everybloom · 1 year
hi! I'm alive, what are your thoughts about a Beomgyu hard hour soon?
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everybloom · 1 year
Drunk of Luv
“Synopsis: Where Beomgyu has been in love with his sister's best friend since childhood, and a stupid round of Truth or Dare becomes an important step for him to make a move on that crush.”
Wordcount: 5.7k
Warnings: fem!OC (Ophelia) x Beomgyu, slight age gape (5 years), he is in love for his sister’s bestfriend, fluffy, drinking, smoking, Beom is a bit jealous, truth or dare, conversations about virginity, BDSM, dom/sub dynamics, dom!fem!OC, sub!Beomgyu, virgin!Beomgyu, kinda Noona Kink, make out, dry humping, Beomgyu cuming in his pants cuz I love this concept L
A/N: Hi guys, it's been a while since I posted something other than a request, it took me a long time to translate this fic and I really like it, so I hope you like it too. <3
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He remembered the first time he saw her, she was no more than five years old. He didn't know how old she was exactly, from how many words she could articulate in a sentence, or because she could count far beyond twenty, it seemed to be ten, but he knew for sure that that smile would be the most beautiful one he would see in his whole life. He remembered how her hair shone in the sun; he especially liked it when she would hold her sister's hands, and they would spin, the wind would make the shiny hair fly, and the joy was all and completely expressed in that smile.
He knew that no matter how much older he got, his eyes would always sparkle every time he saw her. He liked it when the girls played house, because in the middle of all the mess, he ended up becoming her son; the whole game had become one big blur of colors in his memory. A white towel twisted on her head, a damp washcloth resting on her small shoulder, the gigantic apron that looked more like a tunic, the wooden spoon waving every time she called him, raw rice resting in the little pink pan, and a little spoon balancing a piece of cracker that came close to her mouth.
At twelve, she squeezed his cheeks and said he was cute; still at seven, he thought, "why did she like to do that so much?" And dazzled again, he wondered, why were her fingers able to paint his cheeks red post-squeeze? Were her fingers brushes?
His newest ally, questioning, seemed increasingly opportunistic, particularly on Wednesday afternoons when he could help the two girls paint their hair; he watched the dipping of the crêpe paper into the alcohol, what was that liquid? It even helped to remove it, but the thin feeling made him return the paper every time; why did it look so strange? In the end, he really liked the feeling of her hair in his fingers, he liked the pink in the strands, but he didn't like the pinkish tone that wouldn't leave his fingers for the next days; would it stay forever?
At ten, he was still afraid of thunder, and remembered almost categorically the voice of his grandmother, who said: "That's God talking to sinners", but knew it wasn't true because he had learned from his mother what thunder was. Even if she was already fifteen years old, she would not be able to resist the hands that trembled in front of his knees as much as the lips of the child in the corner of the room. Her hugs were warm and made his sister jealous; he loved that attention, the feeling of being cared for, the caressing of his hair, knowing that when he slept she would carry him carefully to bed.
At thirteen, he understood why at the same age she had stopped playing house with him, at the time he was extremely upset with the situation, but nothing that one of those hugs or a chocolate chip couldn't solve. Now the phrase he had heard so often made sense, even before it was uttered for the first time: "In time you will understand".
The inseparable friends had just moved out of his parents' house when he turned fifteen. He didn't like the idea at all, how often would he see the loved girl? A lot had changed between thirteen and fifteen, there had been an unsuccessful first kiss, the discovery of the vast sexual content of life, the substitution of sweet and innocent dreams for torrid erotic dreams of her, and the heat that bubbled up all over his body when he saw her.
For the first few days he saw no advantages in basically having a second home, his sister and life's passion moving in together seemed far more monotonous than it really was. It wasn't something he was much in the mood for, but it was when he started frequenting the apartment that Beomgyu realized how amazing that move was. It wasn't hard to find her splayed out on the couch on the weekends he spent there, just as it wasn't hard to roll over and lose his eyes all over that ever oblivious body.
Puberty brought with it a wide range of inappropriate thoughts that hardly ever left him alone, and it also brought a nice stretch, which made him two or three inches taller than her. As time passed, Beom left more and more of the fearful little boy with twinkling eyes behind, and each day gave way to a new facet of the man that was forming.
At seventeen, his pretty but no longer rosy fingers took the first can of beer she gave him; the taste was bitter, and he didn't like it at first, but Ophelia's company kept him going. He remembered that night, although the alcohol confused him at times, in any case, he knew how to paint her smiling face on the balcony in his memory.
His sister had gone to spend the weekend with her girlfriend, and in a happy mismatch, he would have two full days alone with her.
He especially remembered the last night, it was the day they drank on the porch, Ophelia had a cigarette in her hands, and between saying that she looked very sexy smoking and that it might ruin her lungs, he chose the first; except that he didn't say anything. Still, he liked the smoke that came out of her mouth when she spoke, he liked the way she laughed, and the way she alternated between the can and the cigarette without seeming even slightly altered.
They talked halfway through the night and ended up sleeping through a marathon of "Lost"; no matter how bad that series was, it was still their series. Beomgyu felt particularly awkward when he woke up, their bodies not at all curled up on the small couch, and nevertheless enough to earn him a good nightly (early morning?) fantasy. The getting up made her wake up, and soon after a shy "good morning", her blurred gaze focused on the morning bulge that embarrassed him so much; between a faint laugh and a nod of the head, she told him to take a shower.
The boy's cheeks were still warm when his disheveled, screaming sister arrived exactly fifteen minutes later. No one had the heart to make a little joke about Eunbin's supposed "hot morning" when she shouted that it was twelve forty-five on a Monday. It was hard not to blush the next time you saw her, thanking Phe's good sense of humor for not letting her bring up the subject that was the reason for all the embarrassment.
He liked that end of adolescence, the memories he built in that period, it was not difficult to bring to mind a special moment, read: numerous times he was with Ophelia without his sister.
When he turned eighteen, a flame of hope was lit, even more so after hearing her say that he had become a wonderful man, so she saw him as a man! However, his joy was short-lived, that same weekend when she went to her sister's house, Ophelia had brought a boyfriend for him to meet; why the hell did she never say she was engaged?
He held out until Monday, ignoring all the caresses they exchanged, the nicknames, the jokes, and especially the kisses, which he imagined how it would be if they were his lips there. He locked himself in his room and told his pillow all his anguish through thick tears. It wasn't hard for Beom to understand why Phe had chosen that man, he was older, better looking, more intellectual, taller, and "plus" so much that he forgot the "but": he had just arrived, and Ophelia was not one to forget her boy.
It was a complicated time, the period that the woman dated Yunho. She chose to cut down on her trips to their house, she preferred to spare herself from seeing her happy with him. Anyway, Beom loved it when he could make the man red with jealousy by snuggling up to Phe the few times he saw her, she loved being sure that if you asked nicely, she would do everything for him. The little war didn't last long, after all, Yunho was also more mature, and after a while he understood what it was all about and began to act indifferently to every effort Beomgyu made to attract attention.
Ophelia even took him to the boy's nineteenth birthday party, who spent most of the time trying to steal her away, even if unsuccessfully; he no longer felt sadness, but anger for always losing this mental dispute. Happily for him, that day he discovered that their relationship was more than falling apart, if he had been more concerned about how she was doing than about stealing her from Yunho, he would have known that already. He begged to sleep at his friends' house, and at the end of the night he was on the porch again, but this time only he had a can in his hand, Phe categorically holding a cigarette.
The silence would be nicer if she looked happier. It was comfortable nonetheless, but the thoughts still troubled the younger man's head there. Phe turned around, leaning the end of her back against the small wall, put out her cigarette on the cold marble, and looked intensely at Beom, who was sure to be kissed at that moment. He felt his cheeks burning and his hands sweating, and wiped discreetly at his pants and approached her.
“I think we're going to break up.” Yeah, he was pathetic. “Sorry, it's still your birthday, I don't want to spoil the mood.” He then added.
“No, I understand, you must be a little down. Lost and bullshit?” He suggested, watching her flash all her teeth in that beautiful smile.
“Of course!”
This time he fell asleep on her lap, and when he woke up the next day he thanked the gods that it wasn't a Monday, and felt back to puberty when he noticed the more than morning erection. In just under two weeks the relationship was over, and incredibly, Ophelia seemed freer, happier, and unbelievably more beautiful, even though she had always been.
“Phe, can I have a party at your place?” He asked, bringing a bowl filled with chopped fruit in front of her, who looked at it intently.
“You know this kind of thing is up to your sister, right?”
“Please, Noona! You know Eunbin won't let you, talk to her, please!” He cried, sitting down next to her, who calmly put a strawberry swirl in his mouth.
“I can't guarantee anything, and don't even think of not inviting me!”
“Never! I really wanted you to come?” He commented, opening his mouth so that she could put a piece of kiwi in it.
“No need to try this emotional blackmail, I already said I'll talk to Eun.” She finished by pushing her thigh against his.
“Noona, you're funny, lively, a great friend, and very pretty.” He interrupted himself when he realized the result of his excitement at the compliments; dismayed and with a rosy face, he continued: “What I meant was that I would really like you to participate.”
The woman smiled before biting into a strawberry slice, Beom lost himself in those lips for a few seconds longer than he should have.
“What more do you want, my darling, a kiss? Stop staring at my mouth like that, boy!” She said, laughing at his startled expression.
He wanted to tell her that he wasn't a boy anymore, that he really wanted a kiss, and that he was twenty years old and didn't fit into that nickname anymore. On the other hand, his heart squeezed as sweetly as his thighs when he heard the little word. He decided that nothing he could say would change the embarrassing situation, and got up and went into the living room. She loved leaving him like this, completely lost, and especially red; she thought that maybe he was just extremely shy, she never questioned the possible crush Gyu had on her, even though this crush would last explicitly for most of his life.
After much insistence on the part of the older woman, the party was finally able to take place, and by twenty-two o'clock the following Saturday, the apartment was packed with young people starting to get drunk. Beomgyu was smiling ecstatically, he was enjoying being the host, and people seemed to enjoy it too, always greeting him as he passed by.
But wandering his eyes he focused on the silver-clad figure who seemed distracted on the balcony, smoke ensnared her right hand, and a cup of green liquid rested beside her. The boy restrained the urge to hug her from behind, kiss her temple, and call her "love". He sighed, somewhat disappointed, and moved closer to her.
“Thanks for convincing Eun, Phe, the party is great, thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome, Gyu, your party is very good. Including great taste in music, if you weren't so broke you'd be rocking out with your friends.” Smiled, putting the cigarette in her mouth.
“You're not broken, you look amazing!” He suppressed the urge to see her rolling around, so he could continue: “By the way, my friends are calling you to play truth or dare. I know it's stupid, but if you want to...” He let the sentence die as he watched her.
“Are your friends calling me or do you want me to come?” She asked, tilting her head to the side.
“A little of both.” He answered softly.
“Okay, well, I'm coming, let me just finish this one.” She said, raising the white tube in the air.
Most of the boy's friends knew about his big crush on Ophelia, so when he returned from his little chat, he received many suggestive smiles that made him blush with embarrassment.
“Is she coming to play?” Asked Soobin, who was already sitting in the small circle.
“She's just going to finish her cigarette.” He said, opening a small beer can.
“Ophelia seems nice, is she single or still with that guy?”
“Why do you want to know that?” He found himself saying before thinking.
“Relax man, I'm just trying to set you up, I'm not going to cut your grass!” He explained, laughing at his friend's desperation.
“Sorry, I'm a little nervous ...” Argued between a long sip of his drink.
“Are you going to get to her then?” Introduced Taehyun surprised.
“But not even dead!” Said more like a shout.
“There's nothing to be afraid then!” Replied the youngest of the group.
“Maybe because her ex is Yunho and the standard is high?” Yeonjun teased.
“Will you guys stop it? Beom will end up dying a virgin if you keep scaring him.” Soobin commented just to tease the boy.
“My boy is too young to be doing this kind of thing anyway!” Said Phe surprising everyone, including Gyu, who instantly asked for death.
Damn it! She didn't need to know that he was still a virgin, for fuck's sake! He did everything to look a little more grown up and now all the effort has gone to waste, he's back to being that little boy who cried hugging her for fear of thunder. His flushed cheeks made him especially cute in the eyes of the older woman, who promptly ruffled his hair in an attempt to relax him. Even though the gesture brought him comfort, he still remained tense and confused by the fact that she didn't give a damn about the fun fact; was it to be expected?
He was so absorbed in his thoughts about looking young enough so that she wouldn't be surprised, or taking for herself truths that were never told about his inexperience, that he barely noticed the little circle celebrating. When his eyes focused, Beom noticed Phe's face in outrageous laughter, the class half-understanding, and Soobin frowning as she held up the bottle.
“Guys, just because I chose dare don't mean you're going to make me kiss Gyu?” He felt his body burn; what kind of stuff had his friend drunk to come up with something like that? “Where would he want to kiss such a middle-aged lady?” She continued with a laugh that confused everyone.
Choi felt his stomach turn, so she thought he thought that? Even after he had gotten carried away in compliments a few days earlier, even though he always got lost in her, lost focus and embarrassed, every single time. Honestly, he didn't even think negatively about her age, it never stopped him from doing or thinking exactly nothing, let it be said in passing that this "superiority" only made him lose his breath.
