f0rturnes · 1 hour
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f0rturnes · 9 hours
FEATURING    ›    OPEN [ 0 / 4 ] .ᐟ ֹ LOCATED AT    ›    THE GARRISON he's not the bartender rn btw.
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it wasn't often artie hung around the same place paying him. often fucked off, avoided the faces he's came to remember. ( faces, never names. not many of them struck him with a weight worth carrying ). never say never, though. here, sat at his own table with his second whiskey. he's preoccupied with a news article on his phone ; past report from the bear's very own blood. a break in, a burglary at the very last place artie would expect. still, briefly, there's a hint of a smirk. something about the boldness―
hears footsteps gaining proximity towards his table. smirk instantly evaporates, tucking back into the creases in his face. the turn of his head slow. pointed. artie doesn't say a word until he's looking at them. " out of all the tables, this is your choice ? " gaze from shoe and back to face. " if you're here to complain about a drink or ask me to add a special touch ... forget it. "
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f0rturnes · 10 hours
they're leaving for the night, luckily able to give a handful of recommendations and insights. wishes they'd had the time to stow away on the clock, but things couldn't always go birdie's way. at least they slipped out with a new book borrowed. it gets tucked into their bag. right next to the four times over dogeared book they're been nose-deep in for weeks. best way to avoid the reliving of a haunt ? ignore the shady haze clinging to their window ? drift off somewhere else in printed text.
double checks everything as they round the desk. two notebook in their bag, two books, some scraps of newspaper articles and three pens. with that, he walks to the door and practically skitters down the steps. there's a brief moment while they're walking that they think they see a silhouette to the left, just at the buildings' corner. marks it off as a trick of the mind ; remnants of something nonexistent. however, they couldn't be more wrong. one turn on their heel and― " oh - " sharp breathed gasp, " my god. " birdie nearly jumps out of their skin, taking at least three steps back at the sight of kieran. if he'dspoke it doesn't register to them. too busy clutching their shirt and getting their bearings. he is, in fact, real and in the flesh. " kieran. you... you hang around here ? you should've ― warned me, texted. or something ! "
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f0rturnes · 12 hours
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this day wasn't different than any other. nadine, post shift and tips stuffed into her little handbag, wanders off to the words. small notebook clutched in hands, a slight skip in her step. definitely stands out on the hiking trail. something wistful to them, idea stirring behind seeking eyes for a place to tuck away. it takes her about twenty minutes of searching before a patch of trees catches interest. far enough away from the main trail, but steps easy to retrace back to it. a slight smile to herself, hastened steps which lead to the snap of a twig and —
the notebook nearly tumbles from her fingers, lost to the grass and dirt. stumbles, ungracefully, quick with readjusting herself. no, the voice didn't spook her at all. she's never been spooked before. she smiles despite it all. " weird? no ... no, not at all. i think i stand out more than you - sneaking up suddenly. and ... you know. " eyes stray to where her finger traces a carving. eyes shifting in question, taking a moment to seriously consider her opinion. " maaaaaybe... hmm. looks a bit old. " seems forlorn as she answers. nadine would rather not think of the strangers end. hypothetical or not. " i think it's best to leave it — let them be part of the tree. lost to time or wistfully aging. "
steps closer towards the tree and therefore to her. recognizes the face briefly. thinks she's seen her on the trail before, passed her by without stopping to chat. blinks, a few times. " — you hike here often? think i've brushed shoulders with you before. "
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where: the great bear wilds
who: open to anyone!
when ivy first moved to bearhold she felt out of her depth. she was used to narrow streets and the every present background noise of road works. but that was over a decade ago. she has long grown accustomed to the lush greenery and wide open spaces of bearhold.
ivy enjoyed hiking in the great bear wilds. she loved taking in the breathtaking scenery as she walked and liked that she could be alone in comfortable solitude. she often stopped as she walked so she could observe little details. she was running a finger over tree bark when she heard a twig snap. "hello?" she called out as she turned her attention away from the tree. "sorry i know this looks weird but I was looking at this." she removed her hand from the tree, took a step back so the other person could get a better look at it and pointed at what she was observing (the initials sb + lf carved into the tree next to a small carving of a heart). "i wonder what those two are doing now. i hope they're still together and happy if they're still alive."
