evildogbites · 2 months
the bravery of a girl who has to decide what is for dinner and then cook it and then wash dishes every day forever and ever.
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evildogbites · 2 months
The worst thing about working retail is taking on the habit of saying "thank you" outside of work, instead of the normal and self-affirming "you're welcome".
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evildogbites · 2 months
I'm a real minimum-wage worker to this day !!!! I cried in the bathroom at work !!!
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evildogbites · 2 months
nothing is as good for the soul as being hugged all night long
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evildogbites · 2 months
There's something so beautiful but so scary in liking someone so much you're actively going against your bad anxiety habits of overthinking and daydreaming (unrealistically) to just live the moment as it is.
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evildogbites · 2 months
Not me questioning my sexuality bc i like a boy
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evildogbites · 3 months
fuck casual friendships. our souls are intertwined. loving you is woven into the fabric of my life
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evildogbites · 3 months
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miniminuteman on youtube
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evildogbites · 3 months
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evildogbites · 3 months
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Roland Barthes, The Pleasure of the Text, trans. Richard Miller
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evildogbites · 3 months
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evildogbites · 3 months
If victorians had access to time travel internet they'd be mocking the "could kill a victorian child" memes so hard. Like they would be making jokes about how their goddamn single tube of toothpaste contained more arsenic than the contents of a whole 21st century city's water system. They were feeding drugs to orphans because opium was cheaper than food. They had cocaine and the women's pantaloons were not solid, can-can dancers occasionally slipped sight of whole pussy through those things.
If you could introduce the victorians to crystal meth, we'd have time travel by now.
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evildogbites · 3 months
"I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am."
Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
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evildogbites · 3 months
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evildogbites · 3 months
phrases that would change the game if i was allowed to say them to customers:
- you should kill yourself
- i'm going to kill myself
- you should be really embarrassed about the way you're treating me right now
- do you get off to this or something
- i'm going to marry your mother so i can teach you how to behave in public
- bark like a dog. your below me moron
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evildogbites · 3 months
Having had little to no experience in romantic relationships I'm completely out of my comfort zone. The boy I like kissed me yesterday, and he was good. I know I'm not bad and when I was kissing him back I wasn't filled with the dread that I'm not good enough, but now that I'm alone my brain is going a thousand miles a minute and I have so much anxiety about everything that can and will happen.
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evildogbites · 3 months
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James Baldwin talking about love
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