“You're not a lady, the oldest you can come close to is a MILF. “ Commented one of the people in the circle.
“Shut up, you know that MILFs are exactly middle-aged. You're still young enough to kiss Beom, right?” Soobin intervened, trying to improve the situation for his friend.
“I don't know if I should thank you for this, but I don't mind giving Beom a peck, if he doesn't mind too.” Smiled at the mortified boy next to her.
“No peck!” Shouted Taehyun. “It has to be a real kiss!” He explained, puffing out his chest as his friend shrugged his shoulders.
“If you're that keen to see a make out, I can make a room and a laptop available to you.” She commented, only to see him contradict himself in explanation. She turned to her boy and whispered: “Are you okay with this?”
Choi Beomgyu had never been so nervous in his entire life. He felt his heart rise and fall with lightning-like rapidity, beating erratically, perhaps stumbling, falling and sinking. He felt his hands sweat, and tried to wipe them discreetly on his pants, this was becoming more and more frequent. He turned his face to look at her and wondered if he could breathe. She was so close, with that look in her eyes that made him shiver, exuding concern amidst the little levity he couldn't decide if he had made up or not. The most curious part was that she didn't smell like a cigarette; had she used that mint rinse? He wanted to kiss her to find out how refreshing it sounded.
And there was no other, shyly shaking his head affirmatively, she pulled him by the neck to make the kiss easier, their lips intertwined and within the delicious drag of tongues he felt the freshness of the mint; there he smiled, barely able to contain his happiness. He wanted to moan softly when he felt the little hairs on the back of his neck being pulled lightly, Ophelia made him melt with just a kiss, his eyes squeezed tightly when he realized it was ending, his body was boiling, every little part of him, without exception. He noticed the nibbling on his lower lip, the flaring in his lower abdomen, the whimper he let out, and the absence of her lips as soon as they ended with a kiss, the circle in ecstasy and Beom not even knowing how to react, but he knew how to place the pillow that a laughing Taehyun threw at him.
That party didn't stay the same, at least for the boy. His head was spinning in a delicious way, he could assure it wasn't the alcohol. He was happy, too happy, and maybe it was all showing in a smile with all his teeth, but he couldn't tell because he was too drunk, drunk on something he couldn't classify. Drunk on something that certainly wasn't alcohol.
Time passed and neither of them touched the subject of the kiss. Ophelia because she didn't know how much it affected him, and Beomgyu because he felt too shy to remind her, not that it stopped him from thinking about the moment. He remembered exactly every second of the kiss, the way her fingers had stroked his hair, the exciting nibbling, and the state of delight that had ensued at the end, the same state that always returned after the memory. Somehow he longed to talk to her about it, to tell her how he felt, how it felt on her lips, how much he hoped to do it again, and truly, hoped for so much more.
Phe didn't think the boy remembered the night at the party, perhaps because he had drunk too much alcohol, or just because it hadn't been important enough for him to remember; she was wrong. That early morning she had heard one or two comments about Beomgyu finally kissing the "woman of his life," she remembered the term exactly because it made her laugh enough to soften her ego. Even though she took it all as just a recurring bit of banter, the woman couldn't help but notice how well he kissed for someone who seemed so quiet, or how susceptible and vulnerable he seemed to every little action, and maybe, just maybe, it made her think about how he would look under her in bed.
Beomgyu hadn't planned on spending this weekend at his sister's house, but his parents had almost kicked him out of the house with an excuse to call some couple friends over for a chat, and with only a half-empty backpack, he ended up knocking on their door. Ophelia opened the door in confusion, his attentive eyes caught sight of the loose shirt that covered only the beginning of her thighs, and in an attempt to blur, he noticed the open snacks on the coffee table and the muffled voices of familiar characters.
“Watching "Lost" alone?” He asked, feigning a disappointed expression.
“Why didn't you say you were coming?” Crossed her arms.
Panic. He thought he was over the kiss and would have more control over how she affects him; wrong, very wrong, because the moment her arms circled the curve below her breasts, and they marked deliciously under her shirt, he felt his body twitch. His tongue rolled around in his mouth, nervously; "control yourself, control yourself" was all that went through his mind, but it was too late, and his face was already too red to hide it.
“Are you coming in, boy? Or are you going to stay here all night?” She questioned and then returned to the sofa.
The Korean entered, closing the door behind him, silently hung up his backpack and removed his shoes, all this under the intense gaze of the woman, even if he did not recognize this kind of intensity. He looked at her again, the control dangling from his slender fingers, the messy sit that made him check the color of her panties too long for her not to notice, he felt something inside him tighten. His Noona smiled shaking her head, bent her legs leaving them lowered, which made him come back down to earth and clear his throat in pure confusion.
“Do you want to continue this episode, or would you rather I play it from the beginning?” She said, watching him walk over to the sofa and sit down in the corner.
“I think I've already disrupted your evening alone, you can leave it at that, Noona.”
“Where do you get these ideas? I'm glad you came, spending Friday alone is not like me.” She complemented with a smile that made him warm up.
He held the packet of snacks in a bit too eagerly when she tossed it to him, and soon the atmosphere became more comfortable, even if Gyu still felt the discomfort between his legs becoming more present. Curses swirled in his head, she had obviously noticed his stares, if she saw the erection it would be his death, and well, he didn't want to die, not without kissing her lips again. The sight of her in profile was all his eyes focused on, perhaps half unnoticed, but still rambling on about how focused she seemed on the TV, and how much he didn't want her to notice him, to the same extent he did.
“Why do you look at me and not at the TV, Beom?” Asked with a raised eyebrow, interrupting the boy's every thought, now horrified.
“B-because I...” Swallowed dryly, trying to quickly come up with something. “Actually I don't.”
“You've been acting weird to me since that day at the party.” Interrupted him again, this time speaking. “I wasn't going to say anything about it, I didn't want to embarrass you, but it's just that your nervousness has been getting on my nerves, Gyu.” She used the cute nickname, even though the tone showed a certain inconvenience.
“I'm always like this.” He replied with a hint of a voice.
“No, Beom, it's not like that. I can tell the difference between your red cheeks, each shade of red, and I'm sure that if I look down I'll find the reason for this violent red.” Now she was just inches away from their thighs touching, their eyes glaring at each other.
“Don't look!” All the voice that was missing from the last line had come out in this one, which sounded like a desperate squawk.
“It's not like I haven't already seen it, right?”
“Please, it's embarrassing.” He looked away from her by turning his head forward, discreetly moving his hands to his lap.
Phe hadn't imagined that he would react like this, not with this kind of delivery right away. She had expected Choi to play crazy for a few more minutes, denying everything, but no, he simply couldn't take the teasing; it made her wonder if anyone had ever cornered him like that. He, for his part, felt his heart gallop faster than the best horse of the best Aras, his ears buzzed at the sound of her voice, it felt like it was going to explode, the long-forgotten television seemed comforting enough to keep his attention. Goosebumps set in the region of his whitened neck as soon as he felt her warm breath. His was engaged, just as his penis took this as a premise to produce the pre-cum that was slowly wetting his underwear.
“Beom, why don't you tell me what this is all about, uh? Maybe then I'll leave you alone, if you want me to.”
He didn't want to say, he didn't want to expose my feelings in this situation, not with an exploding dick in my pants, a faint look on the face, cheeks almost crimson, sweaty hands, and a completely disorganized mind. Gyu had imagined a normal day, he would arrive tidy, ask her out and after a wonderful afternoon he would tell her, but the thought of disobeying her made him shudder. In fact, disobeying was not the best thing to do, not when she was dangerously close, with so little clothing and threatening to touch him where he had wanted her most for years.
“I-I don't know how to begin. “ He dictated quickly, closing his eyes, her fingernails dragging over his beat-up jeans. “I guess I've always felt this way, ah... Noona please, I can't concentrate.” He asked as he felt her slide her nails down his thigh and into his shorts.
“Come on, baby, you're such a smart boy, I'm sure you'll be able to finish.” He couldn't tell what she meant by the words, but this, coupled with the compliments, made him seize up violently.
“I-I always get nervous around you, b-but it's because I've always wanted to be your boy, as you say.” He paused to try to sustain his trembling voice, now that his fingernails were caressing his abdomen, painfully close to the waistband. “I w-want you to see me as a man, but still as your baby. I wanted you to take care of me, to be with me, but I also wanted you to kiss me, to touch every part of me.” Was interrupted by his own loud moan at having her squeeze his nipple.
His burning body barely able to continue with the words, his tongue becoming too thick to stay inside his mouth, his eyes closed too tightly, not to mention the pulsating penis that wouldn't let him forget it. In truth, Ophelia was loving the situation, watching the little boy squirm under her hands, never in all these years had she imagined that it would come to such a scenario with him, but it wasn't as if she was complaining.
“Noona, I-I-I ah...” Bit his lip as both nipples were stimulated, he opened one eye and saw her with an evil smile on her face, and decided to close it again. “I've felt this since I was a teenager, it was too hot when you were around, and I admit I didn't like the idea of you living with my sister, but when I started spending the days here, I realized I would love it, just seeing you dressed like that.” He said it all with immeasurable rapidity, only to choke on a groan at the end.
“What a pervert my baby is.” she said, taking his hands away from his lap, her eyes sparkling at the sight of the desperate bulge; barely caring, she sat on it only to hear the younger man's hiss. “I thought you were more innocent Gyu, where did my boy go?”
“I-I'm here, I just, oh, I just never told you this part, it's too embarrassing.” The more he revealed, the more excited the woman became, she wanted to see how far that little head was capable of going. “I still can't believe this is really happening.” He said very softly, perhaps only to himself.
One hand went slowly up to his immaculate neck, held it sideways, and took advantage of the silence to take a not very light bite there.
“Now do you believe it, baby?” She whispered, before biting him, this time on the lobe.
“Please, please, do it again!” He pleaded, moving his hips beneath her.
Ophelia was amazed, Beomgyu was there totally immersed in it, asking so beautifully, extremely flushed, rubbing himself against her like a virgin, and well, he was. She didn't refuse the request, whispered for him to follow the story, and proceeded to bite and suck the entire length of his neck.
“Every time I would come here and Eun wasn't here, I-I would explode with happiness, because I knew that we would be together, that you would hug me, kiss my cheeks, and I could imagine that we were in love. It's stupid, I know.” He revealed the last part so softly that if it weren't for the closeness, she wouldn't hear; regardless, both hearts were warmed there. “Noona, y-you, um... you don't know how many times I've imagined kissing you, doing anything with you, and that's why I hated Yunho, because he could do anything I wanted to do.”
Soft lips parted the scarred neck and kissed the boy, who moaned at the contact, tongues dancing harmoniously until the last thread of self-control broke. And then they continued the kiss eagerly, all the desire from that day at the party surfaced again, and Beom felt that he couldn't last another five minutes there; that's when he felt Phe's sharp roll over, and broke the kiss in an attempt not to bite her lip to contain the pleasure.
“You look so close baby, so responsive, so beautiful, so fucked. Do you think you can cum like that?” She asked as she intensified the rhythm of her hips on his.
His legs had long been trembling, which was a sign of his orgasm, and it wasn't hard to understand that it would be no problem to cum like this, it was hard to verbalize it between moans and gasps, but like a good Noona, Ophelia understood what her baby had to tell her.
“Noona, I-I, can I please touch you?”
He asked so beautifully that she didn't blink to grant the permission, what surprised the woman the most was to feel the trembling hands grasp her waist, bringing her close in an almost hug. The dull moans in the woman's ear had become constant long before the hug, but now everything seemed more intense, the way he trembled beneath her, the cracked voice, the unsteady hands, perfect.
“I think I'm going to cum, I-I, Noona! Please let me take off my shorts, I won't last.” He said, in desperation, so quickly that the moan was saved for last.
“No, no, no. I want to see my baby come inside your pants. Come on, baby, make a mess for your Noona, okay?” She dictated shortly after, letting tears run down his face in pleasure.
With that permission, Beom had nothing else to do but cum, and well he did; he hugged the woman fully as he tried to close his legs beneath her, feeling extremely sensitive. The jets of cum really made a mess under his clothes, at first glance he only had a wet spot where his still-marked penis rested.
“Are you okay, Gyu?” She asked as she saw him stop his post-orgasm whimpering and then try to get off his lap.
“Stay, please stay.” He spoke softly, sounding vulnerable enough to want to keep her. “I don't know if I can go on, I...”
“No sex for you today my boy, we'll see this virginity another day, we have a lot to talk about today, right?” Completing the ending with a long kiss as he nodded slowly.
Choi BeomGyu was fulfilled, his heart skipping more beats than he could pay attention to, his mind clouded in a mixture of confusion and after-pleasure. In the end, it all felt like when drunk, like when he finished kissing her and couldn't tell what had made him drunk. Well, now he understood, Gyu was still drunk, drunk on love.
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everybloom · 2 years
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wanna tease somebody in public like this so bad, wanna make it hard for them to talk and to think~ after testing them the whole evening, wanna fuck them so good and hard>< making their minds turn to complete mush<33
2K notes · View notes
everybloom · 2 years
Based on Facts
“Synopsis: In the end it was all based on explicit facts, they loved each other too much to continue with all those splinters between them, but nothing that a good joint wouldn't make her admit all that at once.”
