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falling4harryscherry · 1 year ago
Hey, Unfortunately, I have to sell my Niall tickets for Birmingham on the 27th Feb due to unforeseen circumstances, if you could help me out by sharing, that would be great! Thanks so much :)
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falling4harryscherry · 1 year ago
Hey, Unfortunately, I have to sell my Niall tickets for Birmingham on the 27th Feb due to unforeseen circumstances, if you could help me out by sharing, that would be great! Thanks so much :)
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falling4harryscherry · 2 years ago
Trouble After Paradise (Part 1)
Warnings: lots of angst, conflict, explicit language.
Summary of short story: Reader and Harry have returned from their honeymoon to a harsh reality and their first huge hurdle as a married couple.
A/N: This is 1 of 3 parts. Enjoy! Just a little short story idea i had and wanted to share with you all.
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It’s been four weeks since you returned home from your honeymoon in Costa Rica and you’ve found yourself reminiscing constantly on that magical holiday.
To say the least, things have took a turn for the worst since you and Harry got home.
You were bombarded with mountains of piles of work to get through because there was no one to fill your position whilst you’d taken the month off leading up to your wedding, including the honeymoon.
Harry had started filming his next movie, one that was mentally draining due to his character being a very unwell mental patient at a psychiatric hospital.
You worked from seven in the morning until four in the afternoon in the office but always brought home some work to do which kept you busy until about eight at night when you’d get into bed.
Weekends were exhausting as well, you were catching up with friends and family after basically being off the grid throughout the week.
Harry’s shooting location, thankfully, was only a few hours away up north in Manchester so he managed to be home often between breaks but unfortunately meant that he wasn’t home with you for periods of times.
He tries his best to be at home with you on the weekends but his schedule doesn’t work that way all the time. On average you probably see each other a total of two days out of the week and it’s been this way the past four weeks.
You’ve both been so busy, you’ve barely had the time to live life together as a married couple. There’s a tension building full of stress and exhaustion on both ends of your marriage. You find yourselves bickering when you’re together and getting on each other’s nerves more than ever before.
You know it’s because you’re equally annoyed with yourselves and each other with the current situation.
It’s 8pm on a Friday night and Harry called you earlier that morning to let you know he’s coming home today at around 6:30pm and will be able to stay the full week until he’s off again. He asked for you to pick him up from the station because he had booked a meal at The Ivy for 8pm. You of course said yes. You were so excited to hear the news, you felt tears well up in your eyes. “I really can’t wait, I miss you so much.” You replied before you both said your goodbyes and I love you’s before hanging up.
What you didn’t know was that working would be busier than ever that Friday and now you’re still in the office trying to hurry up and finish off one last piece of paper work to be sent off to your client before the weekend. Your phone had died two hours ago and Harry hadn’t contacted you before it died so you weren’t too concerned that he would’ve tried to since then.
You could cry out of frustration. You purposely stayed back to get all this extra work done so you could book off Monday and Tuesday to extend your weekend to spend some time with your husband.
Half an hour later, you finally send the email and pack up your stuff. You race to your car and make your way home. The door is unlocked when you go to turn the key and your heart skips a beat when you realise that Harry must be home.
The lights are all off downstairs which is odd so you make your way upstairs to your bedroom to find Harry sat on the edge of the bed in just his underwear and his phone in his hands.
“Hi, baby.” You softly speak up as you walk through the door and put your bag and coat over the chair in the corner of the room.
Harry glances at you over his shoulder briefly without so much as a tiny acknowledgment of your presence before looking back to his phone.
You frown, thinking his behaviour seems a bit off. The energy in the room seems low and you can sense he’s not in a good mood.
You walk over to him, a hand on his shoulder and the other hand reaching to lift his head by tilting his chin in your direction for him to look up at you. As soon as you try to lean forward to place a kiss to his lips he yanks his head away from your touch and rolls his eyes, letting out a huff.
You step back, very offended and extremely hurt by his cold actions.
“Fuck you, then.” You throw your hands up and storm away to head downstairs to the kitchen. You’re literally trying so hard not to break down and cry right now so you’re pacing around your kitchen, breathing heavily for a few moments then deciding to pour yourself a large glass of wine.
You almost down the first glass. The second one being poured less than five minutes later. You’re just stood by your kitchen island with a glass of wine in one hand and thoughts racing around your mind as you try to figure out why your husband seems to despise you at the moment.
You soon realise it could possibly be the fact that your phone was dead and maybe he was trying to get ahold of you.
You start to feel a pit of guilt in your stomach when you take your phone from your pocket and plug it into the charger point next to your toaster.
You finish your second glass of wine once your phone switches on and your eyes widen when you notice the ten missed calls and five unread messages from Harry.
You read the texts carefully one at a time.
From Harry:
6:09pm - l’m fifteen minutes away from the station if you want to set off now. Love you. Xx
6:30pm - Where are you? I’m waiting near the security box until you’re here. Xx
6:53pm - I’ve rung you five times and you’re not answering so I’m making my own way home now.
7:26pm - Why aren’t you answering and why aren’t you at home? You do realise we have to be at The Ivy in half an hour.
8:03pm - cancelled the booking. If you read this before you come home - don’t bother me when you get in, I can’t be arsed with this tonight.
You heart feels like it’s going to stop. You have never felt more terrible in your life. You feel like a punch to the gut is what you deserve right now and nothing less. And to think, you literally just spat in his face and said fuck you to him, still not realising what you’d done.
You were so fixated on wanting to spend the week with Harry that you’d completely forgotten about picking him up and going out for dinner tonight.
You were a little drunk and very upset with yourself so of course the only thing currently you did was start to cry. You sat on a stool at your island, lent your elbows on the countertop, put your face in your hands and sobbed. Sobbed for your husband and how upset he must be feeling. Sobbed at the realisation of how much you hurt him and let him down. You felt like a failure.
After about thirty minutes of letting your feelings flow out of your system uncontrollably, you composed yourself and prepared yourself to go and apologise profusely. You’d gone over what to say in your head a million times and nothing sounded good enough but you know the least he deserves is an apology rather than an explanation or excuse right now.
Your face is puffy and red from the crying as you shakily walk up the stairs to your room and find Harry is now laying under the covers with the tv on, watching a movie with a deep frown on his face. As if he’s in deep thought rather than paying attention to the screen.
You push the door open gently and let yourself in. Basically walking with your tail between your legs, you can barely look at him as you sit on the bottom corner of the bed on your side. You couldn’t be further away from him on the bed if you tried.
“Harry, I’m so sorry.” You croak. Lips quivering as you fight the urge to break down crying again. You finally look at him after your first attempt at the beginning of a long apology. He’s ignoring you. Keeping his eyes fixed on the screen and his arms crossed over his chest.
You decide to keep speaking, “I completely understand why you’re angry and I don’t want to give myself any excuses for-.”
He reaches for the remote and turns up the volume to drown out your voice.
You let out a shaky sigh. A tear slipping down your cheek. “I didn’t ignore you on purpose- look, can you please just say something?” You beg pathetically and Harry’s head turns as his eyes look at you with anger.
“Told you I can’t be fucked with this tonight just leave me alone, please.” He sighs in annoyance before completely turning his back to you as he lays on his side.
You really don’t know what to say now. You didn’t expect this reaction from him. He’s never been this angry with you before and it’s terrifying you slightly because you really can’t cope with it. You don’t even care if he shouts at this point, you just want more of a reaction from him.
He has every right to feel the way he does, you know that. You hate going to sleep on bad terms though. You both agreed to always resolve conflicts before getting into bed because you never wanted to be that couple that gets into fights and makes one or the other sleep on the sofa.
It seems like it’s going to be that way tonight though. You don’t want to say another word because you don’t want to make it worse. Even though you know you won’t get much sleep, you decide to go sleep downstairs on the couch. You could go sleep in the spare room but you need a tv to distract you from your racing thoughts so the living room it is.
You get up from the bed, go take a quick shower and change into your pyjamas before grabbing your pillow from your side of the bed and walking towards the door.
“Goodnight, Harry. I love you.” You say to him softly before closing the door behind yourself and making your way downstairs.
You turn on a shitty reality show to fall asleep too. It takes a few hours but eventually you drift off.
The next morning you’re awoken by the sound of the blender rattling off in the kitchen. You feel at peace for a split second as your groggy memory clears up as your consciousness comes back, along with the awful events of last night. You grimace start yourself as you sit up on the couch and turn around to see Harry standing in the kitchen, making himself a smoothie, dressed in his running gear.
It mustn’t be any later than 6am because he only likes going running at the crack of dawn. He hasn’t noticed that you’re awake yet but you know he’s still fuming by the look on his face.
Now that you’re not intoxicated and knowing it’s a new day, you’re determined to resolve this issue very soon. You don’t want to waste any more of the short time you two have together for the next four days being bitter.
You get up from the couch and stretch before walking over to the kitchen island and taking a seat on the stool you were sobbing on last night.
“Morning.” You say with a tired voice as Harry still hasn’t acknowledged you whilst he’s cleaning up some dishes. You’re both facing each other on opposite sides of the island.
Harry looks up at you frowning and doesn’t reply so you take it as your queue to go in strong with all guns blazing.
“Can we please talk about this now?” You plead. Harry just deadpans and looks at you with a look that tells you no as he picks up his AirPods and puts them in as he makes his way to the door to go on his run.
“What the actual fuck! This is an actual fucking nightmare.” You frustratingly shout to no one but yourself after Harry closes the door on his way out.
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falling4harryscherry · 2 years ago
Making Up for Lost Time
You’d been voracious for each other just hours ago…mind you, it had been weeks since you’d felt sexy or desirable what with all the discoveries and memories of your parent’s murder slowly resurfacing. But after a breakthrough and some serendipitous events, your soul was on the mend and part of that soul-healing was happening in this bed. You and Harry had always had a deep sexual connection, an ability to express the depths of your love getting lost in each other’s pleasure…you’d felt lost without it these last few weeks. It had been a relief to be in each other’s arms.  
Your eyebrows raise although your eyes don’t open. You shiver with a slight chill although you feel the warmth of his chest under your cheek. You’d fallen asleep askew across his body, both of you exhausted. You couldn’t imagine how tired he must’ve been after a full show and then…well, having you. All the workouts, eating well, and vitamins gave him an unparalleled stamina, but the longing you both felt last night boosted that stamina even more. Who knew where the duvet was and the sheet was strewn half off your tangled bodies. Head resting on his sternum, one hand is resting just below his bellybutton and the other tucked under you. He has one hand resting over yours and the other cupping your bum cheeks. You twitch your nose as you turn slightly toward his skin the hairs on his chest tickling your nostrils. He smells of musky sex, soap and you. Without opening your eyes, you turn your cheek, kiss his warm skin, and feel his skin goosebump and yours responds in kind causing another shiver.
He sighs and turns his head slightly squeezing your hand and bum as if his sleeping body was afraid you might disappear. You nuzzle into the muscle below you, relieved to be close to him again. He’d been with you through some fire and back…marched down in the valley of the unknown willingly, even leading the way to keep you safe over the last few weeks. He did it and HE…STAYED. To say you loved him and felt his love for you would be an understatement of how you felt about each other.
Your eyes flutter and you can see the outline of his resting cock just barely covered by the tossed white sheet. He has one knee bent and resting out from his body and one straight out with his foot hanging off of the bed at the ankle. He was all yours. You feel the familiar stir low in your belly and feel it creep up your neck to your cheeks. You know he needs his sleep…if you had any decency you’d leave him be and just be happy to wait for more of him. After all he’d promised the three down days would be spent just being together, so patience should be simple…right? You shift gently and turn your head so you can look up at his beautiful face. You kiss the skin just below your cheek again and watch his chest rise and fall. His mouth is open slightly and his raspberry lips look chapped from where they’ve been licked and kissed. You can’t help but reach up and softly run the pad of your forefinger along his bottom lip while you softly suck in your own. His eyes flutter and you pull your hand away quickly, frustrated that you hadn’t been able to resist and had taken the chance to wake him from a restful sleep.
He raises his head slightly, “Hey, baby, everything alright?”
You smile and nod your head against his skin and softly say, “Yeah, I’m great.”
“D’ya get some sleep?” he asks smoothing his hand down your cheek to rest on the side of your neck.
“Mm-Hmm,” you moan with a coy smile.
“’M glad,” he rasps thickly while holding your stare.
“I want…more…of you,” you whisper biting the side of your lip, “I need….”
“‘No wha’ ya need, Jezebel…,’ he says smoothing his hand down your neck, shoulder, side, hip and resting on your thigh and his grip tightens…”I need it too, no’ had enough’ of ma honey, come up here, straddle me, love,” he whispers as his hand tugs at the back of your thigh.
You smile with relief and scramble to straddle his chest. For a second you think to be embarrassed at how wet you are as his hands grip the back of your thighs. You move your hands to his chest to sit up off him not wanting to rest your weight on him so as not to make a mess on his chest.
He cocks his head to one side brows furrowed, “Relax, Jezebel, rest ya body, ‘ve gotcha. Love ya.” You rest on him your pussy undoubtably leaving a wet spot on his chest. He pulls you forward and as you inch toward his face, “Getting’ ma ches’ wet, swee’hear’… ya love this don’ cha?” His accent impossibly thick and his voice raspy from sleep.
Your eyes flutter as you feel the cross from his necklace stick to the outside of your pussy lips, the pressure from your body and the wetness leaving an imprint in its wake.
“Fuck…,” he whispers to himself looking down as the cross drops, you lean forward another inch and he raises his head to kiss the spot causing you to intake a deep breath and your eyes to close. “‘S’pretty…s’sexy…missed ya s’much…missed ya wakin’ me up fo’ this…,” he says kissing the inside of your thigh.
You whimper above him again and rake your fingers through his curls. You feel a drop of honey fall to the side of his face and you gasp. You feel his smirk against your thigh.
“Eyes on me, Jezebel,” he says and you pull your eyes to meet his and watch as his tongue darts to the side to collect his honey.
The sight is so erotic and you gasp again as his hands pull you forward onto his mouth and he licks a hard stripe up your slit. He’s right…you do love it when he takes you like this.
He suctions his lips to your clit and his tongue is working you hard. You feel the breath from his nose on your mound and it just heightens the whole experience. Your mouth opens and your eyes flutter closed as you lose yourself in the moment.
He pops off and laves his tongue over your slit, clit to hole, turning his head from side to side and you squeak at the sensation.
“You’re so good at this, baby. I…god, your fucking mouth,” you say eyes meeting his. They’re filled with love, longing and pride.
He suctions his mouth back to your clit and you know he’s ready to make you cum on his tongue.
“Mmmmm…mmmm…ahhh…ahhhh…AHHHH!” You cry out as your orgasm hits you and your fingers tighten in his hair. You chant his name like a mantra as he works you through it before your head falls forward onto the headboard in front of you. Jesus…you’ve missed this. You whimper, panting, and smile thankful for the release. For the fact that it was so easy, after these weeks of not being able to focus enough to enjoy the moment, it was nice to just let go. If it weren’t for his strong hold on your hips, you would’ve fallen over. “Fuck that felt good,” you mutter breathing heavily into the headboard. He kisses the inside of your thigh and sets you back on his chest.
You look down and immediately release his hair realizing you had a death grip on it. “Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pull so hard.”
He laughs breathily, “S’ok, Jezebel, fuckin’ love it when ya pull ma hair.” His eyes dart to your pussy and suddenly you feel self-conscious. You look down at the swallows lined up with your thighs and feel his pecs flex under your bum. Unconsciously your hand quickly covers yourself and you lift to move off him.  
Holding you still, your hips in his large hands, “Stop,” he says and raises his head to place a gentle kiss on the back of your hand currently covering your pussy. “Don’ hide from me, I fuckin’ love ya body. Move ya ‘and,” he slurs removing your hand from your core.
You close your eyes.
His sexual prowess still surprises you.
“This cunt… Jesus, Jezebel, ya lips are pink an’ swollen…”
“From your kisses, H…” you say nibbling on your forefinger and looking down to where his eyes are affixed to your sex.
“…ya clit is still hard and poking out…” he whispers using his forefinger to softly touch the sensitive bundle of nerves.
You hips buck involuntarily. The slight rise in your body leaving a string of arousal from the hairs on his chest to your lips.
“So fuckin’ hot…wan’ more, love?” he says bending his knees and bucking his hips softly. He squeezes his hands to get your attention, “’M s’hard fo’ ya an’ ya so wet…  Slip down, swee’hear’… Wan’ ya ta fuck me, Jezebel… jus’ take it from me, kay? Sof’ an’ slow, hard an’ fast, over an’ over…however… I jus’…jus’ need this…”
You search his eyes and see the longing, passion and arousal. You feel a rush of wetness and can’t help the swivel of your hips on his chest.  
His nostrils flare and his eyes roll as he absorbs your neediness. It dawns on you that he needs you to need him…it’s been weeks and he’s been helpless…Harry needs to satisfy to be satisfied.
You watch as he opens his eyes and his eyes meet yours and you let out a breath at the look of lust and longing again in his eyes. You move slowly down his chest and his abdomen, leaving a trail of your wetness. You want him to know how much you need him…how much you’ve always needed him, how your body comes alive only for him. You lift up, hand grasping his hard cock and you sigh as you place him at your entrance.
His mouth parts as you slide down on him, taking him into your body and he smiles when he hears your gasp as he bottoms out. “Fuckkk…there’s ma gasp. Missed ma gasp, missed this cunt, Jezebel. Fuck, feels s’good on me…”
Your eyes flutter closed. He’s right. It does feel good. The closeness of him, his legs against your back supporting you, cock filling you up. “God, I missed this, H. Missed you,” you breathe out as you grind down on him, hands flying to his chest to brace yourself as you start moving up and down on him slowly and then faster as his hands guide your hips over his over and over. “Harry!” You exclaim as you fall forward so that you’re face to face.
You sit up and gather your hair and pull it all to one side as you pump up and down feeling the sting in your thigh muscles. The tips of your hair brushes over your nipple causing your eyes to flutter. You release a deep breath and bite your bottom lip on a high-pitched moan. “So deep like this, H…always so deep like this…” you whimper and slide one hand to cover your lower tummy. Stopping to take a breath you look into his eyes and swivel your hips around and around.
His eyes are darting from your face to your breasts down to where you’re connected, it’s like hes trying to memorize all the views. “Lily, d’ya ‘ave any idea how fuckin’ sexy ya are like this? Fuckin’ y’self on me…takin’ wha’ ya need from ma body, coverin’ me wi’ ya honey. Ya so good…ma sweet Lily. But ya aren’t all sweet, hmm? fuckin’ Jezebel in our bed. That’s it…rock ya hips, take me deep…mmm, ma cock hittin’ our spot baby? I fuckin’ missed my spot. Tha’s wha’ it is..yanno…my spot, only mine…ya hear me? All ya body is mine, bu’ tha’ spot…tha’s home…”
“Ya own me, Harry…,” you pant out rolling your neck lost in the sensation, “Turn me inside out, fuck me so good, every time, H…my body belongs only to you, my orgasms are yours.” He reaches up to cup your breasts the sensation curling your toes and causing your head to fall backwards. Whimpering, your body reaches a pinnacle, a space in the stratosphere where your body vibrates and your sex throbs to a familiar burn. You feel a deep sense of sexual awareness, physical wellness and soul deep connection all shared with Harry. The joy bubbles to the surface on a light giggle and a purity that is reflected in your expression. You slow down, body covered in goosebumps and arch your back, “I-I’m cl-close, but I don’t wanna f-f-fall yet….”
He sits up quickly and wraps his arms around your waist squeezing you tight and burying his face between your breasts. You can feel his deep smile against your skin as his lips find his bee tattoo. He latches on to it and sucks deeply.
Your eyes flutter closed as he suckles and your fingers grab onto the curls at the nape of his neck. His lips trail up your breast and latch onto your nipple and you cry out his name as his teeth nip and pull your nipple just like you like and you feel the burn of it all the way down in your pussy. “Ya enjoyin’ the love space my sweet girl? Like bein’ in the space where it’s jus’ me an’ you?”
“Yes!” You say still slowly grinding down on him.
“Ya s’beautiful like this Jezebel when ya all mine.” His hands slide up your sides to your shoulders and then up to your neck, fingers pushing your hair behind your ears, thumbs on your cheeks. “I love ya s’damn much, Lily. Love jus’ spendin’ time wi’ ya, kissin’ ya, buried deep inside ya while m’fuckin’ ya. Everythin’.”
A tear slides down your cheek. “Me too, Harry. I love you so, so much.”
He kisses you quickly, wet lips pressed to yours so softly. “Stop movin’ Jezebel. Lemme get ya there baby,” he says, panting, his hands sliding down to your hips as he thrusts up slowly.
Your eyes flutter closed.
“Eyes on me, Jezebel.”
You open your eyes and meet his. He’s so close, lips nearly touching yours, his breath warm on your face. You can feel everything that’s happening individually and as a whole and it all feels so wonderful. You grip his shoulders, fingernails digging in to his skin.
“S’it good baby? Ya gonna cum fo’ me? Need it, please, god do I need it. Waited as long as I can.”
“Ungh! Fuck! It’s so good, Harry! Imgonnacum! Fuck! Gonna cum!” And then your orgasm hits you. You hold his stare for as long as you can until your eyes squeeze shut, toes curling and you pulse around his cock so tight he can barely move. Your hands fly to his damp curls and you grab on as he works you through it.
All he can hear is your chant of his name as he watches you cum for him. He’s missed this so fucking much. He can feel your panting breath on his face and then he’s thrusting up into you chasing his own release and then he’s cumming, head thrown back, fingers digging into your sides, breasts pressed to his chest, a loud groan escaping from his throat and then his head falls into your neck and he’s squeezing you as tight as he can. “Lily, my sweet, sweet girl. I love ya s’much.”
Your body is tingling and every nerve is like a live wire, but it’s your heart that is roaring loud your ears. Sure, the sex has its effects, god does it have it’s effect, but it’s the love that’s flooding your being…it’s as if it is it’s own breathing, living being there in the room, something that’s turned two separate people into one completely new life…a different being. “Been so long, Harry…been so so long…needed…just needed…,” you squeak as a sob escapes your chest and the tears roll from your cheeks to his shoulder.  
“Sh..sh..baby, I ‘no…oh, angel… missed ya…wan’ed ta fix it all s’much. Fuckin’ hated seein’ tha’ lost look in ya eyes an’ no’ bein’ able ta make it bet’er,” he says pulling your face up to rest his forehead to yours, brushing your hair behind your ears on either side. “This…wha’ we have, how we love, how we care fo’ each other… jus’ can’ say it enough… love ya so much an’ wanna spend tha res’ of ma life showin’ ya… we can make it through anythin’ tagether.”
You sniffle and he thumbs away your tears searching your eyes.
“God ya s'beau’iful…how’d I ge’ s’goddamn lucky?”
You sniffle again and he leans over to the bedside table and grabs a tissue. “It’s been so much…and I felt so broken,” you say wiping your nose on the tissue and then looking down, “I’m tired from it all.”
He takes the tissue from your hand and tosses it in the bin beside the bed, then lifts your chin with a crooked finger. He places the sweetest of tender kisses on your lips. “Wanna cuddle?”
He lays back and pulls you down with him. You start to shift off him but his arms hold you tighter. Kissing the top of your head he says, “Stay, please?”
You nod and he pulls the sheet up to cover your entwined bodies. The last thing you remember is the steady thump of his heart beating under your ear as you finger the cross on his chest. You murmur, “I love you, Harry Edward…my little freak.”
Somewhere in the distance you hear the familiar ringtone of your phone, but can’t be bothered to wake enough to tend to it. It stops. A few moments later, it begins again. You still feel the haze of sleep. You’ve shifted in the night and are laying perpendicular to Harry with your cheek on his abdomen and your arms across his chest and hips. The sheet is hardly covering either of you and his foot is hanging off one side of the bed. Suddenly your “pillow” shifts and hardens as his muscles flex while he reaches for the bedside table.
“Baby, tha’s yours, ya wanna ge’ it?”
You groan and fumble for your phone. You look at it and sit up quickly. “It’s Mac,” you tell him. You accept the call. “Hello?”
“Lily? It’s Mac. How are ya?”
“Hi Mac. I’m really good, thanks. How’re you?”
“I’m great, darlin’. Got some news for ya. You got a minute to talk?”
You notice Harry getting out of bed and getting dressed. “Yeah. Give me just a second.”
You put him on mute and look at Harry as he’s pulling on a hoodie. “Where’re you goin’?”
“Fuel. Ma Jezebel has quite the, uh-mmm, appetite fo’ me an’ if ‘m gonna continue ta satisfy her, we need ta refuel. Ya wan’ ya usual order?”
You smile and nod, blushing. He’s right, you think as you watch him lace his sneakers.
“Be back in a few,” he says, pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Mac? I’m here. Sorry about that. What’s going on?” You ask, curious as to what he could possibly have to tell you.
“Amanda wanted me to tell ya that the Rolex has been released from evidence and it’s yours. Here’s the thing though. A representative from Rolex wants to buy the watch from you. It’s an antique and they want to display it in their flagship store. They’re offering $200,000 for the watch but I think we could get them to go higher.”
“They want to buy the watch from me?”
“That’s right darlin, they do. There’s something else you need to know.”
Your heart is pounding and you wish Harry were here with you. “Ok…”
He can hear the fear in your voice. “Nothin’ to be scared about. It’s not bad news.”
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “Oh thank god.”
Mac laughs his hearty laugh. “Fitz passed away.”
You gasp. You knew he was dying but didn’t expect it to be so soon.
“Here’s the kicker. He’s left his entire estate to you, Lily. It’s a tidy sum. He met with me and I was witness to him signing the will. He was insistent that his assets go to you, not his children. He said it was the least he can do.”
You’re speechless.
“You still there darlin’?”
“Yeah I’m here. I’m sorry this is just a lot to take in.”
“I understand. I wanted to give you a heads up before you get a call from the lawyer.”
“No, I appreciate it, Mac. I…god…thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll be in touch about the watch. Just think about what you want to do.”
“Ok, yeah, I will. Thanks again.”
“Bye darlin’.”
“Bye.” You end the call and sit your phone back on the nightstand trying to take everything in. You lay back down, sheet around your feet but you don’t even care. Your mind is swirling and then you hear the Ring doorbell letting you know Harry’s back and you turn your head as he walks through the door and you bite your bottom lip. “You went out without showering!”
He smirks and sets the coffees down, then his keys, then you watch as he crosses his arms to take off his shirt while he’s toes his sneakers off and strips his shorts and briefs off. He crawls on the bed and pulls you onto his lap and then tosses you over onto your back, your knees high on his side and buries his face in your neck, pressing kisses into your skin. “Been awhile Jezebel, couldn’ bear ta wash ya off me yet…”
He ravishes your neck and you reach over and grab the ball cap to put on your head, giggling. “Did ya get caught mister?”
“Don’ think so…saw the cutest puppy.” He looks up and smiles the sweetest smile. “Ya look good in ma cap baby,” he says, nose nuzzling yours.
“Why thank you Grammy-winning, Internationally-recognized, Number-One-occupying, Object of Numerous sexual fantasies, rock star of mine…,” you tease popping the cap off, putting it on his head and pulling it down over his eyes.
“Only care abou’ your fantasies, baby,” he says diving in for tickling kisses all over your face and neck.
You laugh so hard your tummy hurts, “HARRY! Sttahhhpp!”
“Tha’s no’ wha’ ya said las’ nigh’…,” he stops and makes a thinking face, “Umm…think it was summat like, ‘Don’ stop, Don’ stop, keep goin’, deeper’, Harry! Ya a sex god!’”
You push him off, “Don’t push your luck bucko!” you say sticking your tongue out at him. You look around and sniff, “I smell mocha…is there mochaccino for me?”
“’Course,” he says kissing your bent knee just before he stands to grab the cups.
He stops mid-way and just smiles at you.
“Jus’ ya look so ‘appy…,” he says with a soft smile.
“Oh, Harry, I haven’t even brushed my hair,” you say looking down your relaxed completely naked body.
“Don’ give a fuck abou’ any of tha’, look fuckin’ sexy all loved up.”
You sit up and crawl on your knees to the edge of the bed in front of him, “Well, I have you to thank for that, so…thank you,” you say puckering up silently asking for a kiss that he happily places on your lips. When he pulls back he hands you your cup and you take a sip of the amazing liquid, humming your appreciation. “So what time do you have to go in today?”
“I don’.  Told ya was takin’ the next three days off…meant it.”
You smile wide-eyed you move to sit at the head of the bed, “Really?! I thought maybe that was just something I heard in the heat of the moment.”
“Nope, told everyone was takin’ some personal days for fuck’s sake. ‘m all yours fo’ the next few,” he says sipping his cup and setting it off to the side. “Whatever shall ya do wi’ me?” he says smirking.
You bite your bottom lip and look at his naked form from curls to toes, “Baby, maybe you should wonder what I’m NOT gonna do with you.”
“Like tha sound of tha’” he says walking his fingers up your leg to your tummy to your nipple where he circles the areola.
You gasp and then suck in a deep breath with a whimper. “Shower first?”
“Can be arranged…comin’ wi’?”
“Mm-hmm,” you say breathily nipples hard and crinkled.
He backs off the bed and turns to walk away. Biting the side of your lip, you stay stock still, bent knee rocking back and forth as you study his beautiful bum. He turns around quickly and suddenly grabs your ankles pulling you to the edge of the bed causing you to burst into a giggle fit. “I said, are you comin’ wi’, Jezebel, no’ starin’ at ma arse,” he says pretending to be irritated.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” you giggle.
“Now tha’ sounds mo’ like wha’ I heard las’ nigh’,” he says turning around giving you his back, “Wanna ride?”
You wrap your arms around his neck and hop to put your legs around his waist piggyback style. You stretch your arm out and point your finger, “To the shower, driver,” you say sternly.
The shower water feels warm and relaxing as you toss your head back to wet your hair. You can sense he just stepped in before you even open your eyes. His mouth latches onto your stretched neck and you feel the nip of his teeth. “Feel good?” he rasps against your skin.
“Mmmm…feels so good,” you breathe out, tilting your neck to give him better access, your hands sliding around his shoulders. It’s like you can’t get enough of each other. You can feel his hunger for you almost as if he’d said it out loud. “Last time I saw you in the shower, you were, ahem, ummm…pleasuring yourself, sir. What exactly were you thinking about, hmm?” You say, giggling as he kisses back up your neck to your mouth and then he’s slowly walking you backwards, eyes meeting yours, smirking until your back hits the cold tiles causing you to gasp.
His hands hit the tiles by your head, caging you in and you can see the cocky look in his eye.
Your smile slides off of your face as you look into his eyes. The atmosphere has changed from playful to predatory just like that.
“Think ya know wha’ I was thinkin’ abou’, Jezebel,” he says, voice raspy and accent thick, his stare pinning you to the wall. “Thinkin’ abou’ when I took ya tha’ last time in the pink room an’ ya were holdin’ on ta the bars I had installed. Ya face when the bench moved an’ my face was level to my cunt.”
You gulp and then bite your lip as you remember that moment too.
“Then I was thinkin’ about ya letting me use that plug on ya gorgeous bum an’ how full ya were when I fucked ya wearin’ it. Could feel tha’ damn plug as I was fuckin’ into ya. Sexiest thing I ever saw.”
You whimper and squirm because he’s making you so wet.
“Why ya squirmin’ baby, hmm?” He leans forward to whisper in your ear, “turn around, Lily, put ya ‘ands flat on the tile.”
You whimper again but do what he says and you gasp when you feel his warm lips kissing down your back. Before you can even process it, he pulls your hips out and his hand reaches around to rub your bee tattoo. You sigh as your body reacts to his touch and you reach down to his hip and rub your thumb over his matching bee tattoo. “I like your honey too, yanno, H.” You lick your lips. “Like it dripping out of me.”
