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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
The call of "Shia-Sunni Unity", a heinous conspiracy against the Islamic Ummah
After mentioning the Baatil Aqaid of Shia Rafidhah Kuffar, Shaikh Ihsan Ilahi Zaheer (رحمه الله) writes:
ان یہودی اور مجوسی عقائد سے توبہ کیے بغیر شیعہ سنی اتحاد کا نعرہ محض فریب اور لا یعنی ہی نہیں بلکہ امت اسلامیہ کے خلاف ایک گھناؤنی سازش بھی ہے
Without repenting from these Jewish and Magian beliefs, the slogan of Shia-Sunni unity is not only deception and nonsense but also a heinous conspiracy against the Islamic Ummah.
اسى نعرے کی وجہ سے اس گروہ کو اہل اسلام کے خلاف سازشیں کرنے اور مسلمانوں کی وحدت کو پارہ پارہ کرنے کا موقعہ ملا، یہ نعرہ دراصل اسلام کو نقصان پہنچانے کے لیے راہ ہموار کرتا ہے، اس نعرے کی وجہ سے ہی یہودیوں اور مجوسیوں اور دوسرے اعداء اسلام کو مسلمانوں کی صفوں میں گھس کر انہیں نقصان پہنچانے اور اسلامی عقائد کومسخ کرنے کا موقعہ ملتا ہے۔
This slogan gave this group an opportunity to conspire against the people of Islam and to tear apart the unity of the Muslims. This slogan actually paves the way for harming Islam , It is because of this slogan that Jews and Magians and other anti-Islamic elements have the opportunity to infiltrate the ranks of Muslims and harm them and distort Islamic beliefs.
آپ تاریخ اسلام کا مطالعہ کریں تو آپ کو اس میں ایک شیعہ راہنما ابن علقمی نظر آئے گا جس نے سقوط بغداد میں کلیدی کردار ادا کیا، اپنے آپ کو فاطمی کہلانے والے شیعہ نظر آئیں گے جنہوں نے بارہا کعبۃ اللہ کی حرمت کو پامال کیا اور اکابرینِ اسلام کو تہ تیغ کیا، آپ کو شیعہ "قزلباش" خاندان میں سے یحییٰ خان نظر آئے گا جس نے ہندوؤں سے مل کر سقوط مشرقی پاکستان میں بنیادی کردار ادا کیا۔
If you study the history of Islam, you will see a Shiite leader, Ibn Alqami, who played a key role in the fall of Baghdad, there will be Shiites who call themselves Fatimids who have repeatedly violated the sanctity of the Ka'bahtullāh and slaughtered the greats of Islam, You will see Yahya Khan from the Shia "Qazlbash" family who played a pivotal role in the fall of East Pakistan along with the Hindus.
یہ سارا کچھ اس نعرے کی وجہ سے ہوا۔ یہ نعرہ اتحاد کے لیے مسلمانوں میں انتشار وافتراق پیدا کرنے کے لیے لگایا جاتا ہے۔ اتحاد امت کا راز صرف اور صرف اتباع کتاب وسنت میں پنہاں ہے۔
It all happened because of this slogan. This slogan is used for unity to create disunity and division among Muslims. The secret of the unity of the Ummah lies only in the followers of the Qur'an and Sunnah.
متبعینِ کتاب وسنت کا اتحاد ہی’’اتحاد بین المسلمین‘‘ کہلا سکتا ہے، اسلامی عقائد سے انحراف کر کے اور غیبت ورجعت جیسے یہودی و مجوسی عقائد کو اختیار کرکے اتحاد کے نعرے کا مقصد شریعت اسلامیہ کومسخ کرنا اور امت میں تفریق پیدا کرنا تو ہوسکتا ہے۔ایسے نعرے سے کسی خیر کی توقع نہیں کی جاسکتی۔
Only the unity of the followers of the Book and Sunnah can be called "the unity among Muslims", by deviating from Islamic beliefs and adopting Jewish and Magian beliefs such as backbiting and regression, the slogan of Unity may be aimed at distorting Islamic law and creating divisions within the ummah.No good can be expected from such a slogan.
یہ کہنا کہ اس قسم کا اتحاد مسلمانوں کی قوت کا باعث بن سکتا ہے یا اس قسم کے اتحاد سے ہم اعداء اسلام کا مقابلہ کر سکتے ہیں۔
To say that this kind of unity can lead to the strength of Muslims or that with this kind of unity we can fight the enemies of Islam.
