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Laurisilva Lights by Oliver Wehrli
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gentle spring rain 🌸 🌾 🌱 🌧
sources: ✿ ✿ ✿
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So... I have a beautiful bunny I love him so much
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A family's bond can be one of the strongest relationships you have. Make sure to cherish it.
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the glitch says "you think i know what a panini is" i think it's a reference to the "can i get a f***in uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" thing
Thank you (and the other anon that also translated) so much!! 💞💞Though... the what thing?
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Ỳ̷͢͠O̷̴̕͝U͏̢̧̀͜ ̸̢͘҉͞T̶̴̢H̴͟I҉̴̶̕N̡̛̛K̨҉̷̡ ̵̷͠I̧ ͞͏̵̡̢K̛҉͝Ņ̴͏O̷̵W̶͠ ̸̛͡Ẁ̢́͘͠H̷̀A҉̢͜T̛҉ ͘͠A҉̸͜ ̶͟͢͡P͢͞Á̧́͡N̵͜͞I҉̧͜͡Ǹ̕͟Í͟͝͞ ̸̴͡I͏̡͜͟Ş̶ ̛́͝|̸̕͜͏|̶̕͘͏|̧̡͡͝|̵͟͝͡͝|̶̨̨͢|̸͠͞͞|̶̶̕͟|̵҉|̷̨̡̧̢|̴̡|̴̧̡́|̷̢|̷́͢͡|̛́|̴̸
With all due respect... What
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I think... Now that I'm not as surrounded by negative influences and I've taken steps to focus on myself and feeling better, I'm going to try to fix up this blog and get it to how it used to be. It used to be a fun creative outlet with kind and loving friends. I want that again. I lost sight of the blog's purpose, I got confused and scared. But now I think I can properly fix this blog back up. I've gone back and deleted a lot of negative posts- as much as I could without remembering too much bad drama, and I'm going to start trying to post suggestions and interacting with people I care about in this community again. Also! I'm also going to try to revive my role play blog, @faeprincerp, which I highly encourage anyone who wants to stop by and maybe send a starter! 💞 I love you guys.
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Let the wind blow through your hair. You are free
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Feel the power of the earth between your bare toes, darling.
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Guys, I- It's been an entire year since this blog was created. I... I don't really know how to word, but for those of you who have stuck by my side and shown me love and support when I needed it, who have stayed during both the good and bad times, and even to those who have only just followed. Thank you so, so much. I love you guys.
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Feel the gentle sun rays, guiding, pulling you home.
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Helping those around you is incredibly rewarding, but know your own limits. Rest when necessary. You can’t help anyone if your thoughts are clouded by exhaustion.
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