fallingzipper · 4 years
I need to remind myself that it’s fine that I’m not skinny yet, that my expectations are too high. It’s not like I got this fat in one day, so I can’t lose it all in one day. It’s okay if it takes time to achieve my goal.
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fallingzipper · 4 years
Just think: stick to your plans, and in 6 months, you might not even recognize yourself.
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fallingzipper · 4 years
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fallingzipper · 4 years
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fallingzipper · 4 years
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source: unknown
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fallingzipper · 4 years
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fallingzipper · 4 years
Do you beat yourself up for not being able to restrict "as well" as you used to? Or because in the past you were able to force yourself to work out obsessively and now you just can't? Or because you used to be the best liar ever and now you suck at it? Do you consider yourself a failure because right now you're struggling with intrusive thoughts but cannot bring yourself to perform the disordered behaviors that used to do the trick to keep your mind at some sort of ease? Do you sometimes feel like you were faking your ED all along because you don't look nor consistently act like you do struggle with an ED anymore? Do you consider yourself too big, too lazy, too indulgent, too weak to have an ED? Do you feel like you don't get to feel scared of food or gaining weight or losing control now that everyone assumes you're "fixed" and "healthy"?
Because I do.
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fallingzipper · 4 years
Me quejo de que estoy gorda pero me paso todo el puto dia comiendo
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fallingzipper · 4 years
"Él nunca iba a estar conmigo, simplemente porque era gorda y rara".
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fallingzipper · 4 years
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fallingzipper · 4 years
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fallingzipper · 4 years
Tecnica para evitar atracones
Muchas veces mi cuerpo pidio a gritos algun paquete de papas fritas , un chocolate, una coca cola bien fria. Sus intento por hacerme consumir calorias muchas veces surtio efecto devido a la anciedad que la comida me produce.
Pero amigos les tengo la solución, el yoga.
Desde que comencé a realizar yoga para ir tonificando mi cuerpo, pude sentir que la anciedad y el steess bajo a niveles inexplicables.
La comida ya no me llama tanto la atención, una sesion de 30 o 40 minutos de yoga es mucho mas saciante.
Es satisfactorio ver como una postura que antes era imposible, cada dia te sale mejor. Tu mente se despeja y aclara sacando las ideas absurdas de ingerir calorias.
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fallingzipper · 4 years
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Kinda tired of binging and feeling bad for myself…. 
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fallingzipper · 4 years
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fallingzipper · 4 years
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fallingzipper · 4 years
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fallingzipper · 4 years
I think i speak for every ED blog when i say that even though i hate myself and my body - i do not think the same about any of my followers.
you could weigh 200lbs more than me and i still would not think you’re ugly, MY body dysmorphia and my ED does not extend to you
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