everythingtriles · 8 years
The Wheels Keep Turning
Summary: Grace and Tristan share a moment on the bus. Implied strong Gracevas and Triles
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12312888/1/The-Wheels-Keep-Turning
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everythingtriles · 8 years
The Wheels Keep Turning
Summary: Grace and Tristan share a moment on the bus. Implied strong Gracevas and Triles
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12312888/1/The-Wheels-Keep-Turning
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everythingtriles · 8 years
Getting back to drawing. I have.. .at least 15-16 more to go, already drew one more!
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everythingtriles · 9 years
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For all your Triles Valentine needs.
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everythingtriles · 9 years
Can you draw more Triles?
oh my
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everythingtriles · 9 years
Hey yall, Just came back in the tag to see if triles was still dead. Oh it is? Ok bye
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everythingtriles · 9 years
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everythingtriles · 9 years
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everythingtriles · 9 years
Triles - Insecurities
Their relationship was destined to fall apart sooner or later. He had liked him since the trip to Paris even after he made out with Zoe and asked his best friend out on a date. Miles always had a special place in his heart and no matter what, that wasn’t going to change.
From the beginning, he knew the type of guy Miles was. Classic rich boy with a grudge against his father - perhaps it was the thought of rebellion which caused Miles to react to his advances. Perhaps it was the intent on revenge, after all, Maya is - was - one of Tristan’s best friend’s and both her and Miles didn’t have the most healthiest break up. Far from it, in fact, where now they couldn’t even stand looking at eachother without making faces.
He could think of many excuses why Miles was with him. Rather, he didn’t really have too since the people around them were doing it for him. Whispers that were targeted primarily at him, that would haunt him for the rest of his life, and if there was an easy solution rather than simply ending the relationship he would gladly do it.
But no matter how many times that thought flashed through his mind, it would quickly diminish like a lighter. Perhaps it was Tristan’s own selfishness - after all - he never really had someone to call his own for more than five minutes and he liked Miles. A lot. What other reasons could there be other than this?
“Yo.” The voice made him turn around to acknowledge his current boyfriend, Miles Hollingsworth, who was staring at him curiously wondering why Tristan was standing by the locker for the past five minutes not doing anything, “You okay?”
Just the man I needed to see, Tristan rolled his eyes though he wasn’t exactly upset, “Sorry, I was daydreaming. Lala land, you know.” He dismissed with a wave as he grabbed the books from Miles’ arms and shoved them within his locker... their locker. Miles suggested they share one since they were so close to eachother. The lockers, he meant. And Tristan jumped at the chance because really, he never shared his locker with anybody aside from the girls.
“About what?” His eyebrow rose as he continued to watch him.
This made Tristan scoff and tease, “My fantasy, I can do what I want.” as he shut the locker and locked it. He then turned to Miles with an amused expression to show him he wasn’t angry, “So how many days do you have of detention?”
When he mentioned detention, Miles let out a sigh as a look of pure exhaustion crept over his face, “I’m doomed.” He grumbled, dropping his head, “Simpson’s giving me a month. One hour after school, everyday, in the principal’s office. I feel like my dad talked him into it just to keep me from going home early.”
Tristan merely chuckled at this, “Well, you deserve it” earning a look of disapproval from the unfortunate Hollingsworth, “You’ve already bunked so many classes already, I don’t think an hour after school will kill you. Frankly, I think that’s pretty lenient.” He could have been suspended. Not that he would mind, probably. He didn’t have the best record in the world.
Miles scowled at the comment, “I thought you were on my side” which earned both a smile and a shake of the head as Tristan began to saunter towards the exit, Miles hot on his heels like a helpless puppy, “So - back to the daydreaming, was it about me?”
Tristan glanced at him with curiosity, wondering what he would say, “And if I say yes?”
Miles shrugged a shoulder, “Then I’ll be happy you weren’t thinking of someone else.” 
Tristan simply laughed at the comment though he felt a sudden adrenaline rush through his body, particularly through his chest. This boy seriously knew how to play with his emotions, “So does this mean we won’t be able to hang out after school anymore?” He shoved him over the shoulder playfully, “Don’t think I’ll wait for you.”
“Ah-” Miles mumbled as he stepped back beside him, his hand loosely moving to hug behind Tristan’s neck and plop against his other shoulder as he closed the distance between them easily, “Depends. I mean if you really want me to skip that is.”
Tristan turned to him silently, Miles was looking in front of them as they walked completely oblivious to the sudden stares and whispers around them. Tristan found his expression drop slightly, “Don’t use me as your excuse.” Tristan half/joked as he shoved him over the shoulder once again, temporarily dismantling his boyfriend’s hand from his shoulder. He didn’t want him to see his pained expression. He didn’t want him to see him tense. 
When Miles came back beside him, his hand immediately swooped down to take hold of Tristan’s hand, a gesture that made Tristan pause, “It’d be worth it though.”
And in  that moment Tristan realized something. The reason why they were still together even though everyone around them were dead set against them - or at least him. Because with such small, brave gestures, Miles would not let him take the thought of breaking up any further. Because, with this, he was sure Miles liked him too. And nothing else mattered really.
So he smiled for the first time that day and murmured, “Yeah...” as the two headed out the doors and towards Hollingsworth’s black BMW, “I’ll just wait for you.”
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everythingtriles · 9 years
Day 1: Cars Day 2: Family Day 3: Prom Day 4: Beach Day 5: Coming out Day 6: Abuse Day 7: College Day 8: (anything you want) Day 9: Babysitting Day 10: Holding hands Day 11: Sleeping Day 12: Candy Day 13: Holidays Day 14: Birthdays Day 15: Marriage
(please participate & share!)
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everythingtriles · 9 years
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everythingtriles · 9 years
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everythingtriles · 9 years
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everythingtriles · 9 years
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I know this is late as FFF, but while I thought I would be able to upload these pictures easily, I didn’t realize how long it would take to edit them on sai. But here they come guys.
~ everythingtriles
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everythingtriles · 9 years
Okay for every person who likes or reblogs this I will make one Triles pictures and post it up that or the next day. :o Lemmefeeldatpressure.
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everythingtriles · 9 years
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everythingtriles · 9 years
Triles Shippers
REBLOG this if you are a Triles shipper. I want to follow as many Triles shipper blogs as I can.
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