euthenecromancer · 4 years
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Commissioned from @fran-aka-mak
A picture of Kami and Nene. 
Years ago as a joke I made a character for Maka’s mom, I went with Kami snice that i the fan name for her. So then I kept going and made an actual character with a back story. Then for reasons I started adding her into some soul eater fanfics, and i wrote bunch of them. EventuallyI added Nene and somehow they became a couple. Like I’ve written stories with her wedding their future and stuff. And then I realized I never had a piece of art with both of them. it started as a joke but I really did love writing stories with them. 
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euthenecromancer · 4 years
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✨💕A Magical Garment Girl💕✨
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
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While working on the next episode of the abridged series, we found we have some roles to fill. We are looking for someone to play Meme, Eternal Feather, and Tsubaki.
Not necessarily played by the same person. Check here for what you have to do to audition. If you have any questions send ask to this blog or use the email in the link.
Please share, show it to anyone who’d be interested. 
Auditions are open until December 15th, 2019.
Check out Pilot episode
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
Then lets check what time is now.
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*They went upstairs to look through the window.*
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Notepad: Are we sure this isn’t another one of her mind games? She did trap me in a fake murder school. How do I know this isn’t some simulation too? Like, how often do blondes just materilize when trying to summon a giant lizard. This all seems pretty silly.
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kohaku-basement started following you
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
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So… what is this place? We haven’t met anyone here at all.
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Notepad: Okay, I guess we can leave. Maybe we should look for Kohaku where she would normally be? Hey, Saber. You know her better where would she normally be at this time of day?
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Eu tried to think critically about this. She had the feeling that they would need to find her soon. Something just seemed off so better find everyone.
Notepad: Maybe we should also make sure that no one else is here too.
kohaku-basement started following you
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
Do you really need scythe to find person?
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Maybe we should get scythes too if it helps with searching?
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Eu gave a small sigh as she hid the scythe. Though she did keep the spare flail nearby just in case. She followed Saber closely as she figured if something went down she would be the best to have right in front of her.
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As they reached the bottom Eu was looking around curiously as she didn’t know any more than anyone else.
Notepad: Okay, so I don’t have any other ideas. Anyone else got anything?
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
I don’t think breaking anything will solve any of our problems…
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Then what should we do?
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Notepad: Okay let’s go and find her. Lead the way Saber.
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Eu put away her mace. Then Eu pulled out her scythe, then she took out a sharping stone and started to sharp it. After a quick sharping watches it glint. She even swings it a few times hearing it cut through the air a bit.
Notepad: I’m ready let’s go.
Eu still hadn’t decided if she would need the scythe or not. She was pretty hungry and wasn’t thinking all that clearly.
kohaku-basement started following you
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
Notepad: And boom goes the dynamite
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
Notepad: Yup
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“Bakugo is an arrogant and ungrateful brat.”
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
Notepad: How long until people make death battle add this for the next Goku Superman fight?
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
Notepad: The fat cat is right. Fight until you die for the amusement of the gods.
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
Everyone that reblogs this by May 20th, 2019 will get a partner Pokemon assigned to them based on their blog [ all gens ]
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
“It’s that time of year again! it’s time for our tradition of live blogging the  Toonami broadcast of May 11-12. I’ll be using the #Kami Live Blogs.”
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“I’ll be there with my daughter Maka and Kana ( @ask-a-meister ). We will also be joined by fellow mothers Marie and Liz and …” Sigh, “And for some reason Medusa. Not sure why she counts but whatever. Probably Arachne will pop in too, being the mother of weapons.”
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“You can send questions for me to answer during the live blog here. For Maka and the others here.”
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“We will also be joined by my wife Nene ( @underworldsstrongest ) and my other daughter Eu ( @euthenecromancer ). Feel free to send them questions here and here.”
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
Digging may not be that bad idea…
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I think that’s enough of those “good” ideas. Do you really think any of those will solve current problem?
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Notepad: Okay let’s think this through. We could try destroying the walls? Destroy everything until all our problems are solved.
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Eu somehow pulled out a mace. Not sure where she was keeping it and maybe it’s better not to ask.
Notepad: Or I guess we can go to the basement and see if we can get the maid to help.
kohaku-basement started following you
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
Eu looked closer at the girl, she was the best necromancer of another realm so even unintentionally she had to examine another's work and judge it. It wasn’t perfect, as she looked closer she noted more make-up than normal, probably trying to hide details. She still wasn’t sure why bring people back to life to become idols, were there no living people who wanted to be idols? Still they took the sun light better than hers.
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Notepad: Maybe, maybe they’re right. I know there are a lot of things in this world that hide in the shadows. Maybe someday they won’t have to but for today...
Notepad: Ah, that would explain it. Now that I think about it you do sort of feel like a zombie. You have an aura that isn’t the same as the living.
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Eu was pretty used to these things. She was a necromancer after all so she was pretty used to the undead. She had even brought a few people back to the land on the living so the whole zombie things wouldn’t freak her out at all.
Notepad: Sure, I don’t see why I would have to tell anyone. I really doubt anyone would believe me even if I wanted to say something.
Well, it’s not everyday you find yourself with someone that isn’t a normal human…so there’s some relief in at least meeting another creature that can understand and even believe that you are a zombie.
“S-Someone brought us back some time ago and now we work as idols s-so…it’s all I can do if I don’t want people to go after me with the intention of killing me, or something…”
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“R-Right…the group I’m part of…we are all zombies, but people don’t know about it…I-I don’t think the world is ready to accept things like us exist…”
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
Notepad: No, I think I understand everything. Thank you again for all the help and the directions. I’m sure I would have gotten lost... more so.
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Eu was truly grateful for the kindness of strangers, sometimes it seemed like the world lacked it so it made her happy to find it.
Notepad: I’m sorry, I forgot to ask your name.
Eu took a moment to look over the hand-drawn map, to see if there was anything that she needed to ask about. It was pretty straight forward so she didn’t think it would be all that hard to follow it. She was grateful for it, either way, she was sure it would be a big help.
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Notepad: Thank you again for your help. I have heard really good things about the restaurant and I really wanted to try it out. I came all this way to try it so it would be a really bad trip if I couldn’t get to it.
If there were no questions, you were going to assume you did a good job with drawing the map down, so you simply smiled at her and nodded softly while letting your hands rest on your hips.
“You’re very welcome, actually! I can confirm the food there is really delicious, so you should really try to get a spot there.”
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“Is there anything you want to ask before you start heading there?…”
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euthenecromancer · 5 years
AMA 5: Wild Hunt
We’re rolling into our next AMA! It’ll be with @addude and their Resbang Wild Hunt!
Summary: Weddings are meant to be happy occasions. Maka’s mother is getting married and Maka and her adoptive sister Eu are trying to get everything perfect. But there is a storm on the horizon, and a new threat that might end the wedding before it starts with lives in the balance can the growing family stop the Wild Hunt?
Semi-Sequel to Lost Warrior
It will take place Sunday April 7, 2019, at 4 PM EDT in our Discord server. Come join us! 
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