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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 3 years ago
🎀 (kitsune ko on the doorstep send help 🦊🖤)
Send 🎀 for your muse to show up with nothing but a ribbon around their neck at my muse’s doorstep
(One Kitsune Ko dribble coming up)
Part 1:
The last few days had consisted of Ko leaving unnanounced all of a sudden come first thing in the morning. They had left their spot in bed next to a sleeping Hajime who had sleepily mumbled something about kusamochi.
"Even in his sleep he's thinking about mochi." Ko's snow white fox ears twitched in mild amusement before traveling to the calendar that hung on the wall. It had almost slipped past their mind completely that it was nearing the anniversary of one year ago that they had met the brunet.
"I hope he enjoys what I have planned." Ko mused to themselves with a small mischievous smile. Carefully executed measures were in place having the fox being as secretive as they could manage to be.
There was of course a reason for all of this sneaking around right? Ah, the clandestine thought that they were doing something behind Hinata's back that could result in a chance of being scolded made their body shiver and Ko was wrapping arms around their lithe frame even as they made their way to the mall where they had went with Izuru once in order to find a replacement for the toy that he had disposed of out of pure, unadulterated jealousy? Could Izuru even become jealous? Unlike Hinata all of his actions seemed to mirror Hinata's emotions or his own instinctual whims.
Walking into the shop instead of the polite fox eared demon that had greeted them last time while wearing a maid outfit from head to toe and having a demeanor to match, or even the odd masked male behind the counter who had been way too excited about discussing the sides of humanity that others rejected, they found a blonde woman behind the counter who perked up at the sight of someone entering the sex shop.
"Hey, are you the one that made the order? Ha, talk about being fuckin' vanilla as they come. Kiyo isn't in today and Kirumi was asked to help out someone so you're stuck with me." The blonde said rather bluntly as she came around from the counter.
Getting a better look at her Ko chuckled lightly. "I don't see as I the customer would have a choice one way or another."
"Yeah, what you ordered gave that away." The blonde snorted before going to the backroom where she carried out a carefully wrapped gift bag.
"Inside here is all the naughty things you ordered. Leashes, collars, lube. You going to an orgy or somethin?" The blonde asked.
"I don't see as how that is any of your business." Ko remarked sternly causing an absolute switch to flip instantly in the young woman.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean nothing by it honest..." She seemed to recoil as if she had been punished.
"It's fine." Ko said with a tone that indicated that it was really anything other than fine, but it was something easily dismissed all the same.
"I-I only wanted to help." Tears were pooling at the corners of her eyes causing the fox to heave a sigh.
The fox paid for the items before leaving the young blonde woman behind the counter who to Ko's surprise seemed a lot more easy going despite the brash attitude.
"Come back again, maybe? I mean a closeted perv like you will have to get their gadgets and toys somewhere right?"
Returning home Ko had the bag in hand quite literally relieved that this was one of the days where Izuru was out of the house working a job for Kuzryu. Why the wolf had wanted to join the yakuza made sense in an odd way actually. It kept Izuru entertained somewhat and he never actually laid a hand on anyone if what Kuzuryu relayed had any merit to it.
Sneaking upstairs Ko made sure that Hinata was still asleep. He was just had turned over towards their side of the bed where he had seemed to cuddle up more to the pillow they had left behind.
Ko acted fast, taking clothes off and affixing the bright red ribbon that seemed like a comical choice at first, but something that the fox was sure Hinata would love.
When they were done the ribbon itself hugged tightly around their lithe frame, and Ko had even left an opening for the fluffy white tail to pop out of. With a swish or two, the fox kneeled on the doorstep, but not before reaching up to ring the doorbell.
Hinata had been sleeping rather heavily and peaceful, but shot up straight at the sound of the doorbell being used. No one usually used that. Souda would bang on his door and Chiaki always had announced herself with a text before coming over in the past.
"Izuru better not have forgot his key..." The brunet was mumbling to himself as he came downstairs in his blue silk boxers with pink sakura petals on full display.
What he found when he opened the door instead was a fox wearing nothing but a ribbon that was hugging in all the right places along Ko's body. If that wasn't enough a rather pose was elected with the white-haired fox leaning forward on hands.
"Happy anniversary, Hinata-kun!" Ko announced with another swish of a tail while wearing a more than exited smile at the presence of their lover.
