failtrollsdevdiaries · 4 months
Completed Sprite Sheet
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Completed Ravina Sprite Sheet. i think i need to add 2 more frames for a smoother walking animation.
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failtrollsdevdiaries · 4 months
Skills Analysis (11591)
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Figure 1 (Failsy avatar)
Strengths: Drawing and Sketching Problem Solving Game Analysis Story Writing
Interests: Game Design Drawing/Art Programing
Developed Skills: Unreal engine 4 Unity Paint Tool SAI Software skills
Experience/Activities: Diploma in Art intelligence and interactive games Freelance work with Literacy Planet Beginning a Bachelor in interactive digital games
Figures:  Figure 1 Failsy avatar
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failtrollsdevdiaries · 4 months
5 Year Plan (11591)
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Figure 1 (Failsy avatar)
My current 5 year plan.
Years 1 to 3, are mainly focused on studying for my Batchelors Degree.
Year 4, i want to found a indie studio to make my own games and projects.
Year 5, i want to have made my first small project, or be close to completing and be ready to publish.
Figures:  Figure 1 Failsy avatar
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failtrollsdevdiaries · 5 months
Manifesto (11591)
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Figure 1 (Failsy avatar)
Manifesto keywords; - titillating art - engrossing stories - fun and enjoyable products - self employed and funded - flexible and customizable
At this stage of my career development, I've been most focused on improvising my art and craft, in making character sprites for myself and for profit online.
My aim is to put these art pieces and skills towards making my own projects and game development in the future, either as a part of a company project, or in a independent project.
Figures:  Figure 1 Failsy avatar
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failtrollsdevdiaries · 5 months
AIM Certificate (11591)
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Figure 1 (AIM Certificate)
Figures:  Figure 1 AIM Certificate
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failtrollsdevdiaries · 5 months
Professional Orientation Introduction (11591)
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Figure 1 (Failsy avatar)
my name is Kynan Ross, i prefer to use the pseudonym ‘Failtrolls’ when on social media for personal reason’s, i have some experience in the unreal 4, UDK, and unity during my diploma and previous attempt at this degree, I'm more of an artist in general, trending towards a more anime aesthetic
i have very little experience with coding languages, as i learnt to use the blueprint system in unreal 4 to make a small game called ghostsweepers, a gallery shooter themed on vacuuming ghosts. and basic coding in unity after the completion of my vertical shooter assessment.
I'm not too sure what to expect from this unit, perhaps a better understanding of the industry and connections to secure employment in the games industry after this degree is complete
Figures:  Figure 1 Failsy avatar
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failtrollsdevdiaries · 6 months
sprite progress...
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procrastinated a lot on how i wanted to approach this, i decided to use DesignDoll to make a 3D reference for ravina, so i could take pic of that from the necessary angles and draw over them in my art program. gonna be a slow process to make all 12 base sprites...
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failtrollsdevdiaries · 6 months
New project experiment...
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ive been playing around with RPG Developer BAKIN, which is some what similar to RPG Maker, but with a 3D tile set and the choice of 2D billboard characters or 3D models. so far ive found that it can accept sprite sheets of any size, with a bit of messing about with some proof of concept sprites.
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and with some simple scripting, i can make the game swap my sprite sheet with a different one, very handy for what i hope to do, which is swap out outfits mid game.
the sprites currently being tested with are not mine, just some random ones i found on the net to see if this program could do what i want, will delete them soon once i finish ravina's sprite
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Week 13 Post 1
set to work on getting some pipeing across the walls and roof, using the three pieces i made repeatedly to make different pre fab configurations.
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i will need to add some point lights to make these light up the roof properly.
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Week 12 Post 2
working on some post processing stuff for feedback. i dont have a good grasp of most of the lighting in unity, as i was hoping to pull a lot of the ambient lighting from emissive light textures, but ive mostly failed in getting it to actualy light up the surrounding scene sadly, so ive resorted to placing in point lights.  
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the best i could figure out, using all the tutorials and forums i could find, was that in using the post processing stack i could add a bloom to the camera to pick up the emissive effect on this pipe i was planning to decorated the roof and upper walls with.
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the veiw port windows i added a transparent texture to that scrolled constantly like a holographic screen, and added point lights to each window so they let off a light to the surrounding area. 
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to light the rest of the scene, im going to employ a range of spot lights as downlights.
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Week 12 Post 1
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Started some post processing, even without the roof being finished. i set up a hologram effect on a plane to set in the window, and placed a point light in each window to simulate lighting from the holograms.
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the resulting effect looking like this while no other lights are in the scene.
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Week 11 Post 2
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all current ship parts that i have built so far for the star destroyer bridge, without textures. i still need to make a set of stairs, and roof tile to complete the sealed environment 
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Week 11 Post 1
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progress has been slow for a number of reasons, injury, tech failure, ect 
but i have more large pieces put together now, and have more focus on this project now. at this point, i have... 2? more pieces for the walls to make, then ceiling items. then i can focus on populating the area with equipment.
im unsure if i will get everything done at this point, but i will give it my best shot. 
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T10E3: Final Reflection
Prompt Question: Post up your thoughts on your game and what you plan to do to complete it in the coming weeks
at this point in time, i think im on track to finish quickly. my remaining tasks to replace/add are:
Sound Design: - 3 explosions - 2 weapons - 2 background music - 1 button sound Particle Effects: - Replacing Remaining Explosions Screen Letterboxing: - making the screen adjustable for PC monitors in full screen
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T10E2: Unique Progression
Prompt Question: Post up a screengrab of your unique development in Unity and reflect on your position in relation to your production schedule
so far, i have worked on replacing the player, hazard and background assets. i have also added several UI Screens for a start menu, pause menu, credits menu and a how to play screen. i think im well on track now with only a few more tasks left to tinker with.
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Figure 1 (Start Menu Screen Shot)
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Figure 2 (Controls Menu Screen Shot)
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Figure 3 (Gameplay Screen Shot)
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Figure 4 (Pause menu Screen Shot)
Figures: Figure 1 Start Menu Screen Shot Figure 2 Controls Menu Screen Shot Figure 3 Gameplay Screen Shot Figure 4 Pause menu Screen Shot 
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T10E1: Journal Feedback
Prompt Question: Reflect on your feedback your received from your tutor and document any last-minute changes you have made to meet the grading criteria
for the most part, the feedback on my journals so far has been positive, i need to go back and check on my APA practices, and its suggested that i remove my avatar picture from posts that would otherwise not have a picture. 
i think that was all the feedback remaining for my journals, as they were up to date as of the beginning of week 10.
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T10 Extra Post 1
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Figure 1 (unpainted golem arm)
Current progress on my replacement for the ‘asteroid’ hazard, im building a golem arm to flt down the screen like a missile.
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Figure 2 (painted golem arm)
i painted it in substance, and i think it looks pretty good ^w^
Figures: Figure 1 unpainted golem arm  Figure 2 painted golem arm 
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