sideblog to legitprick that answers questions for DeTale and uploads art bits of it except it's excruciatingly slow and im sorry. icon art is by little-noko :)
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I've read Noko's comic and I'm rather interested in DeS just as much as Paper Crane! I feel like DeS has implied multiple times that It's only him and the human in their AU. And along with him summoning a Trident...Much like Asgore's! Does that mean DeS may have the weapons from multiple major boss monsters?
i meant to reply the second i got this then i forgot im so sorry 💔
so first on DeS implying it’s only him and the human, that IS true for the most part in Crane’s comic since it takes place around another geno run BUT i like to think its also DeS just being used to everyone he knows and loves being killed constantly that its ruining how he perceives things if that makes sense >:?
and yes! DeS has access to all the major boss weapons as do other bosses :)
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What would push Frisk into finally letting the monsters get their happy ending?
sheer determination. it’s all they got with what their against.
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are you going to write up a story or comic for this someday?
truthfully, probably not. definitely not in the mind/skill set to make any kind of comic now or in the future, feels too pressuring and i’m just generally not happy with my art to do anything like that so ykno, rip for the writing part, same deal i guess. i never really had a set story either, the most u can really get what i thought of is in the asks i answered previously. i just know in the end everythin ends up ok, like everyone is terribly scarred but i believe that they can still recover, not much else to tell from there 🤟😔
#i am a very tired man who cannot draw#but i do still like this au#i just dont have the creativity to carry it as well i wanna tho#thank u for the ask weary emoji#Anonymous
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is there anyone you haven't talked about that you wanna really elaborate on?
i dont think so :? feel like i talked about everyone that i remember the most dfksjhlvnkfg
#ur all free to keep suggesting other characters that aint been talked about tho!#i can try n spice em up a lil bit like i did with Grillby ahaha#Anonymous
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in this au is muffet more or less the same?
i believe she’s about the same! i like to think her speech pattern is a little different though, something close to two friends runnin a store in an alleyway, regardless not much is different, there’s probably a lot of stuff from different areas tangled in her webs though D:YES she will still let the human go if they’ve bought her products, although she does consider the offer Mettaton made her quite often, but she’ll still let them go, she’s sweet. creepy, but sweet and i love her VERY much.
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ooo hey, does Gaster exist in this au? What's he like??
perhaps.. Grillby had to have Some sort of source for his unidentifiable language...
without bein cryptic, yeah! he exists, he can see All while None can see him and that’s just how it always is, isn’t it :)mm if i had to describe him though, he’s about on Toriel’s level of bugged. maybe higher than her. he’s still really strange, meta as hell and just... Weird.
kinda spooky to think that when the player messes with the world he could be Anywhere.
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Got anything on the dog squad? All of em. Gimme good bois and girl
all of em huh,, i assume u mean the ones in the royal guard, if so i GOT u
i’ll start with Doggo, the lad with the dual swords, i believe he’s still fairly the same attack wise, but rather than second guessing when he sees movement he just straight up goes, “SOMETHING’S OVER THERE” and usually he’s right. tho he might come off as paranoid, this also goes for if the human tries to spare him, he Won’t let them pet him anymore and will absolutely stab em if they try to come closer, don’t get in his space. i think he still does like to be pet but his paranoia makes it hard to trust people to try anything in his space, he doesn’t know why he’s so freaked out about people being closer but he gets a bad feeling most of the time, so ykno he trusts his gut i assume. his hobbies still include smokin dog treats and pondering over squirrels.
Lesser Dog, they don’t have too much to go on, but i think they’d still let the human come close n pet em and their neck still extends to mad lengths. tho i do think they are very wary of the human whenever they see them until they get pet, like they have that alert dog face instead of their usual excitement with their ears up and tongue out when they see the human, but they’re still a VERY good dog. they also actually participate in poker games with the other dogs instead of playin alone like usual.