Hajime had a variety of reactions to Ko sitting on the doorstep in front of him. The first of which was confusion settling in along with surprise as he wondered whether he was dreaming or not. The second was surprise at the overall scene of the fox sitting on the doorstep. The third was a smile along with the rather blunt realization that he was aroused by the very unfolding situation.
Clearing his throat he bent down to pick the fox up into his arms as if they were a bride he was carrying over the threshold after being newly married. While doing this he fell into the rather cliche and corny roleplaying role that he knew Ko enjoyed.
"My, what an unexpected delivery. I guess I should take it inside before someone sees." He managed to say before getting Ko inside where the fox then proceeded to latch arms around his neck as tail swayed excitedly, even had an accompanying wag to it.
The choice of words was just as the fox had come to expect from the nervous and sweet brunet, but they took the intiative as Hinata backed up to the couch. Settling themselves easier in his lap with legs astride either of his the fox adopted a sultry tone.
"Is my mate going to unwrap his gift? Or just stare with an open mouth all day?" Ko asked as ghost green eyes were transfixed on the brunet while arms remained linked around his neck with chest purposely pressing in.
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 3 years ago
"I guess in this situation it's easy to forget." It wasn't that much long ago that the former lucky student was able to join him and their classmates out in the clear. He'd received an all clear from both himself and Tsumiki. A vote of confidence from Naegi and Kirigiri didn't hurt much either.
"You noticed huh?" Hajime asked hoping the exact opposite that Komaeda hadn't noticed, but silly Hinata, not much of anything ever got past the other male.
He reached up to rub the back of his neck with a light smile still present on his features. "I'm just thinking of the nightmares I have from time to time." He answered honestly.
"When I was the other me." He was of course alluding to Kamukura.
Two different colored eyes blinked with Komaeda's words. "Disappointed? So you enjoy being here with me?" There was that same underlying inkling that he'd wake up any moment to not have talent and everything would have been the result of an extreme fever dream.
"I'm not teasing you, Nagito... At least those weren't my intentions." He faded off with his words before bringing the cold bottle of water up to his lips.
Continued from X
Basket sitting next to him on the sand of the beach the brunet was waiting for his intended date to show up for their agreed on affair.
"I hope he gets here." Hajime muttered to himself while taking a quick glance out towards the sea that was glittering like it had many shards of glass strewn upon its surface.
A serene smile spread upon his features as he looked past the waters and straight to the large looming orange sun off in the horizon. An idyllic scene perhaps even a tad bit cliche was the setup he had settled on.
When Komaeda showed up the sun had fell down further and the sky was darkening more and the first scattered stars could be seen if one were to look above.
"You aren't late. You're just in time." A small frown was on Hajime's features, but he had grace to accept that sometimes old habits died hard or rarely at all when it came to the former lucky ultimate. "You don't look like trash, Nagito." He said as he scooched over on the red and black checked blanket he had laid out beneath two large palm trees, but still some distance away as he knew how Komaeda's fear of coconuts falling from above could be.
"Stop exaggerating and sit down already." The brunet said while closing both heterochromatic eyes and laughing nervously in hopes of taking the awkward edge off of the atmosphere.
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 3 years ago
35. "You know...I've never actually had sex on a beach..." Ko to Haji {🖤}
Send Me "Right Here" For A Public Sex Themed Sentence Starter!
The brunet's cheeks heated with how blunt Komaeda's words had come out all of a sudden. One minute they had enjoying the nice tropical day as the sun beat down past the clouds above and the next he was blinking trying to comprehend what the other had said.
"Did you just say you've never had sex on the beach?" He asked wanting to clarify that he wasn't imagining it-- that it wasn't simply the sun making him hallucinate.
Hajime swallowed as he watched a single droplet of water rolled down from Komaeda's lips, down the expanse of his pale throat as he took a drink from one of the water bottles that they had stopped by Rocket Punch to pick out before going down to the beach.
"I was just talking to myself." Komaeda answered. He'd originally been teasing the brunet as it was a past time that he found enjoyment in (as Hinata was so easy to tease). He took his words either as sarcasm or literal. He'd be lying if he wasn't actually throwing out such musings to see if the other would take the bait.
Hajime had definitely took the bait as the idea of having sex itself had ingrained itself in his mind. Not just any idea, but a replay of the events that had happened so clandestine in the swimming pool one night.
