face-down-fiction ¡ 9 years ago
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i clearly have a problem because i can’t stop drawing my stoner au versions of stiles and derek. i would say i’m sorry, buuut….. i’m not. haha
i don’t even really have a clever caption for this. i just like to imagine these two getting faded to the tune of shlohmo and then not being able to keep their hands off of each other.
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face-down-fiction ¡ 10 years ago
This is a commission for asongofdespair, who wanted stevetony where steve and tony were neighbours. This rolls in at 3k.
Steve has heard it a million times: people don’t know their neighbours in New York.
Sometimes, he wishes it was true. Now is one of those times, as Steve cracks his eyes open, grudgingly awake at the sound of the fire alarm blaring through the building. For a moment he considers shoving his head under his pillow until it dies down, and he’s lowering the pillow over his face when he hears his door open.
Steve groans into his pillow. “What, who is it, fuck off.”
Footsteps, only audible when the fire alarm pauses in between shrieks, approach Steve on his roll-out couch and then a hand is flicking Steve in the shoulder.
Steve swats out in the direction of the hand, his palm hitting something solid that says, “Ow,” in Tony’s voice, sounding more tired than hurt.
Steve lets Tony tug the pillow off his face. 
Steve squints up at Tony, who is wearing a shirt that has so many napalm burns it’s showing off half of his chest, a pair of ratty sweatpants Steve thinks belonged to Bruce at some point, and no shoes. He looks just as tired as Steve, if not moreso.
He also has something black and sticky in his hair, and Steve reaches up to catch it in his fingers and comb some of it out, getting the black gunk under his nails as he does.
“Just checking you’re not burning alive,” Tony says as Steve combs, and then stops, his jaw cracking around a yawn. “C’mon.”
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face-down-fiction ¡ 10 years ago
This is a commission for starksrogers, who wanted stevetony mistaken identity fic with dick pics. This rolls in at 3k.
Steve doesn’t do well with blind dates, but he goes on them, mainly to keep his mother happy.
His most recent one ends with him coming back to her apartment and nearly reporting her on how she treated her dog, and ultimately ending up with Steve taking said dog home and adopting it the next night.
It’s an awkward phone call to Ma.
“Hey, Ma,” Steve says when he answers, and expects it when they’ve gotten over the usual ‘how are things.’
“How was Brianna?”
“She was lovely,” Steve says, trying to sound as bright as possible. Apparently he doesn’t put enough pep in it, because his mother sighs.
“What happened?”
“Uh,” Steve says, and looks down when Gizzard whines and butts her head against his leg. She barks, and Steve covers the receiver, but not in time.
“Is that a dog?”
“…Yeah,” Steve admits, after considering lying and deciding he’s too tired for the amount of effort it would take to lie convincingly to his mother.
“Did you get a dog, Steve?”
“Why do you sound so uncomfortable?”
“It’s Brianna’s dog.”
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face-down-fiction ¡ 10 years ago
STEREK / Drugged! Derek whispering in Stiles' ear all the sweet, filthy things he has always dreamed of doing to him, since the first time he saw him ..
So this one might’ve gotten away from me a bit.
“The way you smell…” Derek’s slumped half-against Stiles, half against the side of the Jeep, barely conscious and all dead weight while Stiles fights to hold him up and get the keys in the lock at the same time.
There are hunters out there, the same hunters that had shot the tranq dart in Derek’s neck while they’d been out patrolling. It wouldn’t take long to track them down; they’d been painfully slow in making it back to the Jeep. Derek had started out mostly alright but had gotten clumsier, giddier as the drug kicked in in earnest. At one point he’d tripped over some edge of a root, fallen to his butt on the forest floor, and glowered at the offending bramble with a look of such indignance that Stiles had nearly forgotten the danger, the urge to take a picture and maybe make it his phone, lock screen, and laptop background too strong to resist.
Then Derek had lifted his eyes from the root to Stiles and announced “I am not clumsy” before pushing himself back to his feet, almost tripping over the same root the second he was back upright.
Stiles had hoisted one muscled arm over his shoulder, grunting out an “of course not, big guy,” and Derek had been going downhill on the consciousness spectrum ever since. In fact, Stiles had been pretty sure Derek was entirely unconscious until he’d spoken up. He definitely hadn’t been helping Stiles drag his ass those last four steps or so.