بالکل عبث (فضول) ہے اس لیے کہ اللہ و رسول ﷺ کے نزدیک صرف اس اتحاد کی اہمیت ہے جو اللہ ورسولﷺ کی اتباع کرنے والوں اور خالص اسلامی عقائد کو اختیار کرنے والوں کے درمیان ہو
Absolutely futile, because in the sight of Allah and His Messenger, the only thing that matters is the unity between those who follow Allah and His Messenger and those who adopt pure Islamic beliefs.
اور صرف ایسے لوگ ہی عنداللہ مومنین ہیں ، اور انہی کے
متعلق ارشاد باری تعالی ہے۔
And only such people are believers in the Sight of Allah,and of them related guidance is from the Almighty Allah.
#jamiatahlehadees #ahlesunnatwaljamat #AhlulBayt #ahlussunnah #ahlusunnahwaljamaah
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
If you are looking for Authenic Books of Ahlus Sunnah, then even Hizbees & Muftaris know where to go to get them!
(when they are not busy misguiding their "BidahDisciples")
No offence intended .............................................
to the brother enjoying his tastebuds!
Just to Deviant Muftaris!
Disclaimer: Neiter we, nor Muftari (we hope) got any renumeration for this promotion, we just stated the Truth.
#MohammedHijab #AliDawah #SpeakersCorner #dawahman #GreenLaneMasjid #Hizbee #muftari #muftimuneer #uthmanfarooq #salafibookstore
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
Al-Allaamah Ubaid Al-Jaabiri ﷾ said:
There is none who hid (or hides) behind the Sunnah– the people beguiled by him, gathered around him to learn, adhered to him, became dependent on him and accepted everything he said–except that Allaah will reveal his affair, uncover and expose his concealed state of affairs to specific individuals and to the general public, regarding what was hidden and apparent of his deception, his mixing truth with falsehood, his plots and deceitful practices. Allaah facilitates men of virtue, intelligence, wisdom, strength and exceptional natural ability–possessors of knowledge, skill and sound understanding of the religion–through whom He (Allaah) unveils the affair of that trickster, dubious and deceitful person.
فضيلة الشيخ عبيد بن عبد الله الجابري ﷾ :
فإن السنة لا تخفى ولا يخفى أهلها، فالرجل تزكّيه أعماله، تزكّيه أعماله التي هي على السنة، وتشهد عليه بذلك ويذكره الناس بها حيا وميتا، وما تَسَتَّرَ أحدٌ بالسنة وغرّر الناس به حتى التـفُّوا حوله وارتبطوا به وأصبحوا يعوِّلون عليه ويقبلون كل ما يصدر عنه إلاّ فَضحَه الله سبحانه وتعالى وهتك ستره وكشف للخاصة والعامة ما كان يُخفي وما كان يُكنُّ من الغش والتلبيس والمكر والمخادعة، يهيّئ الله رجالا فضلاء فطناء حكماء أقوياء جهابذة ذوي علم وكياسة وفـِقهٍ في الدين يكشف الله بهم ستر ذلكم اللعاب الملبِّس الغشاش
Source: sahab.net/home/?p=329
Trans.: salaficentre.com/2013/09/01/part-1-salafis-com-evaluating-the-claim-of-salafiyyah-by-abu-eesa-niamatullah-his-slanders/
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
Some of the Salaf said:
“The one who is silent about the truth is a silent devil, while the one who speaks falsehood is a speaking devil”
[Quoted in Ad-Durar as-Saniyyah. 8/75-79]
Source: salaficentre.com/2021/11/06/is-it-from-methodology-of-pious-predecessors-to-keep-quiet-about-ahlul-bidah-reminder-to-greenlanes-allies-at-stoke-on-trent-markaz-at-tawheed-markaz-as-sunnah-and-their-ilk/
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
In 1428H, Allamah Ubayd al-Jabiri ﷾ recommended the Muslims to listen to Salafi reciters like Shaykh Alee al-Hudhayfee ﷾ and avoid listening to reciters like Mishari Rashid al-Afasy who is known for singing nasheeds in addition to other errors.
هذا سؤال وُجِّه للشيخ عبيد الجابري ﷾ : ماحكم الاستماع لأذكار الصباح والمساء بأسلوب مطرب مثل الشريط المتداول الآن في الاسواق لمشاري العفاسي ؟
مشاري العفاسي من المفتونين بمسلك المتصوفة ولهذا فإنه ينتهج الأناشيد المصحوبة بالتمثيل ومثله لايجوز الاستماع إليه وعليكم بالقراء من السلفيين مثل الشيخ علي الحذيفي ﷾.
