exuuro · 8 years
natasha romanoff.
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“It’s amazing how many new faces I see around SHIELD, and not a lot are the typical agent type. What do you do here?”
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   "i---------am secret. i mean! secret warriors. i’m with secret warriors. a, um, agent johnson’s team. o’ inhumans. well. i’m still a trainee, i guess, so i don’t usually get ta’ hang here often. sorry-i just. can’t believe i’m actually meetin’ you.”
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exuuro · 8 years
'texts from last night' starters
[MSG]: His birthday is on Valentines Day, of course he's getting a blowjob.
[MSG]: Where are you and why are you fighting with a bird?
[MSG]: Apparently my thong was thrown in the cornfield last night. No one will tell me why.
[MSG]: He understood my need for pizza was more important than my need for sex. He's the one.
[MSG]: So you don't take a regular pic with her, but you take a selfie with her ass. Interesting...
[MSG]: The only reason I have clothes in my overnight bag is to cover up my sex toys.
[MSG]: Nothing says "happy birthday" like a negative pregnancy test.
[MSG]: Do me a solid and hit me with your car.
[MSG]: The night went downhill when he lit her purse on fire and tried putting it out with vodka.
[MSG]: As the bouncer was escorting you out, you yelled "keep your filthy dick beaters off me!"
[MSG]: I don't think problem is the right word. Problems arent something you enjoy. Life would be too boring without gambling.
[MSG]: I don't call her my roommate, that's too cordial. I prefer to refer to her as the whore that was assigned to live with me.
[MSG]: Why does every poor decision I make end up with over 1000 likes on YouTube?
[MSG]: Oh boy I hope we come out of this alive. And with clean prison records.
[MSG]: How do you politely bring up someone's criminal record?
[MSG]: I just literally had a dance party in my closet. I've never been this blazed.
[MSG]: She kept calling herself DJ McDonalds and said she wanted to make some Egg McMusic.
[MSG]: My dad just called from upstairs on the house phone to tell me to bring him a beer. You tell me how I am.
[MSG]: Okay, just don't go to jail. I saw your account balance. It can't take that.
[MSG]: At what point did you actually think that you could throw knives safely?
[MSG]: I'm wayyy too drunk to be in a parade right now.
[MSG]: You would be so proud at how green we're being. Re-using last night's jello shot containers.. saving the world one step at a time.
[MSG]: Nothing kills the mood quicker than kneeing him in the face during sex.
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exuuro · 8 years
                       ( — @exuuro ♡’d  for a starter. )
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 ❝ trust me when i say i’m not the one to JUDGE. — a green fog forms around my palms whenever i use my POWER. so please, carry on. i’m CURIOUS to see what you’re capable of.  ❞
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   “uh-------i sneeze fire an’ make shit hot an’ plenty more o’ things that involve heat, really, ‘least that’s wha’ dr. simmons said. pretty fancy. y’want a demonstration? you gonna show me your green mojo, too?”
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exuuro · 8 years
felicia hardy.
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“—-Who orders a plain black coffee?”
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    “not me, definitely. then again coffee jus’ ain’t my thing. more o’ a mr. jack an’ ms. chivas kinda’ gal.”
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exuuro · 8 years
cassie lang.
“Some guy gave this to me last night… whaddya think?” 
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       “it’s a lil’ big, but still. you’re grade a-plus-plus rockin’ it, cowgirl.”
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exuuro · 8 years
daisy johnson.
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         “i don’t blame you. we should be good for another two hours,” daisy muttered, letting out a small breath at the feeling of aubrey’s hands in her hair. despite the night they’d just had ( and the several, several rounds they’d endured ), she still much adored the gentle touches, the way aubrey held her as though she was something that should never be harmed. christ, this was definitely going to bite her in the ass later. “i slept okay. you fussed a little in your sleep. you calmed down when i touched you, though. like –” she reached out, a hand sliding along aubrey’s neck, a thumb gently caressing her cheek. “– like that. what do you have nightmares about?”
