The boy twitched violently, before all movement ceased.
Ever so slowly, he turned his head around.
Red rims framed the brown of his eyes, wide, unfamiliar, and most of all--hungry.
When Selene steps out of Evans shadow she keeps her body low and her ears on a swivel. Instead of a basket Selene has a little backpack on that’s bigger on the inside.
She doesn’t know what kind of situation she’s walking into but she knows this kittem has been missing from the clowder for a while and her witch had taken the time to upgrade the defenses in her collar with their new sigils for this trip… she feels justified in being on edge.
She looks around for danger and takes in the kittens state
( @selenethecat )
The room was both damp and dry-- water dripped from some unknown place in the rocky room. It was almost cavelike, the only thing showing it was manmade being the geometric shape to the walls, somewhat smoothed out with intricate symbols spilling through the entire thing. One wall had a small window, too small for anything but a sliver of light to peek through. Judging by the color, it was likely artificial.
In the corner lay the shaking form of a young boy, previously blonde fluffy hair now a matted greasy mess. Blood splayed away from him, almost in the shape of wings. He himself was fully clothed, the almost pristine condition of the outfit an uncomfortable contrast to the boy himself. The sections of skin that could be seen were marred with bruises.
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When Selene steps out of Evans shadow she keeps her body low and her ears on a swivel. Instead of a basket Selene has a little backpack on that’s bigger on the inside.
She doesn’t know what kind of situation she’s walking into but she knows this kittem has been missing from the clowder for a while and her witch had taken the time to upgrade the defenses in her collar with their new sigils for this trip… she feels justified in being on edge.
She looks around for danger and takes in the kittens state
( @selenethecat )
The room was both damp and dry-- water dripped from some unknown place in the rocky room. It was almost cavelike, the only thing showing it was manmade being the geometric shape to the walls, somewhat smoothed out with intricate symbols spilling through the entire thing. One wall had a small window, too small for anything but a sliver of light to peek through. Judging by the color, it was likely artificial.
In the corner lay the shaking form of a young boy, previously blonde fluffy hair now a matted greasy mess. Blood splayed away from him, almost in the shape of wings. He himself was fully clothed, the almost pristine condition of the outfit an uncomfortable contrast to the boy himself. The sections of skin that could be seen were marred with bruises.
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mnot spposed t have a name
shes here
pl;eas hhlp me
it h7rts
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i ont wnna kill anything anymore
pl;eas hhlp me
it h7rts
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shes cming back pleas im so tired it hurts i dont wan todo thi anymo
pl;eas hhlp me
it h7rts
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's dark
thrs water
pl;eas hhlp me
it h7rts
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pl;eas hhlp me
it h7rts
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To be reborn, you must first die.
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Gabriel nods slowly, before answering. "She initially approached us, but I heard there was a place near the Bowery-" Gabriel was cut off as he choked, body locking up and seizing before toppling over, convulsing on the floor. Jenna stands up abruptly, a scream coming from her mouth as she crouched down to somehow help her husband.
Gabriel coughed, splatters of blood smearing on his lips.
[The lights are on in the Lorenesi household, the cafe seemingly closed.]
[It seems the parents are home.]
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"You think we could have kept this place afloat? Evan knew our problems, just- not to what extent." Gabriel buries his face into his hands.
Jenna just looks tired and defeated. "We're living on borrowed time. She wasn't going to just let us off, especially now that we're telling you."
"She called herself Anastasia. The Rebirth."
[The lights are on in the Lorenesi household, the cafe seemingly closed.]
[It seems the parents are home.]
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Jenna tries to get him to stop talking, but Gabriel barrels on.
"We made a deal. We couldn't keep it. She never said our son was the collateral!"
[The lights are on in the Lorenesi household, the cafe seemingly closed.]
[It seems the parents are home.]
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He buried his face into his hands, as Jenna tugged. "Gabriel, what are you-"
"She took him- it's- it's better this way- Jenna you know they're going to find us eventually, it's better for him like this! We can't get him back!"
[The lights are on in the Lorenesi household, the cafe seemingly closed.]
[It seems the parents are home.]
#ooc// tweaked the parents a bit because i think its more interesting if they genuinely loved evan#but theyre doomed so its okay
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Evan's parents exchange a glance, seemingly having an argument without words. Each sharp glare and subtle movement saying something. Before Gabriel turns to Beau.
"You won't be able to find him."
Jenna turns sharply, grabbing Gabriel's arm. "Gabriel." She hissed, twitchy.
[The lights are on in the Lorenesi household, the cafe seemingly closed.]
[It seems the parents are home.]
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Gabriel sighs, introducing the two first.
"Beau, Jenna. Jenna, Beau. He's here for....well." He gestures slightly, and his wife carefully schooled out her features.
"A week, give or take."
[The lights are on in the Lorenesi household, the cafe seemingly closed.]
[It seems the parents are home.]
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He looked down, before hesitantly letting Beau in. A woman sits inside, likely Evan's mother.
[The lights are on in the Lorenesi household, the cafe seemingly closed.]
[It seems the parents are home.]
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Gabriel's face contorts into a grimace, as if he was accepting something.
"So you don't know where he is either..."
He looked up at Beau, feeling a pang of fear. Still, he sets himself as stone "I have nothing to tell you." He attempts to slam the door closed-
[The lights are on in the Lorenesi household, the cafe seemingly closed.]
[It seems the parents are home.]
#reblogs#only in gotham rp#eig realtime#Evan is Missing#ooc//i LOOVE making parents who arent good but still care about their child muahahaha
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Any previous hospitality dissipates, Gabriel's face going stone cold.
"What do you want? Who are you, really?" His stance shifts, as if hes getting ready to fight.
[The lights are on in the Lorenesi household, the cafe seemingly closed.]
[It seems the parents are home.]
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