fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
I agree, I've been staying away from most people because of it. The last thing this town needs is an epidemic. 
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
Corny, very corny; but seeing as I've been drinking Nyquil for the last two days, I can't help but smile. I wouldn't mind that actually. Thank you Tobias. 
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  I can come keep you company, if you’d like. I can’t do much about bringing the inside to you, but I can at least bring a smile.
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
I'm bored, and quite upset these last few days have been spent with me inside with a cold. It's been far too nice outside for my days to be wasted. I am not happy what so ever. 
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
I guess it is only fair I submit to one stereotype for a women like myself; and if it means I get someone like you, then yes, I like bad boys. 
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Steroids? They back off because I am a women who will not let a man disrespect me, boyfriend or not. I do not need a title to do such a thing. Like you don't now. That will not be happening. Vegas is tacky, and I don't do tacky.
  You always knew I was a man whore, good job you like a bad boy. 
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I’m buff, you should see my arms, the gym and steroids do a good ob. I guess I could get over my ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ cliche hate if you say it and get the dudes to back off. Plus that means I have to whisper dirty things in your ear. She’s a pain in the ass, we can sneak off to vegas for our wedding, you never have to meet her.
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
Sebastian Smythe? Well in that case, I can only imagine it was an evening worth while then. 
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Oh how I missed having sleepovers.
  Well it wasn’t with another girl. It was with Seb. He’s my best friend. I didn’t realize he was going to be here for this so we decided to have a sleepover to catch up
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
I would suggest steering clear from junk food. The empty carbs and sugar will do nothing for your figure, and  home cooked meal is always more satisfying. 
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I’m actually starving. I can’t wait to get home and cook something. I’m craving junk food but it’s probably not the best idea.  
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
Always succeeding above and beyond in those aspects. 
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Body builder? Since when did you add that to your agenda? I can tell them that now without boyfriend. Not at all. I guess I will, luckily I don't want to meet her that much...
  A lot more then you probably want to know about. 
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I want you as my girl, like just us and if any of these loser dudes as you out then you get to say no, my hot, sexy, body builder boyfriend will knock you out. Staring at your butts a problem? I’ve been good, I just need material for the spank bank. We can’t see parents until holidays or the marriage, guess if you want to meet my mom you’ll have to marry me, won’t you?
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
How many times has that line worked? 
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I didn't ask for it, so don't worry. I was merely pointing out 'crap' came after boyfriend, so don't act like you're thrilled for such a prospect. Yes I have, because I like where we are now. Do you not? I know you've been quite busy staring at my butt or figuring out various ways to get back into my panties; but I am quite the bitch myself. In fact, I like a challenge. She can hate me, and my cross; but it will not stir me for my love of God, or you.
  No, make me. 
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You can’t get at me for the boyfriend stuff because you’ve made it pretty clear I won’t be that for you. We’re just going out on dates and nothing more according to you, you’ve turned my offers down loads of times. Shes a bitch, seriously. She told me to bring hold a nice jewish wife when I came because so I think she might rip into you as soon as she sees that cross around your neck. She’s crazy, you don’t want to meet her. 
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
I never liked them. Little girls squealing over stupid things - no matter the age - I never saw fitting. I usually lead them in bible study or accumulating some brain cells. 
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Oh how I missed having sleepovers.
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
The 64...
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I didn’t bring the right cords for the 64. It looks like I’m going to have to find something else to do to kill time.
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
S: And I completely agree with that, this whole law is a joke, to make teenagers marry someone within the year and have babies? That only happens on the big screen. Not sorry. The only way this marriage law would work is if we were injected with a drug that gave us peter pan syndrome.
S: There is no reason to be closed about sex, I mean, we all do it, we all will at one point in our life. While, again, i do agree porn gives way to many unrealistic expectations of sex, I will never be able to fold myself in such ways for pleasure, and even if I could, why would I waste the time? Sex should not be able how many positions I can twirl myself and my partner into.. It is about the connection between a man and his partner and vice versa. The thought of sex is uncomfortable and those who even have the slightest thought I could mimmick porn, are not worth my time.
