evolvingxhale · 6 years
        derek wasn’t blind, he knew he was getting curious, mixed with suspicious glances from a few people since he arrived in the city. it may as well be justified knowing who his mother was, assuming that could be the cause of all the stares. there was one place that derek first thought of visiting and the bayou had made its way into his mind. “it looks like you’ve been wanting to say something. y’know i can’t exactly read minds.” he says, after turning around towards the presence behind him. 
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
           Seeing Derek for the first time in a year, made her lightly smile given the fact that he looked alright. Doing well. “It’s fine.” Paige stood up once she finished with the violin. “Um, I guess I did.” She still thought she was the same yet the few that knew her told her otherwise. “Is that a bad thing?” She wondered what he was thinking. 
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“i didn’t say it was a bad thing. i was just surprised to learn something. i saw you were chatting it up with werewolves, of course.” he said, showing a small smirk. they had only just met again before the year flew by and on top of that, paige was dead for almost ten years before she came back. so of course he would be just a little surprised. “how’d you help?” he had to ask, glancing behind him before turning back to her.  
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
“i didn’t mean to sneak up on you. i was on my way to the bayou before i overheard you.” derek lifted his brows, staring at her before he managed to glance towards the mother and child. “you certainly changed after a year.” derek just had to make an observation, knowing some of the things he did overhear before he came to talk to her. still, derek needed to remind himself that paige wasn’t exactly sitting in the dark. 
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        The scar that Ennis left, was told by the twin’s mother who in turn came to her asking Paige if she hated them as she relaxed under the tree tuning up a violin in her free time. It took her by surprise but she was honest with them. “Oh. No, No. I could never hate you or hate you for what you are. . Just because one person does something bad doesn’t mean you will all do it… Like … do you hate me because there are people. HUMANS. Hunting all the supernatural? “ The the two wolf twins around the age of 10 shook their heads. No. you saved us. Paige lightly smiled as they began their series of questions.  
     Some time passed before their mother called to them. “Go. Always listen to your mother. Promise Ill come visit soon and even play you a song.” Hugging her, they soon left before paige went back to working on the violin. It helped her think on what her next moves were. “I may be human but you know I can hear you, right? That twig snapping wasn’t really silent” Paige mused without looking up. 
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
hayley: tell me.
hayley: funny... here i was just beginning to get the hang of beacon falls when it all turns to shit.
derek: it might have been klaus and maybe he had something to do with it.
derek: trust me, beacon falls has turned to shit numerous times before. all this however, is on a different scale.
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
“Justice…-” the original stated simply, he felt no need to elaborate, since it was due to the mans uncle that one of his hybrids was killed so very publicly; had he handed over the stake then perhaps no one in this town would be in this mess in the first place and yet he had not. It spoke only for his intentions and even if impulse had been the main reason for said death, it still remained justice none the less. “He held the weapon that could kill myself and my siblings, it is his fault that one of my hybrids happened to be killed so publicly that the town was alerted to the presence of the supernatural and you all have to flee. Because he was pathetic enough to believe he could wait out a chance to kill an original.” his words spat, like acid. He wasn’t bragging, in some ways he truly did imagine that he and the man would’ve gotten along if not for his indiscretions but that would never be known.
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derek furrowed his brows, not very keen on hearing about the guy’s family issues since he doesn’t exactly care though what he had gotten out of that entire explanation was that it seemed like his uncle was up to something which wasn’t unusual since peter was always up to something. “i may not have known what he was hiding but if i did, i could have dealt with it, if he was kept alive.” though questioning how peter managed to get a weapon like that didn’t matter anymore. considering klaus was a thousand year old vampire who couldn’t be killed, derek wouldn’t doubt that peter had thought he could take it upon himself to plan something rash. “i won’t doubt that an original can overtake him, i do know actually. so did you really have to kill him?” if derek was being honest, he would love for the originals to be erased from existence but now wouldn’t be the right time to think about that. peter wasn’t... the most subtle. derek will agree that peter might have gotten this coming and his uncle might have possibly predicted this from a mile away but he was more so questioning the original for malia’s sake and his home which has now been invaded by hunters.
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
hayley: no idea. though i wish i knew.
hayley: derek, please stay safe. get out of there as soon as you get the chance.
hayley: and i will, don't worry.
derek: actually, i might have seen someone lingering around downtown earlier but this just might be an assumption, a wild guess?
derek: yeah. and after all this, we gotta leave, all of us
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
hayley: outside the reception. i'm fine, i just got done dealing with hunters.
hayley: malia called. she's safe but... peter's dead, derek. i'm on my way to her right now.
derek: good
derek: what? assuming you don't know who it is?
derek: i'll figure it out. just make sure malia is okay
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
derek: i'm in town's square, there are hunters everywhere. i take it you already know what's going on.
derek: where are you? and are you safe?
