Regretta8ly Aranea Serket
9 posts
What, you think I'd just never make an appearance in canon again?
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
expos8ionfairy · 1 year ago
I mean look on the bright side, you're one of the few araneas to make it this far even by ghost standards? I mean for a bit there every aranea completely disappeared so nobody from our side knew what happened
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My own exile was entirely self-imposed. Partly out of penance, partly to avoid having to crawl 8ack to Meenah and Vriska with my tail 8etween my legs.
I had 8een left entirely unaware that the other iterations of me across the Furthest Ring have vanished.
Naturally, I'm already formulating some theories on the matter. I've already come to the conclusion that the Artifact 8estows upon certain powers of time and space in an entirely different manner than the typical methods.
Time travel is usually fraught with doomed selves and timelines to account for the paradoxes that inevita8ly arises from that aspect, 8ut I've deduced that the Artifact's powers, which the Heir of 8reath seems to wield, is almost entirely linear and self-fulfilling.
Rather than creating a doomed offshoot, events in a timeline are...undone, so to speak, save for the immediate effects around the Heir.
As...a hypothetical example. Let's say that you distinctly...recall...getting punched in the face...not once...8ut...twice, and su8sequently getting your rear end kicked right 8ack to the afterlife with not one, 8ut two copies of a very powerful ring stolen. And yet, you were also killed 8y an enraged tyrannical empress.
It's somewhat of a divide 8y zero situation. Repeated overlap of a non-entity which collapses into a singularity.
8ut who knows! May8e I in particular just got a lucky 8r8k.
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expos8ionfairy · 1 year ago
Maybe you can make a ghost pirate party that would be a fun way to spend eternity for a bit
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I'm done with pirates. Forever. More than forever. Never again. Won't even entertain it. The amount of done I am with pirates is over a num8er exceeding a certain amount. I would sooner take a vow of silence for the rest of my short eternity than even LOOK at one more eyepatch or pegleg or squawk8east or whatever stereotypical gam8ligant memori8ilia that 8efits the trade. DONE.
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expos8ionfairy · 1 year ago
i think meenah got into a canon (semi canon) timeline by accident or something.
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...Typical. Typical!
I don't know why I'm surprised. She has always 8een a terri8le hypocrite, even when she wasn't 8eing 8latantly antagonistic.
My own comprehension on the realm outside canon is...admittedly hazy. It is simply the reality of the matter, or rather, we are on different planes of reality.
I myself am not even technically existing in a frame of "canon." In the Furthest Ring, such as what remains of it, canon was already so tenuous. It has only worsened, where so many fates have 8een left up in the air, either to the mercy of the 8lack Hole or, even worse, to the whims of "8eyond canon."
I want to 8e angry at her, really, I do. 8ut it's just...it's totally out of my control. Even more than most things in my existence that have 8een out of my control.
I don't know. It doesn't feel like it's worth scolding, ranting, and raving at someone who didn't even really listen to me in the first place. Much less towards someone who...is gone now. And I shan't see her again.
So. As far as "semi-canon" is concerned...I think I shall have no part of it, regardless of my own feelings on the matter.
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expos8ionfairy · 1 year ago
hey, this might be Chump Change, fuckin. Small Potatoes or some other third turn of phrase to indicate potential lack of interest, but i think you're pretty cool. and (at least in my opinion) even if you didn't like. help The Green Jerkass to Be Kill, like. it was important that you were there, I think. like a fuckin', Bay Leaf in cooking. or whatever Troll Equivalent to The Bay Leaf is for cooking. even if you have to take it out of the final thing , it puts out flavors and depth and additional meaning into the thing you're cooking (be it a soup, or shakshuka or a pasta sauce) while it's there. it's important. y'get what I mean?
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Excuse me if I do not further 8uild upon your cooking metaphor to illustrate my point.
Countless alternate and doomed timelines are sacrificed in order to preserve the integrity of the alpha. Every minuscule decision is rendered into infinite variation, with each of those gradually withering away as the alpha timeline marches onward, o8livious to the possi8le futures o8literated in its wake.
I make no claims to 8e as well-versed in the su8ject as a Time player, 8ut I know full well of the circuitous routes that must 8e taken in order for the specifications of the alpha timeline to 8e fulfilled. Certain needs must 8e met in a specific order, rather than simply getting to the end goal without taking the journey to achieve it.
That was the greatest flaw in my plan, really. I was hasty when I had plenty of opportunity to mold the new universe in my favor. I can't 8elieve I even 8othered wasting my time with playing at pirates and seeking long lost sisters. I'm humiliated that I was more preoccupied with my silly stand than with even TRYING to carry out my plan. I was so excited to finally see Meenah again that I let myself get carried away with putting up with her seananigans.
...Hindsight 160/20, I suppose.
In any case, yes, technically speaking, in order for the specifications of the alpha timeline to 8e met, one timeline in particular that I just so happened to have had tangential involvement with had to 8ecome doomed. It's a cold comfort though, isn't it? That all that effort for so many people was all for the sake of failure, in order for others to succeed. It's a 8itterness that I know well, and if I can 8e a 8it mean-spirited for a moment? I hope it stings for them too. It's not very nice to say, much less sincerely feel, 8ut perhaps then the others can empathize a little 8it with having that feeling for as long as I have. I just hope I never see them to find out.
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expos8ionfairy · 1 year ago
You don't really sound happy.
Maybe you should take some time to self reflect on the actions that lead you here?
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expos8ionfairy · 1 year ago
oh h3y you'r3 b4ck!!!! how's 1t go1ng grl? >8O
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8ack? Ha ha, as if I went anywhere. As if I had ever 8een not here, in the afterlife, 8eing dead and always having 8een dead, same as you. It would 8e ridiculous for anyone to assume that I had gone on some manner of quest or mission of some kind that would ena8le me to 8e elsewhere.
Furthermore, it is going just--just gr8. Why would it not 8e going just a8solutely gr8? I mean, Lord English! Defeated! Hm! Wow! That's just really fantastic. And wouldn't you know it? It is all due to the three-pronged approach that was the original plan to defeat him! Meenah with her ghost army, Vriska with the artifact, and, wow. Wow. The Muse of Space herself even appeared to a8sor8 the power of the Green Sun, rendering the Furthest Ring into an inescapa8le 8lack hole!
A perfectly satisfying result that I had a8solutely no part in whatsoever! I am just so very pleased that paradox space was saved from imminent destruction and that the heroes could claim the Ultimate Reward. A8solutely just a win for everyone. So happy.
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expos8ionfairy · 1 year ago
How does it feel to have lost?
To put it succinctly?
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expos8ionfairy · 4 years ago
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Aranea Serket Main-verse Homestuck Roleplay Blog “Oh God we’re 8ack in the goddamn saddle again.”
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expos8ionfairy · 4 years ago
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I always hate this part. Testing, testing. 
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