eusefd-blog · 10 years
Following the publication of the consultation on the Technical Advice to the European Commission on the implementing measures of the European Social Entrepreneurship Funds Regulation and the European Venture Capital Fund Regulation, ESMA is organising an open hearing on 10 November 2014
ESMA had published earlier a consultation on the Technical Advice to the European Commission on the implementing measures of the European Social Entrepreneurship Funds Regulation and the European Venture Capital Fund Regulation. The consultation closes on December 10, 2014.
  details regarding the consultation: http://www.esma.europa.eu/news/ESMA-announces-open-hearing-implementation-EuSEF-regulation?t=326&o=home
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
Social investment being "the marmite of investing", @jasonhollands gives you a recipe !
An article published by everyinvestor.co.uk
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
The social investment markets in Europe steadily on the rise...
An article by David Floyd (@davidsocialsp) published last friday in the Guardian.
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
An analyse of EuVECA and EuSEF compared with AIFMD by Christopher Gardner available on Lexology.com
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
Les raisons d’agir sont nombreuses. On est obligé de tirer les leçons de la crise et de l’ultralibéralisme. La croissance qu’on va retrouver ne sera pas la même qu’avant la crise. Il faut tenir compte désormais des défis qu’imposent le changement climatique, la stabilité dans le monde, les droits humains, l’éducation les entrepreneurs sociaux sont au cœur du modèle de nouvelle croissance. C’est un investissement pour l’avenir dans les pays en développement comme dans les pays développés
Michel Barnier
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
Le monde que nous voulons : quelles visions pour l’après 2015 ?
le Forum Mondial Convergences s’est tenu à Paris du 17 au 19 septembre 2013.
Yan de Kergorguen en propose un debrief sur le magazine Place Publique disponible à cette adresse: www.place-publique.fr/2015-le-defi-des-entreprises
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
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Funds For Good invetment scheme
for more information regarding Funds for Good, please visit FundsForGoods.eu
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
le Funds For Good lancé en Belgique, un produit d'investissement qui génère un impact sociétal direct. 
un article d'Olivier Crough lu dans le soir.
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
A partir del próximo 22 de julio, tres nuevas marcas entrarán en vigor: dos que, al igual que UCITS, regulan productos –la de los fondos de capital riesgo (FCRE o EuVECA en inglés) y los fondos sociales (FESE o EuSEF en inglés)
to read the article published by Alice Serrano for Fundspeople.com, please follow the link above.
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
From philantropic models to a new generation of self-sustainable companies doing well by doing good, EuSEF arrives at the right moment to support a long term sustanaible industry going mainstream.
An article by Felipe Santos with Nigel Roberts for Insead knowlegde, published in ForbesIndia.
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
On 22 May 2013, Michael Hagelmuller published in the guardian an article describing the growth of the social entreprise sector in Austria.
If specific social venture funds do not yet exist in Austria, according to Michael, Austria seems to be pretty ready to welcome EuSEF investments.
For the full article, please follow the link
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
Czech Republic: AIFMD-EuSEF-EuVECA Draft law is on the launch pad 
On 15 May 2013 The Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic approved a bill on a new Act on Investment Companies and Investment Funds (AICIF) and passed it to the Senate. 
for more information, please follow the link (article in english)
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
In European venture capital and social entrepreneurship funds Regulations, William Fry and Patricia Taylor perfectly summerized what were EuSEF and EuVECA aims   
"These Regulations aim to make it easier for venture capitalists and social entrepreneurs that are exempt from the requirement to seek authorisation under AIFMD (see further detail below), to raise funds across Europe without the requirement to comply with the full AIFMD regime. "
to read the article please follow the link above.
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
l'Express (french news magazine) published today (May 13th) an article about social entrepreneurship. the article also mention a conference on impact investment that should be held before the next G8 Summit
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
On wednesday 15 May, the ALFI -Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry- will held its "Responsible Investing Conference" (formerly known as the ALFI MicroFinance Conference and the ALFI Sustainable Responsible Investment Conference)
More details on the ALFI's website.
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
REGULATION (EU) No 346/2013 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 17 April 2013 has been officially published !
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eusefd-blog · 11 years
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Martin Schulz signing the EuSEF Regulation (via @Sophie_Auconie MEP)
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