fairywilds · 2 days
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Rish Shah photographed by James Gilliam for British GQ
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fairywilds · 2 days
“It’s okay to feel like that,” he murmured, his voice low and steady. “You don’t have to be strong all the time," Aneurin watched as Orlaith's tears fell, feeling a mix of empathy and frustration at the burden she carried. “It’s okay to feel like things are falling apart. You’re allowed to break down sometimes. Just because you’re an Alpha doesn’t mean you have to be invincible," he said gently, his voice softening. "True strength is finding a way to keep going despite it all." Aneurin felt a weight in his chest as he listened to Orlaith, realizing just how much pressure she had been under all this time.
We’ve been so distant, stuck in our own worlds and misunderstandings, he thought, a twinge of regret rising within him. But maybe, if we just decide to push everything aside for a moment, we could really be there for each other. The realization stirred hope within him, a desire to bridge the gap that had kept them apart for too long.
Aneurin paused, thinking of their father, before he spoke again, “And, about Dad saying sorry... that’s a big deal. Maybe it’s a step towards some sort of understanding. Although I'll admit I'm surprised." Aneurin responded, reflecting on their past. “I realize now how much we’ve both been dealing with on our own. I was so caught up in my own shit, I just… I didn’t know how to see it. I never knew it was this much, all the time, so, I’ll help however I can. You don’t have to do this alone," he assured his sister. "Whatever you need. I’ll show you that I can be strong like you too, like you’ve always been." He explained.
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Orlaith was supposed to be strong. She was an Alpha, a leader, an older sister, a teacher, a wife, and now a mother. She was already a mother to many of those who were abandoned or orphaned in her pack. She was supposed to keep it together for the people who looked to her and up to her. Seeing her daughter like this broke her, knowing her wife was having life-changing surgery broke her but she had to be strong for them too.
Turning to her brother, a tear rolled down her cheek, followed by another, "It doesn't feel like it," she admitted, "I know I need to be optimistic and hopeful for both of them but it feels like everything is falling apart," she continued, tears freely falling now as she fell apart in the same way she felt everything else was.
Orlaith shook her head, "No, no," she almost laughed, almost, "That's the craziest thing about all of this. He didn't do that. He... He said sorry," she began, "He said that he didn't understand but he wanted to and it was all because of mum. I don't even know what to do with that," she admitted. At his next words, she pulled her younger brother into a hug, "You were not a shithead. At least not in an entirely unjustified way," she assured him. After coming out and seeing her parents' true colours, Orlaith had realised just how much they had pushed Aneurin into the shadows and favoured her. She had always tried to be there for her brother and she finally understood why he was so bitter toward her. She would be too, "Thank you, Rin. I know."
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fairywilds · 2 days
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Aneurin’s curiosity didn’t wane and his mouth curved slightly into a sly smile as he thought. “—How about cliff jumping?” he suggested, his eyes lighting up with a hint of mischief. “There’s this spot a little outside town, high up, completely hidden. The view’s breathtaking, and the jump… well, let’s just say it’s not for the faint-hearted. I’d bet a night’s tips you haven’t tried that yet.” He watched her closely, curious if the idea would catch her interest. “Might not be afraid, y'know, being a vampire, and all, but there’s something about that free fall before you hit the water that even immortals might find thrilling.” He suggested and raised his brow.
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Adelina did not mention the event that had led her to move to Northknot officially and have somewhere to return to. Now that was too personal. She shrugged, smiling at his appreciation, "It's dead in here, you've helped pass the time," she said, gesturing around the casino. She raised an eyebrow, "You think you can come up with something I haven't done?" she asked.
