not in the mood tonight—" "No, not sex. I want you. I want to know more. Talk to me, anything you want."
"I could sit here and listen to you forever."
"Your voice gives me goosebumps."
"When I look at you, my heart swells in my chest. That's never happened to me before."
"We'll see, James, I gotta ask the Missus." "We're not married." "That can be resolved."
I'm not that proud of this one, but I'll post it anyway in case someone else likes them.
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fandomarchiveilyd · 4 years
My roommates mom knows the mom of the singers from the kpop band akmu. To further the connection. Suhyun, the sister , knows a seventeen member, and they know bts.
I am also 2 degree away from the whole marvel movie cast actors and actresses
if you have one, tag with the "6 degrees of separation" you have with a celebrity
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fandomarchiveilyd · 4 years
Sirius Black 
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All the While - Marauders Era - Complete
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
You’ll Do - Marauders Era - Complete
Part 1  Part 2 
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Missions Merged - Marauders Era
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   
Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9  
Part 10   Part 11
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All I Want Is You
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4
Part 5    Part 6    Part 7    Part 8     Epilogue
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Reverie - Post-Azkaban Era - Complete
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fandomarchiveilyd · 4 years
Missions Merged
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Requested by: @fortisfiliae
Dialogue: “Is this seat taken?” & “Merlin’s bollocks, how drunk are you?”
A muggle Pub
First meeting
Sirius x Reader
A/N: So, it turns out @fortisfiliae is something of a sadist. She gave me a combination of prompts that were so contradictory that I had to rack my brain to come up with a way to make them work, and then I liked it so much it got out of hand. So, I am going to break my own rule and post part 1 of a series when the rest isn’t ready to go. So, feel free to pester me to continue it after the event is over!!! I’d hate to abandon a baby. ;)
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What in Merlin’s saggy drawers am I doing here? you thought to yourself.
Of course, what you were doing here was the Ministry’s job. Your cousin had gone missing and no one at the Ministry seemed to care. Your auntie had been there several times and the Ministry officials all treated her like a hysterical old woman.
You had come at once, though at once wasn’t particularly brisk when you were located in the interior of the African continent.
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fandomarchiveilyd · 4 years
so just to be clear. shane dawson has:
mocked trayvon martin’s death
shared a GRAPHIC fantasy about mutilating and killing a black woman who called him out on racism and misogynoir
defending pedophilia on his podcast
gave multiple racist influencers platforms
one of which he made jokes about their racist scandals the whole time
the other he sympathized with when he whined about getting called a cracker in response to calling 2 of his latino employees b**ners
made a parody of nicki minaj in black face, in which he was mostly making fun of her for having plastic surgery and having a fat ass, literally a modern day minstrel show
made a song where 2 characters were at a club and the joke was that they saw a trans woman and thought she was hot, saying the t slur in said song (only source i could find)
made a video where he jacked off to a poster of willow smith (who was ELEVEN. 11 at the time)
profited off of a character who’s literally based on black stereotypes for years
done blackface in other instances i don’t even know the context of
shouted the n word
there’s a bit in another of his old videos where he literally masquerades as an immigrant who doesn’t know much english- this hasn’t been called out yet, but i remember seeing it in 6th grade (in the same video he asks a character that’s supposed to be his mom- but just him in a wig, as usual, if white people or latin people are better, and the mom character refers to as a trick question)
refers to himself as poor in his videos to this day, even though we all know he damn well isn’t.
these are 13 instances that i alone know of. if this man doesn’t face repercussions, he will continue getting away with this shit. nothing will fucking change, this will happen every 6 months.��
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fandomarchiveilyd · 4 years
You’re my Favorite Shouta Aizawa x reader oneshot
warning: Fluff
Word count: 1748
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When y/n agreed to teach at UA, she didn’t understand the exact amount of stress it would add to her daily life until she actually started the job. However, this is not to say that she hate’s her job. y/n thrived over helping students train towards their ultimate goal to heroism. Her bubbly personality is loved by all of her students and for the most part, her class enjoyed every lecture. She was always so engaging and hands on with her explanation, and she made sure to keep each individual students’ quirk in mind in order to help them push through their limitation.
And as much as she loved her job, y/n would be the first to admit that being a UA teacher takes a lot out of your personal life. She rarely has time to herself in order to remind her that she is more then just a teacher, but she is y/n, who had her own loves and hobbies outside of the UA walls. Ever since she had to move on campus and start nightly patrols, the rare hours to herself dwindled down to almost nothing.