Dogamy and Dogaressa, both of them are in Love still, love never ends baby! even in hell! they’re both still blind as well and use smell as their primary way of gettin around, but they also just stick together constantly and rely on each other like usual so ykno. BUT because of the vague memory from resets they both have a DEEP fear of separation, they refuse to leave each other’s side and will panic if anything gets between them in anyway. how they react to the human tho is different, i feel they now know exactly what the human is when they first meet and immediately become hostile towards them, the human CAN still win their trust tho, it just takes more patience. killin off one of them is about the same as well, neither can be spared without the other and will die trying to avenge the other.
Greater Dog.... not much on him either, but i think he’s similar to Lesser, they’re cautious of the human when first meeting, though i think Greater is willing to trust them faster if it gets him the love and attention he still craves. i think one main thing about him that’s different though is the certain glitches in appearance, could be a trick of the eye but sometimes his face will look like Endogeny’s at random, which is probably terrifying to some people but again it’s a blink and you’ll miss it sorta thing. so he’s pretty much the same, just kinda Spooky sometimes.
to sum up all these dogs,,,,,,, still GOOD. i also think they’re like Grillby, they’re all so close knit and will be worried once one of them disappears for a longer period of time than usual and im big sad.and a fun fact, i believe they use braille playing cards when playing poker together as Dogamy and Dogaressa are blind and they don’t want them to feel left out ;_; (also Doggo probably likes the feel of the cards, good texture)
#SORRY it took me so long i saw this way earlier then forgot to reply sdjhvnkfm#also it took me awhile to actually think since they'r in a group#i wanted to do them justice u feel me ;_;#DeTale dog squad#DeTale Doggo#DeTale Lesser#DeTale Greater#DeTale Dogamy#DeTale Dogaressa#Anonymous
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all the questions so far are legit drivin me crazy in a good way, im LOSING my mind with the desire to actually draw everyone ;_;
#i STILL have that papyrus ask in my box asking of his appearance and im dead#i just might commit to drawin everyone man#thank u tho so much for all the asks#theyr so fun to answer :') <3#ryells
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OOo I got an interesting person for you to go in depth with, how do you think Grillby is handling this? Since there really isn't that much known about him I think, you could go ham with him
HOH i do love me that fire man :)
how he’s handling everything tho?? i believe he’s fairly calm, not much he can do to ease the situation, i do feel he’s more talkative through it but it’s 🕈︎♏︎♓︎❒︎♎︎ and out of place, nobody really understands what he means, but he never talks directly to the human, that stays the same at least. i have a feeling he gets anxious when one of his usual customers are missing, just like everyone, the memories never do go away. he recalls moments of the town being empty and silent, remembers Sans knocking on the door to his pub and fading before his eyes. i don’t think he fears the human, but is more terrified of losing all the people he knows, that’s why he gets nervous when some of his regulars don’t come in one day even if they turn out to be okay. ESPECIALLY Sans, he saw him die and that fucked him up, when Sans doesn’t come in to lighten the mood of any sort, he’ll be on Alphys levels of anxious, whether anyone notices or not, they don’t mention it because they know Grillby would rather not talk about it. also bc nobody understand him so ykno that makes it easier on Grillby to avoid it lmao he is very aware that the world is constantly changing, he doesn’t know why, he just knows and it also freaks him out but he obviously just pretends it’s not happening by running his pub as always. also he’s probably really rough with any action toward the human if they ever hang out with Sans like slamming cups and literally burning things on accident because the human coming anywhere near his bar gives him the WORST feeling and he just doesn’t wanna see them.
Grillby in a nutshell:
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;_; I would protect mk with my life. Think you can talk about our fave fast food worker burgerpants? Anything changed about them?
GOD ME TOO ANON MK deserves the world 😔
my man BPants... i think he’s changed some, pretty sure he doesn’t call the human ‘little buddy’ but rather ‘little weirdo’ as he did in the geno run, even during neutral runs he calls them that because i’m fairly certain everyone knows the human is something else entirely lmao he’s still pessimistic but x10, he follows the meta brand and will probably say something along the lines of “none of this really matters, it’s just some game to you :)”, “oh, that’s kinda weird to say isn’t it, kinda like you :)))))” then he’ll just end convos like that with, “anyway, you gonna buy anything? you’re wastin my time. just like how i wasted my whole life :)” dhjkkflmg i keep saying someone is the most calm and unphased but i think Burgerpants is the real one who literally couldn’t care less about what’s happening, including the threat he gets in geno runs like always, he’s just a tired man who probably isn’t making living wage and is an inch away from bashing MTT open with a bat.local fast food worker is the backbone of the underground by still selling MTT brand food during a massacre to keep living even if it’s pointless.
