fairsparrow · 2 years
Rebloging this to say that I loved him from the first page, when he still looked and acted like a little piece of shit :)
i dont trust ppl who only liked shigaraki once he got muscular, rich, powerful, & a deep voice........... it's giving shallow love interest in a movie about a sports star who only liked the protagonist for surface level shit when they were on top!
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fairsparrow · 2 years
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I will continue to build upon this list as time goes on. For now, I hope you find something useful!
Worldbuilding Prompt of the Day Tag
Brainstorming Series Posts
Magic Systems, Part One
Magic Systems, Part Two 
New Species
New Worlds 
New Cultures 
New Civilizations
Politics and Government 
Map Making 
Belief Systems & Religion
Guilds, Factions, Groups
War & Conflict
Science & Technology
Wildlife & Ecosystems
History & Lore
Creating long-lived species
Evolution of sexual reproduction in fictional species
Writing in a world without humans
Sounds non-sapient species can produce
Developing Fantastic Races (Link)
Creating Realistic Aliens and Their Worlds (Link)
Handling “Foreign” Language Within the Narrative
Developing Ancient Languages
Google Ngrams: tool for researching period-appropriate language
Astronomy/Planetary Physics
Multiple Moons Effect on Planet
Controlling the Biomes on your World (with Science!)
Controlling the Gravity on your World (also with Science!)
Giving Your World Fantastic Skies (Link)
Why Tatooine is Plausible: Orbitary Mechanics of Binary Star Systems (Link)
What if Earth Had Two Moons?
Map Making Photoshop Brush Set
How to develop a country when you don’t know where to start
Useful Geography Descriptors 
Creating a World with Realistic Terrain
Forest types (aesthetic)
Laying out Villages and Towns
Specific Settings
Differentiating between Ancient Times and Medieval Times
Tips and Ideas for Writing Post-Apocalypse
Worldbuilding when there’s no “world” present
General Worldbuilding
Words for sections within a city
Using Characters as Worldbuilding Tools
Creating Unique Cultures
Prioritizing Worldbuilding Details In the Narrative
Filling in the Details
Weaving in the Details (Link)
Creating Realistic Cultures (Link)
Being a God of Your Own World (Link)
How to Create a Fantasy World (Link)
Creating Fictional Currency 
Writing Prophecies Without Making Eyes Roll
Logistics of Mega-Cities in Fantasy
So You Have Too Much Worldbuilding Exposition…
Worldbuilding/Writing Quotes Tag
My personal writing playlist
Writing Pregnancy, Labor, and Birth (Link)
Using Indexes and Guides in your Novel
Writing in Multiple Points of View
How to Edit Your Own Writing (Link)
The Ultimate Guide to Worldbuilding (Link)
Avoiding Deus Ex Machina
Helpful Generators 
Vulgar - Conlang generator
City Generator
Seventh Sanctum - expansive SpecFic generator
Deity Generator
Guild/Clan name generator
Planet name generator
Random map generator
More personalized map generator
Prophecy Generator 
Technobabble Generator
SciFi Corporation Generator
Fantasy Calendar Generator (Multiple Moons, etc)
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