Wordcount: 2.5k
Warnings: fem!reader x Johnny, age gape (10 years), they’re fighting, fluffy at the end, smoking weed, !!!a lot of weed!!! dom/sub dynamics, dom!fem!reader, sub!Johnny, oral sex (f. receiving), handjob, pnv sex, riding.
A/N: Hey guys, this contains a looot of marijuana, so if you don't feel comfortable, please don't read it. <3
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Los Angeles was burning up at 75 °F, early summer and not a cloud in the sky, the sun was shining with an intensity unimaginable for the recently ended spring, the weather was dry, but nobody seemed to care about that. All you could see were people running around with their shiny bodies, skaters in their colorful bikinis, and palm trees, several palm trees, all properly placed, giving an air of modernity. Attractive, she had defined the city in her first walk through its crowded streets, and it was true, LA was really attractive, everything seemed fascinating, and the last five years of her life had been one of the best choices she had ever made.
At the height of her thirties, the woman strolled along the beach as if she wanted nothing, and at that moment she really didn't, unlike all the times she passed by there, she boasted of being what they called a "Headhunter", which made the Malibu beach a very favorable environment for her work. No one could escape those eyes, they seemed to millimeter each person who passed in front of her, she never let a person with the necessary profile pass by, she worked in a successful modeling agency, and not even the tanned surfers could escape when they seemed to be perfect targets.
And this is how she met Seo John, at the time just a boy in his twenties, he seemed a bit lost on that beach, but in hers impassive eyes perfect for what she was looking for. She approached him and helped him as soon as he asked about the location, at first sight he looked like a tourist, but with the sound of his perfect English, the woman realized that those eyes must only be genetic inheritance. She introduced herself and took him to a kiosk to talk, he was innocently thinking that he had won the jackpot for having found a beautiful woman to go out with, and she and all her greed only aimed at the handsome face and beautiful stature that the boy in front of her possessed.
He soon realized the woman's distorted intention when she handed him her business card with her name, number, and profession, and John tried to apologize, although he thought it should be the opposite, explaining that in fact he wanted to be an artist, something more on the music side. Obviously, she wouldn't let this opportunity pass so easily, she convinced him that somehow the media recognition as a model would help him in an eventual entry into the music world, and he fell into her snare like a perfect defenseless kitten. And in fact it was not totally different, he became recognized by his beautiful face in the magazines, he just didn't see the possibility of entering the music business yet, which made him somewhat frustrated, anyway, deep down he liked to pose.
In the middle of all this dangerous connection they became closer, and if it wasn't for all the ambition of the woman, they would already be more than taken for granted by the media, they got along well together, they had built a solid relationship over the years, and this coiling had already lasted about two years, and a whole year that Johnny was harassing his girl every second to make it public, this made her lose her mind. And if there was one thing she didn't like to do it was lose control of things, it was moments like these that made her walk for hours on end through the hot Malibu sand without even noticing what was in front of her. She needed to get home, at this point the sun was already starting its journey westward, and her legs were already vibrating in a plea for rest, her building wasn't far away, she would soon be home.
After entering her password the door opened, and contrary to what hers memories had stored, the lights were on, she closed the door and soon noticed the familiar jacket on hers couch. Blessed was the time she gave Johnny the password to hers door, now he had the freedom to come and go as he pleased? Well, after a whole day of silence because of another argument, she took a deep breath and went to the kitchen, the woman was sure that he would be there, hustling in his refrigerator, said and done.
"Since when do you come at the time you want and not even tell me?" She crossed hers arms, staring at every inch of that man, not even in all hers height could reach the boy.
"Hey, I thought I could get in since you gave me the password." He turned around, closing the refrigerator door with a sneaky smile on his face.
"When we're on good terms, you can, not today." She rolled her eyes, transferring her weight to her other bare foot.
"Are you really mad? We always argue about it, you always say no, but I always come here with a straight face as if nothing happened. I'm the one who should be angry." Johnny complained angrily.
"Okay, let's not start with that, you're already giving me a hard time." She left him there and went to hers room to change.
"Giving you a hard time? I just wish it was for real, you know? But you always say there's no need." He said, following the woman down the hall.
"Look, Johnny, if you came here to repeat everything you already said to me yesterday, you can leave." She opened a small box from which she took out a joint and a lighter, immediately lighting it and resting it between her lips.
"Are you going to smoke while we talk?" He asked incredulously.
"It helps me to listen to you without me wanting to kick you out right away." The woman made her way to the balcony under the rolling eyes of the taller man.
"Okay, whatever, I don't want to fight either, not again." He allowed himself a pause as he took the seat beside her. "But let's talk, just talk, no loud voices or swearing, peacefully." He said almost in a plea, and the woman agreed. Maybe the marijuana really would help.
"All right, just tell me one thing, why do you want it to be 'for real' so badly?" She completed with a deep puff that blurred the boy's vision.
"You know, I just want to go out with you, hold your hand and kiss you without worrying whether we'll be caught or not, introduce you to my parents, my friends, call you 'girlfriend' and 'love' without you looking at me like that, I like you too much to stay just that." He finished in a melancholy air, she peeked over his shoulder, sighed, and stood in front of him.
She pulled him by the wrist and brought their lips together, they started a burning kiss full of desire, they had fought yesterday, but it had been a week since they had been close. The boy's hands encircled the woman's waist as if he were missing her, and with her hands on his neck she was careful not to burn him with the joint, their tongues met in an erotic noise and the atmosphere became hotter and hotter. Soon they were immersed in a cloud of pleasure, the woman explored his torso with her free hand, her fingers left squeezes wherever they passed, ribs, abdomen, and nipples, he was in a mixture of shivers and gasps, he felt himself being thrown onto the bed, where he fell sitting.
She watched him from above, smiling maliciously, tossed her hair to the side and put the joint in her mouth, inhaled sharply watching him take off his shirt eagerly, she puffed from where she was just then noticing the smoke taking over the place for a few moments, she sat on his lap and kissed him again with voluptuousness. The kiss was a mixture of the minty taste of Johnny's lips and the taste left by the marijuana on the lips of the woman, the sexual tension was almost palpable in the room, and with each passing moment the place became tighter and tighter for the amount of pleasure that would overflow.
As the clothes left their bodies, Seo's arousal became increasingly evident, and at that moment his boxer briefs barely contained the boy's obvious erection. Leaving squeezes through the woman's body he was placed kneeling in front of her without them unbuckling their lips, after they parted briefly she pushed him so that he fell sitting on his feet.
"You don't think you've caused me a great deal of stress this past week, uh?" she smiled sideways, watching him nod with her lips in between. "Then do what you do best, Johnny." His eyes sparkled as he saw the panties trailing down the older woman's legs, without delay he moved even closer and closed his eyes, beginning his work.
His tongue masterfully went up and down her intimacy, sucking on the right spots so that she let low moans and spasms run through her body, with the joint in her mouth and her head turned back, the woman sighed and exhaled smoke every time his hot tongue found her clit. Waves of pleasure became more and more intense, and Johnny's hands remained flat on her thighs, not allowing them to close in pleasure. The woman knew she was close, not only because of the aphrodisiac power of the joint already at its end, but also because of the good work her boy was doing on her, it was when she realized her orgasm was almost upon her that she pulled him by the hair, bringing him up to kiss her again, throwing the pack on the floor.
Johnny was somehow trying to relieve her tension as he rubbed his body against hers, he didn't understand how she could have so much self-control, he had only given her one oral, but he thought he could enjoy just watching her do it. As she noticed the boy rolling over on top of her, the woman tried to pull his lip to herself between her teeth as she lowered one of her hands to find his throbbing dick. As soon as it was found, the younger man let out a loud moan, like someone who had been waiting for this for a long time, he squeezed his eyes tightly shut in desire.
Now lying on the bed, the woman was present on his side as she ran her hand over the boy's greasy phallus, which, because of the excess lubrication, made the woman's job even easier and more pleasurable. Johnny's lips were filled with louder and sharper moans as he squirmed with pleasure, his hips moved upwards trying to get more contact without the woman noticing, because otherwise everything would be stopped, and he didn't want that. When this one's thumb ran along his slit he could swear he saw stars, he sank his fingers into the sheet and called her name loud and clear, realizing he would be almost, almost there.
"Are you close, Johnny?" she whispered to the boy, causing goosebumps to run all over his submissive body, that nodded in vigor.
Kisses and hickeys were distributed all over the younger man's whitened neck, as the caresses were transferred to his neck the movement of his hands became slower until they ceased, resulting in a faltering moan in disapproval and his hips thrusting in the air in search of the hot hand that enveloped him. The woman laughed at the hard member expelling pre-cum and at her desperate owner, her cheeks flushed and tears in the corner of her eyes, she always thought he was so beautiful in those moments, that's how she sat on the phallus without actually penetrating it, rubbing herself slowly to stimulate both bodies, the boy below her whimpered when she came close to his ear to speak.
"I'm going to ride you, and you won't be able to cum until I do, you hear?" she bit the lobe of his ear, hearing an almost inaudible "Yes, Ma'am" from the boy.
Rolling slowly, the woman felt herself being filled by the member that pulsed more and more inside her, then with the passing of a few minutes she could finally increase the rhythm. Now the hips collided in sync and in the room all that could be heard were moans, Johnny held hers thighs as if she was going to escape, and she sat on him with her strength gradually increasing, he was sure that it was all a delirium, it was good, very good, maybe he had gotten stoned on her smoke, that wasn't possible.
The stress before present in her had already vanished for a while, the boy's warm body provided her with these things, she squeezed her own breasts leaving Seo hypnotized by that whole sexy scene, her face in an expression of pleasure, stimulating herself and sitting on him, it was there that he realized that it wouldn't last long. It was all too much for him, and in a choked and moaning way he managed to warn her.
"Ah, M-Ma'am, I don't think I, I..." He squeezed the older woman's thighs, trying to hold himself a little longer.
"All right, let's go together then, Johnny." She said, squeezing her around his dick and rolling over a few more times.
Almost instantly the woman felt the hot liquid fill her with a loud moan from the boy, at the same time she felt the pleasure flood her as she bit her lips, the body beneath her trembled in ecstasy, when she finally regulated her breathing she descended on him and left a kiss on his temple. Lying embraced they could hear only each other's heartbeats, now and then an involuntary sigh, resting her head on his chest she looked him in the eyes.
"It's okay Seo Johnny, you've convinced me, it's true, I also like you too much to stay just that. In fact, I love you my boyfriend, I want to stay with you regardless of what people will say, I don't mind assuming to the Media, I love you above all that." He looked at her surprised, he hadn't expected this so soon, much less now, all he could manage was to smile and with his voice embittered say.
"It's not the marijuana talking, is it?" She laughed out loud and shook her head to the side.
"Do you really think I'd get high on just one joint?" He shrugged his shoulders a little awkwardly. "Idiot, I love you, understand?" she heard him agree.
"I love you too, my girlfriend." In the end it was all based on explicit facts, they loved each other too much to continue with all those splinters between them, but nothing that a good joint wouldn't make her admit all that at once.
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everybloom · 2 years
Based on Facts
“Synopsis: In the end it was all based on explicit facts, they loved each other too much to continue with all those splinters between them, but nothing that a good joint wouldn't make her admit all that at once.”
Wordcount: 2.5k
Warnings: fem!reader x Johnny, age gape (10 years), they’re fighting, fluffy at the end, smoking weed, !!!a lot of weed!!! dom/sub dynamics, dom!fem!reader, sub!Johnny, oral sex (f. receiving), handjob, pnv sex, riding.
A/N: Hey guys, this contains a looot of marijuana, so if you don't feel comfortable, please don't read it. <3
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Los Angeles was burning up at 75 °F, early summer and not a cloud in the sky, the sun was shining with an intensity unimaginable for the recently ended spring, the weather was dry, but nobody seemed to care about that. All you could see were people running around with their shiny bodies, skaters in their colorful bikinis, and palm trees, several palm trees, all properly placed, giving an air of modernity. Attractive, she had defined the city in her first walk through its crowded streets, and it was true, LA was really attractive, everything seemed fascinating, and the last five years of her life had been one of the best choices she had ever made.
At the height of her thirties, the woman strolled along the beach as if she wanted nothing, and at that moment she really didn't, unlike all the times she passed by there, she boasted of being what they called a "Headhunter", which made the Malibu beach a very favorable environment for her work. No one could escape those eyes, they seemed to millimeter each person who passed in front of her, she never let a person with the necessary profile pass by, she worked in a successful modeling agency, and not even the tanned surfers could escape when they seemed to be perfect targets.
And this is how she met Seo John, at the time just a boy in his twenties, he seemed a bit lost on that beach, but in hers impassive eyes perfect for what she was looking for. She approached him and helped him as soon as he asked about the location, at first sight he looked like a tourist, but with the sound of his perfect English, the woman realized that those eyes must only be genetic inheritance. She introduced herself and took him to a kiosk to talk, he was innocently thinking that he had won the jackpot for having found a beautiful woman to go out with, and she and all her greed only aimed at the handsome face and beautiful stature that the boy in front of her possessed.
