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                       to me, there’s nothing more important than the way i feel about you.
                                                n o t h i n g .
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OOC: I’m sorry I take too long to reply here, but I’m mostly on @jxstascavenger & these days depressions is no helping me not even there.,
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A: He gave me strict orders to stay here!
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You've a gorgeous blog xxx
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OOC: Wow, thank you! I wasn’t expecting that. Even more considering I’m not as active here as I wish I was (since I’m mostly on my Rey xD). But thank you a lot for that :)
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You were my master, the closest thing I had to a father, I believed in you.
Sith!Obi-wan & Jedi!Anakin …because apparently I’m off my meds. 
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star wars + text posts
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Late night rough speed sketching, working on idea’s for portraits of Anakin & Padme 
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‘My Ghostly Love’. 
Graphite + Digital late night rough speed sketching. Pose based loosely on  Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss, a sculpture by Antonio Canova (1787). 
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Star Wars AU: Evil Skywalkers
After taking control of the Galactic Senate, Padmé Amidala declares herself Empress, enforcing her oppressive regime with the aid of two former Jedi, Emperor Anakin Skywalker and General Obi-Wan Kenobi, and a massive clone army.
Years later, Padmé and Anakin’s two grown children, Luke and Leia, work to expand the Empire’s reach, recruiting a smuggler by the name of Han Solo. They oversee the construction of the massive, planet-destroying weapon, the Death Star, which will solidify their family’s control over the entire galaxy.
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Senator Amidala, If you are ever having trouble with anonymous persons in the future, do not hesitate to contact me for any kind of ranting or pure backup. Here for you at all times and in all ways necessary. -((jedixknight))
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                    “Thank you for your kind offer of help. I am very grateful for having you as a friend. Indeed, there was some disrespect toward myself & I hope it will end. But I will contact you in case that persists.”
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star wars - pieces by shorelle
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reblog this post to be added to the directory. in the tags, please include character name, canon or oc. ( if oc, specify what type. ex: stormtrooper, jedi, knights of ren, etc. ) if character is from legends canon / eu, please indicate that in the tags as well.
if you have a star wars verse, please do not reblog. a separate post for that will be made soon!
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Revenge of the Sith: Group 1 by KaelaCroftArt
Uugggh, extremely gorgeous cards by Kaela, from a brand new card set (Revenge of the Sith Widevision) I just found out about now. I’m in slight agony over how many other cards I may have missed.
But I’m just ecstatic to find these, so far after a day of searching, they are my favorite finds!
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Promise by KaterinaPo, is such a beautiful depiction of Anakin and Padme. I think I’m in love with the daring style and colors. They look digital, like renegade programs on the grid, ducking away in alleys for a secret rendezvous. It’s like my two favorite fandoms combined in one fanart. <33
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Not the most romantic art, but still Anakin and Padme. 
Artwork comes from the SW game Galactic Defense, and I couldn’t tell you a whiff of how good the game is, all I know is the artist’s style is really appealing and they drew a whole slew of characters for the game. I debated if I should put all Skywalkers together but then Anakin would be the only red bad guy (I would prefer if he was not on team evil) surrounded by the blue good guys. :( 
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Oh gosh, I doodled this little thing after I saw matereya‘s new Anidala drawing in an ask she answered. I was hit with feels. So pretty! 
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