“Mmm, Jezebel. Yeah…ya look s’good wi’ it drippin’ outta ya or on ya lips.”
“Is that what you want Harry, you wanna cum inside my mouth?”
“Later…righ’now need ta cum here,” he says running his hand along your lower tummy and slowly entering you. “Need ta be so (thrust) fuckin’ (thrust) deep.”
“Fuck…wish I had tha’ plug wi’ me. I’d fill ya all the way up, Jezebel. Ya’d like tha’ wouldn’t ya?” Nipping your neck, hands tight on your hips. “Shiverin’ baby…does it make ya wet ta remember?”
You whimper against your hand on the tile…a drop of saliva dripping from your open mouth.
“God, I love ya like this, Jezebel. When ya s’wet an’ it’s s’good ya can’t even speak.” Hands sliding up to your breasts, massaging and then pinching your nipples hard.
You’re still whimpering because he’s right. You can’t speak right now.
“Now ya know why I had ta do wha’ I did in the shower…”
You whimper in response. He’s worked you up good and proper and he knows it. You’re so close and it feels so good. His right hand slides to your lower tummy and presses in and that’s all it takes for you to cum hard for him. Your orgasm explodes through your body. You’re squeezing him tight almost like your body doesn’t want to let him go. Like it missed this too. You smile as you feel him tense up and still behind you, his forehead falling to the back of your head.
“Fucks sake, Jezebel. Tha’ was intense,” he pants out. He pulls out of your warmth and turns you around pressing several soft kisses to your mouth before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you to him in a fierce hug.
Once he gets his breath back he ask you: “So what was Mac calling’ about?”
“Jesus, Harry, fucked me mindless, havin’ a hard time focusing right now.”
His lips curve into a proud smirk and he pumps his fist thinking you don’t see as you turn to get under the spray.
You grin and suck in your lips to keep from giggling then shake your head trying to gather your wits. “He called because….” You trail off and watch as he washes his hair, muscles flexing as he rinses and hands you the shampoo bottle. You take it from him and lethargically squeeze the shampoo into your hand.
He chuckles and takes the bottle and sits it back on the side, taking the shampoo from your outstretched hand, “here, love, you talk, I’ll wash.”
“S’not funny, H…. I’m really outta my mind right now!” You say, slapping at his chest.
“Jus’ means I did ma job, Jezebel,” he says, kissing your nose. “Now tell me what Mac said,” he demands as he soaps up his hands and moves to wash your hair.
So you tell him everything…the watch, the will, the windfall of cash coming your way. “I don’t need this money. I know Fitz was trying to make amends and I appreciate the gesture, but…” you bite your lip and look into his eyes. “This money is tainted for me. The only way I know to fix it is to do do something with it…something that’ll make a difference.”
“Rinse,” he says.
You step under the spray to rinse and watch as he grabs the conditioner and squirts a dollop in his palm.
He smiles softly at you as he massages it into the ends of your hair. “I know ya’ll find the perfect thing ta do wi’ tha money, Lily. I’m really proud of ya.”
You blush. “Thank you. Thank for always supporting me. I love you.”
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you to him. “And I love you, my Jezebel.”
Your stomach chooses that moment to make its emptiness known, much to your utter humiliation. You bury your face in your palms and press your forehead to his sternum, “Oh my god…” you mutter.
He chuckles merrily and kisses the top of your head. “Well, guess we ‘no wha’ we need ta do firs’. Need ta feed ma woman. ‘S kinna late…go’ ya a chocolate croissant, tha’ tide ya over?”
“Yeah, sounds divine,” you say rolling your eyes up to him. Suddenly an idea pops in your head, “Hey, I’m kinda cravin’ some of the crispy skin salmon like we had on my birthday at Plum + Spilt Milk and that amazing grilled asparagus….”
“Was great, babe, bu’ can’t get London ta deliver, love,” you shiver as he turns the water off.
“Let’s make it ourselves! I think we can,” you exclaim excitedly pulling your hair to the side and wringing out the excess water. “I can get dressed and pop out to the market and grab the ingredients and be back in no time!”
“Mmmm… don’ wan’ ya ta be away from me, Jezebel…an’ I sure as fuck don’ wan’ ya ta ge’ dressed,” he says tapping your bum as you step out of the huge shower stall into the warm towel he’s holding out to wrap you in.
You take the ends of the towel from him and pull it tight around you as he grabs another towel and proceeds to towel dry your hair. You slip your towel off and dry his body as you talk about the ingredients you might need for the meal you’re going to cook together.
“Get some of tha’ fresh but’er an’ some lemons…an’ a bulb of garlic. ‘ave tha’ huge jug of Olive Oil from Italy, so tha’s good. Grab a bundle of firewood, maybe a fire later, hmm? Sound nice? Can ligh’ one in tha bedroom fireplace…” he says kissing your forehead pulling away with a smirk, “keep ya warm, even more excuse ta keep ya naked the rest of the week.”
You smile up at him, “Won’t take much to convince me.”
“Love ya.”
“I love you.”
You dry your hair and dress quickly. Kissing Harry good-bye, you step through the door, but veer to the bedroom to grab his ball cap. On your way out the door, you hear him in the kitchen knocking pans around and wonder what in the world he could possibly be doing. “Who knows...,” you whisper to yourself shaking your head.
In the hallway, you run into Cal - literally. “Oh! I’m sorry, Cal!” You say as he steadies you.
“You alright Lily?”
“I’m fine, thank you. I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Where’re you off to?”
“I was gonna run to the market.”
He pops his cap back on his head. “I’ll drive you.”
“No, that’s not necessary. It’s just down the street.”
“I’d feel better if ya let me drive ya. I know Harry would feel better too.”
You sigh. You know when you’re beat. “You’re right. Let’s go.”
He smiles and pushes the button to the elevator. “There’s a great little market not too far away. I can take you there if you’d like. They have a great United Kingdom section.”
You close your eyes. “Mmmm…scones and clotted cream. And chocolate! Yes, take me there.”
You take your time just walking around and looking at everything. The UK section is massive and you find all kinds of things that remind you of home. You get all the ingredients and have a very pleasant conversation with another shopper about the best way to grill the asparagus. You finally check out and then Cal helps you carry your purchases to the car and you’re on your way back home.
You stumble through the door clutching a heavy mesh grocery bag filled with fresh ingredients. Cal follows behind with another bag and the firewood.
"Harry! The front door was unlocked…what…are you asking to get mobbed!” you say highly irritated that he’d be so cavalier.
He rounds the corner from the kitchen in a full mid-length apron with a huge Union Jack flag pattern and the words, “Keep Calm and Bake On” emblazoned on the front, his hair clipped up out of his eyes. You see nothing on his arms and nothing but a pair of white Nike athletic socks on his feet. “Dinna jus’ leave it open, Lily, jus’ opened it when I saw ya were close on Life 360,” he says wiping his hands on a towel.
You shriek with laughter and step to the side, “Cal…I’d like you to meet, Harry… This is ALL of him apparently,” you motion with Vanna White hand motions.
Harry looks down, smirking, “Wha’!?” he says turning around to reveal his peachy bum in a pair of navy blue bikini briefs. “I’m decent!” he exclaims in offense.
You cover your mouth, bending at the waist to giggle profusely. Cal walks over to the breakfast bar to set the bags down and Harry walks over to him and throws an arm around his shoulders, “I’m decent, right, Cal?!” Cal simply grumbles a chuckle in reply, give a salute and heads to the door.
“I’ll be around Miss Lily, if you need anything else, give me a call,” he says through grinning lips.
“She won’ be goin’ out anymo’, we’re both in fo’ tha next couple days,” Harry says returning the salute to Cal.
You kiss Cal on the cheek, “Thanks, Cal, love you bunches, friend.” Shutting the door behind him you lock the locks and lean your forehead against the door giggling, tears rolling down your cheeks as the hilarity overtakes your body. Suddenly two hands slap against the door on either side of your head.
“You dinna tell me ya were takin’ Cal wi’ ya,” he whispers in your ear attempting a scolding voice.
You gulp down a final giggle, “I just ran into him, H, I swear,” a snort erupts despite your every attempt to hold it in, “the way you kept saying, ‘I’m decent’… oh my god, Harry, that was the funniest thing ever….oh…oh…oh…my tummy hurts.”
“’M gonna make ya bum sore in jus’ a second…an’, fo’ the record, I am decent. All tha important stuff’s covered.”
“You, my little freak, are anything but decent…you’re utterly indecent in every way,” you slowly turn around to face him still caged in his arms, “and I wouldn’t have it any other way…”
He leans close to your ear, “Tha’s good, cause, Jezebel, not exactly havin’ decent thoughts righ’ now. Jus’ pu’ ya favorite lemon cake in…take’s fifty-five minutes…jus’ long enough fo’ me ta lay ya ou’ on tha’ dinin’ room table an’ have a ‘lil taste…. Understand?”
A soft whine leaves your throat.
“Gon’ lemme have a lit-ull taste of ya sweet cunt, Jezebel?”
You shiver. “Fuck, yes. Love your mouth, H, you know that.”
He smirks. “I wan’ ya ta take off all ya clothes and sit on the dining table fo’ me.”
“Ok,” you say in a shaky breath.
He watches as you toe off your sneakers and slide your leggings down your legs and cross your arms taking off of your shirt and unhook your bra, sliding it down your arms.
You walk to the dining room table and sit down on the edge. You’re wet and you know you’re getting the table wet.
He moves to stand in front of you, his hands on your knees pushing your legs open. “How wet are ya?”
You whimper as his pointer finger runs down your slit.
“Tell me…is the table wet?”
You nod. “Yes!”
“Good girl. Always s’wet fo’ me. Makes me s’hard,” he says, pressing his lips to yours and then he’s leaning you back on the table and you can feel the goosebumps break out on your body as your back hits the cold table.
He pushes your knees further apart and then he bends his head and licks a stripe up your slit, his hands sliding around your thighs pulling you closer to his mouth.
Your hands fly to his hair and your back arches. Jesus, you’ve missed this, you think. All these months later and it still feels so damn good.
His tongue slides down your slit to your entrance and he thrusts his tongue in.
“Ahhhh! Fuck!” You exclaim, back arching even higher.
“Taste so sweet, Jezebel,” he says, tongue dipping back in for more.
You can’t stop moaning above him and you feel him grip you harder because you’re starting to squirm.
Your hands dig further into his curls as his lips suction around your clit. “Ahhhh…hahhhh…mmmm…imgonnacum. Harry!”
He pops off and meets your eyes. “Cum fo’ me,” he pants out. “Soak ma mouth, Jezebel,” he says as he suctions back onto your clit.
You’re panting as you look into his eyes as his tongue works against your clit. “Fuck! Mmm…ungh!” You cry out as your back arches and your head thunks back against the table as your eyes squeeze closed as you cum hard for him. Your hands tighten in his curls as your release moves through your body and your legs try and close around his head. Your body relaxes back onto the table and you go lax just enjoying the afterglow of a good orgasm.
Harry for his part can’t stop kissing your inner thighs and he smiles against your skin as he hears your giggle. It’s been so long since he’s heard your laugh and he can’t get enough. His mouth kisses down the left side of your Pusey and you softly moan above him and it’s music to his ears. He kisses up your body until he gets to your lips and then he presses his mouth to yours, tongue darting out to taste you.
You wrap your legs around his waist and you sit up enough for him to get his arms around you and then he picks you up and places you on the floor.
“I (kiss) want (kiss) ya (kiss), Jezebel in our bed. Ya gon’ let me take ya the way I wan’ ta?” He rasps against your lips.
You close your eyes and smile. “Yes, please…I want you to fill me up.”
His nostrils flair. “Go upstairs an’ lay in the middle of the bed fo’ me, legs spread, arms above ya head.”
“Ok,” you say kissing him quickly and walking away.
He watches you go and then looks at the timer. Perfect, he thinks as he walks up the stairs and through the bedroom door. He adjusts his cock as he sees you spread out for him, eyes meeting his as he walks into the room.
You watch, breath picking up, as he goes to the walk-in closet and comes out with his Alexander McQueen skull scarf and you swallow hard. You remember when he tied his curls back with that scarf and how badly you wanted him.
“Wanna restrain ya, Jezebel. Tha’ be ok?”
You nod, lips sucked in your mouth.
He wraps the scarf around your wrists and then tie them to the headboard before moving to your ankles and leaning over the bed and pulling out a leather restraint, gently restraining one ankle, and then the next, leaving your wide open for him.
He groans as his hands move up your legs to your waist. “Love ya like this, Jezebel,” he says lowly, lips kissing just the tops of your breasts.
“These’re just like the ones in the pink room, H, how did you….oh, God Harry I miss our pink room…” you say longingly.
“So we pretend this is our pink room, d’ya see it…over there’s tha Paris pic of you cummin’ wi’ this very toy…” he says picking up the pink vibrator from your Paris boudoir photo shoot. You briefly close your eyes remembering…the pics…the Pink room…the way you fuck each other there…a groan escapes before you can hold it back. You’re so lost in the memory of the pink room that you don’t feel him climb on the bed between your spread legs and lightly run the toy down your slit.
“Swee’eart, you sure you’re up fo’ this? S’ really pink an’ swollen, haven’ given ya much of a break…an’ I don’t wanna hurtcha…does it hurt here?” He asks running his middle finger around the rim of your core. The sensitive flesh feels slightly sore from being well used…well-loved by your seemingly insatiable lover, but you know not to fib, “Your cunt is sore H. You always give me your most, so yeah, it’s wonderfully, deliciously sore and it feels amazing, please just keep kissing it better and then making it sore all over again,” you say biting your bottom lip and staring into his eyes.
He closes his eyes, nostrils flaring and groans. “Goddamn Lily…Killin’ me.”
You blush. Him calling you by your name means that you’re really getting to him. It makes you proud that you can rile him up like this.
You buck your hips up craving more of his touch. “I’m yours Harry. Take me like you want to.”
"Kiss it make it bet'er?" he asks maintaining eye contact as he starts to lean toward your weeping pink pussy on display for him.
You nod.
"Words, swee'eart."
"Kiss my pussy please."
“Jus’ had ya honey on ma tongue on the dining room table. Ya wan’ ma mouth again?”
He begins placing sweet kitten kisses all over, all around, his attention causes his brows to furrow. “‘M so sorry, I made ya sore here," he says between sweet kisses. "'S tha feel bet-ah? Ya sweet creamy honey's drippin'. So beautiful, pret'iest sweet cunt. Who's is it, Lily...tell me."
“It’s yours! All yours!” You pant out.
You can feel yourself drip to the bed.
"'S feel better? Ya ready fo' our toy?" he asks in his slow raspy way. You’re dying and he seems to enjoy your impatience, the sexual desire building as your tummy quivers and thighs pull at the straps.
“Harry...." you whine, your breasts jerking, your nipples hard as a rock.
“Ya didn’t answer ma question Jezebel. Ya ready?”
You nod.
“Wanna see ya cum wi’ our toy in ya. Wan’ ya honey all over our toy. Can ya do tha’?”
“Mmmm…fuck, yes! I’ll cum for you!”
He runs the toy around the rim of your entrance, then moves it up and slightly to the left of your clit. He knows your body so well and he know that spot gets you everytime. He places his hand over your mound and uses his thumb to pull up on the skin there, pulling the hood up exposing your sweet little pearl for him, the low vibrations from the pink toy hitting just right. He places it softly, knowing that too much is too much. He knows that soft indirect contact makes your tummy quiver with pleasure.
You look down at his face, the curls flopped over his eye as he studies the task before him playing you like he does the instruments that he loves so much.
“Can see ya clenchin'. Fuck! 'S like ya winkin' at me...so sexy. Jesus, love... ya ready fo' mo’?”
Your eyes flutter closed as you feel his long, warm finger slide in. His other hand moves to hold your hips down and he smirks as you clench around his finger over and over. He glances at your face and then at the clock. It’s almost time for the cake to come out of the oven and he has plans to edge you for a while.
The thought of you bound and squirming has him smirking to himself.
"Baby..." he says pulling his finger out.
You whimper loudly and raise your head in exasperation.
"Harry, no..."
"Breathe fo' me, love, yeah? Ready fo’ this," he says running the toy around your entrance.
"Yeah, but I love your fingers too," you say panting,
"Take our toy, babe, gotta get tha cake out," he whispers softly in an attempt to soothe your frustration,
"Shhh...here," he says sliding the vibrating toy deep inside your channel.
He leans forward and places a kiss just above your public bone, lightly pressing on your lower tummy intensifying the sensation.
"Don't make me wait, H...oh please!"
“S’ok Jezebel. Won’ leave ya waitin’ ta long, promise.”
You know there’s no use in saying anything once he’s made up his mind.
“Don’ cum Jezebel,” he says looking into your eyes. “Ya can do this. Be back soon,” he says kissing your lips, fingers pinching your nipples before climbing off of the bed stark naked and going to the kitchen. He walks down the stairs slowly, wanting to draw this out as much as possible. He pulls the oven open and pulls the cake out, sticking the toothpick in the middle to test the done-ness. The toothpick comes out clean and he breathes in the lemon scent. He places the cake on the counter and pulls out the butter placing it on the counter to get to room temperature and grabs the powdered sugar from the cupboard and then grabs a couple of lemons from the bag and grabs a bowl and the grater, zesting the lemons for the icing. He smirks as he thinks about you above him dripping around the toy, trying not to cum even though your body is begging to let go. He washes his hands again and heads up the stairs, the kitchen towel still in his hands and leans against the door jam watching you.
You’re practicing some deep breathing, trying to hold on, but the toy has slipped down to where the end of it presses on your g-spot. It's just...intense and your face is streaked with tears from your watering eyes. You raise your head when you sense his stare.
"Harry...." you whine with a soft smile, so happy to see his beautiful face.
He tosses the towel over his shoulder and nods toward your body, "Cum fo' me. Show me, Lily. Wan' ya ta cum all over tha’ toy while I watch."
You gulp and drop your head to the bed. "Fuck..." He stands there stark naked, arms crossed, smirk and dimples on full display and his simple request feels like relief in words. It's absurd how comfortable you’ve become...so sexually secure. After all you’re wide open, vibrating toy held inside you with a tight grip, longing for release and he holds your heart, your love, your passion and pleasure in his hands and his three words, "Cum for me" have you hanging on for dear life. You whimper. You want to let go but you need his touch. You need to feel his large warm hands on your body. “Touch me, baby. Please. Need your hands on me, please.”
You watch as he drops the towel and walks to the bed and crawls up on the bed between your legs, hands sliding up the bed beside you before they move to your sides, fingers trailing over your skin.
You smile in relief at his touch and then your back arches and your legs quiver as your orgasm takes over your body, calling out his name over and over.
"There she is...cum fo' me....so goddamn sweet...Jesus, need ta be inside ya."
He slides his hand down your tummy and slowly removes the toy, dragging it up over your clit. You flinch at the sensation, "Mmmm..." you buck your hips as your eyes roll back.
"Still feelin' it don'cha, angel."
"M-hmm...it's not stopping and it just doesn't feel the same as when you’re inside me. Fill me up Harry, 's been long enough. Wanna feel you cum inside me, please...." you whimper and beg, pulling at your bonds and pleading with your expression.
"Ya wan' this," he says tugging on his hard cock.
A full body shiver overtakes you.
He scoots closer to you and slides his cock through your slit. You gasp as the top of his cock hits your clit on each pass. “Eyes on me, Jezebel,” he says as he takes his cock in his hand and slaps it down on your clit causing your hips to jerk. He watches your expression closely to see if you like it. “Feel good, baby?”
You lick your lips and nod.
“One day we’re gonna see if ya can cum like this…would ya like tha’?” He asks, smacking his cock as hard as he can on your clit. Your hips buck and you cry out a yes.
"Dripping Harry...Uhh--huuuhhh...Ah! Please! Please! ....Mmmm.. hurting for you!"
"Can' move can ya....m'cocks so close an' ya can' move, ya gotta take wha' I give ya when I give it ta ya...," he says on another particularly tough slap of his cock on your swollen clit. "Ya wan' me deep, babe? Tha' wha' ya wan'? 'Cuz I'm holdin' back...'f ya knew how bad I wanna fuck ya."
“Do it…please!” you sob undulating your hips up and down seeking some sort of friction. You’ve twisted your hands in a way so that you pull on the beautiful expensive scarves he’s bound you with and the sound of threads ripping causes you both to stop for a moment and look up at your right hand.  
Harry smirks, “Baby, don’ wanna hav’ ta tell Alex how we ripped tha’ skull scarf, ‘sides it’s one of ma favorites.”
You grin and lean up to place a kiss on his chin, “Better fuck me then, Harry. Hangin’ on by a thread here. Literally.”
“This better,” he says as he slips his cock down to your entrance. God he’s so hard, he’s covered in a mixture of your honey and his pre-cum. He’s got incredible control and it’s time to break that control.
“More…,” you cry out looking down to where he’s positioned.  
He leans down to place an open-mouthed kiss and groans deeply as he plunges in to the hilt. You close your eyes thankful for the crack in his control, your body pushing up slightly from the force of his hips.
“Don’ lock up on me, Jezebel. Don’ wan’ ya passin’ out befo’ ya cum, hear me?”
You bite your lip and nod. “I won’t, promise.”
His hands skate up your arms and his fingers wrap around your wrists. “Look s’beautiful bound jus’ fo’ me, Lily. Ya the best thin’ tha’s ever happened ta me an’ now ‘m gonna show ya how crazy ya make me righ’ now,” he pants out against your lips as he grinds his hips into yours.
Your mouth drops open and you pant against his open mouth, exchanging breath with him.
“Am I hittin’ my spot, Jezebel?”
“Yes!” You pant out, hands tightening on the scarves.
“Wan’ ya ta cum jus’ like this before I fuck ya. Can ya do tha’ fo’ me?” He says, tongue darting out to lick your upper lip.
“Ungh! Ohhhhh…yes, I-I’m gonna cum for you!” Your head tips back as he rolls his hips into yours over and over and his lips leave a blazing trail down your neck. Your eyes close and you feel your orgasm bubbling in the pit of your stomach. You love it when it’s slow like this…when you can feel the fire in your belly and feel it move to your pussy and then burst through your entire body. Your head snaps up when his lips envelop your nipple and his teeth nibble it just right…then everything goes white as your orgasm hits you like an electric shock and you pant his name over and over.
“S’ slick, slippery wi’ ma honey…love when ya get s’ wet, feel ya pulse an’ pull on ma cock like ya can’ get enough of it,” he whispers against your sternum. Finally he looks up shaking his head and pulls back to pound in hard…”No’ pushin’ me out though are ya, baby, ya wan’ mo’ don’cha…”
You’ve lost all ability to focus. Your body is pulsing and tugging on him. “H…Har…d..don’t…st..stop…,” you stutter attempting to speak, as he continues to chase his own release. “Feels so good, H…take…take it…”
“’M so hard, Jesus, love…Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Spread out fo’ me! Fuck!”
“Yes! Yes! Gonna make me cum too!” you squeal and whimper frantic to feel him fill you up…to feel him shake and shiver and lose all control. He does that only for you. He finds his pleasure in your body and that feels so powerful.
You feel his warm orgasm flood your body and it feels like it goes on forever. You can feel his tummy contract and his thighs shaking and straining. The tip of his cock is smashed deeply inside you and your walls are holding him so tight. Your body can’t hug him tight enough and now, you need to do the same. You need him to release you so you can get your hands on him.
He slumps over and buries his head in your shoulder. “Jesus, Jezebel…Christ, ya ok?”
“Untie my hands,” you ask panting needing to hold him.
He starts to move and you stiffen and quickly respond, “No!…please…don’t pull out, just release my hands.”
He smirks down at you and places a kitten kiss on you the tip of your nose, “’Kay baby, won’ leave ya body.”
You smile and blow out a breath, “You just feel so good…inside…but I wanna touch you.”
He makes quick work of releasing your wrists and you flop your hands on his back. He pulls your left hand around to inspect and kiss the inside of your wrist. “’S it sore?” he asks moving his lips up your palm and on to where your engagement ring circles your finger.
Your eyes follow his lips and you shake your head with a watery expression. “Not sore…,” you reply threading your other hand in the curls at the back of his head. His slight movements on your sensitive body while he’s buried deep are almost as intense as the look he has as he kisses your ring finger while searching your eyes. “’No we fuck, Lily. Fuck so good…,” he says pushing in to remind you that your bodies are still connected, “bu’ ‘s nev’r no’ love, ya ‘no tha’ righ’?” he asks softly accent as thick as ever as he fingers your ring.
“It’s always love, Harry, I know that…,” you reply brushing the hair from his forehead.
“Jus’ don’…. wan’…ya ta forget, when I get los’ in ya…s’always love. I love ya so much.”
You gulp at his sentiment and smile. “I love you Harry…all…of…you…”
He fingers the hair at the side of your cheek and tilts his head, opening his mouth for passionate kiss, pouring his love into the kiss as his tongue darts in touching and tasting the recesses of your mouth. It’s like he’s establishing his familiarity, his bond with you. His love…you are loved.
“Lemme ge’ ya ankles,” he says rubbing his nose on yours.
He pushes back and raises up, his softness slipping from your body.  
“Mmm…,” you moan and your eyes flutter at the sensation.
He takes a moment to reverently brush his hand from your neck down your sternum along your tummy where he stops for a moment…just looking at your sex, settling back on his knees just looking, curiously.
The observation is unnerving and you begin to blush furiously and squirm. He presses lightly on your tummy to still you. “Don’ move…,” he scolds as he reaches behind him and releases the buckles quickly. He bends your knees and draws them up from their straightened position, his stare flitting from your face to your sex.
Finally, he bites his bottom lip on a grin, “Show me, Lily. Show me…our cum,” he says from where he’s perched between your legs.
You suck in your lips and place your hand over his as it rests on your tummy. “Harry…” you whisper softly.
“Show me…,” he says gently pressing on your tummy.  The pressure causes the creamy mixture of you both to leak out and he takes a deep breath in and shakes his head in awe… “Fuckin’ love tha’….”
He runs his thumb down one side of your swollen pussy lips and into the mixture that has dripped down following the line of your body. He can’t resist swirling the cream around the pucker of your bottom hole. “God, Jezebel, miss ma plug here. Miss tha fullness, an’ ma initials here,” he says swirling around the sensitive nerves causing you to suck in a breath and moan.
He looks up when you draw your fingers up to your mouth, a nervous response to his revelry. “’S it feel good?”
You close your eyes.
“Ya know, ‘s ok if it does…nothin’ wrong wi’ it.”
You nod biting your finger and pull your legs back a little farther.
“Fuck! Jesus, gotta get another set…soon… very soon. Lemme get ya cleaned up. Need ta feed ma lover,” he says with a kiss to your knee and a winking smile.
“I think I wanna soak in the tub for a bit, H. D’you mind?” you ask as you drop your legs to one side.
“’Course no’ babe. Lemme ge’ ya water star’ed. Ya wan’ some of those salts fo’ y….”
You emphatically shake your head “no” interrupting, “Jus’ a hot bath, umm… the salts on my lady bits sounds kinda dreadful at the moment,” you say pushing up on your elbows.
“Lily…” he says with a stern stare.
“Harry… I feel amazing, my body feels…incredible,” you say sitting up all the way and running your hand down his cheek, “please don’t fret, I just don’t want the salt to make me more raw…because…,” you grab his chin forcing him to look in your eyes, “look at me, because I want more of you…I’ve missed feeling…sexy and being able to…don’t look like that, H,” you lean down to kiss his frowning face. “I-I…just want to have more of you…over and over…while I have you all to myself, after so much time without and all the issues with my parent’s murder…wanna be free to…”
“Fuck?” Harry says finally coming around and smirking. “Jus’ don’ wan’ ya ta hurt…”
“I’m definitely not in pain…pain, was not being able to make love and honestly, a little pain from you is…sooo…,” you close your eyes searching for the right words, “thrilling…that fine line reminds me that I’m alright…”
He chuckles, “Using my own lyrics on me, huh?”
“Well, if the words fit…” you say pulling your hair to one side and leaning in to draw your finger down the line of his nose.
You fall over in a fit of giggles.
He does a pretend throwing of the mic, “NO, tha’ doesn’ work…baby, this love always feels like it should…c’mere,” he leans down to pick you up bridal style, “le’s ge’ ya in tha tub. Think ‘ll jump in tha shower fo’ a sec, then ‘ll fix ya some tea. Planned ta make Chicken Picatta fo’ supper, ‘no it’s one of ya favori’es.”
You groan and roll your eyes as he sets you on your feet. He starts the water and gets you settled before grabbing a quick shower himself. On his way out to make you a cuppa, he turns around, “Love ya…forever, Lily. Will love ya forever.”
You smile softly from the relaxed position you’ve found in the tub, “And I will love you for forever, Harry…for forever.”
You spend the next couple of hours in the kitchen cooking…and well, generally making a huge mess. He insisted on making fresh pasta with the fancy pasta maker attachment that came with his expensive mixer. Needless to say the first batch dried out from being overworked trying to figure out how to get the pasta to run smoothly through the rolling mechanism. The conversations consisted of giggle fits and, “I think that’s backwards,” and, “it needs more flour or it’s gonna stick,” and, “No, Harry, being a baker at sixteen doesn’t make you a pasta maker!” Interspersed with voracious make-out sessions, romantic words over grating cheese and a belly laughing discussion about “What really are capers?” and the night staying in to cook was just perfect.
Tummies full and dishes done you stand at the kitchen counter in a Harry’s house t shirt and the special Harry’s House panties you had made for his One Night Only performance and you smile to yourself thinking about that night as you pour the last of the bottle of white in your wineglass. God, Harry was so sexy…the crowd loved him and later that night…he was…well, the memories of him taking you in front of the apartment windows. You smirk and bite your lip as you set the bottle down gently. You feel his warmth before you feel his touch as he comes up behind you to wrap one arm around your shoulders and one around your waist.
“Wha’s tha’ smile abou’ babe?” he asks as his hand snakes up your shirt to rub his thumb back and forth along your bee tattoo.
“Just thinkin’ about the night of the One Night Only show. I was wearing these panties. Thanks by the way for letting me get dressed for dinner…I know what a burden it is for you to have me in clothes…,” you snicker as he nuzzles his nose on your ear.
“Yeah, prefer ya in nothin’, bu’ hav’ ta admi’ when ya wear these panties…,” he moves his hand down to cup your mound, “Mmm…this is Harry’s House yanno….”
You close your eyes, smile softly and whisper, “That night…Harry… those green beads….” Your body breaks out in a shiver and you feel him press his hips against your bum as he pulls your pelvis back against him. Your nipples harden against his arm and you take a deep breath.
“Mmm…ya turn me on so much, Jezebel.”
You whimper, “Harry, I didn’t even know I was Jezebel then…”
“S’ true, it was my…,” he bites the shell of your ear and presses his middle finger along your panty-covered slit, “…little secret, jus’ waitin’ fo’ ya ta figure it out.”
“Always been my little freak, hmm?” you say enjoying the feel of his fingers on you.
“’Lil freak fo’ only you,” he says pressing in a little harder over your clit.
You flinch ever so slightly, the feel of the cotton brushing over the swollen skin of your pussy lips. You turn your head to kiss his cheek, but you can tell he’s noticed you flinch.
His eyebrows furrow, "Lemme light a fire in the bedroom, baby. Lay ya down and put some ointment on your sore lips, give ya a break tanight, but I wanna see how raw it is, wanna put something on it, make it feel better, get ya ready fo’ me tomorrow."
"Harry, I'm fine..."
"Know it's ok, but I wanna take care of ya, humor me, please...?"