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fairywilds · 2 days
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Born in 1892 in the Middle East, Zafir al-Nadir grew up as a revered djinn known for his role as a protector and healer. His power and dedication earned him respect and autonomy, and he was instrumental in brokering peace agreements with several rulers, including the Ottoman Empire. It was during this time, around 1910-1911, that Zafir and Yesenia Petrescu first crossed paths. Yesenia was given to the Ottoman heir as a "gift" to secure peace. Although their initial encounter was brief, they both sensed a shared bond in their powerful yet restricted lives. Not long after their first meeting, Zafir was betrayed by a power-hungry siphoned witch who trapped him in an ancient lamp. This betrayal subjected Zafir to centuries of servitude, during which he was forced to use his powers for destructive purposes. Meanwhile, Yesenia continued her tumultuous journey. After escaping her own difficult circumstances, she heard rumors of a powerful djinn enslaved by a corrupt master and discovered it was Zafir. The roles had reversed: Yesenia was free while Zafir was imprisoned. Despite her inability to free him, she visited him in secret, providing moments of solace and companionship. Their shared experiences of betrayal and confinement deepened their bond, as they found understanding in each other’s struggles. After Zafir’s eventual release from captivity, he dedicated himself to recovering magical relics stolen from his homeland, striving to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. However, betrayal followed him once again. During one mission, Zafir was deceived by a shapeshifter who pretended to be an ally. The confrontation with the shapeshifter was brutal, leaving Zafir scarred by an iron weapon and intensifying his mistrust of others. This injury further complicated his relationship with trust and added to his emotional isolation. In 1924, Zafir's good friend and confidante, Yesenia, resettled in Northknot, establishing herself as a healer and apothecary. She continued to visit Zafir, offering him support and understanding. Eventually, Zafir, seeking peace and a connection to his past, was convinced, and moved to Northknot as well. Here, Zafir and Yesenia’s relationship evolved from their initial roles of unequal power to a deep, equal connection. Zafir found in Yesenia a grounding force amidst his ongoing internal battles, and Yesenia valued Zafir’s presence as a steadying influence in her life as well.
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fairywilds · 2 days
"You what?" Eitan's voice was sharp, concern etched in his eyes. "A siren? Em, that's not the kind of drama I was hoping for." He sat up straighter and his face tightened, processing the full weight of Emilia's encounter. "Damn, Em, you really can’t mess around with something like this..." He ran a hand through his hair, trying to keep his voice steady, but his concern was clear. "You know the history— they were banned for a reason. They're... dangerous. Feeding on people, maintaining immortality through killing. If one clawed you, it's not just a random attack. They might be hunting in Northknot again." He paused, frowning. "Look, Illiris is awesome, but you can't risk this being worse than it looks. And if they're back, pretending to be mermaids again, that’s bad news. You should probably get Miles involved." He sighed, softening his tone. "I know you're a badass, but I don't know if this is something you should be handling on your own."
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"I encountered a siren the other day," Emilia said, knowing that people knew in northknot that sirens were banned years ago, far before Emilia was born, even before her parents. "Like badly, and kind of clawed my leg. Illiris helped me clean it up, but I've kind of hid it from Miles."
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fairywilds · 3 days
Salem shook his head with a grin. "Come on, it's just a coffee, not like I’m buying you a yacht," he joked lightly. "Consider it my way of apologizing for almost turning your morning into a disaster. Besides, it’s kind of a personal rule of mine—," He lied, "If someone dodges coffee chaos, I owe them one." He joked softly, his tone easygoing and casual; waiting to see what she'd say.
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"Oh no, no, you do not have to do that," Edie replied. "Really. I don't want you to spend money on me. It's really fine, honestly."
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fairywilds · 3 days
Lailah smiled, leaning against the railing as she glanced out over the water. "I get that. There’s something about the quiet and the way the world feels different at night. I used to like the water a lot more, but with everything going on recently... I've sort of been avoiding the beach, I guess." She said. "I don't know though because sometimes the safest ideas, don't have any freedom to them, you know?" She looked back at Edie, her smile softening. "Sometimes, you just need that peace, even if it comes with a little risk."
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"It's no problem, I love this time of the day, I used to go night swimming all the time even though they say that it's not really the best thing to do," Edie replied.
