Fairy Moon Craft
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✨Rachael✨Fairy Shaman✨
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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I met this beautiful bird on my walk yesterday! And was reminded just how easy it can be to tune into the frequency of nature. Really, Into the frequency of love. I always love saying good morning to all the critters that join me for my morning walks. And really, that’s all it takes to wedge the door open to connecting with nature. A simple “Hello! Good morning!” Do you ever find yourself talking to the birds? I believe we are all animal communicators. Some are more drawn to it than others. No different than some are more drawn to sports than others. Did you know that if you relate to the term Sensitive or Highly Sensitive, that you most likely are a natural communicator? Your Human Design chart can show if this is a skill that may come easily for you. Heck, you might not even be aware that you are indeed communicating with animals! Drop an 🦋 in the comments if you enjoy communicating with animals. #fairymooncraft #hsp #highlysensitiveperson #fairy #faery #spirtualbusinesscoaching #humandesignlife #spirtualbusinessowner #intutivebusiness #humandesigncoach #fairyshaman #emotionalintelligence #emotionalwellbeing #mindsetshift #onlinebusinesscoaching #womenwithpurpose #spirtualcoaching #stepintoyourpower #ambitiouswomen #spirtualpractice #createthelifeyoulove #femalefounders #onlinebusinesscoach (at West Pawlet, Vermont) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqaupzqrQHm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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The more I connect with the Fairies, the more wild animals come to our home! Do ya ever notice that? Fun Tidbit: those who are attracted to connecting with the fairies are often also natural animal communicators! Fairies love to play with animals and sometimes even shape shift into an animal. I invite you to share in the comments if you are drawn to animals or communicating with animals. 💕✨ #fairymooncraft #hsp #highlysensitiveperson #fairy #faery #spirtualbusinesscoaching#spirtualbusinessowner #intutivebusiness #fairyshaman #emotionalintelligence #emotionalwellbeing #mindsetshift #womenwithpurpose #spirtualcoaching #stepintoyourpower #ambitiouswomen #spirtualpractice #createthelifeyoulove https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTiZK-p3no/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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A free Fairy Event is being hosted online next week in a Facebook group!🧚‍♀️ So how do I know Hillary? I connected with Hillary in the past while I was studying Reiki, and one thing I can say….She has a very warm energy! I believe I invited everyone in my Facebook friends list that would be interested. I’m posting here to extend that invite out. 🥰 So if you would like to join, message me or friend me on facebook (FairyMoonCraft) and I can invite you in! It’s my wish you have a magical day! 🥰✨ #fairy #fairymooncraft #faery https://www.instagram.com/p/CqNylMrLEDW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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Off for date night! Where are we gonna go? idk What are we gonna do? idk Will there be food? yep! Will there be fun? yep! And that’s all that matters! We are letting the night unfold and allowing the Universe to surprise us. 🥰😎 #fairymooncraft #hsp #highlysensitiveperson #fairy #faery #spirtualbusinesscoaching #humandesignlife #spirtualbusinessowner #intutivebusiness #humandesigncoach #fairyshaman #emotionalintelligence #emotionalwellbeing #mindsetshift #onlinebusinesscoaching #womenwithpurpose #spirtualcoaching #stepintoyourpower #ambitiouswomen #spirtualpractice #createthelifeyoulove #femalefounders #onlinebusinesscoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLwexmJYzK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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So, after discovering that my Human Design chart showed a 3rd line profile…Which is all about experiences…I kept wondering what experiences I was here to share. I kept looking to the external world…😎 And then one day as I kept diving into the intricacies of my chart, I realized that everything pointed toward experiences within my inner world. 🤯 Ya ever been pondering a question and realize the answer was right there the whole time? Well yeah, that was me! 🤣 So for most of my life I thought everyone had this adventurous and wild inner world! I’m curious if you do too? Like, I’m read a book and I’m literally watching a movie in my mind as I’m reading! 🎥 And it wasn’t until I really started to tune into my inner world and “playing” in there that I realized just how magical the external world is! And that really, when you play in both worlds, there’s no separation between the two. They meld together and create one experience after another that creates a sense of joy and magic in your life around every corner. ✨🥰 So, that brings me to the Experienced Based Offering for those that relate to the term Highly Sensitive or Sensitive that I’m putting together. ✨ An offering that through the lens of Human Design, will shine light on the way you Uniquely express your energy through, that which others may call sensitivities. I like to think of them as superpowers! Matched with real time experiences that create the space for you to further develop your unique superpowers. I invite you to drop a ✨ into the comments if your interested! 