(السبت /8 جماد الآخرة /1428) من الأجوبة الجابرية على أسئلة البريد الالكترونية
What is the ruling on listening to the remembrances of the morning and evening (recited) in a melodious (entertaining) way, such as the cassette distributed now in the markets of al-Mishari al-Efasi?
Mishari al-Efasi is from those put to trial by the way of the Mutasawwifah. For this reason he takes the path of anaasheeds accompanied with acting and the likes of this is not permissible to listen to. Upon you is to (turn to) reciters from the Salafis such as Shaykh Ali al-Hudhayfi.
Related Video: https://www.facebook.com/LiesExposer/videos/3231440020432694/
Source: sahab.net/forums/showthread.php?p=728534
Transl.: salafitalk.net/st/viewmessages.cfm?Forum=19&Topic=9437
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
Shaikh Rabee Bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee ﷾ stated:
Indeed, from the severest of afflictions & trials upon Islaam & the Muslims in this era, is the appearance of a group claiming to be upon the methodology of Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jamaa-ah, but unfortunately this group does not act except in opposition to this methodology & its people, openly at times & behind veils at other times.
And indeed this group has placed a heavy burden upon its (own) shoulders, & that is its defence of the people of innovation & misguidance. They author books in this regard & decorate articles due to it, & they spread their defence around the world under the banner of ‘justice & equity’ or (under) the methodology of Al Muwaazanaat (a methodology that revolves around the belief that justice is in mentioning the good characteristics of the one being refuted alongside the refutation, which is a methodology in opposition to the true methodology of Ahlus Sunnah).
They exceed the limits in the affair of Fiqul Waaqi (knowledge of current affairs) & speak ill of the scholars of the Salafi Methodology as a result of that; In fact they belittle & discredit the methodology of the scholars due to this, & (further) increase in ill speech against the Salafi Methodology & its people. Yet one sees no effect of their methodology of ‘justice & equity’ when they debate the people of the Salafi methodology!. Nor (is it seen) in their praises & exaltations for the people of innovation (i.e they are not just or balanced in that regard).
Additionally, although one sees them concealing themselves under the banner of the ‘Salafi Methodology’, you will not see them giving it any importance, except with respect to what they utilize to deceive those who are deceived by them & their (false) garment, in order that they may bring them over to their corrupt partisanship organization, & so as to kill off their love for the (true) Salafi Methodology, the call to it, defence of it, traversing on it upon the methodology of the pious predecessors with the (correct) love & hate (for the sake of Allaah), & warning against the people of innovation.
So they divert a generation of individuals from the true methodology & having true allegiance to it; & they (direct them) towards a ‘heated’ allegiance to the people of innovation & defence of them & their innovations & falsehoods. Or they trivialise the affair of their innovations to the extent that it leads them to the station of the extreme murji-a (i.e those who held that sinful actions have no effect upon Imaan) with regards to how they view the major innovations & these great oppositions to the true religion of Allaah.
Introduction to the book ‘Bayaan Fasaadil Mi’yaar’
Translation: ah-sp.com/2012/07/31/will-abu-usaama-and-followers-not-reflect-upon-these-word-of-shaikh-rabee/
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
GLM's Adnan Abdul-Qadir from Kuwait (Supporter of Ihya Turath al-Bidati, student of Deviant Innovator Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaliq) refuted in 1421AH by Shaikh al-Fawzan (حَفِظَهُ اللهُ تعالى), the Mufti Ghudayan & Bakr Abu Zaid for Murji Aqeedah.
Tweet source: https://twitter.com/abukhadeejahsp/status/372672752123404288
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
تصفح برقم المجلد > Group 2 > Volume 2: `Aqidah > The Sects > The book "Haqiqat-ul-Iman Bayn Ghuluw Al-Khawarij wa Tafrit Al-Murji'ah"
Fatwa no. 21435
Q: Would you please look into the book entitled Haqiqat-ul-Iman Bayn Ghuluw Al-Khawarij wa Tafrit Al-Murji'ah by `Adnan `Abdul-Qadir published by the Shari`ah Society in Kuwait?
