excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
But we were talking about you!
Zhao frowns. She looks at Scam.
We can get to me. There's not a lot about me right now. I'm still getting to know myself.
So, I don't know what I can say. So we should just move back to you.
Not having gotten the reaction she’d been hoping for she shrugs and puts her phone away.
Time to think, Let’s seeee~ What are facts about Scam Likely~ ? Oh there’s one~! I like to rhyme for fun!~<3
She laughs a bit.
And I love to play games~ Truth or dare is my favorite~ we did just learn you hate it though Hm? What a shame!~
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
I just made my entire response about myself. I am so sorry!
Zhao grabs the water cup that Jodie got and holds it.
Do you actually want to hear about me though?
Not having gotten the reaction she’d been hoping for she shrugs and puts her phone away.
Time to think, Let’s seeee~ What are facts about Scam Likely~ ? Oh there’s one~! I like to rhyme for fun!~<3
She laughs a bit.
And I love to play games~ Truth or dare is my favorite~ we did just learn you hate it though Hm? What a shame!~
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
I don't hate it. I'm just not good at coming up with things. Honestly, I'm not really good at many things that are normal social stuff.
Being born and raised in a totally different life than the type Jodie had has really made me bad at seeming like them.
When they can talk to others somewhat easily, I struggle to even think of what to say.
Zhao sighs.
Not having gotten the reaction she’d been hoping for she shrugs and puts her phone away.
Time to think, Let’s seeee~ What are facts about Scam Likely~ ? Oh there’s one~! I like to rhyme for fun!~<3
She laughs a bit.
And I love to play games~ Truth or dare is my favorite~ we did just learn you hate it though Hm? What a shame!~
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
Zhao listens to the song.
Good song. I like it.
I see why you like the song. It's good.
Well hesitates for a moment before pulling his hand away from Jodie’s, his other arm moving to where it’s hidden again.
He takes a breadstick quietly and bites it.
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
You told Jodie that. I wasn't able to hear it. Being not awakened and all?
Zhao sighs.
I don't think this is going well.
Well hesitates for a moment before pulling his hand away from Jodie’s, his other arm moving to where it’s hidden again.
He takes a breadstick quietly and bites it.
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
You didn't have to stay. I wasn't trying to stop you.
Zhao mutters but smiles. She takes a deep breath.
Anything, I'm not great at what to ask? Like, what do I ask? I asked book but that's only the first thing I could think of.
So you can decide where to start, tell me whatever! I really just want to get to know you. I just don't know what to ask.
Well hesitates for a moment before pulling his hand away from Jodie’s, his other arm moving to where it’s hidden again.
He takes a breadstick quietly and bites it.
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
I'm not great with coming up with questions. I said that already.
Zhao frowns.
But I'm assuming that doesn't help. Playing games to get to know somebody has never been my thing... demons aren't known for that.
So, of course, I struggled coming up with something! I also haven't spoken with anybody in literal decades, so of course I'm clueless!
Well hesitates for a moment before pulling his hand away from Jodie’s, his other arm moving to where it’s hidden again.
He takes a breadstick quietly and bites it.
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
I wasn't lying or tricking you! I did want to get to know you.
Zhao looks at Scam.
I just got too curious. And asked questions.
And then you brought up how Well felt so I felt the need to add that reassurance for Well. Which I'm not even sure he heard.
If you're leaving, I hope you have a good night. Even if the date didn't go the best. Maybe it was just the location or the conversation.
I hope the rest of your night is good. Both yours and Well's.
Well hesitates for a moment before pulling his hand away from Jodie’s, his other arm moving to where it’s hidden again.
He takes a breadstick quietly and bites it.
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
He's wrong. People do love him... I know Jodie does. Despite the fact they just met so recently, I can tell that Jodie already loves Well. It's strong enough that it's like screaming in the next room. Can actually hear it almost perfectly for once.
Zhao sighs. She looks at the table.
I'd assume so. If it was enough to live off of until their death, most people would?
Well hesitates for a moment before pulling his hand away from Jodie’s, his other arm moving to where it’s hidden again.
He takes a breadstick quietly and bites it.
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
It was fun.
Zhao looks at Scam before looking away again.
I don't know. If Well and Jodie don't already want control back, honestly, I am just assuming they're both tired?
Or that something is causing them to not want to take control again. We still probably should at least wait for the food that got ordered to arrive. That's the nice thing to do, I'm guessing?
I don't know human standards all that well. But I'm assuming that you don't just leave before getting your food. Or paying.
She looks back at Scam. They sigh.
Is there a reason that Well hasn't decided to show his face again? Or is he just tired? Do you not know? Is it like how me and Jodie don't really know how each other are?
Sorry! First time talking to another person besides just Well in a long while. Who's great and all!! I just want to talk to others also.
Well hesitates for a moment before pulling his hand away from Jodie’s, his other arm moving to where it’s hidden again.
He takes a breadstick quietly and bites it.
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
Zhao shakes her head.
I don't know, Scam. Give me a moment to think.
She takes a few deep breaths, calming down.
Sorry, that last round kind of made me feel bad. So I'm not really sure what to ask you. I'm not good at coming up with truths or dares!
Well hesitates for a moment before pulling his hand away from Jodie’s, his other arm moving to where it’s hidden again.
He takes a breadstick quietly and bites it.
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
Zhao looks upset.
I didn't like how she had been crying. I don't like making people cry. Or at least not for that...
Hmm. Truth or Dare?
She wasn't looking at Scam at all, looking at her hands that were now sitting on the table, one on top of the other.
Well hesitates for a moment before pulling his hand away from Jodie’s, his other arm moving to where it’s hidden again.
He takes a breadstick quietly and bites it.
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
"You wouldn't have met me!! I've only recently started to be awakened!"
She starts to defend herself.
"Anyways. I'm so sorry for scaring you! I don't think I'm cut out for the jokes and stuff like she seems to be!"
// @well-actually-youre-wrong
Incoming phone call from [Unknown Number]
Mark looks down at his phone and raises an eyebrow. Is Scam back? She answers it, turning away for some semblance of privacy.
"Hello? Is that you, Scam?"
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
"Nope! They aren't! Sorry for this!"
She frowns.
"Sorry for making you cry!! Hells I feel horrible!"
// @well-actually-youre-wrong
Incoming phone call from [Unknown Number]
Mark looks down at his phone and raises an eyebrow. Is Scam back? She answers it, turning away for some semblance of privacy.
"Hello? Is that you, Scam?"
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
There is a small scream, muffled by something, coming from the first voice.
"Yes. What my colleague said is true. No more romcoms."
// @well-actually-youre-wrong
Incoming phone call from [Unknown Number]
Mark looks down at his phone and raises an eyebrow. Is Scam back? She answers it, turning away for some semblance of privacy.
"Hello? Is that you, Scam?"
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
Zhao grabs the phone and calls Mark up.
She puts the phone on speaker.
// im not repeating what i said here onto the post, sorry. https://www.tumblr.com/excop-jodie-foster/727016127923978240/incoming-phone-call-from-unknown-number?source=share
Well hesitates for a moment before pulling his hand away from Jodie’s, his other arm moving to where it’s hidden again.
He takes a breadstick quietly and bites it.
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excop-jodie-foster · 10 months
The caller is silent for a while. Before speaking.
"No, this isn't Scam. This is..."
They trail off.
"Why did I agree to this?"
Incoming phone call from [Unknown Number]
Mark looks down at his phone and raises an eyebrow. Is Scam back? She answers it, turning away for some semblance of privacy.
"Hello? Is that you, Scam?"
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