"Baby...please," he interrupts.
"What's gotten into you," you say twisting in his arms. He continues to rub over your panties, “Jus’ wanna take care of ya, an', yeah, wanna be the only one ta take care of ya."  
You look into his dim eyes and realize he's having a moment. He's needing the intimacy of caring for you in a way no one else can. He's felt so helpless and he's needing to feel the intimate closeness of caring for a lover. Your sweet boy is needing to take care of you. You'd be a fool not to take in as much of his care as possible.  
"It is a little sore, H. You think you can help me?" you whisper rubbing your cheek against his feeling the soft smile pull his cheek.
He nuzzles against your cheek. “Gonna be hard ta keep ma hands off of ya tonigh’ bu’ I can do it an’ yeah I thin’ I can help ya feel bet’ah.”
You smile against his jaw. “Love the way you say better.”
“Ya do? How do I say it?”
You giggle. “Ya say bet-ah,” you say mimicking his accent.
He laughs his breathy little laugh. “Don’ get me started on ya muddled accent, Jezebel.”
“Heyyyy…that’s not fair,” you say giggling.
He smiles and kisses your cheek. “I love ya accent, baby.”
You sigh. “I love your accent too and your voice…it’s all very very good.”
He pulls his hand away, reaching forward to grab your glass and take a sip. You watch close as his throat gulps the wine and his jaw flexes. You can't help but gulp your watering mouth. You’re ready to throw in the towel and beg him to take you right here in the kitchen. You look at him with heavy eyes about to beg, "Harry, I thi..."
"Don' look at me like tha' Jezebel," he pushes his hips forward, "This is hard enough as it is..." He pats your bum. “Bring the wine," and he turns to walk away.
You sigh but you know he’s probably right. You slide your own hand down to cup your pussy and it’s warmer to the touch than normal and it’s lightly throbbing. The rest of your body is craving him on a cellular level but your skin is telling a different story. You grab your wine glass and follow him to your bedroom where you find him on the floor in front of the fireplace lighting a fire and you watch as the muscles in his shoulders pull and stretch and it’s so sexy that you almost drop your glass. You shiver and decide that laying in front of the fire is what you want to do. You go to the closet and pull out the extra fluffy comforter and bring it to the bed and start to unzip the bag.
“What’re ya up to Jezebel?”
“Let’s lay in front of the fire you’re lighting, baby. I just want to be close to you.”
He smiles. “Sounds good. Here, ’ll help ya,” he says standing and grabbing the end of the comforter and you both work to lay it on the floor. He grabs the blanket and the pillows from the bed and lays them down on the floor, sitting down and holding out his hand for you to join him.
You take his hand while he twists to lean up against the foot of the bed spreading his pajama pant covered legs for you to settle between. His chest is warm against your back and his arms pull you in tight as you draw your legs up and over to one side.  
He reaches up to find a small jar of a clear gel-type ointment, “Found this in tha cabinet, ’s somethin’ all natural my mum gave me when I first star’ed shavin’, supposed ta soothe…”
“Yeah, we’ve used it before.”
He pulls away and looks at your frowning, “Hmm?”
You suck in your lips and look down, “On my bum…,” you lift your eyes to meet his furrowed look, “Ya know….when you…umm… give me your initials, you’ve put it on them while they’re still fresh.”
He closes his eyes and his jaw flexes, “Oh…yeah…Jesus….”
You lean your forehead against his, “H, you remember when you first spanked them on me? Was Coachella the first night…I wanted them so much, still love them…and now I have this,” you push his arms away long enough to pull up your shirt, lift your breast and finger the bee and initials you have tattooed there.
“Love ma honey…,” he mumbles as his hand works it’s way around to your bum. “Love ma marks here too. Take ya shirt off, love, wanna feel ya skin against me.” He helps you pull the shirt over your head and off to the side, the warmth of the fire enveloping your exposed skin.  
You catch him looking down at your breasts and place a gentle kiss on his chin.
He growls out a groan and sucks in his lips gaining a bit of control. Poor baby is trying to hard to keep his hands to himself. He pulls up the jar so you both can see the ingredients.  “Ya think ‘s safe fo’ these pret’y ‘lil pink lips…,” he rasps moving his hand to your core, “…down here?”
Enjoying the intimacy of the moment and the feel of his chest against your back you softly run your fingers on his wrist, “Yeah, I think it’s fine, just as long as we keep it on the outside.”
“’ll be careful, darlin’.” He turns his lips to your ear, “Stand up fo’ me, ‘s ge’ these off,” he whispers tugging at the ties of your panties.
You stand up between his legs and he turns you around resting his head back on the bed to look you up and down. “My god, Lily…take ma breath away….”
You briefly close your eyes and take in the warmth and crackling sounds of the fire… and the love – it’s palpable. He unties the other side and you both watch as the panties fall to the duvet. He fists the panties and looks up at you just as a curl flops down almost into his eye. He slowly brings his fist to his nose and closes his eyes as he inhales deeply. You gulp audibly as it’s one of the most erotic things you’ve ever seen.
“Fuck…” you both say at the same time.
“No, Jezebel, answer’s no…tamorrow, baby, ‘ll take ya good ‘n proper tamorrow. Now lemme see ma cunt,” he demands running his hands up your thighs.
You look down at his concerned expression as he inspects your body. “Aww, baby…” he sighs leaning forward to place a gentle kiss over your swollen pink lips. “Lay down fo’ me, Jezebel. Let me help ya,” he says tugging on your hand.
You lay down, head hitting the pillow and you watch as he moves over you.
“Spread ya legs, Lily.”
You sigh and spread your legs and he moves between them and unscrews the lid of the ointment dipping in for a small dollop of it on his fingers and gently rubs it on your swollen lips.
“Jesus Jezebel. Tha’ last round did a number on ya. Are ya throbbin’ at all?”
You bite your lip and breathe out a yes. His callused fingers moving over your lips hurts but you can feel the blood surging to your core and your nerve endings come alive under his touch. You can feel your nipples harden and your breath starts coming faster.
He puffs out a breath and puts more ointment on his fingers, gently spreading it over your skin. “”M sorry, baby. We’ve been going at it a lot. ‘S jus’…I missed ya s’damn much. ‘M no’ sorry fo’ lovin’ ya bu’ I hate tha’ I did this ta ya.”
You sit up and pull him down over you, his hands hitting the pillows underneath you. “Listen, I wanted it just as much. I want it now. Don’t be sorry because I’m not.”
He smiles and leans down to press his lips to yours.
“Fuck babe, killin’ me…,” he loses his cool for a split second and opens his mouth for a devouring kiss. His lips are so warm and his kiss so intentional, so…all-consuming. “Mmmm…,” his lips smack off yours, “Mmm…mmm…goddamn…,” he says pulling back and resting his forehead on yours his warm breath rushing over your cheeks.
“Haahh…Haahh…Harry, baby ‘m hurting,” you stutter, panting and grabbing at his face, running your thumbs back and forth over his cheek-bones.
“I know, I know…bu’ no’ tanight, darlin’, give ya body a res’.” He reluctantly moves off you and to your side, pulling you close in a little spoon position.  “Lemme hold ya. Ya warm enough?”
“Yeah,” you say petulantly. “I can feel how hard you are, Harry,” you say rubbing your bum against his crotch.
He laughs his breathy laugh and kisses your ear, “Yeah, an’ ya swollen an’ raw. Don’ pout, angel, promise we’ll make love tamorrow.”
“Mmm…,” you moan as he pulls you in tight with his fingers rubbing your bee tattoo. You can’t resist reaching around to rub your fingers along the bee on his hip.
“You lookin’ forward ta Venice? ‘S gonna be a quick trip,” he says nosing your earlobe.
“Yeah, so excited and proud. H, don’t forget I have ta take a later flight because of the Apple exec meeting about the podcast’s advertising and possible new time slot. My flight’s just a few hours after yours. My dress will travel with your suit.”
“Jus’ gon’ pop in an’ get changed an’ meet me? First red carpet, baby. Ya nervous?”
“I just wanna make you look good,” you say turning your head to catch his eye.
His face is glowing as he looks down at you, his eyes shining and flickering with the reflection of the flames from the fireplace.  
“’m jus’ the lucky bas’ard who ge’s ta hav’ ya on his arm. Ya gonna steal tha spo’ligh’, beau’iful.”
“You nervous about the interviews?”
“Kinna…mean, music’s easy ta talk abou’…this festival thin’ will be a firs’ fo’ me too. Hope I don’ fuck it up.”
You rest your head back and smile drowsily. “Surely they’ll prep you before…” you say yawning.
His eyes search your face with a soft smile. He know’s you’re getting sleepy, but he’ll talk until you finally fall.
“After the screening, we have ta greet an’ mingle, take photos, Jesus…,” he says leaning down to kiss your nose, “s’many photos.” He rolls his eyes and kisses his way across your forehead and over each brow.
“Should be used to that mister. There’ll be fans there, too right?”
“Yeah, all tha fans’ll of the cast’ll be there…should be somewha’ contained though,” he rasps drawing a line down the bridge of your nose with his forefinger.
You take a deep sigh, “Mmmm…Chris Pine…dreamy…” you say softly as you drift in and out.
“’ll let tha’ slip ‘cuz ya sleepy…jus’ don’ forget ya mine.”
“Could never forget that I’m yours,” you say not bothering to open your eyes. “Wish I could wear my ring,” you mumble in your sleepy state and hold up your ring clad hand before you allow it to drop across your tummy.
Harry studies the softness of your face; the way your lashes lie gently on your cheeks and your even breathing, the soft way your nose moves with every breath. He understands the longing to share with the world that he’s found his forever love, but selfishly, he’s loving the privacy of keeping it quiet. Maybe it’s time to talk to Jeffrey about how to handle questions and just wear the damn thing. He slides his hand down your arm and places his middle finger over the diamond and buries his face in your neck placing soft kisses on the exposed skin and across your shoulder. “Fuck.” He mouths against your skin with closed eyes. He knows when things go public you lose a little bit of the precious bubble you’ve made together. Reaching for the blanket he covers you both and pulls you in tight whispering, “Jus’ wanna keep us in this bubble…jus’ wan’ tha bubble.”
“I love you, H,” you drawl in your dream state.
Drifting off himself, “Love ya mo’, ma Lily girl.”
You both sleep soundly, only changing positions once. You lie half-draped over his body. He often prefers to sleep on his tummy and has turned over at sometime during the night on your fluffy pallet at the foot of the bed in front of the fireplace. Cheek is on his shoulder blade, your leg is draped between his with your thigh tucked against his bum. A faint buzzing noise from far away is like a fly buzzing around your sleepy state. “Bzzz…Bzzz…Bzzz” the sound continues in rounds of three while he remains softly snoring. You take a deep breath and raise your eyebrows hoping to force your eyes open. He’s so warm and relaxed under your cheek. Turning your face you softly kiss his skin and run your hand up his spine. He’s resting too well to wake and besides nature calls, so you untangle yourself gently and rise to search for the buzzing. Stumbling toward the bedside table you find Harry’s phone buzzing with a text and a voice message. You sit on the edge of the bed and squeeze your eyes open and closed trying to focus. Doesn’t feel right to be staring at his phone. It’s password protected anyway so you hit the power button to acknowledge the notification and stop the infernal buzzing, set it back down and stand to head to the loo. Gathering a handful of hair you pile it on top of your head and grab his clippy next to your phones and clip it into place as you head toward the bathroom.
“It’s ‘Lilyslilfreak0601’,” you hear him rasp from the pallet on the floor.
You stop with a look of confusion as you spot him stretching his arms above his head. “Huh?”
“My password…it’s ‘Lilyslilfreak0601’,” he rasps again.
“Oh. I wasn’t prying…I jus….”
“Stop, ‘no tha’ baby, jus’… wan’ed ya… to ‘no it.” He says reaching for your ankles where you stand close to him. “C’mere.”
“No, H, I gotta go to the loo,” you say giggling as he plays handsy with your ankles and toes.
“’ll check tha phone,” he says sitting up as you head to the bathroom.  
You take care of business, wash your hands and reach for your toothbrush. You can’t help but smile softly thinking about his phone password; he even added your birthday at the end, June 1st.
When you walk back into the bedroom you stop in your tracks. He’s stretched out on the bed with his legs crossed at the ankles scrolling through his phone. His hair is tousled in all ways like he’s been running his hand through the top curls. He’s donned your little black reading glasses and is staring intently at the screen. You can’t help but notice his glorious morning wood lying along his thigh. God, he’s such a beautiful creature and… he loves you. You stare biting the side of your lip.
“There’s my hair clip,” he says looking up with a smirk.  
Reaching up to touch the clip, you notice his stare indicates he too is checking out his lover. “Now. C’mere,” he says stretching his arm out and crooking his finger in a come-hither fashion.
Grinning, biting your bottom lip you do a little tip-toe skip over to him, where he grabs your hand and pulls you to straddle his waist with a chuckle.
“Mornin’ swee’eart,” he slides his hand along your thighs.
You lean forward reaching for the glasses, “May I?”
“S’ polite…” he says with animated formality as he helps you remove the reading glasses. “D’ya sleep well, darlin’? How ya feelin’?”
“Slept well and feel great,” you say leaning forward with your hands on the pillow on either side of his head. “Who was buzzin’ your phone?” You kiss his cheek down to his ear.
“Fron’ concierge has a package…think,” he begins before being distracted by the way your nipples brush his chest, “’s the beta colors fo’ the Spring Pleasing 2023 line…” he bucks his hips slightly because you’re purposely swaying your nipples across his groaning at the sensation, “Jesus…baby….”
“Mmmm….feels so good, ‘m so sensitive…my nipples are so….”
“Hard,” he says filling in the blank.
“I want…I mean…could I…,” you close your rolled back eyes and undulate your hips feeling his cock snug against your bum.  “Ungh…hahha…ahhh, H,” you whimper opening your eyes to see his dark with lust, but his expression is a watchful awe.
“Take ma thigh, Jezebel,” he says propping his thigh up between your legs. Holding your hips he helps you swirl and swivel your hips.
“Hmmph…but I want you inside,” you whine still trying to get as much friction on your nipples and clit as possible.
“Close ya eyes an’ listen ta me.” You close your eyes and bite you bottom lip.
“God, wish ya could see yaself, Jezebel. Love watchin’ ya get yaself off on my thigh.”
You whimper. “Harry,” you moan out, your forehead falling to his.
“Feels good righ’?”
“Ya makin’ a mess of ma thigh. Ya close?”
“Mmmm…yes! Fuck!” You can just start feeling your orgasm in your belly and then you can hear your cell phone ring and it’s Bella’s ringtone.
You stop your movements on his leg. “It’s Bella. I should get it,” you say panting and more than a little irritated.
His hands slide up your sides to your breasts, thumbs brushing over your nipples. “Answer ya phone an’ come back ta me.”
You stand up and go to the nightstand and grab your phone and straddle his lap.
“Hi Lily. Sorry to bother you but I you got a call back from that detective for the new case.”
“That’s great but I’m taking the next couple of days off, you know that.”
Harry’s enjoying your frustration immensely.
“We’ll, you did say that you wanted to be alerted if you get this call back, regardless.”
You sigh. “You’re right. I did say that. I’m sorry. I’ll call him right back.”
He laughs his breathy little laugh and swats your bum. “I’ll be back. Do what ya need ta do baby.”
You smile and mouth thank you as Bella patches the detective in.
After thanking the detective, promising to get back to him after you’ve done more research, and apologizing again to Bella, you’re finally able to end the call. Your phone tells you that you’d spent 43 minutes on the call and while you were glad for the callback you were also sad that it meant time away from Harry not to mention your ruined release from earlier. You get up and pad down the stairs and into the kitchen where you notice a giant Pleasing box opened and sitting on the breakfast bar and him in front of the griddle making pancakes and eggs.
“Makin’ sausage links for’ ya befo’ ya ask.”
You giggle and wrap your arms around his waist from behind, kissing his back and breathing him in. “Lemon pancakes?”
He looks over his shoulder and smiles at you. “‘Course. Ya wan’ ya sausages well done?”
You nod and he rolls his eyes. “It should be against policy ta burn food bu’ I’ll make an exception fo’ ya ‘cause I love ya,” he says turning his attention back to the griddle.
You giggle and murmur out a thank you against the skin of his back. “I’ll set the table,” you say moving from him and finding plates and flatware and glasses.
You set the table for two, then look a little closer at things, tapping you finger against your lips, “Hmmm? Maybe only one…” you muse to yourself. With that thought you pick up one place setting and put it away. Looking down at your body clad only in the Harry’s House panties you slipped back into when on the phone, after all it felt weird being so turned on and talking with a colleague, you decide to tell him you’re gonna go grab a t-shirt. You pop into the kitchen and stop for a second, my god, he sure sets a sexy morning scene, your favorite low slung black silk pajama pants, obviously, sans boxers, and nothing else other than the chains on his neck. It’s a glorious sight, that still causes your tummy to drop and your mouth to go dry. You walk over to kiss his shoulder, “’M gonna go grab a tee, be right back.”
You turn to walk away and he grabs your wrist and tugs you back to him, “Nuh-Uh, wan’ ya naked, beautiful.”
“Harry, I want syrup…be all sticky….”
“Then I’ll jus’ hav’ ta clean ya up…,” he says smirking, placing a smacking kiss to your lips and winking, “…with my tongue.”
“Mmmm…how can I say no to that?” You say, pressing your lips to his, enjoying the feeling of his warm lips against yours, his hand on the side of your neck sliding down your shoulder to your elbow and sliding to cup your breast.
“Harry…” you moan against his mouth as his kisses slide down your neck.
His fingers tug at your nipple just like you like it.
“Got plans fo’ ya after breakfast Jezebel. Ya ready fo’ me?”
You gulp. “Fuck breakfast, H, you know I’m ready for you now,” you say breathlessly tipping up on tip-toes to get a deeper kiss. “Waited so long for you.”
His other hand runs around to your bum where he squeezes a handful, “My time, ‘kay…’ll ‘no when time is righ’…trust me, yeah?”
You pout out your bottom lip, “Oh – Kay….”
“S’ fuckin’ cute…,” he says with that enigmatic smile.
Your hands move to bring his mouth back to yours. “Let’s eat breakfast my love.”
Carrying dishes to the table he smirks when he sees only one place setting. Deep down he’s proud that you remember how much he enjoys when you share a meal together from one setting. He looks back to you in front of him and smiles loving the way one side of your panties have ridden up your bum causing one cheek to show more than the other, not to mention the way it moves when you walk.
You look over your shoulder and notice where his eyes go and your body covers in goosebumps. “Thought maybe I would feed you for a change. Sit,” you command gently as you place the dishes on the table.
He sits down and pulls you into his lap, where you tumble with a harrumph. He leans you back like he giving you a dancing dip and kisses you soundly. “S’sexy when ya order me around.”
“Mmm…you like?”
“Mmm…I migh’. Try me sometime.”
“Duly noted,” you say tapping your temple with your forefinger thoughfully.
“Fix ma plate, woman, ‘fore I have YOU fo’ brekkie…,” he teases as he sits you up in his lap.
You begin to assemble your shared plate “Pancakes?”
“Sausages, for me.”
“Charred fo’ ma girl.”
“Ya ‘no it.”
“First bite,” you say cutting a triangle of pancake, spearing it and holding a cupped hand under it as you move it to his mouth. As per usual, his raspberry colored tongue pops out first and he pulls the bite into his mouth, eyes never leaving yours.
You watch as he chews his pancakes and you smile, your finger swiping a drop of syrup from his chin and cutting a triangle of pancakes for yourself. You’re starving and sigh as you take a bite. When you open your eyes, he’s staring at you with the sweetest smile. You kiss him quickly before scooping up another bite for him.
“Mmmm…pancakes and kisses may be my most favorite thing in the world.”
“Yeah?” He says, grabbing a hash brown and taking a bite. “Ya mos’ favorite thing in the world is pancakes?”
You nod, chewing on a bite of sausage.
“Hmmm…so it’s no’ when I’m buried deep inside ya an’ ya cummin’ fo’ me?” He asks, hand cupping your pussy.
“Mmmm…well I was hungry,” you tell him, breaking off a piece of hash brown and popping it in your mouth. You take the next to last bite of pancakes and bring it to his mouth. He smiles and takes it off the fork as you spear the last bite for yourself.
“I love you, Lily,” He says suddenly serious.
“I love you, Harry,” you say with a concerned expression.
“Jus’ wan’ ya ta ‘no tha’… Loved ya fo’ a long time, an’ will love ya for longer still.”
You smile with glassy eyes, “Harry… that sounds like lyrics, are those lyrics?”
“Are you trying to t….”
He grins and smashes his lips to yours quickly, effectively silencing you. He deepens the kiss with an open mouth.
You sigh into the kiss. He tastes of coffee and maple syrup. His mouth opens wide to take in as much of your mouth as he can while his hands slide up the sides of your face and into your hair pulling you in closer. He growls into your mouth as he licks and runs his tongue along yours. You feel the intensity, the passion, the raw sexuality run from your mouth to your nipples to your core. Your heart soars with the love and devotion you feel for him but soars highest from the love and devotion you feel coming from him in leaps and bounds.
He pulls away and you’re stunned silent. Exactly what he wanted to do. Perfect distraction. Your song has been running around in his head for weeks now, but he’s not ready to share, he’s already said too much. He pats your side, “Jus’ leave tha dishes, love, can get to ‘em later.”
You nod still swallowing his incredible kiss. You clear your throat, “S…So what’s in the box?” You can’t stop your search in his eyes, some beautiful exchange just happened, something that will mean so much to you later, so you want to memorize the moment. He’s planning something, and you’ll know what in his perfect time, so you’ll wait patiently. If he wants to distract you with his kisses, you’ll pretend to be distracted, but you just can’t take your eyes off him. His face is so soft today, so relaxed…so content, and you get to be a part of that, maybe even responsible for it. What an honor.
“Think ’s tha beta fo’ tha Pleasing Spring 2023 colors an’ stuff. Wanna check it out?” he says regaining composure.
You nod.  
“Le’s go open it in the bedroom, wanna see tha colors in lightin’ in there.”
You hop up and he grabs the box and you head up the stairs where you settle back on your pallet together. He pries the box open and pulls out the small boxes contain the new products.
“Wha’ color ya wan’ on ya toes?” He asks you holding up the polishes.
“I love the yellow on you…I want the yellow.”
He smiles and grabs your foot and places it flat on his calf and shakes the polish vigorously. He unscrews the cap and wipes the exceeds polish off of the brush, bends his head and draws a stripe of polish on your big toe. “Wha’ was it like fo’ ya ta move to England from the States?”
You puff out a breath. “It was hard. I was so gonsmacked by everything that happened and then I was packed off to Brighton with my Auntie and Uncle and everything was just so different, yanno?”
He looks up at you and nods.
“I know my Auntie and Uncle loved me but they didn’t have any children and didn’t want any. They really didn’t know what to do with me, I think. I went to school but I was just this sad American girl trying to get her bearings. It’s not like London…there’s no Americans there. I was weird and awkward. I didn’t really have any friends.”
You wipe a tear from your face. “I felt incomplete I suppose. It got better as I got older but that feeling never really left. Then my Auntie got sick right at the end of Year 7 and I took time off to be with her and the couple of friends I’d made went abroad or onto uni. After my Auntie passed my Uncle just…he just withered and then he died. It took another year to settle the estate before I could start uni.”
“Jesus Lily. I’m s’sorry ya went through all tha’.”
You smile down at him. “Thank you, my sweet man. But then I met Gem and that’s how I met you. That never would’ve happened if I hadn’t taken those gap years. It was worth it. I finally found a real family and now look what I have! You, your fam and the Chapmans…I feel complete finally. And I have my memory back,” you say smiling through the tears. “I have you…I finally have you.”
“Ya do, ya ‘no? ‘Ave me, ‘ave all of me,” he says kissing the top of your foot and blowing on the polish.  
It tickles just a tiny bit and you sit back on your hands with your knees bent and smile with a quiet giggle, your breasts jiggling slightly. He prepares to apply the second coat and you marvel at his ability to do a pretty darn good job.  “You gonna charge me for this, Mr. Styles…I mean after all a pedicure by Harry Styles has gotta cost a mint.”
“Don’ worry abou’ it, love, ya worth quite a bit of money yaself an’ quite a bit more in the future, think you can afford me? Plus, ‘ll exchange in sexual favors wi’ ya sweet girl.”
“Oh, you will? Don’t you have a girlfriend?”
“Oh, bet-tah, I ‘ave a fiancée, she’s smokin’ an’ way outta ma league!” he says with a wink.
You push up and cup your hand on his cheek, “There’s no way, H…She’s just right for you.”
He grins and lifts only his eyes and blows again on the new coat.
You look down your body and pull your shirt up just enough to reveal your belly button and inspect it.  “Ya know, I dunno why I let my naval piercing grow up…” you say casually.
“Didn’ ‘no ya had it pierced?” he says with a frown, “God knows I tried ta memorize every inch of ya body fo’ years now. Don’ ‘member it being pierced?”
“Did it tha same time Gems did. D’ya remember that summer she got hers done?” you say tilting your head and meeting his smile.
“Not really, wasn’t inta ma sis-tah’s belly button…but yours, don’ ‘no how I missed tha’.”
You sit up straighter, “Well, H, to be honest it was the second summer ya went on tour, and I probably was never in a two-piece swimsuit when you were around.”
“Yeah! Why was tha’?  God knows I would’ve loved ta see ya in a two-piece.”
“Awww…sweet boy, you were busy at the time and had, I’m sure your fair share of bellies to look at and admire.”
“Always thought of you, Lily…may’ve dated, bu’ it’s because, ta me, ya were unattainable…”
You smile and stare at this beautiful curly headed dreamboat sharing his own insecurities with you and shake your head.
“But yeah, we were gonna get our piercings and then had plans to get matching tattoos around our belly buttons…have you ever heard anything so absurd?” you say giggling and tracing your finger around your naval. “We were going to get a sun with rays shining around it like this,” you say drawing on your tummy.
He pushes your legs open a little and scoots between them shaking the bottle of nail polish.  “Like this?” he says and begins to gently draw a circle around your naval with the yellow polish.  
You can’t help but giggle at the soft feel of the brush lightly dragging along your skin. He continues to play by drawing a sun and intricate wavy, curly rays shooting out all around. He draws and blows, draws and blows, turning his head from side to side in heavy concentration. “S’ why didn’ ya?”
You bite your bottom lip and dryly say, “Because I knew that if I got pregnant someday it would just be ridiculous, I mean, it would go from the size of a ping-pong ball to the size of a cantaloupe and…ew, just ew… I didn’t want my partner to have to see that anymore than I wanted to see it.”
On that note, he screws the cap back on and sets the polish aside. He blows one last time on his project, before his eyes slide up to yours. “S’ ya gonna have our babies then?” he says leaning forward to place a soft kiss on your skin, eyes never leaving yours, on the skin just below his paint.
Your expression turns serious when you see the seriousness on his face. “I don’t know Harry, do you wanna have babies…with me…?”
Eyes tuned to yours he begins to softly nod his head, “Yeah, wanna ‘ave children an’ ‘course wi’ you, who tha fuck else would I wanna ‘ave ‘em wi’… But YOU, Lily, d’ YOU wanna have children…wi’ me?... wi’ this crazy life of mine…of ours?”
You puff out a breath. “It’s scary to think about sometimes because our life is crazy, yanno?”
He nods, lips tucked in his mouth.
“But…I want it all with you, Harry. I don’t care how we get a little family, if they’re biological kids or we adopt, I want to do this with you because I love you and if it’s just the two of us and a bunch of animals, then I’m ok with that too.”
He licks his lips, kisses your tummy again, and smiles his soft smile - the one you love so much. “I wan’ it all wi’ ya too, Lily…I jus’ wan’ ya an’ wha’ ever happens…I’m all in.”
The kisses start out soft but soon there’s a sense of urgency to them. The desire that has been simmering since last night comes back full force as his tongue darts out into your open mouth and tangles with yours and the need to be with him is overwhelming.
He kisses a blazing trail down your neck, his hips grinding into yours involuntarily, and then his lips suction around your nipple, tongue working hard against it before his teeth nibble and your back arches. “Always s’sensitive fo’ me, Jezebel.”
You nod. “Mmmm…yes!”
His hand trails down your body and cups your pussy. “How’s ma cunt feel this mornin’?”
Your eyes flutter closed at the feeling of his warm hand. “It’s good, feels b-better,” you stammer out, gasping as the tip of his middle finger slowly runs through your slit.
“Mmmm…s’wet fo’ me. Ya must’ve been wantin’ me all nigh’, yeah?”
“Mmmm…yes. Always want you…even when I shouldn’t.”
“Fuck, Jezebel. Killin’ me. I’ve been wantin’ ta try somethin’. Ya wanna play?”
Your back arches up into him. “Yes!”
He smirks down at you. “Be right back,” he says hopping up and going to rummage in a dresser drawer while you pant in anticipation.
You drop back to the floor once he stands slightly exasperated…after all your body has been primed since this morning for him.
He plops down after just a few moments, sitting cross-legged in front of you.  “Had these fo’ a while now, bu’ jus’ no’ been tha righ’ time…jus’ no’ ready…” he says looking at the box forlornly. “’No they’re…well…jus’ ‘no…,” he stammers.
“H,” you say breathlessly, “what…?”
Shaking his head clear of doubts, “Here…,” he says handing you the small, shallow, jewelry style box.
You pull the top off the metallic silver box to see two beautiful long platinum loops with thick, solid initials “L”, “R” and “S” dangling from the bottom loop. They’re beautiful…a little longer than you’re accustomed to…like two inches long from the narrow ends to the loop with the dangling initials that are solid and heavy. The metal has been polished to sparkle and the narrow ends have been dipped in a black rubberized material to make them attach comfortably.  
“Harry…oh my god, they’re beautiful!” you exclaim with excitement. Then you stop to stare with a watery smile at the realization of what the letters stand for.
He’s pulling on his bottom lip with his forefinger and thumb anticipating your reaction. “Thought it migh’ be time fo’ ya ta get accustomed to new initials…I mean, at least between the two of us fo’ now…someday you’ll be Lily Rose-Styles.”
“How’d ya know? How’d ya know I wanted to keep ‘Rose’?” you ask softly flicking away an errant tear.
“Well, I didn’… bu’ wanna honor ya mum an’ dad…they gave ya such a beau’iful name, an’ I jus’ wan’ the priviledge of addin’ mine to it,” he takes a deep breath and smiles, “sooo…jus’ took a chance when I had ‘em made.” He grabs your left hand and fingers your gorgeous engagement ring, “Ya mine, Lily an’ I like thinkin’ abou’ ya havin’ my name.”
You pull one from the box and look it over, so beautiful and shiny, they’re kinda long and heavy, but what do you know… maybe it’s the latest style. A custom fit for each earlobe. Holding the dangle to your earlobe, you exclaim with a smile, “What do you think!?”
He sucks in his lips and looks away with a smirk and a chuckle. “’S beautiful, babe, bu’” Frowning at his humor, you pout, “W..Wh.. Harry, don’t make fun of me! I love them!”
“No, no, baby…no’ makin’ fun…it’s jus’,” he chuckles again and you twitch your expression, “it’s jus’ tha’s no’ wha’…aww…baby…it’s no’ fo’ ya ears…,” he minds your frown of frustration, “nah, goes like this….” He sits up straight and takes your hand and places it, fingers first on his nipple, using the pad of your fingers to show you how to circle his areola until the nipple is turgid and poking out. He then places the rubberized narrow end of the dangling loops and slides it over his nipple and tightens it with a hidden slide that closes the ends on each other causing the rubberized end to tighten on his nipple. The closer the slide closes the tighter the ends clamp down. You gulp and audibly swallow with a shiver. Soon the loop is dangling from his nipple with the thick, heavy letters, which are weighted, you’re slowly realizing from holding one, hanging from his clamped nipple. “Mmmm…,” he rasps through clenched teeth, “’S tight…clamps baby…clamps fo' my Jezebel’s sensitive nipples,” he continues just before he quickly pops them off with a gasp and grimace. Blowing out a puff of air he says breathily, “Trust me?”