A: This book advocates the Al-Murji'ah school of thought that excludes deeds from the concept and reality of Iman (Faith), as they maintain that practical devotion is only a supplementary condition. The author further supports this false creed by citations of authoritative scholars adapted and misquoted to serve his purpose. For example, he attributed a statement to Imam Ahmad (may Allah show mercy to him) while it was said by Abu Ja`far Al-Baqir (see: p. 9). Furthermore, he gives titles that do not fit the content.
(Part No. 2; Page No. 136)
For example, he gives the title: "The seed of faith is only in the heart and anyone who denies that is a disbeliever". He then misquotes the Shaykh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (p. 9). However, his citations do not agree with his titles. For example, he misquotes parts of Al-Fatawa by Ibn Taymiyyah p. 9 (Al-Fatawa: vol. 7, p. 644, vol. 7, p. 377). Likewise, he misquotes the statements of "`Uddat Al-Sabirin" by Ibn Al-Qayyim deleting the passages that refute the beliefs of Al-Murji'ah (a Muslim sect that excludes actions from the prerequisites of Faith). Similarly, in (p. 33), he deletes some words of Al-Fatawa by Ibn Taymiyyah, (Fatwa no. 11/87). Again, in (p.34) he misquotes Ibn Taymiyyah (Al-Fatawa: vol. 7, pp. 638-639) and in (p.37)(Al-Fatawa: vol. 7, p. 494). Also, he omits the final conclusion of the statement of Ibn Al-Qayyim (Kitab Al-Salah, p. 59). He also misquotes Ibn Taymiyyah (refer to Ibn Taymiyyah's book: Al-Sarim Al-Maslul, vol. 3, pp. 967-969) in p. 64 and misquotes him again (Al-Sarim Al-Maslul, vol. 3, p.971) in p. 67. Thus, this book is replete with academic offenses in favor of Al-Murji'ah sect; so it is forgery to introduce the book in the name of Ahl-ul-Sunnah wal-Jama`ah (adherents to the Sunnah and the Muslim mainstream). The book thus must be banned and denied distribution. We also advise them to reconsider the matter, fear Allah, and return to the truth and avoid the misleading things.
May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions.
The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'
Member: Bakr Abu Zayd
Member: `Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan
Member: Salih Al-Fawzan
Chairman: `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah Al Al-Shaykh
(Part No. 2; Page No. 137)
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
Adnan Abdul Qadir (smiling), Uthman alKhamees (Deviant Ihya at-Turath al-Bidaati Chief, looking sad & dejected) & Anonymous
Adnaan Abdul Qaadir – Student of the Mubtadi (Abdur Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq) and Affiliate of Ihyaa Turaath) – a Guest at Markaz at-Tawheed (Stoke), Masjid Al-Furqan (Manchester) and Muhammadi Masjid (Bradford)]
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
Usama Hasan (supported in Kufr by his father Suhaib Hasan of GLM) selling Kufr of Darwinism in the name of Islam, praying for his "mentor" in Kufr Stephen Hawking
Full read on Usama ibn Suhaib Hasan & the kufr of Darwinism: aqidah.com/creed/articles/eyiig-usamah-hasan-suhaib-hasan-darwinism-and-the-creation-of-man.cfm
#suhaibhasan #usamahasan #uthmanfarooq #jamiatahlehadees
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
Fatwa ibn Baz against those who promote Itiba of Darwin
(Part No. 28; Page No. 274)
50- Refuting the theory that man evolved from an ape-like creature
Q: It is well-known that some people think they were evolved from animals following Darwinism, what is the view of Your Eminence regarding this? [1]
A: The theory of Darwin states that man evolved from an ape-like creature and that human beings are talking animals and that we are all animals. Allah created a life for the sons of Adam and granted them minds and the ability to speak. This abominable theory is false according to Ijma` (consensus of scholars). Apes are a species, dogs are a species and so are the pigs, cats, lions, tigers, cheetahs, etc. As for human beings, they are distinct speaking and rational species whom Allah created from semen of despised water. Allah created our father Adam (peace be upon him) from clay, so he is a distinct species and so are all sons of Adam. The Jinn (creatures created from fire) - as well - are created from a smokeless flame of fire. Every kind of animals is a distinct species, even the ants.
[1] One of the questions of Hajj for the year 1407 A.H., Tape no. 1.
Usama Hasan is a Deviant that propagates Darwinism in the name of Islam and defended as a "Mujtahid" by his father Suhaib Hasan (of Jamiat Ahle-Hadath UK, Gumraahi Lane Masjid [GLM] & Dhalla TV [wrongly called Huda TV])
May Allah ﷻ guide them or break their backs!