🥰 #fairymooncraft #hsp #highlysensitiveperson #fairy #faery #spirtualbusinesscoaching #humandesignlife #spirtualbusinessowner #intutivebusiness #humandesigncoach #fairyshaman #emotionalintelligence #emotionalwellbeing #mindsetshift #onlinebusinesscoaching #womenwithpurpose #spirtualcoaching #stepintoyourpower #ambitiouswomen #spirtualpractice #createthelifeyoulove #femalefounders #onlinebusinesscoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLpKYJp2E0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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It all began when I was just a lil girl. I was dancing in the woods. Desiring with all my heart to feel a sense of joy. To feel less “weird”. And then before my eyes, 100’s of “magical beings” appeared! Some were running through the leaves. Others were hanging from the tree tops. All with their own personalities. I’ll never forget that first day the Fairies showed themselves to me! So many emotions had flooded through my system. You can imagine…I felt even more “weird” after that! Especially when the other kids kept asking me who I was talking to. Fast forward to now, I have come to realize that by embracing this weirdness, I have embraced enjoying an abundance of Joy in my every day life. Because you see, The Fairies love spreading joy! If joy is an emotion you enjoy embracing, Drop a 🍄 in the comments below! And a Fairy may just send you a surprise! ✨🧚‍♀️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CqIwcsyrv7-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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A great way to use this Aries energy on this warm day with the birds chirping…Spring clean up! For us, it’s all about making the yard safe for our small dogs to move around. So I’m out clearing up the sticks and prepping for spring time when my energy is naturally turning on. Which is when the sun starts going down! 🥰 Do you know what your Digestion Type is in your Human Design chart? Hint, mine is Indirect Light. In short, I thrive in the moonlight! #moon #moonconnection #Newmoon #fairymooncraft #hsp #highlysensitiveperson #fairy #faery #spirtualbusinesscoaching #humandesignlife #spirtualbusinessowner #intutivebusiness #humandesigncoach #fairyshaman #emotionalintelligence #emotionalwellbeing #mindsetshift #onlinebusinesscoaching #womenwithpurpose #spirtualcoaching #stepintoyourpower #ambitiouswomen #spirtualpractice #createthelifeyoulove #femalefounders #onlinebusinesscoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CqG0r5gLOqt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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Hey Hey! Welcome to the 1st Check in of 12 for our 28 Day Moon Activity! So you know what that means! We are officially at the half way mark for the Daily Moon in Aries. ♈️ I’m curious, did you notice when the moon shifted from Pisces to Aries? Have you noticed a shift in your mood over the last day or so? Or perhaps your body is simply feeling different? I invite you to let us know in the comments what, if anything you have experienced as the Moon Shifted! 🌙💕 #moon #moonconnection #Newmoon #fairymooncraft #hsp #highlysensitiveperson#spirtualbusinesscoaching #spirtualbusinessowner #intutivebusiness #fairyshaman #emotionalintelligence #emotionalwellbeing #mindsetshift #onlinebusinesscoaching #womenwithpurpose #spirtualcoaching #stepintoyourpower #ambitiouswomen #spirtualpractice #createthelifeyoulove #femalefounders #onlinebusinesscoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CqGYGT8Lo3-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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Hey hey! So What’s this 28 day Moon Activity all about? I invite you to read below! 🥰 So, I’m often feeling these shifts in emotions from day to day. And once I combined the knowledge I learned about Moonology with Human Design and added the layer of information about the “Highly Sensitive Trait”, it became clear to me that “many” of these shifts were just simply the moon shifting from one Astrological sign to another! 🌙 Having this information has aided in my ability to more easily find an ebb and flow from day to day. ✨ While also giving myself the grace to know that today the Moon “may” be influencing me to sleep more or have more alone time. Or it “may” be influencing me to party like it’s 1999! Hahah 😂 So this 28 Day Moon Activity is inviting you to see how the Moon “may” be influencing your emotions or energy levels from one sign to the next. 😎 And when you have a deeper understanding of this knowledge, you can more easily plan out your days in advance! 