You meet his eyes, blown pupils, clenched jaw, “Mm-hmm,” nodding animatedly.
“Here,” he says circling your nipple with his middle fingers, “Here…” he continues leaning forward to place an open mouth kiss, before pulling off with an audible pop leaving your eyes rolling. “Wanna put’em here. Will ya lemme, Jezebel?”
Bending your head back at the sensation you groan, “Oh my god, H…”
You pick your head up and meet his eyes, and nod biting your bottom lip, “Yeah…”
He smiles, deeply satisfied, “Let’s try this one first…,” he says taking a moment to suckle on your left nipple while he cups and caresses the fullness of your tit.
By the time he’s finished you’re breathing heavy in anticipation.
“Too sensitive, love? We can wait, ’s no’ a problem,” he whispers searching your eyes.
“No!” you exclaim a little more forcefully than you expected. You watch the smirk appear on his face, “I mean, no, I don’t wanna wait, please don’t stop.”
He places the narrow tines on your nipple and pushes the slide up the sides watching your expression. When the slide is a little over half-way up the tines you begin to grimace at the pressure, but within only a few more millimeters it’s reached a biting tightness. “Mmmm…Ughh!” you groan at the sensation, eyes rolling back. He lets go of the clamp and it falls with a heavy dangle attached to your nipple, the weight of the initials and the pressure of the tines deliciously situated in all the right ways. “Fuck…,” you whisper rolling your neck. He does the same to the other nipple and sits back on his knees to take in his handiwork.
“Jesus fucking Christ, baby…,” he mumbles with his hands on your undulating hips. “Feel good?”
Licking his lips he shakes his head and closes his eyes like the sight of you rolling your head and panting your breath before him is more than he could’ve ever imagined. “Hold on love,” he says just before he flicks the loops up in such a way they bounce back down, jerking and tugging at your hard nipples and crinkled areolas.
“Hahhh…Haaaa…God, Harry…so intense.”
He leans forward to place open mouthed kisses along your neck to your ear, “Wan’ ya ta sit on the edge of the bed, kay? Open wide fo’ me, swee’eart, ya understand?”
In your delirious state of arousal, you nod awkwardly and scramble up, needing help to stand up off the pallet to sit on the edge of the bed. The movement causes the loops and weighted letters to shift to the point you struggle to manage your movement. Finally, he nudges you to where you’re lying back on the bed and pushes your legs wide. “’M gonna make ya cum on ma fingers with ma tongue, then ya gonna turn over an’ ‘m gon’ fuck ya from behind…but, baby, don’ touch ya tits, jus’ let tha clamps work, yeah? Gon’ feel so good…been waitin’ fo’ this. Lily, baby I fuckin’ love ya body, love tha way it responds ta me…love tha way these lush tits bounce an’ relax in ma ‘ands…the way they’re made fo’ me…,” he kisses the inside of your thigh, “the way they move when we fuck…an’ now, how they look with my clamps on them,” he says flipping the letters back and forth, “my Lily Elizabeth Rose-Styles…ya all mine.”
Your back arches and your groan from deep within, loudly. Your core drenching with pent-up arousal and an unknown, newly familiar kink. “H! It pinches and feels so good!”
You’re laying on the edge of the bed, panting, his hands on your ankles, legs pushed open wide, you’re absolutely soaked for this man, clamps dangling to the sides of your breasts and he can’t stop staring at you.
“Fo’ fucks sake, Jezebel…ya look good enough ta eat,” he says, smirking.
You whimper both in response to his words and the pull of the clamps.
“Fuck, changed ma mind. Wan’ ya on ma face, turn over,” he says, letting go of your ankles.
You whimper but turn over and cry out as the clamps move and pull at your nipples again. You’re panting and tears run out of your eyes.
“Ya ok, Jezebel?”
You nod frantically, lips between your teeth.
He sits down, his back to the bed and he leans his head back onto the mattress, his hands gripping your hips. “Sit down, Jezebel. Wan’ ma soaked cunt on ma face.”
You whimper and lower your body and you yelp as his hands pull you down all the way to his mouth. You look down and meet his eyes, your hands moving to his curls. His hands slide up and flick the clamps causing you to cry out and then his tongue darts out to lick up a hard stripe up your slit and then he suckles your clit in his mouth.
You’re already so worked up from waiting that you know you won’t last long and that was before he attached the clamps. Your hands tighten in his curls and your hips start moving unconsciously, the clamps pulling at every movement forward and back.
He pops off your clit and goes back to licking up and down your sensitive slit, alternating between hard and soft licks. He can feel your legs starting to shake and knows you’re close so he sucks your clit back into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks and working his tongue against you.
Your mouth drops open and you start chanting his name over and over. “Harry…Harry…Harry…mmmm…ungh! Cumming! I’m cumming! Fuck!” You cry out as the world goes white and all you can hear is the rush of blood in your ears as your orgasm takes over.
He simply rests his head back on the bed and watches as your body shakes and your pussy contracts opening and closing with your orgasm. He smiles a smug smile…loving that he does this to you. “God, so fuckin’ sexy when ya lose y’self like tha’, makes me s’hard,” he says against the skin of your thigh before pulling his head from between your legs and turning to stand behind you. He runs his land down your back and you arch like a cat trying to get more touch.
He wastes no time threading his middle and ring finger in your tight spasming channel, “S’tight, gonna have ta breath fo’ me an’ open up, darlin’.”
You whine, “I’m trying!”
“Ya still cummin’ aren’t ya, Jezebel?”
He slaps your right cheek, “Words baby”
“Cl…clamps…,” you whimper shivering hearing the jingle of your initials as they hang from your nipples.
“Gon take ‘em off when ya cum again fo’ me…it’ll be intense, baby, but you can ‘andle it, Kay?”
You close your eyes. “H…I dunno…I don’t think I can…”
He leans down over you, pressing his body into yours. “Ya can do this fo’ me, Jezebel. I know ya body, bu’ ya gotta trust me wi’ it. So, are ya gonna let me take ya an’ make ya cum harder than ya ever have?”
You suck in your bottom lip that’s been slack and taste the cold drip of saliva that’s been perched there as you breathe through the sensation. You can never lie to him or yourself when it comes to his sexual prowess, you love every newfound joy you both discover about each other and at the moment you just want him to fill the empty space that you’ve had with his hard cock. It’s always a tight fit when you’ve been orgasming without him inside, so you know this first plunge will be a delicate yet delectable push and pull. Your nipples have gone numb, but the tug is exquisite.
“Gonna go slow baby, ya swollen an’ tight. Take ya time adjusting ta me, don’t rush, go’ all night ta fuck.”
You twist your head and meet his eyes, his face right next to yours. “I trust you, Harry.” Your eyes flutter closed and then open to meet his. “Take me…. I’m yours.”
“Jesus Jezebel, can see my ‘S’ hanging from ya tits…gonna be mine…hmm? Gonna hold my name? Gonna lemme fuck my babies inside ya someday, hmm? Hold still baby, s’hard fo’ ya…feel tha’, ya need lube swee’eart? Don’ wanna hurtcha…””
“‘S ok if it stings, just fuck me H, please.”
“S’no’ ok. Migh’ wanna take ya again lat-ah an’ can do tha’ if ya hurtin’. Hold on…gonna grab the lube,” he says, moving away and going to the nightstand drawer and flipping the cap. He squirts a dollop on his fingers and moves back behind you, rubbing the lube over his hard cock. “Uhhhnngghh…fuck, this is the warming kind,” he pants out as he positions himself once again and sliding just the head in and waits.
You bow your head down at the warm slickness of his velvet hardness, the spongy head slipping in. You push back trying to take more of him in.  “Wait, baby, wan’ more?”
“Unnghh…” is all you can manage.
He claws his fingers and drags them down your back nails scratching at the same time he slips in, his fingers digging in when he reaches the base of your spine. Inch by slick inch he fills you up and you can only whine and bear down as he reaches deep inside you.
“My god, H,” and he pushes just a little further as he struggles to get his stance closer.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck Jezebel, love ya so fuckin’ much, you don’ even know,” he says biting his bottom lip and gently shaking his head.
You’re both panting as he finally moves a tiny bit closer and he’s fully inside you.
“Unghhh…” you pant out as your hands fist the duvet.
He leans down to press kisses down your spine. “No’ gonna move til ya tell me ta, Jezebel, but I am gonna have some fun,” he says breathily against your ear as his hands slide to your breast and he flicks the clamps causing sensation to come back to your nipples and you clench down hard on him, whimpering.
He smirks. “Jus’ think how intense tha’s gonna be when ya cummin’ ‘round me, hmmm?”
You whimper again.
“This body, Jezebel. ‘S amazin’ an’ ‘m the lucky one it comes alive fo’.”
You whimper and turn your head, biting the skin of your upper arm.
“They feel like my teeth on ya, mmm? God I love these nipples…same color as ya lips, both these,” he slides his hand up to your neck and runs his thumb over your bottom lip, “and these,” he says using his other hand to slip down to where he’s buried deep and runs his fingers in a V shape down both lips of your pussy. The sensation of his hand at your throat gently holding your head up and his fingers feeling his way around where you’re connected causes your pussy to flutter. He moves his hips ever so slowly in a circular swivel, like he’s screwing himself into you.
“S’ sexy when I can touch us like this…reach down an’ feel it…yeah, feel me, god s’deep,” he says against the skin between your shoulder blades. He moves his hand on top of yours and threads his fingers in between.
“Touch me inside ya, Lily…feel it…? Feel this.” He says as he pulls out just a few centimeters before he slowly slides in again.
You feel the wetness of the lube and your honey leak between your fingers…it’s all over both of your connected hands. You moan a high pitch sound that’s part moan, part breath.
“As close as two people can get an’ ‘s still no’ enough fo’ me…seven inches deep inside ya an’ still no’ enough,” he says resting his forehead on your spine.
You’re panting. He’s right…it’s never close enough. “Fuck me, Harry…I need you,” you pant out. “You feel good…you always feel so fuckin’ good….”
He presses his lips to your spine. “Ya ready fo’ me now, hmmm? Gonna give it ta ya good, Jezebel. If ya feel like screamin’ go ahead an’ scream. No one’ll hear ya ‘cept me,” he says smirking and then pulling out slowly and pushing back in. It’s slow but he swivels his hips on every thrust causing you to whimper. “S’it good?”
You nod.
“Ya wan’ more?”
You nod again.
He picks up the pace and then his hands flick the clamps again and again and again and your thighs start shaking. His hips have begun a deep steady thrust and the erotic sounds of flesh on flesh echos along with you ever increasing whining moan…. “Don’, thrust, “Move,” thrust, “Jezebel” he says thrusting and causing you to bounce forward on the bed.
Your tits slam forward on each trust and the weight of your flesh and the bite of the clamps takes your breath away. “Harder H! H..h..harder, puuhhhleezze!” You sob loudly.
“Louder, love, beg me louder,” he says squeezing your bum cheeks hard pushing them wider. His thumb strokes down to where he’s sliding in and out. “Ya gonna cum…squeeze me baby, yeah, jus’ like that…squeeze hard…I’m so close, so Fuckin’ close…” he mumbles through gritted teeth as he feels his balls pull up tight ready to explode. He reaches around and jerks one of the clamps off. The shock causes you to falter. As the blood rushes back into the your nipple the throb is beyond any sensation you can describe. Your groan turns into a scream of his name. “Hhhhaaaarrrryy, ohgodohgodohgod Harry, fuck fuck fuck!” The deep throb shoots to your core and your desperate anticipation of the next clamp causes you to fall forward to grab at the remaining clamp.
“Don’ touch baby, mine, it’s mine!
“No, no, no…” you scream out just as he rips the other off and your orgasm overtakes every muscle group. Contracting and contracting over and over, your cum leaks down your leg and Harry’s shout at your clench causes him to scratch your hips digging his nails in.
“FUCKIN’ CHRIST!” The orgasm rolls through your body head to toe and back again. “Don’ stop, don’ stop!” He commands as he fucks you through the intensity.
The contracting starts to die down. “N…nnno more…,” you whine and fall to your side in a fetal position grabbing your nipples as his softening cock slips out. He gently takes your arm and pulls you over to your back; your knees stay bent and close to your chest.
He’s panting and runs his hand back through his hair and leans down to kiss you. You grab his face and pull him to you, needing to be close to him. He kisses down your chin to your throat. “I know, Jezebel, I know. Lemme get ya cleaned up an’ I’ll cuddle ya proper, yeah?”
“Ok,” you whimper. “Hurry please. I need you.”
“Hold on, hold on,” he says kissing your knee and rushing to the bathroom.
You hug your knees tighter to your chest. You can still feel the blood rushing to your nipples and you need his weight against you.
He comes back with a warm rag and gently cleans you and himself before picking you up and laying you on your pillow and crawling in next to you, hugging you to him tightly. “S’ok. Ya ok, my sweet Lily. ‘M here,” he says soothing you.
You sigh. He feels so good against you and you grip his shoulders tightly.
After a few minutes he can feel your grip on him loosen and he pulls back, pushes your hair behind your ears, and gently kisses your nose. “How’s ma girl doin’?”
You smile. “Better now. That was…” you puff out a breath, “that was fucking intense, H. Jesus.”
“Nipples’ll be sore, s’a good thin’ we ‘ave one more day left,” he says running his fingers up and down your back. “Take it easy on ya tha rest of the time, kay baby?”
You nod your head conceding that your body has been well loved, completely spent enjoying the feeling of sexiness again. “Not sorry, though. Needed this so much, H. Thank you for taking the time off for us. Don’t think I’ll ever get over that last show…when ya came out without a shirt…that vest.”
“Ya ‘no was supposed ta wear a t shirt under tha’, las’ minute I decided ta shuck it an’ ‘m so glad ya showed up an’ surprised me,” he mutters against the top of your head.
“You looked amazing and my body just melted. Made me so wet and all I could think about was how quickly I wished the show would go,” you say with a giggle tracing the butterfly antennas on his chest. “But it’s back to the grind day after tomorrow…you’ve got a show and I have to contact that detective again.  I also need to do some research on the watch that Rolex is wanting to buy back. And Bella and I have to go over our talking points to get prepared for the Apple meeting the weekend of Venice. I’m sorry, I’ll be running late, but I promise I’ll be there. Lambert found me this gorgeous pale pink dress to wear to the premiere and I have a red pantsuit for your interview. Jeffery said he’d save me a seat in the audience with him. It’s gonna be so busy…you’ve got so much coming up with the films and shows and I have podcast work to do. Promise we’ll make time for each other?”
“Jesus, baby, I promise I’ll make sure we have time together,” he says squeezing you closer to him.
“I’ve got some work to do while we’re in Chicago and made plans to do some recording in Austin. Can we just promise we’ll crawl in bed together at the end of the day, regardless? I just need to be close to you while I sleep,” you ask twisting your head up to meet his eyes.
“Promise, Jezebel, we’ll always find each other fo’ bedtime, rock ya ta sleep every night, ya ‘ave ma word.”  
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falling4harryscherry · 3 years ago
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prompt: Harry is having his ‘adjustment day’ and everyone has to suffer with him
word count: 7k+
warnings: smut, blood, minors dni 18+
i write for FREE - I am also trying to steer away from paetron so everyone can have access my stories - so if you would like to support my work, you can donate here.
*thanks to @ladylazarus98 and @fallon-carrington123 for inspo 😙
if you liked please reblog, recommended, like, and come talk to me about it! (this is what motivates me to continue writing)!
*** <- click for visuals throughout the story
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As stated before, like clockwork, a couple dates into tour - Harry gets crabby beyond belief.
It’s been happening since the Up All Night Tour.
Give it just a few shows until his body starts to catch up and then he has to get back into the routine which takes some adjustment.
He’s also hasn’t had a stage this big for his tour since One Direction days and now he has a whole stadium to prance around in.
Tour means drastically less sleep, a thousand more pounds of pressure on his shoulders each day, extreme amounts of exhaustion from his actual show, and less time for anything but performing.
Harry has always managed to juggle all these things pretty well except for his sporadic bouts of crabbiness and just overall poor mood.
YN had been used to those for every tour, just waiting for the day to hit, sometimes it was the second tour day and then other times it was the seventh.
It turns out to be his fourth, if you’re including his set at the summer ball in wembley stadium.
Last night, Harry had been so utterly drained from his performance in his hometown that they hadn’t done anything but go to sleep after the show with very little spoken because he was still so overstimulated from everything that day.
YN is up earlier than him which is unusual, he definitely wasn’t fancying a workout after that show last night, he deserved a lay in.
They were staying with Anne, not the same home Harry grew up in but still warm and cozy - with many touches of mum that she knew he missed.
Anne is out to breakfast with a group of her friends, the house is quiet as YN fixes herself a cup of chai tea and sits on a chaise that over looks the well maintained garden.
Nearly an hour later, YN hears slow, heavy footsteps from behind her then a graveling grumbling, “Morning.”
YN already knew, just by the greeting that today was the day but she always had hope that she was wrong though she rarely ever is.
When she turns to look over her shoulder, she sees her husband in just his briefs, hair going every which way, and his face is still puffy from sleep - he looked adorable.
“Come have a cuddle,” YN offers, patting the spot next to her, normally, he would have curled right in next to her and they would have stayed there for a long while.
Harry’s face twists up before he’s shaking his head, “Don’t want a cuddle, I want a coffee. My mum doesn’t have the bloody oat creamer I need. Now I’m shit out of luck, I guess.”
YN wants to roll her eyes at him because the pout on his face is absolutely ridiculous and the way his shoulders are tensed up is dramatic.
“Well, we can go to the market and get some,” YN suggests the obvious option even though she really didn’t want to go through Harry being noticed out in public.
There wasn’t much time before Harry would have to be at the stadium which is still about forty-five minutes away from his mum’s house.
“Fine,” Harry huffs out before turning on his heel to go get dressed, feet still heavy and irritated as they drag against the hardwood floors.
YN knew by now not to personalize it, not to get her feelings hurt because that only made it worse - she tried to avoid any type of confrontation on these days because feeding into the negativity is what he wants - wants others to be in a foul mood like he is.
He returns back downstairs in a low-key outfit of a hoodie, running shorts, and tennis shoes with a beanie and sunglasses - people knew he was in the area, they were going to be on the lookout for him.
YN was already dressed in a pleasing hoodie and leggings, pulling her own hood up and slipping on a pair of sunglasses as well.
Harry’s quiet during the ride into town, his hand on her thigh but he doesn’t say anything and she doesn’t push him - he can get so overwhelmed and overstimulated that it can take a whole day for him to reset.
They’re in the small market, in the dairy aisle, and find a similar enough container of oat creamer that he can use for his coffee.
“Do you think I have enough time for a nap-“ Harry begins to ask quietly as they walk out of the shop after checking out but is cut off by screams.
“Fuckin’ hell,” Harry mutters under his breath as he noticed a large flock of fans that had formed outside while they were shopping.
Harry doesn’t stop for any pictures, tries his best to acknowledge the fans without stopping to greet them because he just doesn’t have the energy for it.
Despite his grumpiness, he’s always a good husband, pulling YN close to his side as he begins to try to nicely push his way through the group of screaming fans.
“Bloody eight in the morning,” Harry hisses in irritation as they get jostled around by the mass of pushing bodies.
YN feels a sharp pain shoot through her Achilles when someone accidentally steps on the back of her heel with their heavy combat boot.
“Ow! Harry,” YN gasps in surprise as she pauses where she’s standing and squeezing her eyes shut as she tries not to panic - it can get overwhelming so fast.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Harry asks urgently in concern, eyes hardening when he sees the back of her foot bleeding from a scrape - it wasn’t serious but it was preventable and looked like it hurt like hell.
Harry manages to keep a level head but his voice is loud and booming, “Everyone needs to step back. You just made my wife bleed. Give her space for Christ’s sake!”
He’s not yelling but it’s firm enough that everyone takes a step back with surprised eyes at his tone that he rarely ever used with the public.
Harry wraps his arm tightly around YN’s shoulder as he hustles them towards the car, quick as he whips open her door and helps her in - blood pooling in her sandal as it drips.
When he revs up the engine of his Range Rover, the crowd steps back a bit to give him space to peel out of the car park, he’s shaking his head angrily as he goes well over double the speed limit.
He’s quiet again, getting a good bit of distance between them and the market before he’s pulling over at a small empty playground and shoving it into park before he’s out of the car once again.
Harry is opening her door and gently reaching for her ankle, brows furrowed and an angry grimace on his face that highlight the dark circles under his eyes.
“What happened?” He asks as he examines the cut with careful movements, thumb caressing her ankle bone.
“Someone was too close behind me, stepped on my heel with their boot,” YN yelps when he prods at the sensitive skin around the wound and tries to yank her foot away but he grips it firmly.
“Sorry,” Harry apologizes roughly as he steps away to open to boot of the car - scrounging around until he comes back with a water bottle and one of his clean tee shirts from the cleaners which he picked up yesterday, “This might sting a bit.”
YN’s hand grips the handle on the door and squeezing when he begins to pour water over the cut and wipe the dirt from the shoe away with his shirt.
It wasn’t the end of the world but it sure as hurt.
Harry then rips the shirt, without a care that it was an expensive cotton tee from Alessandro himself, and wraps it around her ankle in a makeshift wrap.
YN leans forward after he’s done, wrapping her arms around his neck, and kissing him softly despite how stiff he is, he kisses back.
“Thank you, best husband,” She murmurs against his lips but he actually scoffs and takes a step back, a stormy expression still on his face.
“Yeah, really the best husband,” He frowns, pouring the water over his dirty hands before drying them with a scrap of the shirt, “If I was a good husband, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt or put in the position in the first place.”
His words were sharp, disappointed in himself as he shuts her door and gets back in the driver’s seat, grip on the wheel so tight his knuckles are white.
By the time they get home, YN is frustrated that Harry doesn’t have enough time to lay back down for a nap because sleep exhaustion was not fun.
She really really didn’t want him going out on stage when he was this tired, he always felt frustrated with his performance afterwards which just made everything spiral.
Harry isn’t under the same impression because when they get home, YN is busy cleaning up her foot and telling Anne what happened.
He disappears upstairs, YN assumes to get his items together to take to the stadium but she gets distracted with Anne and the cats.
It isn’t until the shiny black SUV pulls in to chauffeur them that YN realizes that she hasn’t seen Harry in about half an hour.
When she trails up to the bedroom they’re staying in, she sees him fast asleep ontop of the covers, he hadn’t even taken his tennis shoes off he was that deprived of sleep.
YN felt awful when she had to sit next to him on the bed and gently rub her hand over his chest, whispering, “H, need you to get up.”
It reminded her of his One Direction days.
They were so overworked.
All the boys ran in less than five hours of sleep and were expected to work every moment they were awake.
From recording to interviews to having cameras for documentaries shoved in their faces every other minute - they were constantly spread thin.
They were tucked away in a tiny tour bunk on top, the curtains drawn and they were both fast asleep with Harry’s nose buried in her neck.
After concerts lately, the team had been making the boys stay up even later to record for their next album - no care for how much they just wanted to go to sleep.
When Harry would finally crawl into the bunk, after a concert and then two hours of studio time, it would be two in the morning.
He would be asleep in a minute flat, YN could barely get a goodnight or I love you in before he was nuzzling into her and snoring.
It was like that tonight, they had just performed in Paris and it was an unusually hot night on stage - the heat had Harry’s hair matted to his neck where it fell out of his bun.
The heat always made it harder on their bodies to perform, running around that massive stage, and on a running timer of little sleep.
When Harry had ran off stage after the finale of Best Song Ever, he’s grabbing YN’s hand and rasping, “Just want to shower with you and sleep for days. C’mon before they try to grab me to record.”
They find him, however, before he can get onto the tour bus, and demand that he come record the chorus for Fireproof.
“Just want a shower and to sleep. Is it that much to ask for?” Harry grumbles unhappily before giving YN a kiss and pat to her bum, “I’ll miss you. I’ll try not to wake you when I get in.”
He always did. But it was okay.
It was nearly three hours later when Harry is crawling up the ladder and pushing the curtain back so he can slide into the bunk next to her before pulling the fabric back in place.
He smelled good of his normal eucalyptus body wash and mint shampoo, he was still a little damp like he didn’t want to towel off, and he was just in his briefs as he nestled in next to her.
“Mmm,” YN hums drowsily, acknowledging him as she wiggles back into him and sighing happily when he wraps his arm around her and kisses the nape of her neck.
“Sorry for waking you,” Harry whispers sleepily, planting a few more kisses along her neck and shoulders.
“What time is it?” She mumbles half- asleep still as she helps him pull the blankets over his body too.
“About four in the morning,” He tells her before being interrupted with a yawn as he begins it’s his head on the same pillow as her.
YN vaguely remembers huffing out that it was too late and that he needed sleep but by the time those syrupy words rolled off her tongue, Harry was already dead to the world.
Not much time could have passed before fluorescent light is infiltrating their little nest and a deep voice is announcing, “Time to get up.”
YN squints the light away, grabbing blindly at her phone to check the time.
“It’s six on the morning, Paul. Harry just got into bed at four,” She tells him through a groan, her boyfriend hadn’t even stirred yet.
“Don’t know what to tell you. They have a jammed packed day, no wiggle room. Harry, wake up,” Paul’s voice is louder this time before he’s pulling open the curtains to everyone else’s bunks.
YN knows Harry’s awake when he inhales sharply before taking a lazy, long breath out - lips smacking together against the skin of her neck.
She brings her hand to card through his long lock, nearly to his shoulders. They’re fluffy and soft from his shower the night before.
“I’m so tired,” Harry mumbles sleepily, eyes still shut as he nuzzles further into her body, “I feel like m’gonna die if I keep running on two hours of sleep every night.”
“I hate seeing you this exhausted,” YN replies sadly, massaging his scalp for a moment longer before Paul’s making his rounds to make sure they’re out of bed.
Harry still looked like that same sleepy boy right now as he sniffles and digs his face further into the pillow in resistance.
“H, the car’s here already,” YN tells him, letting her hand drift down the warm muscle of his tattooed bicep and forearm.
His eyes blink open harshly, pausing to process for a moment before he’s grunting, “Why didn’t you wake me up sooner? Only been asleep for a minute and now we have to go. Bloody ridiculous.”
YN rolls her eyes as he pushes himself off the bed with a irate grumble, he begins shoving stuff in his tote bag, and cursing to himself.
She knows by now not to take it personal, to not argue because it only makes things worse. Sometimes that’s easier said than done but not when it comes to little things like this.
When YN goes to hike her own duffle over her shoulder, Harry hip bumps her, and lugs it over his own - like she said, even when he’s grumpy he’s an amazing husband.
“See you at the stadium in a few hours,” YN tells Anne, giving her a kiss on the cheek and allowing her to wrap her in a motherly hug
“Bye mum,” Harry says bluntly, giving her a wave before he’s stepping up into the car and shutting the door.
Anne looks at YN with a confused expression, taken aback by the curt behavior of her son.
YN waves her hand dismissively, “It’s not you. I think today’s his adjustment day.”
That’s what they all referred to it as.
“Well, it’s definitely his adjustment day,” YN scoffs in agitation as she slams shut the dressing room door and heads out to where the rest of the band is hanging out, “Date six this time.”
The boys chuckle because they know exactly what she’s talking about by their third tour, he’s just like clockwork.
A few minutes later, Harry admerges in his tight black skinny jeans, loose button-up, and a headscarf holding his curls back.
“Where’s YN?” He demands when he doesn’t see her anywhere in the vicinity.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have been a douche at soundcheck and we’d tell you,” Louis shrugs, not bothering to look up from the video game he's playing with Zayn.
“You can go fuck yourself,” Harry snaps instantly, jaw clenching as he storms past his bandmates who just ignore him anyways.
He was normally the kindest, least problematic out of all of them so they’d let his bad days slide more easily than with each other.
YN is currently pouring herself a glass of fresh squeezed mango juice from the Kraft service table when Harry finds her.
“You know I love you,” Harry murmurs quietly as he steps behind her, she can feel him pressing up against her.
“I would hope so,” She replies with a chuckle, taking a sip before saying, “If not, we just wasted quite a few years.”
“Are you mad at me?” He pushes, ignoring the dirty look she gives him when he takes the cup out of her hand and swigs down the juice she’d just poured - he reaches around her to refill it.
“No,” YN sighs as she takes the glass back, leaning back into him, “Just hated days when you’re like this. It’s hard for me to watch. You just get worn so thin and get so mentally tired that it makes me sad to see you get pushed so much.”
“It’ll get better, in a few years, when I’m on my own,” Harry promises as he leans in to kiss her temple, hands squeezing her hips, “If I ever get the chance to do a solo tour.”
Oh, would he.
A sold out stadium tour to be exact.
And he wasn’t lying, when he went solo things did get a lot better.
He wasn’t spread as thin as ice constantly, everyday of the year but maybe now half the year - only when he’s touring or promoting but he definitely had a bit more down time for self-care.
It was the back-to-back concerts, like Glasgow, Capital Ball, Manchester night one, and now night two before Wembley, she was so proud she could burst at the seams.
Harry had been just a moody during soundcheck, a frown etching his lips downward as he kept an annoyed expression on his face.
“S’too loud.”
“I say it’s too loud so you turn the volume up?”
“Okay. Why is it suddenly becoming difficult to get this right? We’ve done it a million times before.”
Fans idealized who Harry is as a person.
That’s not saying that he isn’t wonderful and kind but he is human, this is the side YN gets too which is part of being in a marriage - the good and the bad.
People blog about how perfect their relationship must be, how Harry must bring her flowers in bed everyday, and never get cross with her.
Harry Styles the brand isn’t the same as Harry Styles the person.
Most people get the brand, very few get the person.
YN feels bad as she watches the audio techs scramble to make it right, bickering between each other as they fumble with the buttons and switches.
The soundcheck was already running too close to showtime which YN knows has Harry on edge, the fans will be let in almost as soon as they’re done - he’ll have to start getting ready.
“Hey!” YN squeaks, giggling quietly as she looks around the hallway, “Harry, you don’t have much time before you have to go on stage!”
“Shush up and let me kiss you before the boys find us,” Harry leans in, connecting their lips as he’s pushing her back against the wall.
“Oi! Styles, get your arse to the stage! What did I tell you about distracting him?” Preston barks at them as he’s trying to taper down a smile by putting his hands on hips like he means business.
Harry grumbles as he gives her one more kiss before bumping their noses together, “Want to go get pizza after the show?”
“Isn’t as easy as before. Now you need security and approval,” YN murmurs but there’s no heat behind the words, “I’d love to get pizza later.”
She reaches up to adjust his bandana, he looks like a frat boy with his golden dark tan, black cut-off tank, and ripped skinny jeans.
“Styles! I mean it! Now!”
“Bloody hell! M’coming!” Harry shouts back before flipping him the bird.
Harry picks a fight with Harry Lambert about his outfit, complaining about nothing and refusing any replacement item.
Everyone already knows he’s going to wear what was originally planned but he has to complain that the zipper was too flimsy or the shirt didn’t mesh with the shoes.
He didn’t want the three other shirt options and so he goes back to the original but debates over his shoes for nearly twenty minutes.
Lambert looks like he wants to strangle him by the time it’s over.
Usually, Harry would slip into his clothes with any issue as they planned these outfits in advance and Harry had specifically approved every single one.