The memory of cooler hands stroking him in the pool as he whined and rocked his hips had him conflicted. Conflicted with the idea of taking Komaeda's lips and pressing him against the sun warmed trunk of one of the palm trees nearby.
"...Would you like to?" He found himself asking before he could stop himself at risk of fear of rejection or humilation. Too late, he was already hanging on tightly to the imagery of having Komaeda up against the tree and holding a leg around his waist as he pounded into him for all he was worth.
If anything he was going to have to retreat to his cottage and relieve himself later that night.
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 3 years ago
Even nxfw meant to be kinky and rough ends up being fluffy and sweet. What the hell... :<
Some sinner I am.
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 3 years ago
Send 🎀 for your muse to show up with nothing but a ribbon around their neck at my muse’s doorstep
And don’t forget to specify muse!
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 3 years ago
The NSFW Meme List
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 3 years ago
Send Me "Right Here" For A Public Sex Themed Sentence Starter!
1. "Come on, nobody's even looking"
2. "We should make a list of places to have sex"
3. "Stop it, I'm trying to watch the movie"
4. "I dare you to get on your knees right now"
5. "Just give me a little peek..."
6. "This place is pretty deserted, it's giving me ideas."
7. "Have you ever had sex in public."
8. "Can you remember all the dirty things we did last time we came here?"
9. "Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes."
10. "Think anyone would notice if I slipped my hand down your pants?"
11. "Stop grabbing my ass, people are looking."
12. "Shall we pull over? I know a great spot."
13. "Come on, I want to put on a show."
14. "I know a great club where we can do anything we want."
15. "I need you. Right now."
16. "Whats the weirdest place you've ever had sex?"
17. "Please? I'm really horny."
18. "I think this picnic needs spicing up a little."
19. "Lift up your shirt, let me see."
20. "I bet I could give you an orgasm without anyone noticing"
21. "You promised we could do it anywhere. So why not here?"
22. "How about we sneak off and go have our own fun?"
23. "You look so hot when you dance."
24. "Take your clothes off. Right here."
25. "Oops...I dropped my napkin"
26. "I don't think I can wait until we get home."
27. "Get up on the hood of the car so everyone can see."
28. "So...Have you ever had sex in a church?"
29. "Do you think anyone can see us from all the way up here?"
30. "Let me come in the changing room and help you out of that."
31. "You know what the best thing to do while camping is? Fuck."
32. "Is a playground at night a totally inappropriate place to fool around?"
33. "I need you to come in the supply closet and look at something."
34. "I don't want to go all the way home. Lets just do it here."
35. "You know...I've never actually had sex on a beach..."
36. "Lets just duck into the toilets. Nobody will know."
37. "What if we stayed in the department store until after closing and had sex."
38. "Just put your hand under the table and feel it."
39. "I wonder if we can have sex in Ikea without being caught."
40. "This ghost train is supposed to last half an hour. I wonder what we can do in that time.."
41. "Looks like we're stuck here. How about we fool around?"
42. "It's dark enough in here to get away with anything"
43. "How great would it be to have sex on the London Eye?"
44. "Who cares if everyones watching?"
45. "I know the catacombs are spooky, but how about we explore it in our own way?"
46. "I would love to look over the whole of Paris while making love to you."
47. "who knows how long we will be stuck in this lift. Might as well occupy ourselves."
48. "Are you really flashing me? Here, of all places?"
49. "Lets see how much fun we can have in the library without making any sound."
50. "I've always wanted to fuck on a yacht."
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 3 years ago
Yes, if you come across this blog somehow from tags or whatever it is smut. Smut I write privately, so don't even bother harrassing me. I'll block : p
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 3 years ago
[bonk!]  for our muses to bonk foreheads (Izuru? -despairfoundxx)
Things were becoming rather heated, or at least as heated as they could with someone who was eternally bored by near almost everything in existence.
Still that wasn't stopping Izuru from holding the white-haired male in his lap. There was a slight miscommunication as he had pulled away from leaving kisses along the servant's neck however, and that is they both had moved in at the same time; Ko desiring more contact with the hopeful, and Izuru wishing for more of the prolonged new form of entertainment.
"Ow." He said in a monotone voice as he opened his red optics to look at the servant who was rubbing his forehead where they had bumped into each other. A small red mark was present on Servant's.