He soon realized the woman's distorted intention when she handed him her business card with her name, number, and profession, and John tried to apologize, although he thought it should be the opposite, explaining that in fact he wanted to be an artist, something more on the music side. Obviously, she wouldn't let this opportunity pass so easily, she convinced him that somehow the media recognition as a model would help him in an eventual entry into the music world, and he fell into her snare like a perfect defenseless kitten. And in fact it was not totally different, he became recognized by his beautiful face in the magazines, he just didn't see the possibility of entering the music business yet, which made him somewhat frustrated, anyway, deep down he liked to pose.
In the middle of all this dangerous connection they became closer, and if it wasn't for all the ambition of the woman, they would already be more than taken for granted by the media, they got along well together, they had built a solid relationship over the years, and this coiling had already lasted about two years, and a whole year that Johnny was harassing his girl every second to make it public, this made her lose her mind. And if there was one thing she didn't like to do it was lose control of things, it was moments like these that made her walk for hours on end through the hot Malibu sand without even noticing what was in front of her. She needed to get home, at this point the sun was already starting its journey westward, and her legs were already vibrating in a plea for rest, her building wasn't far away, she would soon be home.
After entering her password the door opened, and contrary to what hers memories had stored, the lights were on, she closed the door and soon noticed the familiar jacket on hers couch. Blessed was the time she gave Johnny the password to hers door, now he had the freedom to come and go as he pleased? Well, after a whole day of silence because of another argument, she took a deep breath and went to the kitchen, the woman was sure that he would be there, hustling in his refrigerator, said and done.
"Since when do you come at the time you want and not even tell me?" She crossed hers arms, staring at every inch of that man, not even in all hers height could reach the boy.
"Hey, I thought I could get in since you gave me the password." He turned around, closing the refrigerator door with a sneaky smile on his face.
"When we're on good terms, you can, not today." She rolled her eyes, transferring her weight to her other bare foot.
"Are you really mad? We always argue about it, you always say no, but I always come here with a straight face as if nothing happened. I'm the one who should be angry." Johnny complained angrily.
"Okay, let's not start with that, you're already giving me a hard time." She left him there and went to hers room to change.
"Giving you a hard time? I just wish it was for real, you know? But you always say there's no need." He said, following the woman down the hall.
"Look, Johnny, if you came here to repeat everything you already said to me yesterday, you can leave." She opened a small box from which she took out a joint and a lighter, immediately lighting it and resting it between her lips.
"Are you going to smoke while we talk?" He asked incredulously.
"It helps me to listen to you without me wanting to kick you out right away." The woman made her way to the balcony under the rolling eyes of the taller man.
"Okay, whatever, I don't want to fight either, not again." He allowed himself a pause as he took the seat beside her. "But let's talk, just talk, no loud voices or swearing, peacefully." He said almost in a plea, and the woman agreed. Maybe the marijuana really would help.
"All right, just tell me one thing, why do you want it to be 'for real' so badly?" She completed with a deep puff that blurred the boy's vision.
"You know, I just want to go out with you, hold your hand and kiss you without worrying whether we'll be caught or not, introduce you to my parents, my friends, call you 'girlfriend' and 'love' without you looking at me like that, I like you too much to stay just that." He finished in a melancholy air, she peeked over his shoulder, sighed, and stood in front of him.
She pulled him by the wrist and brought their lips together, they started a burning kiss full of desire, they had fought yesterday, but it had been a week since they had been close. The boy's hands encircled the woman's waist as if he were missing her, and with her hands on his neck she was careful not to burn him with the joint, their tongues met in an erotic noise and the atmosphere became hotter and hotter. Soon they were immersed in a cloud of pleasure, the woman explored his torso with her free hand, her fingers left squeezes wherever they passed, ribs, abdomen, and nipples, he was in a mixture of shivers and gasps, he felt himself being thrown onto the bed, where he fell sitting.
She watched him from above, smiling maliciously, tossed her hair to the side and put the joint in her mouth, inhaled sharply watching him take off his shirt eagerly, she puffed from where she was just then noticing the smoke taking over the place for a few moments, she sat on his lap and kissed him again with voluptuousness. The kiss was a mixture of the minty taste of Johnny's lips and the taste left by the marijuana on the lips of the woman, the sexual tension was almost palpable in the room, and with each passing moment the place became tighter and tighter for the amount of pleasure that would overflow.
As the clothes left their bodies, Seo's arousal became increasingly evident, and at that moment his boxer briefs barely contained the boy's obvious erection. Leaving squeezes through the woman's body he was placed kneeling in front of her without them unbuckling their lips, after they parted briefly she pushed him so that he fell sitting on his feet.
"You don't think you've caused me a great deal of stress this past week, uh?" she smiled sideways, watching him nod with her lips in between. "Then do what you do best, Johnny." His eyes sparkled as he saw the panties trailing down the older woman's legs, without delay he moved even closer and closed his eyes, beginning his work.
His tongue masterfully went up and down her intimacy, sucking on the right spots so that she let low moans and spasms run through her body, with the joint in her mouth and her head turned back, the woman sighed and exhaled smoke every time his hot tongue found her clit. Waves of pleasure became more and more intense, and Johnny's hands remained flat on her thighs, not allowing them to close in pleasure. The woman knew she was close, not only because of the aphrodisiac power of the joint already at its end, but also because of the good work her boy was doing on her, it was when she realized her orgasm was almost upon her that she pulled him by the hair, bringing him up to kiss her again, throwing the pack on the floor.
Johnny was somehow trying to relieve her tension as he rubbed his body against hers, he didn't understand how she could have so much self-control, he had only given her one oral, but he thought he could enjoy just watching her do it. As she noticed the boy rolling over on top of her, the woman tried to pull his lip to herself between her teeth as she lowered one of her hands to find his throbbing dick. As soon as it was found, the younger man let out a loud moan, like someone who had been waiting for this for a long time, he squeezed his eyes tightly shut in desire.
Now lying on the bed, the woman was present on his side as she ran her hand over the boy's greasy phallus, which, because of the excess lubrication, made the woman's job even easier and more pleasurable. Johnny's lips were filled with louder and sharper moans as he squirmed with pleasure, his hips moved upwards trying to get more contact without the woman noticing, because otherwise everything would be stopped, and he didn't want that. When this one's thumb ran along his slit he could swear he saw stars, he sank his fingers into the sheet and called her name loud and clear, realizing he would be almost, almost there.
"Are you close, Johnny?" she whispered to the boy, causing goosebumps to run all over his submissive body, that nodded in vigor.
Kisses and hickeys were distributed all over the younger man's whitened neck, as the caresses were transferred to his neck the movement of his hands became slower until they ceased, resulting in a faltering moan in disapproval and his hips thrusting in the air in search of the hot hand that enveloped him. The woman laughed at the hard member expelling pre-cum and at her desperate owner, her cheeks flushed and tears in the corner of her eyes, she always thought he was so beautiful in those moments, that's how she sat on the phallus without actually penetrating it, rubbing herself slowly to stimulate both bodies, the boy below her whimpered when she came close to his ear to speak.
"I'm going to ride you, and you won't be able to cum until I do, you hear?" she bit the lobe of his ear, hearing an almost inaudible "Yes, Ma'am" from the boy.
Rolling slowly, the woman felt herself being filled by the member that pulsed more and more inside her, then with the passing of a few minutes she could finally increase the rhythm. Now the hips collided in sync and in the room all that could be heard were moans, Johnny held hers thighs as if she was going to escape, and she sat on him with her strength gradually increasing, he was sure that it was all a delirium, it was good, very good, maybe he had gotten stoned on her smoke, that wasn't possible.
The stress before present in her had already vanished for a while, the boy's warm body provided her with these things, she squeezed her own breasts leaving Seo hypnotized by that whole sexy scene, her face in an expression of pleasure, stimulating herself and sitting on him, it was there that he realized that it wouldn't last long. It was all too much for him, and in a choked and moaning way he managed to warn her.
"Ah, M-Ma'am, I don't think I, I..." He squeezed the older woman's thighs, trying to hold himself a little longer.
"All right, let's go together then, Johnny." She said, squeezing her around his dick and rolling over a few more times.
Almost instantly the woman felt the hot liquid fill her with a loud moan from the boy, at the same time she felt the pleasure flood her as she bit her lips, the body beneath her trembled in ecstasy, when she finally regulated her breathing she descended on him and left a kiss on his temple. Lying embraced they could hear only each other's heartbeats, now and then an involuntary sigh, resting her head on his chest she looked him in the eyes.
"It's okay Seo Johnny, you've convinced me, it's true, I also like you too much to stay just that. In fact, I love you my boyfriend, I want to stay with you regardless of what people will say, I don't mind assuming to the Media, I love you above all that." He looked at her surprised, he hadn't expected this so soon, much less now, all he could manage was to smile and with his voice embittered say.
"It's not the marijuana talking, is it?" She laughed out loud and shook her head to the side.
"Do you really think I'd get high on just one joint?" He shrugged his shoulders a little awkwardly. "Idiot, I love you, understand?" she heard him agree.
"I love you too, my girlfriend." In the end it was all based on explicit facts, they loved each other too much to continue with all those splinters between them, but nothing that a good joint wouldn't make her admit all that at once.
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everybloom · 2 years
hi guys, Ik I haven't finished your asks yet, but I'll post something I already have written to entertain you while I finish the orders💕
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everybloom · 2 years
hi! can i request a needy soobin that had a bad day and need his mommy to make him feel good? i just see him as this big fluff ball, can't help it hahah
Heey, I hope you like this, let me know what you think!<3
warnings: bit of angust, fluffy, sub/dom dynamics, mommy!kink, blowjob, a lot of petnames, Soobin being soo precious!!
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You saw when his frown came through the door, the deafening thud of the door closing with little or no delicacy, maybe he just let it slip through his fingers. He stopped in front of you, his eyes almost twitching, you saw the Adam's apple move as if he wanted to say something but was still hesitant, your arms reached out, and he almost automatically embraced you. Your fingers ran through his hair, down his soft face, his broad back, that's when you noticed his irregular breathing and amidst the silence he managed to say:
“I messed up rehearsal today, I ended up crying in the bathroom because I just couldn't reach the right note. All I wanted all day was to come to your house and have you hold me for hours!"
"Ooh baby, glad you're here already, right? Today may have been bad, but I'm sure tomorrow will be better, now you're in my arms, and I'll never make you feel sad like this."
"How can you be so sure? I was a disaster today, tomorrow it will be completely worse... A-and the guys were so upset with me, they had to repeat it so many times because of me."
You guided him to the couch, him in your lap, and though with difficulty because of the size difference, Soobin was trying to hide his tear-wet face on your neck.
"Don't say things like that about yourself, we all have bad days, and you're amazing, you listen me? The most amazing boy I could ever have." He adjusted himself to look into your eyes. "And I bet the boys aren't upset with you, these days have been stressful for you all, with so many rehearsals and charges, but now that you're here, let me take care of my baby boo."
A thousand stars shone in his eyes, "the most amazing boy", "my baby boo", how he had missed you these last times, missed your voice calling him by nicknames, your hug, your care. Soobin felt so happy with this proposal, he knew that he wouldn't have to do anything, you would take care of him in the best possible way, because you love him, and this made his heart soar.
With weak squeezes on his thigh Soo understood that he should stand up, and with one hand entwined in yours he found his way to the bathroom, you turned on the faucet of the bathtub and came back to him. Your fingers went again to his hair, to his handsome cheeks, and then it was your lips' turn to kiss his forehead, the tip of his nose, and his lips. You helped him take off his clothes slowly, folding them and putting them in the right place, checked the temperature and helped him into the warm water, then lathered him up.
His bangs dripped down his chubby cheeks, Soobin ducked into the towel to wipe his still damp hair, you had asked him to wait a bit you fetched something for you, and he patiently did so sitting on the bed. He felt wrapped in love after the shower, after all the kisses shared, all the nice words, the laughter, this was what he had been waiting for since the first moment of that day. You didn'ttake long to return, with a smile on your face and a bottle of something he couldn't identify in your hand, you asked him to lie on his stomach, the boy asked if he had to take off his underwear, and you playfully said that not yet.
The smell of cinnamon flooded the room as soon as he felt the liquid fall on his back, your hands spreading it all over him making everything warmer and cozier, your fingers rubbing the right spots for him to stop thinking about you sitting on his ass. Your body relaxing little by little as you found the points of tension and undid them, now and then your lips would meet the soft skin of his neck, and you would feel him stir and shiver.
It wasn't your intention to make it sexual, but the way Soobinwas responding to your massage didn't make it easy, the open mouth letting every moan of satisfaction escape, the way he clenched his fists when you made a stronger movement, or even the restless way he acted when your hands reached for the waistband of his underwear. The boy on the other hand started feeling too hot long before you noticed, he had turned to putty in your hands just thinking how much you wanted him to feel good, better than he was already feeling. The weight you put on when you sat on his ass was a great turn-on, since beneath that layer of cloth, his member rubbed so well against the bed every time you moved.
You left a kiss at the corner of his lips when you were done, getting up and wiping your hands on a nearby towel, his hips wriggled in the air looking for you.
