evokewellbeing-blog · 8 years
Finding inner peace. You will never find yourself in the past. You will never find yourself in the future. ~You will only find yourself in the present. Make peace with who you are! Celebrate your own BEAUTY. Blessings and balance Love and light #evokewellbeing #honoringthejourney #tribalrootsretreat #heartfelttruth #followyoursoul (at Horton Creek Trail)
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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How quick we all are to fix each other.  Pause for a moment before you try to help a friend ask yourself "What is my intention?"  For I believe a true friend is a witnesser in celebration of someone else's growth. When you think your friend is sad and struggling through, maybe the struggle is the internal doubt. The only way through this internal doubt is not by someone telling them who they are but allowing them to discover who they truly are. This can only be done by being the witnesser.  The gift of being the witnesser brings such abundance to your life, not only do you get to watch and celebrate as they are going through a difficult time in discovery of what is potentially possible for them, but you also feel your own self value.  What may be portrayed at the time as the defeat could be the moment of ultimate success.  I've had friends try to fix me only to turn my life story against me based on their perceptions. They had taken on ownership of my pain, building resentment. Angry, for my growth had made them uncomfortable, being open to share your feelings (vulnerability) is portrayed as a weakness.  This is where society serves us wrong. Vulnerability is one of our strongest powers, it is what makes us unique and individual.  But most of us don't like to feel it all, it makes us uncomfortable.  Some people call this "drama."  For me drama is when you pull other people into your story and you play the victim adding to the fuel.  True growth sometimes comes from learning your resistance to what is and learning how to surrender. I call this recognizing your the darkness (or attachments) and growing into the light( learning to let go).  I believe that if we are not willing to explore our darkness we could not possibly see the light. For if there was no darkness there would be no light. This is the downside of a fixer. When we set out to fix someone else or change their perceptions of their reality we become resentful so no one can see the clarity, for they are in the fire and you are holding them there with the judgment.  Even if you feel your words aren't in judgment they will only hear judgment. Holding space for someone with the intent of fixing or chan
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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Love is like a flower.... #evokewellbeing #tribalrootsretreat #soulmate #soullove #soulconnection #selflove #radiansoul #heartfelttruth #deepconnection
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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#evokewellbeing #tribalrootsretreat #soulmate #soullove #soulconnection #selflove #radiansoul #heartfelttruth #heartbroken #heartconnection #innerpeace #innerbauty #blessingsandbalance #honoringthejourney #followyoursoul
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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True connection to others is not by GIVING your heart to anyone, but I'm opening it to everyone! Shine your beautiful light...it matters! Blessings and balance Love and light
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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Thank you Life for the beautiful lessons. In my past I have found when I would take things personal I would slide into projection. This was to protect myself from what I thought was the others person's perseption of me. Now as I have witnessed myself in that space I learned a lot about who I am and what I hear inside to cause that reaction. In my journey to hearing my internal bully, I see how I used it to hold myself back and play small. Lying to myself that I know what others think. Wow, what a ego... I'm not that good. : ). Why would I give up my beliefs of who I believe I am to be someone I am not. That would make me someone other than me. Projection is easy and messy, never safe for you or another. Refection is a craft worth mastering. .. a gift to our soul worth investing in. Blessings and balance Love and light #evokewellbeing #tribalrootsretreat #radiantsoul #meditation #passion #innerwisdom #selflove #selfhonor #healtheheart #heartfelttruth #retreatsaroundtheworld #travel #peace #innerpeace #innerbeauty #followyoursoul #honoringthejour #blessingsandbalance
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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Day in Peace I was gifted the time to enjoy nature and catch a moment in peace before the holiday hussle. Making time to have breath between the thoughts can make fear and holiday anxiety melt away. I hope for everyone that time is filled with the most heartfelt moments to bring you the depth of feeling all that life has to offer. Blessings and balance Love and light #OptOutside #camelback #evokewellbeing #tribalrootsretreat #quietingthemind #radiantsoul #innerpeace #innerbeauty #followyoursoul #honoringthejourney #lovewithin #findingpeacewithin (at Camelback Mountain)
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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Divided we fall Together we soar... Our world was never meant to be divided. Let's work for a non discriminant world filled with unconditional love for self and others! Live your life finding peace within. Put your fears to rest and see them as gifts to understanding oneself. This vulnerability is what makes you genuinely unique and beautiful. Shine your light so you can be received and grow to be fully you! I see you and love you for who you are. Do you see you and love yourself for who you are? Celebrate your soul! #evokewellbeing #tribalrootsretreat #quietingthemind #radiantsoul #innerpeace #innerbeauty #followyoursoul #honoringthejour #blessingsandbalance #meditation #passion #innerwisdom #selflove #selfhonor #healtheheart #heartfelttruth #retreatsaroundtheworld #travel #peace #lovewithin
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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Finding Balance We are often at war with ourselves. "I said that wrong" or "No one gets me" "I'm so stupid" or "that was stupid" "I'm all alone" or "I'm lost" These lies once written out seem obvious that they could be destructive...but when they are in our heads we don't realize how much we bully ourselves. Try writing out your thoughts, then look at them as if someone else wrote them. See how it makes you feel, would you support someone who felt this way and how would you...recognize your internal story. We project it out into the world thinking that life is hard but the truth is maybe coming from within. Seek out balance between heart and mind. Be mindful and loving to yourself. #evokewellbeing #tribalrootsretreat #quietingthemind #radiantsoul #innerpeace #innerbeauty #followyoursoul #honoringthejour #blessingsandbalance #meditation #passion #innerwisdom #selflove #selfhonor #healtheheart #heartfelttruth #retreatsaroundtheworld #travel #peace