"Are you alright?" The dark-haired male asked while pressing his lips to the pulse point of the male's neck. It was his way of issuing a silent apology.
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 3 years ago
[teach me]  for my muse to place your muse’s hand on their genitalia and show them how to pleasure them (your muse is touching my muse) (-despairfoundxx) (I think Hajime for this one?)
"Teach me." The words rolled off Ko's lips against Hajime's as the pair were sitting on the edge of the couch in their shared apartment.
The luckster had been stroking his dick pretty well on his own so far, but it was a request that Ko made of him. Before he could stop that lust fueled side of his brain he had placed his hand over the other male's and even corrected the way his fingers were wrapped along his length.
"Squeeze every now and again, but just stroke me off just like this." It was rather lewd of him, but his hand still holding Ko's he began manipulating it as his hazel eyes watched and caught the slick sounds every movement of his wrist was resulting in.
The brunet could be ratherful shameless when he desired to be, and this was one of those very times, and it was evident by how much he was enjoying the other male's touch as he had quite obvious rolls of precum forming on the crown of his dick and dripping down along his shaft as Ko continued with his movements.
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 3 years ago
“Did you touch yourself without me?” (feel free to choose 🖤-despairfoundxx)
DIRTY Punishments and Rewards
Hajime was more than a flustered wreck as he was sitting on the edge of the bed. Hands gripping the sheets as he was waiting for the white-haired luckster to finish with his shower.
White dress shirt unbuttoned with either side open as a dark green colored tie was hanging down over his chest. Sakura petal decorated boxers on blue silk were already straining thanks to very clear arousal. Just the thought of getting to be with his boyfriend was enough to be a turn on.
The question asked of him from Ko as he came into the room only made him swallow saliva that had collected in his mouth at the nerves that were building up.
"I... no, not yet." He said laughing to himself. It had been tempting however to start without his lover, but the luckster could be rather ingenious when it came to punishments he handed out.
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 3 years ago
DIRTY Punishments and Rewards
“Did you touch yourself without me?”
“Did you leave the plug/vibe in all day like I told you to?”
“Were you a good boy/girl/pet all day?”
“Hold still while I tie you up and you can have a reward.”
“Don’t you think I deserve a reward for behaving?”
“I’ve been bad… You should punish me.”
“You can spank me if you think I’ve been bad.”
“I think someone deserves a spanking.”
“Should it be the cane or the crop tonight?”
“What do you think your punishment should be?”
“That’s a good boy/girl/pet. You can cum now.”
“Show me how a good boy/girl/pet begs.”
“Put on a show for daddy/mommy/master/mistress.”
“Prove that you deserve my cock/pussy.”
“Prove that you deserve my tongue.”
“Prove that you deserve to use the toys.”
“Not good enough. Guess you’ll have to wait a little longer.”
“Get on your knees and crawl to me.”
“Did I say you could cum?”
“Did I say you could touch?”
“Would you like the blindfold or the handcuffs this time?”
“This is your special treat for being good. (Flavor) syrup or whipped cream?”
“Bad boys/girls/pets don’t get to cum.”
“You were bad. I have to teach you not to do that again.”
“You need to learn your place.”
“Good boy/girl/pet. Keep going just like that.”
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 4 years ago
An outstretched arm trying to shield a pair of squinting eyes wasn't enough for the accompanying breeze and warmth from the sun. They both thought that it was an occasion with everyone going off on their own, and leaving the pair alone on the island to take advantage of being able to be as loud as they wanted.
At least that had been the plan until the warm tropical air and exhaustion from working had got to the brunet and he had passed out before a certain white haired male could get him off let alone get the same in turn.
Hajime pulled his arm down from his eyes now adjusted to the morning lighting. He shifted next to the luckster next to him, and noted happily how stray wisps of white were brushing against his chest. A glove covered hand resting on his stomach as he saw that Nagito hadn't seemed to mind, and was just resting into his chest.
Bi-colored eyes watched for a moment longer the rising and falling of a pale (and still) bare chest until Hajime began to feel something stirring. Oh great, he had slept naked too, and the cool breeze coming through the open window was enough to cause sensation, and thus starting to go to a half hardened state.