"Come back here, Mommy." He said slyly, that's when you realized you weren't fantasizing about how that massage had turned sexual, Soobin wanted you, and when the pretty lips spoke your title you understood he needed you.
"Turn to me, pretty boy."
And he did so intently, his thighs resting open and milky, his red chest boasting hard nipples, and just a little further down the work of art, his panties all stretched at his erection, the wet spot bigger than you expected, made you salivate and activate your dominant side more than the pretty title. He curved his toes as you gripped his hips tightly and brought him to you, the excited little smile dancing on those pink lips, so kissable. Your lips crashed together in more desperation than expected, tongues furiously meeting and rubbing, it was wet and hot and desperate and full of lust, the noises reminded him of her lips around his throbbing cock, as if he had read her mind.
You pulled away, and his tongue flicked out like the cute little dog he was, but that wasn't his name today, today he was your prince, your bunny, your pretty boy, the best boy you could ever have, and he expected to hear all these things from you. You sucked a reddish spot on his chest, two more on his abdomen, a bite on his waist, he held back a scream, his underwear flew off, and his cock hit red and wet near his navel. Your finger traced his shape on his belly, he shivered under you, half in agony, half from the yummy shiver that ran through him, Soobin wanted your whole hand, not one finger.
He had neither after that, but the boy could swear he went from heaven to hell when your lips sucked on the sensitive head of his penis, his brain melted, it was so good. Good as heaven, he could hear the angels singing in his ears, he felt like God, but it was hot as hell, the desire burning in his stomach, everything in his head urged him to thrust into your mouth, but he was too good to do that. Then you went down on your own, swirling your tongue along the length, feeling him twitch every time you squeezed his thigh, your nose touched his pubis and Soobin stuttered out a plea.
Your lips wrapped around him so tightly, it was so warm, so wet, so inviting, if he were standing his knees would be shaking for sure, each passing moment made it harder for him. His eyes long closed, his hands gripping the sheet tightly, his cock twitching and jumping every time you took it out of his mouth, the tip almost purple, his mouth open letting all the beautiful moans come out. You knew your boy too well not to notice that he was close, becoming restless, patting the bed to discount his pleasure, his eyes opening and closing, opening because he wanted to see you, closing because he thought he would come instantly if he kept looking into your eyes,
"Ooh Mommy, y-you make me feel so good, Iumm.... I-I think I'm close Mommy, can I cum please? Can your pretty boy cum?"
You took your mouth away quickly replacing it with your nimble hand, his hips stuttered, fucked your hand, once, twice, three times, shook and sank into the mattress.
"My prince can cum anytime he wants."
And by the time your mouth enveloped him again hot ropes of cum hit your throat, Soobin moaning, so loudly you almost regretted not having recorded it, his abdomen flexing, his thighs trembling, a trickle of drool oozing out.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much, you are the best mommy in the whole world, I love you so much, you make me feel so good, I never want to leave your arms!" he burst out amid tears that you couldn't quite tell if they were from excitement, subdrop, or the strong orgasm.
You hugged him tight, kissed his forehead, his cheeks, the tip of his nose, and his lips, wiped away the tears, and clutched your foreheads.
"I love you, my baby boo."
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everybloom · 2 years
hi! can i request a needy soobin that had a bad day and need his mommy to make him feel good? i just see him as this big fluff ball, can't help it hahah
Heey, I hope you like this, let me know what you think!<3
warnings: bit of angust, fluffy, sub/dom dynamics, mommy!kink, blowjob, a lot of petnames, Soobin being soo precious!!
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You saw when his frown came through the door, the deafening thud of the door closing with little or no delicacy, maybe he just let it slip through his fingers. He stopped in front of you, his eyes almost twitching, you saw the Adam's apple move as if he wanted to say something but was still hesitant, your arms reached out, and he almost automatically embraced you. Your fingers ran through his hair, down his soft face, his broad back, that's when you noticed his irregular breathing and amidst the silence he managed to say:
“I messed up rehearsal today, I ended up crying in the bathroom because I just couldn't reach the right note. All I wanted all day was to come to your house and have you hold me for hours!"
"Ooh baby, glad you're here already, right? Today may have been bad, but I'm sure tomorrow will be better, now you're in my arms, and I'll never make you feel sad like this."
"How can you be so sure? I was a disaster today, tomorrow it will be completely worse... A-and the guys were so upset with me, they had to repeat it so many times because of me."
You guided him to the couch, him in your lap, and though with difficulty because of the size difference, Soobin was trying to hide his tear-wet face on your neck.
"Don't say things like that about yourself, we all have bad days, and you're amazing, you listen me? The most amazing boy I could ever have." He adjusted himself to look into your eyes. "And I bet the boys aren't upset with you, these days have been stressful for you all, with so many rehearsals and charges, but now that you're here, let me take care of my baby boo."
A thousand stars shone in his eyes, "the most amazing boy", "my baby boo", how he had missed you these last times, missed your voice calling him by nicknames, your hug, your care. Soobin felt so happy with this proposal, he knew that he wouldn't have to do anything, you would take care of him in the best possible way, because you love him, and this made his heart soar.
With weak squeezes on his thigh Soo understood that he should stand up, and with one hand entwined in yours he found his way to the bathroom, you turned on the faucet of the bathtub and came back to him. Your fingers went again to his hair, to his handsome cheeks, and then it was your lips' turn to kiss his forehead, the tip of his nose, and his lips. You helped him take off his clothes slowly, folding them and putting them in the right place, checked the temperature and helped him into the warm water, then lathered him up.
His bangs dripped down his chubby cheeks, Soobin ducked into the towel to wipe his still damp hair, you had asked him to wait a bit you fetched something for you, and he patiently did so sitting on the bed. He felt wrapped in love after the shower, after all the kisses shared, all the nice words, the laughter, this was what he had been waiting for since the first moment of that day. You didn'ttake long to return, with a smile on your face and a bottle of something he couldn't identify in your hand, you asked him to lie on his stomach, the boy asked if he had to take off his underwear, and you playfully said that not yet.
The smell of cinnamon flooded the room as soon as he felt the liquid fall on his back, your hands spreading it all over him making everything warmer and cozier, your fingers rubbing the right spots for him to stop thinking about you sitting on his ass. Your body relaxing little by little as you found the points of tension and undid them, now and then your lips would meet the soft skin of his neck, and you would feel him stir and shiver.
It wasn't your intention to make it sexual, but the way Soobinwas responding to your massage didn't make it easy, the open mouth letting every moan of satisfaction escape, the way he clenched his fists when you made a stronger movement, or even the restless way he acted when your hands reached for the waistband of his underwear. The boy on the other hand started feeling too hot long before you noticed, he had turned to putty in your hands just thinking how much you wanted him to feel good, better than he was already feeling. The weight you put on when you sat on his ass was a great turn-on, since beneath that layer of cloth, his member rubbed so well against the bed every time you moved.
You left a kiss at the corner of his lips when you were done, getting up and wiping your hands on a nearby towel, his hips wriggled in the air looking for you.
"Come back here, Mommy." He said slyly, that's when you realized you weren't fantasizing about how that massage had turned sexual, Soobin wanted you, and when the pretty lips spoke your title you understood he needed you.
"Turn to me, pretty boy."
And he did so intently, his thighs resting open and milky, his red chest boasting hard nipples, and just a little further down the work of art, his panties all stretched at his erection, the wet spot bigger than you expected, made you salivate and activate your dominant side more than the pretty title. He curved his toes as you gripped his hips tightly and brought him to you, the excited little smile dancing on those pink lips, so kissable. Your lips crashed together in more desperation than expected, tongues furiously meeting and rubbing, it was wet and hot and desperate and full of lust, the noises reminded him of her lips around his throbbing cock, as if he had read her mind.
You pulled away, and his tongue flicked out like the cute little dog he was, but that wasn't his name today, today he was your prince, your bunny, your pretty boy, the best boy you could ever have, and he expected to hear all these things from you. You sucked a reddish spot on his chest, two more on his abdomen, a bite on his waist, he held back a scream, his underwear flew off, and his cock hit red and wet near his navel. Your finger traced his shape on his belly, he shivered under you, half in agony, half from the yummy shiver that ran through him, Soobin wanted your whole hand, not one finger.
He had neither after that, but the boy could swear he went from heaven to hell when your lips sucked on the sensitive head of his penis, his brain melted, it was so good. Good as heaven, he could hear the angels singing in his ears, he felt like God, but it was hot as hell, the desire burning in his stomach, everything in his head urged him to thrust into your mouth, but he was too good to do that. Then you went down on your own, swirling your tongue along the length, feeling him twitch every time you squeezed his thigh, your nose touched his pubis and Soobin stuttered out a plea.
Your lips wrapped around him so tightly, it was so warm, so wet, so inviting, if he were standing his knees would be shaking for sure, each passing moment made it harder for him. His eyes long closed, his hands gripping the sheet tightly, his cock twitching and jumping every time you took it out of his mouth, the tip almost purple, his mouth open letting all the beautiful moans come out. You knew your boy too well not to notice that he was close, becoming restless, patting the bed to discount his pleasure, his eyes opening and closing, opening because he wanted to see you, closing because he thought he would come instantly if he kept looking into your eyes,
"Ooh Mommy, y-you make me feel so good, Iumm.... I-I think I'm close Mommy, can I cum please? Can your pretty boy cum?"
You took your mouth away quickly replacing it with your nimble hand, his hips stuttered, fucked your hand, once, twice, three times, shook and sank into the mattress.
"My prince can cum anytime he wants."
And by the time your mouth enveloped him again hot ropes of cum hit your throat, Soobin moaning, so loudly you almost regretted not having recorded it, his abdomen flexing, his thighs trembling, a trickle of drool oozing out.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much, you are the best mommy in the whole world, I love you so much, you make me feel so good, I never want to leave your arms!" he burst out amid tears that you couldn't quite tell if they were from excitement, subdrop, or the strong orgasm.
You hugged him tight, kissed his forehead, his cheeks, the tip of his nose, and his lips, wiped away the tears, and clutched your foreheads.
"I love you, my baby boo."
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everybloom · 2 years
guess who's writing again???😈
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everybloom · 2 years
bro today was so rowdy, I need someone to cuddle with me
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everybloom · 3 years
Hi cutie I love you 💕 hope you’re doing well 😊
Heey sweetheart, love you too💖 I'm doing fine, not as active as I'd like, but here I am!
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everybloom · 3 years
Can I request about Treasure please?
At the moment my orders are closed, but you can order as soon as they open again, I don't know Treasure but I could search to write☺️
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everybloom · 3 years
i love you
- 🍒
owwn that's so sweet! I love you too 🍒 anon
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everybloom · 3 years
Drunk of Luv
“Synopsis: Where Beomgyu has been in love with his sister's best friend since childhood, and a stupid round of Truth or Dare becomes an important step for him to make a move on that crush.”
Wordcount: 5.7k
Warnings: fem!OC (Ophelia) x Beomgyu, slight age gape (5 years), he is in love for his sister’s bestfriend, fluffy, drinking, smoking, Beom is a bit jealous, truth or dare, conversations about virginity, BDSM, dom/sub dynamics, dom!fem!OC, sub!Beomgyu, virgin!Beomgyu, kinda Noona Kink, make out, dry humping, Beomgyu cuming in his pants cuz I love this concept L
A/N: Hi guys, it's been a while since I posted something other than a request, it took me a long time to translate this fic and I really like it, so I hope you like it too. <3
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He remembered the first time he saw her, she was no more than five years old. He didn't know how old she was exactly, from how many words she could articulate in a sentence, or because she could count far beyond twenty, it seemed to be ten, but he knew for sure that that smile would be the most beautiful one he would see in his whole life. He remembered how her hair shone in the sun; he especially liked it when she would hold her sister's hands, and they would spin, the wind would make the shiny hair fly, and the joy was all and completely expressed in that smile.
He knew that no matter how much older he got, his eyes would always sparkle every time he saw her. He liked it when the girls played house, because in the middle of all the mess, he ended up becoming her son; the whole game had become one big blur of colors in his memory. A white towel twisted on her head, a damp washcloth resting on her small shoulder, the gigantic apron that looked more like a tunic, the wooden spoon waving every time she called him, raw rice resting in the little pink pan, and a little spoon balancing a piece of cracker that came close to her mouth.
At twelve, she squeezed his cheeks and said he was cute; still at seven, he thought, "why did she like to do that so much?" And dazzled again, he wondered, why were her fingers able to paint his cheeks red post-squeeze? Were her fingers brushes?
His newest ally, questioning, seemed increasingly opportunistic, particularly on Wednesday afternoons when he could help the two girls paint their hair; he watched the dipping of the crêpe paper into the alcohol, what was that liquid? It even helped to remove it, but the thin feeling made him return the paper every time; why did it look so strange? In the end, he really liked the feeling of her hair in his fingers, he liked the pink in the strands, but he didn't like the pinkish tone that wouldn't leave his fingers for the next days; would it stay forever?
At ten, he was still afraid of thunder, and remembered almost categorically the voice of his grandmother, who said: "That's God talking to sinners", but knew it wasn't true because he had learned from his mother what thunder was. Even if she was already fifteen years old, she would not be able to resist the hands that trembled in front of his knees as much as the lips of the child in the corner of the room. Her hugs were warm and made his sister jealous; he loved that attention, the feeling of being cared for, the caressing of his hair, knowing that when he slept she would carry him carefully to bed.
