exyordeath-zine · 2 years
Babyloan round 5
The Rise challenge unfortunately did not happen end of 2021, and as all loans from previous rounds have now been repaid, it is time again to lend the money we collected to new entrepreneurs!
Since round 4, we collected 88€ more in zine sales, which allowed us to lend a total of 690€ to three different projects in Kenya and Uganda!
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Details of each round:
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And as always, the link to purchase the zine if you haven’t yet and want to!
You can purchase the zine (PDF) here!
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exyordeath-zine · 4 years
Babyloan round 4!
2020 has been a wild roller coaster but Babyloan is still standing and so are we, so it is this time of the year again where we lend the money we collected to help people around the world!
We have collected 97€ more during this year through sales. and so we are lending a beautiful total of 610€ today to entirely cover Mr Ben’s loan request to improve his grocery store in Uganda!
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Details of each round:
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And as always, the link to purchase the zine if you haven’t yet and want to!
> You can purchase the zine (PDF) here! <
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exyordeath-zine · 5 years
Babyloan round 3!
And another year has passed again. We’re all getting older, but it also means... time to share with you what happened for this new round of loans!
We have collected 63€ more during this year through sales. Among the 430€ from last year, 408€ have been repaid so far, which makes a total of 480€ loaned this year (see details below)!
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We contributed to 4 projects this time! Like last time, the amount we loaned to each project depended on how much the micro-entrepreneurs were asking for, and how many people had already contributed to their projects. 
More details below the cut, and the link to purchase the zine if you haven’t yet and want to!
> You can purchase the zine (PDF) here! <
Loan confirmations :
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The 4 projects we supported :
Norma’s tortillas | Honduras
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Norma is a single mother with a child. She has been running a tortillas street shop for 5 years now to provide for her family.
She is asking for a microloan to improve the place she uses to prepare her tortillas.
> We have loaned 30€ to Norma.
Jeobanny’s cattle | Peru
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Jeobanny is 52, and lives in the city of Coracora. He produces butter and cheese.
He is asking for a microloan to purchase more cattle and increase his production.
> We have loaned 420€ to Jeobanny.
Lurdes’ avocados | Peru
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Lurdes is 71. She lives with her husband in a scarcely populated area in the region of Chala. She grows oleaginous plants and fruits.
She is asking for a microloan to grow avocados and increase her production.
> We have loaned 10€ to Lurdes.
Polonia’s cattle | Peru
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Polonia is 35, and lives in a scarecly populated area. She is breeding cattle and is asking for a microloan to extend her livestock.
> We have loaned 20€ to Polonia.
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exyordeath-zine · 6 years
Babyloan round 2!
It’s already been one year since Babyloan round 1, during which we loaned the 320€ we had collected from the 2 months of sales since the zine was released, in September 2017. Time truly flies away!
We are super happy to announce that we have collected 121€ more during this year, which were added to the amount we loaned this year. Among the 320€ from last year, 303€ have been repaid so far, which makes a total of 430€ loaned this year (see details below)!
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As you can see, we were able to contribute to 3 projects this time! Like last time, the amount we loaned to each project depended on how much the micro-entrepreneurs were asking for, and how many people had already contributed to their projects.
Loan confirmation :
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The 3 projects we supported !
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Il sollicite un microcrédit pour acheter un panneau solaire, ce qui lui permettra d'obtenir de l'électricité à moindre coût.  
Tonke’s solar panel | Narok, Kenya
Tonke is married and has 3 children. He lives with his family in Narok. He is a farmer and breeds cattle.
He is asking for a micro-loan to purchase a solar panel, which will provide him with cheaper electricity.
> We have loaned 140€ to Tonke.
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Zipporah’s improved kitchen | Naivasha, Kenya
Zipporah is married and has 3 children. She’s living in Naivaisha with her family.
In order to provide for her family, she is running a small clothing shop. She is asking for a micro-loan in order to purchase a better stove, which will reduce the health hazard caused by standard stoves and their toxic CO2 emissions. A better stove would let her cook food twice faster, which will reduce CO2 emissions and coal consumption by 60%.
In the future, she hopes to improve her living standards and contribute to fight climate change.
> We have loaned 255€ to Zipporah.
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Paulina’s cattle farm | Huancarama, Peru
Paulina is 37 and lives in Huancarama with her husband. Paulina owns a farm where she breeds cattle with care and makes sure to provide them with good  food.
She is asking for a micro-loan in order to cultivate alfalfa, a kind of hay, which will help her develop and diversify her farm and feed her cattle.
In the future, Paulina wishes to improve her economic situation and keep herself healthy.
> We have loaned 35€ to Paulina.
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exyordeath-zine · 6 years
The zine has been out for a year now, wow!
The second Babyloan round will happen at the end of November 2018, one year after the first round in November 2017.
During Round 2, we will lend again what has been reimbursed from last year’s loans, as well as the additional money we have collected since then!
Detailed accounts will be posted after the second loan round has been made.