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ooo I love how in depth you get into these, do you have any details about monster kid? They would probably get really affected by the whole mess right?
im glad u like how deep i get because man,,, its so fun, i love these characters still after all these years :’)
of course i got details of MK they make me SO sad, but that’s also just everyone in general, this au hurts my bones u_u yeahh nobody gets out of this au unscathed, it SUCKS but i made it happen so fuck yeah! it hurts!
anyway, i don’t think they’d follow the human around in Waterfall as much but rather appear in places other npcs would be; example the place where Sans pranks the human with the telescope. MK wouldn’t do the prank but they would stand there and probably talk about something random, more likely they still look up to Undyne but it’s kinda,,, more fearful this time around, they might talk about how Undyne seems a little off sometimes but ykno, they’ll still say she’s cool and stuff. whenever they do follow the human though, it’s from a relatively safe distance and they still help the human climb in that one part. it’s a Bit obvious that they’re scared of the human with how they act around them, it could be from the ‘dreams’ they have about the human killing their idol; Undyne in place of trying to murder them instead so ykno, that terrifies them even if the human is playing more calmly in a reset. I think MK would still be really chill to talk to tho in those calmer runs, like oh hey i can trust the human they wouldnt do what i thought they did in that dream haha that’s crazy. but in the more glitchy and violent runs though they might be really hysteric and decide to get close to the human to try and talk sense into them about what’s happenin and what they’re doing, whether those times the human listens or not, MK’s still GOOD and just wants things to stop ;_;with another summary, MK still idolizes Undyne, is spooked by the human when they’re acting nice and will still try to step in and stop them when it’s obvious that the human is showing violent tendencies to protect people.
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mmmm how about napstablook and mettaton? Is napstablook even more depressed omg
Napstablook,,, tbh i dont think they’d be that much different, i think they’d more or less be the same, that includes their habit of being polite to the human whenever they get attacked by them because Napstablook is a sweetheart ;_; though i feel they’re a little standoffish during a neutral run and the human spares them, it’s not a grudge they hold but just the personality mixing with other people, you know the drill 😩 yes they’re still really depressed but i think it’s more connected to Mettaton leaving rather than the world falling apart around them. alongside Asgore, i think Napstablook is the second most calm about everything tbh.sum em up, still just a sad ghost who misses their cousin in a constantly dangerous time, because i think they absolutely know what’s happening as well, not Flowey levels of knowledge but enough to know that others are in danger, YES their introverted but i believe they’d have a lot of sympathy while being connected to everyone in some way, im very emo.
now Mettaton, he’s probably got really chaotic energy, more than usual anyway. i feel he still does his shows and whatnot, but i think when the human makes their presence known he starts acting very manic. he still has the whole anti human combat thing going on and very actively uses it whenever the human shows up, his confidence to kill them is very high regardless of what he might remember from the og geno run, he just knows that there’s something terribly off about the human and he probably says some strange things about them like, “I have a feeling someone isn’t playing by the rules!” but obviously it’s probably taken as him being upset that he’s losing to them. with all his core stuff there, i feel like he tends to glitch out and malfunction randomly, each time he probably says something extremely out of place that could only be said from another monster in the game but HEYY that’s just a theory :)summing him up, uhhhhhh still a robot who just wants to perform and goes batshit crazy whenever he sees the human and wants them annihilated by his own hands.