At thirteen, he understood why at the same age she had stopped playing house with him, at the time he was extremely upset with the situation, but nothing that one of those hugs or a chocolate chip couldn't solve. Now the phrase he had heard so often made sense, even before it was uttered for the first time: "In time you will understand".
The inseparable friends had just moved out of his parents' house when he turned fifteen. He didn't like the idea at all, how often would he see the loved girl? A lot had changed between thirteen and fifteen, there had been an unsuccessful first kiss, the discovery of the vast sexual content of life, the substitution of sweet and innocent dreams for torrid erotic dreams of her, and the heat that bubbled up all over his body when he saw her.
For the first few days he saw no advantages in basically having a second home, his sister and life's passion moving in together seemed far more monotonous than it really was. It wasn't something he was much in the mood for, but it was when he started frequenting the apartment that Beomgyu realized how amazing that move was. It wasn't hard to find her splayed out on the couch on the weekends he spent there, just as it wasn't hard to roll over and lose his eyes all over that ever oblivious body.
Puberty brought with it a wide range of inappropriate thoughts that hardly ever left him alone, and it also brought a nice stretch, which made him two or three inches taller than her. As time passed, Beom left more and more of the fearful little boy with twinkling eyes behind, and each day gave way to a new facet of the man that was forming.
At seventeen, his pretty but no longer rosy fingers took the first can of beer she gave him; the taste was bitter, and he didn't like it at first, but Ophelia's company kept him going. He remembered that night, although the alcohol confused him at times, in any case, he knew how to paint her smiling face on the balcony in his memory.
His sister had gone to spend the weekend with her girlfriend, and in a happy mismatch, he would have two full days alone with her.
He especially remembered the last night, it was the day they drank on the porch, Ophelia had a cigarette in her hands, and between saying that she looked very sexy smoking and that it might ruin her lungs, he chose the first; except that he didn't say anything. Still, he liked the smoke that came out of her mouth when she spoke, he liked the way she laughed, and the way she alternated between the can and the cigarette without seeming even slightly altered.
They talked halfway through the night and ended up sleeping through a marathon of "Lost"; no matter how bad that series was, it was still their series. Beomgyu felt particularly awkward when he woke up, their bodies not at all curled up on the small couch, and nevertheless enough to earn him a good nightly (early morning?) fantasy. The getting up made her wake up, and soon after a shy "good morning", her blurred gaze focused on the morning bulge that embarrassed him so much; between a faint laugh and a nod of the head, she told him to take a shower.
The boy's cheeks were still warm when his disheveled, screaming sister arrived exactly fifteen minutes later. No one had the heart to make a little joke about Eunbin's supposed "hot morning" when she shouted that it was twelve forty-five on a Monday. It was hard not to blush the next time you saw her, thanking Phe's good sense of humor for not letting her bring up the subject that was the reason for all the embarrassment.
He liked that end of adolescence, the memories he built in that period, it was not difficult to bring to mind a special moment, read: numerous times he was with Ophelia without his sister.
When he turned eighteen, a flame of hope was lit, even more so after hearing her say that he had become a wonderful man, so she saw him as a man! However, his joy was short-lived, that same weekend when she went to her sister's house, Ophelia had brought a boyfriend for him to meet; why the hell did she never say she was engaged?
He held out until Monday, ignoring all the caresses they exchanged, the nicknames, the jokes, and especially the kisses, which he imagined how it would be if they were his lips there. He locked himself in his room and told his pillow all his anguish through thick tears. It wasn't hard for Beom to understand why Phe had chosen that man, he was older, better looking, more intellectual, taller, and "plus" so much that he forgot the "but": he had just arrived, and Ophelia was not one to forget her boy.
It was a complicated time, the period that the woman dated Yunho. She chose to cut down on her trips to their house, she preferred to spare herself from seeing her happy with him. Anyway, Beom loved it when he could make the man red with jealousy by snuggling up to Phe the few times he saw her, she loved being sure that if you asked nicely, she would do everything for him. The little war didn't last long, after all, Yunho was also more mature, and after a while he understood what it was all about and began to act indifferently to every effort Beomgyu made to attract attention.
Ophelia even took him to the boy's nineteenth birthday party, who spent most of the time trying to steal her away, even if unsuccessfully; he no longer felt sadness, but anger for always losing this mental dispute. Happily for him, that day he discovered that their relationship was more than falling apart, if he had been more concerned about how she was doing than about stealing her from Yunho, he would have known that already. He begged to sleep at his friends' house, and at the end of the night he was on the porch again, but this time only he had a can in his hand, Phe categorically holding a cigarette.
The silence would be nicer if she looked happier. It was comfortable nonetheless, but the thoughts still troubled the younger man's head there. Phe turned around, leaning the end of her back against the small wall, put out her cigarette on the cold marble, and looked intensely at Beom, who was sure to be kissed at that moment. He felt his cheeks burning and his hands sweating, and wiped discreetly at his pants and approached her.
“I think we're going to break up.” Yeah, he was pathetic. “Sorry, it's still your birthday, I don't want to spoil the mood.” He then added.
“No, I understand, you must be a little down. Lost and bullshit?” He suggested, watching her flash all her teeth in that beautiful smile.
“Of course!”
This time he fell asleep on her lap, and when he woke up the next day he thanked the gods that it wasn't a Monday, and felt back to puberty when he noticed the more than morning erection. In just under two weeks the relationship was over, and incredibly, Ophelia seemed freer, happier, and unbelievably more beautiful, even though she had always been.
“Phe, can I have a party at your place?” He asked, bringing a bowl filled with chopped fruit in front of her, who looked at it intently.
“You know this kind of thing is up to your sister, right?”
“Please, Noona! You know Eunbin won't let you, talk to her, please!” He cried, sitting down next to her, who calmly put a strawberry swirl in his mouth.
“I can't guarantee anything, and don't even think of not inviting me!”
“Never! I really wanted you to come?” He commented, opening his mouth so that she could put a piece of kiwi in it.
“No need to try this emotional blackmail, I already said I'll talk to Eun.” She finished by pushing her thigh against his.
“Noona, you're funny, lively, a great friend, and very pretty.” He interrupted himself when he realized the result of his excitement at the compliments; dismayed and with a rosy face, he continued: “What I meant was that I would really like you to participate.”
The woman smiled before biting into a strawberry slice, Beom lost himself in those lips for a few seconds longer than he should have.
“What more do you want, my darling, a kiss? Stop staring at my mouth like that, boy!” She said, laughing at his startled expression.
He wanted to tell her that he wasn't a boy anymore, that he really wanted a kiss, and that he was twenty years old and didn't fit into that nickname anymore. On the other hand, his heart squeezed as sweetly as his thighs when he heard the little word. He decided that nothing he could say would change the embarrassing situation, and got up and went into the living room. She loved leaving him like this, completely lost, and especially red; she thought that maybe he was just extremely shy, she never questioned the possible crush Gyu had on her, even though this crush would last explicitly for most of his life.
After much insistence on the part of the older woman, the party was finally able to take place, and by twenty-two o'clock the following Saturday, the apartment was packed with young people starting to get drunk. Beomgyu was smiling ecstatically, he was enjoying being the host, and people seemed to enjoy it too, always greeting him as he passed by.
But wandering his eyes he focused on the silver-clad figure who seemed distracted on the balcony, smoke ensnared her right hand, and a cup of green liquid rested beside her. The boy restrained the urge to hug her from behind, kiss her temple, and call her "love". He sighed, somewhat disappointed, and moved closer to her.
“Thanks for convincing Eun, Phe, the party is great, thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome, Gyu, your party is very good. Including great taste in music, if you weren't so broke you'd be rocking out with your friends.” Smiled, putting the cigarette in her mouth.
“You're not broken, you look amazing!” He suppressed the urge to see her rolling around, so he could continue: “By the way, my friends are calling you to play truth or dare. I know it's stupid, but if you want to...” He let the sentence die as he watched her.
“Are your friends calling me or do you want me to come?” She asked, tilting her head to the side.
“A little of both.” He answered softly.
“Okay, well, I'm coming, let me just finish this one.” She said, raising the white tube in the air.
Most of the boy's friends knew about his big crush on Ophelia, so when he returned from his little chat, he received many suggestive smiles that made him blush with embarrassment.
“Is she coming to play?” Asked Soobin, who was already sitting in the small circle.
“She's just going to finish her cigarette.” He said, opening a small beer can.
“Ophelia seems nice, is she single or still with that guy?”
“Why do you want to know that?” He found himself saying before thinking.
“Relax man, I'm just trying to set you up, I'm not going to cut your grass!” He explained, laughing at his friend's desperation.
“Sorry, I'm a little nervous ...” Argued between a long sip of his drink.
“Are you going to get to her then?” Introduced Taehyun surprised.
“But not even dead!” Said more like a shout.
“There's nothing to be afraid then!” Replied the youngest of the group.
“Maybe because her ex is Yunho and the standard is high?” Yeonjun teased.
“Will you guys stop it? Beom will end up dying a virgin if you keep scaring him.” Soobin commented just to tease the boy.
“My boy is too young to be doing this kind of thing anyway!” Said Phe surprising everyone, including Gyu, who instantly asked for death.
Damn it! She didn't need to know that he was still a virgin, for fuck's sake! He did everything to look a little more grown up and now all the effort has gone to waste, he's back to being that little boy who cried hugging her for fear of thunder. His flushed cheeks made him especially cute in the eyes of the older woman, who promptly ruffled his hair in an attempt to relax him. Even though the gesture brought him comfort, he still remained tense and confused by the fact that she didn't give a damn about the fun fact; was it to be expected?
He was so absorbed in his thoughts about looking young enough so that she wouldn't be surprised, or taking for herself truths that were never told about his inexperience, that he barely noticed the little circle celebrating. When his eyes focused, Beom noticed Phe's face in outrageous laughter, the class half-understanding, and Soobin frowning as she held up the bottle.
“Guys, just because I chose dare don't mean you're going to make me kiss Gyu?” He felt his body burn; what kind of stuff had his friend drunk to come up with something like that? “Where would he want to kiss such a middle-aged lady?” She continued with a laugh that confused everyone.
Choi felt his stomach turn, so she thought he thought that? Even after he had gotten carried away in compliments a few days earlier, even though he always got lost in her, lost focus and embarrassed, every single time. Honestly, he didn't even think negatively about her age, it never stopped him from doing or thinking exactly nothing, let it be said in passing that this "superiority" only made him lose his breath.
“You're not a lady, the oldest you can come close to is a MILF. “ Commented one of the people in the circle.
“Shut up, you know that MILFs are exactly middle-aged. You're still young enough to kiss Beom, right?” Soobin intervened, trying to improve the situation for his friend.
“I don't know if I should thank you for this, but I don't mind giving Beom a peck, if he doesn't mind too.” Smiled at the mortified boy next to her.
“No peck!” Shouted Taehyun. “It has to be a real kiss!” He explained, puffing out his chest as his friend shrugged his shoulders.
“If you're that keen to see a make out, I can make a room and a laptop available to you.” She commented, only to see him contradict himself in explanation. She turned to her boy and whispered: “Are you okay with this?”
Choi Beomgyu had never been so nervous in his entire life. He felt his heart rise and fall with lightning-like rapidity, beating erratically, perhaps stumbling, falling and sinking. He felt his hands sweat, and tried to wipe them discreetly on his pants, this was becoming more and more frequent. He turned his face to look at her and wondered if he could breathe. She was so close, with that look in her eyes that made him shiver, exuding concern amidst the little levity he couldn't decide if he had made up or not. The most curious part was that she didn't smell like a cigarette; had she used that mint rinse? He wanted to kiss her to find out how refreshing it sounded.
And there was no other, shyly shaking his head affirmatively, she pulled him by the neck to make the kiss easier, their lips intertwined and within the delicious drag of tongues he felt the freshness of the mint; there he smiled, barely able to contain his happiness. He wanted to moan softly when he felt the little hairs on the back of his neck being pulled lightly, Ophelia made him melt with just a kiss, his eyes squeezed tightly when he realized it was ending, his body was boiling, every little part of him, without exception. He noticed the nibbling on his lower lip, the flaring in his lower abdomen, the whimper he let out, and the absence of her lips as soon as they ended with a kiss, the circle in ecstasy and Beom not even knowing how to react, but he knew how to place the pillow that a laughing Taehyun threw at him.
That party didn't stay the same, at least for the boy. His head was spinning in a delicious way, he could assure it wasn't the alcohol. He was happy, too happy, and maybe it was all showing in a smile with all his teeth, but he couldn't tell because he was too drunk, drunk on something he couldn't classify. Drunk on something that certainly wasn't alcohol.
Time passed and neither of them touched the subject of the kiss. Ophelia because she didn't know how much it affected him, and Beomgyu because he felt too shy to remind her, not that it stopped him from thinking about the moment. He remembered exactly every second of the kiss, the way her fingers had stroked his hair, the exciting nibbling, and the state of delight that had ensued at the end, the same state that always returned after the memory. Somehow he longed to talk to her about it, to tell her how he felt, how it felt on her lips, how much he hoped to do it again, and truly, hoped for so much more.