#suhaibhasan #usamahasan #Hizbee #uthmanfarooq #jamiatahlehadees #GreenLaneMasjid #MuhammadiMasjid
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
Fatwa of Lajnah Daimah against those who promote Itiba of Darwin
The Theory of Evolution
The fifth question of Fatwa no. 5167 :
Q 5: There are some people who claim that man was once an ape and then evolved. Is this correct, and is there any evidence to support this?
A5: This statement is false; the evidence for that is that Allah has clarified in the Qur’an the stages of Adam’s creation, saying (what means): Verily, the likeness of ‘Isâ (Jesus) before Allâh is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust [1]
(Part No. 1; Page No. 69)
Then that dust was wetted until it became sticky clay, clinging to the hands; Allah the Exalted says (what means): And indeed We created man (Adam) out of an extract of clay (water and earth). [2] Allah also says (what means): Verily, We created them of a sticky clay. [3] Then it turned into altered black mud; Allah the Exalted states (what means): And indeed, We created man from dried (sounding) clay of altered mud. [4] And when it dried, it turned into clay like that of pottery; Allah the Exalted states (what means): He created man (Adam) from sounding clay like the clay of pottery. [5] Allah then fashioned Adam into the form that He willed and then breathed into him the soul which He created for him, Allah the Exalted says (what means): And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "I am going to create a man (Adam) from dried (sounding) clay of altered mud. [6] "So, when I have fashioned him completely and breathed into him (Adam) the soul which I created for him, then fall (you) down prostrating yourselves unto him." [7] These are the stages of Adam’s creation according to the Qur’an. As for the stages of creating Adam’s offspring, Allah the Exalted says (what means): And indeed We created man (Adam) out of an extract of clay (water and earth). [8] Thereafter We made him (the offspring of Adam) as a Nutfah (mixed drops of the male and female sexual discharge and lodged it) in a safe lodging (womb of the woman). [9] Then We made the Nutfah into a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood), then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then We made out of that little lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation. So Blessed is Allâh, the Best of creators. [10]
(Part No. 1; Page No. 70)
As for Adam’s wife, Eve, Allah the Exalted has clarified that He created her from Adam, saying (what means): O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife [Hawwâ’ (Eve)], and from them both He created many men and women [11]
May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'
Member: `Abdullah ibn Qa`ud
Member: `Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan
Deputy Chairman: `Abdul-Razzaq `Afify
Chairman: `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz
[1] Surah Al-`Imran, 3: 59
[2] Surah Al-Mu'minun, 23: 12
[3] Surah Al-Saffat, 37: 11
[4] Surah Al-Hijr, 15: 26
[5] Surah Al-Rahman, 55: 14
[6] Surah Al-Hijr, 15: 28
[7] Surah Al-Hijr, 15: 29
[8] Surah Al-Mu'minun, 23: 12
[9] Surah Al-Mu'minun, 23: 13
[10] Surah Al-Mu'minun, 23: 14
[11] Surah Al-Nisa', 4: 1
Usama Hasan is a Deviant that propagates Darwinism in the name of Islam and defended as a "Mujtahid" by his father Suhaib Hasan (of Jamiat Ahle-Hadath UK, Gumraahi Lane Masjid [GLM] & Dhalla TV [wrongly called Huda TV])
May Allah ﷻ guide them or break their backs!
#suhaibhasan #usamahasan #Hizbee #uthmanfarooq #jamiatahlehadees #GreenLaneMasjid #MuhammadiMasjid
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
Whoever Does Not Make Tabdee of a Mubtadi Is Also A Mubtadi – [Clarification of This Statement By Shaikh Rabee ﷾]
Shaikh Rabee ﷾ said: It is not correct to apply this principle unrestrictedly because it maybe that he is unaware of the Bidah committed by that person, therefore he refrains from declaring him a Mubtadi [an innovator] due to [ورع – i.e. fear of falling into a doubtful matter that might lead him to something forbidden and affect him in the afterlife]. Why should you declare him an innovator? [i.e. why should you declare him an innovator when it is the case that he is unaware of the bidah of that Mubtadi or refrains from making Tabdee out of ورع ]. However, if he knows the innovator [i.e. knows that such a person is upon bidah due to which the evidence was established against him], loves him and allies with him, then he is a Mubtadi. This is the distinction in this affair. He knows that that person is a Mubtadi but he aids him and wages war against Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa’ah, then he is a Mubtadi without a doubt. As for a person who does not know that such and such person is a Mubtadi, he is not to be declared an innovator.