📖 So For the next 28 Days, we will simply be looking at the Daily Moon Flavor for the Collective. Maybe next Moon Cycle we will take it one step further and connect with the Houses as well. Let me know in the comments if you want to dive deeper in the Next Moon Cycle! 📖 And I’d love to know if you will be connecting with us throughout this next Moon Cycle?! 🙋‍♀️ #moon #moonconnection #Newmoon #fairymooncraft #hsp #highlysensitiveperson #fairy #faery #spirtualbusinesscoaching #humandesignlife #spirtualbusinessowner #intutivebusiness #humandesigncoach #fairyshaman #emotionalintelligence #emotionalwellbeing #mindsetshift #onlinebusinesscoaching #womenwithpurpose #spirtualcoaching #stepintoyourpower #ambitiouswomen #spirtualpractice #createthelifeyoulove #femalefounders #onlinebusinesscoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CqB6kGJL1Wl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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So I wanted to share with you, in all the moon knowledge I’ve learned thus far, it’s been the Daily Moon that I’ve really enjoyed connecting with! I’m curious, do you also feel emotional shifts in energy as the moon moves through each astrological sign? Cause I know I do and have my whole life. And ya know what? Usually, it’s just me or a couple of folks that I’m with that may feel these shifts as intensely as I do. You ever feel that way? You may just be experiencing the cycles of the Moon as they are shifting! Whoah! Ding ding ding! Well, I know one way to tell…. I’m officially inviting you to join us Starting Tuesday March 21st for the next Lunar Cycle. That’s about 28 days to be exact! The Daily Moon lasts about 2.5 days. So in the “middle” of each Daily Moon Cycle, I’m inviting you to check in with your body, emotions and mindset. During each check in, you could Journal about your current experiences in a notebook or share your experiences in the comment section for that particular Moon Cycle Post. Which reminds me, I’ll be posting in the “middle” of each 2.5 day cycle with the sign the moon is in and the details as to the flavor of that moon. I recommend to take your notes and compare to see how your emotions may just be flowing with the moon! So, I want to do a check in during the “middle” of the 2.5 cycle so that you have time to consciously tune into your mind, body and emotions. This will give you a chance to see how your emotions may be shifting without getting all into your head about the details of the Daily Moon. And really, This activity has been a great way for me to tune into the flow of the moon and understand myself in a much deeper way. Which is why I want to share it with you! Because Of course I love receiving insights to the “why? & how?” questions in life. That’s my curiosity coming out 🤣 More details to come! Are you excited?! #moon #Newmoon #fairymooncraft #hsp #highlysensitiveperson #fairy #faery #spirtualbusinesscoaching#spirtualbusinessowner #intutivebusiness #fairyshaman #emotionalintelligence #emotionalwellbeing https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_X98PrXom/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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So, I’m sitting here and I’m like, I wanna try something new! And since Tuesday is the First New Moon in the 12 month Lunar Cycle, it’s a wonderful time to try something new! So I’m curious, would you be interested in a Fairy Moon Craft Gathering on Tuesday right here on Instagram Live?? We can do a lil moon ceremony with the Fire Elementals to welcome in the New Moon! And Then Connect with their transformational energy in a Guided Journey. I’ll aim to keep it around a half hour or so. I’m curious, Does that sound like something your up for? Or What are your thoughts? If I get some yes’s, I’ll make it official! 🥰🧚‍♀️# *** As with most Fairy Moon Craft Gatherings, this would be Free to everyone with the option to Donate/Tip 🥰🧚‍♀️ #fairymooncraft #hsp #highlysensitiveperson #fairy #faery #spirtualbusinesscoaching #humandesignlife #spirtualbusinessowner #intutivebusiness #humandesigncoach #fairyshaman #emotionalintelligence #emotionalwellbeing #mindsetshift #onlinebusinesscoaching #womenwithpurpose #spirtualcoaching #stepintoyourpower #ambitiouswomen #spirtualpractice #createthelifeyoulove #femalefounders #onlinebusinesscoach https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_Mlpwr_zY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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So, we just shifted into the Pisces Moon almost 2 Hours ago. And Did you feel the energy shift?! I know I did! I was up, chit chatting away while crocheting 🧶 and suddenly, I felt like I wanted to lay down. While spending some time alone cuddled up on the couch and just listen to silence. That’s quite the shift in energy! I’m curious, Did your body shift at all with the Moon? 🌙 Incase your wondering, I’m still in a joyful mood! 🥰 I’m Just simply not social able right now. Although i’m giggling to myself right now cause I’m writing this post for you to read. 