f34rgo · 7 months
022624 6:26 ghost - megumi acroda
parents shave the plateau every 5 months
burning pile of grass looks like the city of pompeii
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f34rgo · 9 months
cursed carnival and other calamities being the first book i bought in my life
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f34rgo · 9 months
i think i have a passion for party songs. or it's lady gaga
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f34rgo · 9 months
Here is my controversial mental health take of the day: your negative emotions are not the problem, its the way you handle them that becomes the problem. You being jealous that your friend hung out with someone else and didn't tell you, is actually not the problem. It's when you choose to get angry with them, yell & lash out, or passive aggressively do something they hate to get revenge, or when you ignore them and isolate and self harm, those are all harmful ways to cope with your feelings. Rather than react, take the time to validate yourself, because it's normal to feel jealous or left out and chances are that there are deeper abandonment wounds that are triggered here, probably from your childhood. Take a moment to pause before you react. Then try a direct and open communication to your friend instead. Because I guarantee you they'll respond so much better to you opening up a conversation with, "hey, I felt left out when you hung out with so-and-so without me, can we talk about that? And maybe hang out soon?" Rather than the now laborious and torturous emotional work of having to feel guilty for your rage when you lash out or get revenge. Splitting is normal, because who doesn't get pissed off at someone you're close with? Your switching emotions from highly affectionate to devaluation are not the problem. Everyone gets disgusted & hurt by someone they love at some point in our lives, especially small offenses, I guarantee you chances are that person isn't doing it on purpose and would gladly like to know how you feel, these emotions and conversations are normal and necessary for humans to have. But the inability to clearly and directly communicate your feelings and needs to that person when you are hurt is what makes it toxic. You can absolutely learn how to handle your reactions in a safer manner, how to identify when you're feeling hurt, and how to communicate and ask for clarity and resolution rather than react and escalate. Communication is the backbone of every relationship you will ever have. This is what the emotional work of most personality disorders looks like.
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f34rgo · 9 months
who are firing these fireworks abd for what
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f34rgo · 9 months
conflicted if i have npd or bpd symptoms
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f34rgo · 9 months
i have to let go. i have to be compassionate to my brothers, my parents, family and others. we are all one. we are a mass. we must seek to understand and see the good. only see the good.
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f34rgo · 9 months
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