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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Reconnecting to your soul. Pause, take a deep breath. Creating time to be quiet and go within is so important to heal your mind and repair the body. Mother nature makes it easy to leave your cares behind as you listen to her breath blow through the trees. Feel her heart beat in every step you take on a path deeper into your solitude. Feel her gentle touch as you allow your feet to play in the babbling brook. Let you eyes be entertained by the delightful colors of her colorful palette. Take it all in receive her divine beauty, feel connected to yourself. Feeling refreshed and recharged is her only goal. Receive all you can and carry it in your heart... you are loved. Blessings and balance Love and light #evokewellbeing #tribalrootsretreat #quietingthemind #radiantsoul #innerpeace #innerbeauty #followyoursoul #honoringthejour #blessingsandbalance #meditation #passion #innerwisdom #selflove #selfhonor #healtheheart #heartfelttruth #retreatsaroundtheworld #travel #peace (at Christopher Creek, Arizona)
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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Life's a playground... meet me at the swings. My goal is to live life to its fullest...play and celebrate life as much as possible with family and friends. Stretching outside our comfort zone leads to such depth and beauty in your life. Sometimes being alone is the best place to be. It can be an uncomfortable space in the begining, to learn to be comfortable with the fears and failures you tell yourself. To learn you're not alone and all the lies you tell yourself hold you back from who you are, blocking you from learning more about yourself. Look within yourself to see what you are taking so personally and blocking you from your joy and peace in your life. Finding your passion to create the life you love. My heart is filled with gratitude for Bhakti fest creating a wonderful and safe place to meet amazing new people. Life's a playground, get messy! #evokewellbeing #tribalrootsretreat #radiantsoul #innerpeace #innerbeauty #followyoursoul #honoringthejour #blessingsandbalance #meditation #passion #innerwisdom #selflove #selfhonor #healtheheart #heartfelttruth #retreatsaroundtheworld #travel #peace #bhaktifestjoshuatree (at Bhakti Fest)
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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A blessed life is filled with inspiration... Thank you Tim Miller for sharing you gifts and wisdom. Sending love to all the wonderful teachers and fellow yogis at Bhakti fest. Thank you ...Christina, Scott, Jennica, Amanda and Brian. #evokewellbeing#tribalrootsretreat #radiantsoul #innerpeace #innerbeauty #followyoursoul #honoringthejour #blessingsandbalance #meditation #passion #innerwisdom #selflove #selfhonor #healtheheart #heartfelttruth #retreatsaroundtheworld #travel #peace #bhaktifestjoshuatree
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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Refections... Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our hearts rather than a piece of our minds. #evokewellbeing#tribalrootsretreat #quietingthemind #radiantsoul #innerpeace #innerbeauty #followyoursoul #honoringthejour #blessingsandbalance #meditation #passion #innerwisdom #selflove #selfhonor #healtheheart #heartfelttruth #retreatsaroundtheworld #travel #peace
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
Finding peace within... It doesn't mean you will not feel pain, sadness or fear. Nor does it mean that it won't be hard work... Peace is when you are in all of those times and still be calm in your heart. Let life be your beautiful teacher. Blessings and balance Love and light #evokewellbeing #tribalrootsretreat #radiantsoul #innerpeace #innerbeauty #followyoursoul #quietingthemind #blessingsandbalance #honoringthejourney #heartfelttruth #retreatsaroundtheworld #travel #peace #selflove #selfhonor
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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GRACE ɡrās/ noun simple elegance or refinement of movement. "She moves through the water with grace." verb do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one's presence. "She bowed out of the position she has graced for two decades" ~ Celebrate your life with GRACE! The simple act of grace creates space for acceptance of yourself and others. Move through you life with grace and beauty...allowing others to see you completely, YOUR TRUE HEART. Blessing and balance Love and light #evokewellbeing #tribalrootsretreat #radiantsoul #innerpeace #innerbeauty #followyoursoul #honoringthejour #blessingsandbalance #meditation #passion #innerwisdom #selflove #selfhonor #healtheheart #heartfelttruth #retreatsaroundtheworld #travel #peace
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evokewellbeing-blog · 9 years
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Gifts of Focus Last night I watched a story about a man who has autism. He has the ability to hear a complicated piece of music one time and is able to replay it from memory for the rest of his life. We all have gift to offer... This started me thinking what would happen if we just focused on one thing until complete... mastered. Feeling accopmishment and success how ever you define it. How would our world be different? How would it be to feel safe in knowing one thing so well we could allow everything else go? Letting self judgment go and know we are perfect the way we are. Allowing us to be supported by others without fear of rejection. How? ... you ask I believe meditation helps us in accomplishing quieting the outside and inside chatter...allowing us to hear our own wants and needs. Opening us up to being safe and confident in knowing our wants and needs. Once we know this we can share with others clearly and openly it let others support and understand us better. My passion and focus is to master loving communication. To help others feel safe to be all of themselves. The true power of being at peace is complete acceptance of oneself and others... Blessings and balance Love and light #evokewellbeing #tribalrootsretreat #radiantsoul #meditation #passion #innerwisdom #selflove #selfhonor #healtheheart #heartfelttruth #retreatsaroundtheworld #travel #peace #innerpeace #innerbeauty #followyoursoul #honoringthejour #blessingsandbalance #meditation #passion #innerwisdom #selflove #selfhonor #healtheheart
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