YN isn’t in the room when Jeff chews Harry out about how he acted today at the grocery store, how he should have stopped and taken pictures, and signed autographs.
She misses that Harry had just told his best friend and manager to fuck off and leave him alone, to not come near him at all, and mind his own business.
YN had been sat with Anthony Pham as he clicked through pictures from the night before on his laptop, he landed on an action shot of Harry jumping up the few stairs when he was going crazy during ‘Satellite’.
She had meant to warn Harry to be careful about doing that and he had just happened to be storming out of his dressing room when she looks up.
“H, baby,” YN calls, unsure of where he was heading but he stops in his tracks and meets her gaze with a tight jaw.
“What?” Flat. Blunt.
“Anthony was just showing me some pictures from last night. Please be careful when you jump those stairs. It might drizzle and if you slip, you’re really going to get hurt,” YN tells him softly, it wasn’t pestering or nagging - it was because she cared and thought she’d remind him.
His face pinches up even more as he listens before he’s booming out, “I’m not a fucking baby. I don’t need to be told that. S’my show and I’ll do what I want.”
YN takes a deep breath, steadying herself so that she doesn’t match his negative energy but inside, she’s absolutely livid with him.
“You’re right, Harry. It is all your show, popstar. You do what you want,” YN scoffs as the angry rising up in her chest before she’s giving Anthony a pat on the shoulder before she’s walking away the from the situation.
When YN used it, it was an insult. It was to highlight how spoiled or egocentric he was being. Every time she says it in that context, it triggers him.
“I don’t want to go out tonight. I’m saying no and it’s final,” Harry huffs firmly, sitting on the couch in their first London flat.
“You promised me last week that you would come with us, H. Everyone’s expecting you and I want you to come as well,” YN bites back as she stands at their kitchen counter.
“No. It was leaked that I was back in London. Everyone knows I’m here. I’m not going out to just be bombarded with fans and paparazzi tonight. I’m not doing it after a three week long press tour for This Is Us.”
“Fine,” YN mutters, slamming her cup down a little harsher than necessary, “It’s much more important than what I want. Right, popstar?”
“That’s not what I said! You bloody know that I hate when you call me that!” Harry raises his voice, running a hand through his curls.
“Then stop acting like a spoiled little popstar!” YN retorts hotly, she logically knew she was the one being a little over dramatic - she just had not liked his tone.
His face instantly turns into a deeper scowl when he hears it, his teeth gritting together as he stares intently at her back before following after her.
“Don’t walk away from me,” Harry demands lowly as he takes strides behind her, “M’not being a popstar, I just don’t need mothered.”
YN spins on her heel, crossing her arms, “I’ve been plenty plenty patient with you today. My patience has run out. You need to adjust your attitude or you can sleep on the couch tonight.”
“Rather that anyways,” Harry hisses brattily, kissing the back of his teeth - YN can see straight through the rough guy act.
Anyone else would be intimidated by his broad shoulders, stoney glare, and clenched jaw but not her, not one bit, she doesn’t back down.
“Don’t come crying to me when you hurt yourself on stage,” She shrugs casually before shaking her head in disbelief at his overall attitude today.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Harry rumbles back before he’s storming off, back towards his dressing room before he’s swinging open the door and slamming it shut.
YN has to chuckle because even on his worst days, like today, he’s just a little brat but never gets to the point where YN feels anything but a mixture of annoyance and fondness.
YN inhales deeply to let the annoyance flow out of her body as she walks towards Harry Lambert to get her outfit for the show.
It was a simple light washed gucci jumpsuit, the denim was the same color as the denim that made up Harry’s overalls. ***
(imagine them in the same color denim as Harry’s)
YN was planning on a cute pair of mule heels but with the cut on the back of her ankle, she figured she better go for something more comfortable.
She decided to just keep on her slides, she was going to stay off to the side of the stage tonight - about halfway through the show Anne and everyone else would join her.
It’s nearing showtime when YN realizes she hasn’t seen Harry in a hot minute as she sees Jeff storming down the hallway - near red in the face.
“What’s going on?” YN questions with concern as she sees Harry jogging down the long corridor towards the stage.
“He fell asleep and now he’s pissed that he only has five minutes until showtime,” His manager huffs before he’s mumbling an update on his walkie.
“Maybe if somebody fuckin’ woke me up!” Harry complains boisterously as he’s tucking his ear pieces into and hustling towards the stage where he now has less than a minute until showtime.
He’s too distracted by being rushed to the stage by the crew for YN to wish him luck or anything like that but YN finds a storage box to sit on - on side stage.
She can feel the camera flashes not only on Harry but on her as well, it was always awkward to remember that people would film her watching Harry and post it as well.
The show is going fine, Harry seems to be a little more subdued than the night before but overall he always manages to put on a great performance and his fans won’t be able to tell.
Towards the end of the show, a light drizzle begins to fall and coat the stage - making it slippery and what YN had warned against.
As Harry is going crazy during Satellite, he starts jogging backwards down the long catwalk before turning quickly to jump up onto the platform - skipping the three steps.
YN’s heart drops when she sees his face twist into grimace before he’s covering his expression with a forced smile again.
He hadn’t tripped or tumbled over but he most definitely had landed funny on his ankle, just like YN had ‘mothered’ him about.
It must be bothering him because he does not jump around nor does he run for the rest of the show, babying that foot.
YN’s first reaction is to be furious with him, she told him this would happen and he was in such a poor mood that he got angry instead and ended up hurting himself.
She wants to scream ‘I told you so’ as soon as he steps off the stage but she not going to make the situation even worse than it already was.
After the show, all of their friends and family who attended were supposed to go out to eat at a restaurant Jeff had paid out to have for the night.
However when Harry jogs off stage gingerly before slowing to a slow walk as soon as he’s out of the eye line of fans.
YN is waiting for him like always, feels a bit of warmness when he comes to her, dipping down to kiss her before pulling back and murmuring, “You look gorgeous.”
“Thanks,” YN murmurs, thumbing a stray curl off his damp forehead, “You going to go shower before we head out to The River’ Edge?”
Harry’s face turns stormy for the hundredth time of the day, he shakes his head adamantly as he straightens back up, “No, m’not going. I just want to go back home.”
YN already knows why but still prompts, “Why?”
“Why? Because I just bloody did a show for nearly eighty thousand people and I want to relax, not entertain fifty more,” Harry huffs like it’s obvious, crossing his arms and pouting out his bottom lip.
She’s actually relieved that he doesn’t want to go because she know his attitude wouldn’t have been any better there and this miserable day would have just dragged on.
YN’s heel was still hurting, the skin tender and sore, and she didn’t feel like walking anymore tonight either but the only thing she was worried about was Jeff.
He wasn’t going to be happy that Harry wasn’t attending his own party.
“Go get out of your stage clothes and I’ll go tell Jeff that we’re going to head home,” YN reaches up and rubs at his shoulder before turning to find his manager.
“Okay,” Harry grumbles before stalking off towards his dressing room, it was amazing what a mask he could put on when he has to for his job.
When YN finds Jeff and pulls him aside, he’s just as livid as expected and his patience is minimal based on his argument with Harry earlier.
“Why can’t anyone fucking listen to me?” Jeff shouts in frustration, he seems to have already had a few drinks in his system.
“Can you not control your husband for a fucking minute?”
“We’ve had this planned for months! There’s no reason to cancel.”
As Jeff continues to rant, YN is speechless as she’s being screamed at for something she didn’t even do but she was guilty by association because Harry was her husband.
However, Jeff becomes eerily silent suddenly as YN feels familiar hands grip her hips and pull her back into the strong, muscular chest of her husband.
“I know for a fact, you weren’t just raising your voice at my wife,” Harry states in an unsettlingly calm tone as he moves to step in front of her.
Jeff looks guilty as he glances between the couple.
Then Harry’s voice raises in volume, startling YN with the deep bravado that rumbles from deep within his chest, “I said I know you’re not raising your voice at my wife. Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“I’m sorry,” Jeff relents with a sigh, raising his hands in surrender, “I just am frustrated that the party -“
“I don’t need to hear your excuses,” Harry cuts in, moving his hand to intertwine with YN’s as he begins to pull her away, “Don’t let me catch you talking to her like that ever again or there will be major, major problems. Understand?”
Jeff nods, embarrassed by everyone around them staring at the spectacle as Harry directs YN down the hall towards the exit of the stadium where there’s a car waiting.
They don’t speak during the walk, Harry stills spun tight and his shoulders are tensed up as he ignores all the crew ogling him with excitement and amazement.
In the SUV, Harry kicks off his sneakers which he typically doesn’t do so YN takes that as another sign that his ankle is bothering him.
Harry is the biggest baby when he’s hurt usually.
He wants to be cuddled, soothed, and wants YN’s full attention at all times (which isn’t very different from everyday for them).
But he’s stubborn and grumpy as all get out.
He goes easily when YN wraps her hand gently around his neck and directs him until he’s laying across the backseat with her nails scratching at his scalp as he blinks heavily, trying to stay awake.
The ride’s not even an hour but Harry drifts off after only a few minutes after the car pulls out of the stadium lot.
He’s groggy as YN unlocks the front door to Anne’s house and leads him up the stairs where he disappears into the bathroom to shower.
YN disappears downstairs to scrounge through the freezer until she’s grabbing a solid bag of frozen peas and pouring herself a glass of water, as well as one for him with a few pain reliever pills.
When she enters back into their room, she changes out of her denim outfit and into a cute pajama set because she didn’t want to sleep in her underwear at her mother-in-law's house. ***
Harry comes out soon after, not one for long showers when he’s sleepy and has just a tight pair of briefs on as he rubs his eyes. ***
“C’mere,” YN pats the space next to her on the bed then grabs the cold bag of vegetables.
“What are those for?” Harry grumps as he subtly limps to the bed and plops down heavily right up against her.
“For the ankle you hurt on stage,” YN raises her eyebrow at him before nodding down to where it’s swollen and bruising.
“I didn’t,” He argues instantly, defensive with his hackles up and knitted brows, “Don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re imagining shit.”
“Mmm, must be,” YN replies nonchalantly, tossing the bag back onto the bedside table and acting like she’s wriggling down to get ready for bed - refusing to give into his antics.
Harry grunts and grumbles for a few minutes, turning and squirming because he does want YN to baby him and he’s fighting against himself.
YN is faced away from him, trying to taper down her smile when he finally relents after a painful day of attitude, “Want you to ice my ankle, baby.”
She flips to her other side before sitting back up, biting the inside of her cheek and shaking her head fondly, she loved her overly worked, exhausted husband so fucking much.
“Yeah?” YN hums softly, welcoming Harry when he leans over and nuzzles into her throat, “Ready to let me take care of you?”
“M’sorry,” Harry whispers against her skin, lips brushing against her pulse point, “I never get better at dealing with my adjustments to tour.”
“Been like this since you’ve been sixteen,” YN tells him as she directs Harry to move until his foot is in her lap and she’s wrapping a dish towel around the bag and pressing it to his ankle.
“Think I just landed funny, hopefully it will feel better in the morning,” Harry frowns, hissing at the cold touch before relaxing against it.
“Hopefully,” YN repeats as she keeps it pressed there, her thumb rubbing at his skin in soothing circles to calm him.
Harry pauses for a moment before acknowledging, “You were right, shouldn’t have been jumping ‘round like that when it was wet. Will you forgive me for acting like a prat today?”
“I forgive you every time,” YN giggles with a shake of her head, “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have let you put a ring on it.”
“We’re twenty eight now. Don’t regret letting me wife you up at nineteen?” Harry’s voice has taken a deeper rasp, he’s totally using his sex voice right now because despite how tired or injured he is - he will still try to get it in.
“Never for a moment. Got to marry the famous Harry Styles, breaking new records with every album, fat bank account. It’s working out alright,” YN teases coyly, goosebumps decorating her skin as Harry’s gaze gets more directed and intense.
“Yeah? Just married me for my money and fame?” Harry rumbles, leaning down to toss the bag of peas on the floor.
“And your big cock,” She smirks as her eyes drop to where he’s noticeably hardening and filling out the thin fabric, pushing against it to make more room.
“Always been a fan of that, hm? Never complain, exact opposite actually. Constantly begging for, for me to fill you up just right,” Harry’s fully turning himself on at this point as he grips the bottom of her sleep shirt.
She smacks his hands off, “Think you can act like an utter brat all day and still get the goods?”
“Said M’sorry,” Harry bites back, persistent as he reaches out again and YN lets him pull it over her head, her bare chest revealed, “Plus, s’your wifely duty. Be a nice little thing and let me ‘ave you.”
Those words shouldn’t make her as wet as they do.
“Should make you just make me come and not let you,” YN gasps as he ducks down, puffy lips wrapping around her nipple and pulling it into his mouth.
He pulls back for a moment, a cocky smirk on his face as he says, “We both know m’coming tonight. Let it drip out of you.”
“H,” YN whines at his filthy words as he bits at her nipples as he’s shimmying her shorts and panties off her hips in one fluid motion.
It’s not how she saw their night ending but she definitely wasn’t complaining.
There’s not any preamble because even though he’s horny, he’s tired, and doesn’t have the energy to go at it for hours.
He slips in with no resistance, moaning loudly into her mouth as he begins a steady, harsh rhythm that hits her spot every odd stroke and his thumb is tight on her clit to make sure she falls off the edge with him.
It’s only mere minutes after they finish that Harry is snoring softly into her neck, while body wrapped around hers - thigh swung over her legs, arm across her tummy.
It’s something that never gets old to her.
There’s millions and millions of people who adore Harry, they want in every way imagineable, they make it known by coming to his concerts in swarms.
People have been obsessed with him since he was sixteen.
But despite all that, Harry never changes.
He craves attention but he needs it the most from his wife. He lives for being able to snuggle and hang all over her at all times. He needs her to be there to take care of him and tell him he’s doing a good job
He’ll always just be Harry to her.
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falling4harryscherry · 3 years ago
model!Y/N & ceo!Harry 💜
Where Y/N is a famous super model & shes married to privacy-obsessed, kinda rude but soft on the inside ceo!Harry
His baby’s name is Mila Styles (as decided by my followers and I) 💞 (pic references) (some extra info ab the couple)
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____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
• How model!y/n and ceo!Harry met
• Harry divorces Y/N because of the invasion of privacy and she can’t handle when it’s brought up in an interview (request) • part two
• Y/N is explains in an interview that her husband (ceo!Harry) doesn’t want pictures of their 3 month old baby published (request)
• False article about Y/N and Harry (request)
• Where Harry is an asshole ceo but Y/N is his little love
• (privacy obsessed) Harry is rude to Y/N’s fans in public and she’s forced to address (request)
• Y/N accidentally posts privacy-obsessed ceo!Harry on Snapchat (request)
• Y/N wants to take Mila to a red carpet event but Harry refuses (request)
• Y/N posts 2 y/o Mila on a yacht and claps back to the trolls (request)
• Y/N posts Mila for the first time (plus fluff) (request)
• Harry and Y/N fool around, under a towel, on a yacht while Y/N’s cousin has Mila (social media ridicules) (request)
• Y/N’s first interview after announcing her pregnancy
• Y/N tells Harry she’s pregnant
• Mila is learning to walk feat.Styles family
• Y/N is spotted out with a hickey (from Harry ofc)
• Y/N’s family never posts a picture of a pregnant Y/N, when it was supposed to be a secret (Harry’s reaction)
• Harry FaceTimes Mila and she can’t talk yet so she babbles to him the whole time (request)
• Mila is just learning to walk feat. Styles Family (request)
• model!y/n overheard ceo!harry talking about how much he loves her Part 2
• model!y/n and ceo!harry fluff w baby Mila
• Early morning fluff w Mila, ceo!harry, and model!Y/N ft.Anne
• Harry refuses to take Y/N to a business dinner with him, in order to avoid too much attention, but it ends up being a big event anyway (request)
• model!Y/N prank calls Harry on Nick Grimshaw’s radio show (request)
• Harry’s assistant accidentally walks in on Y/N and Harry having sex in his office (request)
• model!Y/N and ceo!Harry’s steamy moment is cut short by Mila, plus fluff
• model!Y/N throwing shade at her exes after they talk badly about her & ceo!Harry
• model!Y/N posts a selfie at a specific place, and people piece together that her and ceo!Harry might have a thing (request)
• model!Y/N & ceo!Harry prepare their outfits for Christmas ft.smut & Mila
• Harry scolds Mila and she only wants to be with model!Y/N, and refuses Harry
• Harry and model!y/n meet for the second time
• model!y/n and ceo!harry go over model!y/n’s father’s house ft.Mila
• ceo!Harry hits model!y/n on accident
• ceo!harry refuses to admit to model!y/n that he’s cried before
• model!y/n posts a cheeky pic of ceo!Harry on vacation
• Mila says mummy for the first time
• Mila & Harry fluff (short)
• Harry plays with Mila (short fluff)
• Harry’s stressed out but Y/N always makes his life 10x better
• Someone breaks into the Styles’ home
• Harry helps Y/N w/ work and being stressed
• Y/N and Mila visit Harry on a business trip
• ceo!harry & Mila fluff overload ft.Mila
• Harry & y/n fuck after a Gucci business dinner
• y/n catches Harry talking to his ex
• y/n takes care of a sick Anne and a fussy Mila ft.Harry
• pregnant y/n has an embarrassing moment in front of Harry
• Harry cooes at baby Mila
• Harry comes home for lunch and fucks y/n
• Mila almost swallows a random object
• ceo!harry is annoyed that model!y/n wants to try to lose her baby weight too soon
• y/n meets some of Harry’s friends or “Thank you for coming to fuck me even though you work in the morning.”
• Mila “wobes” everyone
• Harry comes home annoyed ft.the dent in the wall
• Mila draws Harry’s tattoos on herself
• model!y/n gives ceo!harry a blowjob, and a bath, and treats his whiteheads and chapped lips
• Harry and Y/N are cute at their friends game night
• Harry & y/n find out they’re pregnant again
• ceo!harry has some anxiety ft.model!y/n
• model!y/n forces Harry to dress up as Santa for Mila
• ceo!h & model!y/n argue and say mean things to each other
• (concept) what it would be like w/ model!y/n & ceo!h sending random memes to each other
• Mila doesn’t like orange juice bc it’s sour (mini blurb)
• ceo!harry & Mila fluff while model!y/n is out of town for work
• model!y/n & ceo!hary find out the gender of their second baby
• Mila wakes up while Harry & y/n have company over and Harry cuddles her back to sleep (short)
• winter family get away
• Harry annoys Mila on purpose ft. casual family hiking
• Harry’s dirty thoughts if y/n had on a Chanel bikini
• Mila consoles Harry while he pretends to cry
• Mila doesn’t like it when her parents argue
• Harry helps Mila with her first loose tooth
• model!y/n’s ig posts ft. Harry
• Y/N posts a picture of Harry on ig (with his consent) and the fans are loving it (request)
ceo!harry trying to get model!y/n’s angles while they’re on a boat
Their pda 🤪
What company does Harry own? (From y/n’s blog)
Was Mila planned?
Harry’s reaction to Y/N getting cat called in public
Would Harry allow family to post Mila on social media?
Do Y/N and Harry meet before or after Y/N’s fame?
Would ceo!Harry have social media?
When Y/N announced her engagement to Harry people feel like she’s too positive to be with such a rude person
The kids at Harry’s family reunion don’t want to play with Mila >>pt.2 of this concept >>pt.3
A kid at Harry’s family reunion pushes Mila?
The kids in Harry’s family are jealous because Mila gets all of Anne’s attention
Mila doesn’t like orange juice because it’s sour
Mila gets jealous that Harry is playing w/ other kids at a family party
What were Mila’s first words
Did ceo!Harry date Kendall?
Does model!y/n have beef w any celebrities?
Will model!yn and ceo!Harry have any more kids? (Other than Mila)
4K notes · View notes
falling4harryscherry · 3 years ago
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Summary: Y/N never thought that she would have to go through all this just to see two thin lines on a test, luckily she has Harry by her side, but he doesn't feel very good either, not when his wife seems to be another person.
! | angst, mentions of fertility problems and not conceiving, crying, hospital, harry and yn having an argument, smut, vaginal and unprotected sex, breeding kink, spitting, tongue play, dirty talk, fluff and nothing else i think.
W/N: IT'S HERE. it's finally here and i hope you guys love it even though i don't like it so much (this is my longest one shot, wow). this happens after the honeymoon which is situated on march 20 so keep that in mind please!!! (if you guys want you can read the honeymoon one shot on the masterlist) also make sure you listen to halsey's song "more" cause it inspired this one shot. anyway, like, reblog AND PLEASE leave feedback cause this took me four mental breakdowns!! ♡
'Even as young as you are?'
APRIL 3, 2022.
Everyone could see how much Harry Styles loved children. Whether they were babies, toddlers, kids, it didn't matter, he loved them.
Ever since she'd agreed to be his girlfriend, she'd watched in awe how he behaved towards them, making them laugh, playing, and his eyes sparkling at the high-pitched squeals they let out when he tossed them in the air to catch them again. He was... simply born for it.
That's why she's trying so hard to give him what he wants more than anything in the world; a baby.
Searching on hundreds of websites for ways to increase her chances of getting pregnant, checking when she's ovulating, changing her diet… she's doing the impossible and still not succeeding. She can't make her husband happy.
And worst of all, he's not the only one waiting for her to have his child, everyone else is doing it too, creating pregnancy rumours for the last ten years and waiting for the slightest picture of her stomach to create false hopes that only hurt her more and more. Does not having a flat belly mean she's possibly pregnant?
The tears are now familiar against her skin, and she screams all over the house when she makes sure Harry's gone, she can't let him see her like this, not when he gives her everything and she can't give him something as simple as that.
She doesn't want help, she can do it on her own, she knows she can or so she thinks, keeping busy every day trying not to think about it, but it's unavoidable, not when it's something she wants so badly.
Her laptop screen is on with a picture she has to edit of her sister-in-law posing with her line of glasses when her phone rings with a new message, from Harry.
"A lad dropped by the studio! He was in my arms for a while but I think he misses his auntie. I love you. Xx."
A picture of her husband with Sarah and Mitch's son came attached to the text, both were smiling, and Harry was holding an electric guitar in his lap in front of the boy to make it look like he was the one playing it. It was beautiful and made her heart ache, a small smile broke out on her face, and she replied to the message with "I love you both!!!! 💓❤️💝💗💕"
She stared at the picture for a few minutes, forgetting her work in front of her. The smile on Harry's face was genuine, and he held the little one with an incredible familiarity, as if he already knew how to hold a baby even though he didn't have one of his own.
Her phone crashes against the wooden table with a thud and she brings her hands to her face, feeling tears of frustration flood her eyes. The house is quiet, unlike her head, where a thousand things are going through it on every second.
She leaves her place and goes upstairs to take another pregnancy test with a little hope.
It comes out negative.
APRIL 7, 2022.
Y/N throws the three pregnancy tests in the bin, and hears Harry sigh, who's sitting on the bed hiding his face in his hands. She sits down next to him.
"We just have to try harder." He says, lifting his head to look at her and resting a hand on her knee in comfort.
"What do you mean, try harder?" She asks, upset. "We do it every day, especially when I'm ovulating, I–"
"Baby, calm down." Harry tells her and she just snorts in irritation. "Maybe we could… go to the doctor?" He proposes, but his wife stands up and looks at him like he has three heads.
"Why would I go to the doctor? there's nothing wrong with me, we're having this baby, I know it." She exclaims.
He stands up and takes her hands in his, stroking her wrists. "Of course we will, I have no doubt about it. But– it's better to have more information, y'know?"
"We're having this baby, Harry."
APRIL 14, 2022.
"H, keep going."
The brunette speeds up his onslaught, hiding his face in his wife's neck where he takes care to leave hickeys and bites as she clings to him with her arms wrapped around his shoulders and her legs on his hips.
He's touching her weak spot and he knows it, brushing his cock against it everytime he goes forward which makes Y/N let out little yelps and arch her back, digging her nails into his skin.
Harry doesn't stop, not caring about the pain on his muscles. He definitely missed when they were young and could go for hours on end without tiring, but he wouldn't trade the present for anything, not when he's finally married to the love of his life.
Her wet kisses against his jaw distract him, drawing a groan from his throat and feeling his orgasm getting closer and closer. He slides his head down to kiss and lick Y/N's breasts and she dips a hand into his hair, tugging at the strands. He kisses the tattoo over her heart like he always does.
It's late at night, all is quiet and only the sound of their bodies is heard, it's perfectly intimate, being silent but telling each other everything.
"I'm so close..." He murmurs after a while in silence, his voice hoarse. "Baby."
She tightens around him at the sound, a reflex she can't control. When it comes to Harry, her whole body just responds. "I'm close too, fuck." She says, leaving kisses on his cheeks. "Please, fill me up."
And with that, Harry cums inside her.
It's short, but it takes his breath away and pleasure floods his body in a way that only her body does. His liquid paints her walls white, and it doesn't take long for her to cum as well.
Y/N clings to him, unwilling to let go and he leaves kisses on her face, breathing heavily. Three minutes pass, and he pulls away from her body to talk, but she was already asleep.
It's the fifth time they've done it in a week and it's only thursday, he thinks the last time they fucked this often was when he had long hair. And he doesn't know if it's because she's desperate for his touch or because she just wants to have a baby, but he misses talking to her.
Harry misses his wife.
APRIL 19, 2022.
It's a week later when Y/N finishes throwing a negative test in the trash that she receives a call from Sarah. She picks up as she walks through her empty house.
"Hi, Y/N?" Her friend's voice rings out.
"Hi." Y/N answers, no longer able to fake a happiness that isn't there.
"How are you, honey?" The other asks, and she replies motorically that she's fine. "Is Harry there with you?"
She looks away from her laptop when she hears the question. "I thought he was with you guys?"
"Mhm, no. And he's not answering our calls either."
That's when she starts to worry and hangs up after a brief goodbye. It's ten o'clock at night, where is he?
The door opens just in time, and she quickly walks over to Harry, who ditches his keys, jacket and shoes, all without looking at her.
"Sarah called, where were you?" She asks, crossing her arms.
"Don't wanna fight right now, Y/N." he mutters, pushing past her to walk towards the kitchen, opening the fridge and drinking a bottle of water under her gaze.
"Who said we were going to fight?" His sarcastic laughter rings through the room. "I just want to know where m'husband was."
"I was at Jeff's, Christ, calm down." Harry replies, fed up with her behaviour and Y/N looks at him dumbfounded.
She stops in front of him. "'Calm down?'"
He ducks his head, frowning. "Yeah, you've been... this insanely upset lately."
Y/N laughs in disbelief, feeling anger gnawing at her body. "Maybe I haven't been upset, maybe you've been too bloody calm."
Harry doesn't even look at her, and he walks towards his study, but his wife follows in his footsteps, looking for answers.
"Too calm with what, Y/N?" He asks with his back to her, pulling sheet music out of his notebook to begin writing. "The album comes out this month, I'm not bloody calm at all."
"With the fact that we've been trying to have a baby for months without succeding, you seem pretty calm, like you– you don't care."
The empty bottle falls against the desk in a hard clatter, and he slowly turns to look her in the eyes. His face is serious, and she can play that his green eyes are darkened and slightly watery.
"You seriously think I don't care?" He walks slowly towards her, and Y/N swallows dryly, knowing she touched a soft spot. "This is ruining us and you know it."
"Don't say that, nothing could ruin us." She interrupts him, grabbing his hand, but Harry lets go.
"These last few months– I..." He wrinkles his nose feeling the tears building up in his eyes. "I've been nothing but a fucking sex toy for you, all you do is fuck me to get something out of it, we don't talk anymore, we don't cuddle anymore, it's like I married a ghost."
"Harry...–" Y/N whispers, surprised.
"I want everything to go back to the way it was, I want my best friend back, my wife, my soul."
He stammers, bursting into tears in front of her and closing his eyes, letting himself be hugged by her who also cries against his chest.
They both hold each other tightly, letting go of what they've been holding on to for so long. Harry was having a horrible time too and she hadn't noticed because she was too busy trying to fulfill "his dream."
"I'm sorry, I love you." Y/N grabs his cheeks to look into his eyes, and he nods as the tears continue to fall. "Baby, it was so selfish what I did."
"It's okay, it's kinda funny how short our arguments are." He smiles, kissing her thumb caressing his skin. "Just... promise me one thing."
"Anything." She replies instantly.
"We'll go see a doctor."
APRIL 20, 2022.
She nods, which is why they are now in one of the most private clinics in England because they don't want the press to know, and Y/N's leg is shaking with nerves at the thought of it, causing Harry to rest his hand on her knee to calm her down.
He's nervous too, shit, he feels like throwing up, but he has to stay strong for her and relaxes a little when his love rests her head on his shoulder, and he kisses her temple, which works because now she's a little less nervous.
"It's gonna be alright." Y/N whispers, and her husband smiles to hear her.
"Exactly." He replies, his heart racing with pride at hearing her be optimistic for the first time in a long time.
They're distracted for a few more minutes looking at TikToks on her phone until a woman in white comes out of an office and reads a spreadsheet, looking up to say. "Styles?"
They both stand up, Y/N instantly reaching for Harry's hand to hold tightly to her, and after greeting the woman they enter where the doctor is waiting for them behind her desk.
"Harry, Y/N, it's a pleasure." She shakes their hands.
"Thank you for seeing us." He replies, with the hand that was holding hers now on Y/N's lower back, and gently dragging the chair forward for her to sit down.
"Okay, I understand you're here because you're having trouble conceiving, am I right?" The older woman asks, looking at them under her round glasses.
"Yes." Y/N mumbles, swallowing dryly.
The singer takes her hand but still continues to stare at the doctor, knowing that his wife hates public attention, he's learned that the hard way over the last dozen years.
"We'll do some tests on both of you that will be available next week, don't worry, it's just to make sure everything's as it should be."
The couple nods, and they both feel small in those hospital chairs, holding hands, scared, feeling that time hasn't passed, and that they're still sixteen year olds with no idea what life is really like.
They would love to be them again, forever, huddled in the tree house while they talk about a future that will never come, Y/N stroking Harry's uncontrollable curls while he sings inexpertly, thinking that maybe, one day, he'd love to be a singer.
They're subjected to multiple tests and studies separated, and finishing about four hours later, returning home exhausted and don't even having dinner, quickly crawling under the covers and seeking each other's warmth.
Harry lies with his head on his love's chest as he plays with the ring on her finger. "Are you scared?" He asks, and Y/N's hands stop in his hair.
"Maybe a baby isn't for us."
He lifts his head and looks at her in shock, feeling his throat close at the raw words and his heart flip at the sight of her face. "Love, don't say that."
She averts her gaze, staring at the ceiling feeling the tears pool in her eyes until they fall down her sides onto her pillow. She doesn't even sob, she doesn't scream, nothing, she just… cries.
"Oh, Y/N." He grabs her arms to pull her to him, shifting positions so that she's on top of him, drenching his bare chest in the salty drops. "We'll have them, shit, we'll have our baby, we just have to wait for the results."
He wants to cry too, but he can't in front of her when she needs him more than ever. He'll find a moment of solitude where he can unburden himself, but not now.
"I just wanna make you happy." She sobs, and he frowns.
"Y'think I need a baby to be happy?" Harry questions, nuzzling her waist. "Y/N, it can all go to hell that as long as you're with me, I'll be the happiest man on earth. I don't need a baby, I don't need anything but you, m'soul."
She clings tighter to him, digging her nails into his shoulders and closing her eyes, inhaling the scent of home that her husband exuded. She understands now, and believes him blindly.
As long as they're together, they don't need anything else.
APRIL 24, 2022.
Now, as Harry drives, he thinks maybe they do need something else, the purring furball in his lap being proof of that.