Phe didn't think the boy remembered the night at the party, perhaps because he had drunk too much alcohol, or just because it hadn't been important enough for him to remember; she was wrong. That early morning she had heard one or two comments about Beomgyu finally kissing the "woman of his life," she remembered the term exactly because it made her laugh enough to soften her ego. Even though she took it all as just a recurring bit of banter, the woman couldn't help but notice how well he kissed for someone who seemed so quiet, or how susceptible and vulnerable he seemed to every little action, and maybe, just maybe, it made her think about how he would look under her in bed.
Beomgyu hadn't planned on spending this weekend at his sister's house, but his parents had almost kicked him out of the house with an excuse to call some couple friends over for a chat, and with only a half-empty backpack, he ended up knocking on their door. Ophelia opened the door in confusion, his attentive eyes caught sight of the loose shirt that covered only the beginning of her thighs, and in an attempt to blur, he noticed the open snacks on the coffee table and the muffled voices of familiar characters.
“Watching "Lost" alone?” He asked, feigning a disappointed expression.
“Why didn't you say you were coming?” Crossed her arms.
Panic. He thought he was over the kiss and would have more control over how she affects him; wrong, very wrong, because the moment her arms circled the curve below her breasts, and they marked deliciously under her shirt, he felt his body twitch. His tongue rolled around in his mouth, nervously; "control yourself, control yourself" was all that went through his mind, but it was too late, and his face was already too red to hide it.
“Are you coming in, boy? Or are you going to stay here all night?” She questioned and then returned to the sofa.
The Korean entered, closing the door behind him, silently hung up his backpack and removed his shoes, all this under the intense gaze of the woman, even if he did not recognize this kind of intensity. He looked at her again, the control dangling from his slender fingers, the messy sit that made him check the color of her panties too long for her not to notice, he felt something inside him tighten. His Noona smiled shaking her head, bent her legs leaving them lowered, which made him come back down to earth and clear his throat in pure confusion.
“Do you want to continue this episode, or would you rather I play it from the beginning?” She said, watching him walk over to the sofa and sit down in the corner.
“I think I've already disrupted your evening alone, you can leave it at that, Noona.”
“Where do you get these ideas? I'm glad you came, spending Friday alone is not like me.” She complemented with a smile that made him warm up.
He held the packet of snacks in a bit too eagerly when she tossed it to him, and soon the atmosphere became more comfortable, even if Gyu still felt the discomfort between his legs becoming more present. Curses swirled in his head, she had obviously noticed his stares, if she saw the erection it would be his death, and well, he didn't want to die, not without kissing her lips again. The sight of her in profile was all his eyes focused on, perhaps half unnoticed, but still rambling on about how focused she seemed on the TV, and how much he didn't want her to notice him, to the same extent he did.
“Why do you look at me and not at the TV, Beom?” Asked with a raised eyebrow, interrupting the boy's every thought, now horrified.
“B-because I...” Swallowed dryly, trying to quickly come up with something. “Actually I don't.”
“You've been acting weird to me since that day at the party.” Interrupted him again, this time speaking. “I wasn't going to say anything about it, I didn't want to embarrass you, but it's just that your nervousness has been getting on my nerves, Gyu.” She used the cute nickname, even though the tone showed a certain inconvenience.
“I'm always like this.” He replied with a hint of a voice.
“No, Beom, it's not like that. I can tell the difference between your red cheeks, each shade of red, and I'm sure that if I look down I'll find the reason for this violent red.” Now she was just inches away from their thighs touching, their eyes glaring at each other.
“Don't look!” All the voice that was missing from the last line had come out in this one, which sounded like a desperate squawk.
“It's not like I haven't already seen it, right?”
“Please, it's embarrassing.” He looked away from her by turning his head forward, discreetly moving his hands to his lap.
Phe hadn't imagined that he would react like this, not with this kind of delivery right away. She had expected Choi to play crazy for a few more minutes, denying everything, but no, he simply couldn't take the teasing; it made her wonder if anyone had ever cornered him like that. He, for his part, felt his heart gallop faster than the best horse of the best Aras, his ears buzzed at the sound of her voice, it felt like it was going to explode, the long-forgotten television seemed comforting enough to keep his attention. Goosebumps set in the region of his whitened neck as soon as he felt her warm breath. His was engaged, just as his penis took this as a premise to produce the pre-cum that was slowly wetting his underwear.
“Beom, why don't you tell me what this is all about, uh? Maybe then I'll leave you alone, if you want me to.”
He didn't want to say, he didn't want to expose my feelings in this situation, not with an exploding dick in my pants, a faint look on the face, cheeks almost crimson, sweaty hands, and a completely disorganized mind. Gyu had imagined a normal day, he would arrive tidy, ask her out and after a wonderful afternoon he would tell her, but the thought of disobeying her made him shudder. In fact, disobeying was not the best thing to do, not when she was dangerously close, with so little clothing and threatening to touch him where he had wanted her most for years.
“I-I don't know how to begin. “ He dictated quickly, closing his eyes, her fingernails dragging over his beat-up jeans. “I guess I've always felt this way, ah... Noona please, I can't concentrate.” He asked as he felt her slide her nails down his thigh and into his shorts.
“Come on, baby, you're such a smart boy, I'm sure you'll be able to finish.” He couldn't tell what she meant by the words, but this, coupled with the compliments, made him seize up violently.
“I-I always get nervous around you, b-but it's because I've always wanted to be your boy, as you say.” He paused to try to sustain his trembling voice, now that his fingernails were caressing his abdomen, painfully close to the waistband. “I w-want you to see me as a man, but still as your baby. I wanted you to take care of me, to be with me, but I also wanted you to kiss me, to touch every part of me.” Was interrupted by his own loud moan at having her squeeze his nipple.
His burning body barely able to continue with the words, his tongue becoming too thick to stay inside his mouth, his eyes closed too tightly, not to mention the pulsating penis that wouldn't let him forget it. In truth, Ophelia was loving the situation, watching the little boy squirm under her hands, never in all these years had she imagined that it would come to such a scenario with him, but it wasn't as if she was complaining.
“Noona, I-I-I ah...” Bit his lip as both nipples were stimulated, he opened one eye and saw her with an evil smile on her face, and decided to close it again. “I've felt this since I was a teenager, it was too hot when you were around, and I admit I didn't like the idea of you living with my sister, but when I started spending the days here, I realized I would love it, just seeing you dressed like that.” He said it all with immeasurable rapidity, only to choke on a groan at the end.
“What a pervert my baby is.” she said, taking his hands away from his lap, her eyes sparkling at the sight of the desperate bulge; barely caring, she sat on it only to hear the younger man's hiss. “I thought you were more innocent Gyu, where did my boy go?”
“I-I'm here, I just, oh, I just never told you this part, it's too embarrassing.” The more he revealed, the more excited the woman became, she wanted to see how far that little head was capable of going. “I still can't believe this is really happening.” He said very softly, perhaps only to himself.
One hand went slowly up to his immaculate neck, held it sideways, and took advantage of the silence to take a not very light bite there.
“Now do you believe it, baby?” She whispered, before biting him, this time on the lobe.
“Please, please, do it again!” He pleaded, moving his hips beneath her.
Ophelia was amazed, Beomgyu was there totally immersed in it, asking so beautifully, extremely flushed, rubbing himself against her like a virgin, and well, he was. She didn't refuse the request, whispered for him to follow the story, and proceeded to bite and suck the entire length of his neck.
“Every time I would come here and Eun wasn't here, I-I would explode with happiness, because I knew that we would be together, that you would hug me, kiss my cheeks, and I could imagine that we were in love. It's stupid, I know.” He revealed the last part so softly that if it weren't for the closeness, she wouldn't hear; regardless, both hearts were warmed there. “Noona, y-you, um... you don't know how many times I've imagined kissing you, doing anything with you, and that's why I hated Yunho, because he could do anything I wanted to do.”
Soft lips parted the scarred neck and kissed the boy, who moaned at the contact, tongues dancing harmoniously until the last thread of self-control broke. And then they continued the kiss eagerly, all the desire from that day at the party surfaced again, and Beom felt that he couldn't last another five minutes there; that's when he felt Phe's sharp roll over, and broke the kiss in an attempt not to bite her lip to contain the pleasure.
“You look so close baby, so responsive, so beautiful, so fucked. Do you think you can cum like that?” She asked as she intensified the rhythm of her hips on his.
His legs had long been trembling, which was a sign of his orgasm, and it wasn't hard to understand that it would be no problem to cum like this, it was hard to verbalize it between moans and gasps, but like a good Noona, Ophelia understood what her baby had to tell her.
“Noona, I-I, can I please touch you?”
He asked so beautifully that she didn't blink to grant the permission, what surprised the woman the most was to feel the trembling hands grasp her waist, bringing her close in an almost hug. The dull moans in the woman's ear had become constant long before the hug, but now everything seemed more intense, the way he trembled beneath her, the cracked voice, the unsteady hands, perfect.
“I think I'm going to cum, I-I, Noona! Please let me take off my shorts, I won't last.” He said, in desperation, so quickly that the moan was saved for last.
“No, no, no. I want to see my baby come inside your pants. Come on, baby, make a mess for your Noona, okay?” She dictated shortly after, letting tears run down his face in pleasure.
With that permission, Beom had nothing else to do but cum, and well he did; he hugged the woman fully as he tried to close his legs beneath her, feeling extremely sensitive. The jets of cum really made a mess under his clothes, at first glance he only had a wet spot where his still-marked penis rested.
“Are you okay, Gyu?” She asked as she saw him stop his post-orgasm whimpering and then try to get off his lap.
“Stay, please stay.” He spoke softly, sounding vulnerable enough to want to keep her. “I don't know if I can go on, I...”
“No sex for you today my boy, we'll see this virginity another day, we have a lot to talk about today, right?” Completing the ending with a long kiss as he nodded slowly.
Choi BeomGyu was fulfilled, his heart skipping more beats than he could pay attention to, his mind clouded in a mixture of confusion and after-pleasure. In the end, it all felt like when drunk, like when he finished kissing her and couldn't tell what had made him drunk. Well, now he understood, Gyu was still drunk, drunk on love.
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everybloom · 3 years
I just read your Jeno fic. It was perfect!! Thank you for writing my request. Jeno sounds so cute ☺️
Ooh I appreciate it, thank you for liking it 💖💖
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everybloom · 3 years
I read about kitten!Tae Yong… And It was very good! Thank you for writing my request! ^_^
Can I request again about spanking Jeno?
Have a great day! 😊
Heey, I am soo happy you liked the other request I wrote, hope you like this one too<3
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You and Jeno have been best friends for years, always hanging out together, living in each other's houses, doing skin care, video calls that lasted hours, cooking together, it was a natural thing, before you knew it you were in matching pajamas at a pajama party celebrating that you had become roommates. One specific thing about your friendship was the Eras of Obsession, you had been through the Sticky Era, the Matching Clothes Era, the High Five Era, and several other Eras, and now you found yourselves in the Butt Slapping Era. Which started one balmy afternoon when you got home early from work, and the first thing your eyes could see was Jeno in his underwear sleeping on the couch, which in itself was not a sporadic thing, but your eyes saw something that was hard to forget.
The fabric of his underwear stretched against his wonderful ass, round and almost calling out to you, in a lapse of insanity your hand flew directly to his peachy ass, the flesh burned under your hand, he flexed his muscles as he woke up in shock.
"You shouldn't have left that cake lying around." You said, leaving a confused, sleepy, red Jeno on the couch.
And it didn't stop there, he was leaning on the kitchen countertop? Slap! Cooking in his apron? Slap! Greeting him in the morning? Slap his ass! Everything was an excuse to slap that juicy peach.
Time went by, and you didn't notice how flushed Jeno became every time you touched his ass, you just kept doing it, oblivious to how he whimpered, how his knees buckled and almost touched, and how sometimes he struggled to hide a growing problem. Lee Jeno liked this more than he would like to admit, and maybe all your slaps went to a dirtier part of his mind, becoming a great turn on and sometimes the memory he used to get off. This was becoming impractical, he would get all anxious when you were near, frustrated when you walked by and didn't give him a pat, and completely red and needy when you did.
Today when you came home from work you found a handsome Jeno in his apron, only in shorts, cooking for the two of you, your hands tingled, such a beautiful scene made you run straight into the kitchen, get a good distance and slap him hard on the ass. This would be his undoing, his eyes squeezed shut, his knees met in the middle, his body bent forward, and he let out the most beautiful moan you have ever heard in your life.
Jeno turned around, his skin blistering, his cheeks pink, his hands trembling, and a semi-erection jumping on his apron.
"Spank me, please!" He said, surprising both you and himself.
"I could never refuse that." You said, smiling lewdly.
His sentence was like a switch for you, the playful personality that came with you from work went away as soon as he said those words, your dominant side that deep down wished for your roommate and friend took over you completely. You bit your lower lip staring at the boy's hands that were still trembling with anticipation, the red color that now took you up to your neck, the cute bulge highlighted on your apron.
"Lean on the countertop, cutie."
