Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
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character development asks.
1: Which is worse, failing or never trying?
2: Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
3: If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
4: Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
5: If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
6: Would you break the law to save a loved one?
7: Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
8: Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?
9: Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?
10: If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
11: If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
12: What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
13: What do you love?  Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?
14: If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you want to have with you?
15: If you had a time machine that would work only once, what point in the future or in history would you visit? Why?
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Send ✿ for a HAPPINESS headcanon
As of right now, Viral is happiest when he is in the heat of battle, his blood pumping and his spirit soaring as he delivers a sound thrashing to his enemies. This is rather unsurprising--after all, he was basically created to be a soldier, so naturally fighting would at least excite him.
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Send ✚ for a HEALTH headcanon. Send ♕ for a CHILDHOOD headcanon. Send ✿ for a HAPPINESS headcanon. Send ␛ for an ANGER headcanon. Send ♆ for a BODY headcanon. Send ϡ for a MENTAL STATE headcanon. Send ღ for a LOVE/SEXUALITY headcanon. Send † for a RELIGION headcanon. Send ✄ for a PET PEEVE headcanon. Send ☂ for a FOOD headcanon.
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“I guess those people aren’t picky about who they contract...” This is the second human child he’s seen so far, and they look even younger than the first one. He knows that sometimes children can put up a good fight, given proper equipment (doesn’t he know this, better than anyone), but there aren’t any Gunmen in this town and frankly, this seems to be kind of pushing it.
“...Can you even fight?”
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He’s come out for much the same reason, really. It’s been about a week and he still hasn’t fought any of those Shadow things he’s heard about, and he’s getting a bit impatient. The more he’s out there, the more he somewhat regrets not at least fixing the tears in his uniform--it really is cold out there, colder than he’s ever been. He’s not considering going back just yet, though....not yet.
Another catches his eye, another human from the looks of it, staring seemingly indecisively into the howling winds and freezing snow. Was he there to fight too, or just to look pensively into the unknown?
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“...So, guess I’m not the only one getting a bit restless, huh?” A slight smile almost imperceptibly tugs at the corner of his lips. “Good attitude to have, I’d say.”
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He’s standing at the edge of the town, watching the blizzard white out the woods in front of him.
Part of him was tempted to go exploring, want to GO… Something was calling him and the only reason he was hesitating was because whatever was calling, wasn’t friendly.
A dread in his heart is what filled him, but still…
He felt he needed to go.
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“Fruity...?” He raises an eyebrow at this strange girl with seemingly no manners, but a lot of balls. He doesn’t really remember seeing her around before, but even if he has been more social than usual lately he still hasn’t exactly been making special efforts to make friends, so it’s entirely possible that he’d just missed her. “Just what’s that supposed to mean?”
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“....President of what? Do I look like I have any fur?” And just like that, the girl’s basically lost him. What the hell is Furry Club, anyways....? In any case, he’s been out of the Academy for years now, so that has nothing to do with it, anyhow.
“My uniform has nothing to do with it, and I don’t know why it would. These are my hands. These are my teeth.”
« @excommanderviral »
✂ — “An’ here I thought we had some fruity types in the Academy…” She remarked audibly, arms crossed over her chest impatiently. Looking the man up and down, he seemed quite extraordinary; on the level of those demons inhabiting the town, in fact. Unfortunately, her tongue and her mind didn’t seem to have quite the same level of coherent questioning.
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 “Shark-ass teeth, giant paws… What’s that make you, Furry Club president? Seen weirder, but you got one strange Uniform ta look like that.”
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To get thing started on this (beast)man, here’s a starter call! Leave a like and I’ll write you a starter (of varying length).
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‘I’m watching you.’ He’d heard that sentence so many times over the past seven years it had long ago ceased to get any reaction from the beastman. There weren’t particularly any signs that she’d recognized him at all, however, so the unfortunate choice of words were more than likely just that--an unfortunate choice of words, from someone who sported a more unfortunate attitude.
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“I know I’m not. What kind of deluded idiot do you take me for?” He snaps, perhaps a bit too rudely.