🤣 So why am I mentioning this energy shift I’ve felt? Well, it’s not new! Let’s start there. haha I’ve always had these “energy shifts” my whole life. And I always asked myself…”Why??” Well…It wasn’t until I learned about “highly sensitive people”, Human Design And Moonology that I discovered all the in’s and outs of why. Now when they happen, I honor them without questioning while leaning into the knowledge I’ve gained to find a sense of joy. And so, I wanted to share… I’m considering putting together a course of sorts for understanding the Unique Sensitives that you may express through the lens of Human Design. Would this be something that you would interest you perhaps? #hsp #highlysensitiveperson #fairy #faery #spirtualbusinesscoaching #humandesignlife #spirtualbusinessowner #intutivebusiness #humandesigncoach #fairyshaman #emotionalintelligence #emotionalwellbeing #mindsetshift #onlinebusinesscoaching #womenwithpurpose #spirtualcoaching #stepintoyourpower #ambitiouswomen #spirtualpractice #createthelifeyoulove #femalefounders #onlinebusinesscoach https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_DSW5p5IO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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I can smell joy in the air! 💕🍀 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp58zKerGBj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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So what routine has been working for me you might ask? Well, I’d love to share! It’s not so much about what I do, but more so about the timing and the environment I do it in. What do I mean by this? So the timing has played a major role. Cultivating this type of practice every single day when i first wake up and as the last thing I do before I go to sleep has been a game changer. And always doing this type of practice in a quiet calm environment. Some days I’ll even do this practice type in the late afternoon too. The practice itself changes but it’s always around the same idea. To bring my awareness into a state of simply being. And by doing this, I connect with the energy of love every time! This sometimes looks like general appreciation mixed with satisfaction statements. Like “My pillow feels really nice under my head. The blankets feel really soft on my skin. This is so nice having a comfortable bed to lay in.” Sometimes it looks like putting on a guided meditation by abraham hicks to put me to sleep or to wake up to. There’s some on Youtube. For waking up, I prefer one that has several min of silence at the end. 🧘‍♀️ If it’s an afternoon practice, I put on rain sounds or the washing machine sound in the Calm App. Or I take a journey to the Fairy Realm! 🧚‍♀️ Sometimes this looks like spending a few min to quietly gaze out the window and observe nature. And I always know when I do, the fairies will start showing up almost instantly! 🧚‍♀️ Sometimes this looks like utilizing the Reiki System and directly tuning into the frequency of love. 💕 Sometimes this looks like rubbing essential oil on my wrists and then taking time to just focus in on the wonderful smells. I love this method for an instant shift! Sometimes this looks like moving a crystal I’m called to throughout my entire Aura while I focus in on the sensations I’m feeling. And sometimes I mix and match. I’ve tried many different things and with my drive to try new things, I’m sure this list will grow or change over time. Are any of these practices something you already enjoy? And if so, how often do you enjoy doing them? 👇 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp3ZyEGrGcH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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Took ourselves out for a lovely walk on a lovely day! 🥰💕 Saw flowers peeking up!! and got into a lil conversation about seeing orbs at the corner of our eyes. 🧚‍♀️✨ Right when we were arriving home from our walk, I mentioned the Fairies were excited that we went out together for a walk. And that I could see them flying around as little orbs. Which led into a lil conversation about seeing orbs when feeling different emotions or after certain events. 😊✨ For me, it’s that sense of Joy that I feel as the orbs flutter around that let me know there’s Fairies getting my attention. They vibrate at this specific frequency that brings about this giddiness from within me. And that’s always one tall tell sign the Fairies are getting my attention!🧚‍♀️✨🧚‍♀️ #nature #fairies #fairy #snow #flowers #alignment https://www.instagram.com/p/CpvXkXfuzvv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fairymooncraft · 2 years ago
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Gate 10 in Human Design is all about coming into Greater Alignment with Love and radiating that Love back out into the world through your own Unique Self Expression 💕 Consistently choosing to focus on what you want. You know, what lights you up from the inside out! That’s a way to consciously practice self-love. Thus, come into greater alignment with love. 💕 What lights you up!? #humandesign #quantumhumandesign #alignment #selflove https://www.instagram.com/p/CpuIvG7unm4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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