He's excited, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel of his Mercedes and humming one of the songs from his upcoming album, driving down his street to park outside his door, too impatient to put the car in his garage.
"Okay, mate. We're here." He whispers to the little brown tabby kitten, who meows as he's lifted from his new comfort zone.
Harry opens the door to his home with the animal in his arms, who clings to his Pleasing overalls in complete terror. He can hear Taylor Swift on the speakers, and it makes him smile that Y/N's better enough to get back to her routine.
He walks into the living room barefoot and sees her in front of the TV, consuming the Reputation Stadium Tour documentary like it's the first time she's ever seen it, and he can't help but feel everything inside him screaming for this woman.
"If a man talks shit then I owe him nothing!" She chants, her index finger mimicking the choreography until out of the corner of her eye she sees him. "Ah, m'beloved husband...!"
She was in the middle of standing up when she freezes at the sight of the feline, and Harry suppresses a laugh as her eyes widen as well as her mouth, and she stays like that for at least five seconds.
It isn't until the animal meows that she puts her hands to her mouth and let out a little yelp. "You got us a kitten?" She asks, approaching them.
"I did." He replies, smiling. "Wanna hold him?"
She looks up to meet his eyes and nods slowly, tucking the little animal against her chest, which begins to purr instantly making her melt with love. For the first time, the two of them shared a pet.
"He's so cute." She says, kissing his little head. "God, I love him already."
Harry laughs and wraps his arms around her hips, pulling her close to him and resting his cheek on her head, looking down at the kitten who was now shifting his gaze between his new parents. He already loves him too.
Y/N turns her head to look him in the eye, and smiles sheepishly. "Thank you, I love you."
"I love you too." He replies without doubting, and kisses her softly before pulling away. "But we really need to think of a name."
"Maybe later?" She proposes, and her gaze drifts to the coffee table in front of the sofa. "The tests came in, didn't wanted to open them without you."
The smile falls from his face, replaced by a nervous grimace and he nods quickly, walking with her and they sit with their new addition to the family who makes a place for himself on the backrest.
He keeps one hand on her thigh as she shakily opens the envelope, where there are two letters, one from the doctor, the other, the results. Y/N looks him in the eyes, and says. "Whatever it is, we'll be fine."
"We'll be fine." He repeats, and she looks down to start reading.
"The blood tests, the sperm tests, everything– everything's fine..." She mumbles, reading several times to make sure she's not mistaken. "Everything's fine."
"Read the other letter." Harry says impatiently, and Y/N drops the piece of paper to start reading the other one.
"There you go, everything's fine! I'm sure it's all nerves and stress, take it easy guys, you can make it, I know it, but you should always put your health first. Regards, Dr. Wilson."
The couple's silent, the only thing that can be heard is the purring of the unnamed cat, Harry's shaken by the news, excited too, and Y/N keeps her gaze on the TV, opening her mouth slowly to say.
"Well, shit."
Styles laughs, a huge laugh followed by others, and wraps his arms around his wife to pull her to him, making her yelp at the sudden movement. He leaves kisses all over her face, shaking her from side to side as she tries to escape with laughter.
"Stop, H!" She yelps, and he stops to look into her eyes.
His dimples make an appearance thanks to the huge, tight-lipped grin that breaks out on his face at the sight of her, hair tousled, face clean and his Hot N Hard shirt on. God, now that he knew there was no problem, there's nothing he wants more than to put a baby in her belly.
"Harry?" Y/N asks, reaching out a hand to comb the auburn locks that fall across his forehead.
"I love you so much." He whispers, leaving kisses on her neck. "You look so beautiful right now."
"Did the good news made you horny?" Her question makes him laugh, and he scoops her up in his arms to start walking towards the stairs. "But, we gotta think of a name for the kitten!" Y/N exclaims, clinging to her man's neck.
"The kitten can wait." He replies, walking up the stairs to their room, where he sits her on the bed. "We'll make a baby right now."
"Oh yeah?" She asks, resting her palms on the mattress and looking up at him from below. "And how do you know it'll work this time?"
"I don't, but at least we'll have fun trying."
He puts a hand on her jaw, guiding her head up so he can bend down and kiss her. It's slow, he tastes her lips making her sigh and he slips his tongue into her mouth, brushing it with hers. Y/N loves it when Harry behaves like this, so dominant, and the hand sliding from her jaw to her neck makes her shiver.
She can feel her panties begin to dampen and she shifts restlessly, rubbing against the bed causing a whimper to escape her. Harry smirks, and continues kissing her for a few more seconds, just eating her mouth.
Kissing like this, they always tried to kiss long enough for the intimacy of it, making them remember when that was all they did, not having the courage to do more.
They didn't complain, because Harry loved catching her bottom lip between his, and Y/N loved when she stuck out her tongue for him to lick and suck.
Like now, when he pulls away a few inches to whisper. "Stick out your tongue for me." And she does, sliding her pink tongue between her lips and looking into his eyes, the sight making him shudder.
"Fuck, I can't believe I'm married to the most beautiful woman on the whole fucking planet." He bites his lower lip.
Keeping his hand on her neck to steady her, Harry sticks out his tongue and licks hers, growling at the feel of her saliva in his mouth. He takes her between his two lips, and pulls away slightly to spit in her mouth.
Shit, she doesn't think she's been this turned on for a long time and looks into his eyes before swallowing, moaning at the eroticism of the action.
"Good girl, letting me do whatever I want with y'mouth, maybe I should fuck your throat to end the show, mhm?" Styles mutters, combing a few strands of hair behind her ear.
Y/N smirks despite feeling her hole tighten around nothing as she listens to him, spreading her legs and propping her feet up against the mattress, exposing herself in front of him. "Are you gonna fuck me or are you still gonna think you're Christian Grey?"
He laughs too, and his insides feel hot with happiness knowing that with her they can go from kinky to goofy in a second.
"Shut up."
He grabs her by the waist to lift her up and throw her further into the centre of the bed so that he has room to position himself over her, and when he does, he begins to kiss her collarbone, biting and sucking on the skin.
Y/N sighs and feels her skin prickle at the kisses, tugging at the hair at the nape of his neck making him growl, and slides her hands to the end of Harry's hoodie, tugging it upwards.
He gets the message, and pulls away to remove the garment and the shirt underneath, revealing his bare chest that instantly has her hands all over it. She admires him from below, sliding her nails gently down his chest, fiddling with the little cross and banana chain, across the butterfly and down to his happy trail and those damn, hot laurels.
She couldn't understand how she had the most perfect man all to herself, she never would. Her eyes burn with the emotions that hit her like a wave, the knowledge that he is as deeply and madly in love with her as she is with him, they wouldn't have married if they hadn't.
Her gaze collides with his dark, greenish gaze as he slips his palms beneath the fabric of her shirt, reaching her breasts and cupping them with a familiarity that makes her cling closer to him, lifting her hips to press against his bulge as he squeezes her nipples.
"Eager, are we?" He asks, wrinkling his nose and inhaling, a gesture that had stayed with him after so many years.
She arches her back, causing Harry's hands to press even harder against her. "Just fuck me already." Her voice sounds shaky, and she can hear the stupid cocky grin forming on his face.
It's been maybe ten minutes since they've taken the matter into the bedroom, but the moisture collecting in Y/N's panties is already making her nervous, as is her clit, which continues to throb at the mere sight of her half-naked husband.
Harry just looks at her with a serious look on his face, but with a spark of lust in his eyes, and moves his hands from where they were to place them on her knees, lifting them up. He leaves his left hand there, but the other goes straight to her panties, sliding his index finger up and down the fabric, making her close her eyes and breathe nervously.
"You're so wet you've ruined your panties." He says, mockingly pouting. "You're so desperate for me to fuck you, aren't you? to finally knock you up?"
His questions exclaimed by his husky voice with its thicker accent only make her more aroused, and she knows her wetness is probably all over the sheets right now, but she couldn't care less.
"Yes, please." Her eyes are open now, and Harry feels his cock switch in his trousers as he sees the desperation and need in her eyes.
Her arms pull him to her so she can kiss him, and he lets her do whatever she wants, bite, suck, and leave sweet little kisses that make him squeeze his eyes tight because he is oh so fucking crazy about this girl.
His girl.
Y/N's hands tousle his hair even more as he worries to take off his trousers and sticks his body to hers, rubbing both sexes over the thin garments making them moan as he hurries to pull off her shirt to lick and mark her breasts, making sure to extra kiss and bite her tattoo of the date they got together.
"These tits..." He says, and sticks out his tongue to lick a nipple. "Soon they'll be full of milk for m'baby."
Her mouth opens at the stimulation from his thrusts against her clothed hole, and a feeling of longing comes over her, remembering the first time they did that. And now they were about to have a baby.
Or at least try.
He licks her breasts and then blows on them, making her shiver. Y/N puts both her hands behind his ears, forcing him to look into her eyes and in a voice choked with need, she says.
"Harry, fuck a baby inside me."
Her cracked, trembling voice makes him search for any tears on her face, but it's the arousal that has her like this. She needs him and she can't go through with these games, not when she thinks she's going to cum at any moment because of him and his whole being.
Harry's quick to discard the remaining clothes and finally, they're both naked, clinging to each other as she kisses his weak spot on his jaw that makes his eyes go blank. He has one hand resisting his weight so as not to crush her, and the other grasps his cock, whimpering from the relieving contact on the sensitive shaft.
His head makes contact with the warmth of her folds and they moan in unison, Y/N admires him through narrowed eyes, his head tilted back, his hair dishevelled, his eyes closed and his mouth open with a trickle of drool escaping from the corner of his mouth.
Seeing Harry Styles so fucked for her was a work of art, one for her eyes only.
He presses the dripping head against her clit, making her release a pornographic sound from the back of her throat, and leaves kisses behind her ear, murmuring words of love as he slowly pushes inside her.
When all of her wetness is welcoming him as it always does, they both hold still, he thinks he's about to cum, and so does she when she knows that with just a lean and a thrust, he'll hit her soft spot.
Y/N clings to him, and he drops his head on her shoulder. "How are you still so tight every fucking time?"
She laughs, tightening around him and he pulls himself together for the first thrust, grunting as he looks down and sees his member come out covered in all her wetness.
"Shit, H." Her gasp combines with the deep thrusts he delivers, and she lifts her hips halfway up to meet him.
His pelvic bone slams against her clit exquisitely, making her moan and lose herself as Harry's movements become more erratic, separating his chest from hers so that he's now sitting on his knees and gripping her hips with both hands, holding her in place.
She doesn't know what to do with her hands, clenching the skin of her stomach as she continues to moan thanks to his head brushing that weak spot, she doesn't know how he manages to fuck her right everytime, but he does.
He watches her from above as his hips keep thrusting into her wildly, but his mind is filled with love for her, with her eyes closed, hair on the pillow and body at his mercy, she was his dream, his only dream.
"Fuck, look at you." He gasps, unable to take his eyes off her. "Can't wait to fill you up, and when I'm done, I'll do it again and again until the house is full of our babies."
"Harry." Y/N moans, her mind clouded by that image and feeling her orgasm getting closer and closer.
"Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" He asks, licking his thumb to get it between their bodies and press it against her clit, making the volume of her moans increase. "Just walking around full of m'cum?"
She can't believe her ears, never having heard Harry's breeding kink as loud as it is now, and she feels her climax on the tip of her fingers with every thrust, word and caress her husband gives her.
They look at each other, and her bright gaze contrasts with his dark one. "Please, want it to drip out of me." She babbles, leaning her weight on one arm so she can pull herself closer to him, pressing their foreheads together. "Wanna make you a daddy."
Harry senses he's about to cum at her words, and he continues his onslaught despite the burning in his muscles. "Yeah? and you'll be a mommy, the best, the hottest, shit, love–"
Y/N kisses him with a hand on the back of his neck, it's messy from their movements and the desire for release they both have. She breaks away to murmur against his lips. "I love you, no matter what."
He cums inside her in long white strips that paint her walls, and the stimulation on her clit makes her follow him, tensing all her muscles, squeezing her eyes shut and opening her mouth in a silent scream.
"I love you, I love you." He murmurs, leaving kisses on her open mouth, her cheeks and every part of her face.
They both collapse onto the bed and remain silent for a few minutes, regulating their breaths and snuggling under the covers thanks to the fact that Y/N had the strength to uncover the bed knowing they wouldn't later.
Harry slides his now soft member out of her, making her hiss from the sensation, and sees how his cum wants to drip out of her hole, so with three of his fingers he forces it back in, feeling himself switch and almost hardening again. He removes them, wiping them off quickly with his mouth so he can grab his shirt off the floor and clean his love carefully.
Y/N waits for him to finish and discard the shirt before looking into his eyes and do grabby hands at him, making him smile and roll his eyes, grabbing her by the forearms to lay her on his chest.
"Here we are trying to have a baby when you're still acting like one." He jokes, and she pinches his nipple. "Oi!"
"You think it worked?" Her hopeful voice makes him smile, and they both look at each other satisfied with everything that's happened.
"Of course." He replies, playing with her hair, a little sweaty from the action they've had. "The next test will be positive."
MAY 19, 2022:
It was almost four weeks later when Harry became suspicious.
Since the last time they haven't had much time together, and he wanted to make up for lost time with his wife. That's why he decided to take a day off, and make her breakfast while she's still in bed.
He whistles as he cooks the pancakes and turns from time to time to check the coffee on the stove just the way Y/N likes it. He puts the missing dishes on the tray, completing the breakfast they've frequented for years; maple syrup, coffee, pancakes, hash browns and egg yolk.
He notes in a post it "I will always love you :)" to complete the reference to his new song Keep Driving, inspired by his marriage, like 98% of all songs written by him.
He hears Y/N coming down the stairs and mentally pats himself on the shoulder for timing it perfectly, quickly arranging everything so that it is pointing to the door frame separating the kitchen from the living room.
She enters the scene as she scratches her tousled nest of hair and tries to adjust the clothes that moved during the night between tossing and turning, she has the pillow mark on her face, and Harry feels like he's going to faint from so much beauty.
"Good morning, m'soul."
"Mhm." She just answers, not a fan of talking to anyone when she's barely awake.
She opens her eyes and stops in her tracks when she sees breakfast, cracking a small smile and looking up at her husband who's blushing. "Aww, H!"
"It's been a long time since we've had breakfast together." He murmurs, and she walks over to him to position herself between his legs (he sat up so he could eat with her) and take his face in her hands, leaving little kisses on his bearded face and lips.
Y/N sits down and they both begin to eat, sharing a chat from time to time. He looks proud of himself as he watches her eat the pancakes with maple syrup, but she tastes the coffee, and spits it back into the cup.
"Hey! why did you do that?" He asks offended.
"It tastes awful." She replies, grimacing as she pours herself a glass of grape juice to drink it all the way down.
Harry takes the cup of coffee from her and takes a sip; it tastes perfectly normal, very good if he has to admit it, but he decides to leave it be and let her continue with the glass of juice.
Y/N continues to eat happily, of course, until she pops a small piece of egg yolk into her mouth. Harry doesn't have time to complain when she's already in the sink throwing up.
He drops his cup of coffee quickly and walks over to her, holding her hair and stroking her back until she pulls herself together, wiping her face with the sleeve of her t-shirt.
"I don't feel so good." She murmurs, with a pout that makes Harry's heart ache.
"It's okay, honey." He presses her against his chest. "Why don't you go to bed? I'll put everything away and join you as fast as I can."
She nods, and looks into his eyes. "Sorry for ruining it."
He smiles sadly, combing her hair that has stuck to her forehead with sweat. "You didn't ruin anything, to be honest I was looking forward to staying in bed with you."
Y/N leaves and ten minutes pass in which Harry picks up breakfast and saves it for perhaps later. He's washing the cups when he notices, and one falls dry in the sink.
He picks up his phone with half-dried hands, and opens the chat with his mom from a week ago.
"Your cousin is pregnant and can't handle eggs or coffee so we're taking care of her now. Kisses sweetie, love you and Y/N!! 😘😘😘"
Eggs or coffee.
He clings to the marble counter trying to control his breathing. Could it be..? Christ, he was going to faint at the thought. He couldn't believe he had such a good memory to remember a banal text message like that.
He runs a hand over his face trying to come back to reality, if Y/N was pregnant… shit, he can't think straight, and if it wasn't for Saturn (called that way after Y/N sang seven while holding him) climbing up on the counter and meowing in his face, then he'd still be in a trance.
He turns off the faucet and runs upstairs, ignoring his blurred nerves he enters their room, where Y/N looks at him in fright.
"Take a pregnancy test." Is all he says, and his wife gets out of bed in confusion.
"What?" She asks, approaching him. "Are you okay? You look pale."
"Yeah, yeah." He responds agitated, letting her examine his face. "Just, please, you have to take it."
"Okay, I'm gonna take it and you're gonna calm down." She looks into his eyes, and he nods. "C'mon."
Harry can barely control his nerves as she pees on four sticks to make sure, walking all over the bathroom and their room until she comes out. "We have to wait five minutes, wanna explain what's going on?"
They both sit on the bed and she takes his hands to reassure him, which works. "You're gonna think I'm crazy but, remember m'mom told me Laura's pregnant and can't stand eggs or coffee?"
"Yeah." Y/N replies, and her eyes widen in understanding. "Holy fuck. Do you think..?"
"I don't know." Harry shakes his head, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. "I don't know."
Minutes pass and the couple gets crazier and crazier; Y/N feels like she's going to tear her hair out in despair and wants to puke again so badly while Harry fiddles with his rings for the tenth time.
It must be something else, he doesn't even know how he connected the loose ends, was it paternal instinct? no, that's stupid, maybe he's not going to be a father and he's just going crazy. He's an idiot, now he's got Y/N's hopes up and he's gonna have to see the look of disappointment on her perfect face again.
He's so immersed in his thoughts that he doesn't notice when his wife rises from beside him to re-enter the bathroom, appearing again at a slow pace with the four tests in her hands, unable to take her eyes off them as she mutters:
Harry lifts his head as he hears her, connecting his eyes with her teary ones, and stands, approaching her who shows him all the positive streaks that indicated that inside her, their baby was growing.
She drops them and throws herself into her husband's arms, making them fall backwards onto the bed, clinging to each other. Harry cries into her neck while she cries into his chest. Y/N feels like she's gonna faint from the tears and sobs pouring out of her body, an immense happiness flooding her body as a million things go through her head.
Harry talking to her belly, Harry holding a small chubby baby, Harry playing the guitar with a small audience, Harry and their baby.
It would all be real eventually.
Meanwhile he's still crying like he's never cried in his life, sitting with her on his lap and running a hand between them to rest it on her tummy. "There's a baby in there." He says, his voice breaking.
Y/N laughs, pressing her forehead to his. "There's a baby in there."
They both look at each other, connecting their teary eyes and begin to laugh, kissing without regard for the salty taste. They kiss, trying to convey to each other everything that can't be said in words, but now they have someone who's the feasible proof of their love.
A perfect blend of both, Harry thinks, and his stomach feels like it has fireworks in it. He can't wait to sing to the growing belly of his love, to hold that tiny hand. He just can't wait.
"I love you." Y/N says as they part their lips, tears still streaming down their cheeks. "I love you, curly, we made it."
"We made it." He repeats, squeezing her waist between his hands. "We made it, we're having our baby, I told you so."
"I can't believe you found out because I threw up your breakfast."
"That's because you'd never throw up something made by me, I'm an incredible chef."
They both laugh again and Harry flips them over, making Y/N lie between the bed and him, laughing at the kisses he spreads across her face, neck, down to her shirt, lifting it slightly to reveal the soft skin of her stomach that was keeping their baby warm. Saturn seems to have noticed the happiness that came from the room and appears, getting on the bed and snuggling on his mother's chest, who caresses him happily.
Harry kisses the area as Y/N caresses his scalp and the tears continue to fall at the sight of him speaking to them. He whispers something, but she and perhaps someone else can hear him clearly.
"Welcome home, baby. You're already loved."
'Yeah, I've always wanted to have kids.'
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falling4harryscherry · 3 years ago
Hey! Is anybody going to LOT Manchester Night 1?? I’m going alone and am a little scared 🤣 I’m in Kitchen pit early entry. If anybody is going would you want to meet up? 💕💕
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falling4harryscherry · 4 years ago
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account 💵✨
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falling4harryscherry · 4 years ago
The Allergist - Part 5
*warning: very graphic smut, k?
My lip was taken between my teeth as I slapped her ass again, watching as she smiled with my length in her mouth. “Y’like that, don’t you?” I bit down harder onto my lip as I smacked her ass again and she moaned once more against me.
My eyes closed as she sucked me-I would have never dreamed that an allergist would be so good at it. I liked her sure, but I looked at her as a brainiac. A woman who was so smart and determined that she opened her own allergy clinic before the age of thirty three. I thought of her as someone who wouldn’t make the time for sex or relationships-or fun.
She has proven me completely wrong.
A surprised groan left my lips as I felt her mouth on my balls as she pulled my length with her hand. “Y/N-fuck,” I cursed.
“oh god, oh god,” my eyes squeezed shut as she sucked and swirled her tongue over my balls. “You’re going to fucking make me come,” I breathed.
She sucked harder then, as if to say-that’s the point.
“Oh, gimme more baby-gimme more,” I moaned, my hand landing in the back of her head and pushing it further, so that she took my balls completely into her mouth. Her tongue swirled and she sucked as much as she could-anything to get me there. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as she pumped me quickly, then her thumb slid over my slit and that’s what pushed me over the edge.
“Fuck,” I groaned, bucking my hips up into her hand as I came. I could feel my balls jolting against her tongue as I came, and she didn’t let up until her hand and even some strands of her hair were covered in my white cum. She came up, her wet tongue licking over her plump lips seductively and I felt myself getting hard all over again. She kissed me, and her mouth was so warm and-she was such a good fucking kissed the way she swirled her tongue-just like she did over my underwear-I moaned against her lips and she smiled. She hummed gently as she straddled me. I kissed her as I removed her bra and tossed it to the ground. Hard breathing filled the room as I pulled away from her lips. “You know what? I don’t think that a woman who works with children should even own knickers so small,” I let my index finger slide down the inside of her thong-the bit of material that covered her thick ass. “Don’t cover a thing,” I mumbled.
“Mmm,” she smiled st me seductively yet…sweetly and I swear I almost came again in that moment. Then she brought her cum covered fingers to her lips and sucked softly. “You don’t like them?” She murmured.
I watched as she licked her fingers all over, her tongue and lips covered in strings of white cum. I was speechless for a moment before I spoke. “I like ‘em, think they have to come off now though.”
She nodded and got off of my lap as she finished licking her hand clean-like a kitten almost. Then she got on her knees and sat up straight, looking st me over her shoulder. She’s a fucking tease. She smirked as she smacked her ass, a loud clap sounding in the bedroom. I couldn’t control myself anymore. I crawled to her and pulled her small lilac thong down roughly, not holding back as I used all of my force to smack her bum. She gasped but smiled, a hum of a moan leaving her lips. “Again,” she said quietly, and I smirked as I squeezed a handful roughly before slapping her again. This time her head fell back a bit as a sexy laugh left her lips.
“Well aren’t you just a dirty little thing,” I took my chances with the dirty talk as I pressed up behind her-on my knees now as well. My hard dick was against her ass cheek, resting there as I reached my fingers down to rub her pussy, my wrist against her ass as I rubbed her.
She nodded.
“What do you say, love? Wan’ me to return the favor or wan’ me to fuck you real good?” I pushed all of her hair to one shoulder, allowing me to kiss the one in front of me- all the way up to her neck.
A low moan left her beautiful lips as she spoke, “fuck me.”
Then she got on all fours, poking her ass up and rubbing it against my shaft.
“god, Y/N,” I moaned as I slapped her ass because it was just so plump and it was right in front of me-at my will. Read for whatever the hell I wanted to do to it. And her pink, dripping pussy right beneath her ass was begging to be fucked. After the way she just sucked my dick she deserves a good fuck. “Don’t think I have to ask,” I breathed as I pumped my shaft a few times-to make sure it was nice and hard for her beautiful pussy. “But do you like it hard or soft?”
“What do you think,” she smirked, her hips moving in small circles in the air. She wants to tease? Alright, then.
As soon as my tip nudge her little pussy I could feel how wet she was. Her eyes closed when she felt me. I rubbed my tip up and down slowly, watching as she shivered and the way her folds contracted as she clenched around nothing. I moved my tip from side to side as I pushed it through her wet lips, and once I was in her small hole I knew I would never get enough of this woman. She was tight and wet and-perfect for me.
I pushed all the way in, my hand on top of her lower back as I closed my eyes to get a feel for her. No wonder she was so confident in bed and no wonder why she teased so much-she can. She has something that’s worth being tortured for. “Mm, y’so tight, baby,” I murmured as I gently and slowly began to thrust into her. I looked down as I did, watching as my thick shaft pushed into her suctioning pussy-and I could feel the way her pussy wrapped around me and begged me to stay inside of her as I pulled out. I was completely wrapped in her soft, tight walls and I never wanted to leave.
“Harry,” she whined. “Harder.”
“Harder? You told me to go at a pace I thought you’d like, love. I take you for a girl who likes it soft and slow-vanilla like, no?” I smirked as I gently pushed my shaft in and out of her at a steady slow pace.
“No,” she shook her head.
“No?…well then how do you like it then, baby?” I was struggling to speak and keep up this bullshit slow pace act.
“Fast,” she moaned. “Please-faster, Harry. And harder. Please,” she begged desperately. “I like it rough,” she pushed back and her ass bumped against my lower stomach as my dick was pulled right into her tiny pussy. I moaned as I pulled her further back, entering her to the hilt as I circled my hips, grinding against her.
“Do you feel me, love?” I asked.
She nodded and I could see her hands squeezing and pulled at the sheets beneath her. I smirked as I pulled out-almost all the way, so that my tip was the only thing inside of her. She whined, her face against the mattress as she wiggled her hips. When I thrusted inside-hard, just like she asked-I simultaneously pulled her ass back onto me, and a loud clap sounded and an almost pained moan left her lips. “Harry,” she moaned.
“I love the way you say my name,” I whispered without moving. “Say it again.”
“Harry,” she whined. “Please.”
“Please, what?” I was having too much fun. I licked my lips as I ran my hand over her full ass, smacking gently. “You want me balls deep in your little pussy, don’t you, Y/N?”
Her back arched as her hands pulled on the sheets, her body moving forward. By now she’d been messing with the sheets so much that the cover was bunched beneath her perky breasts and she was pulling in the duvet, which was now pulled off of the corner of the bed. “Yes, Harry.”
“Alright, petal. I’ll let you have me,” I mumbled as I pulled out of her then back in harshly-holding onto her hips as I started up a fast pace. Our skin slapped together loudly-her body rocking back and forth and if it weren’t for my grip on her hips I’m sure she would have been on the floor or at least half way off of the bed by now. I was getting tired but then I’d look down at her beautiful body, and her ass and my hips would move almost on their own. I just wanted to be inside of her.
“Y’feel so good, Y/N,” I moaned quietly, my eyebrows furrowed as I suddenly got a second wind and began to fuck her even harder than before.
I heard her moan loudly, “oh, Harry!” And her hips started to push back against mine.
“Tha’s it, love-meet me half way there,” I whispered.
And she did. She even took a few moments to watch over her shoulder with her lips parted as she pushed back onto me while I thrusted forward. “Just like that, Harry,” she bit her lip and hummed. “Oh, that feels so good. Just like that.”
“Just like that? Like this, baby? Like it when I fuck you hard like this?” I spoke, feeling myself get closer and closer to the edge.
She nodded as she layed her upper body down onto the little mountain of blanket she’d created throughout this whole process beneath her chest.
I hummed through a chuckle, “yeah, get comfortable, bubs. ‘m gonna make you feel so good.”
She moaned before saying, “I already do.”
“Mmm, ‘m gonna make you feel better. Gonna make you come,” I breathed as I fucked her. “Gonna make you come nice and hard on my cock, baby. Think you can do that? Think you can come on my cock for me?”
She nodded quickly as little whines and whimpers began to fall from her mouth. “Oh god, Harry,” she sounded almost as if she could cry. Then I was surprised when she said, “I’m cumming! Oh my god-fuck me hard, Harry,” she whined.
My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I did as shenasked, giving her my all. Only a few moments later, I was coming as well. I couldn’t bring myself to speak though-because I could barely breathe as I came and moaned her name so many times I lost track.
I was left panting as I looked down at her body. She was layed on her stomach now, completely broken and fucked. I pulled out of her slowly, my dick wet with our juices and her pussy dripping with them. We’d both come a lot because it was already dripping down the inside of her thigh. She whimpered-I’m assuming she felt it-and her legs closed as her hips twitched.
I smiled. “Bit sensitive, are you, angel?” I layed beside her and smiled at her face. Some of her hair was pressed against her forehead, stuck there because of sweat. Her pretty lips were parted as she breathed deeply, her long lashes laying on her slightly chubby cheeks. She nodded at my question. “Look so beautiful, baby,” I pushed her hair from her face and blew on her face and neck to provide some sort of cool air. She hummed as a small smile made its way onto her lips. I smiled as well.
She moved towards me with her eyes shut, her thick thigh landing right on my stomach as she hitched her knee up onto my hip, her head laying on my chest. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her body on top of mine securely. I kissed the top of her head. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
She hummed, mumbling something before she kissed my chest.
I woke up and a smile was immediately on my face. I had faint memories of the middle of the night-where I woke up with a slight back pain because we’d fallen asleep laying vertically on the bed rather then horizontally. I had moved her body over and she was moaning, displeased. I layed her pretty head on a pillow and she hummed before wrapping her arms around my neck, leaning my head to he against her plush breasts-I had not problem with it and went right back to sleep like a baby.
I checked the time to see that it was seven fifteen. I didn’t want to wake her, but I had to get going soon because Annie would be waiting for me to pick her up from Gemma’s. I cuddled with Y/N for a bit, because I was afraid if I’d move too much she would wake up and I wanted her to rest. She looked so peaceful, I would feel guilty if I ruined her sleep. Eventually though I got up quietly, and her entire naked body was on display. I felt bad, because sure she’d undressed for me last night but that doesn’t mean she wanted my eyes all over her while she slept. I pulled the blanket over her perfect body, pulling it all the way to her shoulders so she stayed nice and warm while I was in the shower. I tried not to use too much of the shampoo and conditioner that was there in the tiny travel-size containers the hotel provided, because I’m sure Y/N would like to shower when she wakes up. The mirror in the bathroom and the glass of the clear shower was foggy when I stepped out, wrapping one hotel towel around my hair and the other around my hips. I brushed my teeth then called for breakfast to he brought up to our room.
“Two plates?” The woman asked after I placed our order.
“Okay, that’ll be fifty dollars and seventy five cents. Would you like it added to your bill?”
“Yes. Thank you,” I answered.
I pulled the towel off of my head when I heard room service knocking about ten minutes later. A cart with two plates, jelly, butter, and a pot of coffee was rolled into our room.
“Thanks, mate,” I handed the guy whatever I found in my wallet as I was rushing to the door.
“This is two hundred dollars,” the man stated, looking down at the money in his hands.
“Yeah, okay?” What’s his point? I need to get this beside our bed in a few minutes before she wakes up.
“I was just making sure you knew how much you were giving me.”
“Yeah, no problem. Thanks for bringing this up,” I held my hand out to shake his before he left. I locked the door behind him then pushed the cart to our bedroom. I sat on the couch across from Y/N’s side of the bed and removed the lid of one of the plates. Scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon. Beside each plate was a small glass bowl of fruit. I reached for the toast and a packet of butter first, taking a big bite of the toast as I poured syrup all over my pancakes and eggs. Then I spread the butter over my toast and stood up to lower the air conditioning, because I was getting a bit chilly. Just as I returned, about to sit down, Y/N woke up. When she saw me she smiled, her eyes closed once more. “Mmm, did last night really happen?” She asked sleepily.
