evariche · 8 years
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That was enough to make Satoko hold herself from any more retaliation. “Grrr… Tsk!” She looks away from the witch. “Guess I have no choice but to play by your rules for now, huh, wa?”
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“If it serves as consolation…” Battler stretches to reach his own ear. …Wow, he never imagined that he’d have to do that, ever. Anyway, he whispered at Satoko’s (temporary) ear. “When I get my magic back, we can get back at her full power! I know a few things that she can’t resist, ihihihi!”
“Ohoooo…” Satoko whistled. “I like the way you think, Batora-san.” She then turns to look again at EVA. “Very well then, we’ll accept your challenge, Beato-san. Just wait for us to finish these 24 hours majestically, ohohohoho!”
After all, how hard could this be?
            She wasn’t an idiot to not realize that they were already scheming a plan together- but why should she be worried about them? Even if they worked together, they were weaker than her, and so she didn’t have anything to worry about.
            Temporarily disappearing and reappearing behind them, she gathered them together in between and devilishly smiled at them before taking off.
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            “I’m going to be watching from afar- so you two better make this a good performance. But I’m counting on you bothhhhh~! Good luck! And remember to break a leg!!!”
@Evariche: Body Swapping Chapter
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evariche · 8 years
Hey, fuck you.
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           “What did I do now...”
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evariche · 8 years
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“You say those words, but only backed by your trickery and deception. Without your magic and the sort, then you would be the idiot here, thinking you can mock an illustrious assassin such as myself.” An illustrious assassin who’s skills have long since long their value. “It is easy to be confident when you have such unequal strength against me. Should we be made equal again, I doubt your confidence will hold as strongly as it does now.”
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          “Your ‘if’s’ and ‘only’s’ will take you nowhere, unfortunately. What is is already what it is, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Are you sore about that truth? Are you, are you??
Words are meant to be sharper than a sword, but you’re only dulling yours as you keep talking. With that much energy to spare in talking wasteful things, why don’t you just take that gun in your hand and shoot it through the roof of your mouth instead? It’ll certainly save a lot of my time.”
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evariche · 8 years
Can he go just one damn night without someone butting their nose into his business? “Gonna take a hell of a lot more than some whiskey to kill me,” he responds, taking another gulp.
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            “What an arrogant response! So selfish without a care in the world. To think that a sip can help you heal your wounds... a typical, pathetic excuse to drink more, isn’t it?”
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evariche · 8 years
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Of all the people that Shalem could have run across, this witch was the last person he wanted it to be. No doubt she had already heard what had happened, and no doubt she was gleefully prepared to rub it in his face. It only made him even more disgruntled. “You should be thankful that you aren’t in my position, ma’am. I might have the mind to show you such similar lack of hospitality as you’re showing me right now.”
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            “Thankful? Me to you? Pfft- what a joke.” She didn’t feel threatened by the slightest, and there was no stopping with her mockery with a simple threat like that. “What makes you feel so high and mighty towards me when you’re nothing but an ant? I can easily just crush you with the end of my heel if I wanted to, you know? But even after going through that, you haven’t even learned at all! You’re really a dumbass, aren’t you?”
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evariche · 8 years
“Some aren’t that fortunate, you know – so we must indulge for those poor folks.”
Eto laughed.
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“Those sorts of people aren’t the kind that have any brain fit for enjoying a good tale; I don’t bother myself with that sort.” Eto could tell that her new companion felt similarly. “Do you by chance like to write as well? I think the best stories are the ones you make yourself.”
She was just curious, that was all.
            “If only you could tell that to a certain someone that I know- I wonder if you’d be capable of putting some sense into him then.” 
            Although it didn’t matter anymore here, her nephew was the perfect physical embodiment of hopes and dreams and all those petty things that she didn’t consider entirely.
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            “I used to write in a diary, if that can be applied the same way. Would you not consider a diary a story about yourself... A story where you pour out all your struggles and achievements- your love and hatred of those around you, and the strings of faith tangling you until you fell on your death bed.
A beautiful tragedy, if I say so myself.”
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evariche · 8 years
Okay, that was forcing it. Satoko would make a good use of this body at least. She walks towards EVA… and bonks her head with Battler’d fist.
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“Now you heard me, right, wa?!” Still, EVA’s words do worry her. How could she approach Rika like this? If she went home, would the bodies swap or would it be the minds only? That’d make things quite awkward the next day…
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Battler seems to have reached a similar conclusion. “N-NOOOOOOOO!!! Y-You can’t do that, Eva-oba-san! I-I’ll be a laughing stock for all eternity!!”
            There was an immediate ‘ouch!’ that came through EVA’s lips, and in response she flung a kick behind Satoko to get back at her again.
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            “Do you want me to turn this to a week instead?!” Her threatening words surely would have made a mark on them, if they were smart enough at least. “You clearly underestimate who I am right now- you haven’t forgotten who I am though, righttt?