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     a slow-scruple dabs her mouth at the question, not at all withering entirely but now she’s pondering how much had been exposed when she was asleep. knows daisy wouldn’t judge let alone scorn her, hopefully, but the whole notion still rakes the brain with fear -- aubrey cranes into her touch, the one that she deemed as light amidst knots of terror. “fucked up shit. people--tha’, uh. were hurt, ‘cause i couldn’t fuckin’ control myself, people tha’ i hurt, ” she gulps, thickly. “an’ then jus’ a fuckin’ lot o’ paranoia. those who care i ‘bout burnt ; dad, the team, you. always so fuckin’. clear.” her chuckle that hails afterward is a bit trembling. “it ain’t tha’ bad last night, though. disturbin’ as fuck images still but you, um, being ‘round helped calmin’ ‘em down. you were there an’ i. ain’t alone for the first time,” she looks up, watches her again while her fingertips become a waltz dancing up and down the brunette’s arm. “i was so fuckin’ terrified you’d end up gettin’ hurt, y’know. you ain’t hurt though, right?
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exuuro · 8 years
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exuuro · 8 years
daisy johnson.
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         “i’m totally not impressed,” she replied; so obviously a joke, only further shown by the grin on her cheeks. her nose crinkled as her face reacted to the kiss, so gentle and so different from the ones before. “nah. i’ve been sorta watching you for a little bit. you’re making really good progress, aubs. i think you’re almost ready to be a secret warrior.” despite the talks about work, daisy was happy to succumb into blissful ignorance, and she leaned back so she could lay down again, gently pulling the blonde with her. now she only needed to come up with a lie as to why her voice was so hoarse this morning. “how’d you sleep?”
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    “does tha’ mean i get ta’ hang out with the cool kids soon?” there’s the weary ( she wore her out, really, this small lady packs a fucking lot ) beam that coils into something broad and almost childlike despite the circumtances ; to make her proud has been one of her top priorities for a good while now and sure this isn’t precisely a flagrant pride, but it’s still an approval, it’s another tick of that daisy-sincerity augmenting her heartbeat. “i slept okay. lesser nightmares. you fuckin’ exhausted me good,” she doesn’t tell her of the horrors that she witnessed when she closed her eyes, that fear of jolting up to her charred corpse. “how’d you sleep?” her fingers run through daisy’s hair -- short, dark, as messy as hers and she looks so bare and beautiful. “and how many hours, or minutes, d’we have until your next assignment thingy? no offense, but i kinda jus’ wanna huddle here for the rest o’ m’life an’ beyond.”
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exuuro · 8 years
nate sullivan.
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NATE REMAINED completely focused on what was being presented before him. a clear look of boredom was glued across his features as he waited for whatever was to come. once it’s visible to his eyes, his brows furrow. he looks from the firey-figure in her hands to her. ❝ how is a premature penis supposed to look like a butterfly ?? looks to me like you need much more practice than what you’ve already gotten. ❞
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   "wow. you should consider a coachin’ job, sir. your words o’ encouragement are truly inspirin’,” it’s an inexorable slug of interest but not enough to wholly cease the movements ; she thrives to impress, like a long-desolated child devoid of attention ( which is the legimate sad truth) and that’s proven by how hasty she is in her effort to conjure another shape. round this time. bulky. “look. here’s another one. a blunt ass. kinda fittin’, ain’t it?”
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exuuro · 8 years
daisy johnson.
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       daisy’s legs were tucked under the sheets and she was absentminded in her response at first, still being half asleep. it felt like forever before she could blink the tiredness from her eyes, and longer still before she could focus on what aubrey was doing. still, she managed a dopey smile at the sight of it. “damn, dragon. you’re getting really good. why a butterfly, though? why not a dragon?”