'Dammit, first I pass out, and then we both wasted a night, and now...' Well the sensations spoke for themselves. He shifted wondering if going to take shower would remedy his growing 'problem'. He didn't have much of a chance as the male sleeping next to him shifted in his sleep, and made a noise that Hajime considered adorable. The shifting certainly didn't do him any favors as that last sound had done it. He was now full pitched tent mode.
He sat up with a groan seeing the sheet they usually covered themselves with was below his hips. The groan must have alerted the male who had been breathing shallowly next to him, because he was greeted with gray green optics.
"Good morning, Hajime." Nagito paused as he registered the brunet next to him, and then a sly albeit still sarcastic smirk peeled across his features. "Good morning to you too, Small Hajime." He had chosen those words in particular wanting to get a rise out of Hajime, and it had worked too as red painted his cheeks, and then a voice that sounded like a bisbelieving squeak increased in tone with a slight edge to it.
"Don't call it small!" He snapped feeling humiliated with the choice of given nickname. Nagito only considered his lover next to him as he smiled. "I'm just teasing, you're the perfect size, Hajime." Well at least Hajime didn't have to go through the awkwardness of waking the luckster up to ask to satisfy his 'small' friend.
Nagito moved in while Hajime had been distracted with his thoughts. He kissed the brunet giving a nip at his lower lip in the same instant. The other male returned the kiss, and was going to move to deepen it, but before he was able to Nagito had broken it. A whine of disappointment met his ears.
"Should I apologize to Small Hajime too?" Nagito was teasing on purpose now. This would make up for the hopeful passing out, and him waiting to see if Hajime would ever wake up the night before. It was understandable his falling asleep, and he wasn't even really angry about it. Hajime was just fun to tease as he varied in reactions, but he almost always gave an annoyed one, or even a mix of annoyed and embarrassed like he had just now.
A sigh escaped the brunet at Nagito's choice of words, but he was still staying watchful, attentive to each move that the white-haired male was now attempting to execute.
Hajime really was the perfect size. Gray green drank in the appearance of the newly stiffened dick as if trying to engrave each detail about it. From the fine veins running along the shaft, to the tip which reacted as the bristly male in question became aware of the stare on him.
"Do you have to stare at it like that?" Nagito's staring was interrupted as he chose to reach out a hand and run his palm along the underside before leading it upwards to brush his thumb over the crown. "Sorry, I'll remember to wear a blindfold next time someone wakes up after passing out the night before." He teased and rubbed the pad of his thumb over the sensitive crown. It really helped when Hajime was already in a state of arousal like this, but that was a large part of the fun for Nagito- the foreplay; and pressing boundaries.
Each time the resolve would crumble a little more each time having the usually contemplative male show a more rare sight to him and him only. A face that their classmates nor the Future Foundation got to see.
Another hand was added to mix of his touches, beginning to stroke Hajime's dick. The thumb drew away, but not for long as Nagito then leaned forward and let a thin line of saliva run down from his mouth onto the tip. His hand then took that and added it into the mix of his hand stroking. Soon enough a slick sound started along with a raising of hips as the white-haired male alternated squeezing at the base and just below the crown.
"We have lube you know..." Hajime wasn't complaining though, and was still paying close attention to every pumping motion. His hips arced up into the tightened fist around him.
"I know, but I needed to apologize to Small Hajime too." Nagito said full of cheek, and the brunet was about to react irritated except the pale male pressed a kiss onto the tip of his dick before pulling his hand away.
Hajime let out a disappointed sound as his now absent of touch member twitched. "You say you're apologizing and then stop." The male in question he was directing his words to had retreated to the bedside table before grabbing a bottle and coming back to settle next to him.
"I haven't finished yet." Nagito said popping the top open and holding the bottle over Hajime's dick letting the liquid drip down liberally. Once enough was applied the white-haired male moved to stroking him with two hands, alternating moving thumb and forefingers up in between giving gradual squeezes. He only watched in amusement as the brunet lifted his hips to fuck into his grip.
"I'm getting close..." Hajime said in a whine, and Nagito took that as a cue to pull his hands away.
"Lay next to me and put your back to me." Nagito was slightly taller, but that didn't stop Hajime from sliding behind him. Hajime took the bottle and squirt some onto his fingers, and then lifted one of the lucksters legs so he could get access to his entrance.
His fingers coated in the fluid he pressed a finger inside of his hole and worked on building a slow thrusting motion as he moved them in and out of Nagito's clinging muscle in between kissing Nagito's neck.
