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evenelvish · 2 days ago
a good way to inspire yourself to do more is to see yourself as the wacky sitcom B plot character in your friends lives, "wouldnt it be funny to tell the friends in my phone about it." has gotten me to do anything from going to a festival (excelent) to wild camping (it went badly) (coastguard called) to trying to get the train to stonehenge (stonehenge costs money so i ended up just getting lunch in sailsbury, it was okay.) i bought a bicycle today and 20% of my reasoning was "itd be funny to surprise my roommate by coming home with a whole bike." . life is for living. and baby i live for the bit.
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evenelvish · 2 days ago
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Favourite Designs: Frieda Lepold "A Knights Dress" Haute Couture Gown
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evenelvish · 5 days ago
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obsessed with this ian mckellen quote about avril lavigne
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evenelvish · 5 days ago
I just dipped into Appendix F for an unrelated reason, and I think it’s funny that out of everything Sauron ever did — a master craftsman and teacher, a commander and conqueror, a deceiver and seducer, who achieved so much and, even in defeat, usually came verrrry close and tended just to reappear later all the stronger — one thing he utterly failed at was making Black Speech the common language of all his servants. He made grammar and vocab and syntax, and then the orcs could never figure out how to use his system. They ended up with such a hodge podge of fragmented, bastardized versions of the language that they were often incomprehensible to each other and had to fall back on Westron, the language of their enemies, to be understood even within Mordor.
It feels extremely JRR to me that he would let his Big Bad Villain kill and maim and enslave and despoil the environment, but he simply couldn’t allow Sauron to succeed at…linguistics.
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evenelvish · 6 days ago
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evenelvish · 6 days ago
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evenelvish · 7 days ago
i know there's a large portion of the silm fandom that interprets the oath of feanor as creating some kind of supernatural compulsion, but personally I think the most compelling concept is that the sof believe that it does, when it is not only a just a regular oath, but not even binding, despite how serious it was to swear it before varda, manwe and eru. mostly because it means that they come to in the halls of mandos and have to come to terms with the fact that they radically altered their morals, committed horrific atrocities, and led their people to doom out of nothing more than loyalty to two men long dead (one of whom never asked this of them), a sunk cost fallacy, and the fear of consequences that were never going to come to pass in the first place
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evenelvish · 7 days ago
this is so rogue but does anyone have the poetry template that went semi-viral on twitter a while back? it was designed for kids but someone gave it to their mother who has dementia and she wrote a really moving poem about her experience.
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evenelvish · 7 days ago
Sometimes the best thing you can do for your mental health is to imagine that you're a little mouse in a children's book series who lives in a hollow tree, and spend time planning out how your home would look, and where you'd put the larder where you keep all your jars of homemade blackberry jam, and what kind of cake you'd make to bring to the party that Mr Vole is throwing on Sunday.
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evenelvish · 7 days ago
if you're in the throes of cosmic despair i cannot recommend museums enough. art or science or history it doesn't matter. oh we're all connected, all of us and everything, throughout all time and space, and no one, no one, no one is alone? awesome. that's what i thought i just wanted to make sure.
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evenelvish · 9 days ago
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evenelvish · 14 days ago
It's a cliché to say that Tolkien's experiences in WWI affected all aspects of his writing, how he wrote about friendship and grief, how he wrote about desolate blasted landscapes. But I wish someone who knows more about Tolkien's military career could help me understand how Tolkien related to retreats. His description of Faramir keeping his people together on the retreat from Osgiliath is one of the best-written sequences in the trilogy, and hardly anyone remembers it. It's about a desperate retreat, and a leader whose presence, whose strength manages to keep it from turning into a rout. There's something very vivid in the descriptions: don't break formation, don't start running or they'll pick you off one by one, keep together, keep moving, hold all of that fear at bay. Tolkien describes that retreat as genuinely heroic, a superhuman act of will, one that exhausts Faramir almost to death, and Denethor still does not accept it as heroic because it's a retreat. It saved men but it lost territory, therefore in his eyes it's a failure.
Tolkien has strong opinions about heroic retreats, in the Silmarillion he sometimes gives the retreat-through-the-dangerous-wilderness plotline to female characters (Emeldir, Idril), he always writes them with respect. Sometimes, getting out of there and keeping most of your people alive is a great act of valour. I feel like he must have had a personal experience about what it means to retreat, and what it means to hold a retreat together, and what it means to get no thanks for it.
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evenelvish · 14 days ago
i'm morally against time travel, but i really need scientists to figure out how to time freeze. not generally, just like, in a box. so i can store my vegetables without fear of losing them. please, scientists, i have executive dysfunction and my fridge is not enough to cover the time where i manage to get groceries and the time i manage to cook. i need you to break the laws of time and space because i can't lose another brocoli.
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evenelvish · 14 days ago
Starting to think we told children that The Fair Folk were out there to trap you in twisted words and doublespeak and clever traps that take what you say and turn it against you for cruel and mischievous purposes just to drive home the importance of critical thinking and analytical skills
If we don’t start putting funding back into the education system I’m gonna invent a creepy pasta that steals your face if you can’t recognize media bias
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evenelvish · 17 days ago
Spin this dang wheel of every 5e subclass. You are hit by a truck and end up on the Sword Coast as that class, at the level you select that subclass.
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evenelvish · 17 days ago
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evenelvish · 17 days ago
if indeed ravens truly are as intelligent as a human 7-year-old we should be setting them up with minecraft accounts
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