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
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           “ NO!” Paige kicked the hunter who went after someone she knew before they quickly got up. “Go. Go!”  She was trying to get away from it all but she couldn’t let anything happened to people she cared about. She worried. Mainly for Jenna. Derek. Liv. She wasnt the best fighter but she knew a little something as of recently. The bad thing was that the hunter was mistaking her for a supernatural creature. Earning her a hits and a cut at her side before, paige managed to do a roundhouse kick. Surprised she even managed to do it and knock her out. “Lucky. . I just got lucky.” Her breath was jagged as she held her side. Putting her hand on it, she felt her own blood. The cut wasnt deep but it hurts like a bitch. 
for as long he was out there, derek knew he had to try and get the hunters away from the innocent and the supernaturals who were desperate to run away from them. some were just human while others were just like him. as soon as he spotted paige, he had no choice but to rush to her aid and make sure everything was fine before he continues to move forward. “you shouldn’t fight them so recklessly. these hunters, they have been hunting supernaturals for a long time.” he says, trying his best not to scold her for doing so. still, it wasn’t safe. derek could tell, most of the hunters he had run into in the past have been skilled. 
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derek looked down at paige’s wound, “get out of here, it’s not safe and you should get that wound sorted out. does it hurt?” he asked, just hoping it wasn’t serious because there was obviously no time for anything else but to escape out of here. derek knew that they all shouldn’t risk fighting them all in one go and keep moving even though he has been fighting a hell of a lot. 
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
Rage still boiled beneath the surface, and the hybrid most certainly wasn’t in the mood to interact right at this minuet his features cold while still covered with blood as he became aware of a presence. Turning slightly, “Rather foolish of you to creep up on me mate…-” his words far from warm. “Given the state of the town, I am surprised you’re not gone already.” Killing Peter had been impulsive justice, a previous argument with one of his younger siblings lay fresh in his mind and paranoia seeped through the hybrids paws..that was perhaps the reason he had given the man such a punishment.
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"i’ll leave once i get a few answers.” derek had gotten the slip from hayley about what happened to his uncle and he had heard that a man named klaus, had something to do with it. while peter might have died once due to himself offing his uncle himself, this time, he had no idea what peter might have done to get himself killed twice. “i heard about peter. what did you do?” he questions, trying to at least stay civil for now, since he wasn’t stupid. he stood just a few steps away, making sure not to cross any lines with his arms crossed in front of his chest. derek would have just left the situation as it was if it wasn’t for malia, his uncle’s daughter whom he couldn’t imagine what she would be feeling about all this right now. 
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
caught in the middle.
location: middle of town square  with: derek & liam  /  @liamdvnbars
derek had been caught up in his own loft for the entire afternoon, failing to notice how it quickly turned to dawn. he was propped up near the end of the stairs of his building, his hand resting underneath his chin being trapped in his thoughts. his scars had officially healed, the same ones that were inflicted by one particular argent girl which had gotten him thinking what was gonna come next and what surprises he could possibly witness later. after talking to scott a few days ago about a particular tattoo, he knew allison’s situation must be related to it as the other had said. if allison and stiles were involved, who could be next and how many hunters were there actually in beacon falls? 
derek had a bad feeling about it all, pushing himself off the steps and walking towards the window of his apartment and looking out mindlessly. he flips out his phone and attempted to dial peter at first, which he never thought he’d do but he needed a bit of answers though when the other failed to pick up, he had gone and called his sister, which was apparently also a failed attempt. “what is going on?” he huffed, closing his phone before slipping it away back into his pocket. instead of waiting around, derek just thought it may be best to see for himself what’s going on before grabbing his jacket and slipping it on before making it towards the exit. 
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
“I was a psychology major as Whitmore college a few years ago,” she stated proudly, a grin on her face. “I guess you could say I’m pretty good at ready people for the most part - or at least I used to be.” She hated that those parts of her seemed to be dulled in favor of hunger at the moment, but she could feel that part fading away and her old self coming back to the surface. So she just put it down to the fact that she was still new to the undead life.
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“Do you still love her?” So far she couldn’t see a problem, “If you’ve been brought back together after all these years, maybe that means you’re meant to be together?”