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f0rturnes · 13 hours
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keanu reeves,  60  /  563,  cis male,  he/him   𐫱     ›   hey, isn’t that artorius “artie"  faulker? i’ve heard that they’ve lived in bearhold for ten years. rumor has it that they can be rather abrasive and deceitful, but hey, that’s just in their nature as a demon. they totally make up for it by being eccentric and adaptable. if you’re looking for them, you can probably find them at their work as a bartender at the garrison.
full name ◦ artorius faulker [ originally, arlecchino / alichino ]. nicknames ◦ artie [ the harlequin ]. date of birth ◦ came into existence on november 4th. zodiac ◦ scorpio. cunt sun. bitch moon. bastard rising. age ◦ presents as 60, 563 in actuality. gender ◦ cis male. pronouns ◦ he/him. species ◦ demon. sexuality ◦ that's for you to figure out. occupation ◦ bartender at the garrison. deal maker. residence ◦ a three-bedroom, two story house. it isn't a demon castle.
height ◦ 6'4" / 195cm hair color ◦ black. eye color ◦ brown, with a reddish tint under the sun. tattoos ◦ right arm (snake tw). throat. chest.
DEAL - MAKING ◦ not an official / accredited ability, but more a polished skill. has a knack in offering guidance and ease with expectation of something in return. with the knowledge of weathered age and knowledge of the human heart, they tend to strike the right cords in terms of desires. able to wear the face of a stern voice or a charming face to convince dealings. often will withdraw their side, feign it was a nicety and stroke of kindness. this is only to retain their image and existence in this realm.
TELEPORTATION ◦ his most notable and most used. it has a simple reason for bein an abused ability: notorious hate for transpiration of the modern day. is always on time to any scheduled outings, home in record time and will absolutely use this when fed up with conversation with fellow demons, angels or nephilim.
TYPICAL DEMONIC POWERS ◦ doesn't make use of many of their abilities besides the ones naturally attributed to him ( rapid healing, regeneration ). however, does use elemental manipulation at time to avoid being soaked by rain during isolated walks or fire to light his fireplace, cigarettes and candles.
despite the ability to wear many faces, cater to many personality types —  at his core, artie retains a blackened spirit. perhaps this is a latent carry over from his body's original owner ( name long, long lost to time ) or attributed to their fall from grace. crass, blunt and disinterested, it's no wonder they're a bartender. ability to withstand drunken fools with a stony expression, dryly advise the crying broken heart, bet the overtly eccentric with darts ... they fit within a whirlwind environment like the floorboards supporting it. sturdy. at his deepest core, he is a jokster and master of tricks. has bouts of mischievousness when boredom strikes.
often can be found lingering at crossroads and forks in the roads lighting cigarettes. this is where most will strike the longest conversations with them and maybe even depose of their deepest desires or secrets to them if wanted. also, where deals are made with them of any degree.
he has regained a certain level of previous memories and experiences, but finds himself disinterested in moments of the past. a very live-in-the-present sort of mindset. despite repeating of cycles, unwavering personality, he is not reminiscent or regretful of previous years. this then falls into his lack of care towards regaining a true humanity or divinity. he does the barest minimum to keep his feet planted on the earth's soil. a classic example of grey morals ; neither evil or good.
regained responsibility over a nephilim due to a deal with another demon who was their father. prior to artie's official move to bearhold, he was a wanderer. nomadic in nature ; moving from place to place, experiencing a variety of personality and woes. however, once an fellow known demon had approached them with a request a deal was struck. the father of the nephilim was served with the price of never stepping foot into bearhold. if broken, artie would find reason to draw attention to them and banish them back to the damning pits. the demonic parent isn't aware of arte's break in contract ; opting to spare the life of the nephilim and watch as they grew into fruition.
this backfired, as their streaks of bad-luck followed them throughout life. every time artie appeared within their sights, something had happened. always something, always a new incident. his observation was brief, dream-like and gone within a blink. never acted as a paternal figure or a father by any means, but the nephilim's own version of a ghost. it wasn't until they'd sought artie out themselves that their opinion began to shift. following this revelation, they moved into bearhold with the nephilim, then seventeen, under their care. since then, he's had them in his home and attempts to quell their misfortune. this seems to be yet another ploy at retaining their leisurely life, ""protecting"" humans and even one striken with forbidden existence. this is what they'll continue to claim.