That’s why y/n is so grateful to her work best friend Shouta Aizawa.
y/n has no idea how stoic, sleeping bag wear, stone faced, no emotion Aizawa became her best friend when she’s the exact opposite to him personality wise, but nevertheless, they kept each other sane at work. A feature that they need to survive their chaotic work environment, especially when you have to work with a living boombox and a walking BDSM master.
It was one of those days where y/n could barely keep her eyes open. The night occupied her time with grading homework and patrolling the campus. She was barely able to get two hours of sleep before she had to wake up to restart the whole routine. Her normally bubbly personality was lack luster as she treads through the day.
During her lunch break Aizawa plopped his sleeping bag at the table she was napping at. y/n shot up from her resting position.
“I swear I was not sleeping Principal Nezu!” She insisted, even though her eyes were barely open. Aizawa let out a single chuckle and sat at the chair in front of her.
“Yeah, you’re very convincing.” y/n groaned and tried to wipe the sleepys out of her eyes.
“What time is it?”
“It’s only been 10 minutes.” She groaned again. “How are you so awake right now? One more nightly patrol and I am going to pass out in the middle of class.” Aizawa looked at her in bewilderment.
“Have you met me before? I am never awake. I just mastered the skill to do things in my sleep.” y/n sighed. “I don’t think my body is happy with me being up for more then 24 hours.”
Aizawa gestured to the bright yellow sleeping bag that he laid on the table. “You can burrow my sleeping bag. There are a couple of filing cabinets in the back that you can hide between. I gurantee you that no one will notice that you were ever back there.” Aizawa suggested. y/n lifted an eyebrow.
“How many times have you done this?”
“So many times that there are already a couple of pillows placed on the floor. They have been here for about 4 weeks now.” y/n let out a shallow laugh. “Why am I not surprised?” Aizawa shrugged. He shoved the bag closer to her side of the table.
“Take the sleeping bag. You need to sleep.” y/n slowly shaked her head as she tried to will herself awake. “I have a class in 15 minutes.”
“It’s just study hall isn’t it? Let me cover for you.”
“I can’t let you do that!” She protested, “Next period is your lunch break.” Again, Aizawa shrugged. “I didn’t even bring anything to eat for lunch. I think I can live a day without my lunch break.”
y/n sighed as she can see that Aizawa would not take no for an answer.
“What would I do without you?” She asked as she gathered the bag in her lap.
“You probably would have passed out in the middle of the hallway and get trampled by a bunch of pre-hero students and died on impact.” y/n giggled as she got up from her chair. She walked towards Aizawa’s seat and unconsciously kissed him on the lips. Her head to foggy and eyes to drowsy to notice what she did.
“You know you’re my favorite person right?” Aizawa turned away from her to hide the slight redness spread across his face. Yes, it’s just redness, it’s hot in the room. Aizawa would never admit that he just blushed. He faked a cough as he tried to avoid eye contact. Unfortunately, he was not staring right at Hizashi teasing him and making kissy faces.
“Yeah, I better be.” Aizawa muttered.
When y/n woke up from her nap, she immediately wanted to punch herself in the face when she remembered what she did.
“I can’t believe you kissed him!” y/n muttered to herself in the comfort of her own room. “God what kind of idiot are you! He most be so uncomfortable with you now! How am I going to fix this?” y/n was pacing so much that she was sure that she had started leaving track marks on her wooden floor. She rubbed her face furiously and pulled at her own hair.
“There is no way that he doesn’t know about your crush for him now! Oh god Hizashi was there too! He is never going to let me forget about this! How can you single handedly ruin the best friendship you had just because you were tired?” y/n was really yelling at herself at this point. She was surprised none of her neighbors had come in and told her to shut up yet.
She nervously bit at her thumb nail as she tried to figure out how she can explain why she kissed him without revealing her massive crush on him.
“Maybe I can say I was so sleep drunk that I didn’t know what I was doing!” She theorized, “Or maybe I can pretend that I didn’t do it if he never brings it up.” She groaned and threw her hands in the air.
“No, y/n there’s only one way to save this. Say you’re sorry and move on and pray to whatever god is listening that our relationship doesn’t change after this.” She took a deep breath as she tried to come herself down.
“And if I want to say sorry, I will have to bring presents.”
