eyecareathome · 4 years
Benefits Of Polarised Glasses
For all the benefits we receive from the sun, its light can pose serious vision problems. Having a bright shaft of sunlight hit you directly in the eyes is both annoying and potentially dangerous.  Glare distorts the true colour of objects and makes them harder to distinguish. Fortunately, today’s sunglasses—with or without prescription—can be modified with a technique called polarization to reduce light glare and improve vision and safety in the sun. Polarized sunglasses are specialized eyewear designed to reduce glare from surfaces such as water, snow, and glass.
 A virtually invisible filter can be built into lenses to eliminate the amount of reflecting light that enters the eye. Polarized lenses not only reduce glare, they make images appear sharper and clearer, increasing visual clarity and comfort. A high-quality pair of sunglasses will usually include polarized lenses. A polarized lens offers the following advantages over non-polarized lenses:
1) Reduced eye strain—  Eyestrain is a by-product of glare. Discomforting glare occurs in varying degrees of intensity, but even the milder degrees of discomforting glare result in visual discomfort, often shown by symptoms of eyestrain or fatigue. Since harmful light rays are blocked and what you see is enhanced, your eyes will not have much to work so it would eventually lead to reduced eye strain.
2) Glare Reduction--  The sunlight we use to view the world is absorbed from many directions. When light is reflected on another surface, such as a lake or glass panel on a building, patients may experience a strong glare. While normal sunglasses provide protection from UV rays and can make bright days tolerable, they do not diminish glare from horizontal rays. Polarized glasses are designed with a special filter that only allows vertical light to pass through, eliminating glare. The benefits of polarized glasses may be most noticeable in situations where glare can be omnipresent, such as while boating.
3) Enhanced clarity--  Polarized lenses can improve clarity and reduce eye strain on bright sunny days. Less glare, less eye strain and better contrast means that you enjoy clarity of vision overall. By seeing things more clearly, you can help improve your performance and safety in almost all outdoor situations. IT enhances clarity of vision and contrast for ground level objects and for seeing into water.  Polarised lenses also offer enhanced colour perception compared to tinted lenses, making it easier to see in bright light conditions. Polarized lenses not only reduce glare, they make images appear sharper and clearer, increasing visual clarity and comfort.
4) UV Ray protection--  Ultraviolet Light is but one segment of the invisible-to-the-human-eye electromagnetic spectrum that is produced by the Sun and travels to Earth in waves of varying lengths at very fast speeds. Everyone should protect their eyes from these rays, but it is especially important for the very young or old, and those with sensitive eyes. Polarized lenses with variable polarization offer you 100% protection from UVA and UVB rays. So by wearing these polarised glasses you can protect yourself from harmful UV Rays.
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eyecareathome · 4 years
5 Eye Problems and When to Visit an Optometrist or an Eye Doctor
Eyes are an integral part of our lives through which we can see the beautiful world. Sometimes we forget to take care of our eyes. People regularly keep in touch or being checked up by the dentist, but is your eye doctor really on the list?
Regular examination of your eyes can help you with long term good and clear vision. Sometimes we can't see objects clearly, we apply pressure on our eyes and it can affect our eyes and may lead to a serious problem. (Iris can be damaged due to this).
Most of the eye problems don't have symptoms in the first or early stages, so they go unnoticed and the problem arises in the last which can be worse. Regular checkups can help to avoid worse conditions/scenarios.
Experts recommend regular eye exams for good eye health, but some serious problems may require additional and immediate attention from an eye care professional. For eye care or vision health, you should always be aware of family medical history and any other eye-related problem as mild discomfort can convert into a serious problem.
Here we are identifying some signs if any of them occur so you can visit your eye doctor/consultant for the checkup -
1. If your eyes are getting red and have irritation, the reason might be allergies such as:
   Watery discharge
   Dry Eyes
Different allergies can be caused by smoke, perfume, dust, or too much screen time in front of the TV, Laptop, Computer, Mobile, etc. Depending on the condition your eye doctor can consult you with the eye drop or prescription and care which you need.