Nagito moaned as he felt his lover's finger start pushing into his entrance. His own arousal clear as Hajime was pressed up against his shoulders and back. Another finger was added along with a scissoring to Hajime's movements.
His fingers made him feel full already. He loved the way that it felt when Hajime was inside of him- with any extension of himself. He buried his head against his arm as he felt yet another finger being pressed inside of him and working to stretch him.
"Little Hajime is all lubed up and ready to go." It was a rather lewd way to tell the brunet enough, but it never hurt to offer some kind of directing with Hajime at times.
Hajime removed his fingers at those words and gripped his dick in his hand. He gave it a few quick strokes making sure that the assisting fluid was on well, and then grabbing Nagito's leg he hoisted it up and over his own before beginning to work the bulbous tip inside.
Nagito whined closing his eyes as the tip was pushed inside. Hajime waited to make sure his lover was alright to continue before pressing more inside of the gripping muscle inch by inch.
"Fuck... tight." Hajime rarely cursed, but he did now as he gave another shift of hips pressing forward until he felt completely embedded within the white-haired male.
Nagito on the other hand seemed to be just going in stride with everything. He rested his head on his outstretched arm next to him as he started to adjust to the familiar full feeling his lover always brought when entering his passage. He lidded his eyes at catching the curse word from Hajime. That much like his broken dirty talk which he was so bad at aroused him for some reason or another.
Hajime rested, restraining himself once he was sheathed inside waiting for Nagito to become used to the intrusion. In the meanwhile he lifted one of the white-haired male's pale, slender legs after gripping it at the thigh.
This action would allow him to have an easier way of curling closer to the white-haired male who was breathing patiently. Nagito couldn't just signal to Hajime with a simple go, no he wanted to milk the teasing for as long as he could. "Ready for Little Hajime to begin pounding me.~"
The words themselves despite being littered with that unwanted nickname for his dick had Hajime throbbing inside of Nagito as he rested his lips at the back of his neck pressing heated kisses as his hips started thrusted in a lazy pace. There wasn't any rush with their lovemaking as they didn't have anything scheduled, and most employees of the Future Foundation were off island for a change. This also meant they could be as loud and vocal as they wanted. Hajime had already decided before the island was bustling with other employees again that he was going to have Nagito a couple of more times in locations that usually would have been risky.
"You got bigger all of a sudden.." Nagito interrupted Hajime's thoughts, but also brought him back to the moment. He thanked him while pressing a heated kiss into a shoulder as he started shifting his hips in and out. He pulled all but the tip out before pushing back in roughly, albeit slowly.
"I was thinking about how before everyone comes back I'm going to at least fuck you once in the restaurant of the hotel." Hajime told Nagito while adding a nip to the area he kissed causing the white-haired male to whimper as his own neglected so far arousal twitched at the blunt words his usually polite lover chose. In the right scenario he was sure that he could probably get off on being teased or degraded by the brunet.
"Yeah?" He didn't have to wait long for his erection to be tended to as he found Hajime had reached around while still moving at a steady stroking pace inside of him, and now wrapped his fingers around his own cock. He almost thought that Hajime hadn't picked up on his signal to continue speaking, but he was wrong; the brunet had taken the question for what it was meant to be: an odd form of lewd play.
He wasn't the best at going along with Nagito's wishes of talking dirty, so at times Hajime would try his best by painting a picture of what he would do step by step. The important thing was that the luckster appreciated the attempt, and shivered at the words that came next. "Since everyone is gone I'm going to put one of those Kokeshi to work by strapping it to your dick, and another two taped to your chest." The white-haired male moaned at the very imagery that brought, and he shivered as the brunet managed to angle against his prostate while his lovers own hand stroked over his member in time with the thrusts.
Hajime felt the way the other male tightened and reacted to his words and crude planning, and instead of increasing the pace like he often jumped to doing out of hastiness, he moved at a more loving pace, but angling his thrusts to brush against that bundle of nerves that had Nagito whimpering into the bed sheets next to him.
It was probably selfish of him to think so, but a part of Nagito was grateful that Hajime could be so generous during their intimacy. He could easily balance between rough and more attentive, and as the brunet was brushing against his prostate with the slower and lazier paced movements, he was quickly becoming charged with sensitivity. "You actually have enough of those dolls for that?" He managed to ask Hajime and was met with a sharper, but still angled thrust that made him close his eyes at the sensations.
