everettshq · 3 years
closed starter for @chlxe-granger​
 It was an hour before Everett's shift started. Being a firefighter meant you had all different kinds of hours, however you mostly stayed at the firehouse throughout the whole day and night, practically living there and in all honesty, Everett didn't mind it one bit. Sure he had a home that he loved, but truly the fire station was his home. However for this morning, Everett decided to have Chloe over for breakfast and it's been quite some time since the two have done that.The breakfast date, well it wasn't a date, but the breakfast date was much overdue and here Everett was making everything that Chloe loved to eat. He wasn't the best cook, but he took on the cooking at the station every once in a while and people seemed to love it. Standing in his kitchen, Everett heard the door knock and he yelled "Come in Chlo! It's open." Holding the frying pan, he threw some vegetables in there and put the stove on simmer and walked over to the front door. He smiled and shook his head “Hi. I hope youre hungry.” 
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everettshq · 3 years
Everett had decided to meet Phoebe for coffee which he hasn't done in such a long time. It was always nice and refreshing to talk and and see his friend before a shift, and that's exactly what he needed. Friends before running into a burning building. He loved being a firefighter, he was born to be a firefighter but sometimes Everett wondered if he was destined to do something else. Texting Phoebe he'd be a few minutes late, Everett walked in to see what she always did best, eavesdropping on someone else's conversation. The firefighter in his gear laughed a little at the sight and then sat down at the table , pulling the chair across from her out and shook his head "I didn't say anything, but you are doing it again." He laughed a little, and continued with "What's wrong with this mysterious young girl?" He questioned the brunette, and then ordered his coffee & a banana nut loaf when the barista came to their table.
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WHERE: a coffee shop :) bc im basic af. WHEN: midday STATUS: open, @phxstarters​
         It was a habit at this point in time. Phoebe would happily blame her job for it, honestly. The way she so easily stuck her nose into things, in-tune to the conversation next to her. A young girl, talking over the phone to what she could only assume to be her mom, or a friend maybe. But she was having relationship troubles, of all things. In Phoenix, of course. Phoebe could never understand why anyone would want to stay with a cheater, work through it even, but she dealt with it all the time. It was tiring, exhausting. Was she watching the girl now? Subtly. Body language, expression, all of it. People deserved to be loved by the right person. She was almost so consumed by her thoughts - actually, she was - she didn’t even notice the person taking a seat across from her, not until the scrape of their chair being pulled in sound in her ears. Dark head of hair whipped around quickly, a look of guilt flashing across her features, “Did you say something?”
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everettshq · 3 years
Everett laughed a little as he realized that kids had to go back to school within less than a week. It was crazy to him and being out of school for such a long time, he remembered what it was like to walk into a new classroom each year with a new teacher and new theme. He wasn't a teacher, but Everett appreciated the work each and every single one of them did, didn't matter the subject. He actually enjoyed school, it was a good time for him and Everett would forever be grateful for that. However listening to Ellie talk, Everett sighed and never realized how stressful it probably was for teachers to get everything all set up before the new year. "What about Marvel" He questioned her, taking a sip of his coffee and smiled softly "Or you can do the Harry Potter, or Doctor Who." Everett told the redhead, taking  another sip of his coffee. He shrugged his shoulders "I'm a firefighter so I'm probably not much help."
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“So I have a week left to decorate my classroom and Pinterest is being a complete failure.” And she had no inspiration as of lately. To add onto that she knew that, that was not going to change anytime soon considering everything that she was juggling at the moment. Yet that did not stop Ellie from voicing her concerns as she nibbled on the biscuit that she had managed to bake last night for today’s lunch. “I was thinking rainbows but then I walked inside today and the teacher next door had that theme. Disney is overrated at the moment and I doubt any of them know what the magic school bus is so basically in seven days I will be deemed irrelevant by a bunch of middle schoolers – so yeah it’s kind of brutal out here.” @phxstarters​
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everettshq · 3 years
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Gregory Strauss was a training firefighter when he had met and fallen in love with the surgical intern named Caroline Woods, he would always be brining a victim to her hospital and she would always be the one on call to pick it up. They flirted here and there, but it wasn’t until one of their mutual friends had finally and properly intruded Gregory and Caroline to one another. Of course Gregory says it was love at first sight, but Caroline still till this day likes to beg to differ. It took them a while, but after a bunch of dates and after a few nights of drinking after tough cases, Gregory finally asked Caroline to be his girlfriend. The two fell hard for one another, and they fell hard for one another for three years. Coming up on their fourth year of being with one another, Gregory finally got up the courage and decided to ask Caroline to marry him and to his surprise, she said yes. The two had always wanted a big family since they came from broken homes, and a big family is what they got. Gregory and Caroline resided in beautiful Atlanta, Georgia and to them that was the perfect place to raise a family. The oldest out of the Strauss clan was Stephen Alexander Strauss, he was first born, their most prized possession and the love of their life. It wasn’t until Stephen was three years old that Caroline and Gregory told their son he was going to be a big brother, and nine months later, Mitchell Thompson Strauss was born. He was the golden son. After Stephen and Mitchell, Caroline and Gregory both agreed they were done. However, Everett Reilly Strauss was a complete surprise, and the best surprise if you asked them.
Caroline and Gregory were done and they were happy. The two had three beautiful boys who were best friends. Caroline and Gregory were not done, they were far from done. One night when the couple had to go to a family members wedding, they had a little too much to drink that night and Isabelle Elizabeth Strauss was born, a beautiful baby girl and the three older brothers couldn’t of been happier to have a little sister. They loved her and adored her and protected her. For sure this time, the couple really did think they were done with making their big family. Boy were they wrong, their last and final child who completed the Strauss clan was Addison Kathleen Strauss.
Growing up you could say that Everett’s life was pretty much perfect, and it was. He had two loving parents who worked hard and raised their children well,  two older brothers who were his best friends and two younger sisters whom he loved and adored. Everett was a kid who always played outside and wasn’t afraid to get down and dirty, the boy enjoyed playing basketball and baseball. Always tried to do the best in school, but it was hard following in his older brothers foot steps who were both golden boys, one was Captain of the football team and a straight A student, the other was captain of the basketball team and also a straight A student. Though it wasn’t until his Sophomore year of high school when Everett started volunteering at his father’s station, and it was then when Everett had decided he loved the job as a firefighter as much as his father did. It was the one thing Everett was really good it, saving people.
He had a knack for it, and the thought of saving people from a burning building didn’t scare him one bit. After he graduated high school, he trained to become a firefighter and followed in his fathers footsteps instead. To say that his father was proud was an understatement. Loving the job and being safe, and working hard, he had been named Captain after two years of being Lieutenant.
Meeting the love of his life on a scene, Juliette Taylor was her name and to Everett she was perfect. She was the most perfect thing he’s seen on this planet, and instantly after saving her the man became hooked. If it wasn’t for one of his coworkers, who also happened to be his best friend, then Juliette and and Everett would have never went on that first date. So the two dated for five years, and on their fifth anniversary he finally proposed.
However things took a turn when Juliette surprisingly said no. It shocked everyone, but crushed him. It was a rough brake up, and when Everett decided to transfer to Phoenix to get a fresh start. Still a lieutenant firefighter, he’s been in Phoenix for fifteen years now and has been loving every minute of it.  
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everettshq · 3 years
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everettshq · 3 years
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