2.  If you are having eye pain, double vision, the flash of light:
Although if you do not find these problems serious, then also you need to see an eye doctor immediately. You can never take the risk with your eyes.
3. If you have frequent headaches:
If you have a headache, that might be a vision problem. It's one of the general symptoms for people when they need glasses.
By wearing the right prescription lenses, you can get relief from this problem. For the solution, you need to see an eye doctor that can help you with the correct powered lenses for your eyes.
4.  Age might be a factor if you are having trouble seeing distant objects:
Better to get your eyes test by an optometrist once in a while. Especially, if you spend so much screen time in front of digital devices.
5. If you are having trouble adjusting lights from dark to light:
If it takes much time to adjust your eyes from lights then it may be a problem with your iris, which helps your eyes to contract and expand is getting weak. It's time to consult your eye doctor for the solution.
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eyecareathome · 4 years
Need an expert to check your eyes at home, then Eyecare at Home store is a perfect place for you. Here you can find branded lenses and guaranteed easy replacement as per your requirement.
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eyecareathome · 4 years
Diet for Healthy Eyes
Protecting your overall health can go a long way toward keeping your eyes healthy! We do know that having perfectly healthy eyes—excellent vision and clear eyes, free of pain or other symptoms—is crucial to your health and well-being. Your eyesight is one of your most important senses: 80% of what we perceive comes through our sense of sight. By protecting your eyes, you will reduce the odds of blindness and vision loss while also staying on top of any developing eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma.
Diet plays a significant role in our eye conditions. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet has been linked with several health benefits A diet that includes whole foods containing eye-enhancing nutrients can help to ensure an individual is getting the nutrients they need to maintain proper vision and eye health. The following vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are essential for good vision and may protect your eyes from sight-robbing conditions and diseases.
1) Lutein and Zeaxanthin-- These phytochemicals were found to lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. They’re thought to play a central role in protecting your eyes against harmful blue light. Spinach, swiss chard, kale, parsley, pistachios, and green peas are excellent food sources of lutein and zeaxanthin.
2) Vitamin A-- Vitamin A deficiency is one of the most common causes of blindness in the world. Vitamin A includes beta-carotene which helps the retina, cornea and other eye tissues function properly. They protect against night blindness and dry eyes. Vitamin A, vital for healthy vision, is found in orange and yellow vegetables such as carrots and squash.
3) Vitamin E-- Vitamin E is a group of fat-soluble antioxidants that protect fatty acids from harmful oxidation. When combined with carotenoids and vitamin C, may reduce the risk of advanced AMD. Main sources of vitamin A are almonds, sunflower seeds, wheat germ oils, vegetable oils, peanut butter, and sweet potatoes.
4) Zinc-- Zinc helps transfer the minerals from Vitamin A in your liver to your retina to produce a protective pigment in your eyes called melanin. Helps vitamin A reduce the risk of night blindness. Natural dietary sources of zinc include oysters, meat, pumpkin seeds, and peanuts.
 5) Vitamin C-- Vitamin C is necessary for your eye health, and getting enough of this antioxidant may protect against cataracts. Vitamin C lowers the risk of developing cataracts and slows down the development of age-related macular degeneration. High amounts of vitamin C are found in many fruits and vegetables, including bell peppers, citrus fruits, guavas, kale, and broccoli.
6) Omega-3 Fatty Acids-- Getting adequate amounts of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA from supplements may reduce your risk of several eye diseases — especially dry eyes. Cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, and herring; fish oil supplements, freshly ground flaxseeds, walnuts are the main sources of omega-3 fatty acids. 
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eyecareathome · 4 years
5 Ways for Long Term Eye Vision Care
Vision is arguably the most important of the five senses; it plays a crucial role throughout childhood and beyond. The eyes are the windows to the body. Most people have eye problems sometime in their lives. Some are minor and will go away on their own or are easy to treat at home. Reduced eyesight can be caused by multiple factors, including diseases like diabetes, eye trauma, cataracts, or glaucoma.