And that is why y/n was attempting to make her first bento box at 2 am in the morning. 5 failed attempts at making a cute hotdog octopus later, she finally felt proud of her creation and anxiously waited for the right time to hand him her peace offering. Let’s hope that this was enough for him to forgive her.
y/n bit her lips nervously as she lingered outside the door that lead to the teacher’s lounge. She knew that Aizawa would be grading papers at this time. She knew that Aizawa had a habit of not bring himself lunch and he never had time to go to Lunch Rush, so she hoped that today he didn’t decide to deviate from his own schedule.
Her heart was pounding against her chest, the blood rushing to her ears was the only thing she can hear despite the bustling feet of students hidden in the background. She took a deep breath, letting the air escape through her mouth. You can do this y/n. Just go in there, and say sorry, and move on.
“Whatcha got there?” y/n yelped and jumped so hard she almost felt herself leaving her own body. She spun around and noticed Aizawa leaning down to look at her. Her eyes darted up to him. The hallways were clear and there was no one else in sight.
“W-what are you doing out here?” She asked. Aizawa squinted at her. “I was going to ask you the same thing. Why are you waiting outside the teacher’s lounge? I know I joke that you look like a student, but you know that you don’t need permission to enter right?” y/n chuckled nervously.
“Um, I was actually looking for you,” She admitted. He nodded. “Well you found me. What can I do for you?” He asked, crossing his arms across his chest as he leaned against the door.
God it has to be illegal to be that attractive. His tight black shirt clung to his toned arms. Aizawa left his scruff in class 1-A so you can clearly see the 5 o’clock shadow perfectly shaping his already chiseled face. His hair tied in a mess bun.
y/n swallowed hard as she tried not to imagine how his hair would feel if she carded her fingers through his locks—
“I wanted to give this to you!” She said suddenly, jotting out the cute bento box that she clenched in her hands. Aizawa looked down at it curiously.
“What did I do to deserve a bento box?” Aizawa propped himself back up as he grabbed the box, he opened the lid and smiled at the poorly cut hotdogs. y/n chewed on her bottom lip nervously.
“It’s a thank you for letting me burrow your sleeping bag yesterday. If I didn’t take that nap, I don’t think I would be able to walk home las night.” She explained, “I also wanted to apologize for kissing you yesterday. It was inappropriate and despite the fact that I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time, we’re co-workers and best friends. I don’t want to ruin our friendship and I understand if you don’t feel the same way—” y/n was not able to finish her sentence, however.
Aizawa gently wrapped his free hand around her jaw as he leaned down to capture her lips against his. It was weird at first. The kiss was sudden with no warning and their teeth clashed, and their noses bumped against each other. But when y/n’s mind can finally understand what was happening, she melted completely into him.
When they pulled apart, y/n took a minute to find her voice.
“So… does this mean you like me?” She asked stupidly, her mind dizzy from his lips. Aizawa chuckled lowly and nodded.
“I’ve liked you since day one.” y/n nodded.
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fandomarchiveilyd · 4 years
some aesthetic words for your fic title! (pt.1)
alexithymia (n) the inability to express your feelings
cosmogyral (adj): whirling around the universe
euneirophrenia (n): the peace of mind that comes from having pleasant dreams
scintila (n); a tiny, brilliant flash; a small thing; a barely visible trait
anagapesis(n): no longer have any feelings for one you once loved
mangata (n); the reflection of moon on water
serendipity (n); finding luck without even looking for it
selenophile (n) the person who loves the moon
nyctophilia (n); love for darkness or nght, finding relax and comfort in the darkness
drapetomania(n); an overwhelming urge to run away
gumusservi (n): moonlight shining on water
clinomania (n); the excessive desire to stay in your bed
basorexia (n); the overwhelming desire to kiss
solivagant (adj) wandering alone
sehnsucht (n): the inconsolable longing in the human heart for we know not what, a yearningfor far, familiar, non- earthy land one can identify as one’s home
redamancy (n); the act of loving one who loves you, a love returned in full
hireath (n); a home sickness to a home which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was, the nostalgia, the yearning, the grieve for the lost places of your past
 alamort (adj) : half- dead of exhaustion
viridity (adj): naive innocent
numinous (adj): describing an experience which makes you fearful yet fascinated, awed yet attracted, the powerful personal feeling of being overwhelmed and inspired
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fandomarchiveilyd · 4 years
remember how toph straight up invented metalbending
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fandomarchiveilyd · 4 years
Doing a test. Reblog or like if you love and appreciate otome/reverse harem heroines.
I wanna see how many of us are out there.
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