“Wait, dude, did you seriously woke up right now just to tell me I smell bad?” Victory! They key is in the lock, the door is tugging open. “Because if I’m sweaty that’s one hundred percent your fault for making me drag your two hundred pound werewolf hide through the forest.”
Derek’s lips curl against Stiles’ ear, making Stiles realize suddenly that Derek’s close enough for Stiles to feel him against his ear. He flinches back, shoving him at the passenger seat before ducking around to the driver’s side of the Jeep.
When he gets inside, Derek’s managed to pull himself in and tug the door shut, and he’s fumbling with the seatbelt like he remembers it has a purpose but he’s not quite sure what that is.
“You’re stronger than you look,” he says abruptly, head lolling away from the puzzle of the seatbelt. Stiles’ hands freeze on his own. “You look like I could pin you down so easy. Make you twist and squirm.”
He says it like it’s nothing, and Stiles swallows around a sudden dryness in his mouth, his hand clenching on the belt because Derek doesn’t have any clue what he’s saying right now, doesn’t have any idea what his own words are sounding like. If he did…
Derek’s moving suddenly, ducking toward him fast, one hand bracing on the seat just past Stiles’ shoulder, leaning close until Stiles feels Derek’s breath back on his neck.
“You smell even better now.” His voice is a rumble that vibrates straight into Stiles and stays there, rattling around in his chest, his lungs, low in his belly. He feels strangely restless as Derek’s head drops to nuzzle heavily against Stiles’ temple. “God, I’d take you in my mouth right here. I think you’d probably let me.” His free hand goes to rest on Stiles’ chest, right over his rabbiting heart, and he hums softly, his lips grinning again. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”
Stiles lets out a high, rough noise when Derek’s stubbled jaw ducks to run down the length of his neck, when his mouth opens, wet and warm and shockingly soft against his collar.
“Holy… what the fuck, Derek? Did they dose you with some creepy sex pollen dart or something?”
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face-down-fiction ¡ 10 years ago
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Source: http://www.karmatoons.com/drawing/drawing.htm
Some tutorials that have become very important to me. I thought I might as well share these with others too. 
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face-down-fiction ¡ 10 years ago
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{ this is a skill i’ve been using a lot lately, thought i’d share :) }
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face-down-fiction ¡ 10 years ago
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Rotatable 3D models for artists
Includes torso, head, foot, and various hand poses - select from menu on the right!
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face-down-fiction ¡ 10 years ago
incredibly long crosscountry train ride AU
police procedural AU
bookstore AU
reluctant teammates that save the world together AU
platonic living together AU
lawyers AU
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face-down-fiction ¡ 11 years ago
Things almost every author needs to research
How bodies decompose
Wilderness survival skills
Mob mentality
Other cultures
What it takes for a human to die in a given situation
Common tropes in your genre
Average weather for your setting
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face-down-fiction ¡ 11 years ago
The final chapter to my fanfiction! 
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face-down-fiction ¡ 11 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers Characters: Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers, Nick Fury Additional Tags: Mindless Fluff Summary:
Steve meets Peggy again after 70’s years, how will it go?
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face-down-fiction ¡ 11 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers Characters: Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers, Nick Fury Additional Tags: Mindless Fluff Summary:
Steve meets Peggy again after 70's years, how will it go?
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face-down-fiction ¡ 11 years ago
Steve/Tony - Smut/Fluff (Late B-Day Present for EM1REE)
i owe u a b-day present (((hit that good kush too hard yeahyeahxx)))
it’s not that long but it’s something ily <3
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face-down-fiction ¡ 11 years ago
Steve/Tony - NSFW
i just really needed some rough sex 
this is what i wish would’ve happened when steve and tony fought on the helicarrier
so here we go
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face-down-fiction ¡ 11 years ago
Steve/Tony - Fluffy Ficlet
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face-down-fiction ¡ 11 years ago
My new stony fanfiction, it's complete shit, but I hope you enjoy it.
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face-down-fiction ¡ 11 years ago
About to post a Stony fluff fic on fan fiction, ughhh get ready for the shitfest. *facepalm*
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