So to avoid eye problems, there are things you can do to help to keep your eyes healthy and make sure you have the best possible vision. They are:
Follow a proper diet-- Vitamins derived from foods are essential to keep your eyes operating perfectly. Eating leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and broccoli contain Lutein and zeaxanthin to help prevent cataracts. A well-balanced diet also helps you stay at a healthy weight. That lowers your odds of obesity and related diseases that is one of the leading causes of blindness in adults.
Regular eye check-ups - - Regular eye check-up is important as most eye diseases are asymptomatic. During an exam, each eye is examined for signs of eye diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, and detached retinas, and many more. Taking regular eye check-ups regardless of visual acuity can help detect serious eye problems at the earliest stage.
UV protection sunglasses--  UV radiation from the sun can damage not only the skin of your eyelid but also the cornea, lens, and other parts of the eye. Long-time exposure can lead to eye diseases such as cataracts and muscular degeneration. With the right protection, it's possible to block 99 to 100 percent of ultraviolet rays from reaching your delicate eyes and causing damage.
Regular exercises and physical activities - - Exercise and eye health go hand-in-hand. When we say that exercise is good for your eyes, we don’t mean you won’t need glasses anymore if you work out, but eating healthy and exercising regularly are the best ways to prevent developing these chronic and sight-threatening conditions. Exercises such as Aerobics, Zumba, jogging, or even brisk walking will help lower the pressure in your eyes, otherwise known as help intraocular pressure.
Using computer glasses-- In today’s technological world, our lives have become dependent on the use of computers, tablets, and smartphones. What you may not realize is how the glare of blue light is affecting your sight. Exposure to digital screens can cause symptoms like headaches, dry eyes, or blurred vision. Computer glasses differ from regular eyeglasses or reading glasses. Computer glasses allow you to play or watch these displays for longer periods without discomfort. Benefits include prevention of headaches, eye strain, and dry eyes.
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eyecareathome · 4 years
Find all the latest collection of sunglasses for men at Eyecare at Home. You can choose from a wide range of men's aviators, wayfarers, brow-line sunglasses, and many other shapes online. Eyecare at Home provides you a huge collection of men's sunglasses at low offer price & discounts.
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eyecareathome · 4 years
Polarised sunglasses are specialized eyewear designed to reduce glare from surfaces such as water, snow, and glass. Eyecare at Home provides you polarised sunglasses with excellent quality and strong UV protection. Visit our web store for the latest collection and prices of polarised sunglasses.
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eyecareathome · 4 years
Find all the latest collection of frames & glasses for Men at Eyecare at Home. We provide a flawless user experience for choosing and buying, easily select and buy the men's glasses and frames online. You can select from the wide range of Men's Glasses, Rimless Eyeglasses, Half Rim Eyeglasses, and many more at competitive prices.
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eyecareathome · 4 years
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Buy the latest sunglasses | sunglasses for women | visit Eyecare at Home
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eyecareathome · 4 years
Find all types of women's sunglasses like Polo Glasses, Carducci glasses, Ray-Ban Glasses and many more at Eyecare at Home. We have a large variety of designer sunglasses for women. Visit our online store at Eyecare at Home to choose diffrent brands of sunglasses.
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eyecareathome · 4 years
Buy the Glasses Online at Eyecare at Home
Specs At Home is the place to come when you want to be able to create your new signature look. With a whole host of styles, options and colours, all you have to do is choose your favourite from Eyecare at Home.
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eyecareathome · 4 years
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Eyecare at Home is a London-based company specialising in mobile optical care for patients at home and in nursing and residential care. Our team of optometrists and dispensing opticians are fully trained and accredited, with the necessary experience to ensure each patient receives an exceptional personal service
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eyecareathome · 4 years
eyecare at Home is an autonomous eye care focus situated in London that provides you with the most suitable and comfortable women glasses. We have a wide variety of stylish and unique glasses at a very conveying price.
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eyecareathome · 4 years
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eyecareathome · 4 years
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Eyecare at Home Provided Eye Test Services in Landon, Get Free Checkup in Nursing Home , Residential Care & Private Residence
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eyecareathome · 4 years
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Eye care at Home London 
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