“It did,” I took another big bite out of the toast that had been sliced down the middle to create a half piece of toast.
Then she laughed. Her breasts spilled out of the blanket that was covering them as she did, and I felt myself getting hard all over again.
“Why are you laughing?” I smirked.
“Because,” she laughed beautifully. I’m officially infatuated with this woman. “Why were you smiling like that?”
“I’m smiling like that because last night happened,” I smirked as she sat up, the blanket wrapped around her body. She still wore a pretty smile-in the same morning after bliss I was in when I woke up.
Then she pulled her blanket back a bit and looked down at her lap with a sleepy sigh. “I’m all sticky. I need a shower,” she got up with the blanket around her and started towards the bathroom. I stuck my arm out as she walked passed me, wrapping it around her hip as I held my toast in the other hand. “I’m sorry. I think I may have something to do with that,” I puckered my lips and she gladly leaned up to kiss them.
“You definitely do, Mr.Styles.”
I smirked as she walked away from me and to the bathroom, her ass right against the thin duvet.
“When you’re done in there you should come let me eat breakfast off of your bum. It’d be-“
“How about you kiss my ass? You had enough fun with my bum last night,” her American accent spoke, making me snicker as I began to make myself a cup of coffee.
When she exited the bathroom she was wearing a white hotel robe that she oddly made look sexy. “How did you sleep?” She asked.
“Very well, and yourself?” I scooted over a bit as she sat down beside me on the small couch.
“Well,” she nodded.
“That’s yours,” I pointed with my pinky to her plate as I sipped my coffee. “It’s really good. The coffee’s not half bad either,” I put my cup down and picked my fork back up as I began to eat the rest of my eggs.
She nodded as she reached for her bowl of fruit and fork, eating that first. “Thank you for getting this.”
“Of course, love. Thank you for letting me take you out on another date. I really enjoyed myself at the opera.”
“god,” she laughed as she ate her fruit. “I thought you were going to say thank you for letting you have sex with me last night. I almost threw this fruit in your face, Styles.”
I laughed, throwing my head back. “ ‘course not! ‘m not an asshole! Besides, it was fun sure but worth an entire breakfast? I’d say you need some work before-“
She smacked my chest lightly, her mouth open in shock at my words before we both laughed.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” I laughed.
She shook her head as she finished her fruit and put the bowl down, beginning to eat her eggs. “Mh,” she nodded. “Not bad for hotel food.”
“Right?” I agreed with a mouthful of pancakes.
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falling4harryscherry · 4 years ago
The Allergist - Part 4
“Annie would be so mad if she knew I had dessert before dinner without her,” I said after we asked the waitress for the check.
“Aw, you should take her something,” she smiled.
I smiled at the kind thought. “What should I get her?” I smirked.
“Uhm, something without blueberries?” She laughed shyly.
“That’s a good start,” I laughed.
“Uhm, I don’t know. I don’t know what she likes, besides stickers—and ice cream.”
I nodded. She payed close attention to my daughter. I like that. Even if it is because she’s her patient.
“Get her theeee,” she thought. “Banana caramel cream dessert. It was good.”
Y/N ordered the banana caramel cream dessert, and I ordered an apple caramel piece of pie.
“She does like caramel, and her favorite fruit is banana, so I would say we have a winner.”
“Ding, ding, ding,” Y/N laughed, and I couldn’t help but laugh with her as our check was put on the table.
Then something weird happened. Something that has never happened on any other date I’ve been on.
We both reached for the check.
“Uhm-“ I cleared my throat.
“Oh-“ she blushed.
“I’ve got it, love,” I said politely.
“Oh, I can pay my half, Harry it’s no problem-“
“No, love,” I raised my eyebrows. “I asked you on this date, I will pay. I’m a gentleman.”
“Okay,” she smiled.
“Annie! I’m home!” I called.
I dropped Y/N back at work around 1pm. I didn’t feel like going back to work because I had a shit ton of paperwork and I didn’t want to ruin my good mood. Y/N is perfect for me. I was delightfully surprised at how down to earth she is, how funny she is, and how educated she is on topics I’m interested in. We can talk for hours about things that don’t matter but we can also make the same amount of conversation with political problems and things we feel passionate about-which just so happen to be the same things.
I have never found a woman so beautiful and smart at the same time.
“Daddy! You’re home!” Annie ran to me and gave me a hug, kissing my cheek just as I did her.
“Where’s Bridget?” I asked.
“She’s making me a peanut butter sandwich with banana.”
“Well that’s very nice of her, isn’t it? Let’s go say thank you. Shall we?” I asked as I held her small body on my hip.
She nodded before speaking slowly in her four year old voice. “Daddy, what’s in the bag?”
“This bag?” I smirked as I held the small brown paper bag up that held a box of her caramel banana cream dessert.
She nodded.
“A surprise for daddy’s baby. But a surprise for later. Not now. You just eat your sandwich first,” I said but she pouted.
“But I want my su-pwise.”
“No supwise for you,” I tapped her nose gently as we finally reached the kitchen.
“Hello, Love,” I greeted Bridget, hugging her.
“Hey, Uncle Harry. How was work?”
“Amazing. Thanks for babysitting. I’ve sent the money to your account already, you can go early if you want. I don’t think I’m goin back today.”
“Okay, cool. Are you sure you don’t want me to send back the money for the hours I’m not staying?”
“ ‘course not! You spend that money on whatever you want. Go on,” I laughed.
Y/N’s pov
He’s perfect.
Okay, maybe an exaggeration but as of now, everything seems like it’s going really well. Well, as far as first dates go. He seems successful, kind, caring, smart-he had everything I looked for in a man. So far.
Plus, he’s the perfect age. I usually hate going for boys younger than me (tried it once, horrible experience) and I didn’t like when they were too old either. Harry was a perfect two years older, and he acts and looks young. Again, perfect.
Not to mention the fact that he has a kid so that proves he knows what he wants and he knows how to be in a serious relationship. He’s probably looking for a serious relationship. So I hope.
The fact that he has a kid does make me a bit uneasy. Not because I think Anne wouldn’t like me-she clearly does. However, I’m not sure that I’m ready for the responsibility of another persons child.
Am I ready for my own? Yes.
Do I want my own? I think. It’s a nice thought.
Do I want to be in charge of making sure somebody else’s child is safe and taken care of 24/7? Not quite.
However, after work I went home with a smile on my face, and this time it wasn’t brought upon me by a kind compliment from a coworker or patient-and it wasn’t brought upon by helping a child with allergies. (Although those things do bring me great joy.) Today, my smile was because of man and it’s been a long time since that’s happened.
Harry’s pov
So we’ve gone on a few dates now. Today we went to an opera show, because we’d both never been and have always wanted to try it.
I also got us a hotel room for the night, Annie would be spending the night with Gemma.
“Uhm, yes we have a room under Styles?”
Soon we were given a key, which really was a card. “Since you’re in the sixteenth floor-platinum, you have to swipe this card when going up on the elevator or it won’t work.”
“Okay,” I nodded. “Thank you very much.”
“I think a simple hotel room with a bed and a coffee maker would have done just fine, Harry,” Y/N smirked as we stepped into the elevator, her arm around mine and I felt proud of having such a beautiful woman on my arm.
“I don’t do simple things,” I swiped the card so that we could go up to our floor. “The opera, did you like it?” I asked.
“It was very nice,” she smiled. “But if we’re being honest, it was a bit too long.”
“I know,” I agreed with a laugh. “I wasn’t going to say anything if you didn’t-but I don’t think I can ever sit through that again.”
“Me neither,” her beautiful laugh sounded as I held my arm in front of the elevator doors to keep them from closing as she stepped out and I followed. “I prefer a simple play or broadway show. Those are entertaining.”
“I love going to see a good play. Could never go wrong,” I said.
“Agreed,” she smiled as I opened our door and let her step in first.
I didn’t go all out, because it was only for a night and that would just look like I was trying too hard. We got a medium sized room. When you walked in there was a bathroom to your left, and forward there was a small living room. Behind the living room was a dining room, a microwaved and coffee maker to the side of that. Beside the bathroom was the entrance to our bedroom. I opened the door to check our bed and make sure everything was cleaned and made to perfection. It was.
“This is such a nice room,” Y/N spoke as she explored the bathroom’s glass shower and mirror that covered the wall.
“What’s this room,” I wondered as I opened a door in our bedroom, and to my surprise Y/N stood on the other side. She let out a small squeal as I gasped. The door was not a closet as I’d presumed, it was another door to the bathroom.
“Thankfully you weren’t using the bathroom,” I laughed.
“No kidding,” she laughed. “Is this the room?” She stepped into the bedroom and I nodded, flipping the light switch. “It’s nice,” she smiled, sitting on the bed. “You wouldn’t mind if I took off my heels, would you? They’re killing me.”
“ ‘course not!” I laughed. “I get it. Woman problems, right. I grew up with two woman. And I was married once.”
“You were?” She looked up at me as she removed her black heels and left them neatly beside the bed.
I nodded. “Couple years ago. ‘s how I have my little Annie.”
“So can I ask you something personal?” Y/N asked as I took off my suit jacket and left it on the small couch in our bedroom.
I nodded. “Sure.”
“Is Anne’s mother…in her life at all? Like, do you have a relationship with her still or…?”
I couldn’t be mad at her for asking. If she’s getting into a relationship with me, it’s a rational question.
“Uh, not really,” I say beside her. “Things got really nasty between the two of us-I’d found out she was cheating and she wasn’t being a very good mother to Anne so I decided I had to do what was best not only for my well being but for Annie’s. You know?”
She nodded. “So you have full custody?”
“Yeah. I mean, she didn’t really fight for her anyway, but yeah, I’ve got custody.”
“Oh,” she nodded. “Well, that’s good.”
“Yeah,” I looked down at my hands. “So uh…” I cleared my throat. “How do you feel about her? The fact that I have a kid? Is that alright?”
“Uhm…you know, I was thinking about this quite a bit myself. It’s weird because…I know I’m ready to have a child, but the thought of taking care of someone else’s child…”
“It’s too much of a bother,” I nodded sadly.
“No-not that it’s a bother,” she spoke quickly. “More so…it just scares me. Like, what if I mess up? At least with my own kid I won’t have someone who wants to kill me. Especially with the way you love Anne so much-I’ve babysat a few times but I’m not an experienced parent.”
“No ones asking you to be, love. I mean, I know it’s a lot and no one wants the responsibility of a child that’s not theirs-“
“It’s not that, Harry,” she placed her hand on my chest, over my heart. “I love Anne. I think she’s a wonderful little girl.”
“Thank you,” I put my hand over hers and held it there. “But trust me, I would never expect you to be perfect. But if we do get serious, I’d like for you to have some sort of relationship with Anne and you know…to love her. Just half as much as I do.”
“I think I can do that,” she smiled.
“Yeah?” I smiled. She nodded, leaning forward a bit to kiss me. “Good,” I spoke before kissing her.
Then her hand was placing on my thigh, and I immediately began to grow. Her hand rubbed my thigh gently as we kissed, and I was slowly getting warmer and warmer-and the need to remove my clothes grew. Soon I was full on hard and her smooth lips were making everything harder. I couldn’t focus.
She hummed gently as I felt her take ahold of me, making my thighs clench. “ ‘s right here?” She said softly, rubbing my dick as it was against my left thigh.
“god, Y/N,” I breathed, laying back onto the plush bed.
Her hair was over her shoulders as she unbuckled my slacks and pulled the zipper down. Then she leaned down to kiss my underwear covered base and my eyes shut. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to sneak away from Annie and do anything like this. I needed to see her face. My hands reached down and pulled her hair up, although a few strands got stuck in my rings-I just pulled all of it up into one ponytail. She stuck out her tongue and swirled it over my underwear, and my hips thrusted upward. She’s a fucking tease.
“Put it in your mouth,” I whispered, but she only smirked. She leaned down once more and sucked my side, her pretty lips right around me. “Fuck,” I moaned. “Please. Please, Y/N-put it in your mouth.”
She smiled. “You’re only two years older than me, Harry. I’m not required to listen to you. Okay? So make sure you always say please.”
With that she pulled my underwear and slacked down, then took her pants and shirt off as well.
And her body alone nearly made me cum. She had beautiful curves, her waist small and her stomach the same, with a tiny bit of pudge on the bottom. Her thighs were thick and complimented her ass-which was something I’d only ever seen in videos. I couldn’t resist. Especially when she started to swirl her tongue over my tip. My hand reached out and took a handful of her ass.
Her plump lips wrapped around me, and as her head bobbed up and down-her ass was poked further up into the air, pushing against my hand. Naturally, m hand slapped her plump ass and surprisingly, she moaned. The vibrations against my dick made my eyes roll to the back of my head.
“Deepa’,” my voice gravelled.
Her head moved from side to side as she got me deeper-until I was down her throat and her lips were against my body. I moaned as I felt her tongue, my hand slapping against her ass once more, before I grabbed a handful and let go-watching it jiggle on its own. “Y/N,” I moaned as she came back up with watery eyes, sucking my tip and making eye contact with me. Simultaneously, she wiggled her bum against my hand, making me smirk. I feared she would be boring in bed. Thankfully, I was being proven right now that I had nothing to worry about.
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falling4harryscherry · 4 years ago
The Allergist - Part 3
(Part 2)
It was our third visit for Anne’s shots.
I couldn’t resist anymore. I just had to ask.
“Okay, all done” Y/N smiled after she had given Anne both of her shots.
“Pardon me, Y/N-I know you’re very busy here but…I was wondering if you’d like to go out for lunch sometime.”
She was quiet. “…Harry, I’m not supposed to date my patients.”
“Well it’s a good thing I’m not one of your patients then, yeah? Besides, who said it would be a date?”
She blushed but stood her ground. “I can’t put my entire practice at risk for a lunch.”
“No one will know,” I spoke. “It’s not against the law.”
“You’re very persistent,” she crossed her arms with a small smile.
“I am, for things that I want.”
She nodded with a smirk. “Oh, you’re good.”
“I know,” I smiled with a sigh. “So lunch? Tomorrow ‘round 12? I can pick you up here.”
“I have thirty minutes,” she raised an eyebrow, to see if I’d accept that. If I said no she would deny my offer of a date all together because her lunch breaks were probably most of the time she could put toward a relationship in the first place.
“So do I. Sounds perfect.”
She smirked as she walked away.
“We’re taking that as a yes, Annie,” I mumbled alright she was half asleep on my hip. We left and soon were at home, where she could nap peacefully on her princess bed.
I didn’t expect her to be so….confident, cocky, foward? I’m not sure how to describe her. I don’t know why I didn’t expect such a beautiful, successful woman-who runs her own fucking clinic-to be timid when asked out on a date.
Plus she was good with Annie. She’s perfect.
I sleep with woman here and there, but in order for me to actually waste time on taking them on a date-means I see something in her. I’m thirty five years old already and I’m ready to settle down with someone who loves my daughter and can act as her mother since her real mother is a piece of shit. Her loss, Annie is wonderful.
I’m not sure how old Y/N is, but she can’t be much younger than I am, she runs her own business basically.
If she is much younger than me I can expect that she’d want a baby eventually, and I’m not sure if I want that. Annie is my world and all I need. However, Y/N seems like an amazing woman.
Annie was with Bridget, her babysitter/cousin (she’s Niall’s daughter). Bridget is a much calmer, understand soul than her father, which is why I trust her with my daughter. Plus she’s very mature for her age and she doesn’t get involved in all the bullshit most teens do. Like her father and I and our knucklehead buddies. She was a goody goody that’s for sure, sometimes I think she’s missing out and maybe I should fire her-then she’ll actually go out sometime or meet some friends. But she never actually does so I figure a little job will help her buy…books, or whatever she uses the money on. Niall has told me she was begging him for this light clip that’s used for reading in the dark. Exhilarating.
But I guess it’s a good thing, because she’s got Annie reading books ahead of her level and I was grateful for that.
I was on my lunch break-which usually lasted about thirty minutes to an hour-but today I had to drive all the way to Annie’s allergy clinic in order to pick up Y/N, so I was going to be running very late. Then again, I’m the CEO and if anyone has a problem with that they can kiss my ass.
Thankfully there were plenty of good places around the clinic, ranging from subway to a fancy restaurant I didn’t even know the name of.
I decided on a little lunch place called “Azúcar.” Whatever the hell that means. It sounds fancy though so I went with it.
Y/N never wore a doctor’s lab coat or anything, always kept her outfits very stylish and business casual. It was something else that attracted me to her.
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She had to go to her office to get her purse before we finally left-discreetly, so no one noticed. As in, she had me wait at the corner of the block for like twenty minutes.
“Sorry,” she smiled as she caught up to me in her heels.
“No problem,” I laughed. “You look nice.”
“You really just complimented my work clothes, you’re a pleaser,” she smirked. “I like pleasers.”
I smirked, shaking my head as I tried not to blush.
I led her to my black Porsche, which had the top down because it was a hot day and Annie loves when I put the top down. She says “make us see the sky, daddy” rather than just asking me to put the top down and her four year old mind never fails to put a smile on my face.
“Oh my gosh, this is your car?” She asked, making me smirk. Every single girl I ever talk to, loves my car. After they see my car they’re wrapped around my finger (quite literally most of the time).
“Yeah,” I answered cockily.
“I have the exact same one. Mine is red though. I was thinking about getting the black one too but I barely drive it so I decided against it,” she spoke as I opened the passengers side door for her.
Oh. She has the same car as me…
I cleared my throat as I close the door after she got in and then I went to my seat.
“Why don’t you drive it often?” I asked before starting the car.
“It goes pretty fast. I honestly prefer my cayenne,” she spoke, I’m asking if the Porsche Cayenne car that was like a family mini van almost. “I’m like a mom but with no kids,” she laughed and somehow I found it funny. She drives a mom car, but doesn’t even have kids.
I laughed before my eyebrows furrowed. “Wait. You don’t have any kids?”
“No,” she laughed, shaking her head.
“No,” she laughed. “Why’s it so hard to believe?”
“You’re just…so good with children I figured you have to have at least one of your own.”
“Nope,” she laughed, her beautiful teeth display. “I just have a lot of nieces and nephews. I’m the auntie everyone loves because I’m like a mom, but cooler.”
“Sounds like you should just hurry and become a mum,” I laughed.
Y/N laughed as well. “I’d like to someday, but I don’t know that it’s going to happen.”
“Why wouldn’t it?” I asked. Her age? She seems young. I wouldn’t dare to ask her her age though. My mumma raised me to never ask a woman her age unless I wanted to get a smack upside the head.
“Well let’s see, I’m single and the last two guys I dated turned out to be assholes. It’s not looking good for me, Harry,” she laughed.
“You’ve got lots of time to look!” I laughed.
She nodded with a smile, her arms crossed. “You’re mother raised you right, didn’t she?”
“You haven’t yet asked me how old I am. Usually that’s the first question I get when people find out I don’t have any kids.”
I smiled. Yes, I’ve done something right on this date. “Well I figured you’re young.”
She smiled more. “Thank you.”
I nodded, “ ‘course.”
“And I know it’s eating you alive so I’ll tell you. I’m thirty three.”
I smiled. “And now I’m assuming it’s eating you alive as well? I’ve beat you. I’m thirty five.”
She laughed as she looked me up and down and bit her lip. If she does that again I may have to take a bathroom break when we get to where we are going to go jack off while she waits for me at the table.
We arrived shortly, and were seated immediately.
“You like desserts, huh?”
I almost choked. Did she see me staring at her ass? Did she somehow read my mind as I thought of what kind of underwear she wore and how her pussy would look if I just slipped then to the side-“Excuse me?” I coughed.
“Azucar. The place were at?” She laughed after shenhad sat down because I pulled her seat out for her. She put her purse down beside her.
“Oh. Uh-yeah, sure. What’s it mean?” I sat down as well.
I looked at the menu. “What the hell? There’s no real food on here,” I spoke before Y/N put her face in her hands and began to laugh, so much so that her shoulders were shaking a little.
“Harry,” she pressed her lips together. “This place is literally called Sugar. Azucar is sugar in Spanish. Please tell me how you’re the only person on earth who doesn’t know that?” She laughed breathlessly.
“Well excuse me! I’m not Hispanic at all!”
“People can still learn the language. I learned studying abroad in Puerto Rico. They have a really good medical university out there.”
She nodded.
“That’s really cool. How long did you stay out there?”
“About a year,” she shrugged.
“That’s-okay, hang on. I’m really sorry. You’ve only got thirty minutes and I’ve brought you to a damn dessert place. I thought it was lunch. We can go somewhere else if you want-“
She shook her head with a smile. “This is fine, Harry.”
“Are you sure?” I worried. “I promise I’m not an idiot-“
“I’m sure you’re not,” she laughed. “This is fine. I like this place.”
“Okay, good,” I sighed as I subconsciously pulled my suit jacket tighter around my body.
She smiled, nods toward my stomach it seemed, which made me suck in immediately. “Where do you work? I always see you with those suits on..if you don’t mind me asking.”
“No-of course not. I actually own a business. Styles Inc.? Water company?”
She gasped before nodding. “How didn’t I connect the dots?! Wow, that’s really amazing. I’ve read about some of the charity work your company does-amazing.”
“Thank you,” I beamed. “I think it’s just really important that everyone has clean water, you know? The things children go through because of the lack of it is just horrible.”
“Tell me about it. You know, it’s the job of women-but mostly young girls-to get the clean water for their families. So they spend their days doing that, meanwhile, they’re missing out not only on a normal, enjoyable childhood, but they’re missing out on their education-which, in most of the countries without clean water-they can really benefit from,” she spoke.
“Yeah, exactly,” I agreed. “But even if these young girls do get the education they deserve, at the end of the day they haven’t got any rights in this countries anyway. Outrageous is what it is. It’s crazy to me that we live in a world where women still don’t have fundamental rights all over the world.”
“Thank you! I’m actually really passionate about woman’s rights and equality among genders-I think it’s really important,” she said, and I nodded along, listening intently. “Not only in countries where young girls are being raped and forced into marriages with grown adults-but also in places like America where they’re supposed to be progressive,” I used finger quotes, “but there’s still underlying issues that people purposely choose to avoid. Gender inequality within pay rates is just a start.”
“Not to mention the fact that woman are less likely to be hired-because they’re a woman,” I added. “Like, come on, what kind of bull is that? You think I care about wether the person I’m hiring for my million dollar company-“ I covered my mouth with my hand. “I mean-my company-“
It’s very important to keep the money I have a secret. Not only because anyone can be listening at any time, but on dates, you never know what that person may try to use you for. Or if the relationship goes bad, they know you’ve got millions.
Y/N laughed. “It’s okay. I’ll keep the secret.”
“Yeah, please do. It’s just not something-“
“I know,” she smiled.
“No offense to you-“
“I get it, Harry,” she laughed. “It’s smart of you to take those percussions. I see nothing wrong with that.”
“Okay, good. Thank you.”
Eventually a waitress asked us if we were ready to order and we found ourselves laughing because we had been so caught up in our conversation that we forgot we were in fact here to eat something. Even if it was dessert at noon.
Next Part>> Masterlist
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falling4harryscherry · 4 years ago
The Allergist - Part 2
“Perfect,” I smiled. “I’ll see you next week.”
“Okay, thank you,” my patient smiled before she left the room.
I opened the door and my eyebrows furrowed when I found Harry and Anne again. “What are you two doing here?!” I smiled as I sat down.
Harry laughed. “Well, they said she was allergic to blueberries. However, I’ve not let her have any blueberries and she’s still getting them hives.”
“Oh no,” I pouted. “Tell you what, we’ll do a chemical test. There must be something else she’s allergic to. Are they a little better now though that she’s not eating blueberries?”
“Much better,” Harry looked down at Anne who seemed a bit sleepy on his lap.
“That’s good. So, the chemical test lasts two days. Basically, there’s little things taped to her back-you know what? She’s four. I don’t know that that’s the best option,” I thought to myself.
“What do you mean? Is it painful?” Harry asked.
“Not at all but you would have to not shower her for two days, can’t move too much-kids are not able to sit still. We can do a blood test if you’d prefer, it’d be easier only you’d have to wait at least four days for the results…or we can go with the chemical test directly on the skin but that’s your call.”
“I think we’ll just do the chemical test.”
“Okay. Has she taken any Zyrtec or any other antihistamines recently?”
“Ehm, just last night actually I gave her a bit.”
“Okay, so What has to happen in order for the test to be as accurate as possible, she needs to be off of the medication for at a minimum of six days. So when that’s happened, you can bring her back in and we’ll do the test right away. It also requires that she not take any medication within the two days that the test is taking place.”
“Alright,” he nodded.
“Perfect,” I smiled. “Anne, are you okay?” I smiled at the little girl.
“I want ice cream and daddy won’t let me have any,” she pouted, upset with her father although she cuddled into his chest.
He blushed. “You’ve had ice cream twice yesterday and once today. ‘s enough ice cream, darling, don’t you think?”
“No, daddy,” she said. “I want more ice cream.”
“Well, I’m sorry to hear that,” he laughed.
I laughed as well. “How about a sticker? Would you like one of those?”
She nodded before she looked at Harry. “Can I, Daddy?”
“Yes, darling.”
“Follow me to the front,” I smiled.
I set out various character and Disney princess stickers in front of her. “Take your pick,” I smiled as I put on my glasses to review some insurance papers. I had to make sure all of my patients were up to date.
“I want those two,” she pointed.
“Love, you only get one-“ Harry began, laughing softly.
“It’s fine,” I smiled. Anne was so darn adorable that if she said she wanted all of them I would have let her take them. “You said these two?” I asked gently and she nodded as I picked them up. “Here you go.”
“Now will you stop nagging daddy about ice cream?” Harry asked.
She nodded with a grin. He put her down and I got to work, but before they left I listened to their conversation.
“Put then on me, daddy.”
“Where would you like them?”
“On my cheeks,” she answered adorably.
“Your cheeks?! That’s quite an odd place to put stickers, don’t you think?”
“I think I’ll look pretty with them on my cheeks, daddy.”
“Okay,” Harry laughed, shaking his head as he bent down to peel the stickers off of the white paper for her and put a sticker on each of her cheeks.
She grinned.
“Beautiful,” Harry laughed.
Harry’s pov
Y/N wasn’t at the clinic the day Annie got her chemical test. I asked why and they said she had a family emergency, and I found myself thinking about it more often than not. Does she have kids? A husband? Who exactly is her “family” and if there was an emergency, is she okay?
She was rather attractive and I noticed that immediately. She was effortlessly beautiful, seemingly make up free yet still sexy with her full lips, bright eyes, and full hips. Not to mention her full ass.
“Hello, Anne. How are you?” She grinned at Anne who frowned.
“Not good. My back has a lot of itchy.”
“Oh no,” she pouted.
“Yeah, it’s been pretty bad…” I agreed.
“Okay, well at least now we can take them off, yeah?” She said sadly. “Do you mind taking your shirt off for me?”
Annie looked at me first for permission. I nodded, standing to be beside her.
“It’s alright,” I helped her take her shirt off.
“Oh, yeah, I see why it was such a bother,” Y/N frowned and seemed saddened at the sight of the hives on my daughters small back.
“Seems like,” Y/N looked down at her papers. “Pollen andddd…dust mites. She’s allergic to pollen and dust. Very allergic actually.”
“But she’s never been allergic to any of that. Not even blueberries. Where is all of this coming from?” I asked.
“Well, Mr-uh, Harry, people develope allergies all the time. At any age. Typically we see it in teens but it’s very common in young children as well. Normally, when it’s present in teens it’s more likely to go away than in young children, but it’s possible that some if not all of her allergies will subside the older she gets,” she spoke, and oddly her intelligence turned me on.
“Oh, okay..”
“Daddy, I’m itchy,” Annie whined.
I gently scratched her back.
“I’ll get you some cream, love,” Y/N said gently as she turned to the cabinets in the room. She rubbed some onto Annie’s back gently. “How does that feel? Nice and cool?”
Annie nodded. Y/N then blew onto where she’d put the cream, her lips puckering and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel myself grow. Annie hummed at the feeling.
“It’s still itchy,” she complained after a moment.
“I know. You just have to remember not to touch it. It’ll go away. Here, have some medicine,” she poured Annie some of the grape Zyrtec she had prescribed her. “It’s gonna make the itchy got away like that,” Y/N snapped her fingers.
“Scratch my back,” Anne whined to me.
So I did. However, Y/N objected.
“Here,” she reached foward and pulled down Anne’s shirt. “Rub,” she rubbed Anne’s back up and down quickly. “It’ll help the itch while not irritating the hives too much. Scratching will make it worse and harder for the medication to fight the hives.”
I nodded as I rubbed Anne’s back over her shirt rather than scratching her skin.
“Okay, Harry, so the solution to her allergies is allergy shots. These are weekly shots-she will be receiving two-one for pollen and one for dust mites. At first they may cause her to breakout, but over time it is building up immunity to the things she is allergic to so that eventually, she may at least be able to tolerate pollen and dust, or even be completely immune to it.”
“Every week? Will that affect her at all?”
“Uhm, it may cause a bit of sleepiness but it won’t be severe.”
“Okay, then. And it’s proven to help?”
“Yes. It’s very affective actually. I did it becuase I also had allergies to dust mites and it helped me tremendously. All of my patients get really good results.”
“Okay,” I smiled. The fact that she’s so successful turns me on so much and I couldn’t ignore it. “So I have to bring her here every week or is it possible for me to give her the shot at home?”
“Uhm, no. It’s takes a lot of preparing each day and it’s very specific. You would have to bring her here every week. I can give you a minute to think about it, if you want?”
“Eh…it’s just I don’t have much time to be brining her…I could have the nanny do it…”
“Well it’d have to be you since you’re her father…”
I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair. As I looked at my daughter who had a pained face because of her itchy back I didn’t have anything else to think about. “Okay. How soon can we start them?”
“We can start today actually, if you’d like. I just have to go get the paperwork beforehand.”
“Okay,” I nodded. Y/N’s pov
I had my nurse bring Harry the paperwork while I took care of my other two patients. Today was a slow day.
I knocked before entering Anne’s room.
“Did you finish or do you need a bit more time?” I asked Harry.
“We’re all done, love,” he handed me the papers.
“Okay, perfect,” I smiled as I took them.
“You guys can stay here while I go get the shots.”
I returned quickly and Anne was crying on her father’s lap.
“What’s wrong, Anne?” I was concerned.
“She doesn’t like shots very much,” Harry answered.
“Oh, these aren’t regular shots like the ones you get at a doctor. They’re much smaller and you can barely feel them. We give them to you in your arm, and you pick the area. Overtime we’ll learn what spot on your arm doesn’t hurt. Okay?”
“I’m scared,” Anne cried.
“It’ll be really fast,” I said. “I promise. And when we’re done I’ll let you get two more stickers. How does that sound?”
Harry laughed, looking up at me as I smiled.
“Okay, honey. Which arm do you want them on? Or we can do one each.”
“We’ll do one each. Yeah?” Harry asked Anne who nodded.
“Okay…” I cleaned an area on Anne’s arm, near the back of her shoulder. “So Anne, sometimes when I squeeze the skin a little where I’m going to give the shot it makes it less painful. Would you like me to try that or no?”
Anne nodded.
“Okay, here’s goes the first one, for pollen,” I spoke as I gently squeezed Anne’s skin then gave her the shot.
Anne was tearing up. “Okay, do it,” she whimpered, making Harry laugh.
“You got the shot ages ago, Annie!” Harry laughed, making her laugh as well as she wiped her tears.
“Okay, ready for the next one?” I asked, and Anne nodded.