“that explains it.” derek let out a light chuckle, surprised at the new information he just learned. “i’m more on the trickier side when it comes to emotions. but if you can read them, i think i’m in trouble.” which was his poor attempt at making a joke or rather, a half joke. “still, it’s not a bad talent to have.”
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“i don’t know. it has been ten years and all i know is, a lot of things happened after we part ways and people change. a lot of things changed.” when derek meant change, it was pretty drastic as he could remember. almost like derek had become a completely different person, different from when he was fifteen.
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
“I know that you killed somebody,” she rolled her eyes, stepping closer again, not shying away from a potentially lethal counterpart. “who did you kill?” katherine lifted her brows, “was it tragic? that would explain the –” she gestured up and down his frame, “dark and brooding thing you have going on.”
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“my first kill wasn’t the cause of my brooding behavior, as you and many other people call it.” derek stated, though it did kick start his own vulnerability in order to develop trust issues. with kate rather than paige, the one he killed. then that was just when things started to go downhill. “a relationship with a human and a werewolf doesn’t always end well, i was convinced. so you either leave them or you do something about the problem.” derek decided to be vague on the entire thing knowing it was complicated and derek couldn’t blame himself for not wanting to share it entirely with katherine for obvious reasons. “i’m you can figure out the rest.”
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
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The marksman found herself being drawn to the loft in which Derek resided in, the insatiable blood thirst she had come to feel being her only incentive. As she came to a stop, dark hues survey the large door that blocked her path, only to find the lock had been missing. The corner of her lip tugged upward, pleased with the fact that it’d save her the trouble of having to find a way to break down the door to gain entry. With her bow in one hand, she used the opposite one to yank the loft door wide open, unbeknownst to the fact an alarm would be triggered. But that didn’t matter to her, she came here with the intent of making sure the werewolf knew of her presence. Allison took leisure steps forward into the place, scanning the area around her steadily. “ I know you’re here, Derek… ” The alarm blares in the background as her voice echoes the seemingly empty loft, hoping that the man would make his entrance soon. 
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being around everyone at the grill or any place else for that matter, wouldn’t really help him think right now and the only place that was safest for him to think was obviously his loft. also the same place which held various memories in the past year and a half. after hearing about strange, maybe ancient information from scott and various other things, he knew something was coming and derek had to prepare himself one way or another. he was found rummaging through a few personal belongings on the second level, just until the alarm that he had set back then had suddenly turned on, the sound blaring from the entire apartment. with that sound, it was an automatic indication that someone had broken in, that or he had forgotten the lock this time. derek had gotten off his knees, pushing himself upward before looking towards the stairs, expression stern before crossing his strong arms in front of his chest in order to slowly make his way downstairs with extreme caution despite recognizing the voice as he came down. “what do you want, argent?” lifting his brows in suspicion. 
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
scott frowned, his brows knitting into one another, of course he wanted stiles with him, that’s how he knew he was safest, but that wasn’t how everybody else was safest, and that was part of the problem. “I can’t – I can’t leave him there on his own but… all of his friends are supernatural, he has an urge to kill us all, there’s nobody human or, even a witch, really, that he trusts… not one he isn’t afraid of hurting just to get out. we have no idea what we’re doing and the worst thing is, stiles is going through this alone.”
as far as derek could tell, leaving stiles by himself would only be delaying the inevitable and stiles won’t be able to stay away for long. “and stiles doesn’t have to go through this alone. he has his friends who also worry about him - he also has his best friend. eventually you’re gonna have to think of a plan to deal with this.” derek couldn’t hide his worry for the other as he spoke, just hoping that scott at least had a plan in mind or currently in motion, when or if stiles come back from where he drove off to.
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
“I’m not worried about stiles’ safety, nothing is going to happen to stiles, I know that, I’m worried about –” scott paused, looking to the floor, “I’m worried about him, he almost killed isaac, he wants to kill me, and caroline, and malia… we’re his family, his pack… if he hurts somebody, he’ll never forgive himself, derek.”
of course it would make sense for scott to worry about his best friend, he knows as he steps forward while casting his eyes down, sighing, “where’s stiles now? and if you’re worried about him, there’s something you gotta ask yourself,” something derek knew that he would ask if hayley she were ever in danger even. “would it make you feel a little better if he was here with you instead of somewhere else?” there are also phone calls but phone calls don’t always help everyone yet who knows how long this whole urge to kill thing was going to last. “if stiles has another urge to kill, maybe you can make sure there is someone around to stop him.” which was only a suggestion that he thought could be a good idea. 
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