You [i.e. the scholar, or student of knowledge who is qualified to make Tabdee] – the one who studied the affair of [that person] and you know that he allies with a Mubtadi, places him in a favourable position, wages war against Ahlus Sunnah for the sake of that Mubtadi and for the sake of this falsehood, then this person is a Mubtadi, misguided. As for the person who does not know that indeed such and such person is a Mubtadi, then advise him and clarify for him [i.e. with clear unambiguous proofs until he understands] that such person is a Mubtadi. So, unless he ceases [i.e. refrains from defending this Mubtadi after understanding the evidences], then put him [in the same place] with his companion – the Mubtadi. [Source: An Excerpt from ‘Awnul Baari 2/891’. slightly paraphrased]
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
How do we understand the hadeeth of the 73 sects given the presence of more than 73 sects in our time?
Question: The Prophet ﷺ said: “The Jews split into 71 sects, and the Christians split into 72 sects, and this nation will split into 73 sects, all of them in the Fire except one…” up to the end of the hadeeth. So the question is: how do we reconcile this hadeeth with the number of sects (in our time) being greater than 73 sects?
Answer: These (73 sects) are the foundations of the sects (we see today), then indeed they went on to form subgroups and split up into many sects. However their foundations are 73 sects just as the Prophet ﷺ informed.
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan Silsilat ush Sharhi Rasaail p122
Translated by Abu Abdir Rahmaan ibn Najam
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
Beware of the “The Clear Quran” as it distorts some of Allah’s Attributes.
Mistranslated by Mustafa Khattab, and promoted by Sufis at Al-Azhar University
One example is Face, here they use “Himself” & “Pleasure.”
It mentions the literal meaning in the footnote, indicating that this is not intended.
The Noble Quran is the most accurate translation.
The Attribute Istiwā.
The most accurate translation is that of the great scholar, Taqī Al-Deen Al-Hilalī and Muhsin Khan رحمهما الله, which highlights their insight and understanding.
Anyone who claims to be upon the belief of the Salaf should not promote the Clear Quran.
The fact that they translate وجه as pleasure, and then write that the lit. meaning is face, shows their opposition to the Salaf
It’s clear
The Salafi scholars affirm Allah’s Attributes. On occasions they mention things related to this
Vs those who distort the meaning itself
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
Hizbee Supporter Uthman ibn Farooq reveals his Turathi manhaj by collaborating with:
#1 Turathi Murji Aqidah Promoter Adnan Abdul Qadir from Kuwait
#2 Jamiati Hizbee Suhaib Hassan who supports the Darwinism of his son Usama Hassan
and other known Hizbees
#uthmanfarooq #MuhammadiMasjid #suhaibhasan #jamiatahlehadees #adnanabdulqadir #ihyaturath
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years ago
Shaikh Hammaad al-Ansaaree's encounter with Maududi
I visited Maududi (Abul-A’laa Al-Maududi) along with some brothers during the course of his stay in Riyadh and he was in the hotel ‘bat-haa’ so we entered upon him and he was praying the ‘Asr prayer, so I began observing his prayer. So when he finished I said to him:
‘This prayer of yours needs reviewing, for you do not raise your hands, nor do you relax (be at ease) and other than that’
So he said: ‘I am Hanafee in Madhhab’.
So I said to him: ‘this is more overwhelming than the first; since it is impermissible for you to say that, and you are above such a statement. We had come to think from your writings that you are a free-thinker[1], but it has become apparent to us that you are a constricted thinker.’ Then I said to him: ‘indeed Imaam Aboo Haneefah is the one that you blindly follow; yet who are the ones that Imaam Aboo Haneefah blindly followed?’
He remained silent, and Allaah's Aid is sought.
[1] See the book; The Methodology of the Prophets in calling to Allaah by Shaikh Rabee’ bin Haadee page: 157 onwards for detail of this. [Translators note]
Shaykh Hammaad al-Ansaaree
Majmoo' fee tarjumah Hamaad Al-Ansaaree volume 2 page 604
Translated by Aboo Haatim Muhammad Farooq
Source: http://www.fatwaislam.com/fis/index.cfm?scn=fd&ID=408
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