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fairywilds · 4 days
Aneurin listened carefully, his hands tucked in his pockets as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "I get it," he said, his tone almost reflective. "Sometimes, when things get bad, it's easier to just... not deal with it. And you think you're handling it by not handling it. I've been guilty of that in the past too," He let out a small breath, glancing at the ground before meeting her eyes again. "But I'm glad you're doing better now. It's not easy to face hard times alone." He paused, taking in her words about Orlaith and the assumptions people might have made about him. “I appreciate that,” he said, the corner of his mouth lifting slightly. “Orlaith's always been strong and I, well, let's just say I go through my share of hard times too, but nothing like she deals with, so, lately, at least, I've been trying to lend help when I can, but I don't know, I fear it doesn't always come across the right way because of shit we've been through together," He responded, trying to be vague yet also express himself in a way that felt comfortable. "And yeah, maybe I was worried there'd be some bad blood, but... really, I’m just trying to do right by my employers. That’s all.” When she laughed about Erik, Aneurin couldn't help but chuckle too, his tension easing a little. “Yeah, you did mention him once or twice, a couple times,” he teased lightly, his smile growing a bit wider. “Sounds like you’ve got something good going, though. If he’s stuck around through the hard times, he’s probably a keeper.”
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"I was going through a hard time and not dealing with it... Well I wasn't dealing with it at all. But I've gotten some help and I'm trying to do better. But I hate that some people got that impression of me, especially those like yourself who don't know me very well." She figured he might have heard about her from his sister, but still. "Well, you're Orlaith's brother and she's a wonderful person. And you came to me expecting there to be some sort of bad blood maybe but were willing to put all that aside for what you and others needed. I think that says a lot about you as a person." Surely he was as kind and dedicated to others as his sister was. She couldn't help the laugh that left her when he brought up her boyfriend, covering her eyes for a moment. "I went on and on about him, huh? What can I say, I really love Erik Blackthorne. And I'm thankful he put up with me and all my craziness."
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fairywilds · 9 days
"Suit yourself," Auberon said, raising an eyebrow as he watched Natalie toss the ball back. His expression was hard to read. “Unlucky, or just a magnet for mishap?” he asked, his voice calm but curious. “Or maybe you’ve just got a habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.” His eyes flicked to the closed journal in her hands, lingering for a second. “At least you didn’t drop that on the ground in the process, I suppose." Auberon stood there, his cool gaze steady. After a moment, he asked, “Are you okay?” His tone was neutral, giving nothing away. “Looked like you were pretty deep in thought before that little missile hit you.” There was no clear emotion in his words—neither warm nor cold—but something in the way he said it hinted at a quiet concern, buried just beneath the surface. He didn’t push for an answer, just watched her closely, as if waiting to see if she’d open up or brush it off.
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"How about the third option of leaving it here for them to come back and get when they're not worried about getting in trouble?" Natalie suggested, closing her journal and standing to take the ball from him, tossing it back towards where the kids had been playing earlier. "I'm sure they didn't mean to hit me. I'm just a little unlucky when it comes to things like that."
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fairywilds · 9 days
Lux chuckled, appreciating Natalie’s straightforwardness. “Sounds like you would get along with my sister,” he replied, crossing his arms casually. “I’m no stranger to chaos either. I usually thrive in it though. It's more my scene, y'know, I bounce between dealing with rowdy crowds at the club and, well... keeping my family life and school life on track, I guess. It takes some skill," he explained, "but yeah, sometimes focusing on keeping things separate is the only way to stay sane.” He glanced around the setup again, a hint of admiration in his tone. “Seems like you’ve got a good system going here though." He gave her an approving nod.
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"Great! Just jump in wherever you can," she said, looking back to her clipboard and checking a few things off her list. "A little bit of both, I guess. I run a pretty tight ship at my restaurant, always planning things out and trying new things. My employees can attest to how anal I can be about things. And trying to find sense in chaos is definitely something I've always done, trying to find ways to focus on something other than the bad stuff."