And soon you had the sight of his shorts tightening around his luscious ass, the cloth all taut just like the first time you noticed him, he slowly wiggled his hips from side to side waiting for an action. You slapped him once, twice, three times, he groaned loudly almost collapsing in surprise, your fingers trailed down his bare back, playing with the waistband of his shorts and pulling it down quickly.
The pink skin of his ass glistened under your eyes, the lack of panties under his shorts just made you salivate, you cupped your hand in that soft flesh and listened to him swallow.
"What kind of needy little thing are you? No panties? You liked the feel of the shorts dragging on your cock, didn't you?"
He could only moan at the sound of your voice, your hand slapping his now red buttocks, it was so painful but at the same time so delicious, he could barely think, he just wanted that heat to never stop, and if it was up to you, it wouldn't. You took two steps back just to look at your work of art, the mark of your hands neatly drawn on each cheek of his ass, the hard cock leaking into the apron that sported a wet spot and the tight balls so full and inviting.
"That's a warning to anyone who wants to grab your hot ass, you already have my hand marks on your ass cheeks."
Jeno went cross-eyed at that last slap, it was so hard, so intense, and somehow it got so close to his swollen balls, everything inside him twitched, his cock throbbed so hard, the red head of his dick rubbed deliciously against the rough cloth of the apron, he let a trickle of drool run down his chin.
"H-hit humpf... Hit my b-balls, please!"
"What a horndog you are, baby."
And it wasn't long before your hand left a few slaps on his testicles, alternating between slapping and massaging, loving the way he moaned and whimpered, the way his cock pulsed and gushed more pre-cum. That's when he began to feel the delicious knot forming in his stomach, his mind going blank and his knees turning to jelly, barely able to stand.
"No more, oh my god! Please, oh, I'm gonna cum, I-I'm gonna humm, I'm gonna c..."
One last hard slap on his ass made him collapse, the hot jets of cum flying straight to the apron and the floor, his mouth wide open letting all the moans escape freely, you held him by the waist as soon as you saw him shaking too much for fear he would fall to the floor. Jeno felt the orgasm for over a full minute, little spasms coursing through his body as soon as he noticed he was sitting on your lap in a kitchen chair, your nails running lovingly up and down his back.
"You did great, baby."
"Thanks for that, we could, like if you wanted to, maybe I don't know, I wanted to if you wanted to..." He was cute, shuffling through the words and turning red again.
"Do you want to do it again sometime?"
"Yeah, I do." He replied, smiling.
"Then we can do it again as many times as you want, but first let's take care of your pretty ass, cutie.” You replied, kissing his forehead and helping him up.
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everybloom · 3 years
omg thank you sooo much😭💖
Hii! How are you? Do you know SF9? May I request some Inseong being a liiiiitle bit jealous of your friendship with Zuho (or other member of your choice) so he tries to show you how much he's better than his groupmate and you can't find no one like him (I see him as having a huge praise kink plus a service top, and he's always hugging/kissing the members so he's clearly touch starved)
If you don't write for them it's totally ok! You can just write with another idol of your preference :)
Heey, sorry it took so long, I like to do a lot of research before writing about a group I'm not used to (I did an astrological chart reading of both of them lol), I hope you like what I have here!
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Your boyfriend wanted so much for you to have a good relationship with the other guysin his group, encouraging and taking you out drinking with them, it worked very well, everyone was very friendly and accepted you as a new part of the family. Just a few months ago you got closer to Zuho than the others, the same interests and sense of humorbrought you together in an amazing friendship, you used to go out together every week and make FaceTime calls when you couldn't be together. At first this was well appreciated by Inseong, since he had insisted on this bond, but as the days went by the boy realized that his heart was slowly getting tighter every time he saw them together.
He had always valued open communication within their relationship, but this time the subject seemed silly to him, and he was too embarrassed to just say that he was jealous. He tried several times to arrange dates or just Netflix nights so that you could clear your plans with Zuho, but you always respected your word and told him that you would make it up to him later. And indeed you did, whether it was watching as many movies as he wanted the next day, going to all the restaurants he wanted, or giving him all the love you had through wet kisses and mind-blowing sex. In those moments, he would be so wrapped up in that love that he wouldn't even remember the jealousy that once tormented him.
This delicious feeling didn't take long to pass when he saw you on a call with your group mate, or you getting ready to go out with him, he wanted to hold you and pin you to the bed, kiss you until you chose him to stay, after all only he would kiss you like that. He then decided that he would make you an amazing dinner, cook your favorite dish even though he didn't have the best cooking skills, buy some flowers while you were away, and make sure to make everything perfect for the two of you.
So he went to your place since doing it in the dorm would be a mess, tied your apron around his waist and started cooking pretending to know what he was doing in an attempt to incorporate the vibe. When he finished the food he lined up the plates, cutlery, cups, and napkins, smiled proudly at his work and arranged the flowers in the vase on the American countertop, sat down on the couch to wait. Suddenly remembering something, he ran to your room to look for a scented candle that took its place in the center of the table, now he sat on the sofa and waited.
He waited, waited and waited, close to nine o'clock at night and already almost falling asleep on the sofa the sound of the keys made him widen his eyes and straighten on his way to greet you, the door opened, and soon he heard the laughter that the friends shared.
"My love, good to see you, why this dim light?" you said as you groped around looking for the light switch.
"Oh, it's no big deal, I made something for us." he put enough emphasis on the "us" looking bitterly at a smiling Zuho who was making his way into the house.
"You're sweet, baby." you left a quick little kiss on Inseong's lips, which made him almost forget the situation. "I'm sure you won't mind Zu joining us, right? I'm starving."
"No, I don't mind." he completed softly as he maneuvered to pick up a new set of plate, cutlery and bowl.
"Thanks Hyung, the food looks delicious." said Zuho sitting in Inseong's customary seat, something that made him fumble with anger.
You exchanged few words during dinner, everyone seemed too excited about your boyfriend's culinary success, even though your boyfriend hadn't received any verbal compliments since they started eating. And so he kept his puppy-dog eyes all through dinner, waiting for you to compliment him, tried to hold your arm to feel your warmth, but you said it was in the way to eat, tried to kiss your cheek but was not well received.
Inseong was the first to finish eating, he ran into the living room and sat in the armchair clutching the biggest pillow he could find, he hid his face there biting his lower lip in an attempt to contain his jealousy. He wanted so, so, so badly for that moment to be the two of you, wanted you to have caressed his hair and told him he had done a good job, kissed his wine-tasting lips, felt everything in you tighten.
"What is it that you're cowering there, sweetie?" you asked as soon as you arrived in the room.
The phrase "I'm jealous" came on the tip of his tongue and was swallowed, he lifted his head and stared into your bright ocean eyes, he wanted to swim there.
"Did you like what I did today?"
"Of course I did my love, you did the recipe just right, and it was delicious, the flowers are beautiful, you chose a wonderful wine, and the candle is so fragrant I'm going to overlook the fact that you went through my candle drawer."
You held his flushed little face, kissed his forehead, his cheeks, the tip of his nose, and finally left a lingering kiss on his lips, he felt so loved that he wanted to explode, wanted to wrap his arms around you and stay there until they merged into one.
"Can we play something?" Inseong wanted to explode once again when he heard Zuho's voice interrupt the precious moment.
"What do you want to play, cutie?"
"Cutie"? What the hell was that? Affectionate nicknames were his, totally and endlessly from Inseong, why did you have to call him that? "Cutie," what a joke!
"Can we play 20 Questions?"
Luckily for your boyfriend, this was one of the games he enjoyed playing the most, so it was not at all bad to agree to play with Zuho. Sitting almost hanging on you and kissing you all over your face with each sentence, he lived up to how much he enjoyed this game, getting almost everything that was directed at him right quickly within the first few questions. Zuho never had a problem with his group mate's excessive attachment, in fact he even found it cute the way he hugged and kissed you, but somehow today he realized the exaggeration of the situation and decided to jokingly intervene.
"You guys should get a room or something," he said, laughing at the end of his sentence.
"Baby, you are so clingy today, sit on the other side, let's keep playing."
The sad puppy dog eyes were popped in the older boy's eyes throughout the rest of the night and early morning, he could no longer feel that anger he felt at the beginning of the situation, now he just wanted to sit in a corner and whine for your attention. A yawn from his friend cut off his thoughts, he noticed you looking at the wall clock and pondering.
"It's too late for you to go to the dorm alone, Zuho, spend the night here, I have a mattress you can use."
The sleeping arrangements didn't take long, Zuho arranged his makeshift bed and put on the clothes that with some insistence Inseong had lent him, it wasn't that he didn't want to lend them to Zuho, it's just that that batch of clothes had been washed along with yours own, and they all had your scent that your boyfriend didn't want to lose.
As you entered your room you noticed a pile of blankets and pillows in the corner of your bed, you suppressed a giggle as you imagined your boy all curled up there, he had been acting very strange today since the moment you announced you were going out with Zuho, you slowly walked over and hugged the pile to your side.
"What's with you today?"
"Am I still your baby?" you could hear the muffled little voice.
"Of course you are still my baby, why wouldn't you be?"
"You spent all afternoon with Zuho, then I made a romantic dinner for both of us, and you told him to stay for dinner, and now he's sleeping in your living room, on the mattress I used to sleep on when we hadn't done yet..."
This time you couldn'tcontain your giggle, which resulted in Inseong kicking off the covers and pillows to look at you in irritation, your eyes ran down his chest hidden by his crossed arms, his bare little belly rising and falling by his breath, the box that hugged his hips gracefully.
"My love, this has nothing to do with you being my baby or not, you are my boyfriend, my baby, and Zuho is a friend."
"Do you love me?" he asked with his eyes shining, not a trace of insecurity, he just wanted to hear it from your mouth.
"I love you with the warmth of a thousand suns." his cheeks turned pink as if the sun had kissed them.
"I love you very much too." he replied, playing with his fingers.
Your lips met, and soft warmth spread through your butterfly stomachs, you stroked his hair as he waited, kissed and gently bit his reddish lips, smoothed the delicate skin of his waist, traveled to his beautiful ass and left caresses there.
"You were such a good boy for me today, Seong!"
"Was I?" he asked between a sigh of desire.
"You always are, the best baby I could ever have, with the hottest lips, and the most comfortable hug in the world."
Inseong felt the familiar warmth spread through her body from those compliments, his cheeks and neck took on a permanent shade of a rosy red, his hands lost their way, and his lips silently begged for a kiss.
"I love everything about you, your puppy dog eyes, your cute nose, your smile, your soft hair..." and you kissed everywhere you spoke. "Your shoulders, your collarbone, your nipples, I love your nipples." You allowed yourself to linger there.
The boy tried to hold back gasps and moans that threatened to escape too loudly, you followed with the list, the waist, the belly, the hands, the hips, and you jumped to the thighs and lost yourself there, kissed the calves and came back on top of him smiling.
"What do we have here, isn't it pretty boy?" you smiled, spreading the throbbing bulge over the already wet box. "Did my compliments leave you like this, baby?"
He closed his eyes tightly, pressed his lips together and hit the sheets trying to cash in on the pleasure.
"I-I think it was the wine."
"The wine?" you laughed in disbelief. "The wine got you all wet and ready for me like that, love?"
He whimpered at both the question and you abruptly ripping the box off his legs and throwing it somewhere in the room, at that moment you pulled away from him, and he tried to pull you into the heat tangle.
"Hold on baby, I'll give you what you want, give me a second." You said with a little wink at the end.
Inseong closed his eyes to keep the mental image of you kissing him all over his body alive in his mind, only opening when he felt your presence back, his eyes adjusting to something in your hands, a collar and leash. His cock jumped and spilled a fat drop of pre-cum, too eager to hold back.
"I know how much you like to fuck me with this, do you want to show me how good you are to me?"
"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" he said excitedly, sitting up in bed and desperately rolling a condom on his sensitive cock, resisting the urge to pump the shaft.
You opened the collar and placed it on the boy's handsome neck, connected the lead and gave it a tentative tug, almost automatically he widened his eyes and stuck out his tongue by reflex. You stroked the soft strands before lying down on the bed in a comfortable position and pulling him close to you, without difficulty you accommodated his entire length.
Inseong seemed to be on edge as soon as he entered, his mouth wide open and spilling out moans, his hands closing into fists near your head, trying his best to control himself.
"Come on, baby, show me what you've got for me." The order came with a tug on the tab that made him pull all his strength from within him and gather it to thrust into you.
His eyes rolled back each time he went deep in you, the moans becoming louder and louder, the impending pleasure driving him crazy, saying things you couldn't even imagine hearing.
"I'm your best boy, aren't I?" the faltering voice made itself understood.
"You are, my love, the best boy!"
"Zuhocould never love you like this, I love you so, so much.... Oh my god, I am so close."
"Wait a minute, baby, let's go together." You pulled him into a needy kiss, full of moans.
"Am I doing well? Please tell me I'm your favorite, please, please!"
"You are doing so well, you are my favorite baby, make me cum, just a little bit more, I love you, my perfect baby!"
And that made him break, into a thousand little pieces, the white jets filled the condom quickly, cumming so hard he couldn't stop, his trembling hand ran to you, helping you get there along with him. His lips mumbled several silent "I love you", he had fallen so deeply into the subspace that he fell asleep minutes after drinking a glass of water that you offered.
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