And for those of you who haven’t grabbed it yet, this zine will remain on sale for the foreseeable future :D
Thank you all again for your support! Be assured that the money we have collected will keep on supporting micro-entrepreneurs from all over the world for as long as you can, and hopefully many many years to come!
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After almost four months of work, we are proud to finally present “Exy or Death”, a TFC charity zine centered on the EA Ravens!
This digital zine features 22 fics with accompanying art for each of them for a total of 430 pages, and all of this for just 7€ (+ any tip if you feel like it <3).
> You can purchase the zine (PDF) here! <
If you would like to have an idea of the zine’s content before purchasing, you can check the table of contents on our blog here. 
/!\ Please note that this zine contains explicit content. Before each work, an information page will notably detail the fic’s rating, warnings and summaries, and buttons will allow you to navigate back the table of contents, to the previous fic or to the next fic.
All proceeds from the sales will be used on Babyloan, a platform that enables Internet users to lend to microentrepreneurs in 15 countries (mainly in South-East Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America), and to help them develop their own self-subsistence activity. [Check out our About page for more info!]
If you have a minute to spare and if you wish to, you can vote on what kind of project to support with the proceeds here.
Thank you for your support, and a big thank you to our 29 amazing contributors! <3
@aelins @bvccvrdi @chitsuu @chrt-jiang @cielleinthazure @coldcigarettes @dancyon @elricmemes @elyteracy @evetheindecisive @evil-diabolical-oops @fireflyhannah @followmedown-tohell @foxhole-way @goddammitart @howaremonstersborn @jemejem @jojen-hewitt @kitshunette @limeimariza @midreky @mumuinc @nekojitachan @poze-laceen @queen-of-perplexity @sabainism @still-waiting-for-godot @twnyards @uzea-ke
Happy reading!
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exyordeath-zine · 6 years
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In which I totally forgot to post the other piece I made for @exyordeath-zine  all those months ago coughs
Art companion to Ghosts Of A Raven’s Past by @fireflyhannah, in which Kevin is definitely his mother’s son.
( Purchase Exy or Death (430 pages | 7 €) || Check the table of contents )
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exyordeath-zine · 7 years
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a second post for my stuff from @exyordeath-zine because im a fool who forgot that I could’ve posted these zine pieces like 5 months ago rip
this was a companion piece to a fic by @nekojitachan !
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exyordeath-zine · 7 years
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i realised like 25 minutes ago that i ? never posted my finished pieces from the @exyordeath-zine ???? so hey these are out n about now haha this was a companion piece for @bvccvrdi ’s writing!
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exyordeath-zine · 7 years
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Hi everyone!
Exy or Death was released 2 months ago, and we are so happy to announce that we have collected a total of 317.87€* from the sales!! 
Thanks to your interest and generosity, this money went to help two ladies from Nicaragua and Honduras to set up their shops. We wish them both the best for the future!
If you missed the zine and wish to purchase it, fear not! The zine will stay on sale until further notice, and all proceeds collected from now on will be used on Babyloan during the next loan cycle, next year.
> Buy the zine here ! (22 fics with art for each - 430 pages - 7€) <
See below the Read more line for more details!
* Because Babyloan only works in multiples of 10, the sum has been rounded up to 320€ for the microloans. The loan amount for either project depended on how much the entrepreneur was asking for, and how much had already been loaned to them.
Loans confirmation:
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“Confirmation for your payment for the Philanthropic Challenge - THE RISE
We thank you for your participation in the Philanthropic Challenge “2017 THE RISE”.
Here are the details of your action and your transaction’s reference:
Name of micro-entrepreneur / Project name / Loan amount”
The 2 projects we have supported !
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Rosibel’s food | Granada, Nicaragua
Rosibel is 43 and has three children. She lives 20 km away from Managua. Her partner is a kitchen clerk and helps her pay for their home. Rosibel also used to work in a restaurant. Tired of the job, she decided to quit and bought a fridge and a professionel cooker in order to start her own food catering company. She cooks tortillas, nacatamales and fried food. She also offers soup on Sundays. Short on liquidities, she’s asking for a microloan in order to restock her ingredients. In the future, she plans to set up a dedicated space for catering in her home. She’s happy with her new activity.
> We have loaned 170€ to Rosibel.
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Rita’s beauty salon | La Paz, Honduras
Rita is 22. Married, she’s the mother to a 2-year-old child. She has a talent for hairstyling and therefore decided to set up her own beauty salon where she offers haircuts, manicures and beauty products for sale. Her shop is open from Monday to Saturday, from 8 to noon. She’s asking for a microloan in order to restock in various cosmetics. Her work is her only income, et allows her to cover for her own needs and help her family.
> We have loaned 150€ to Rita.
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exyordeath-zine · 7 years
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Hey guys! Forgot to post these but they were done for @exyordeath-zine which consisted of a Mini Bang and a Reverse Mini Bang and I participated in both!  
