given this blog is a shit fest of crack & other I revamped him on another blog You can find the shed lover on
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given this blog is a shit fest of crack & other I revamped him on another blog You can find the shed lover on
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Smol Hiatus
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So I’ve been having trouble getting muse for Brian, hence the lack of activity. So I’m putting him on a small hiatus till I get the muse back. If anyone wants to find me, I’ll either be on my Multi(where I moved Rick), SPN, Preacher, TVD, Kong Skull Island, Alpha or Bartleby.
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A broken vessel. An empty shell. What is a man without mind? Without memory? A ghost? A body, in search of a soul? With no compass to guide us, how can we know if our destiny is to seek the good… or obey the demons that whisper in our ear? The blank slate hungers to be written upon. The body thrives when the heart has a mission.
Featuring muses from Heroes, Alias, iZombie, Suburgatory, The Vampire Diaries, Peaky Blinders, Dexter and The Revenant.
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Surprise was far from how he’d describe feeling when he saw RICK fucking GRIMES at the gates of Alexandria. He had long since suspected Rick to be dead after the raid on the prison, something the FORMER Governor was beginning to regret. It cost him everything, and was close to COSTING him his life. Funny how two near death experiences can change a man. One hand on his hip, BRIAN BLAKE nodded. “Fresh start maybe? I ain’t here to FIGHT ya, Rick. Now I’ve done some bad shit to you and your people, shit I know now was UNDESERVED.”
                                         ↪ fadedliar hit the ღ
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╟ ☣ ╢Rick held his head in a way that allow the leader to look out over the nearby scenery. A guarded expression upon his face as a jaw flexes when teeth grind together ever so slightly. An aggravated movement accompanying the sway of the man’s body when resting weight more heavily on his right leg. ❝What the hell do you want?❞ Rick manages to keep his tone even despite the look he tosses at the other not far from where he stood.
{{ @fadedliar​ }} ๑۩ ۩..
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I really don’t give a fuck about anyone. But baby, I’d give everything for you.
(via manonthegalaxy)
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“How EMBARRASSING!          there they are– they were          inside you the  w h o l e time.
You DID have guts!          I’ve never been so wrong in my WHOLE LIFE.”
                                                                                                                                                                 promo banner credit: (x)
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Righty-o I am gonna pop off and make more icons seeing as I only have like 12 Will be active over on Alpha --> here, if anyone wants to plot something out for your muse and Brian~
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Lips twitched up into a slight GRIN. “Guess we will. If you’re plannin’ to wait till I fuck up, you’ll be waitin’ a LONG time.”
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“Almost dyin’ TWICE is a real good kick into reality. No point killin’ each other when the DEAD are tryin’ to do that for us.”
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‘ I don’t believe you , but I guess we’ll just have t’wait and see . ’
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“Almost dyin’ TWICE is a real good kick into reality. No point killin’ each other when the DEAD are tryin’ to do that for us.”
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“Same REASON I’m assumin’ you are. Lookin’ for a fresh start.”
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‘ Finally done slaughterin’ people , or are y’just puttin’ that aside fer a little while ‘til you get bored’a this place ? ’
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“Same REASON I’m assumin’ you are. Lookin’ for a fresh start.”
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“From the LOOKS of things, they ain’t any of YOURS either.”
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‘ Why’re you here again ? ’ Rick wanted to shoot him . Hand twitched above the colt , but he stayed put for now .
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“From the LOOKS of things, they ain’t any of YOURS either.”
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“Now, I could say the SAME ‘bout your boy. Been watchin’ you folks for a while now, ya don’t seem very concerned ‘bout his lil’ CONDITION.”
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‘ His eye’s none of yer business . ’
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Kid you can have all the pudding you want You name it, you get it.
That’s the spirit We’ll blow ‘em all up then go get some dessert, any preferences?
A gallon of canned chocolate pudding always makes my insides go weak and wobbily, especially with just one shoe on. That seems to be the cherry on top. 
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hxtdiggitydxg replied to your post: ancthermcnster: fadedliar: Course I mean army...
Too late :)))
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That’s the spirit We’ll blow ‘em all up then go get some dessert, any preferences?
Course I mean army tanks. Only the best tanks for my kids. We can blow up whoever you like, son. Your father is definitely top of my list. If he’s neglecting to give you dessert, he has to go.
Well if we are busy anyway, might as well do that Negan guy too. Good riddance. 
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Course I mean army tanks. Only the best tanks for my kids. We can blow up whoever you like, son. Your father is definitely top of my list. If he’s neglecting to give you dessert, he has to go.
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fadedliar replied to your post: fadedliar: ancthermcnster liked your post:A heads…
I can get you a tank kid, all kids like tanks. tanks are cool.
“Please tell me we are talking army tanks, and not tank tops because the latter are not cool. Also who are we going to blow up? My father? I mean, I haven’t had dessert for a while so I suppose it is fair..”
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officxrfrixndly replied to your post: You need to stop adoptin' my kids. You've got...
don’t yOU DARE!!!
@theprixrity Hey good lookin’ You wanna be adopted?
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