#it's funny bc mettaton is very Meta by referrin to the human bein a cheater#DeTale Mettaton#DeTale Napstablook#Anonymous
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gimme deets about flowey and chara please!
ok so Flowey, imagine him, but,,, more sane?Flowey’s a tough one to expand on details with but i think he’s terrified of the human, rightfully so because he vividly remembers being DECIMATED by them in the first geno run and no matter all the resets, he Will remember. in fact out of everyone, he’s the one with the clearest memory, he Knows it all happened, everyone else assumes the things they remember are just dreams or crazy theories. however this also means he remembers the true ending, he remembers that the human gave it all up for whatever the hell this all is. he remembers begging them to leave everyone alone, let them be happy, but heyy he had fun durin the first geno run, right, till ykno it turned out to not be fun anymore but what’re u gonna do lmao. at this point i believe he’s more hysteric than anything, he doesn’t follow the ‘kill or be killed’ ideology anymore but rather says, ‘I’ll leave that up to Them :)’ in placement of that belief, because that’s all the human is doing in his eyes, committing thoughtless murder when he told them before as Asriel, “don’t kill, don’t be killed” in the end when they visited him at the very beginning of where they fell. however he does joke that they’re doing a good job of that latter part, not being killed. he DOES see the changes in the world and feels the coding shift constantly but he doesn’t really have much to say or think about it, he only thinks it’s amusing how far the human is willing to go for mindless entertainment. he Knows how it feels to look for every possibility because there’s gotta be more, right? if that’s what the human’s looking for, then he’s just along for the ride at this point. in short, Flowey knows too much and his head also hurts but he’s still having a ball on this wild ride. YES he’s still bitter about the happy ending being taken from everyone but well, that’s just too bad!
now Chara :) i assume u mean the original Chara and not Frisk, the human i’ve been referring to this whole time. well to be fairly honest, nothing’s changed about them. they’re still as Asriel described, misanthropic and a not so good person. they still made that offer to the human when they got to the end, but the human never took it and reset. However, i do believe that the human is in a way possessed by Chara, they never had their offer taken and the human broke the coding to manually reset back to the way things were. i feel Chara would haunt them, they’re influencing the thirst for violence, the desire to mess with the coding more than anything in hopes that maybe they can destroy the world that way, the very thing they were robbed of in the first place.
this connects heavily with Flowey and why he’s so scared of the human, he FEELS Chara somewhere in their presence but doesn’t know what he can do about that, he only has that one terrified thought that they wanted him dead the whole time they were alive together and doesn’t think he wants to do anything about it. because ykno, it doesnt erase everything they had together, the life they used to have and it’s hard, he’s just hoping they’ll come to their senses maybe. however it wasn’t Chara who killed him, it was the human, just a little fun fact.
WOW so much, but there’s some details of those two, they’re pretty damn deep and i die thinkin abt them, like everyone else x_x
#the chara thing is confusin but ahhh it's the clearest explanation i got#DeTale Flowey#DeTale Chara#Exe#Anonymous
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How about Asgore and Toriel? Sounds like they'd have some pretty big changes to their personality too, also thanks for answering these questions so in-depth and detailed I love it!
yeah dude!! its fun to talk abt everyone ;_;
Toriel… my queen 🥺🥺 i believe she’s the most hurt by all this, she’s experienced the brunt of the human’s thirst for violence and had her code tampered with excessively before the human was satisfied enough to start actually going through the rest of the world and then the resets started happening. her mind is extremely out of it and she is very likely to break the 4th wall or talk existentially or stay purely silent, she’s past trying to talk the human into staying with her and it’s very clear she only wishes to stop them whenever the world resets. despite said resets, she still has the jumbled memories of what the human did to her and the world and about the ending everyone could of had but was taken away. during the start of resets, i believe since DeS still talked to her, she’d talk about Everything she thinks about because she thinks he’s the only real person who believes her. but she probably has doubts that DeS is even real at short, because i like summarizin everyone, she’s very Lost and tired, but she still tries to keep the human from leaving, she’s given up convincing them to go, so she forcefully tries to make them stay to protect everyone else. i love her, she deserves the care DeS gives her whenever they have a chat :(
Asgore on the other hand,,, he’s the most kind to the human even if he DOES remember that they’ve caused excessive harm to others and killed him even. is it because the human reminds him of his lost child? no one can be sure, they just know he’s somehow always at peace like his true nature. howeverr he does remember Flowey, he has the vaguest memory that his son is related to the flowers, so he spends a ton of his time in the garden talking to the flowers as if they were his children, no matter how crazy it sounds.Asgore is the most unchanged i feel, just delirious and still consumed with grief and his garden helps him cope with everything and tries to not let the resets bother him too much.