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How hard is it to act like each other? You two seem to be very close, it shouldn’t be a problem at all! If not, then I’ll be there to laugh with everyone else at you two when you fail miserably at this~!”
@Evariche: Body Swapping Chapter
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evariche · 8 years
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            “Oh, look what the garbage truck left behind. A poor, failing assassin that still cannot accept his failure! I wonder what the occasion is for you to drop by so kindly though- do I have the pleasure of perhaps deflating your ego even further down? Kyahahahahaha~!”
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evariche · 8 years
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            “You sure aren’t the type to drink with caution, are you? Kufufufu~ What a careless habit you have there. Another sip and you might topple over and die at any second.”
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evariche · 8 years
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“You had better, Beato-san, or I will, I will…” Damn, it’s even hard for her to come up with anything that she could do against the witch. Most of her traps could be easily undone by her magic, as much as she hates to admit it. Plus, Satoko’s so angry now that she can’t think creatively as she usually does.
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As for Battler, he was already calming down. He’s gone through worse than this. …That in itself is quite disheartening, when he thinks about it. Oh well. At least they didn’t have their bodies swapped in the middle of the night. That’d be another level of awkwardness…
“Good thing it’s the weekend…”
         “Hahhhh? I can’t hear what you’re trying to say Satokoooo, or should I call you Battler for today? Kyahahaaaa~!” She made a face at both of them, a teasing chuckle added in between.
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        “Hey, hey! I wonder how Beatrice will see you now? Or maybe I should take a picture and send this to Ange? Ahh~ There’s so much to do with the two of you in that state, I don’t know which I should do first~!”
@Evariche: Body Swapping Chapter
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evariche · 8 years
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kinda want to get active on here- so throws this ad out. capping it to 3
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evariche · 8 years
“It’s only natural, to sin is to live; it is merely a matter of what sins to indulge in.”
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Eto took another piece of meat, knowing she was full and no binger, but to turn down any of such a polite gift would be so rude. Even ruder still would be to do so in present company, and the hybrid had no desire to end such a lovely meeting sooner than necessary.
– A hidden climax, huh? Ah, how intriguing.
“I agree completely. A boring plot always needs something special, a twist or a character, to liven things up. Ups and downs, thrills and tragedy, they’re all necessary for a good story.”
      “We live in a world where we choose our poison- what a privilege that is.”
       She twirled a lock of her hair as she joyfully kept the conversation alive. Her manners were still intact, though she began to feel more at lax with her company as they drew closer together from sharing similar interests.
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      “Right, right? But so many people seem to disagree on it- they promote fantasy filled with wishful thinking and hopes and dreams. It isn’t fun when they take away brutality, and I’d rather sleep in my grave than having to read a dull story like that. It isn’t worth the time at all in my opinion, and I’m quite an avid reader myself.”
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evariche · 8 years
      “But you should be thankful. Think about it- being in each other’s bodies for a day will make you two learn something. Who knows? You might even appreciate it once your time is up!”
      Or maybe she would be wrong, but it wasn’t like she was concerned about it.
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      “Either way, you may as well think of this as an opportunity of some kind. Sorry Satokoooo- I should be grateful for you helping me make this plan work. Maybe later I’ll reward you with something? Kufufufufu~”
@Evariche: Body Swapping Chapter
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evariche · 8 years
      “Certainly, I think that’s one of the few sins that one mustn’t commit. Otherwise, the rest are all inevitable. Gluttony, lust, greed, pride, despair, wrath and sloth are all something we share in common. That’s what makes us alive.”
       She hummed at her own words.
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      “I’m more of a hidden climax that appears during the least expected. Everyone enjoys one to make the story lively again once it hits a point, don’t they? I wouldn’t expect a reader to be amused with a steady plot line.”
Eto giggled, leaning upon the table so slightly, her head resting upon her upturned knuckle and leaning towards the witch. Everything she had to say was just so interesting, so valuable to be able to hear. This very encounter was a treat she intended to savor.
“Limiting oneself is like a sin,” she hummed, eyeing Eva. “I can tell you agree.”
A peculiar laugh left the hybrid.
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“I like to think of myself as a well-written, surprising plot twist; and yourself?”
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evariche · 8 years
tragimouto replied to your post “      “Today is probably the most important date in history!!...”
Huh? It's your birthday? Guess that explains why you look like such an old hag.
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      “THAT’S MEAN, ANGE!!!!!!!!!”
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evariche · 8 years
quadrillionheir replied to your post “      “Today is probably the most important date in history!!...”
Happy birthday, Eva oba-san, you're looking younger every day.
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      “I don’t understand a word you’re saying at all. But thanks- Lion, right? We haven’t really talked, but whatever.”
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evariche · 8 years
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