⏤͟͟͞͞ 30 days of devotion to loki ♡
day 17 : how does this deity relate to other deities and other pantheons/how to they feel about each other?
Loki and most of the other Norse Gods and Goddesses don't get a long at all. I could only name a couple that he actively doesn't have either a complicated relationship.. or the most horrendus relationship. this is because he is constantly playing tricks on others.

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another poem to Aphrodite, I wrote it to signify my problems with love in the past.

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decided to write another poem about love, as a devotional act to Aphrodite again ♡
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Decided to try my hand at poetry, as a devotional act to Aphrodite.
Hail Aphrodite ♡
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This is your daily reminder, that paganism is beautiful. Your practice is beautiful. don't let anyone shame you for being pagan, a satanist, etc.

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⏤͟͟͞͞ day 16 of 30 days of devotion to loki ♡
day 16 : how does this deity appreciate their cultural origins and their pantheon?
Loki encourages his followers to learn noese runes, and tune into his origins and appreciate norse mythology. He was the reason I learned about runes etc!
hail Loki!

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Nine Lokean Virtues:

1. Truth: Be real. Be true to yourself and allow others follow their own truth.
2. Humor: Learn to find the humor in things, especially yourself.
3. Humility: If you need to tie your balls to a goat to accomplish your goals, suck it up buttercup.
4. Cunning: Try to think outside the box. Don't make a mess so big that you can't figure your way out of it.
5. Transformation: Don't be afraid of change, because that's how we grow. Don't be afraid of self-examination and listen to constructive criticism.
6. Creativity: Create awesome stuff. Try new things out. If you don't like it, blow it up and try again.
7. Accountability: You are the only one in charge of your own destiny, your own life, and your own actions.
8. Empathy: Try to see things from more than one perspective. Shape-shift into someone else's shoes before you pass judgement.
9. Experimentation: A mistake is only a mistake if you do it twice. Until then, everything is an experiment.
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This is your reminder that three fold law is a wiccan term. You do not need to identify with that belief. if you do, then whoopdy do, but don't waste your time trying to be love and light, someone fucks with you? fuck with them right back.
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"you shouldn't wish ill will on people"
yeah well these people want me dead, so
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⏤͟͟͞͞ day 15 of 30 days of devotion to loki ♡
day 15 : any mundane practices associated with this deity
there's a few!!
embracing chaos
being unapologetically yourself
playing pranks
enjoying your time on earth
just existing and taking care of yourself
hail loki!

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⏤͟͟͞͞ day 14 of 30 days of devotion to loki ♡
day 14 : has the way of worshipping this deity changed over time?
I think so ! the way of worshipping him is a lot less formal for some lokeans nowadays, and that is completely okay ! though some Lokeans are very traditional , and that's okay ! lots of people have different ways of worship.
hail loki!

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⏤͟͟͞͞ day 13 of 30 days of devotion to loki ♡
day 13 : what modern day issues are closest to this deitys heart?
I feel like there are a handful, though I'll list a few here.
trans and lgbt issues
abortion rights
anything to do with human rights, blm, or anything like that I think he firmly believes in that subject as loki believes in everyone's rights.
hail loki!
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⏤͟͟͞͞ day 12 of 30 days of devotion to loki ♡
day 12 : places associated with this deity and worship
Loki is worshipped by people all over the world! even though the is an ancient god. however he was originally worshipped in the Nordic-Scandinavian nations! There is no information that I can find on any places dedicated to him.
hail loki!

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⏤͟͟͞͞ day 11 of 30 days of devotion to loki ♡
day 11 : festivals, times, days connected to this deity
halloween, april fools day, friday the 13th. And his very own festival, Loki fest.

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⏤͟͟͞͞ day 10 of 30 days of devotion to loki ♡
day 10 : offerings, both hysterical and UPG
giving offerings to loki is fairly easy, he loves alot of things! in my experience, he loves toys, sweets, pinecones, pretty crystals, lavastone/black stones, crazy looking stuff, random items etc! Chocolate, Coffee, Incense (Dragons blood, Cinnamon, anything sweet). Candles (green/yellow/orange/red), Alcohol (if you're of age!), Mistletoe, birch, Alder, Cinnamon, anything spicy. if anyone needs any inspiration, here is a picture of his space on my altar currently!

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⏤͟͟͞͞ day 9 of 30 days of devotion to loki ♡
day 9 : common mistakes or misconceptions on this deity
One mistake I see is treating working with him as a game of some sort, and disrespecting him. yes, you might have a jokey relationship with him though he is someone to respect. even if he is the god of mischief and he does envelop chaos, does not mean that you will not have serious moments with him. Loki is also very different to other deities, he is not for the inexperienced and lots of people do not understand his power, and the fact that he is not just a deity to mess around with. He will bring chaos to your life, but he is an amazing and loving deity to work with.
hail Loki!

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⏤͟͟͞͞ day 8 of 30 days of devotion to loki ♡
day 8 : variations of this deity
Loki has many physical variations, he took the form of a salmon, a flea, a fly, and a mare. He also took the form of human beings, such as an old woman named Thökk who fatefully refused to weep for the fallen Baldur! Some other variations include marvel Loki - the marvel side of Loki, which has some hints of actual norse mythology, though is mostly fantasy. Queer theory Loki - the theory that Loki is gender fluid because of his different presentations throughout mythology. This is heavily based on norse mythology. Though, Loki can be anything, due to the fact that he shapeshifts, which means he has an infinite amount of variations.
hail Loki!

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