#bro everyone makes me SO sad#thank u for askin all these questions btw ily#gives me things 2 do :) DeTale Asgore#DeTale Toriel#Anonymous
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What's Alphys and Undyne like?
ah yes, i’d love to talk abt these two :) warning tho for suicidal ideation if that bothers anyone readin x_x also I might have gotten in REALLY deep with these two so uhhh sorry about that dhkjvndlfml
ANYWAY, we’ll start with Undyne :Dshe’s still determined with everything she does, Undyne will never give that up even if she’s got like 100+ monster personalities dancing around with her core one. but she isn’t fair in this au, at least not in any battle with the human, it might be because she remembers the human is NOT to be trifled with and knows the human is a cheater more than anything in the world, so why be fair if they’re not gonna be fair anyway? Undyne will do Whatever it takes to destroy the human in this au, she will not be friendly even if the run is neutral standing, she has vague memories that they’re a major threat and stops at nothing to protect the people. though I believe this makes it hard to let her guard down anywhere, she’s strong still, but with the constant code randomization it has her either at the top of her game or horribly fatigued with a high chance of being destroyed in one hit at random, so ykno she’s stuck at high alert for the safety of everyone with the slight anxiety that she can’t protect everyone. she doesn’t fear for her own life tho, she’s still selfless as hell and will still die trying to protect them to sum up Undyne, still an amazing heroine and person, just… maybe more manic than one could understand, her mind is very scarred from the geno resets and that’s pretty reasonable to me haha.
so Alphys,,, with the collision of personalities in the au, she’s more… sharp, if that’s the way to put it. certainly not sane, but her mind is maybe like DeS’, she remembers and catches a lot of things happening in the world (like things resetting and the world being slightly off each time) and it uhh, it scares her a Lot, so her anxiety is DEFINITELY not gone, but she’s calmer only from the other monsters influencing her. her suicidal tendencies haven’t strayed either, what she did as you know, the amalgamations, really ruined her. it might sound ridiculous but she might think the world acting the way it is now is her fault with her experimentation with determination. you know how she injected determination into Asgore’s flowers and when she gave one of them back to him it turned into Flowey? she may not remember Flowey clearly, but because the world is so messed up, everyone, I mean EVERYONE has some sort of wacky memory that gets crazier with every reset, someone’s bound to remember the time of the true ending of a golden flower being something extremely powerful and terrifying. Alphys probably has that memory but she’s always paranoid it’s not right or it’s just some nightmare/dream she’s had, then it gets jumbled every single day so she’s constantly unsure whether or not she’s making the right call to blame herself or blame the human that she swears she’s seen many times before committing atrocities and wondering what she can do to stop sum up all of Alphys, she’s here, her head hurts everyday and she feels helpless most of the time like usual, and tbh she makes me very sad :(
THE GOOD THING these two still fall in love and still hang out, Alphys is probably the only one Undyne feels safe around and the same goes for Alphys, they make each other feel comfort not found anywhere else and they don’t need the human to convince them to be together.
yes these two are in love, YES this au is built on angst and the geno/neutral runs are extremely painful for them since everytime Undyne gets got by the human it tears Alphys apart and makes me so very emo but gdhfhf THEY��LL BE HAPPY IN THE END I SWEAR TO GOD.
#points a gun at my younger self#YOU did this#i will fix these terrible mistakes#sorry for the ramble again i just forgot how much i feel for these characters#DeTale Alphys#DeTale Undyne#Anonymous
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What's papyrus like in DeTale? Are his hugs healing too?
Papyrus in this au is very much like his original self, only a little off like DeS with his personality being affected by other monsters and whatnot.
YES his hugs are VERY healing, im willing to bet if he can, he’ll lift you and spin around with you because hugs are very good to him, he loves them :)
#listen i love him SO much u have no idea#literally dont get why i thought erasing him was a good idea in the first place#absolutely barbaric#DeTale Papyrus#Anonymous
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Des @little-noko @legitprick
#awghgf ill never get over how cool DeS looks with Asgore's trident#thank u sm tho for drawin my BOY#DeS#DeTale#Fanart
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