falsumregium · 1 year
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falsumregium · 2 years
My past does not define me. I can acknowledge I was wrong without drowning myself in guilt over it.
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falsumregium · 2 years
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falsumregium · 2 years
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WELP here’s the project I did for school that I wanna work into a more personal project throughout this summer and in the future as well. I haven’t done a comic in a long time, so there was a lot of experimenting here and I’m gonna apologize ahead for my shaky storytelling cuz writing is not my forte, although I do plan on fixing this up in the future. It’s a sort of prequel to what I wanna do for my zodiac kids, so it was just a lot of messing around with them. Nothing is historically accurate; its psuedo history and fanstasy so hahaHA 
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falsumregium · 2 years
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falsumregium · 3 years
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falsumregium · 4 years
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falsumregium · 4 years
How is it okay to laugh your ass off when you see Harry accidentally release a python on Dudley but horrendous for a angry 10 year old Severus Snape to drop a branch on Petunia?
How is it cool for Harry to be sneaking around and trying to see what Malfoy’s up to but not acceptable when Snape does the same?
How is it acceptable for Draco to hurl the slur “mudblood” around like a joke and to hurt people but monstrous when Snape says it once after he was humiliated and choked?
How is it funny when the marauders try to kill Snape but not when Snape tries to arrest a seemingly “criminal” Sirius Black?
How is it justified for McGonagall to take 150 points from Gryffindor and unfair when Snape takes 5 for bad behaviour?
How is it understandable for Lupin to forget to take a potion that would ensure the safety of students and unfathomable for Snape to have outed him after he almost killed children?
How is it cute that Slughorn had a literal club for his faves and horrible when Snape prefers and believes Draco over Harry?
How is Regulus Black considered a hero for defecting to save his house elf and Snape is just an incel when he changes sides for Lily?
How is it amazing and ‘power-couple material’ when you ship Lily with someone who held her best friend’s safety as leverage and threatened to hex her but gross when we ship her with someone who was genuinely friends with her?
How is it alright to excuse Harry being rude because of his trauma and then villify and ignore Snape’s childhood?
How is it rational for Remus to slam Harry against a wall after he called him out but abusive when Snape throws a jar at Harry for looking at his memories without permission?
How is it “harmless” when James sexually assaulted, choked and hung Snape upside down but a “murder attempt” when Snape slashes James cheek in self defense?
How is it okay for the fandom to hold such double standards for ugly and poor characters?
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falsumregium · 4 years
This thing is called 百宝夹bai-bao-jia.The Chinese used it to store flat items about a hundred years ago. HOW TO MAKE A BAIBAOJIA HERE The video uploader said in old days baibaojia was commonly used by grandmothers to hold small odds and ends when sewing the soles of shoes.
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falsumregium · 4 years
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falsumregium · 4 years
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falsumregium · 4 years
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falsumregium · 4 years
what really gets me about ace-attorney-sexy-clown.gif is the suspender snap. that has to hurt. why is she doing that
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falsumregium · 4 years
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Please remember to VOTE tomorrow! 
You can register to vote on Election Day in the following states:
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Illinois, Idaho, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and Washington, D.C.!
Vote like this country depends on it, because it does!
source: @votesaveamerica
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falsumregium · 4 years
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‘For years, there’s only been one passenger waiting at the Kami-Shirataki train station in the northernmost island of Hokkaido, Japan: A high-school girl, on her way to class. The train stops there only twice a day—once to pick up the girl and again to drop her off after the school day is over.It sounds like a Hayao Miyazaki film. But according to CCTV News, it was a decision that Japan Railways—the group that operates the country’s railway network—made more than three years ago. At that time, ridership at the Kami-Shirataki station had dramatically fallen because of its remote location, and freight service had ended there as well. Japan Railways was getting ready to shut the station down for good—until they noticed that it was still being used every day by the high-schooler. So they decided to keep the station open for her until she graduates. The company’s even adjusted the train’s timetable according to the girl’s schedule. The unnamed girl is expected to graduate this March, which is when the station will finally be closed.’
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falsumregium · 4 years
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Nocturne 2
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falsumregium · 4 years
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