First two pages are a little AU I did for the Reverse Mini Bang and that @nekojitachan later ended up writing a fic about. The two other ones were for the Mini Bang and are based on the fic that @nekojitachan wrote for it!
You can find both fics in the zine that you can still purchase at this moment! proceeds from the sales will be lent on Babyloan, a platform that enables Internet users to lend to microentrepreneurs in 15 countries (mainly in South-East Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America), and to help them develop their own self-subsistence activity.
All in all it was awesome to work for this zine and to get to illustrate one of my favourite fanfic writer works! It’s also interesting to see the difference in art style that happened in between the months it took for each phase!
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exyordeath-zine · 7 years
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My other piece for @exyordeath-zine ! For @kitshunette‘s great Thea/Dan fic The Raven Queen.
Featuring Jeremy, Laila, and my attempts at roaring crowds!
Check out the fic and other awesome stories and art in the zine! :D 
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exyordeath-zine · 7 years
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My illustrations for littlepluto’s awesome jerejean fantasy fic Nuit Qui Fais Tant as part of the @exyordeath-zine.
It’s such a beautiful fic I couldn’t stop myself from making so much art for it! Check it out if you can! :D
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exyordeath-zine · 7 years
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Exy or Death Mini Bang - Part 2
The second illustration I did for @chrt-jiang awesome sassbaguette fic for Exy or Death fanzine ( @exyordeath-zine - please consider buying it here!) along with some step by step or the work because….. sometimes…. I happen to save those steps.
Hope you’ll enjoy this, and the fic, and the zine :D
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exyordeath-zine · 7 years
the gods took them back (the problem with having a heart)
Finally posting the fic I wrote for @exyordeath-zine. My wonderful artist was @still-waiting-for-godot. 
Mind the warnings, this fic is as dark as they come, like a SOA AU would be. It will be under the cut and I am linking the story on AO3 for whoever likes reading there better. http://archiveofourown.org/works/12731550 
TW  Violence, Graphic Death, Suicide, major character death, references to non-con, slavery
Putting it under the line because long fic is long
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exyordeath-zine · 7 years
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I’m actually posting a thing I did? Wow, shocking right? Here is my piece of art based on @bvccvrdi ‘s fic “ but who’s laughing now, I’m leaving your town (again)” (WHICH Y’ALL SHOULD CHECK OUT IF IT IS POSTED HERE!) from our collaboration in @exyordeath-zine ! Idk man, idk what consistency is but please PLEASE GO BUY THE ZINE, IT IS RUN BY WONDERFUL PEOPLE AND WE WANT TO ENCOURAGE FUTURE ZINES BECAUSE THEY ARE SO MUCH FUN, RIGHT? RIGHT .
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exyordeath-zine · 7 years
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Exy or Death Mini Bang - Part 1
Hey :D Here’s the first illustration I did for @chrt-jiang sassbaguette fic in Exy or Death zine ( @exyordeath-zine - please consider buying it here!)
You have no idea how difficult it was to select scenes to draw and not go all let’s illustrate everything yeay
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exyordeath-zine · 7 years
Nathaniel has spent the last eight years at Evermore, eight years rebelling against Riko and the idea of the Perfect Court, eight years standing between the Moriyamas and Jean Moreau. Now Nathaniel and Jean are following in Kevin Day’s footsteps and leaving Edgar Allan/Evermore behind to join the Palmetto State Foxes. Kevin is eager to welcome two talented Exy players and former teammates onto a team which badly needs them, but Andrew? Andrew suspects that there’s more to their arrival than the two are willing to reveal - and he takes his promises seriously.
Andrew watched from his position against the far wall in the lounge while Wymack and Kevin showed Hatford and Moreau around as part of the whole ‘this is what you get when you sign the papers’; he was against about the whole Raven charity thing they had going on, about signing two more broken birdies despite the shiny patch of healing skin on Hatford’s left cheek and the wary way that Moreau took in everything. Despite Kevin’s assurances that Hatford had never gone along with any plan of Riko’s and that Moreau was loyal to the kid… something was going on.
“So that’s the tour, basically,” Wymack told the two young men, both of them dressed in black like Kevin, both of them pale as if unused to the sun but Hatford possessing that bright red hair which stood out like a beacon. He was also a little more animated with his emotions – not much, just when compared to his dour companion (Kevin said that Moreau was referred to as Hatford’s ‘shadow’ in the Nest). At the moment, there was a slight bit of contempt on the kid’s attractive face.
“Well, I can’t say I’m impressed,” Hatford drawled, which made Kevin’s face become flushed and Wymack’s to grow blank. “Instead of the shower stalls and doors you could have spent the money on soaking tubs or some private work-out equipment or a few other improvements, and the surface of that track is-“
“It’s not Evermore,” Kevin cut in with a hoarse voice as he pulled himself upright as if to tower over the short backliner. Not a difficult thing to do, considering how small the mouthy little shit was, really.
Part of the amazing ExyorDeath zine! Donate for a great cause!
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