Q: I wish I had some sympathy for the poor souls that believed in such a 'fairytale'; but I have always found it absolutely demoralizing as a women they think projecting a man on me and controlling my womb was some kind of 'answer' to the trials our government is going through. Peter Pan Syndrome? I call it stupid.
Q: Have you ever watched porn? You amaze me Sebastian, I thought the last of us with half a brain were had gone extinct.
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
Would you shut up. 
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It means I am only talking to you on an intimate level and going on dates with you. As far as my love life is concerned, you are the only one apart of it. What does it mean on your part? Crap? Well good thing we won't be rushing that because I don't want to put your through boyfriend crap. I am a very persuasive girl thank you very much. Never? That's unfair! If we're suppose to marry it's only right I get to meet the women who birthed you. I am always cute, so you're correct.
  Maybe I should make you scream my name again so you remember…
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What does being my girl mean? You’re still telling me to fuck other chicks when I’m trying to be half decent here. I don’t want to share you Q, just me and you until your ready for that whole boyfriend crap. Of course, but good luck trying to get them out of her. You’re never meeting that crazy women. I nwant to see them, bet you were a cute chubby kid. 
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
I plead the fifth. And shower? I just have no idea what you are talking about...
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Well then speak up. I'm not your mother or some sort of dictator. If you've suddenly lost the will to speak then so be it, but I will not conform to things I do not feel comfortable with or am ready for. Haven't I already agreed to be your girl? Your mother doesn't have baby photos? I was a chunky little girl, but of course still cute. That sounds perfect to me.
  So you don’t want me? That hurts Q and isn’t lying a sin? Pretty sure you enjoyed the shower….
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You never listen to what I want though, all this is on your terms. You know I don’t want that, thats all you deciding where we’re at. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. No baby photos though, I don’t have any, ever. I was a cute kid, I wasn’t fat. Tomorrow night?
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
S: i think that is what most people fear, Dear Quinn. That once we are all settled and over that the chase will end and there will be nothing to go off of. It's the one haunting thing about marriage, about spending your life with someone even though they are everything you want in life.
S: I like the thought of sex as much as the next guy, but I'm 19 and I've still held myself out for the right woman or man, I intend to keep myself pure of sex, one because I want to have it right and with the one i trust with my life, and two the process of sex is ungodly messy. Not to mention you get sweaty and disgusting in the process..
Q: Marriage is haunting because it's the end all. You reach a peak then expected to some how carry it out for years to come. While I believe monogamy is great in theory, being a realist I find it hard to believe it can be anything but some fairytale. I respect what God and my ancestors were trying to put in place when building the structure of marriage, but humans can only fight their natural instinct for so long. I mean natural as an excuse to cheat, lie, and ruin the very foundation of family. I find marriage, this law, and everything else absolutely stupid and established by morons.
Q: You're a virgin too? Wow, I don't think I have ever met a man who was so open about it and understood it's quite uncomfortable. While porn has mislead the masses, once again we probe to be the 1% that understand it's not all overzealous yelling and pretzel positions.
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
Are you always so cheery? 
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  Right. I suppose I could do that. Thanks for the advice.
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
Quinn Fabray. New to this town or this site?
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Suppose I should say hello.
  Hi there. I’m Rachel. Who might you be?
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fabrayinnocence-blog · 10 years
I do not appreciate such lies being strung along with me name. Now if I did want that, it would occur though. 
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Do you not like my rules? I've told you plenty of times I am not holding you back from seeking company else where. Please tell me that's not my new nick name. Will you tell me about yourself too? Oh and baby pictures, I need to see Puckerman in all his baby fat glory. I promise I won't laugh too loud though. When is this date? 
  Lies, you totally want me. Like in the kitchen, the bathroom…
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Its not rules, its things we want to follow, your own rules. Good, I like you as my girl. My blonde hottie. Okay, I’m sorry I’ve been thinking with my dick. How about this I’ll take your fine ass out to some nice restaurant and you can tell me all about you. We’ll talk, dance and kiss on your doorstep.
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