atom bomb baby
9 posts
lemmie / 19 || my dedicated fallout sideblog for my OCs, art and lore
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
fallout-sideblog · 2 years ago
reblog if your name isn't Amanda.
2,121,566 people are not Amanda and counting!
We’ll find you Amanda.
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fallout-sideblog · 2 years ago
Not a request, but a thought inspired by your random hc for companions post: Danse’s prized item of clothing is a Cuban/bowling shirt in the world’s most ridiculous print (personally, I can’t talk bc I have one with a cats and martini print). Not sure what the print would be, but I’m sure it makes everyone else groan when he wears it.
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fashion goals
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fallout-sideblog · 2 years ago
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I haven't mentioned this guy yet, his name is Cricket
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fallout-sideblog · 2 years ago
me, finally posting only for it to be a sketchy paper drawing of my Chosen One? It's more likely than you think
She's out there makin Grandpa proud.
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fallout-sideblog · 2 years ago
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empty homes, plastic cones
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fallout-sideblog · 2 years ago
Happy 25th Fallout!
I've enjoyed over 1000 hours of Fallout over 5 games. I can't explain how much this game means to me, so I won't try. Which Fallout is your favorite?
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fallout-sideblog · 4 years ago
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fallout-sideblog · 4 years ago
a/n; a small blurb that I was very inspired to write. this takes place between my Sole Survivor and Lone Wanderer. Expect more Fallout fics, I'm very inspired. (I have a post explaining my extended Fallout Universe).
"I don't want him. I don't want Shaun. He's not my son."
"Nate?" Roach voiced incredulously.
Nate turned to look at her, tears burning his eyes. His face was pale and gaunt. Slowly he slumped against the wall and sunk to the ground. Roach was afraid to move, she could hardly believe the man in front of her.
"I'm sorry, b-but you came all this fucking way to find that goddamn kid and-"
"He's not my kid! My kid is dead! He was old and had cancer and he-"
"That is still a kid, Nathaniel! He is a kid, he is made to be your kid and- and he needs a home!"
Nate scoffed and looked up at her with a loathing gaze. He put his head in his hands for a moment before chuckling sourly.
"I figured, Roach, that if anyone would understand trauma it'd be you."
"Yeah, I understand trauma, Nate, I understand the trauma of being abandoned by someone you fucking trusted!"
Roach slammed her hand off of the table with a loud hiss. Finally she dropped into a chair and peered over at Nate with a look of disgust.
"So what do you expect to happen to him then?" Roach said finally.
"I don't know. I really don't. I don't wish the kid any ill will. I don't want to see him hurt or upset. But I can't take care of him. I can't wake up every day and look at a child that isn't mine and wonder how things could've been."
"I thought you believed that Synth's were equal to humans."
"I do. But that doesn't make Shaun any more my son."
Roach leaned back and stared up at the ceiling. She knew, deep down, that it wouldn't be fair to hate Nate. He had been through so much. He had lost his wife and his son in the span of a year, and now he was left with the mirror image of the son he should have had. But Shaun was still just a child, and he deserved better than to be second best to a dead man.
Roach did understand trauma, there was no denying that. Abandonment, loss, she was forced into slavery in the Pit, and had accrued more physical damage than a lot of people could've survived. But yet again, Shaun was just a child.
"I'll take him."
"I'll take care of Shaun. I'm not going to let him get left alone or sent away."
"What about-"
"I'll handle it. I'll handle everything. You just sit here and mope and feel bad for yourself as you've always done."
Roach got up, wincing as the chair screeched across the floor, and walked to the entrance of the house. She looked back at Nate one more time and all she saw was a small, hunched up figure. He almost reminded her of a child in time out. She walked out the door and down the streets of Sanctuary.
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fallout-sideblog · 4 years ago
I've decided to,,, Explain my expanded Fallout Universe here, because I need to get it out somewhere.
This is going to be the post covering my protagonists role in the lore, and side characters and other background details will be covered later.
I expect this is gonna be long so I'm obviously putting it under read more.
Be advised, I break game canon for the purpose of breaking hearts, not sparing them.
I would like to start by saying that my protagonists from One, Two, Tactics, Three, and Four all exist in the same universe. As a matter of fact, some overlap.
But we'll start simple with my Vault Dweller/Chosen One/Courier Six.
All of which are the same man, John Wayne, formerly Wayne Fitz (last name pending, and will probably remain pending). Once he entered the Wastes for the first time as the Vault Dweller, he changed his name and put up the act of a strong hero, modeled after the actor John Wayne (who's movies he watched religiously in the Vault.)
Now you're probably wondering how he is meant to be all three, and the process is simple; Radiation exposure. What, you think the man just walked out of the Glow completely untouched? Absolutely not. However he was blessed enough to be able to have five children before he grew infertile with the Ghoulification process.
Of course, as in canon he lead the remaining Vault Dwellers to form a little town called Arroyo, had a family, and grew old. However he didn't amble off into the distance and die. By the time he had turned 63 years old he had completely ghoulified, and he was 27 when it started, making it a long process.
Once famine and disease began to ravage his little town he stepped up so his family wouldn't have to, put on his Pip Boy once more, and marched back to Vault 13. He was horrified to find his childhood home demolished, and was even more grief stricken when he came home to find his village destroyed and some of his family dead. His 3 youngest children and all but one of his grandchildren had survived, however, and he sent them off to hide while he faced the Enclave.
Once he had defeated Frank Horrigan and ensured the Brotherhood's intentions to wipe out the Enclave, he returned to his family, helped them rebuild, and said his goodbyes. He wanted to travel and see the sights before he went feral, and found his way to Nevada. From there he took a job as a mailman to see the Mojava's sights and well,,, you can guess where that went.
I'll make a more detailed post about him later, as I will with all of the characters shown here.
Next up is Veronica from Tactics. She wasn't given the leadership of her squad for her terrific combat skills, but instead for her charisma and tact when leading. She had the brilliant mind of a strategist and the smooth words to convince everyone, even her superiors, that her way was the right way. This could not help her forever though, as at only 26, nearing the end of the Tactics storyline, she was shot and killed in battle.
The Lone Wanderer, Kelly Smith, was given the nickname Roach because of people's general distaste for her. She had a sour demeanour that nobody but Amata, her father, and Jonas could really look past. But in reality she craved companionship, which is why when her father left, she followed him like a lost dog, searching the wastes for the one person she so desperately believed she could count on. Once her father was dead, she saw no future that didn't involve the Brotherhood, as they were her best chance at revenge. And once the time for revenge had past, she realized they were all she had left.
Until Elder Lyons died and Sarah Lyons left. At this point Roach understood she needed to make her own path, and she left the Capital Wasteland to travel. Some eight years later she landed herself in Boston, where she was found by a man in desperate need of help.
This man was the Sole Survivor, Nathaniel Green. He had just lost his wife and his son was missing. He sought the aid of a slightly unstable but altogether capable young woman who had been exploring the Sanctuary area when he first escaped the Vault.
While eventually Roach fell back into her old pattern with the Brotherhood, despite disagreeing with some of their beliefs and methods- Maxson hates Ghouls, yet he had met Charon as a kid?- Nate felt for the Minutemen, and did his best to rebuild them. This difference in beliefs didn't last long, as eventually Roach and Maxson fell out over Danse and she left to join Nathaniel's Minutemen.
This is where I have to leave it. Everything else will be covered later on, and I'd like to thank you personally if you took the time to read all of this, because it's a lot of boring material I want to get out of the way now so I can do more fun stuff later.
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