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   “i tried makin’ a dragon an’ instead o’ it simply lookin’ like a premature penis, it looked like-” she yawns, mid-sentence and she holds a fist up against her mouth. “like a ball o’ spiky ass. ta’ put it simply, i ain’t tha’ good yet.” a smile’s brimming and aubrey notices how drowsy the brunette’s voice sounds ; thinks of how tender it is, the six o’clock raps, and she feels something flutter in her stomach. god. “thought i’d try ta’ lowkey impress you, too.” she loops an arm around her, lazily, bidding a small trail of warmth that’ll travel through and then places a kiss on her nose. “mornin’, by the way. did i wake you up?”
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exuuro · 8 years
klara prast.
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“You have very…colourful language. But thank you, I’m glad you like the idea. I like to think flowers can make anyone smile, even for just a minute. I’m Klara Prast, it’s nice to meet someone so straightforward.” 
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     "oh yeah, thanks, part o’ my many, many charms, actually. an’ they do. they also grant you the opportunity for a possibly very cheesy as fuck bang-bangin’ afterward. which is beautiful. m’aubrey. aubrey marshall. it’s nice ta’ meet someone who still appreciates subtle sappiness, it’s refreshin’.”
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exuuro · 8 years
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   “------ hey check this out,” there ; two palms, clasped, her fingers in a slipshod knot over one another and then there’s light, slipping through the chasms in-between. doesn’t take long aubrey raises one hand to reveal a sloppily sculpted shape made of fire. “i know it looks like a premature penis but,” she frowns, attempts to concentrate. “it’s a butterfly. a fiery butterfly. nifty ain’t it? m’gettin’ better at this.”
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exuuro · 8 years
jeremy grave.
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“i-it’s nothing. don’t freak out too much.” he can’t even tell if the other is, his vision’s a tad big fuzzy. “it’s… only a tiny bit of blood. nothing else.” well, it’s hard to say ‘nothing else’ when it’s a rather… attention-grabbing case. that fact that he’s bleeding all the way up his right side is enough. the black hue just adds to the situation.
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   "i ain’t fuckin’ freakin’ the fuck out,” it’s too obvious, though, she’s got teeth clenched and eyes that’ve raked over his gash like it’s a fucking blazing tableau --- fuck, now she wishes either simmons or lincoln was there to at least give her directions over this little mess. “wha’ the hell happened ta’ you, dude? did you get shot? did someone stab you? were you hit by a very slow truck?”
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exuuro · 8 years
lady sif.
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“What I love most of this realm is its great quantity of hope. Though I see many things that sadden the population, there will always be the hopeful. As one who defied expectations myself, I am very fond of the inspirational people here.”
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   "i feel like the hopeful ones are often the most tormented - but it’s still nice, havin’ hope. especially nowadays. no matter how enormous or tiny tha’ said hope is, y’know, whether it’s hopin’ for a world fuckin’ peace or, like, the folks like me - hope for a stack o’ hotdogs. hotdogs hopin’. which speakin’ of ; do they have hotdogs in asgard?”
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exuuro · 8 years
kiara prast.
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“I don’t have a lot of usable work experience, so I was thinking of opening a little flower shop. What do you think? I think people will always like buying beautiful flowers.”  
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   "man. that would be fuckin’ n i f t y, i feel, especially for all ‘em lovely ass pent-up saps. we need more of those back and flowers are jus’ so undeappreciated these days, they’re gorgeous as fuck.”
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exuuro · 8 years
bobbi morse.
“Yes I have been on a lot of dangerous missions. I was level 7 until Coulson removed the levels when he restarted SHIELD. And I was an Avenger for a while.”
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    “are you fuckin’-,” she’s one, three ticks away from a combustious yodel. “you were an avenger? i’m standin’ infront of an avenger? fuck me in the ass, this is so fuckin’-this is so cool, what the fuck. were you there during the battle of new york? i was there! i saw a giant ass hot dog model collapse, but were you? am i askin’ too many questions?”
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exuuro · 8 years
grant ward.
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“well, well, well. looks like i’m just going to have a word with this so-called chicken, then.”
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     “if y’all are going to fight then can you at least try to keep it down? i’ve been tryna’ eat here.”
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