He falls silent for a minute. “...I get it. It’s probably worthless to you, right?”
“Yeah well…. I’m watching you.” She glared at him, huffing a little because she really had no idea what happened but at the same time her pride was besting her.
“Look man, you’re not a part of the army if it doesn’t exist. Maybe you were once, but it doesn’t exist anymore, so you’re not.” And she thought she was bad at letting things go.
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“Maybe it’s time to get new clothes.”
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The girl tilts her head, and after a moment he remembers that humans don’t call their young cubs. A little bit embarrassing, but she didn’t seem to mind much at all, so he didn’t really feel the need to apologize or anything like that. 
This girl...she acted almost as clueless as the princess did, in the few times he’d managed to catch a glimpse of her. They were not totally the same, but it was enough to elicit a short, fleeting grin and an amused laugh before a return to his usual expression.
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“To tell you the truth, it depends on the setting. The type of party people throw for a princess’ seventh birthday has an entirely different feel from the type of party people throw after defeating a stubborn opponent.” His phrasing is sugarcoating and he knows it--’defeating a stubborn opponent’ implies that there could have been anyone left alive after he was done obliterating the village’s defenses. But it’s not a good time to bring that up--it’s good to have conversations with people who don’t recognize him, or know what he’s done.
“It’s not that rowdy here, so this probably isn’t the kind of party where lots of people get drunk. I doubt the staff would care too much for it if you got too drunk anyhow.”
A cub….? She blinks, tilts her head. Why did he call her a cub? She thinks about asking but it’s not really hurting anything and, well, it is kinda cute.
(Maybe it has something to do with his hands not being more like paws than hands. Then again, that’s still not the strangest thing she’s ever seen.)
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“Do… people usually get drunk at parties?” she asks, genuinely curious. She doesn’t know how parties work at all. It makes her frustrated, reminds her of the fact that she’s still, for all intents and purposes, suffering from amnesia.
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Underage, hm? He knows that humans have something about underage drinking, and it’s understandable--during their short maturation period, beastman cubs weren’t allowed anywhere near alcohol for fear that it would disrupt proper growth into a capable soldier, so he imagined it was something of the same thing for human cubs.
“You are, huh...? ...I guess you still look kind of young. Not a cub, definitely, but...”
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“...Anyways, I would say that’s more for me, but I don’t plan on drinking any more after this bottle. It’s a party, but that doesn’t mean I have to get drunk off my ass.”
She’s never been to a party before. 
There was never a chance to, not in the SE.RA.PH, where showing any sign of weakness would get you killed. It’s overwhelming – there are so many people and demons (she’s still a bit surprised over that piece of information but she’s also seen scarier – and worse). 
So here she is, trying to catch her breath by standing near the wall. It’s working somewhat – at least until the man next to her turns and starts speaking.
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“I wouldn’t know,” she says. “Im underage.”
Well, only technically, since she’s not an actual person and all.
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He’s finished his food, but not quite his drink yet--so here he is, leaning up against the wall, watching the festivities go on while he takes occasional sips of his sake. Normally, he doesn’t drink heavily, or at all, really--the former still applies, as he’s going to limit himself to one bottle, but he figures that since it’s a party he might as well let his hair down a little--so to speak, anyways.
Still, it’s somewhat boring just watching and drinking, so he turns to the person nearest him.
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“Not a bad party, huh?” He takes another sip. “They even have good sake. The only stuff I’ve had for a while’s that moonshine crap. I don’t normally drink, but even I know that was basically piss water.”
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He’s just tearing into his massive plate of assorted meats, savoring their great flavor and near-perfect texture and...well, he guesses they weren’t lying when they said their best cooks made these. They’re all amazing. He’s about to take a swig of his sake when he notices someone staring at him.
It’s more a little embarrassing, really. Nothing compared to the shame of his recent past, but still something he should apologize to the kid for.
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“Heh...sorry, kid. The food’s so good, I just forgot my manners. I haven’t had anything this good in a long time...” He takes a sip of his alcohol. “What’s your name?”
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