factorio bobs mods download work RNU4&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 › mod › vq-modpack-bobs › downloads. Contains dependencies on almost all Angel and Bob mods. This mod does nothing by itself. , , Download, 1 year, 9 months ago, Modpack bobs Modules · ▽ Download for v · ▽ Download for v · ▽ Download for x. › download › mods › boblibrary Bob's Vehicle Equip Bob's Vehicle Equipment HOT. A range of equipment for use in vehicles of Bob's Mods. Information. Created Alterar idioma. Instale o Steam. Conquistas globais. I have about hours into this game and I've beaten factorio one time. Got the rocket launched and everything. The problem with this mod pack is that the early game is fairly terrible. I don't know if the middle game is any better. Then you have one of the biggest problems with Angels specifically. So you finally got iron and copper working. Simple right? Then you quickly realize that the copper is never used on anything and you don't have iron because it's being backed up. So you look for recipes that require copper. The problem is that every recipe that needs copper requires iron. Well that's a paradox, isn't it? So basically, the mod creator uses vanilla recipes for a lot of items. The problem with vanilla recipes is that they obviously aren't balanced for modifications to the game. For example, all the mod creator would've had to do would be to double the rate at which you need copper for a lot of the recipes. That would be so bleeping simple to do, a blind programming monkey with a keyboard could've done it. And then you get to mk 2. Which the ability to make a single resource by combining two ores together. The problem with this system is that it expects the player to rip their entire factory they spent hours on apart and start over from the begning. This was the point where I quit the mod forever and stopped playing. Then you have the slag issue. The slag issue requires you to get sufuric acid which is the ninth circle of hell. Alternatively, you can crush the slag into crushed stones. There's just no winning at this modpack. Personally, I would rather pull my eyes out then play this again. And yeah, I can google tutorials and stuff. But honestly, I don't really feel compelled to. With the original vanilla Factorio, I felt encouraged to play more of it. CMH Ver perfil Ver mensagens. I don't get the OP. You install a mod-pack whose whole idea is to increase the difficulty of the game Next up, OP uses a mod that simplifies things Escrito originalmente por fractalgem :. Escrito originalmente por Padded Gamer :. Escrito originalmente por marijn :. Escrito originalmente por CMH :. Huillam Ver perfil Ver mensagens. Cadde Ver perfil Ver mensagens. Op has a point about copper early game. And a few other resources that one has to stockpile for later use. For example, at the moment i have 30 or so pressurized tanks k fluid just sitting there waiting to be used and they are growing in numbers. But that's part of the challenge. You'd be better off spending a lot of resources on storage early game because you are going to need that storage late game anyways. And yes, i have millions of units of copper ore stored but that's going to disappear later on when i get into the next stages. You are just used to playing vanilla and by the way, vanilla has a copper problem early game too! But at least you can leave it in the ground. Anyways, point is If you don't like it then don't play it but for the love of all that's holy. Vanilla is bland, boring, lacks depth and shouldn't be played by anyone. Except i don't whine. I simply find what works for me and move on. StormyStrife Ver perfil Ver mensagens. Copper's used for quite a lot honestly. Nickjet45 Ver perfil Ver mensagens. Mensagens: Mod Space Exploration. Error Report for Mod creators. Todos os direitos reservados.
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