blog post 7
As I am writing these blog posts I normally find myself thinking about how these will help me with the other projects that I have been assigned in class. I normally write these posts as if it is like a diary or a personal blog. I think of it as a way to keep my thoughts organized with all the writings that I have to do. I personally find it very hard to write whenever I am given a lot of restrictions on what I am supposed to write over so these blog posts are very easy for me to write about. When I am given restrictions for what I am supposed to write over I find myself planning too much for what in am writing over than the actual writing that takes place. When I am given a sort of broad topic instead of thinking about what I am supposed to write I find myself just focusing on the writing itself and the words just come to me. Worrying about the writing and actually starting on it is always the hardest part once I start writing it is very easy to get to get across the basic ideas that I want to focus on. These posts have been very helpful for focusing my thoughts and developing ideas for the other assignments that I have due. Through WRD110 and WRD111 I have been able to tell that I have gotten better at writing and the process that goes into it and I can tell it’s really shows in my work. Each writing assignment I have done has been better than the last other than ones where I am required to do group work since I find working in a group difficult since I am distracted easily. I feel that learning about rhetoric and the other subjects that I have learned in my time with these classes has helped me further my understanding of academic essays and the like. Specifically learning how to do a rhetorical analysis helped me understand the thought processes that goes into writing essays. The practice that I’ve gotten from these classes has helped me become better at finding the words I need to be able to write. Before these classes I would struggles to find the words that I need to be able to conveying the general idea that I want to get across to the auditor. After these classes this process has become a lot easier for me if not completely natural.
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Blog Post 6
For my groups final presentation we came up with a few ideas. Each of the members of our group was  assigned a agreed upon topic about climate change. I was assigned to research and learn about technology that relates to climate change. We made these topics sort of broad so that later on we could work with the ideas and single out the specifics of what we want to research. I am working on technology that causes climate change to happen and also technology that helps improve upon the issue of climate change.  My group members are researching the political side of climate change, the effects it has lakes in local areas with a focus of the topic of fishing, and other topics with relations to pollution. For the final project each of us are planning on discussing the topics that we assigned ourselves and presenting the results of our research and making a video of it. We will be using PowerPoint and possibly some other tools to help us present. There will be four separate sections of the video where each of us discusses our individual project and a fifth section where we come together and discuss the broad topic of our research and how our specific topics relates to the general topic of climate change. The idea is that by letting the Individual group member focus on what they have already researched it will help to not complicate matters of worrying about who is doing what in the project. The only issues I see in going through with this idea is when it comes to the recording and editing of the video. I don’t have any experience in editing videos and I have no knowledge of if my other group members know how to as well. This lack of experience will cause us to take up a larger amount of time and make us learn something new in order to complete the project.
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Blog Post 5
For my rhetorical analysis I am writing about the good and bad relations of technology to climate change specifically in the North American region. I chose to focus on the North American region because the rest of my team that is working on climate change all wanted to confine their research topics to this specific area to make it simpler. This is not a big issue for me because technology effects everyone no matter their geographical location. It is simple to tell about how technology effects the different regions of North America or more specifically the United States. however, at the same time it is hard to find sources that relate to this topic with it being so regionally specific. So I have found sources that talk about the technology in general and then I have to think and research how the technology relates to the region that I have chosen. The extra research that I have to do is time consuming but it helps me understand the topic that I am speaking on so it makes it easier for me to write on the subject. I enjoy talking about technology and the specifics of it so it isn’t to dull learning and researching these topics which is a good thing. I chose this subject to research because In the past I chose subjects to research that I didn’t like but I thought they would be easy to write about. That was a mistake and it only ended up in me not enjoying myself. This time around I am researching a topic that I enjoy learning about and that makes it a lot easier for me to write and learn about.
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Working Together
Working in groups with people will help you get better at communication and in the long run will let you learn how to effectively and efficiently work on projects that require multiple people. Some examples of what kind of projects that it would help you with would mostly be in a work environment. I personally want to make video games so a good example would be the different teams that work on the separate pieces that make up a video game. There would be multiple teams working on graphics, animation, controls, and even idea making. If you don’t have practice working in groups then you will fall behind schedule and you might mess up the production of everyone else because you can’t effectively work as a team.
           Working as a team can have it’s difficulties so experience is needed to be able to combat those difficulties. Most of the times when working in groups there is always one or two people who slack off and make the rest of the group make up for them. This has happened to me multiple times so personally I don’t like group work. Sometimes people just don’t get along and they can’t work together because their differences is too great. This happens a lot when someone cant choose the people they work with but there is always a way to solve a problem. You can always move to another group or get a new group member if it is too much of a issue.
           In the case of the rhetorical analysis that I’ve been assigned I like how it is set up. The individual group members all settle of a subject and they work individually on separate pieces of that subject. They are all still working together since they are all building a stronger piece by focusing on their parts while avoiding the issues with group work by not directly working together.
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My Research interests
Personally I’ve always been interested in science, specifically innovative science. I like to read about breakthroughs in subjects or new innovated ideas that have changed how people think about what they are working on. One subject that I am specifically interested in is something called neural link. I haven’t fully researched in year but from what I’ve read and heard it is a type of lace that they put in your brain and it can increase a persons computing power by something like 1000 times the average. If neural link becomes successful it will pave the way for many other subjects of research in neural science.
           Another thing that I am interested in is virtual reality technology like the oculus rift or other headsets like it. Ever since I was a kid I have loved playing all types of video games and I would like to know more about the headsets and the work that goes into them. I feel like I would really be able to research and write about them easily.
           I plan on majoring in computer science in the future so I would like to research what kind of work goes into the coding for websites or video games. Since I really like video games I would probably enjoy seeing how computer science connects to video game making.
           I would be okay with researching some kind of art whether it be drawing, painting, or other kinds. I would like to know more about it and I have tried to learn about it in the past but I don’t think I have the dedication or the creative spark to learn and practice art.
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Are juuls actually bad?
“juuling” can be a problem in some instances specifically when you are thinking about it in schools. The research I’ve seen when it comes to juuls all seem to be biased in some way. What I mean by this is that in articles about juuls where they normally report information about schools or things related to that they make juuling out to seem like it is evil and that it is deadly. Yes, there are harmful side effects caused by it but people have been smoking cigarettes for the same reason people Juul for decades and cigarettes kill more people daily that juuls have every killed yet the Juul is made out to be bad guy. For me to consider something to be credible it has to use no pathos in the article or research document because if something is using pathos it is trying to persuade me to believe or to do something and if you are wanting something to be credible then it needs to be neutral. Most of the information about juuls is always paired up with something along the lines of the writer saying that they are unhealthy for children and it is a real problem that a large amount of children are using them. These things are bad but for me they aren’t convincing in anyway. Those claims make it seem like they are just complaining about something and they aren’t giving any information as to why it is bad and how to fix it.
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