"I have plenty of them." The brunet said with a kiss to the white-haired male's neck before he sucked on the spot making the male he was inside of hitch in breath.
"H-Hinata," Nagito turned his head as best as he could to get a look at the brunet. "I'm getting close..." Almost took close. His stomach was tightening up more and more with Hajime's well timed movements.
"I-I am too." Hajime admitted, and decided now was the appropriate time to chase that building crescendo that came with going at a quicker and rougher pace. He got a better grip on the leg he had lifted and just started pistoning his hips in and out. He even applied the same speed of stroking to his pumping of Nagito's dick. As a result he felt the white-haired male squeeze around him as he shook with reaching his limit. Furious stroking and pushing his thrusts at the same limit of speed, and he heard a choked cry as he looked over to the side the luckster was facing just in time to see gooey strings decorating the sheets of the bed. Those would definitely need to be washed later he thought as with a groan Hajime wasn't far behind the luckster, but instead of releasing his cum inside of his ass, he pulled out of Nagito and flipped him onto his back before stroking himself to completion as translucent strings of his own cum coated the pale stomach and heaving chest.
"You need to forget to return the favor more often..." Nagito managed in between pants as his lover sidled up next to him and pressed a loving kiss to his temple.
After a few moments to gather himself and ground back into the moment, Nagito turned to look at the spiky haired male. "I really hope you plan on following through and weren't just saying things." He teased Hajime, who for now was spent as much as he was.
"I will later, now I just wanna sleep." Hajime sighed out. "I'll run you a bath in a bit. I just want you by my side for now." He told Nagito who had gathered up the seed on his chest, and rubbed it absentmindedly in a sort of amusement. As far as he was concerned, just hearing that Hajime wanted him near him was more than enough incentive to lay there a little longer, mess or no.
"It's fine. Scum like me is used to wor-," Hajime cut off his self deprecating words by pressing a kiss to his lips. "No." Hajime said to him bluntly before resting against him. Nagito would oblige and even smile before leaning over to kiss his lover on the temple.
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 4 years ago
The theater seats started to feel unpleasant after awhile with the back sticking to him due to the sweatiness. He was grateful for Nagito to be moving off of him, and worked to right himself back in his pants before working to remove the jizz stain from his usually pristine shirt.
Nagito's ego stroking was more than appreciated, and he laid back trying to gather his mental space once more. "I don't know if it's a must, but I was thinking spending time in the hotel wouldn't be a bad idea." At least to rest up before heading home.
He had been planning ahead for this, and in truth had stored ingredients at the hotel nearby to make a pretty good dinner for the pair of them.
As the luckster fell, Hajime was there to make a face. "And I'd much prefer if you had a chance to rest." A hotel room would be a lot better than that crummy room too.
So far, this was a rather eventful evening. Quiet as the others had probably took to more recreational activities or winding down. Still, this place held a difference that Nagito did notice. Even his fragile mind had picked up the differences long ago when he first arrived. Hajime’s question took him off guard, so much so that his avatar ran off the road and into the open space below. “… I like all sides of you, actually. But this side is nice of course, you’re usually more … Y'know. Serious. N-not that I dislike that –!” He was once again digging himself deeper. His avatar was driving more erratically, and seemed to be the target of attacks of the npc drivers. So he was done with his duties? That was a relief. Gray eyes shifted away to Hajime briefly. He seemed happy at least, and so Nagito was equally happy. “This is fun. Brings back some memories.”
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 4 years ago
The brunet was vaguely amused with Nagito being completely ready to return the favor of no contact, until he was lowered back into the rough pistoning of hips.
He continued along with stroking Nagito off along with his rougher thrusts. The white-haired male really seemed to enjoy rougher handling. "You've been very bad.~" Hajime reiterated as he settled on that little nestled knot and pulled the tie down to angle the other male downward slightly as he focused on grinding against it with each series of thrusts.
Hajime jerked as his own orgasm hit as he released white strings into the condom. He continued focusing on grinding against that same spot, and was rewarded as Nagito released over his hand and some of it landing on his neat, white shirt. That was easily cleaned up with one of the remaining napkins.
Still panting as he come down from his own release, he opened his eyes to look at the white-haired male and observed how beautiful he looked in the dim lighting while still on top of him.