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f0rturnes · 14 hours
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maris racal,  27, nonbinary,  she/they   𐫱     ›   hey, isn’t that nadine almeda? i’ve heard that they’ve lived in bearhold for their whole life. rumor has it that they can be rather naive and foolhardy, but hey, that’s just in their nature as a banshee. they totally make up for it by being upbeat and creative. if you’re looking for them, you can probably find them at their work as a hostess at the wolf den.
full name ◦ nadine reyna almeda. nicknames ◦ nads, dina, dine, didi and give her more please. date of birth ◦ august 2nd. zodiac ◦ leo. age ◦ twenty-seven gender ◦ nonbinary. pronouns ◦ she/they. species ◦ banshee. sexuality ◦ pansexual. occupation ◦ hostess at the wolf den. future popstar and model. residence ◦ a two-bedroom cottage style home.
height ◦ 5'2" / 158cm hair color ◦ warm, deep brown. eye color ◦ dark brown, almost black. tattoos ◦ n/a
DEATH SCREAMS ◦ the most recent ability, discovered within the last few months. the definition of a banshee scream in its rawness. high-pitched an chiming like a screeching, high soprano note that's uncomfortable to hear. it alarms nadine as much as it does anyone within range. they're thankful, welcoming, for their sibling's guidance. though fear the weight of becoming a burden with how out of control it has been. it's gotten better, but by no means is at will. to lessen their dependence on her sister, they take their screams to the woods where she also has notoriously practiced self-written songs.
DEATH PREDICTION ◦ the first hint that she was a late discovered banshee. believing herself to be the generation skipped, it came as a shock to feel a stabbing dread and knowledge of an impending doom. her first prediction had felt like a violence forced onto her. fearful, cold with dread ━ the worst she ever had felt. it haunted their dreams for weeks before they finally broke and admitted it to their sibling. even after two years this is where nadine struggles the most ; accepting the visions and predictions of death. you weren't meant to be a warrior.
wide and bright-eyed since youth, nadine has always held the more creative heart compared to their studious sibling. creative at their core they often slacked within areas of studies. smart, in her own right, but more transfixed in the arts and aspects of self-expression than boxing numbers and restrictive thinking. this lead her to disciplines and scolding during their younger years ; and even detention for missed assignments.
she has a dream of becoming a singer (or a model, whichever opportunity arises. maybe even both.) and exploring a life outside of bearhold. however, since her awakening as a banshee, she feels her dreams of travel and opportunity are stunted. grounded and rooted like a tree most notably beginning with their great grandmother. they feel as though they've been thrust into a role they never wanted ; were never built for. they often record their morose mood within a lock-and-keyed diary. still, she is determine to control her nature even if it is for her own gain.
despite nadine's buried woes, she still carries a brightness. shining eyes, fashion-forward wardrobe ; she doesn't let it taint her picturesque expression. to those that know nadine, they're a breath of fresh air directly contrasting any expectation of their inherited role. a friend to almost anyone and shoulder to lean, she's more comparable to sunshine than a mournful evening. avid party attender, good-time enjoyer. anything to experience freedom and joy.
composes her own song and doodles outfits she could imagine herself in. inspired by runways, old-school pop. talented with acoustics and learning how to create her own beats on an audio program. a person of many talents.
joyride by kesha plays at max volume on repeat.
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f0rturnes · 2 days
# 𝐅𝟎𝐑𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐒 .ᐟ ֹ
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a dependent blog for @ bearfm, divinated by leon.
⋆。☾ ゚。⋆ -ˋˏ ʙɪʀᴅɪᴇ ꜱᴏᴍᴄʜᴀɪ​ : ɪɴᴛʀᴏ — ᴘɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛ — ​​ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ⋆。☾ ゚。⋆ -ˋˏ 𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗨𝗦 𝗙𝗔𝗨𝗟𝗞𝗘𝗥​ : ɪɴᴛʀᴏ — ᴘɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛ — ​​ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ⋆。☾ ゚。⋆ -ˋˏ 𝗡𝗔𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗘 𝗔𝗟𝗠𝗘𝗗𝗔 ​ : ɪɴᴛʀᴏ — ᴘɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛ — ​​ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ
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f0rturnes · 2 days
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jeff satur,  29,  demi boy,  they/he   𐫱     ›   hey, isn’t that birdie somchai panyangarm ? i’ve heard that they’ve lived in bearhold for 20 years. rumor has it that they can be rather paranoid and withdrawn, but hey, that’s just in their nature as a witch. they totally make up for it by being charismatic and generous. if you’re looking for them, you can probably find them at their work as a fortune teller at the red strings, or a librarian at great bear library.
full name ◦ birdie somchai panyangarm. nicknames ◦ n/a. date of birth ◦ january 23rd. zodiac ◦ aquarius. age ◦ twenty-nine gender ◦ demi boy. pronouns ◦ they/he. species ◦ witch. sexuality ◦ bisexual. occupation ◦ librarian at great library & fortune teller at the red strings. residence ◦ lives alone in a modest single bed apartment, but makes frequent visits back to their family's residence.
height ◦ 5'9" / 176cm hair color ◦ rich black. eye color ◦ dark brown. tattoos ◦ right arm / between shoulder blades.