- Next part>> Masterlist
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falling4harryscherry · 4 years ago
Harry annoys Mila on purpose ft. casual family hiking
literally what is this title I’ll try to come up with something else but I have nothing rn, don’t forget to leave feedback pls! it helps me stay motivated!
“Noo,” Mila whined once again as Harry tried to smell her neck. He was cuddling his nose between her jaw and her shoulder again despite her words. “Nooo,” she whined louder, kicking her feet and pushing his head away this time. “No smell, dada,” she said as she held his face away from her.
“No smell!?” He gasped. Harry’s favorite thing to do, since she was a baby, was to smell her. At first she had that special newborn baby smell, and now she has that special baby soap smell that he’s obsessed with. “But I love to smell my baby!”
“No, no, no,” she screamed as she crawled away as quickly as she could once he was leaning in towards her again. She climbed onto Y/N and once Harry’s nose was sniffling her neck again she started to cry.
Big tears were rolling down her cheeks, and she was full on crying, but Harry was laughing.
Keep reading
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falling4harryscherry · 4 years ago
model!y/n & ceo!harry find out they’re pregnant again
Y/N came into the kitchen bare foot, her hands folded and rubbing together nervously. “Harry?” She asked quietly, because it was twelve o clock at night.
He’s awake because he just finished doing some extra work that needed to be done for his meeting in the morning (luckily he could count on y/n to put Mila to bed like usual).
“Yeah? You alright?” He asked, turning around and sipping his glass of water.
“Yeah....did you finish your work?”
“Yeah, just now,” he sighed.
“Uhm....I think I’m pregnant,” she stood in front of him.
He was quiet for a second, his eyebrows furrowing before his lips pouted the slightest bit in confusion. “Why do you think...that.”
“I just feel it,” she said nervously. “I’ve been feeling kind of sick here and there and...I don’t know, I just have this feeling...it could be totally wrong, but...I kind of wanna get a test.”
He nodded, “okay, if you want a test, we’ll get one. Want me to go buy one?”
She nodded.
“Okay. Come here, why do you look so nervous?”
“I don’t know if I want to be pregnant right now...”
He nodded, “that’s okay. We don’t even know for sure, right? Let’s wait it out and we can make further decisions after we find out if you are or not. There’s nothing to worry about right now.”
“We’ll find out tomorrow morning,” he said.
“No, can you go now? I can’t sleep.”
Harry cupped her cheek gently and he pitied how sleepy and worried she looked. He nodded, “okay, I’ll go now.” He gave her a few sweet pecks on her soft lips. “Go lay down, I’ll be back. Don’t worry.”
Harry was tired. He’d been working all day, got home late, and then worked extra hours at home in his office to get everything done for his meeting tomorrow. This means he will be getting only a few hours of sleep, and he wanted to be in bed as soon as possible.
But husband duty calls.
He drove quickly and purchased a few different pregnancy tests from the drugstore. It was a small, family owned business in their part of town (they live in a part of L.A. where there aren’t too many celebrities, they did that on purpose).
When he got home Y/N was awake and sitting on the couch. She got up when she saw him. “Thank you.”
“Of course. Wanna do them now?”
She nodded as she took the bag from him. “I’ll do them upstairs.”
“Okay, I’ll meet you up there,” he stayed downstairs to take off his sweater and put all of his work stuff away.
He went upstairs and Y/N was just flushing the toilet of their bathroom. He sat on the edge of their bed, legs spread, elbows resting on his knees.
“Three minutes, right?” He asked.
She nodded, “three minutes.” She walked towards him with her arms out, signaling that she was going to sit on his lap. And he gladly moved his arms and sat up for her, wrapping his arms around her when she sat on his lap.
“Shall we discuss outcomes?” He smirked a little.
She nodded.
“Okay. If you’re not pregnant, no harm no foul. We’re not gonna start trying until we feel like it, like we’ve been doing. Yes?”
She nodded.
“Okay. And if you are, then we roll with the punches and take the blessing?” He smiled sweetly.
“You want me to be pregnant, don’t you?”
He nodded, “very much so, baby. I’m sorry, I know you don’t want to be yet but it would be a dream come fucking true.”
“Yeah, yeah. This means abortion is out of the picture?”
His eyes widened a little before he swallowed. “I mean, I guess if that’s what you want....I mean...I wouldn’t want that....but, it’s your body.”
She sighed. “I don’t know.”
“Don’t know what? If you want another baby?”
“Yeah. Our life is so good just the way it is. It’s perfect,” she pouted. “I don’t know how we can do it all over again. We don’t have any time.”
“Well we can make time, darling.”
“Yeah...I dunno, I guess I’m just scared. You know how nervous I was about having a baby the first time around and,” she sighed again. “It wouldn’t be easier the second time around. I have this weird fear of being a horrible mom.”
“But you’re not. Far from it. You’re the best mother I know. Perfect at it.”
“Thank you,” she hummed, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Do you actually not want to keep it if you’re pregnant?” He asked quietly, rubbing her hip with his thumb.
“I would. I would be too regretful if I have an abortion because I would feel bad that we kept Lala and not the second...I don’t know, I sound like I hate the idea, right?...but I really don’t. I wouldn’t mind having another baby, especially with you...I think I’m just scared.”
Harry nodded, “yeah, two kids is a lot to handle. But you and I can do anything together, baby. You know we’ve got this.”
“Yeah,” she smiled.
“Think it’s time,” he spoke after a few moments of silence.
She sighed softly, nervously.
“Come on,” he patted her thigh. “Bet you’re not even pregnant.”
She got off of him, placing one leg onto the floor before the other. Then he got up behind her and followed her to the bathroom. They both looked at the four tests on the sink. Sometimes they have sex even when Y/N is waiting for a refill on her birth control. They don’t own condoms. Both of those things combined means it’s very possible that her feeling was correct.
“Wait, plus means positive, that means yes, right?” Harry’s eyes were wide as he turned to look at Y/N, who had her hand on her mouth.
“Were having another baby?” He asked, his lips parted in a grin.
She nodded, pressing her lips together as tears spilled from her eyes and she began to laugh. He was immediately picking her up and she was wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Ohhhh, my love,” he breathed as he hugged her. “Were having another baby!”
“I can’t wait to have another baby with you,” she said, wiping her happy tears before she cupped his face and kissed him.
“Another little y/n running around here? Imagine? I’ll have three of yeh to look after!”
Y/N laughed, “aw, what if it’s a little Harry though?” She pouted. “He’ll be so cute and charming—I hope he gets your dimples.”
“You mean you hope she gets my dimples.”
“I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl. I’ll be happy with two baby girls but I would also love to have one boy and one girl.”
“I want a girl. I need to have all the attention and kissies from my princesses.”
“Of course you do,” she laughed.
He smiled too before pecking her lips. “Aw, baby,” he smiled, holding her tighter. “I can’t believe it,” he kissed her lips softly. “Another baby. Another mix of you and me,” he kissed her lips a little longer this time. “I love you so much, woman.”
She laughed and kissed him, “I love you too. I’m so happy.”
“Not worried anymore?” He laughed.
“Oh, I’m still worried. And I’m scared shitless. And I don’t know how I’m gonna give birth. Or how I’m gonna deal with the cramps and back pain—but, I am happy to be having another baby that is half Harry and half y/n. Plus, you were really there for me during my first pregnancy and if you’re as helpful this time around I don’t think I’ll have too much trouble,” she smiled.
“Was I helpful? Worry about that sometimes. That I didn’t do everything right.”
“Oh, you didn’t. That’s why we argued sometimes. But you tried and it was so cute so I love you for that,” she kissed his lips.
He laughed, “wow.” Then he shook his head, “I can’t fucking believe were having another baby. Today was so shitty and this was the last thing I expected,” he wore a cute grin while he spoke. “I’m so happy.”
“Me too,” she smiled.
They went to bed and got comfortable, and just as Y/N was going to (finally) drift off peacefully, Harry spoke.
“I can’t sleep. I’m too excited.”
Y/N laughed, “we have to start sleeping as much as we can because once there’s a newborn in this house in nine months, sleep will be but a memory.”
“Fuck, only nine months,” he practically squealed.
“You’re like a little fanboy but for your own children.”
“Fan man,” Harry corrected.
“Fan dad,” Y/N raised her eyebrows at the possibility.
Harry laughed before moving closer to her, his hand finding her belly.
“Oh no. Please don’t start this.”
“Start what?” He laughed as he started to move down so that he could press dozens of kisses to her belly.
“Start touching my stomach twenty-four seven! I don’t enjoy it!”
“I don’t care, my baby is gonna be in here,” he cooed at her stomach and gave it a wet kiss. “Daddy’s widdle baby will want to hear from him so he or she won’t be scared,” he spoke with a pout, kissing her stomach again, a few times.
“It feels so weird to have you talk like that to a child that is not Mila.”
“I know but I have so much love for both my babies.”
Y/N shook her head and smiled, pushing her fingers through his hair gently when he layed his head on her stomach, his cheek against her skin. “You’re such a good daddy.”
“Then we must be the best parents in the world because you’re a really good mummy.”
“Our kids are so lucky,” Y/N said.
“Spoiled with such amazing parents? Hell yeah they’re lucky,” Harry agreed, the two of them laughing afterward.
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falling4harryscherry · 4 years ago
ceo!harry & model!y/n are cute at their friends game night
“Babe, I forgot I have an appointment for a hair cut,” Harry spoke quickly over the phone, in a rush. “Told him I’d go to the shop because he didn’t have house calls available for today. Made the appointment months in advance.”
“It’s okay, don’t rush, you’ll crash. I can just meet you there.”
They forgot that they agreed to go to a game night at Y/N’s friend’s house. Harry was working a little later than usual, and so he was just going to quickly go pick her up from his house and go to the game night in his work clothes.
Now plans are changing and he feels bad that he can’t pick up his wife.
“I’m sorry, love, wish you didn’t have to drive yourself.”
“It’s okay, baby. I can meet you there, it’ll be fine. I already dropped Lala off at your moms. Plus, it’ll be better if only one of us is late.”
“This way you also can be calmer. Don’t worry about it, come home and change, and take your time. Pay attention to your driving please.”
“I will. I’ll text you later.”
“Okay, I love you.”
“I love you,” he hummed.
Harry missed the dinner part of the party but arrived during the games and wine part.
The door was left open for him and everyone cheered when they saw him.
Y/N laughed at their reactions before she went to greet her man. It wasn’t all couples, some were single some were siblings. Most had left by now, but Y/N felt...wrong, without her husband by her side. She gladly kissed him and hugged him in front of everyone, well aware they were all watching.
He hummed a little, “hi. You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” she smiled. She wore tight jeans and a fancy, black, off the shoulder top that showed off her breasts a little.
Harry greeted everyone, going around and shaking hands and giving hugs and light kisses.
“Welcome!” Lydia, the woman’s whose home they were at said as he hugged her. Her husband, Johnathon, sat beside her and greeted Harry just as happily.
“I saved you a plate,” Y/N said.
“Oh, thank you. Sorry I’m late, everyone. I got stuck at the office.”
Everyone laughed and of course forgave him, they were used to Harry always being at work.
“I’m going to go eat, if you don’t mind, I’m starving,” he laughed.
“Eat here!” Lina, one of their single friends called.
“Oh, I’m okay. I don’t want to eat in their living room,” Harry was being polite.
“Nah, you’re good, eat here! We have two toddlers, our living room has seen a lot,” Jonathon laughed.
Everyone laughed while Y/N went to get his food and warm it up for him. He was sat on the couch when she brought his food. “Here, babe,” she handed him his plate and a fork. “Do you want wine or water? They have sodas too.”
“Sparkling water,” Lydia added to the list.
“Girl, I don’t even waste my breath, he hates sparkling water,” Y/N laughed.
Harry chuckled, “I’ll have some wine,” he nodded.
“Hell yeah, just got out of work, give him a shot of vodka!” Their friend Niel called, making everyone laugh.
“Yeah, that’ll work,” Harry nodded with a laugh as he started to eat his food.
“Is it warm enough, babe, want me to put it back in the microwave?” Y/N returned with a wine glass for him and took one of the wine bottles from the coffee table. (She was comfortable there. She’s here often with Mila because their kids love to play. They also go on double dates with the couple of the home often).
“No, it’s okay. Thank you.”
“Okay,” Y/N sat beside him. “Do you want anything else?”
“No, love, I’m good. Thank you,” he pecked her lips.
“Okay,” Y/N sat back and sighed before, “oh! Napkins. I’ll be right back.”
“I’m okay,” Harry laughed, not wanting her to stress about him.
“I’m getting you a napkin,” she said as she walked away.
When she returned Niel spoke, “and that is why I’m still single.”
“Huh?” Harry pretended like he didn’t hear him. “Did you say ‘cause you cheated on your last two girlfriends? What?”
Everyone laughed loudly, even Niel.
“Fuck you!” He laughed. “No. I haven’t met a woman that caters to me like that yet.”
“Maybe they don’t cater to you because you cheat on them,” Lina said.
Then came Brittany, who sat next to Niel and put her hands near his head and pretended like his head exploded (with the sounds effects), “his mind is blown. He’s never heard of that before,” she said, which sent everyone into another round of laughter.
“You shouldn’t expect that though,” Harry laughed. “I just got lucky.”
“And you should do it in return. Harry always has things ready for me when I get home from work,” Y/N said.
“Exactly,” Harry agreed.
When he finished eating Y/N asked him if he wanted more, and he politely declined.
“Oh, no, you’re eating more because Y/N made me wait to put the leftovers in the fridge because she said you would want seconds!” Riely laughed.
“It was a whole thing,” Wesley, their long time friend spoke.
Riely and Wesley were good friends for a long time and one day broke the news to the friend group that they would be dating from then on, and everyone was rooting for them. They’re about a year strong.
“Oh, well in that case, yeah! I just thought you’d already put everything away, didn’t want to be rude,” he laughed. “I’ll have more. Extra rice please.”
Y/N laughed, “see? I know my husband!” She said as she walked away.
After he ate his second plate and laughed as he watched everyone play card games, he joined in on the fun.
“Okay! This game is called think in sync! Find a partner,” Lydia said. “You guys have to call out the same answer at the same time, or you don’t get the point. First person to reach, what? 15? First team to reach 15 points wins.” She continued to explain the rules of the game, such as every team gets a turn with different questions and whatnot.
“Okay,” Harry nodded, sitting back on the couch, his arm around Y/N. He scooted a bit closer to her and kissed her cheek then her lips. “Missed you,” he said quietly while everyone else was laughing and asking questions about the game loudly.
She smiled, “I missed you too.” She pushed her fingers through his hair, “you’re hair looks good.”
“Shhh, that’s a secret,” he chuckled, and she laughed too before he kissed her lips for a second. The joke was that they weren’t telling everyone he went to get his hair cut instead of choosing to be on time to this event.
“Helloooo, teenage love couple!” Brittany called. “We’re starting the game!”
“Oh! Sorry, jeez, Brittany. I’ve not seen my wife all day,” he defended, pulling Y/N closer to his side.
“Exactly,” Y/N pouted playfully, kissing his chest.
“Harry, you did get the memo that this was a causal thing, right?” Niel chuckled.
Y/N laughed loudly, “leave him alone! You guys know that my husband doesn’t know what causal means!” She defended, laying into Harry’s side with her hand on his chest. He wore his casual black slacks with a loose white button up.
“Fuck you guys,” Harry laughed.
“Okay! First up, Lina and Britt!” Lydia said. “Your topic is Fill in the Blank. Ready? I’ll say the clue then count down from three.”
“Okay,” Lina spoke while Brittany nodded.
“Fast and blank. Three, two, one!”
“Slow!” They both guessed.
“Yes, that’s a point!” Lydia laughed, pointing at Niel, who would be the score keeper since he didn’t have a partner. They promised him he could play next round.
“Okay, next one. See you blank. Three, two, one!”
“Soon!” Brittany screamed.
“Later!” Lina said, before they both looked at each other and screamed again.
“No point!” Lydia laughed.
“Damn, baby, we gotta be in sync,” Harry laughed.
“I know, I’m so nervous,” Y/N laughed. “I want to win.”
“I know you do, competitive.”
Y/N laughed and soon it was Harry and Y/N’s turn.
“Are we sure this is fair?! They are the same fucking person!” Wesley laughed, which made everyone else laugh.
“We’re ready! We’re in the zone, come on,” Harry laughed.
“Okay, okay. Your topic is things you can change. First one. Things you can change in the bathroom.”
“Water temperature!” Harry and Y/N screamed at the same time.
“What the fuck!?!” Lina laughed. “That’s such a random guess! Ever heard of light bulb or soap or something?!”
“Towels,” Jonathan laughed.
“I told you! They’re the same fucking person! It’s creepy!” Wesley laughed.
“You guys are just mad ‘cause we’re going to win,” Harry laughed, rubbing Y/N’s arm up and down since his arm was already around her shoulders
“Okay, next,” Lydia laughed, reading from the small card. “Things you can change in the bedroom.”
“Positions!” Harry screamed just as Y/N screamed,
“Bed sheets!” Then gasped when she heard Harry’s answer and screamed, “Babe!”
“It’s the first thing that came to my mind!” Harry laughed, covering his face. “I’m sorry!”
Everyone laughed until they couldn’t breathe, everyone repeating Harry’s answer just the way he said it and making fun of him for thinking that that was a good answer.
“Okay,” Lydia covered her mouth and shook her head. “Last one. Things you can change in the car.”
“Scents! The air freshener thingys!” Y/N called.
“Positions!” Harry said loudly after blanking for an answer, which made everyone laugh while he hid his face in Y/N’s neck afterward. She heard his cute laugh right near her ear and her cheeks were burning. He did it on purpose, it was obvious.
“I hate you,” Y/N laughed, pulling away a bit so she can look at him.
“How? Car positions are pretty limited,” Wesley laughed.
“I feel bad for Riely if that’s your philosophy,” Harry laughed, leaning forward for his wine glass on the coffee table and taking a sip.
“You can get creative!” Y/N spoke.
“Really? Is that what you two do?” Niel teased with a laugh.
“Yes it is, me and my man have found plenty of different car positions, thank you very much,” she too leaned forward for her wine.
“I can think of two,” Riely said.
“Two?!” Harry’s eyes widened. “I’ve got like four just off the top of my head! Do all of you have horrible sex lives?!”
“Not all couples are rabbits like the two of you,” Lina said. “I know it seems weird.”
“You guys are oversexualizing it!” Y/N laughed. “We have sex just like any other couple, a normal amount! If anything, were not the problem. All of you not having car sex is the problem!” Y/N laughed.
Jonathan spoke, “it’s true, when you have kids you have to get it in whenever you can.”
“Exactly,” Harry agreed. “And we only have one. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like with two.”
“Nonexistent,” Jonathan told Harry, and Lydia’s eyebrows raised
“Oh really? Nonexistent?”
“Ohhhh shit!” Harry instigated. “You’re fucked, and not literally.”
No one found his joke funny but Y/N, who let out an immediate, “ha!” Before covering her mouth.
“That’s why I married her,” he kissed her cheek with a laugh.
“He didn’t mean it Lydia!” Lina laughed.
“I didn’t mean it like that! I was just exaggerating,” Jonathan spoke.
“No, no, no. I’m gonna show you what it’s like to have a nonexistent sex life. Wait and see,” she nodded. “Who’s turn is it?”
Everyone laughed at how annoyed and upset Jonathon looked, but they kept the game moving anyway.
“Pass me that,” Harry hummed, pointing at the wine bottle that was near Wesley. He passed it, and Y/N was curious as to what Harry was doing, because his glass was half full. Then she saw him pouring wine into her empty glass. He set the wine bottle down when her glass was full, laughing at whatever was being said by their friends before screaming something out, probably a joke.
Meanwhile, Y/N was thinking about how in love she is with him. He didn’t even think twice about it. And didn’t want any recognition. He noticed her cup was empty and he filled it for her—and it was so small and stupid but she wanted to kiss him all over for it.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Huh?” He asked, having sat back now.
“For refilling my glass.”
“Oh,” he glanced at the glass. “Yeah, no problem, baby,” he spoke, as if it were obvious that him refilling her glass was no issue.
“I love you,” she reminded.
He smirked at her, she finally got his full attention after saying that. ”I love you too...why are you being mushy?”
It’s what they say when they’re being soft or cheesy. It’s a word Y/N started saying and while it wasn’t really the same as cheesy or cute or gentle (all feelings/words they substitute it for), it caught on and became a part of their vocabulary.
“Because I’m in love with you,” she pouted, giving him puppy eyes before puckering her lips.
His eyebrows raised and he pouted as he laughed quietly, as if she were a newborn that just did something super cute like yawn and make a little whimper noise. “I’m in love with you too, baby girl, you okay?” He cupped her face with both hands.
She nodded, “yes, I just love you,” she said sweetly.
He kissed her lips deeply, pulling away and pecking them a few times afterward. “I love you too.”
“Save it for when your changing positions in the bedroom!” Jonathan called. “It’s your turn, fuckers!”
When it was time to go (Harry and Y/N were one of the last ones there), Harry insisted that Y/N come to his car for a bit.
“Why?” She asked as she walked arm in arm with him towards his car. Her car was the opposite direction and she was tired and tipsy. So was he.
“Told you I missed you,” he hummed innocently. “Wanna have alone time. For just five minutes. ‘Fore we have to go pick up Mila and then we won’t have any alone time for who knows how long again.”
“Harry, I don’t want to have sex.”
“I didn’t say sex,” he defended as he unlocked his doors then opened the backseat door.
She rolled her eyes as she got into the car, crossing her legs tiredly. “H, I’m tired.”
“C’mere,” he murmured, eyes a bit droopy. He pulled her onto his lap, and pressed a wet kiss to her lips. “How was your day, pretty?”
“It was good. Yours?”
“What happened?”
“Just work stuff. Down the chain issues. Don’t really wanna talk about it. What was good about your day?”
“Mila was behaving really well,” she smiled. “She wasn’t cranky in the morning like usual. She napped her full time so I got my workout in. And she was just being really sweet and a very good girl today. And I think th’games we just played were good-I mean fun. So I liked that too. And the wine.”
Harry nodded, “the wine....that was good.”
“Really good, we have to buy tha’one,” Y/N mumbled.
“Mhm,” Harry hummed before giggling. “We’re tipsy as fuck. We need to get going. I’ll pick up Lala from my mums.”
“No, let me. You had a stressful day,” she cupped his cheek and rubbed her thumb against it.
“I drive better tipsy. You’re dangerous,” he smirked.
She laughed but rolled her eyes.
“I’ll go. I’ll meet you at home,” he hummed.
“Okay,” she pouted.
He kissed her, “I love you.”
“I love you.”
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falling4harryscherry · 4 years ago
Ceo!harry having to scold baby lala for something that she did and she would get scared of him and only want to be with model!yn.
At first it was cute. 
Mila had taken up a habit of slapping Harry and Y/N, but her little chubby hand was so tiny that it barely hurt. And she was giving them her big, gummy smile and a little giggle always left her lips (especially when Harry pretended to be hurt with a dramatic pout and an “ow!”). 
And it had been going on for about a week before Harry noticed something he didn’t like. She had caught on to what slapping meant, he thinks. She began to do it when she was upset, or whenv Mumma or Dada refused her something she wanted. 
He of course didn’t want to scare his little girl, so he refrained from scolding her (besides a playful little “no, Lala, you can’t hit people,” which was also followed by kisses and tickles, so it really wasn’t too effective).  
And he never seriously scolded her about, until one Saturday afternoon.
They woke up bright and early and had a nice breakfast outside, and then Harry played with Mila in the yard (they were chasing one another back and forth with loud giggles leaving both of their lips every couple o seconds). Then they practiced Mila’s walking, by walking with her all around the house. Then they all took a fruit break. 
After that it was learning time for Mila, and she was watching educational videos for toddlers, that taught her the alphabet and how to count (Y/N and Harry watched with her, repeating things to her whenever they felt she wasn’t paying attention). Then she had some milk and was down for her midday nap. 
When she woke up, she was in a good mood, and didn’t need the usual coddling and cuddles to get out of a whiny state. 
Harry was expecting an important business call (his personal phone was left charging upstairs in his bedroom). But Mila made it clear that she wanted to watch cartoons on his pone and she wanted to watch them now. 
“Mila, I said no, baby, Dada is expecting a very important call for work,” Harry hummed, pushing his phone back into his pocket. Normally, he wouldn’t have a problem with it. But right now, he was expecting this call, and Mila had a tendency of finding her way to other apps and sometimes even texting people on accident. So Harry never allowed her to play with his business phone. 
Mila had finally had enough of begging and reach9ing and trying to kiss up to Dada, so she screamed, a whiny, cranky one, and she slapped him. 
And well, Harry had had enough. His little angel never exhibits bad behavior. He would not sit by and watch his child develop horrible habits–not to mention how disrespectful she was being. No. He knew he had to nip this in the bud now, while she was young. In that moment all of the frustration he had been feeling from every single one of the little slaps he felt on his cheek and the ones he watched being delivered to Y/N’s came out. She cannot hit people (especially her parents) when she is angry. 
“Hey!” Harry raised his voice (not too loud but louder than he ever has to her, and it caught her attention. It also caught Y/N’s, who layed on the other side of the couch). “You do not hit Dada! Stop being a bad girl,” he ordered with furrowed eyebrows and a unfaltering voice–and it wasn’t followed by a smile, laugh, silly face, tickle–nothing. It wasn’t followed by anything he usually followed up his sentences with, and Mila caught on. Stop being a bad girl
She stared at him with her big, green eyes for a moment before loud sobs filled the air, her little lips forming a perfect circle as she cried. 
Harry sighed. “Oh come on. Don’t cry like you didn’t know what you were doing was wrong. I caught on to your little game-” he was cut off by another round of loud sobs, and suddenly Mila was crawling off of him and onto her mother’s legs. 
Y/N sat up, picking up her sobbing baby and cradling her to her chest. “It’s okay, Lala,” Y/N hummed. 
Harry opened his mouth to speak but as he did his phone began turning in his hand. He sighed. “I’ll be right a back.”
When Harry retuned, about an hour later, his girls were still on the couch, Elmo now on the flat screen tv in front of them, Mila all cuddled up to her mummy’s chest, a white, sparkly pacifier in her mouth. The lights were off, the living room dimmed by a few of Y/N’s favorite coconut candles. They were under a white blanket, and Y/N was clearly sleepy, her head resting on a large pillow as her blinks gradually became slower, her eye staying closer for longer too. Mila wasn’t too far behind her mummy, even though shed just taken a nap about an hour or so ago. She usually likes to nap after she’s had a good cry. 
Mila cracked a smile (and a tiny little laugh, that sounded like a high pithed huh) at when Elmo screamed, being frightened by one of his visitors, before he calmed down and began to laugh, greeting whoever it was that was paying him a visit. 
“You think that’s funny, beautiful?” Y/N smiled, cooing at Mila before kissing her head. 
“I’m baack,” Harry sang softly. 
“What a pleasure,” Y/N smirked. 
Harry laughed as he sat beside them, reaching to poke Mila’s nose gently, something that always made a playful glint appear in her eyes, because she knew what was coming next was tickles or kisses from Dada). This time however, she whined, pouting and sucking on her pacifier a little faster, cuddling closer to Y/N.
“Hey, it’s Dada,”  Harry pouted.
“I think she isn’t speaking with you,” Y/N mumbled. 
“Oh, Mila” Harry tsked. Seriously? You have to learn to take criticism, my love,” Harry shook his head, making Y/N laugh. He chuckled, “no, but seriously, Mila, I will not apologize for disciplining your little butt,” he spoke. “You’re cute little butt,” he couldn’t help but coo, but she ignored him, her big eyes trained on the television. 
That night she ignored him.
Even when she woke up in the middle of the night.
“I’ve got it,” Harry yawned tiredly as he got out of bed.
“Hi, baby,” he smiled, even though she was sobbing.
As he reached for her she took a few steps back, inside of her crib.
Harry reached for her again, and she pushed his hands away.
Harry sighed, “darling, come on, Dada’s sleepy.”
Her cries were only getting louder.
Harry went back to his bedroom, tapping Y/N’s shoulder a few times. “Darling, Mila won’t come with me.”
“Hm?” She woke up tiredly, her eyes shut still.
“You’ve got to go get Mila. She doesn’t let me pick her up.”
Y/N sighed as she pushed herself up, yawning as she walked out of their bedroom.
Harry heard Mila’s cries stop in less than a minute, and he can’t lie, he felt jealous.
And then Y/N came into the room, cradling Mila’s head on her shoulder.
“Oh, seriously?” Harry wasn’t impressed as he rolled his eyes.
“Give her here,” Harry spoke, reaching towards her.
“No, Harry, I’m tired and so is she. She’ll only start to cry and I’m going to be the one who has to put her to sleep,” Y/N said tiredly, pulling the blanket over her and her baby, scooting a bit closer to Harry before she dozed off once more.
And the next morning Y/N wanted to shower, but Mila refused to let go of her. Her arms were wrapped around Y/N’s neck, and she was whining and nearly in tears as Harry tried to grab her. And in that moment, Harry thought that maybe he’s starting to be depressed. He was feeling down since the first time his little baby rejected him, and the weight in his chest hadn’t been lifted since. She loves her Dada. Peas in a pod the two were. And now this? 
Y/N groaned, “damnit, Harry, why’d you have to yell at her?”
“Darling, stop being like that with Dada,” Harry spoke softly, but she refused. And Y/N had to wait until Mila fell asleep to shower.
And the next day she was still refusing to be with Harry. They were over at Anne’s, and she was giggling with Anne, until Harry walked over and tried to take her for a diaper change.
She immedialey started to sob, tears down her cheek and the tip of her little nose pink.
And Harry’s heart broke and the sigh of his little girl, wet eye lashes and all.
“What’s the matta’?” Anne gasped, cooing at Mila and even bouncing her a bit.
“Harry yelled at her the other day and now she doesn’t like him,” Y/N answered.
“She loves me, Y/N, don’t say things like that,” Harry grumbled.
“Well why’d you go and yell at her, Harry? She’s a baby,” Anne was upset, furrowing her eyebrows at Harry.
“She slapped me because I wouldn’t let her use my phone. She had to know it was wrong.”
“She doesn’t even understand English yet, Harry,” Anne spoke.
“I haven’t seen her slap anyone since I told her,” Harry raised her eyebrows.
And it wasn’t until that night, that Mila was so tired that she forgot she was mad at him. She was lying between Y/N and Harry, and Y/N was on her phone, the bright light bothering Mila’s eyes. So she decided she wanted to cuddle with Dada, a little whine leaving her lips as she crawled onto his stomach, her head landing right onto his bare chest, her little fingers scratching gently at his shoulder. Harry pouted, little whimpers leaving her lips as she rubbed her cheek agaisnt his skin.
“Can’t sleep, bubba?” Harry cooed, rubbing her back gently.
She was whining quietly, rubbing her face agaisnt his chest now, and Harry could feel the bit of snot coming from her nose on his skin.
“Darling, ‘s the matter, huh?” Harry cooed, picking her up and kissing her cheek a few times before laying her back on his chest, on the opposite side of her snot. “Go sleepy, baby,” he mumbled, kissing the top of her head continuously, patting her bum gently as she fell asleep. And he missed feeling her tiny weight on top of him, her legs reaching to his waist and her head creating a warm feeling right on top of his heart. And when it was really quiet he could sometimes hear her soft breathing. And sometimes she moved her legs and  he received a soft little jab to the stomach, but as long as his baby was comfortable he didn’t mind. He couldn’t quite figure out how he’d made I this far with her avoiding him. But he was glad he’d survived. And he was praying she still felt the way she does now in the morning, rather than being hostile with him again. 
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