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fairywilds · 9 days
Phaethon’s eyebrows lifted slightly in admiration. “Delivering babies, huh?” he said, his voice warm. “That must be astounding… bringing new life into the world.” He paused, his gaze thoughtful. “I can’t even imagine the responsibility that comes with that. It’s got to be intense sometimes.” He smiled, gesturing toward her slightly. “—You must have nerves of steel.”
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"Oh, I'm an OB," she replied. "Basically it's delivering little babies most of the time."
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fairywilds · 14 days
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&&. aesthetics — eitan mars
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fairywilds · 14 days
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&&. aesthetics — wolfgang watson
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fairywilds · 15 days
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&&. aesthetics — aneurin "rin" callaghan
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fairywilds · 16 days
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&&. aesthetics — aristotle "ari" sloane
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fairywilds · 17 days
Aneurin's gaze remained fixed on the tiny figure through the glass, his heart aching for his sister. The enormity of the situation hit him harder than he’d anticipated. Watching Orlaith, he felt an uncomfortable sense of unease as the gravity of their circumstances sunk in. He’d come to view Elsa as family, and with Willa’s arrival, his protective instincts surged. Orlaith’s overwhelmed state, her raw emotions laid bare, was something he rarely witnessed.
Clearing his throat, he struggled to find the right words. “This... this is a hell of a lot to take in,” he said, his voice thick with unspoken emotion. “I can’t even begin to imagine how tough this must be for you.” He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, trying to offer comfort. “Willa’s surrounded by love and support, and Elsa’s getting the best care possible. It’s rough now, but things will get better.”
The mention of their father struck him hard, adding another layer of tension he wasn’t ready for. He knew how much Orlaith’s coming out had strained their family, and it was clear she’d been through hell. “I know Dad showing up must’ve been hard, and I’m sure he said some fucked-up things. But don’t let that get to you right now, okay? And I know I’ve been a shithead to you too, blaming you for things that weren’t your fault. But I’m here for you, and I’ll be here for Willa too. No matter what, you’re not alone in this anymore.” He gave her a supportive squeeze, determined to be the rock she needed despite his own discomfort. “I’m here for you, okay?” he repeated gently.
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"She's too small," Orlaith whispered. It was not supposed to be like this. This was not how they had planned any of this. Their daughter should not be tiny and in an incubator, attached to so many wires. She smiled, pressing her forehead against the glass as she tried to blink back tears, "We named her after Elsa's mother," she explained. She shook her head, "No, but they said it would take a while. They have to make sure there isn't any more infection in the leg once they take it off," she choked back a sob as she finished that sentence. Everything was going to be so different. Orlaith took a deep breath to gather herself, "Dad came to visit," she said, "It's the first time I've seen him since coming out."
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fairywilds · 17 days
Aneurin’s curiosity lingered despite her pointed response. He gave a small nod, recognizing he might’ve crossed a line, and he couldn’t help his increasingly hot ears from embarrassment. “Makes sense,” he said, his voice softer now. “Finding a place where you don’t have to keep starting over, that’s… something worth holding onto. And hey, keeping things interesting is important too. Can’t let things get too predictable, right?" He continued on. "I've been known to get restless if things feel too static. I'm sure all my exes would tell you that too.” He offered a small, understanding smile at his little joke. “I appreciate you sharing all this shit with me. I’m sure there’s still plenty of new things to try, even here. I bet I could even think of one...” He alluded with raised brows of interest, almost challenging her.
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Adelina shrugged, "I'm sure there are some things I haven't done but until I came to live here, I had to move around after a few years and start a new life. I just took it as an opportunity to try something new," she explained, "That's a very personal question," she replied pointedly but continued, "Not really. I found a home in every place and I knew this town existed for a long time. I chose to come here because I was tired of losing people. I still like to shake things up a bit, I don't want to get bored."
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