DIVINATION ◦ birdies strongest ability. fortells futures, outcomes, answers to questions, karma reading and potential fates. heavy practice in this sort of magic has left them an insomniac. their dreams and nightmare are extremely lucid, feeling more like reality. at times they will foresee something if they're extremely close to a person, relationship wise. it's never a clear vision, but it is haunting to them.
PROTECTION ◦ second proficiency. able to create charms or talismans with purpose of warding off harmful energy or general protection. talismans made by birdie will eventually burn once they've met their threshold if made for other supernaturals. if they're made for humans, the text will slowly fade due to a ""special ink"".
HEALING ◦ the weakest, but being practiced sparingly. can heal minor injuries and even stomach aches ( tummy ache survivors, anyone ? ). due to their weak connection, however, there is a chance for them to take on the injury or infliction instead.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: heavy mentions of spiritual/religious beliefs ( buddhism ), death mention.
birdie has lived in bearhold since the tender age of nine and grew up within the community. about a year after the move, their parents kickstarted their fortune telling business called 'the red strings'. this establishment, which birdie was welcomed and encouraged to continue throughout their young life, is heavily rooted within thai culture and buddhism beliefs. the three members of the panyangarm family use the royal thai tarot deck within their tarot readings. palm readings, protection charms, kau kim or seam si ( bamboo shaking ) and numerology.
due to their upbringing, a majority of birdie's magic is rooted within their spiritual beliefs and superstitions related to thai culture. they refuse to use "dark magic", inflict curses ( under the belief of karma + receiving worse for doing so ), communication with the death in any fashion and refuse to interfere with spirits. due to this, they're sensitive to witches which specialize in this.
as their secondary profession as a fortune teller suggests, their specialty is divination magic. due to their age, however, they're still gaining proficiency in this niche. while, yes, birdie is able to read futures / conjure them, they are never clear. often they were foresee three potentials of requested future/outcome, but one might have a stronger signature than the other. however, they can't be for certain on how to guide someone towards that outcome.
when receiving a negative / dangerous future, in worst cases, even death birdie finds it difficult to relay this message. this is due to trauma surrounding the one time they'd relayed extreme caution towards a client. they had foreseen her death and later witnessed it himself. this led birdie down a crisis and haunted them with dreams and visions of foreseeing close relationships' death. they have began being vague and even lying, despite this being a breech in honored beliefs, when a more horrific outcome is foreseen. in these situations, they will strongly suggest protection charms under the guise of it being included within the service.
birdie is a withdrawn person, often sticking to themselves in most situations. despite this they are extremely personable and even charming in their own right. they can talk to almost anyone, talk about almost anything, but it is all superficial in the end. creating close bonds is difficult for birdie as they fear unintentionally foreseeing an outcome against their will. they haven't formed a close bond since the incident which scarred them.
they're a creature in their own right. they're often seen in uncanny places just hanging by themselves. reading against fire escape steps, sitting in a low tree late at night, wandering the streets and even rooftops. this can be related to their insomnia.
avid bibliophile and actively reads while at their shift at the library. there are times you will find him nose deep in a book, tucked away between bookcases. talking to them about books is an easy way to get birdie to yap for hours. they also have strong opinions about film adaptations. don't do that.
paranoid and easily scared due to this. pop up on them suddenly? they will jump. call out to them unexpectedly? they will gasp and grab at their chest. they aren't a scaredy-cat by any means, just a naturally hypervigilant person.
often wears a long, dangling tassel as a single earring on their right ear. it's typically white and red and knotted together with a golden clasp. if not this, they wear a dangling earring with gemstones on that same ear. their cartilage, also, is triple pierced on both ears. a simple stud is worn on their left ear. balance in imbalance.
cat person.
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f0rturnes · 3 days
tag dump ⁺₊✧
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