"Nagito..." Hajime then relaxed his hold on the tie and moved to return kisses against the others chest. "Do you think that is enough of a show? And are you still feeling cool?" He teased as he pulled the other off of his member.
So far, this was a rather eventful evening. Quiet as the others had probably took to more recreational activities or winding down. Still, this place held a difference that Nagito did notice. Even his fragile mind had picked up the differences long ago when he first arrived. Hajime’s question took him off guard, so much so that his avatar ran off the road and into the open space below. “… I like all sides of you, actually. But this side is nice of course, you’re usually more … Y'know. Serious. N-not that I dislike that –!” He was once again digging himself deeper. His avatar was driving more erratically, and seemed to be the target of attacks of the npc drivers. So he was done with his duties? That was a relief. Gray eyes shifted away to Hajime briefly. He seemed happy at least, and so Nagito was equally happy. “This is fun. Brings back some memories.”
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 4 years ago
Coming down from the praise of his thickness, Hajime smirked at the way Nagito was even making an attempt to reach down and get himself off. "There isn't any need for that."
Having fashioned the binding a certain way, this left a length of tie free, and the brunet now took hold of the tie pulling the white-haired male downward like a makeshift set of reigns. His thrusts increased in pace meanwhile as he reached his hand down at the lucksters front and found his erection once more.
"I could punish you for touching yourself just now." Hajime whispered before giving a small tug on the tie. If Nagito wanted to be a tease, then he could be slightly more assertive. Before he could give the white-haired male time to process he began stroking his dick while focusing on the underside of the tip, before gradually moving his hand upward and downward in a pace that matched the more frenetic one the luckster was having to endure in his entrance.
He was only putting on an act, and thought about conveniently loosening his tie so Nagito could slip it, but instead of going through with that he pulled out only to push back in while tugging the tie to shift the male in time to his thrusts.
So far, this was a rather eventful evening. Quiet as the others had probably took to more recreational activities or winding down. Still, this place held a difference that Nagito did notice. Even his fragile mind had picked up the differences long ago when he first arrived. Hajime’s question took him off guard, so much so that his avatar ran off the road and into the open space below. “… I like all sides of you, actually. But this side is nice of course, you’re usually more … Y'know. Serious. N-not that I dislike that –!” He was once again digging himself deeper. His avatar was driving more erratically, and seemed to be the target of attacks of the npc drivers. So he was done with his duties? That was a relief. Gray eyes shifted away to Hajime briefly. He seemed happy at least, and so Nagito was equally happy. “This is fun. Brings back some memories.”
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exxxtraspicyhopefulmuses · 4 years ago
Hajime could prolong the teasing for awhile longer, but there was just something so enticing about having the male hovering over his lap, his twitching cock in particular.
Instead of obliging Nagito's need to be punished right away, he brought his hand back before bringing it suddenly taut against the same cheek he had previously spanked.
He was surprised as he was manually guided to rest more against the white-haired male's entrance. He tested whether the lube was going to be adequate by pressing against the passage just above.
Hajime rested against the theater seat while craning his neck upward to accommodate the pale male's nips and kisses. He groaned, but closing his eyes he gave another press along with a thrust of his hips. He cried out at the new tightness of the warm tightness enveloping him. This was different than their time in the simulation- this was better.
His hands moved behind the luckster and took his arms quickly fashioning a hold with the tie he brought out. With the arms bound in front of him he waited to adjust before starting off at a rougher pace than he would usually care for.
"If you want to be punished, fine." He breathed while moving his gaze back to watch the various expressions on Nagito's face as he began thrusting his hips upward more purposefully.
So far, this was a rather eventful evening. Quiet as the others had probably took to more recreational activities or winding down. Still, this place held a difference that Nagito did notice. Even his fragile mind had picked up the differences long ago when he first arrived. Hajime’s question took him off guard, so much so that his avatar ran off the road and into the open space below. “… I like all sides of you, actually. But this side is nice of course, you’re usually more … Y'know. Serious. N-not that I dislike that –!” He was once again digging himself deeper. His avatar was driving more erratically, and seemed to be the target of attacks of the npc drivers. So he was done with his duties? That was a relief. Gray eyes shifted away to Hajime briefly. He seemed happy at least, and so Nagito was equally happy. “This is fun. Brings back some memories.”
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